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10x16 - Straits of Malacca

Posted: 06/19/23 04:13
by bunniefuu
That's them, dead ahead.

Can you make radio
contact, Petty Officer?

Attempting now, sir.

They've been silent since we
responded to their Mayday call.

Mayday ship,

this is the USS Condon.

We are 1,000
meters off your stern.


Captain, we're entering
Indonesian territorial waters.

I'll advise the
Indonesian Navy later.

Sir, what if they object?

This vessel's dead in
the water, Petty Officer.

She's a hazard to shipping.

Captain Donovan, I've got them.

Put them up external.

This is the Pulau.

Captain Donovan, USS Condon.

We're responding to your Mayday.

We no longer require
your assistance, Condon.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Pulau, you've rerouted
a US Naval vessel

based on the claim that
you had lost propulsion.

We've got spare parts
on the way, Condon.

Thank you anyway.

We have mechanics on board.

We'll have a look.

Thank you, but no.

Sorry, Pulau.

I can't take "no" for an answer.

We're coming aboard.

I insist you make no
attempts to board us, Condon.

We've got a problem.

Illicit cargo...

mutiny... pirates.

Contact COMPAC.

I want authorization
to board this vessel.

Aye, Captain.

By force, if necessary.

Please stand clear, Condon.

Lieutenant Vukovic,

you and the Colonel
are headed to Indonesia.

The USS Condon, a salvage ship,

caught a Mayday call last night

near the Straits of Malacca.

What was the Condon
doing off Indonesia, sir?

Tsunami relief work?


Whose Mayday call did they get?

The Pulau, a cargo
ship based out of Burma.

The captain reported
main propulsion failure.

When our ship reached
the cargo vessel,

the Condon's captain,
Captain Donovan,

was told the Pulau
no longer needed help.

He sent a launch anyway.

Turns out the Pulau had
been commandeered by pirates.

Pirates as in yo-ho-ho, sir?

Lieutenant, pirates in
the region are responsible

for millions of dollars lost

and dozens of
lives lost each year.

I'm well aware of that, Colonel.

I sailed through the
Straits of Malacca twice

on a guided m*ssile cruiser.

Akay Anwar, sir?

You're on the money, Lieutenant.

Anwar's Indonesian by birth.

And absolutely fearless.

Other pirates go after yachts.

He goes after the big
prizes: cargo ships, tankers.

Well, this is the
general's briefing.

My apologies, sir.

Never apologize when
you're right, Lieutenant.

Sir, how were Anwar and his
men able to take control of the ship?

Pirates took advantage
of the ship's idle engines.

They probably surrounded her
with outboards and boarded at night.

That's correct.

Until the Condon arrived,
Anwar was unaware

that the Pulau had
put out a Mayday call.

Is the crew of the
cargo ship still alive?

As far as we know.

Anwar claims to be
holding them hostage.

Well, there is that chance, sir.

It's common knowledge
among shippers in that region

that if anyone resists, the
entire crew will be k*lled,

so no one puts up a fight.

Patrolling the Straits of
Malacca is the responsibility

of the countries in the region.

Malaysia, Singapore

Indonesia... they have
a tripartite agreement

to combat piracy.

How did this become
a US Navy matter?

The Condon's captain flashed
COMPAC for instructions.

It got bumped to JCS.

State Department is concerned

about the humanitarian

both for the ship's crew

and for aid vessels
in the region.

Captain Donovan received
orders to maintain his presence

until further instruction.


you and the Lieutenant

are to negotiate the
release of those hostages.

That's if they're
even still alive, sir.

Anwar is known for
showing no mercy.

And to take custody
of Anwar and his crew.

Navy's looking for a negotiator,

Colonel, not a hero.

Job number one

is to keep those hostages alive.

I understand, General.

1100 tomorrow.

1100 tomorrow.

Oh, 1100 tomorrow. Thanks, sir.

1100 tomorrow, Coates.

Thank you, sir.

Uh, what's at 1100 tomorrow?

Oh, um, you know, I just...

Not everybody got a
chance to see the twins,

so Harriet and I are
having a buffet at our house.

Oh, that's great. Thank
you very much, sir.

I'll be there. Yeah. Me, too.

Throwing a little, uh,
party, are you, Commander?

Just a little one, sir.

Wh-Which we would be honored

if you were able
to attend, General.

And, uh, Mrs. General

Cresswell, as well, sir.

I'd be, uh, honored
to come, Commander.

Uh, thank you.

You're wondering why
I sent Vukovic along.

He's a surface warfare officer.

He knows ships.

To get seasoning.

The lieutenant needs
to watch and learn.

And I'm to be the teacher.

Make a man out of him, Colonel.

Sir, he's already too much
man and not enough lawyer.

Vukovic is inexperienced.

He's borderline insubordinate
and careless with the truth.

All he needs is
direction and discipline.

Well, why not give him
to Commander Rabb?

They're too much alike.

Besides, I'd rather have
him study under a marine

than a naval officer.

So I get stuck with him?


Consider it a
vote of confidence.

General, I consider it more
like a plague of locusts.

Captain on the bridge.

My orders are to step back

and let you two try to
negotiate with this thug.

Well, we appreciate that, sir.

My call would have been
to tactically board the ship...

Force a rescue attempt?

And sh**t anyone

who puts up a fight.

Damn civilians saw otherwise.

I also have my orders, Captain.

Hmm. PETTY OFFICER: Skipper,

the frequency is open.

Thank you, Petty Officer.

Hard work negotiating
with the devil.

Pulau, this is the USS Condon.

Please identify yourself.

My name is Anwar,

and I am in
command of the Pulau.

I want safe passage
for me and my men.

First, I need to know

that you won't
k*ll Captain Singh

and the other hostages.

You have my word.


No offense, Mr. Anwar,

but I'll need a little
more than that.

I am offended that a
woman would doubt my word.

All you need to
know right now is that

I'm a Lieutenant Colonel

in the United
States Marine Corps.

Marines are the devil's spawn.

Why did they not send
a man to do this job?

We will board your ship

and take possession
of the hostages.

We will then bring them
back to the Condon.

And then?

After your gesture
of good faith,

we will negotiate
a fair resolution

to the situation.

That is woman's logic.

You get what you want.

What do I get?

You get to live.

Only Allah gives life,
and Allah takes life away.

May I?

Mr. Anwar, this is
Gregory Vukovic,

United States Navy.

I have taken over
from the Colonel.

First, let me say I am pleased

that you have allowed
the hostages to live.

Now, what makes you
certain I have done that?

You are known to be a
man of your word, Mr. Anwar,

an honorable man
and a respected man.

There's no need for
us to board the Pulau.

Just send us the
hostages, and you're free

to get back into your
outboards and go on your way.

Without interference?

You pose no threat to the
United States, Mr. Anwar.

You are Indonesia's problem,

and right now,
they're a little busy

dealing with damage
from the tsunami.

Make radio contact
when you're ready.

Next time, discuss
it with me first.

There wasn't time, Colonel.

Besides, you weren't
getting anywhere.

Anwar will try to turn
this to his advantage.

Willard, summon
the master-at-arms.

We need to ready the crew.

Summon the master-at-arms.

Petty Officer Coates,

my husband takes
a special interest

in self-made people,

and you haven't had
many advantages.

He respects that about you.

You have no idea how
much that means to me.

Dora, let's not repeat
everything I say

at the dinner table.

Okay, Bill.

Excuse me.



They're so big!

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, they are so adorable.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, ma'am.

Ours are older now. Cammie's 18,

and Cade is 15 now.

Most of the invitations
that we get are to

stuffy Washington
cocktail parties.

I was so glad to get yours.

Thank you for welcoming
us into your home.

Any time, Mrs. Cresswell.

Uh, Mrs. Cresswell

is my mother-in-law.

Dora, please.

Oh, here we go.

Oh! Night-night.

His bedtime. Yeah.

Here you go, big guy.

Lieutenant, you're
off active duty

for a while, I hope?

Well, if you could
call staying at home

with four kids "off
active duty," yes.

It's so nice to meet
people who have roots.

We've moved so often...

Oh, well, you and the General

will have to come
to dinner, please.

Oh, we'd love that.

You looking at me?

You looking at me?

I was kind of looking
in your direction, but...


That's a weird name for a girl.

He's an actor.



You got some
mustard on your face.


You know, you really
ought to watch what you eat.

I'm in fine shape.

You ever see

on a training table?

Midshipman Roberts,

I see you've met
the apple of my eye,

Midshipman Fourth
Class Cameron Cresswell.

You're the General's daughter?

That would be an affirmative.

I gather you two can be
trusted to chaperone each other.

Yes, sir.

So, you're a plebe.

Yeah. So if you're thinking
about asking me out, forget it.


Well, I'm a second classman
in my third year, so...

if you're thinking
about asking me out...

Don't have a
self-esteem issue, do you?

What do you do outside class?

Cross-country, basketball.


Sailing, paintballing.


Oh, yeah. I'm the team captain

of the 33rd Company Blue Flames.

That figures.

Paintball's moronic.

Have you ever even...?

Weathers, get this man
a blanket and some water.

Aye, sir.

Here's a blanket.

And some water. Thank you.

MacKENZIE: Which one of you

is Captain Singh?

I am Singh.

Captain will give your
crew anything you need.

We've got food, more blankets,

and hot showers for
those who want them.

Captain Singh,

is all of your crew
accounted for?

I'm afraid some of
them did not make it.

What happened to them?

We k*lled them.

Relinquish your weapons,

Petty Officers.

Everyone, down below!

Move it! No talking!

You talk, you die.

k*ll them! k*ll...

Hands on your head.

Don't move.

Which one of you is Vukovic?

What's your rank?

Lieutenant... Vukovic.

You are nothing.

So I've been told.


I'll remember you.

Damn right you will.

Come on.

Let's go.

You took a chance allowing
those men to board, Captain.

Less of a risk than
boarding the Pulau.

Your orders were to do nothing.

And I obeyed my orders, Colonel,

but things worked out
anyway, thanks to you.


Hey. Bud, listen, I can't stay,

but I wanted to at least
make an appearance.

Oh, they will love these.

Oh, please, come
on. You got to come in.

One-one glass of punch.

Just one.

All right, but just one, Bud.

I'm on my way
back to Florida, Bud.

I just got the call.

Wow, sir, you are going through

a lot of sunscreen this winter.

Yeah, Whiting Field
got hit pretty bad

in this last hurricane.

They're calling in
seasoned aviators

to help assess the damage
to their training program.

Ah, well, you will
be missed, sir.

Thank you.

Did the general make it?

Yes, sir. He came with
his wife and daughter.

Wow. It's a shame I can't stay.

I'd love to meet the woman

who actually married
General Cresswell.

Well, I think you'd
really like her.

She's sweet and gracious,
a real people person.

Well, they say
opposites attract.

You know, I would have said
the same thing before today, sir,

but I think there's more to
the general than we've seen,

but, of course, everybody acts

differently when
they're around family.

You know, kids'll
do that to you.

I highly recommend

the state of fatherhood, sir.

Oh, I shouldn't have said that

so close to you
losing Mattie, sir.

Hey, Bud, listen, I talk to
Mattie at least twice a week.

She's actually coming out
here to DC for the spring break.

She's doing real well
back in Blacksburg.

She's studying
for a pilot's license.

She just aced her
chemistry exam.

She sent me an
e-mail this morning

of the dress she wants
to buy for her prom.

Like I'm going to know
what Kevin would like.

Bud, I really have
to go. I'm sorry.

Well, I'll explain it
to Harriet, and, uh,

we really should do something
when you come back, sir.

Yeah, we'll do that.

You take care, sir.

What's the problem, Colonel?

No problem.

I'm not comfortable proceeding

until we clear the air.

Your comfort level does
not concern me, Lieutenant.

Right now we have a job to do.

And to do it well, we have
to be on the same page.

Same page?

We're not in the same book.

We're not even
in the same library.

I did my best, Colonel,
and things worked out.

Bottom line: we did good.

Bottom line, when we talk
to Anwar, I do the talking.

Got it?

Got it.

Did you m*rder the
crew of the Pulau?

Why don't you board her
and find out for yourself?

A quarter of the world's
consumer goods pass

through these straits.

You hijack merchant
ships for money.

Those are the
lies told about me.

There's no profit in
commandeering a navy vessel.

What did you hope to accomplish?

The ships of your navy

carry large sums
of cash for payroll.

It was as you
say... a big score.

Not enough to justify the risk.

Only a coward considers
the risk rather than the reward.

MacKENZIE: We have a
team on the Pulau right now.

We will find out what
you did to the crew,

and you will be
held accountable.

I'm accountable only to Allah.

Why do you say
nothing, Lieutenant?

Because I ordered
him to remain silent.

And you obey her?

I don't have a choice.

Life is about
choices, Lieutenant.

I thought you didn't
like me, Mr. Anwar.

I like her less.

Why come aboard our ship?

I did not want to
board your vessel.

When your captain
refused to leave us in peace,

I was trapped.

MacKENZIE: This report says

you've picked off over
$10 million in cargo

over the past year.

You only target
vessels from Singapore.

You got a beef with Singapore?

I do not admit to any att*cks,

but whoever's doing this

perhaps wants to teach
Singapore a lesson.

Well, what kind of
lesson, Professor?

Singapore's a poison.

She flaunts her affluence
in the midst of poverty.

Now, hundreds of thousands
have died, and she sits


Singapore has pledged
a mere $10 million

to save the dying.

It's nothing to her.

I don't see you turning
over any of your loot

to help the poor, the displaced.

Money has many uses.


Midshipman Roberts.

It's, uh...

Cammie, right?

Like you forgot.

What's it short for?

Don't call me short.

What's your best time in a mile?

Uh... over seven, but I can
do ten flat in the hundred.

I prefer a long-distance man.

Do you stare at every
girl that you meet?

Not every girl is like you.

That's right.

I'm the general's daughter.

My father's your brother's boss.

I'm a plebe.

The lowest of the low.

Puts me off-limits,

so don't waste your time.

I think you're very
annoying, and you're way,

way too pleased with yourself.

But you're not a waste of time.

You're not as dumb as you look.

You know that next
year, as upperclassmen,

we can date... if you want.

Come on, Roberts.

JAG on the bridge!

What did you learn?

It's mostly guesswork, sir.

We know he boarded the
Condon with a purpose.

MacKENZIE: He sees himself
as some sort of social avenger.

His motives go beyond money.

He has a bone to
pick with Singapore.

He's targeted their
vessels for some reason.

Singapore's the only
non-Muslim country

in the region, and
she's a US ally.

Sir. There's a ship
approaching off our port bow.

She's Indonesian.

Finally coming out to
see what the commotion is.

Sir, we're being hailed.

Put it up.

This is Commander Sandakan

of the KRI Mataram, Navy
of the Republic of Indonesia.

Captain Manning
Donovan, USS Condon.

Pleased to make your
acquaintance, Commander.

If you're looking for
Mr. Anwar and his friends,

we've taken care of them.

We're very well aware
of the situation, Captain.

You have possession
of our fugitive.

That didn't sound like

a welcome-to-the-
neighborhood call.

Akay Anwar is wanted for
crimes against Indonesia.

Well, Commander,
until we're sure

of what else he's wanted
for, we prefer to keep him.

Sir, we've got an
Indonesian frigate

driving right at us.

Fully loaded.

All we have is a
50-cal on the aft deck.

Indonesia's an ally, sir.

I don't think she'll
try to engage us.

Not if they're smart.

We are detaining your vessel

and taking your
prisoners, Condon.

Please stop your engines

and heave to.

All right, you're the experts

in international law.

Does he have any
right to the prisoners?

Absolutely not, sir.

You attempt to board this vessel

without authorization,

and it will be
considered an act of w*r.

Didn't they get the message?

We're supposed
to be the good guys.

All ahead flank.

Right standard rudder.

Willard, get us out of here.

Aye, aye, sir.

Petty Officer,

sound General Quarters.

Battle stations.

Aye, sir.

PETTY OFFICER Now hear this.

General Quarters.
General Quarters.

All hands man your
battle stations now.

General Quarters.
This is not a drill.

I repeat: this is not a drill.

Do not attempt to evade, Condon.

You are in Indonesian
territorial waters.

You are being
temporarily detained.

Like hell.

Get out a flash OPRED message.

Make sure Seventh Fleet
and COMPAC are in on it.

Aye, aye, sir.

Sir, response from
COM Seventh Fleet:

"Stand down pending Seat
of Government decision."

The White House has
decided to have your people

cooperate in an
Indonesian inquiry

into who has jurisdiction

over terror suspect Akay Anwar.

My people made a
judgment call about a prisoner.

I stand behind it.

As do we.

But the Indonesians
have asked politely

for our participation
in this inquiry,

and my boss has decided
to accommodate them.

And my boss can
beat up your boss.

I don't need a primer on the way
things work here in Washington,

but I resent my
people risking their lives

to bring in a bad guy,

only to have some foreign
nation who couldn't find him

in the first place take over.

Understood, General.

But at the end of the
day, we're both compelled

to follow the orders
of our superiors.

Who will be representing
us in this inquiry?

I'm sorry I didn't
make that clear.

Your officers, of course.

Naturally, the
ambassador's office

will be watching closely,

but I have their word
they won't interfere

with your people's work.

You'll hear from me if they do.



At attention...

Midshipman Cresswell.

Midshipman Roberts.

You're supposed
to ask me questions.

Okay. Um...

What color's your underwear?

What part of sexual
harassment do you understand?

You said, "Ask the question."

How many bells are chimed
at 0930 in the forenoon?

Three bells, sir!

Name the first US
Naval battleship.

The Texas.


August 15, 1895, sir.

As you were.

Order me to class.


I can't leave unless
you order me to class.

Right, right, right.


As you were, midshipman.

Get to class.

Thank you, sir.

have you got there?

I have a friend with
Israeli intelligence.

Hopefully, it's more
information on Anwar.

They've been tracking him, too.


Not that good a friend?

How's your Hebrew?

It's not as good as my Farsi,

but it's passable.

"The subject, Akay
Anwar, born into

"a wealthy Indonesian family,

"educated in London, arrested
by the Indonesian authorities

"in '93 on suspicion
of subversive activities.

"Tortured. Charged with
numerous acts of piracy.

Only recently tied to
Bali hotel bombing."

He's starting to
bankroll t*rrorists.

Did you see the
manifest for the Pulau?

It's on my list. Why?

Among other things,

she's carrying 20,000
pounds of ammonium nitrate...


Mixed with the fuel
from their tanks...

It'll make the
Oklahoma City bombing

look like a firecracker.

We can't give this guy up.

No, we can't.

So why are we
having this hearing?

You tell me.

We need Indonesia to
participate in the w*r on terror.


We can't take the
risk of alienating

one of the nations most at risk

for becoming a breeding
ground of extremism.

Things were bad
before the tsunami.

Now no one's sure about
anything in the region.


By the way, the Pulau is set

to be repaired where she sits.

The company in
Singapore got in contact

with Captain
Donovan this morning.

They going to recrew
her at sea as well?

Apparently, four of the crew
members escaped in a dinghy

as Anwar and his
boys took over the ship.

They were picked
up by an aid vessel.

They'll be back, along with
a dozen or so new hands.

The ship is scheduled to offload
in New Guinea in two weeks.

Cleanup efforts continue
today in Banda Aceh

as international aid agencies

lined up to assist the Indonesian
military... Good night, sir.

Commander Roberts, a word?

Yes, sir.

Commander, you...
you have a girl now.

A daughter can be
a wonderful thing.

Yes, sir.

We lost a daughter
a couple years ago,

and we are thrilled
to have Nickey.

Well, growing up with three
brothers, that won't be easy.

Well, I intend to teach her
to hold her own, General.

Mm. I told myself
the same thing.

Taught my little girl not to
back down from anything.

Mike says that she's...

You don't have to
sugarcoat it, Commander.

I may have gone a bit
overboard with Cammie.

Well, sir, none of us

can ever know if we're
doing right by our kids.

My father thought he
was doing the right thing,

and it turns out... he
was completely wrong.

My old man expected
us to be tough.

I put the same
pressure on my own kids,

maybe at the expense

of just letting them
have fun once in a while.

I hope Cammie hasn't been
too hard on your brother.

Well, Mike can
handle himself, sir.

Biff, one of these days

you're going to stop
second-guessing yourself.

I always called Cammie
my "warrior in pigtails."

Like father, like daughter.

You know what it's like for
military families, Commander.

We've lived all over the world,

uprooted our kids so many times,

it's hard not to feel like
you've made mistakes.

But as my mother said,

"Only good parents have doubts.

"It's the ones who
think they know it all,

never learn a thing."

You did say 8:00, right?

Oh. Taking the wife to dinner.

To a fancy dinner.

Good night, ma'am, sir.

You know, blaming yourself
for the way our kids turned out

isn't going to change anything.

Yeah, just wish I'd
been around more.

Yeah, me, too, but you weren't.

You were building a career
and supporting a cause

we both believe in.

Biff, the past is past.

We're here now, and the
future looks pretty bright to me.

Let's enjoy it.

There's no kissing
in the middle of JAG.

Oh, the hell there isn't.

MacKENZIE: You're going to let
me drive on this one, Lieutenant.


I'll be watching your backside.

Your back.

When we get back to the States,

remind me to have
you court-martialed.

Colonel. Lieutenant.

This inquiry has been convened
to determine the jurisdiction

and proper disposition of
the prisoner Akay Anwar.

Our findings will be forwarded

to the US Secretary of State

and the Indonesian

Foreign Ministry
for final arbitration.

Thank you, Admiral.

We're all interested in
coming to a resolution.

The United States and Indonesia
have many standing treaties

and trade agreements.

We have informal
compacts in place

to jointly combat terrorism,
narcotics trafficking

and high-seas piracy.

But Akay Anwar is not a pirate.

He's a t*rror1st. He
bankrolls atrocities.

That may be, Admiral.

But we do know for sure

that Mr. Anwar att*cks
commercial vessels.

That he steals cargo,
and he resells it for profit.

Now, therefore, by
definition, he is first a pirate.

It is the United States Navy
who has stopped Mr. Anwar

in the commission
of just such a crime.

For which we
are grateful to you.

As you know, the Indonesian Navy

is stretched thin at the moment.

Yes, the whole world
is aware of the losses

that your country
has suffered, Admiral.

The fact is that we are

in possession of Mr. Anwar.

And the fact will be that, in
accordance with our treaties

with Indonesia, we will insure
that Mr. Anwar sees justice.

American justice is not
the only kind, Colonel.

Admiral, no one is implying
that an Indonesian court

wouldn't sufficiently mete
justice out to Mr. Anwar.

You have to consider,
though, that your nation

has been chasing this man
for years without success.

All the more reason
for us to put him on trial.

Would this guy even make it
back to Indonesia for trial, sir?

I resent your
implication, Lieutenant.

I'm simply stating
the obvious, Admiral,

that it took an
unarmed US vessel

to finally nail this crook.

Correct, but in
Indonesian waters

where US vessel
had no right to be.

Admiral, it is common knowledge
that your navy has a tough time

patrolling the liquid real
estate that surrounds you.

And now most of your ships

are busy delivering
humanitarian supplies.

You do not understand

the vastness of the
problem, Lieutenant.

Men like Anwar...
They spread a sickness

among the working poor here.

Anwar will promise a man
riches, respect, paradise.

It is going to take
more than jail cells

and prison sentences
to contain terrorism.

Especially now so
many of my people

in my country have
lost everything.

We must show the people

that Anwar is only a man,

subject to our laws.

Yes, sir. Thank you for
correcting me, Admiral.

Can you handle this without me?

Where are you going?

If you'll excuse me, ma'am, sir.

I apologize if I
spoke out of turn.

Perhaps it's best if I excused
myself from this hearing.

Your lieutenant is an
impulsive young man.

He's not my lieutenant, sir.

And I offer my apologies
if he offended you.

I was young once,
Colonel, a long time ago.

I did stupid things as well.

But what is important
is that those of us

with maturity guide
those with strong natures.

Some of what the
lieutenant said stung,

but he was not entirely
wrong in his assessment.

Let me consider
what you have said.

I will give you my
decision at day's end.

You were good in the inquiry

this afternoon, Colonel.

Not all JAGs are as
disciplined as you.

You make a good team.

Thank you, sir.

Train wreck. That's
the word I'm looking for.

You're speaking
of the lieutenant?


He's a little impulsive.

You have a gift
for understatement.

Well, I was like that once.

A lot of young lawyers come out

of the Naval Justice School
wanting to change the world.

You don't want to change
the world anymore?

Just trying to improve
my little corner of it, sir.

Does it drive you crazy

that people keep
cutting this kid a break

including Admiral Lutarno?

It drives me crazy, but I
should be used to it by now.

Old boys club, huh?

Damn straight, sir.


But I'll bet when you
were starting out...

And, as you say, impulsive...

People cut you a break,

and that has
nothing to do with sex

and everything to do
with recognizing qualities

that, once honed,

would serve the
Marine Corps well.

Attention on deck.

I'll give that some
thought, Captain.

As you were, people.

Aye, aye, sir.

I've been keeping
an eye on the Pulau

since she's been underway.

Just want to make
sure her repairs hold.

There she is.

Something wrong, Captain?

She's deviated from her course.

The Pulau should
be headed south.

She's going in the
opposite direction.

And she's only 50
nautical miles from land.

How secure is our
prisoner, Captain?

I've posted additional
security around him.

None of our
Indonesian houseguests

will get within 20 yards of him.

She's not headed to
New Guinea, Colonel.

She's going to Singapore.

What are you
suggesting, Colonel?

That while we were busy here,

Anwar sent the Pulau to
attack Singapore Harbor.

For what purpose?

Her cargo is fertilizer.

With some fuel and a
few detonators, that ship

is a floating b*mb, sir.

But Anwar and his
men are in your custody.

Admiral, you yourself said

that the w*r on terror
can never be won

while men like Anwar offer
hope to the working poor.

Now, the crewmen on that ship

would've been vulnerable to him.

Four of the original
crew "escaped."

They could've been Anwar's men.

And those are the four that the
corporation put back on the ship, sir.

They could be carrying
out Anwar's plan right now.

Admiral, with your cooperation,

the United States Navy
is prepared to intercede.

I will speak with my command.

Thank you both.

Captain, I'd appreciate it

if someone would
find Lieutenant Vukovic

and tell him I'm in
the brig with Anwar.

I want to see what else
we can get out of him.


Chief... go find

Lieutenant Vukovic.

Aye, aye, sir.

We're 20 yards out!

I got cover fire!

Midshipman Jackson, blue team.

I'm out!

Midshipman Crowley, blue team!

I'm out.

He's done.

Cover his flank!

Midshipman Davis...

Blue team, pull back, regroup!

Hey, you pick that up,
then you're cheating.

What are you doing here?

Same as you... only I'm
co-captain of the Red Team.

I thought you said
paintball was moronic.

Well, don't believe
everything a girl says.

I could sh**t you right now.

Wouldn't count
since you're down.

Says who?

I just shot you!

All I have to do
is pull the trigger.

Then you're marked.
Then you're dead.

Yeah, you could.

Or we could just walk away,

give each other a pass,

stay in the game.

Sometimes you got
to play dirty to win.

Dead man walking!

MacKENZIE: How do you do it?

Get men to follow you blindly?

You would not understand.

Try me.

How do you persuade
ordinary sailors

to risk their lives for an idea?

It's never difficult

to convince men toiling
under the corporate yoke

that what I have to
offer is a better deal.

A better deal?

You offer only death.

As do you.

Just ask the families

of the dead insurgents
in Falluja what they think

of your democratic ideas.

Do you think a child's life

is worth the right to vote?

Why the sudden search
for enlightenment?

Because we're not
talking abstracts.

You plan to drive the Pulau

into Singapore
Harbor and detonate it.

The Pulau is a tramp steamer.

Loaded with thousands

of gallons of ammonium nitrate.

You add a little fuel oil,

and she'll go up
like a Roman candle.

That is quite an idea, Colonel.

I hope you're
never angry with me.

Call it off. The
communications systems

on the Pulau are inoperative.

I made sure of that.
She is beyond reach.

We can find a way.

It's too late.

Do you want to die?

Oh, yes.

Colonel, a moment?


My chief of the watch
assigned a seaman

to Lieutenant Vukovic
right after he left the inquiry.

Why, sir?

The lieutenant
asked for a boat ride.

He's aboard the Pulau.

He also requested a
firearm, which was denied.

I almost shot you, Lieutenant.

You wouldn't be the
first woman who tried.

Who brings a pipe to a gunfight?

Whatever works.

Know how to use one of those?

You learn that at OCS?

Nope. Allentown. Corner
of West Park and 15th.

You look pretty good in leather.

It's neoprene. And
what are you doing here?

I'm looking for a
watch or a cell phone...

Any timing device that can
be used to blow up this ship

when it enters Singapore Harbor.


This room's clear.

How long till we reach
Singapore Harbor?

15 minutes. Maybe less.


Fertilizer, diesel.


Do you know what you're doing?

I don't have a clue.

You're going to get us k*lled.

If somebody calls into
this phone, we're dead.

If we get any closer
to Singapore Harbor,

our own ships are going
to blow us out of the water.

There's a SEAL team on board.

They stand a better chance...

There's no time.
It's now or never.

It's a good thing you're as
good as you think you are.

You're home.

Well, yeah, I live here.

Well, I'm just not used
to having you around.

So, I took a Saturday liberty.

I needed to get off
the yard for a while.

How'd the paintball
game turn out?

We were robbed.

You were robbed,

or the other team
played a better game?

We just lost, okay?

How many hits you get?


You'll do better next time.

Yeah, well... what if I
don't do better next time?

What if I never do any
better than I did today?

Cammie, we'll just work harder.

I don't want to work harder.

You've pressured
me my whole life

to be the best at everything.

All I ever wanted
was for you to excel.

I wanted to give you the skills

so that you could make
something of yourself.

I'm a solid "B" student.

I'm only okay at sports,

and I'm pretty much
just a social washout.

Why? You're a great kid.

Because you've raised me
to see everyone as a rival.

I don't make friends

because I'm too busy
trying to win all the time.

I want, for once,
to just do something

because I just want to do it.


What do you want to do?

Well, I haven't thought
it through that far.

Don't you think you'd...
better have a new plan

before you throw
the old one out?

I think you are so convinced
that your way is the only way...

It's not easy being

a woman at the academy.

It's not supposed to be easy.

Now, you can either cry and moan

about how tough it is...

or you can get in there

and show people
you don't give up.

You don't know what it's like.

I'm sorry.

Indonesia backed down.

State Department will
retain custody of Anwar.

That's no surprise.

Yeah, but you are.

What made you
walk out of a meeting,

commandeer a boat,

and on your own,
board the Pulau?

Well, Admiral Lutarno
got me thinking.

Anwar took the Pulau once.

We knew he still
had men out there,

and we knew the crew
were just the type of guys

that Anwar could
convert to his cause.

So, why not try to
take the Pulau again?

And you thought you
would just stow away,

go along for the ride?

No, I thought I would make sure

I was on the right track

then call the harbor patrol

at Singapore to warn them.

Well, that was a
dangerous thing to do.

That's what made it fun.

Are you always going
to be this insubordinate?

When I give respect,

it's because a person
earned it, like you did today.

Mm, yeah, well, you'll
want to watch that habit.

This is JAG, not an
Allentown street corner.

Well, you wouldn't know
after the show you just put on.