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03x15 - The Evil Beneath/Carl Weezer, Boy Genius

Posted: 06/16/23 15:59
by bunniefuu
Got to blast!

♪ Into the stars,
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪

♪ This is the theme song ♪

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

Check it out.

I'm a speed demon.

You getting this,

Sure am, honey.


You're watching vacation footage

of Steve and Jenny Bissell,
who set out for paradise

but sailed smack-dab
into the mystery

of the Bahama Quadrangle.

Uh, honey, what's the deal
with this fog?

Uh, I don't know.

Steve, I'm

Well, don't panic,
it's probably nothing.

H-Hey! What's happening?

Steve, where are you?


No! Stay back!

( screaming )

( static crackling )

They were never seen again.

Had the Bahama Quadrangle taken
two more victims

into its watery



Oh, what a bunch of baloney.

You don't believe the Bahama
Quadrangle is haunted, do you?

How else do
you explain

all the boats and planes
that went missing there?

It could be anything--

sudden tornadoes,
freak electrical storms...

Ghosts of the undead
hoarding human flesh

to feed their
ravenous hunger.

Sheen, do you even believe
half the stuff you say?


Or do I?

Well, have you ever
been there, Jimmy?

No, but I've read all about it.

It's where one of my favorite
scientists, Dr. Sydney Moist,

used to conduct

his groundbreaking
oceanographic research.

Used to?

What happened to him?

He went missing.


That's just a coincidence.

It's sorcery, I tells you!

Or evil porpoises.

Or fish-headed octo-men.

Get up.

Where we going?

To the Bahama Quadrangle,
so I can prove

that this "mystery" is
perfectly explainable.

Mmm... nah.

I'll pass.

Fine, then we'll start
our essays

on the Habsburg Empire.

Quadrangle it is.

Right behind you,

Are we there yet?

How about now?

Are we there now?

How about now?

I hope it's soon.

I need to use
the little boys' ocean.

According to the Neutronic
positioning unit,

we're now entering
the Bahama Quadrangle.

Notice the complete lack
of anything creepy...

( electronic interference )

Until now.

Uh, Jimmy, flying
into a fog bank

on a perfectly sunny day
is normal, right?

Of course it is.

Happens all the time,
right, Jimmy?


We're doomed!

We're not doomed.

The only thing to fear
is total engine failure.

( engine sputters and stalls )

Now we're doomed.

( all shouting )

( splash )

Guys, there's something fishy
going on here.

Fishy? As in
evil porpoises?

Well, this was fun.

Let's go home!

Carl, we need to go underwater
and investigate.

Everyone take some air-gum.

( all chewing )

Okay, now if we get lost, let's
meet back here so we don't...

( shrieking ):
Wait for me!

Jimmy was right--
nothing mysterious here.


That's strange.

I'm picking up humanoid
bio-signs from that direction.

Follow me.

Can't we just take a moment
to appreciate this?

We're young,
we're in the Bahamas,

we've got our whole lives
ahead of us.

Perhaps I spoke
too soon!

Jimmy, what's happening?

I don't know.

Can't... fight... current!

Too strong!

( shouts )

This place has seen the last
of my tourist dollars.

( shouts )

All right, Evil Porpoise,

I don't like you
and you don't like me, so...

( shouts )


( grunts )

( shouts )

( screams )

Good-bye, world!

The horror!

So, where are we anyway?


It looks like we've been sucked

into some sort
of kelp processing plant.


Excellent deduction.

Hey, Jimmy,
isn't that...

Dr. Sydney Moist,
the world's leading researcher

in the field
of phytochemical compounds.

And a deliciously graceful
tap dancer.

( rhythmically ):
Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah.


But you were reported dead
years ago.

Oh, I can assure you
I'm quite alive--

resplendently alive!

And Charleston.


( scatting )

Hey, Jimmy, you
didn't tell us

Dr. Moist was completely
out of his... ( grunts )

Ah, my apologies
for sucking you into my lab.

The ocean is full of spies.

But enough jibber-jabber--
who's hungry, hmm?

Nipsey, Russell!

( tinkles bell )

Oh, look!

Dr. Nut-job has some
slimy green friends.

Show our guests to the table.

I hope you boys are hungry.


They're some type of
plankto-humanoid life forms.

I decided to make men
out of algae.

I call them... "Algae-men"!

And I thought
he was insane.

Well, eat up,
there's plenty for everyone.

( flatly ):

It's scrumptious.

( gags )

Yum, yum.

( meekly ):
Yeah, that really hits the spot.

( whimpers )

Why live underwater
when you could share

with other scientists?



They all laughed at me
and called me "Dr. Loony-pants."

Well, who's laughing now, hmm?

Who's crazy now?!

( laughs maniacally )

I'll go check on dessert.

Guys, what'd I tell you?

There's nothing mysterious
about the Bahama Quadrangle.

Oh, no?

We're having dinner
at the bottom of the ocean

with a crazy lunatic
and his seaweed friends.

Okay, granted, he's
a little eccentric...

A little eccentric?!

The guy's crazier than a sackful
of spider monkeys!

So, how are we doing, hmm?

Dr. Moist, can you explain
to my friends here

that there's nothing mysterious
about the Bahama Quadrangle?

I'd be happy to...

right after your

( gulps )


Into algae-men, just
like all the other fools

who've passed this way
to spy on me!


That's right--

your food was chockfull
of mutant algae seeds.


Which even as we speak

are infusing your every cell
with kelpy goodness!


Guys, I'm turning green!

But you ate it, too--
we saw you.

Yes, but I have the antidote.

( gulping loudly )

Ah, that is good antidote!

( knocks softly )

You're insane!

Oh, gee, you think?

What was your first clue?

Seize them!

( boys yelling )

So, Dr. Moist kidnaps anyone
in the Bahama Quadrangle

and turns them
into algae-based manservants.

I told you it wasn't
anything supernatural.

Gee, you were right, Jimmy.

I'd congratulate you
if I weren't being turned

into a 85-pound walking salad!

Oh, I don't know, maybe
being algae isn't so bad.

I mean, all we have to do is
keep our coats moist and slimy.

And be butlers to
a tap-happy mental case!

Oh, right.

That's it!

What's it?

Every room in the lab

is kept humid
so the algae-men can thrive.


So watch.

( expl*si*n )

( coughing violently )

It's working.

( coughing continues )

( keys rattle on floor )

Now we get his keys.

♪ I knew a young lady
named Eloise Crocker ♪

♪ Whose beauty could knock a man
right off his rocker ♪

♪ Now, don't get me wrong,
I don't want to knock her ♪

♪ But she stank like the sweat
socks in Davy Jones' locker. ♪

( control thuds )


you distract
the algae-men while
I go for the antidote.


Shall we?

Do let's.

Step right up, fellas.

Find the pretty lady.

That's right--
find the pretty lady.

Nobody goes home
a loser.

( Moist scatting )

( knocks softly )

An electrical-vectors entry?

I expected more from Dr. Moist.

( scatting while tap-dancing )

Or not.

( expl*si*n )

That's right-- up and down
and all around.

Find the pretty lady.

Oh! Tough luck, chief.

( both growling )

( laughs nervously )

Carl, Sheen-- catch!

Oh, wait, this isn't
high in sodium, is it?

Because I'm not supposed...
( screams )

( Carl gulping )

Yay, I'm pasty again!

( scatting )

You'll never escape!

My algae-men will get you!

I'd like
to see them try!


You would?

Crush them!

( algae-men groaning
menacingly )

Guys, chew as much air-gum
as you can.

Sorry, it's my
breath, isn't it?

No, Carl, algae
thrives on CO2.

There's enough in this gum

to cause the algae-men
to grow exponentially.

And how is that
good again?

No time to explain.

Chew for your lives!

Quick, guys,
follow me.

( algae-men groaning )

( screams )

Stop! What are you doing?

Stop growing this instant!

Don't make me do my angry dance!


( voice becomes muffled )

Swim! Hurry!

( loud expl*si*n,
Carl screaming )

( both scream )

( Carl screaming )

( splash )

We did it.

Dr. Moist's reign of terror
is over.

The mystery of the Bahama
Quadrangle is solved.

I'm just glad it wasn't
evil porpoises.

That would have been terrifying.

Oh, not again
with the fog.

( high-pitched whining )

Uh, guys?

What say we let
this mystery slide?

( aliens whining )

( boys screaming )

( music playing )

Can you turn off the music?


Notice the Miscellana octoria's
distinctive tibial spurs

and sclerotized pedipalps.


Can you make it do
the hokey-pokey?

Sheen, go home.

Guys! Guys! Guys!

I've got a girlfriend!

( gasps )

Who is she?

Well, she's my pen pal
from Sweden

and she's coming to Retroville
and her name is Elke Ekberg.

That was weird.

I thought I heard Carl say
he had a girlfriend.

I do!

Here's her picture.

( gasps )

She's a teen model,
tennis star, gymnast, masseuse

and ballet dancer.

Don't take this
the wrong way, Carl,

but you're kind of a nerd.

What does she see in you?

Well, I sent her
some pictures.


where was I when you did
all this stuff?

Carl, these are all
pictures of me!

I didn't think she'd like
a hefty boy with glasses

who's into llamas
and sleeps with a blanky

and has unsightly spots
all over his...

Too much information!

So I told her I was a boy genius

and I invented cool stuff
and had a neat lab.

So you said
you were me.

Huh? Oh, yeah, kind of.

Anyway, Elke has
a one-day stopover in Retroville

on her way
to a tennis tournament,

and I'm afraid when she sees me,

she'll find out
I've been lying to her.

Because you have!

Huh? Oh, yeah, kind of.

And then
she won't like me anymore.

And by you, you mean me!

Huh? Oh, yeah, kind of.

If you're looking for help,
count me out!

Come on, Jimmy, just
let Carl pretend to be you.

He could show her
some inventions,

fly her in the hover car,
and she'll never know.

I'm not letting Carl
touch my stuff.

Oh, please, Jimmy.

This may be my only
chance to impress

a tennis-playing,

gymnasticking masseuse.

Yeah, come on,

Okay, for one day only you
can be Carl Wheezer, Boy Genius.

Yay, thanks, Jim!

You're the best friend
in the whole world.

Oh, by the way, I told her
you're my dimwitted assistant.


I said you were
an experiment

that went
horribly wrong.


You think I should put on
something nice to meet her?

( softly ):
Like a mask.

Carl, what you need
is a total makeover

from nerd guy
to science guy.

( mechanicals whirring )

There she is.

( bashfully ):


Carl Wheezer!

Hi, I'm, um...

My dimwitted assistant.

Take Elke's bag, and be quick!

I'm Sheen.

He really used
to be a monkey?

Monkey? What kind--
flying monkey, squirrel monkey,

a chunky, funky monkey?

Ooh, I love your car
which hovers.

Yeah, well, it's just
a little something

I threw together one afternoon.

Après vous.

Oh, that's French for "get in."

Okay, uh...

Go ahead, Boy Genius,
start her up.

Hmm, let's see...

I'll, uh, maybe...

May I suggest that
instead of the
arm-missiles button,

you push the one
right below it?

I know what button to push!

I was just testing you.

I'm teaching him how to drive.

Yeah, I'll teach you how to...

Okay, Monkey Boy says, "Let's
get this show on the road."

( engine roaring )

It is so nice to finally
meet you in the person.

You are such the genius.

♪ His name was Rico ♪

♪ He was a showboy... ♪

( screams )

Uh, Dimwitted Assistant,
remember what I taught you

about getting the hover car
under control?!

( horns honking )


Are you
okay, Elke?


You nincompoop!

You must have put the wrong fuel
in my hover car!

What? Your hover car?!

I... Ugh!

Sorry, Carl.

My mistake.

Well, don't ever
let it happen again,

and it's Mr. Wheezer
to you.

You just can't get
good help these days.

May we go to see
your lab now?

You got it.

To the lab,
Dimwitted Assistant.

Uh, yes, sir.

"Yes, sir,
Mr. Wheezer."

Ooh... ah... ooh... ah...!

Don't you love the
Swedish language?

Carl, what are these
fantastic things?


Yes, Mr. Wheezer, go ahead,

tell her what
all these inventions are

and how
they work.

Okay, well, that's

the bring-back-people-from-
another-time machiney thingy.

And that's the thingy
that goes ( blows raspberry )

and that's the yellow thingy,
I know that.

"Yellow thingy"--
you are so the modest boy.

Oh, well...

Can you bring back my favorite
Swedish poet, Ingmar Ibsen?

Of course.

I'm a genius,
aren't I?

Now, let me see...

Poet, poet... I...

Oh, yeah, I think
it's these ones.

Mr. Wheezer, wait!

( grunting madly )

Attila the Hun!

Is he a poet?

No, he's one of
the most ferocious
warriors of all time.

( grunting madly )

Destroy! Attack! k*ll!

Maim! Conquer! Pinch!

( grunting madly )

That's my...

uh, I mean Carl's
nuclear reactor.

He could set off
a radioactive meltdown!

You make with the saving
the day now, Carl?

Uh, y-y-yeah, yeah.

( grunting )

Who wants fudge brownies?


Plain or with nuts?




( cheering )


You supreme bonehead,

this was all your fault!

You must have got bubble gum
in my machine!

You're fired!

I'm what?!

Take off!

Okay, I will, and
you're coming with me.

But I want
a brownie, too.

Is so much
adventure, Carl.

Maybe I go now.

I call you later.

Wait, wait, wait,
Elke, Elke, don't go.

I haven't shown you
my, uh, rocket.

Come on.

No, but I...

I got kicked out
of my own lab.

I'm the genius, not
that llama-loving jerk.

I'm going back
in there

and tell Elke
the truth.

No, Jimmy, this may be
Carl's one chance at love,

and Elke might have a sister,
or twin, or cousin,

or youngish aunt,
or what about...

If Carl touches one
thing in there,

if he moves
one atom...

if he even breathes
on anything...

Next stop: the moon!

You were saying?

He's out of control!

Relax, he's probably
just writing her name
in the sky.

Must be the
Swedish spelling.

( Carl screaming )

Carl, it's too fast.

Make with
the slowing down.

How about I point out
interesting things
in space, okay?

Um... that's
a big flying rock,

and that's another
big flying rock,

and that's a gigantic
flying rock

coming right at us!

I've got to get him out
of the meteor shower.

Look-- Dimwitted Assistant
and Former Monkey.

( rockets approaching )

( all screaming )

( all moaning )

Carl, I... I must say
to you something.

Hold that thought.

Way to go,
Dimwitted Assistant!

I had everything
under control

until you messed it up!

Under control?!

I saved
your life, Genius!

Go home and play
with your llamas,

you big, dumb, dummy,
dopey, little-brain,
dum-dum dummy.

Okay, that's it,

Elke, you want
to know the truth?

Jimmy, no!

Remember that cute
Swedish sister or neighbor.

Think of the accent,
the meatballs,

the socialized medicine.


Carl, I have confession
to make.

I'm not teen model,
tennis star

or other cool things.

I am just simple farm girl
who comes here with parents

to buy llama feed
from American cousin.

You mean...

Ja, I am big fake!

I am not right

for genius boy
of many adventures.


I'm a big
fake, too!


Yeah, I'm a nerd.

I don't even know
how to spell "science,"

and I love llamas
more than people.

No, Carl,
don't try

to make me feel better
with lies.

But I...

Sheen, let me go!


Llama Love Society?

I'm a member, too!

Your photo is
nice, too.

Oh, Carl,
it is the truth.

You were lying.

You are a nerd.

A heavyset, glasses-wearing nerd
with a blanky and many fears

and numerous medical problems.


Let me kiss you
so many times, Nerd Boy.

Hey, I'm a nerd!

I'm a nerd, too!

I'm a huge nerd.

I'm the nerdiest kid
in town.

Elke, there's a
brand-new baby llama

at the petting zoo.

What are we
doing here?

Let's boogie!

What just
happened here?

Oh, love is
strange, Jimmy.

It's like the Swedish
poet once said,

"Herda gerda gaberda

shamerda curla
hurla herda..."

Just stop it.


Hola, soy Pablo.

Got to blast!