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02x23 - What a Card/Too Many Wubbzy's

Posted: 06/20/23 19:19
by bunniefuu

Wow, wow, everyone!

My name is Wubbzy!

♪ Wubbzy lives in a tree ♪

♪ He likes to play,

play, play ♪

♪ He's got a bendy tail

and he likes it that way ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Widget is his friend ♪

♪ She likes to build ♪

♪ She hammers and she saws ♪

♪ And her toolbox is filled ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Walden is their friend ♪

♪ He's really smart ♪

♪ He knows about science ♪

♪ And books and art ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Wubbzy and Widget

and Walden are friends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ And when they're with Daizy ♪

♪ The fun never ends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

Wow! Wow!

♪ Wow! Wow! Wow! ♪



Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!

"What a Card."

Wow, wow, everybody.

Everyone in Wuzzleburg

is collecting

footy-football cards

of our favorite team,

the Wuzzleburg Wowzers.

We're going to get some more

cards here at the card store.

I got a Wally Wubbner.

I got a Frank Flitnick.

I already have those cards.

The only one I don't have

is the rare Touchdown Tiki card.

Touchdown Tiki.

Nobody has

a Touchdown Tiki card.

He's the greatest

footy-football player ever.

I love to run.

I love to catch.

And I love to pass.

But most of all,

I love my Touchdown Tiki card.

Get one now

at your local card shop.

If I could get one,

I'd have a complete set.

Me too.

Can I have a pack

of footy-football cards, please?

Hey, I was here first.

No, I was.

No, I was.

Excuse me.

May I have a pack

of footy-football

cards, please?

You're in luck, Earl.

This is the last pack

in stock.

Thank you.

Lavender lollipops.

Earl got the last pack

of cards.

Wow, wow, Earl.

What cards did you get?

I got a green one.

I got a yellow one.

Ooh, a blue one.

[both gasp]

Earl has a Touchdown Tiki card.

Hm, maybe if I'm nice to Earl,

he'll let me have that card.

Wow, wow, Earl.

You want to play

kickity-kick ball with me?

I love kickity-kick ball.

Let's go.


Wow, wow, Earl.

You're great at this game.

This is the best game ever.

You're as good

at kickity-kick ball

as Touchdown Tiki

is at footy-football.

Touchdown who?

Touchdown Tiki,

the best player

on the Wuzzleburg Wowzers.

You have his card.

I do?

Sure, it's the blue one.

Right here.

Ooh, that's my favorite.

You know,

red's a nice color, too.

I'll trade you all these

red ones for your blue one.

Oh, Earl.

Would you like to come over

to my house for a tea party?

I love tea parties.

Let's go.


Earl, this is

Mrs. Bigglebear.

Hello, Mrs. Bigglebear.

She's my special guest.

Did you bring

a special guest, too?

Uh, no.

Maybe Touchdown Tiki

can be your guest.


It's not a real tea party

without pretty hats.

Hats are fun.

Here's your tea.

Thank you.

I love tea.

Would you like

some rainbow cake

and polka dot pudding?

I sure would.

I love rainbow cake.


Oh, no.

The Touchdown Tiki card.

This is the best

tea party ever.

Wow, wow, Earl.

I just got the new

Dancy Dance video game.

You want to come over

and play?

I love video games.

Let's go.


Don't forget

your Touchdown Tiki card.

Oh, yeah.

Thanks, Daizy.

Okay, Earl, I'll show you

how to play.

Dancy Dance.

Ready, go!

Dance, dance.

See? All you have to do

is watch the screen

and do the same dance moves

it does.

You're a Dancy Dance star.

Now you give it a try.


Dance, dance.


Great job, Earl.


Careful, Earl.



Dancing is fun.

Oh, Earl.

Would you like to see

the new Captain Wonderpants

movie with me?

I love Captain Wonderpants.

Let's go.


You've hen pecked Wonderopolis

for the last time.


Have it your way foul villain.

Wonderpants away!

Get him, Captain Wonderpants.


Wham, zing, zoom.

Lavender lollipops.

The card.



This is the greatest movie ever.

Thanks for asking me

to come, Daizy.

That was fun.

Wow, wow, Earl.

Want to go skateboarding

with me?

Oh, boy.

I love skateboarding.

Let's go.


You better put that card

in a safe place, Earl.

Good idea, Wubbzy.

Okay, I'll go first.

Okay, Earl, it's your turn.

Here I come.


Oh, no.

If Earl crashes,

he might crush

the Touchdown Tiki card.

Don't worry, Earl.

I'll catch you.


That was fun.

Oh, Earl.

Would you like to go

to a fashion show?

Maybe Earl wants

to go golfing with me.

Or maybe Earl wants to go

snorkeling with me.

Or racing with me.

Or skydiving with me.

Skydiving. Racing.

This is the best day ever.

Earl wants to spend the rest

of the day with me.

Right, Earl?

No, Earl is hanging

out with me.



Can't we all

hang out together?

Wubbzy, you only want Earl

to be your friend

so he'll give you

his Touchdown Tiki card.

You want the same thing.

That's why you're being

so nice to him.


Aw, I thought you guys

were playing with me

because you were my friends,

not because you wanted

this blue card.

Here, take it.

I don't want it anymore.

You can have it, Daizy.

I don't want it.

You take it.

I know.

Let's give it back to him.

That's a great idea.

Earl! Hey, Earl!

What do you guys want now?

I don't have any more

Touchdown Tiki cards.

We're sorry, Earl.

We were just trying

to complete

our footy-football card


I didn't mean to hurt

your feelings.

We don't want

your Touchdown Tiki card.

We want to play

with you instead.



Hey, instead of collecting

footy-football cards,

we should play a game

of footy-football.

I love playing footy-football.

But I get to be

Touchdown Tiki.

No, I want to be

Touchdown Tiki.

Why can't we all

be Touchdown Tiki?

Because I'm Touchdown Tiki.


[all laughing]

♪ Give ♪

♪ Share ♪

♪ Show everyone

that you really care ♪

♪ Give ♪

♪ Share ♪

♪ Show everyone

that you really care ♪

♪ Share your home ♪

♪ Share your time ♪

♪ Share a book ♪

♪ Share a dime ♪

♪ If you've got a pie ♪

♪ Share a slice ♪

♪ Sharing an umbrella ♪

♪ Is always nice ♪

♪ There's always enough ♪

♪ There's always enough ♪

♪ For everyone ♪

♪ Everyone ♪

♪ And sharing with others

makes it fun ♪

♪ Give ♪

♪ Share ♪

♪ Show everyone

that you really care ♪

♪ Mine, mine, mine, mine ♪

♪ Me, me, me, me ♪

♪ That is not the best way ♪

♪ That we can be ♪

♪ Me, me, me, me ♪

♪ Mine, mine, mine, mine ♪

♪ That is not the best way ♪

♪ For all of us to shine ♪

♪ Share food with the hungry ♪

♪ Share a blanket

with the cold ♪

♪ Share with the young ♪

♪ And share with the old ♪

♪ When someone is sad ♪

♪ You can share a hug ♪

♪ When someone is thirsty

you can share your mug ♪

♪ If there's something

you want ♪

♪ Something you want ♪

♪ You don't need to fight ♪

♪ Need to fight ♪

♪ When you share with a friend

everything is right ♪

♪ Give ♪

♪ Give ♪

♪ Share ♪

♪ Share ♪

♪ Show everyone

that you really care ♪

♪ Give ♪

♪ Give ♪

♪ Share ♪

♪ Share ♪

♪ Show everyone

that you really care ♪


Wow, wow, everyone!

My name is Wubbzy!

♪ Wubbzy lives in a tree ♪

♪ He likes to play,

play, play ♪

♪ He's got a bendy tail

and he likes it that way ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Widget is his friend ♪

♪ She likes to build ♪

♪ She hammers and she saws ♪

♪ And her toolbox is filled ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Walden is their friend ♪

♪ He's really smart ♪

♪ He knows about science ♪

♪ And books and art ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Wubbzy and Widget

and Walden are friends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ And when they're

with Daizy ♪

♪ The fun never ends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

Wow! Wow!

♪ Wow! Wow! Wow! ♪



Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!

"Too Many Wubbzies."

Wow, wow, Widget.

What are you working on today?

Well, little buddy,

this here is

the Super Duplicator .

This baby can make

a perfect copy of anything.

Watch what happens

to this here flower.

All you have to do

is press this blue button and--


A perfect copy.

And if you press

this red button,

you can make a whole bunch

of copies.

Wow, wow, wow.

Daizy would love

all these flowers.

I'll get you a wagon

and you can take them to her.

You sure are a whiz

when it comes

to building things, Widget.

Aw, it's easy when you have

the right tools.

Hey, that reminds me.

Would you like to go

to the International

Cool Tool Convention

with me this afternoon?

The Inter what?

The International

Cool Tool Convention.

You can see tools

from around the world.

That does sound cool.

Okay, count me in.

I'll be back as soon as I bring

these flowers to Daizy.

Wow, wow, Walden.

What a cool dinosaur skeleton.

It's a loopdy loopdasaurus.

Wow, I really love dinosaurs.

Then maybe you'd like

to come with me today

to the Robotic

Dinosaur Exhibit.

Okay, count me in.

I just have to bring these

flowers to Daizy,

and I'll be right back.

♪♪ [singing]

There, all done.

Wow, wow, Daizy.

I brought you some flowers.



How pretty.

Thank you, Wubbzy.

You're welcome.

Say, I have an extra ticket

for the Captain Wonderpants

Ice Show today.

Want to go with me?

Wow, wow, wow.

I definitely want

to go to that.


Okay, let me get

these flowers some water

and then we can go.

Oh, boy.

Wait a minute.

I told Widget I would go

to the Cool Tool Convention.

And I told Walden I would go

to the Robotic Dinosaur Show.

I can't be

in three places at once.


Hey, I know.



Now's my chance.

I'll use Widget's machine

to make two copies

of myself.

Then I'll send one

to the tool convention

and one to the dinosaur show.

And I can go to the

Captain Wonderpants

Ice Show myself.


Let's see.

I press this blue button and--


Wow, wow.

Wow, it's a perfect

copy of me.

Except for that little piece

of hair on top.

[door opens]

Here she comes.

Okay, Wubbster, ready to go

to the tool convention?

Wow, wow.

Jeepers, your hair is getting

kind of long.

Well, let's go.

Wow, that worked great.

Now I just have to make

another copy to go with Walden.


Wow, wow.

Hmm, this Wubbzy is

a little bit taller than me,

but I don't think

Walden will notice.

Come on, Wubbzy.

Hello, Wubbzy.

Ready to go

to the dinosaur show?

Wow, wow.

My, my, my.

You sure are getting tall.

Well, let's go.

This is working perfectly.

Now I can go with Daizy

to the ice show.

Lavender lollipops.

Is something wrong, Daizy?

There sure is, Wubbzy.

Those flowers you brought me

are acting awfully strange.


Uh-oh. There must be

something wrong

with Widget's

duplicator machine.

I'll be right back.


Welcome to the International

Cool Tool Convention.

Ooh, isn't this tool convention

amazing, Wubbzy?

Wow, wow.

Look at that.

It's the new Lighty Tighty.

You can screw in a light bulb

just by pressing a button.

And looky there.

That's the Trash Tosser.

It's the trash-taker-outer

of the future.

It's still in the testing phase.

Oh, and there's

the Goofy Grabber.

You can grab all kinds

of things with that.


Pickles and prune juice.

Wubbzy's gone quackers.


Wow, wow, wow.


Hey, what's going on here?

I'll tell you later.


Hey, come back here.

The Goofy Grabber.

This might just work.


Got you.

Back to the workshop.

Now I have to go

to the dinosaur show

to get that other

wacky Wubbzy.


My, my, my.

They look almost real,

don't they Wubbzy?

Look, there's

a loopdy loopasaurus.


Wow, wow.

Great Jurassic jaw bones.

Wow, wow, wow.


What's the meaning of this?

I'll tell you later.

Wow, wow.

Hey, try to catch me.

Wow, wow.

Okay, back to the workshop.

Wow, wow.

Oh, there you are, Wubbzy.

Are you ready to go

to the ice show?

Wow, wow.

Lavender lollipops.

I think you have been eating

too many doodleberries.


Okay, let's go.

Wow, wow.

Oh, no.

Daizy's going to the ice show

with another wacky Wubbzy.

I got to stop them.

Welcome to the Captain

Wonderpants Ice Show.


Fear not, citizens.

I'll protect you.


I love Captain Wonderpants.

Wow, wow.

Wubbzy, can you move over?

I can't see.

[all complaining]

Surrender, evil doer.

Ahh! My wonderpants are

no match for big,

yellow balloons.

Lavender lollipops.

Wow, wow, wow.

Wubbzy, what's going on?

Uh, I'll tell you later.

Wow, wow.

Got you.



Wow, wow, wow, wow.

There. Now everything

is under control.


Wow, wow, wow.

Oh, no!

More Wubbzies.


Wow, wow, wow.

Come back!





Wow, wow, wow, wow.

It's no use.

There are just

too many Wubbzies.

No problemo, little buddy.


the Wubbzy Wipe-Up .

Watch this.


Wow, wow.

Wow, wow, wow.

Wow, wow.


Well, I think we got

all the Wubbzies.

Sorry for causing

so much trouble, guys,

but I promised I'd go

with each of you.

And I didn't want

to let you down.

That's okay, Wubbzy.

You were just being

a good friend.

And besides, we can go to all

of those places again tomorrow.

Yeah, but one at a time.

[all laughing]

Wow, wow.

[alarm sounding]

♪ Hey, hey, Wubbzy,

it's a beautiful day ♪

♪ Hey, hey, Wubbzy,

what do you say? ♪

Hey, look.

It's the Jukebox Robot.

♪♪ [beeping]

♪ Here's a riddle,

here's a quiz ♪

♪ Do you know

what time it is? ♪

Is it

hide-and-go-seekity-seek time?

♪ No, no, no,

no, no, no, no ♪

Um, time to learn

to read a clock?

♪♪ [beeping]

♪ No, no, no ♪

Well, what time is it?

♪♪ [drumroll]

♪ Hoo hoo, hee hee ♪

♪ It's time for

the Wubb Club dance party ♪

[applause, cheering]

[horns toot]

♪ Sugar pop, belly flop,

zip, boom, bop ♪

♪ Let's all do

the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ We're havin' fun,

so don't you stop ♪

♪ And hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Don't be shy,

don't be lazy ♪

♪ It's fun to hop,

so let's go crazy ♪

♪ Hop like a rabbit

or like a frog ♪

♪ Hop with your friend

or with your dog ♪

♪ Hop on the bed

or on the rug ♪

♪ And hop, hop, hop

like a hopping bug ♪

♪ Yeah, hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Jazz or country,

rock or pop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ You can be really old ♪

♪ Or you can be

a tiny child ♪

♪ Anyone can hop around ♪

♪ So let's go wild ♪

♪ Wild ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Don't stop hopping

until you drop ♪

♪ And hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

[boing, boing]