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29x20 - The Invasion

Posted: 06/17/23 14:23
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Evolution revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

This drill key turned out to be a dud.

[Javi] No, it'll work.

You just need the warden's passcode to go with it.

[Void King] Now we program it with the coordinates of the Ranger base.

[Solon grunts]

It's mine.

They've taken our Sporix.



-Are you okay? -[both grunt]

Oh, that'll teach me to get distracted by a crossword.

But I'll live.

Although the same can't be said for the wall.

Our shields were no match for that drill.

What are the Voids gonna do with the Sporix?

Well, they're either gonna destroy us all,

destroy us all, or destroy us all.

Probably that last one.

It can't come to that.

There must be a way to get the Sporix back.

[cell phone rings]

Hey, Jane. Sorry. I'm kinda busy at the mo…


Wait, a spaceship?

Find a window, 'cause it's just outside the city now.

Finally, it's Pine Ridge's turn for some extra-terrestrial action.

I need your up-close eye-witness account.

[gasps] If they say, "Take me to your leader,"

bring 'em to me.

But if it turns out they're evil,

just take a message.

Thanks, Jane. I got it.

[Solon] She's right.

The orbital scanners show a craft hovering above…

oh, Dinohenge.

[engine rumbles]

Does that ship look Voidy to you?

Or is it someone else?

Considering the streak we're on,

it'll be Lord Zedd with Galvanax and Venjix along for the ride.

Whoa. Those antennae look familiar.

-Do you think they could be…? -Let me handle this.

Welcome to Earth.

-I'm Zay-- -The legendary Zayto.

We know.

I'm Orria. We're Rafkonians, like you.

No freaking way.

Rafkonians? I have so many questions!

Where have you been? What happened? And…


What up? How was the drive?

Wait a sec.

We've been tricked by an imposter before.

-May I? -Of course.

It's true.

-[all laugh] -Phew!

Thank you, mind reading.

We have some catching up to do.

-Where have you been? -What kind of food do you have?

-How many of you are there? -Can we ride your spaceship?

-Boys, where are your manners? -[chuckles]

Now that we know you're legit, you should come back to our base.

And so in order for Rafkon to safely heal,

our ancestors hid the planet.

The few survivors of the Sporix w*r left,

becoming nomads and scavengers,

hoping to return to Rafkon when the time was right.

They left beacons amongst the stars they visited

in the hope that the legendary Knights of Rafkon

would return one day.

And that's all we really know of our people's ancient history.

I've sent messages looking for you for a long time.

Why now?

Why didn't you respond earlier?

Here on Earth, it's a little rude to leave someone on "read."

I'm ashamed to admit that we ignored them.

We honestly thought the messages were a hoax.

What are the odds a -million-year-old knight was still alive?

The Knights of Rafkon are a legend.

Some people don't think you ever existed.

But recently, something devastating happened.

Rafkon was destroyed.

You know?

Yes. We were there when it happened.

It was Lord Zedd.

We did everything we could to stop him, but…

Rafkon's loss weighs heavily on us.

We were waiting for our home to heal.

Now it's lost forever.

But then I remembered your messages,

and I had to find out the truth.

Now here we are.

Earth is truly amazing.

And I never thought I would meet a living legend--

or two!

Living legends, huh?

-We should make T-shirts. -[chuckles] Definitely not.

Your messages were worth it.

-We're finally with our people. -Yes.

And now we're together, can I have a word with you two?

Sure. We can talk in here.

So, how can we help?

It's going to be tricky.

But I think this planet might be the home our people need.

Humans and Rafkonians living together?

Sharing is the Rafkon way.

You think they'd share their home?

Humans take their planet for granted,

poisoning it, and fighting amongst themselves.

What a tragic waste.

Uh, that's not exactly--

They're greedy and selfish and incapable of working together.

They would never choose to help us.

If we need this place, we have to take it.

[whispers] These vibes aren't good.

What are you getting at?

This planet deserves better.

Under our leadership, the humans could be controlled

and the Earth could thrive once more.

You want to colonize Earth?

[whispers] Now the vibes are terrible.

The humans are not as bad as you think.

The Knights of Rafkon are sworn to help their people.

Or are our legends wrong?

There is nothing honorable or knightly

about taking someone else's home for yourself.

It is not the Rafkon way.

Maybe you're the selfish ones.

The decision is already made.

Join us, or it will end badly for you.

[dramatic music]

That's it! Back to your ship!

-What's happening? -This isn't a reunion.

-They want Earth. -Want Earth? How?


[warriors grunt, blades zing]


I don't wanna fight my people.

But I will.

[Void King] Every Sporix is yours, my love.

-[Mucus] Wow! -So, tell me.

Is it all that you wished for?

It's everything.

And now we can finish this.

I do love a grand finale!

Rise, my Sporix.

Spread across the city.

Hatch. Grow.


[people scream]

-[people scream] -[Sporix Beasts laugh]

[alarm blares]

[Solon] Hold on. Time out.

There's dozens and dozens of Sporix Beasts

hatching everywhere.

It's all of them!

This is Void Queen's big move.

Make your choice, Rangers.

Surrender or fight!

If we fight each other,

then there will be no world left to win when we're done.

The Sporix will do to Earth exactly what they did to Rafkon.

The only way to stop them is to fight them.

Rangers and Rafkonians,



A truce.

We'll battle side by side.

But after we defeat the Sporix…

I guess we'll see.

[cell phone rings]

Hello, Amelia.

Where are you right now?

Planting trees near the dam.

It's tree-rific fun. [laughs]

Well, stay there, okay?

There's an army of Sporix attacking the city.

Good gracious. Get outta there, nugget.

Yeah, of course.

Leave the scary stuff to the Rangers. Just be safe.

I will.

Come on, Dad. Pick up.

[cell phone rings]


Where's your brother?

We're safe, Mom. Javi's driving me out of town.

Yeah, uh, we heard about the Sporix.

-Are you with Dad? -Yeah, we're at Buzzblast.

He's briefing Jane about a city-wide evacuation.

With the mayor out of town,

your father's in charge of civil defense.

You kids stay safe.

Will do.

[both] Love you, Mom.

Squads of my warriors are deploying around the city now.

We won't be far behind them.

It's Morphin' time!

[Rangers] Dino Fury Key,


Link to Morphin Grid.

[all grunt]

[beasts roar]

[action music]

Dino Fury Power!

Yes, run! No one will save--

-[Zayto] Not on our watch. -Oh!

Well, sink my dinghy. The Rangers have some new friends.

But so do we.

-Meet Crashflood. -I'm gonna--

We'll skip the formalities.

I practiced a speech!

[all yell]

[Orria] Let's go. [grunts]

[grunts] Your blade stings like a scorpion fish.

There's more where that came from.

My fists need no introduction. [grunts]

[Izzy] Nobody cares.


Who wants to go for a dip?


[Rangers exclaim]

Come on! [grunts]

-Rah! -[Rangers grunt]

[Javi] Point blank, dude?

[Izzy] Yeah, pretty sure that's illegal.

Batten down the hatches.

I'm just getting started.

That usually means cannonballs.

You… know… me.


[Rangers exclaim]

Now to drench 'em.

Yo, Water Boy.

Nix the splash spree.

Queenie wants you both for a special task.

Ooh! A special task for a special Sporix.

[Izzy groans] Why does Wreckmate get cannons?

I want cannons.

"Special task," though? Better tell Solon to keep an ear out.

Hey, Solon.


You'll rue the day you picked on Roostafa.


Have you seen my brothers?

[Zayto] Oh, I remember them.

[Aiyon] Remember them blowing up.

[both] Dino Fury Force!

[both yell]

Whoa! Not cool, duderinos!

-I don't know what he expected. -Yeah, Sporix these days.

-Nice finish. -You too.

[Void Queen] I'll take these.

Your turn, my children.

The doctor will claw you now.

And then I've got a bone to pick with you.

-[Zayto] We'll see. -Go get 'em!


Don't worry.

We'll all be safe as long as…



Move it!

Get in your cars!

Hop on your e-bikes!


[Void Queen] Look at them scatter like insects.

Now, Crashflood.

How can I help you, my queen?

Just past those trees

is the dam which holds all of Pine Ridge's water supply.

You're going to destroy it.

billion gallons will flood the city.

Not a single human will survive.

Any questions?

Can I put on my floaties first? What?

[whispers] Ranger hotline. I've got some bad news.

[Mucus] I could go surfing!


This way, folks. Come on.

Come on. Go! Let's go.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Go, go!

[Solon] Zayto, the city dam is in danger

from a bunch of Sporix Beasts.

That's their plan.

There's trouble at the dam.

Can you spare some people to come with us?


You six, hold back the beasts.

The rest with me.

[Aiyon] They can't mess with our water. I need that to shower.

[Wreckmate] I can't believe we got lost. This is on you.

How was I supposed to know water flows downhill?

You're the water guy!

Warriors, stop them.

Just try it, cos I'm gonna H-grow.

Solon, we need Zords here now.

[action music]

You wanna fight me crewmates?

Well, you gotta deal with us too.

Ollie, got a gift for ya. [grunts]

Just what I always wanted.

You three flush Crashflood.

Aiyon and I will take care of Wreckmate.


I'll help you with the other two.



[beasts grunt]


-[grunts] -Ah!

-Yah! -Whoo!

Time for a water break.

Zords combine! [grunts]

[dramatic music]

[all grunt] Linked.

Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation.

Let's save this dam in distress.




[Orria grunts]

[both grunt]


Who left this here?

Sorry. That's mine.

We've all been out here planting trees, helping save the planet.

Well, it's dangerous out here. Stay out of the way.


Those antennae…


[Crashflood] Bottoms up! [yells]

Zord systems failing.

Any of you know what a maelstrom is?

Well, you know what they say!

Show, don't tell.

Zayto, the Megazord's down.

We're trying to get it back in the fight.


You did well, Ollie. We'll take it from here.

Time for you to get wrecked.

The only thing getting wrecked around here is the dam.


Dino Master Saber.



Dino Master Mode.

Freeze Dino Key,


Freeze Fury Blast!


No one ordered an ice sculpture.

Drench 'em, Crashflood.


T-Rex Dino Key,



T-Rex Master Strike.


Ow! Ow!

It's getting hot in here!


Now, swab the decks with these scallywags.



Double Saber Slash!


Aiyon, catch.


Dino Master Mode.


I'll scuttle ya.


-Yah! -[grunts]

I want a fancy cutlass.

Mosa Dino Key, ready!

Mosa Master Strike. [grunts]



Augh! I'm abandoning this ship.


Let's bring Crashflood to the boil.

Dino Knight Key, ready.

Dino Knight Mode.

Electro Dino Key, ready.



[both yell]


I'm all dried up!



Don't worry, darling.

I still love you very much.


[Orria grunts]

-[grunts] -[shouts]

[Fogshell laughs]

I'd say I'm clam-fisted, but you get the point.

-[laughs] -Oh no!



That was supposed to be unbreakable English oak.

The infomercial lied!



You saved my life.

Are you okay, Pop-Pop?


You're a Power Ranger?


[Javi] We've got your backs.


Is it bad?

He needs medical attention.

Get him to Solon. Go.

That man just saved me.

You still wanna take his home?

Maybe I was wrong about the humans.

They're not what I expected.

They were out here today planting trees.


Yeah, they surprise me every day.

We can all help each other.

You might be right.

[Solon] The evacuation is taking too long.

The warden is asking for help.

-My people will do what we can. -Thank you.

It's the Rafkon way.

Warriors, with me.

Good luck.


[Solon] Okay, Amelia. Here's the first batch.

Remember, he needs to drink all of it.

-[sighs] -Here, Pop-Pop. It's medicine.

[grunts softly]

His internal injuries are serious.

He's going to need a lot more of this to turn things around.

I'll get right to work on rustling up as much as I can.


I might not have time.

There's something you need to… [groans]

You need to rest, Pop-Pop.

But it might be my last chance…

to tell ya…

about your parents.

You mean the accident?

Mm. Years ago,

while I was working at Area .


What? What happened?

An experiment went horribly wrong.

A young couple,


were trapped in the rubble.


[grunts] They had a baby.

They made me take her.


It was you.



[dramatic music]

[theme music playing]