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15x09 - Hounddog McBrag

Posted: 06/20/23 12:18
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

-♪ Jump up ♪ -♪ Jump up ♪

♪ Kick back ♪

♪ Whip around and spin ♪

[Hounddog] Hounddoog McBrag

[whistle blowing]

Rise and shine!

Roll out for work detail!

Uh, work detail?

I didn't know you had to work in jail.

It is common for prisoners to be given labor

as both a means of exercise

and of promoting a responsible work ethic.

Oh. Beats staying here all day.

And it's a chance to show we don't mean any trouble.

So no powers. Okay?

[whistle blowing]

[brakes squeal]

-[hissing] -[yelps]

[guard] Twelve aboard! Lock and load!

-Open the trap! -[laughs nervously]

Well, well! If it isn't my arch-nemesis, Jay,

the Ninja of lightning.

Sorry. Have we met?

Oh, you probably don't recognize me

in my prison clothes. It is I, Fugi-Dove!


My cry fills the night?

[guard] Zip it and stow it!

Once a month we pick up trash along Route .

Those who work hard get a few hours in the sun

and a nice cold lemonade.

Mmm... lemonade.

Those who make trouble get nothing.

Do I make myself clear?

-Crystal. -Yep.

Alrighty then.

Let's get the show on the road. Roll out!

-Yes? -What happened to you, Jay?

What do you mean?

Why have you turned to a life of crime?

And what does this mean for our long standing rivalry?

And how can we be enemies if we're both criminals?

You're messing everything up.

First, I'm not turning to a "life of crime,"

second, there is no rivalry,

and third, you're weird. Stop talking to me.

Slow down.

[steam sizzling]

[guard ] What seems to be the problem, sir?

Oh, what's that, young fella? I can't quite hear you.

I said, what seems to be the problem, sir?

Well, one minute she was purring along,

and then something went screwy, and she started

makin' a sound like clunka-clunka-clunka,

and then a sound like chugga-chugga-chugga,

and then she just went "pow" and rolled to a stop.

Mmm. Sounds like you might have a blown piston.

Yeah. That'll happen if you don't change your oil regular.

That old guy reminds me of someone.


Yeah, me too.

You're avoiding the subject, Jay.

What subject?

How to repair our relationship

in the wake of you becoming a criminal.

I'm not becoming a criminal!

If you're really set on this, here's some free advice.


Get a cool villain name. Like mine.

But different because I already have mine.

A villain name, great, thanks.

Like "The Jaylor!"

Because your name is Jay, get it?

And then get some chains, so you can smash stuff.

[groans] That's it!


-[gasps] -Is that who I think it is?

Nya? What are you doing here?

[Nya] Breaking you out!

Let's go! Before someone sees me!

[Zane] This course of action seems irrational!

Ha. I don't see anything wrong. Do you?

Nope. Weird.

Well, keep looking, young fellas! Must be something.


Oh. That's my cue!

Thanks, officers! You fixed it!

-Uh... We did? -How?

[engine revs]

[tires screeching]

Hey! That old guy is helping the Ninja escape!

[Nya] Sorry, fellas!

Uh... [clears throat]

Central? You're not gonna like this.


-Sir! -[gasps]

-[crashing] -[meowing]

We just got a call from Kryptarium Prison!

Hah! How are the Ninja liking prison?

I don't think they liked it.

Of course they didn't like it, it was a...

Wait, you said "liked." As in past tense.

Why did you say that in the past tense?

Because they just broke out, sir!


[phone ringing]

One day I'll finish you. One day.

Commissioner's office.

I just found out that the Ninja escaped!

Oh, that's... that's terrible, sir.

Your tootin' right, it's terrible!

I want them found, you hear me?

Not now, Mister Fuzzly Fuzzly, we'll snuzzle later...

Found and arrested!

Well, sir, I hate to be a stickler,

but I'm afraid Kryptarium Prison is outside Ninjago City.

[Mayor] Uh-huh. What's that got to do with it?

Well, sir, my jurisdiction stops at the city limits.

I have no authority outside Ninjago City.

Who made up that dumb rule?

[Commissioner] Uh... You did, sir.

[shout of anger]

Amateur hour's over. Get me Hounddog McBrag!

Dareth! I knew it was you!

I thought you said you had "One last strategy," Dareth.

This is it.

A strategy called "Breaking you out."

Please tell me you brought a change of clothes.

Sure did. It's in a box behind the seat.

Compliments of Pixal.

I have no idea how she makes this stuff so fast.

-[coos] -[surprised shout]

Did you bring one for me, Dareth?

What are you doing here?

You're new at being a criminal.

You'll need my criminal guidance if you have any hope

of succeeding in your criminal plot.

Would you stop saying criminal?

[sirens blaring]

We've got to lose 'em, Dareth!

Where? We're in a desert!

-Just do it! -Okay.

This, Jay-bird, is called the high speed chase.

-It's what we criminals do. -[all yelp]

It will add to your sentence if caught,

so I like to plan well ahead!



[Zane] I told you this was irrational!

-We're home free now! -[car rattling]

-[Dareth] No! -[Ninjas groaning]

Oh, come on!

It appears that this engine

has not received regular oil changes.

-Can you fix it? -No.

The engine has blown a piston.

Wait! That's real?

Well, we can't stay here.

I suggest we get off the road. Quick.

Good idea! Real quick!

Before Fugi-Dove hears!


These new suits are great,

but not exactly the best disguise.

It's no worse than those prison shirts.

Anyone have any idea where we are?

[bird screeching]

-Not a clue. -[gasps]

Where? How?

I am like the dove. Quick, silent, deadly.

Doves aren't deadly!

Maybe not the doves you know.

None of them are deadly!

Doves are a symbol of peace and love!

Jay, can we focus?

-We need shelter. -[Jay groaning]

Zane, isn't Twitchy's gas station

around here somewhere?

It is . miles northwest of our position.

Five miles? We can make that. Come on!

[suspenseful music]

Oh, wow!

Is that Hounddog McBrag?

He's a taller than I thought!

Listen up, Rustlers!

Got ourselves a couple of runaway horses

decided to take a stroll.

We're gonna find 'em and bring 'em home.

And by "horses," I mean "ninja."

And by "take a stroll" I mean broke outta prison.

And by "bring 'em home,"

I mean throw 'em back in prison. Understood?

[all] Yes, sir!

Go get 'em, boys.

[sigh] That was close!

We can't stay out here forever.

They're gonna find us!

I think our chances are better if we split up.

We'll meet up again at Twitchy's. Okay?

What if someone doesn't make it?

If anyone's not there by noon tomorrow,

it means they got caught.

The rest continue on alone. Agreed?

Jay, Cole and I will go this way.

Kai, Zane and Dareth, that way.

And I will, of course, accompany Jay.

[sighs] Why not? You'll just be there anyway.

Good luck.

[Fugi-Dove] My cry fills the night!

[coos loudly]

[Jay] Will you please...

shut up!

[closing theme music]

[Fugi-Dove cooing]

[Fugi-Dove coos]