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03x01 - Attack of the Twonkies

Posted: 06/16/23 15:50
by bunniefuu
( inaudible )

And now, to demonstrate the sped
and movement

of the typical comet,

I give you the remote-powered

( students "oohing"
and "ahhing" )


You're slipping, Neutron.

Real comets have long,
pretty tails,

not little, stumpy ones.

Only when they're filtered

through the spectral light
of the sun, Vortex.

Care to tell me

how I'd get a giant hot ball
of gaseous radioactivity

into the classroom?

Hello, children!

Ah! Get it off me!

Down, boy! Down!

Whose comet is this?

( giggling ):
That tickles.

Oh, no, not the face.


That concludes my presentation.
Thank you.

Mr. Neutron, you're lucky
I'm in a good mood today.

And do you know why I am?

Because your mom packed
your favorite lunch?

Carl, Principal
Willoughby's mom
doesn't pack his lunch,

he has his butler
do it for him-- duh!


Does your butler rub yy

and tell you your lunch is made
with love?

Oh, stop talking!

( sighs )

No, I'm happy,

because the Lindbergh school
chorus has been asked

to sing at the opening
of the new library.

Oh, how exciting.

I can't even tell you.

I'll be auditioning new members
of the chorus today.

We'll need new voices to perform
the special song I wrote.

And it goes something like this.

( plays correct key )

♪ Library ♪

♪ We've got the cutest
little library ♪

♪ The books are stacked
by author A through Z ♪

♪ And all for free... ♪


It burns!

What's the problem?

Ugh, you call that

Why can't we get a cool band
like Graystar to play?

Zip it, Libby.

I'm in the chorus,

And I'm up for
a solo this year.

Bring on this Graystar
of yours, Missy.

But they're going to sound
lame next to my beats.

♪ Library ♪

♪ We've got the dictionary
on CD... ♪

( humming )

Man, I'm a synch to get
into the school chorus.

Really? I didn't know
you could sing, Sheen.

You kidding me?

I have a voice
that caresses
like a summer breeze.

Hey, Grommit!
You owe me $2.36!

Don't make me
come over there!

So, Jimmy,
guess what.

My folks said
I could get a pet

if my allergies
aren't set off.

Ah, that's great, Carl.


You want to come to
the pet store with me

while I sniff
the animals?

Sorry, Carl, I have a date
with Twonkus-3.


It's a comet that's
entering Earth's orbit
in about...

Whoa! Puking Pluto!

Twonkus-3 is entering
Earth's orbit in an hour.

Gotta blast!

So, what'd I miss?

Oh, Jimmy's dating
a comet

and I have to go
sniff animals.

And they say I'm the w.

Now remember, Hugh,
this money is for groceries--

not for ducks, or pies, or any
other of your little hobbies.

Sugarbooger, please,
I'm a responsible, grownup man.

Oh, look, this one has
a beardy face.

That's Twonkus-3!

Let's ride, boy.

Atomic batteries to power.

Turbines to speed.

Liftoff in five, four...

Hey, Jimbo!
Wait up, son.

Dad, be careful,
I'm about to take off.


you can give me a lift
to the grocery store...

Uh, sorry, Dad,
I can't override
the launch command

once the turbines
start firing.

No problem, son.

Say, this G-force
kind of stings.


Thanks, Goddard.

Son, there's the grocery
down there.

Let me off
in the parking lot.

Sure thing.

Just bring
her down

right behind...


Whoo-hoo, hoo!

I'm flying.

Later, Dad.

( groans )

( rocket engine screaming )

( tires squealing )

( engine powers down )

Perfect landing.

( softly ):

It's beautiful.

We'd better get started.

But let's keep an eye
on the rocket

so we don't
get lost.

That's not quite what I meant.

Besides, I'll need you

to help me explore.

( classical music plays
on radio )

Oh, I get it--
when we're done exploring,

the music will
guide us back.

Good idea, boy.

( growling )

Hey, yoo-hoo?

Hi, Mr. Guinea Pig.

Careful there,

Ten more seconds and your tongue
will swell up big-time.


Do you have any pets that won't
make me sneeze or wheeze

or roll around going...

( squawking )

Ay-ay-ay, of course, boychik.

Stavros has pet
for every children.

Come, follow me to the dark
back of the place.

Ribbit. Ribbit.

( hissing )

What in heck's armpit is that?

tree frog--
very clean.

Clean you,
clean himself,
clean everybody.

( sniffing )

( sneezes )

Holy Tabbouleh--
you are allergic.

Ah, don't worry,
I have perfect animal

for all the
sneezing childrens.


Ah... what is it?

Dwarf spider monkey.

Like a big one,
but smaller--

too tiny
to make sneeze.

( sniffing )

Can I keep him?

No, you can't
keep him.

Let's go.

Wait, wait,
stop with leaving.

I have one more pet.

I breed myself;
one of a kind.


Ooh, what is it?

North Atlantic

Frozen in block
of ice.

Is impossible to be

( sniffing )

Hey, I'm not sneezing.

( sniffing )

Or wheezing!

Oh, no.

Oh, sweet mercy...

Oh, what is problem now?!


I'm allergic to ice.

It's like
a thousand fire ants

doing the mambo
under my skin!


( sighs )

Ah, here's a good spot.

Let's get some samples
from this sand deposit.

Dump-truck mode, Goddard.

( whirring )

( creature roaring )

( barking )

Just go in that crater, boy,
no one's looking.

( barking )

Uh! My rocket!

Come on, boy!

( roaring )

Hey, you!

Get away from my rocket!

( roaring )

If he destroys the ship,
we'll be stranded here forever.

Goddard, hit him
with an ion blast.

( g*n whirring;
creature roaring )

( roaring )

Try the paralyzer beam.

( g*n whirring )

Didn't even faze him.

♪ That's why
I'm quick drawin' Cora ♪

♪ The cowgirl of Kalamazoo! ♪

♪ Yee-haw! ♪

See you at the ranch, boys.

Very good, Cindy.

But in case
you've forgotten...

you're already
in the chorus!

I just wanted
to remind you
how good I am.

By the way, have you decided

who's doing the big solo
on the library's opening day?


Good luck, Sheen.

Right, like I'll need it.

Besides, no one's been rejected
from the Lindbergh chorus

in 50 years.

( clears throat )

( singing off-key ):
♪ Home, home on the range... ♪


Uh, pardon?

That's all
I needed to hear.

Well, I can't say I'm surprised.

Now let's talk rehearsal
schedule, babe.

Tuesdays I have my action-figure
support group.


Oh, dear,
I'd better explain.

Um, Sheen-- "amigo"--

I'm afraid you won't be
joining the chorus.

( gasps )


You're rejecting me?

Now, now, now, don't
take it personally,

we-we needed and alto,
and, well, you're a... a...

You're a terrible singer!

Miss Fowl!

You see, Sheen,
your voice, um...

How shall I put this?

You voice scares small children.

Miss Fowl, please.

Look, Sheen,
as chorus master,

I know talent...

That's what you have:
no talent.

I'm done.

Wait a minute.

I see what's going on here.

You people don't think
I'm a very good singer, do you?

Then you have silenced
a precious talent!

From this point on, I, Sheen,

shall never grace the world
with song again!

But if you guys
change your mind,

call me-- anytime.


( g*n whirring;
creature roaring )

The triflector ray isn't
working either.

Goddard, what do you h?

It's no use.

We'll have to try
to board the rocket

while it's
under attack.

On my command.

One... two... three.


( growling )

( engine turning over )

She won't start.

Come on, come on...

( roaring )

( snarling )

She still won't start.

( snarling )

( whimpers )

( snarling )

( engine starts )

Let's get out
of here!

( roaring fiercely )

Honey, I'm home!

Did you get
the groceries?

No, I bought
something even better.

Say hello
to my new friend Flippy.

( gasps )

Hey, Dollface.

Let's say we ditch
the deadwood

and go make trouble.

Flippy, please
don't be fresh.

I'm fresh?

You're the one with
your hand on my...

That's enough!

One more crack
and it's back in the box.

( giggles ):
Isn't he great?

You see, honey,
the words he's saying

are actually coming out of me.

Hugh, you promised me you
wouldn't spend the grocery money

on any of your hobbies.

Yeah, but Boogerbear,
this is much more than a hobby.

Once Flippy and I
hit the big time,

I'll be able to buy you
your own private supermarket.

Oh, and just what do you propose
I make for dinner tonight?

Well, that's a good question.

What do you feel like,?

Nothing for me.

I'm trying to lose weight.

Oh, really,
how much do you want to lose?

you weigh.

Well, I suppose... hey!

Sign my letter asking
Graystar to play

at the opening
of the new library.

Sign my letter
to Graystar, guys.

Ladies, there's this banging
new band called Graystar,

and all I need from you is to...

Stop walking away
while I'm talking to you!

What's wrong with everybody?

Don't you people like music?

Stop the manufacture
of sweater vests made

from adorable puppies!

Why, that's terrible!

That's right,
just sign right there.

Step right up.

Don't worry,
you'll all get a turn.

Whew, we're back.

I was worried I'd never see
this place again.

( barking )

Oh, right,
the sand deposits.

Just empty them
into that t*nk.

Man, wait till I tell Carl
and Sheen what happened.

Hi, Jimmy.

How did you guys
get here?

Bag of your hair.

Well, how in the world
did you get a bag of my...

Never mind.

You'll never believe
what happened.

A monster tried
to destroy my rocket.

He was eight feet
and could lift

and we barely got
the rocket started
in time.

Oh, that's really
cool, Jim.

That's real exciting,

What's wrong with you two?

My dad says I can't ha.

Yeah, and I got rejected
from the school chorus.

because I'm "terrible."

Oh, gee, guys,
I'm sorry.

Anyway, the monster was
throwing boulders at the ship,

so I ordered Goddard
to hit him with an ion blast.

Jimmy, why is there
a soft, furry thing

digging itself out
of that t*nk of sand?



would you
look at that?

It must be a life-form
indigenous to Twonkus-3.

Oh, he's adorable.

( sniffing )

( purring )

I'm not sneezing!

I'm not sneezing!

Can I keep him,

No way!
I want him!

Uh-uh, I saw it first.

Guys, guys, no one can have him.

Keeping a space creature
as a pet

is a violation
of scientific protocol.

Please, please,
please, please!

No, it might be dangerous,
although it's clearly not

the same species
that att*cked my ship.

So can I keep him?

Please, please,
please, please!

Oh, please,

All right,
but only for 24 hours.

When the comet makes
its last pass

through Earth's
orbit tomorrow,

we're sending it back.


Is that okay
with you, Twonky?

( purring )

Who's a twonky?

Who's a cute,
little twonky?

I'm going to go home
and play with him.

Too bad you didn't
get anything

from the comet to
make me feel better.

I sure didn't.

Anyway, Goddard
hits him

with the ion blast

and it doesn't
even phase him.

So then I said, "Hit him
with the particle beam."

So I should battle
the eight-foot
monster of rejection

with a particle beam
of my amazing talents?!

not exactly.

I'll do it!

I have to work on my
storytelling skills.

♪ If you chew gum
or shout ♪

♪ The guards will throw you out
of our brand-new library. ♪

Oh, bravissima.

Miss Fowl,
I think we have our soloist.

I need a dressing room
for tomorrow's performance

and backstage access
for my hair and makeup people.

Okay, later.

Let's call it
a wrap.

( clears throat )


Oh, hello there.

I didn't see you.

See, I'm the new
foreign-exchange student

here at the Lindbergh School.

You're Bolby Stroganofsky?

Uh... sí.

Well, Bolby, um,
were you interested

in auditioning
for the chorus?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I'm a famous singer
from a native country

of... of... uh...


Yeah, yeah,
sí, oui.

this is an honor.

Why don't you
tell Miss Fowl

what you'll be singing
for us today?

"Home on the Range."

( Fowl begins playing
"Home on the Range" )

♪ Home, home on the range... ♪


Please let me in the chorus.

My voice grows on you.

So do liver spots, but
I don't make you look at them.

Miss Fowl,
that is not funny.

( laughing )

Okay, okay,
it's a little funny.

I have half a mind
to report you.

Half a mind?

No wonder
you can't sing.

( both laughing )

( laughing )
( laughing )

We are so fired.

Hey, Jimmy,

look who I brought
with me.

Carl, what are
you doing?

You shouldn't
bring it to school.

Pipe down, children!

We have several more projects
to get to today.

Let's see... Libby.

For my project,
I got everyone in town

to sign this petition
asking Graystar to sing

at the opening of
the town's new library.

Hey, you told me it was
a petition to save the whales.

She told me it was to build
a community center.

Oh, uh, they're going
to do those things, too.

And that concludes
my presentation.

Oh, thank you, Libby.

Who would like to go next?

Me, oh, please!

Over here!
Pick me!

Um, let's see...

Here, Miss Fowl,
right in front
of you,

completely ready
to go.

Do I have
any volunteers?

For the love of humanity,
pick me!

How about you, Carl?

I'd be happy to go,
Miss Fowl.

Carl, I don't think
this is a good idea.

Don't worry, Jimmy.

( clears throat )

My friends,
prepare to be amazed.

From the depths of out,

I give you the world's
one and only twonky!

( class gasps as twonk)

Seen it already.

What is it?

Well, it's
an exotic space creature

that our good friend Jimmy
found on a far-off comet.

It's adorable.

It's the cutest thing I've seen.

Big deal.

My Chilean tree frogs
are just as cute,

and they sh**t blood
out their eyes.

Oh, well, the twonky
has more to offer

than cuteness
and affection, Butch.

For example, he can ricochet
like a Superball.

( class exclaiming )


He is adept at camouflage.

( class gasps )

And he has excellent
motor skills.


Oh, that's so cool!

That thing rocks, man.

And since he's the only one
in the galaxy,

I guess you all have
to be nice to me

if you ever want
to get near him.

I'll tutor you.

I'll beat you up softly.

I'll chew your food.

( purrs, then begins c)

Oh, dear,
I think your twonky

has a cold, Carl.

( spitting )


just a fur ball.

( baby twonkies peeping )

Fur ball, nothing!

Mama's sh**ting out

And there's enough
for everybody.

( class exclaiming )

Guys, no!

It could be a hostile species.

Hostile-- look at them.

They're just
little puffballs.

Listen to me.

I saw an eight-foot monster
that came from the same comet.

Move it, megahead.

Nick, you?

Uh, I'm just
using him

to sample hair
products on.

And when I was done
burping him,

I think I heard
him say, "Mama."

Well, Isabella tests
well above her age group.

We're already talking
to preschools.

( peeping )

And that's Calvin Coolidge--
our 30th president.

I once danced the hucklebuck
with him in Chicago,

but you won't find that
in the history books.

Who wants to be in
some cheesy chorus, anyway?

Right, UltraLord, Robo-fiend,
Bugaoh and Twonky?

Talk about lame.

In fact, I think those geeks
in chorus are...

the luckiest people
in all the land.

( purring )

Thanks, Twonky.

Why can't you be
more supportive like him?!

Well, Twonkster, we've had
a busy day, you and I.

And there's nothing

that helps me unwind better
after a busy day

than a relaxing round
of bending and stretching.

I even have a song for it.

It goes...

( music starts )

♪ Bending and stretching ♪

♪ Bending and stretching ♪
( creature gagging )

♪ Little blue-eyed girl... ♪

( Carl still singing
as creature snarls )

( snarls
ferociously )

( snarling )

I told him it was a bad idea,
but did he listen?

No, he didn't.

He's going to help me
go door to door

getting everyone's twonkies
and sending them back to space.

( gasps )

( Carl screaming )

( twonky growling )

Carl? Carl?

( whimpering )

( gasps )


Y-You can have your
twonky back now.

Hey, twonky, over here!

( growling )

( screams )

( glass shatters )

Carl, what happened?!

I don't know!

I was just doing exercises

and singing my bending
and stretching song

and suddenly my twonky
turned into a monster.

I was afraid something
like this would happen.

Well, maybe somebody
should have thought of that

before he brought a strange
creature back from outer...



All I know is,
if your twonky

morphed into
a violent beast,

then so can

We have to find out
what causes it, and fast!

( sighs )

I'm back, Hugh.

At least, now

we'll have
enough groceries
to make dinner.

Thanks, Sugarbooger.

Ooh, and Mr. Tomasini
gave me this adorable
little creature.

I think it's
called a twonky.

That's nice, dear.

Wait till you see the act

I've been working on
with Flippy.

He can sing while I drink water.

Are you ready, Flippy?

( in high voice ):
I sure am.

( in bubbly voice ):
♪ I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy ♪

♪ Yankee Doodle, do or♪

( twonky grumbling )

♪ A real live... ( gar♪

( growling )

Oh, golly!

Oh, good grief!

Oh, Flippy, run!

Run, Flippy!


( growling and screaming )

Dad, are you okay?

( both shudder )

( sighs )

( grunts )

Everyone's a critic.

Great idea, Libbs.

I hear these new hip-hop
babycize classes

really strengthen
the parent-child bond.

Like I need an excuse
to get down...

and kick it!

( boombox playing funk)

♪ Come on. ♪

( funky beat continues )

♪ Come on. ♪

( vocals echoing )

( twonkies growling )

( girls scream )

My twonky!

My boombox!

It was so young.

( sobs )

( plays few beats and)

And those are
the American presidents.

Now let's review our ABCs

in song.

( blows note )

( blows raspberry )

♪ Oh, A is a letter
that we all should know ♪

♪ Without it,
we can't spell"ant" ♪

♪ B is a letter
that we all love so ♪

♪ Without it,
there'd be no"botulism"! ♪

( snarling )

What's wrong, little fella?

( growling )

Uh, now...


Don't hurt Mama.

♪ Guten Abend, gute Nacht ♪

♪ Wirst du wieder geweckt ♪

♪ Mit Näglein besteckt ♪

♪ Schlupf unter die D♪

( twonky snarling
and growling )

Oh, man!

Watch the hair!

Watch the hairdo.

( screams )

Your twonkies att*cked us
in babycize class!

They busted

my boombox.

Those things are a menace!


My 'do is ruined!

Just when I was learning
to love again.

People, people!

This isn't a time for blame

or I'd be saying things like,

"I tried to tell you," and
"Why didn't you jerks listen?"

Your stories have
a common theme.

Painful biting?

Massive blood loss?

No, music!

( all agreeing )

Harmonic patterns
cause the twonkies

to morph into beasts
and attack the source.

We've got to shut down
all the music in town

before the rest hear it.

You can't stop
the music!

We've got to!

Now, here's the plan:

Carl, you go to the Candy Bar;

Cindy, you head to school;

Sheen, you...

Where's Sheen?

I already told you, UltraLord,
we can't go outside.

Being rejected from chorus

has caused me to shun
the light of day.

What's that, Robo-Fiend?

Well, thank you, I once thought
I had a beautiful voice, too,

but Miss Fowl says
I have no talent.

( chuckles )

Yes, Bugaoh, Bringer of Flame,
she is getting on in years,

but I don't think
she's a thousand.

Really, twonky?!

You'd like to hear me sing?

Well, I don't think...
okay, maybe just for you.

Here it goes.

( inhaling deeply )

( tapping baton )

All right, all right,
eyes off your twonkies

and on moi, everyone.

Now, on the downbeat.

Stop, don't sing!

Miss Vortex, thank you
for joining us.

You're ten minutes late!

Fellow choristers, due
to a dangerous situation

too complicated to go into,
this rehearsal is canceled.

I know how painful
this must be for you...

( kids exclaim )

Hey, Ike, crank up the tunes.

Yeah, you got it.

Don't touch that jukebox.

It is I, Carl Wheezer, come
to rescue you from the twonkies,

who become ferocious
upon hearing music.


That's pure butterscotch.


So here, use this
chocolate sauce.

( electricity crackling )

Huh, you should see
what it does to teeth.

Thank you, citizen.

And now I must continue
my heroic mission

to save the town from
the twonkies' horrible rampa...

Are you going
to finish that?

Scoot over.

Mmm, mmm.

Attention, Retroville.

This is an emergency.

Please refrain from
all singing, humming, whistling

or musical expression of
any kind until further notice.

( playing big band tune )

And no one-man bands.


( horn honking )

You're sure we're
in the right place?

it says here to meet

this Libby girl
right here at 4:00.

Maybe we should
just start.

Did you fix that
library song she sent?

Don't worry, Sis,
I gave it the full-on
punkadelic treatment.

( snarls )

( twonkies growling )

( Flippy's neck cracks )

There we go-- good as new.

Take a look, Flippy.

"Good as new"?

I look like
I lost an argument

with a wood chipper.

Oh, come on,

You could show me
a little gratitude.

You're right-- thanks.

You're welcome.

Thanks for making me
look like Pinocchio
after a bar fight.

All right, all right,
all right.

So maybe you
don't look perfect,

but the important thing
is nothing will ever
hurt you again.

( twonkies growling )

Hey, Braveheart,

hand me my leg,
will you?

The other one.

( movie music playing )

( screams )

( growls )

( screams )


( screams )

( growls )

( twonkies growling )



Candy Bar?

( gulping )

Good work,

Now that we've stopped
the music,

we have to get the twonkies
and sh**t them back.

We'll have to hurry.

If we miss Twonkus-3
when it returns,

we'll have the twonkies
for another year.

Yo, Retroville!

Are you ready to get crazy?

( drumsticks clicking )

( playing punk rock
introduction )

♪ Come on, get your read on ♪

♪ Just walk with
your two feet on... ♪

( twonkies growling )

What in the world?

Four o'clock?

Graystar must have
gotten my letter.

♪ Kickin' brand-new library ♪

♪ Check out a book
and break it down ♪

♪ Some girls will do
with history ♪

♪ Others dig a mystery ♪

♪ And magazines
are in demand... ♪

( twonkies growling )

♪ With the decimal system ♪

♪ It's the kickingest
in the land ♪

♪ Here we go... ♪

Way to go, Neutron!

Now every one of your
stupid space creatures

has morphed into
a feral beast.

We can't let them
get Graystar.

Guys, guys, focus.

Carl, to the lab.

If it's a battle they want,

then a battle
they're going to get.

( twonkies growling )

( punk song continues,
twonkies growling )

♪ You don't need
no dollar bills. ♪

Um... what do I have
to do again, Jimmy?

It's simple, Carl.

As the twonkies
approach the library,

we vacuum them into
the containment bin.

Then we'll blast the bin
to the comet.

How come Sheen never has to do

the dangerous
town-saving things?

I haven't seen Sheen
in hours.

We only have
30 minutes

until the comet
passes by Earth
for the last time.

Okay, just a few more ques...
( squeals ).

( song ends )

( snarling and growling )

What the...

Let's get out of here.

( snarling )

( snarling and growling )


The twonkies are still there,

but Graystar's gone.

They must have been...

Oh, it's
too horrible!

This has gone
far enough.

We're going in.

Vacuum to power.

Time to take out
the tricks.

( snarling )

( twonkies snarling )

That's the last of the.


( all cheering )

You did it,

Way to go.

Way to go,
nerd b*mb.

Hey, where's Graystar?

Uh... yeah, well,
about that...

Is one of you kids
named Libby?

Me! I'm Libby.

I can't believe
you guys showed up.

Sorry about
the rabid aliens
attacking you.

I've seen worse.

We play at a lot of colleges.

You guys want
to hear some music?

Yeah, yeah!

( rock music playing )

♪ There's something
that I gotta say ♪

♪ Don't even try
to walk away ♪

♪ For too long
you've done the squawking ♪

♪ My friends have asked
why I'm not walking ♪

♪ I just put on my coat ♪

♪ I'm going out now,
in case you want to know ♪

♪ I'll peeling out now,
run for cover... ♪

♪ You go one way,
me another... ♪

♪ Now I've seen
the light of day... ♪

♪ So long, Babe,
I'm on my way ♪

♪ You stole my heart,
and then my cash! ♪

That went off
without a hitch.

And we still
have 20 minutes

to send the twonkies
back to the comet.

♪ You never cut me any♪

♪ I won't take any more... ♪

Jimmy, shouldn't we hurry
and move the crate

before the twonkies
go crazy again?

Don't worry--
the crate's made

of triple-
reinforced steel.

It would take something
a lot stronger

than a few
music-crazed twonkies

to bust out of it.


( deep growling )

Um... Jimmy...

( fierce roaring )

I said relax, Carl.

We'll deal
with the twonkies

right after
this song.

But Jimmy...

I hate where
this is going.

( growling )

That's the same
type of monster

I saw on the comet!

( growling fiercely )

Not again!

This gig stinks.


( growling fiercely )

The monster is just
a conglomeration of twonkies.

The one on the comet didn't
care about the rocket at all.

He was trying to destroy
the rocket's radio.

Um, Jimmy,

if you're done
talking to yourself,

we have
a situation here!

There's nothing
I can do.

This monster
is impervious

to every w*apon
I've got.

( roaring )

Shall I do the honors?

Be my guest.

Run for your lives!

( all screaming )

( roaring )

Hey, Jimmy.

Sheen, where
have you been?

Working through
some self-esteem issues.

Who's the big
scary guy?

You mean,
you don't know?

All the twonkies
turned evil and
banded together

to form one big monster
after hearing music.

What? That's impossible.

My twonky's still
small and cute,

and I've been singing
to him all day.

You have?

And he doesn't morph?

No, he happens
to love my voice.

Unlike you philistines,
e tu, Jimmy.

Sheen, take me
to him right now.

I don't know.

My room's kind of messy.

I wasn't really


All right!




You named your
twonky Liversnap?

Yeah, I thought about naming him
Mr. Cabbage Patch,

but then I thought to myself,
that's a stupid name.

Hey, there he is now.

You're right.

He hasn't morphed.

Sheen, let me hear you sing.

Really? You mean it?



Should I kick it
Afro-Cuban style,

or shall we take
a stroll down Broadway?

Anything, anything.


( clearing throat )

♪ UltraLord, UltraLord ♪

♪ Fighting crime
with his ultrasword ♪

♪ He can fly! ♪

♪ What a guy ♪

♪ Watch the criminals ♪

♪ Wave bye-bye ♪

♪ Who's got electric booties ♪

♪ Loves his
crime-fighting duties ♪

♪ And he's immune to cooties ♪

♪ His name is UltraLord! ♪

( snoring )

That's amazing.

Yep, and I never
had one lesson.

You actually
sing so badly,

the twonky perceives
it as anti-music.

Instead of enraging him,
it lulls him to sleep.

Well, I don't like to brag.


Sheen, how
would you like

your singing voice
to be beloved

by everyone in town?

Hm... I don't know...


come on!

( roaring )

Not Sid's Sheet Music!

( roaring continues )

Not Krazy Mike's Pianos!

Not Dummies-R-Us!

Hey, what's that have
to do with music?


I threw that one.

( roaring )

He's heading this way!

( all screaming )

Look, up in the sky.

It's a bird.

It's a plane.

It's Neutron,

with that weird kid
strapped to his hover car.

Start singing, Sheen.

You've got it, Jimmy.

♪ Totally singing ♪

♪ Totally singing ♪

♪ Totally singing ♪

♪ Right in your face ♪

♪ You smell like a monkey,
a disgusting monkey ♪

♪ You're totally funky ♪

♪ Go take a bath! ♪

( roars less fiercely )

It's working.

Sing something else.

♪ Oh, I'm singing
to a monster in midair ♪

♪ I'll be singing
to a monster in midair ♪

♪ Oh, I'm feeling so d♪

♪ From the chorus I'm rejected ♪

♪ But I'm singing
to a monster in midair! ♪

Okay, we're going
to bring things down a bit

with one of my favorites,

and I hope it's one
of yours, too.

♪ Home, home on the range ♪

♪ Where the frogs
and the wolverine dance ♪

♪ And the cowboys they know
no deodorant soap... ♪

♪ And the... ♪

( snoring )

It worked.

You did it, Sheen.

You want me
to keep singing?


All right! Dang!

This isn't over,

If we don't
blast that monster
back to the comet

in the next
ten minutes,

he's stuck here
for another year.

That's bad.

I'll have to sing
whenever he wakes up.

That's worse.


( snoring )

Do you see that,

Your brother Jimmy
is a science genius.


that thing is not
Jimmy's brother.

Shh! He has ears,
you know.


And they have splinters.

Remind me to sand
his head later.

How long until the comet

enters Earth's orbit, Goddard?

30 seconds.

( snoring restlessly )


It looks like
the monster's waking up.

Don't worry.

With my velvet voice,
I could just

send it right back
to slumberland.

Give me some
of that popcorn.

I think we're ready to launch.

And liftoff
in five,

four, three,
two, one!

( roaring angrily )

His struggling's
caused a disconnect

to the main thruster.

Sing, Sheen!


( choking and coughing )


( choking and coughing )

( electronic voice ):
Rendezvous window closing
in 15 seconds.

( roaring )

I can trigger
the thruster manually,

but I'll need a fire
to provide the necessary heat.

Does anybody have 4.2 pounds
of dried wood?


Why are you looking
at Flippy like that?


( audio slowed down )

( roars )

( audio slowed down )

And liftoff!

( all cheering )

Whew! That was a close one.

Look, everyone!

It's Graystar.

Hey, g*ng-- just came
to say good-bye.

Glad we could help
save the day.

What? You didn't help.

Oh, didn't we?

No, Jimmy and Sheen
captured the monster

after you guys
drove off in your bus.

Look! Bigfoot!


( tires screeching )

Well, Sheen, it looks

like this town
owes you a big
debt of gratitude,

and I think I know
just how to repay it.

♪ Oh, we've got
books for miles ♪

♪ To bring you tears
and smiles ♪

♪ At our brand-new library. ♪

And solo.

( no sound )

( chorus and crowd ch)

( all cheering )

Well, everything's
back to normal.


Still, I can't
help feeling

that we forgot

( coughing weakly )

( squeaking )

So what do you want me
to say now?

Got to blast!