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13.5x03 - The Gift of Jay

Posted: 06/18/23 11:41
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

[lightning crackles]


"The Gift of Jay."

[lightning crackles]

Lock them up.

All but one.

The gift.

[man] Which one?

Guys, is all

this really necessary?

All the pushing and the poking

and the zapping...

Why don't we start over?

[clears throat]

My name's Jay.

Nice to meet you.

This one.


-No! Wait!

Where are you taking him?


-Back off.



Hey, careful with that thing!



You're making a big mistake!

Let us out of here!



-[all grunt]

Remind me not to try that again.

[Misako] Nya? Kai?

[Nya] Misako!

Are you all okay?

Yeah, we're okay.

How about you guys?

Yes, we're fine.

They've treated us pretty well,

all in all.

I've been in quicksand

that was more comfortable.


How's that tunnel coming along?

My hands hurt.

Why are they doing this?

What do they want?

It has something to do

with some artifact

they seem to be protecting.

I believe they think

we were trying to steal it.

Oh. Were you trying to steal it?

How dare you.

I'm an archeologist,

not a thief!

I study.

And bring back.

To my place. To study some more.

Where are Lloyd and Jay?

Well, Lloyd managed to get away.

He's still out there somewhere.

And Jay, they took

somewhere else.

What for?

We don't know.

But I have a terrible feeling

something bad

is gonna happen to him.

They referred to him

as a "gift."

I am unsure why.

From my observation,

the Islanders

aren't actually hostile.

Just protective.

I don't believe

they want to hurt us.

Hopefully, we won't be here

long enough to find out.

If I know Lloyd,

right about now,

he's planning a way

to rescue us...

What's that for?


You're going out there?

Are you nuts?

I don't have a choice, Twitchy.

My friends need me.

And I could use

all the help I can get.

Forget it.

Wanna know how I survived

on this island for so long?

[electricity crackles]

By not taking chances.

Twitchy, I know you're scared,

but if we work together,

we can rescue the others,

find my mom,

and get off this island.

All we have to do is sneak

into their village,

break them out, and...

[electricity crackles]

Twitchy? Are you okay?

What's all that for?


Oh, great.

You're going out there?

Are you nuts?

Twitchy, I get it.

You've been knocked down. A lot.

But that doesn't mean

you have to stay down.

You're stronger than that.

[fire crackles]

[ominous music]





Okay, what is going on?

Why are you being so nice to me

all of the sudden?

And why do you have two-heads?

And which head do I look at

when I'm talking to you?

We brought some food.

Just for you.

Gift of Jay.


My mom used to call me that!

I was her precious little gift.


Please, have a seat.

And relax.

Are you just trying

to distract me

because it won't...

Oh, wow, those look delicious.

Maybe just one.

Argh! No! I want answers.

Where are my friends,

and what do you want from us?



And enjoy.

-You are gift.

-You are gift.

Oh! I get it!

You saw me use

my Elemental Powers

on those statue brothers

and now you want me

to be your king.

Oh, yeah. I'm flattered

but I can't be a king.

I mean, I could...

I'd be a great king

but I already have a job.

I'm a full time ninja.

You know, master of lighting,

saving the world,

et cetera, et cetera.

[lightning rumbles]


[suspenseful music]

[soft growls]

Oh, no.

Not you again.

Shoo! Shoo! Git! Go!




You were just...

Hey, guys!







It's about time!

Oh, Lloyd!

Mom, Master Wu?

Are you okay?

Fine, fine.

Well, let's get outta here!

The place is crawling

with Islanders.

We gotta be quick!

We can't go anywhere

without Jay.

-Where's Jay?

-We don't know.

They took him somewhere else.

Why... Actually, no,

we don't have time.

Let's just find him.

You guys head for camp,

get the catamarans ready.

You check that way.

I'll check this way.


[all scream]


[indistinct chatter]


You're kidding?


-No sign.

And we looked everywhere.

What happened to Clutch?

Oh, great!

Now we're missing more people!

You don't think

he'd be foolish enough

to go back for that artifact?

Even Clutch isn't that reckless.

Is he?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


Hold still, Dwayne.


-Clutch! Don't!

Leave it!

This is a valuable

cultural artifact!

It deserves to be studied!

At my place.

We don't have time! Leave it!

I am inclined to agree.

Any second the keepers

are likely to discover our...

[all groaning]



Oh, boy.


I'm getting a little tired

of being zapped.

Me too.



Nya! Master Wu!

Where are they taking you?

I have no idea.

But it's okay,

they don't want to hurt me.

They want me to be their King!

They keep calling me

"Gift of Jay"

and giving me things.


Uh, then why

are your hands tied up?

That makes no sense.

Well, since you're

on such friendly terms,

can you maybe get them

to let us go?

And tell them

to stop zapping us!

Oh, good idea, I'll try.

[clears throat]


Okay, Gift of Jay wants you

to untie his friends.


Why are they putting him

on a raft?

I don't think they want

to give you anything Jay.

I think you're the gift.



How... How can I be a gift?

Yeah, who would want Jay?

Um, me.

Keepers! Hear me!

[clears throat]

Long before time had a name,

we were charged with protecting

this world

from the Wrath of Wo-Jira.

[all] Wo-Jira!


An ancient myth. A storm spirit.

Some cultures believed

it was a giant serpent.

For countless generations,

we have fulfilled our duty

as the First Spinjitzu Master

tasked us.


Now, for reasons we know not,

Wo-Jira awakens.

Wo-Jira rises.

So we send her this gift...

the Gift of Jay...

[keepers] Wo-Jira! placate her anger.

We pray Wo-Jira will take

this Gift and go back to sleep.


Uh, guys?

Come on, this isn't funny.

Jay! Jay, hold on!

-Let us go!

-You're making a huge mistake!

We're friends! Remember?

I'm Gift of Jay!

Guys, relax.

This whole Wo-Jira thing,

it's a myth.

It's not real.

-[Jay] Whoa! What was that?

-[low growls]


Guys, there's something

out here.

[Jay] Oh, there's something

big out here!



I guess someone did want Jay.

[closing theme music]