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02x16 - The Mighty Wheezers/Billion Dollar Boy

Posted: 06/16/23 16:47
by bunniefuu
Got to blast!

♪ Into the stars, goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack for invention ♪

[ gasps]

♪ With a super-powered mind, a mechanical canine ♪

[ barks]

♪ He rescues the day from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song

[ screams]

♪ For Jimmy Neutron.

[ mechanical whirring]

[ barking]

[ yells]

Pull, Wheezers!


Come on, pull!

[ all groaning]

Oh, I'll take that.

Jimmy, I want you to behave yourself

at the Wheezers' this weekend.

Don't worry, everything will be fine.

I've been looking forward to this for weeks.

It'll be just like having a brother

who looks nothing like me and has a different last name.

You guys are so lucky.

I have to stay home

and loofah my grandma's cankles.

I can't believe you're camping out in the desert.

I get slightly phlegmy just thinking about it.

That's what Burning Duck is all about, Wheezer.

We're going to let it all hang out,

groove to a natural scene,

might even toast some marshmallows.

Put your pants on.

You can groove when we get to the desert.

See you soon, sweetie.

Keep it real, Jimbo.

Go with the flow.

JIMMY: Bye, Mom!

Bye, Dad!

MR. WHEEZER: Bye-bye.

Well, Jimmy, let's get you settled in.

Bye, guys.

Have fun while I'm cankling.

Hey, Carl, how about a quick game

of virtual foosball?

We've all been out in the open air, so we'll need to disinfect.

MRS. WHEEZER: Germs, mold spores--

you'd be amazed what sticks to a person's skin.

Is this really necessary?

You better scrub harder, Jimmy.

You can't be too careful.


[ spray hissing]

[ coughing]

There, clean as a whistle.

You boys get comfortable.

Dinner will be right out.

[ Wheezers chanting]

Are... are you guys all right?

Just limbering up the old GI tract, Jimbo.

It keeps your digestion loose and gas free.

Come on, Jimmy.

Your intestines aren't going to unclench themselves, you know?

Well, if you insist.

[ all chanting]

Sounds like my men are hungry.

Uh... what is this, Mrs. Wheezer?

Fiber loaf à la king--

a hypoallergenic protein substitute.

Jimmy, the Mrs. and I

are allergic to most meat, fish,

grain, dairy, fruit, vegetable

and jalapeño-based food products.

Eat it, Jimmy, before it gets damp.

Well, um, mind if I add some salt?

[ gasps]

Jimmy, no!

That much airborne salt will set off our...

[ Wheezers sneezing uncontrollably]

Oh, sorry, Jimmy.

More, please.

♪ Oh...

ALL: ♪ Sitting and singing

♪ Singing and sitting...

Don't you guys ever just watch TV?

My mom says too much TV before bed causes brain lesions.

Second verse!

WHEEZERS: ♪ Sitting and singing

♪ Singing and sitting...

[ gargling]

[ spitting]

There's nothing like a good family gargle before bedtime.

Make sure to get it deep down--

you know, past your tonsils, Jim.

[ gargling]

[ gags, then coughs]

You boys sleep tight now.

But it's only : .

Jimmy, early to bed, early to rise,

makes a man less prone to bronchial infection.

Night, kids.

Hey, Jimmy, let's stay up all night

and tell scary stories,

and then we can share our most personal thoughts

and not even go to sleep until...

[ snoring]

Okay, easy, Jimmy.

It's only for the weekend.

You'll get through this.

[ snoring loudly]

[ ticking]

[ door hinge creaking]

[ Wheezers snoring loudly]

[ screams]

This is ridiculous.

Allergies, germs, constricted nighttime airways...

What's next?!

Do not fear.

Only I can tame Sancho,

the wonder llama.

That's it!

I can't take it anymore!

[ whirring]

[ barking]

It's late, but this is an emergency.

[ beeping and clicking]

[ electricity crackling]

Here we are, Goddard-- total health-boost caplets.

The Wheezers have sneezed their last sneeze...

at least for the weekend.

[ snoring loudly]

[ blows sharply]

[ blows]

[ snoring]

[ gulps]

No more allergies, no more snoring,

no more weak constitutions...

Too bad it's only temporary.

[ alarm clock ringing]

[ yawning]


[ Carl gasps]

Carl, uh, what's going on?

Hey, Jimmy, look what I can do!

And I can see stuff now

and my nose isn't all clogged.

I feel great!

I got to go tell my folks.

CARL: Whee!

Hey, Mom, Dad, guess what!

Morning, son.

[ vacuum whirring]

Leaping electrons!

My health caplets may have worked too well.

[ Wheezers cheering]

MRS. WHEEZER: This is great fun! Fabulous!

Boy, I haven't felt this good since I was a bubble boy.

Hey, let's attack the day, family.

Let's go drink deep from the cup of life.

Mr. Wheezer, about that...

MR. WHEEZER: Charge!

Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Wheezer, Carl, wait!

Jimmy, I saw the whole thing.

Carl and his folks

have become ultra-Wheezers.

How cool is that?

We've got to go after them, Sheen.

If my caplets wear off,

they might hurt themselves.

[ yelling wildly]

JIMMY: Carl, be careful.


CARL: Geronimo!

Chow down, son.

It's fabulous.

JIMMY: Listen, everybody,

your new health is only temporary.

You need to be careful.

Mmm, all the foods we could never eat before--

pickles, cilantro, veal, hot salami,

vichyssoise--that's French for potato soup.

Sheen, make them understand.

Did she say hot salami?!

JIMMY: Listen, I artificially...

[ Jimmy, Sheen yelling]

Come on, family.

We're going to climb Mount Incredibly Unstable.

No one's ever climbed Mount Incredibly Unstable

and lived.

I'm in.

Me, too.

[ Wheezers cheering]

We've got to stop them before they get

to Mount Incredibly Unstable.

It's incredibly unstable!

How do you know this stuff?

[ whooshing]

Yeah, this will really stick it to the man.

Boogermama, need more wicker!

[ Wheezers cheering]

Jimmy, I should tell you I usually barf around Mach !

Sorry, Sheen, but my health caplets

could wear off at any time!

[ vomiting]

Ow! Oh, that climb must have irritated my pinkeye.

Okay, um, I think I got a nosebleed.

We're so terribly high up.

We could get exposure.

What were we thinking?!


That rock's going to give!

[ Wheezers yelling]

[ gasps]

Ooh, that's harshing my mellow.

JIMMY: It's headed right for the Burning Duck Festival.

My mom and dad will be crushed!

Just one chance.

[ rumbling]

I have to reverse the pull

on my tractor beam.

I need more power!

It's not working!

Wait a minute-- that's it!

This desert is a salt flat.

Sheen, help me get all this salty sand

into the air.

[ Wheezers sneezingwildly]

[ rocks crash to a halt]

HUGH: Out of sight!

You totally blew my mind, Wheezers!

Oh, are you all right, sweetie?

Sure, Mom, thanks to the Wheezers.

Oh, it was nothing.

Say, does anyone have a moist towelette?

You cats have got to stick around.

We're just about to set fire

to the big duck.

How about it, Mr. Wheezer?

We could give them a rousing bonfire song.

That we could, Jimmy.

That we could.

ALL: ♪ We're singing and standing

♪ We're standing and singing

♪ Burning and singing

♪ Smoking and burning

♪ Singing and standing

♪ Standing and singing

♪ Burning and singing...

Wow, Cindy,

our new kite is

the most gorgeous thing in the sky.

[ laughs]

It's also the most deadly.

[ audience gasps]

The winner of the Battle Kite Semifinal Flyoffs is...

Jimmy Neutron.

Ooh, yay!

Neutrons rule!

Whoop-de-whoop! In your face!

Man, that is one laser-whooped battle kite.


its jazzy design

and bold use of color never stood a chance.

We'll get you next year, Neutron!

And so, we move on to our final round:

Neutron versus Retroville's richest kid, Eustace Stort.

That's "Strych," you nattering nabob.

Eustace Strych.

Oh... Strych.

No one cares-- yet!

Blix, prepare the Buzzkill Mark IV.

Oh, give it up, Neutron,

the technology of this battle kite is the best

my filthy rich father's money can buy.

Oh, yeah?

Well, bring it on, Blazer Boy.


care to make a little wager?

Your robot dog, perhaps.

You know I'd never bet Goddard.

You ready to fly kites, or what?

Very well.

Brace yourself for a thrashing!

[ crowd cheering]

And the winner is... Jimmy Neutron!

[ crowd cheering]

Yeah! Yeah!

Nobody beats me.

Nobody! Nobody! Nobody! Nobody!

I'll make him pay for this indignity.

But how?

Way to go, son!

You made your ancestors very proud.

EUSTACE: Yes, well done, Jimmy.

Well done indeed.

Listen, why don't you and your "people"

pop over to the compound

for a celebratory Flurp and ice cream banquet, hmm?

I think I'd rather gargle liquid nitrogen!

Jimbo, that's rude.

Now your ancestors are ashamed again.

Jimmy, what are you thinking?!

Flurp, ice cream...

and Flurp!

Yeah, Jim, don't make us put the hurt on you.

Did someone say "banquet"?

Why, we'd be delighted to come,

wouldn't we, Libby?


Someone with your looks and social standing

must throw a lovely banquet.

Way to suck up to the rich kid, Vortex.

I don't care about his money.

We have a lot in common--

he dislikes you almost as much as I do.

Of course you can come, my dear.

[ giggles]

Me likey.

What? Okay, fine, I'll come, too.

Is everybody happy now?

Last one to the limo is middle class!

[ kids cheering]

Make the necessary preparations.

We'll need to entertain this rabble properly.

Wow, this place is awesome!

EUSTACE: It's nothing, really.

Sorry about the heliport,

we're having it redone.

Wow, Neutron, this sure beats the heck

out of your dinky little clubhouse.

It's not "dinky," it's ergonomic.

Oh, no, no, no, Cindy,

I'm sure that Jimmy's clubhouse is state-of-the-art--

primitive art, that is.

[ all laughing]

Oh, thank you so much.

He got you there, Jimbo.

[ growling]


Hey, son, haven't seen you in days.

Who are your friends?

Father, don't interfere.

Hi, Strych, Hugh Neutron.

Glad to know you.

Glad to know you.

Say, you look like a golf man.

Eh, nope, I'm more of a duck guy.

I love ducks!

Can we please get this banquet over with?

Oh, don't mind us, son.

You run along with your friends

and I'll show Hubert here

the vintage Flurp cellar.

Well, thanks, Strych, old boy.

Very well.

Come, Cindy, the monorail has arrived.

CINDY: Eustace, this is incredible!

There must be over different flavors!

Yeah, well, it's all right.

Oh, don't be jealous, Jimmy.

My ice cream is made from the purest ice-age snow

gathered via time box.

You've got one?

Yes-- and you'd be surprised

what money can buy.

Oh, and check under your chairs, everyone.

My own holographic boy band!

A tacheon power glove just like UltraLord's!


I got a miniature clone llama.

I'm going to call it "Kevin."

Oh, Eustace... it's beautiful.

It belonged to my grandmother.

I had it gutted to make it

DVD compatible.

Isn't he the dreamiest?

Oh, come on, people, anyone can just buy stuff.

He doesn't even understand how these work.

Quick poll: does anyone care?




Me neither.

Why don't you check

under your chair, Jimmy.

Used gym shorts?

My old spares.

Thought your wardrobe needed touching up.

Laugh with me, everyone, laugh with me!

[ all laughingexcept Jimmy ]

[ men belching]

[ belching continues]


[ belching continues]

Excuse me.

Now, what you've got there is a ' Chateau la Flurp.

[ belches]

Ooh, that's good Flurp.

[ belching]

You know, you got

a great kid there, Hugh.

Thanks, Strychy.

And Eustace seems

very [ belches]... clean.

Oh, yes, he's, uh... he's, uh...

He's a rotten little tyrant

and I'm an awful father!

Oh, what do I do, Hubert?

Well, we find it helps to set limits,

like no space travel on school nights,

or, uh... no teleporting your mother.

And that works?


Tell me more about these "limits."

Eh, sure.

[ belches]

Oh, that's good.

[ both continue belching]

BOTH: Flurp!

Everyone? I should like to propose a toast.

To Jimmy,

whose ingenuousness is exceeded

only by his perspicacity.

I'm not sure what he said,

but I bet it was insulting!

[ all laughing]

[ gasps]

Whoops, sorry.

So, we like games, eh, Jimmy?

Then let's have some gentlemen's fun, shall we?

Make ready, Neutron.

You're about to face the ultimate triumph

in expensive robot technology.

Blix, bring out the R.A. Multi-Unit.

[ whirring]

Ah, it's adorable.

They just don't make crazed, berserk robots like they used to.

Scan that thing, Goddard.

Hmm, it seems pretty low tech.

Sorry, Eustace, my robot technology is parsecs ahead

of your so-called "ultimate triumph."


Then how about a friendly wager?

Your robot dog against my R.A. Unit.

Now, if your pooch loses...

I get to keep him.

Not going to happen, Captain Overbite.

Ha! I told you he was chicken.

Come, Cindy,

join me in mocking him.

You know you want to.

[ clucking]

Oh, it's so much fun.

Sure... I... I guess I do.

[ clucks]

You're on, Strych!

[ whimpers]

Don't worry, boy,

you'll beat him easy.

Let the game begin!

Jimmy, you sure you know what you're doing?

[ whirring and clicking]


It's growing a particle thingy

just like Goddard!

[ whimpers]

It... it's impossible.

Unless... "R.A. Unit"...

"Robot Adaptoid"!

EUSTACE: That's right, Jimmy.

My Adaptoid can copy any w*apon and hurl its power back tenfold.

Run, Goddard!

Run, boy!

Eustace, stop!

You can't do this!

Be gone!

I've no further use for Neutron's squeeze.

[ barks]

[ yelps]

JIMMY: Goddard!

[ whirs weakly]



Just one chance--

he copies every move we make.

Play dead, boy.

EUSTACE: Ha-ha! I win!

I've beaten you!

You'd think so, wouldn't you?

Take cover!

Good boy!

[ barks]

JIMMY: What's wrong, Eustace?

Can't your unit spontaneously reassemble

after a main core implosion? No?

Too bad, Old Bean.

[ all laughing]

CARL: That a boy, Jimmy!

No! No! No! No!

For this, Neutron,

I will pursue you with everlasting vengeance!

MR. STRYCH: Not so fast, young man.

It's time we set some "limits."

To start with,

no pursuing anyone with eternal vengeance

for an entire month.

Like that, Hugh?

Uh... close enough.

I warned you not to interfere, Father!

Now you'll pay.

Uh-oh, that's a time out.


Blix, take Eustace to his room

so he can, uh... think about what he's done.

What? Don't!

Unhand me, you filthy...

[ screams]

Confidence rising.

Parental power coursing through my veins!

Oh, the indignity.

Don't look at me!

Don't look at me!

[ sobbing]

Sorry, Goddard,

I never should have bet you.

[ barks]

Well, I'll tell you one thing I learned:

[ belches]

Yes, Dad?

No, that was it.

[ belching]

Hola, soy Pablo.

JIMMY: Got to blast!