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02x09 - Planes

Posted: 06/21/23 15:32
by bunniefuu

- Hooble-doop tiddly peeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!



♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove and

Tula, we're Hoobs! ♪

♪ And they're ready to go! ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know. ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorette's are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob hooray! ♪

(upbeat pop music)

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- Wahey!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say! ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪

(country music)

- This is Hoobey groovy.

- What ya doing Groove?

- Oh I'm just looking

up at the sky.

- I can see that.

- Oh and I'm thinking; I'm

thinking how Hooby-groovy

it would be if we could

just fly about up there

in the Hoobmobile.

- Oh it would be

Hooby-groovy, Groove.

But the Hoobmobile doesn't

just fly about, does it?

- No, no it doesn't, the

Hoobmobile goes whoosher.

- Yes exactly, it goes whoosher.

Straight up to space,

straight off the Hoobland.

- Yeah.

(both sigh)

Pity, I bet the Peep planet

looks Hooble-dooble-duper

from up there in the sky.

Eh, maybe we could fly above

the Peep planet somehow?

- Maybe we could Groove.

- Yeah, now I wonder, what

would be the best way for

Hoobs to fly so we could

see the Peep planet.

- [Computer] Hubba, Hubba,

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba.

- That's Hubba Hubba!

You ask the question

for Hoob news, Groove!

We better find Iver, come on!

- What would be the best

way for Hoobs to fly

so we could see the Peep planet?

That's an excellent

question for Hoob news!

Hoobs everywhere will want

to know the answer to that.

- Oh, oh good!

- Hoobledoop, Iver!

- Hoobledoop, Groove!

- Do you like our question?

- Oh, it's Hoobacious Tula!

Came as a bit of a surprise.

- I can't wait to put the

answer in my Hoobapedia.

I'll let Roma know

that you need her

to find out about flying

and in the mean time,

let me see what I can

find for you, on Hoob Net.

Ah ha!


Now what do we have here, Hoobs?

Oh of course, it's a bird!

Birds fly don't they?


And they do fly beautifully,

don't they, Hoobs?

Just look at those, ooh

there's a cheeky little fellow!

Oh there's another one, look!

And there's a big bird

flying very high in the sky.

I expect they get the

most Hoobacious views

up there, don't you?

Oh look, what did

I tell you, oh yes.

Oh aren't they lovely?

- [Iver] Hello!

- [Hubba Hubba] What

a glorious way to fly.

- It must be Hooby-groovy

to swoop through the sky

like a bird, whee!

- Ahem, but we're not

birds, we're Hoobs.

We can't fly!

- Well yes, maybe we could fly,

if we rode on a bird, eh Iver?

- Oh, yes, I'd love

to ride on a bird!


- Yeah but the only problem

is, you're too heavy

to ride on me.

- And if you're too

heavy to ride on Groove,

you're definitely too heavy

to ride on a bird, Iver.

- Oh, oh you're right.

Are birds not the answer?


- Yeah, we need to find

something big, that

flies, that we could ride.

- Yes, but what?

♪ Oh what, oh what, oh what ♪

♪ Oh what! ♪

♪ Oh what, oh what, oh what ♪

♪ Oh what, what, what! ♪

- Sounds to me as if you need

some kind of machine, Hoobs!

I don't know much about Peep

machines, but I know who does.

- The tiddly-peeps!

- Abso-hooby-lutely!

- I'll go an talk to them.

- And I'll drive; let's get

those Motorettes singing

and the engine spinning.

- And I'll spin over

to the Hoobo-fridge

while we drive along.

We'll need to take some food

with us when we go flying.

(bouncy music)

- Seatbelt...

- [Together] We're off

the see the tiddly-peeps!


(upbeat pop music)

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps,

on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The tiddly-peeps,

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues,

they tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps,

on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The tiddly-peeps,

the tiddly-peeps, ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps,

on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

(mimicking airplane noise)

- Oh, Hoobledoop tiddly-peeps!

- Hobbledoop Iver!

- Come over here, would you

like to do a hoobey-hello?

- [Together] Yes!

Hoobledoop, hoobledoop,

whoop whoop whoop!


- Now we've been trying to

find out about flying machines.

Do you know about them?

- Flying machines?

- Yes, something that flies

in the sky like a bird.

Something a Hoob could ride in.

- You mean an airplane!

- Oh, an airplane!

Did you hear that, Groove, Tula?

- Yes!

- That's it!

- There are lots of

different kinds of planes.

What sort are you looking for?

- Well, um, we want to

see the Peep planets

from up high above, you see,

so what do you think would

be the best kind for us?

I mean, I mean, do

you have any ideas?

- How about a jet plane?

Jet planes fly really high!

- And really fast like this!

(mimicking airplane noises)


(mimicking airplane noises)

- Hooby-Galooby!

I've seen those up in the sky.

That could be just what we need.

Are you watching,

Tula, Tula, Groove,

do you think a jet plane

would be Hoobacious?

- Oh yeah!

- Thank you very

much tiddly-peeps,

you've been ever so

helpful but now I have to

get back to the Hoobmobile.


- Hooble-toodle-do!

- Fly!

(mimicking airplane noises)

(upbeat pop music)

- You know there

really is nothing like

a nice, fat, cheese sandwich

when you get hungry

on a long plane ride.

- Yes Groove, I'm going to

look at Jet planes on Hoob Net.

- Sorry, sorry!

Jet planes, hooby-galooby,

we found the answer!

- Yeah they sounds perfect.

- [Tula] Oh no!

- Oh Tula, what's the matter?

( piano music)

- It's this jet plane, look!

- What's wrong with that?

It looks hoobacious

and spacious to me.

- Oh look at that, plenty

of room for plenty for food.

- But all the jet

planes I've found

are doing the same thing:

flying high above the clouds!

- [Together] So?

- Groove, do you have anything

that looks like a cloud

in one of your collections?

- Urm, I'll go see.

- And Iver, can I borrow your

little Peep planet please?

- Urm, yes, yes of

course you can, Tula.

- This looks like cloud, Tula.

- Oh, perfect!

Thank you, Groove.

Now listen carefully.

(bouncy music)

♪ May I suggest a Hooby test,

before we fly too high ♪

♪ This fluffy stuff

that Groove has lent ♪

♪ Will help with

our experiment ♪

♪ You zoom zoom by,

swooping through the sky ♪

♪ Way up there we

hooby three , ♪

♪ hoobacious things

we're sure to see ♪

♪ But if we flew up in a jet,

maybe we would get so high ♪

♪ That through the

clouds we would go ♪

♪ I would not see

much down below ♪

♪ This fluffy stuff can be

the cloud over Iver's eyes ♪

♪ Then we'll know if

a Hoob's allowed ♪

♪ to see through cloudy skies ♪

♪ Zoom zoom by, I'll

see what I can spy, ♪

♪ If we're up there

we need to know ♪

♪ Exactly what we see below ♪

♪ Tell us Iver, what

Hooby news you bring ♪

♪ I'm sorry to say

my Hooby friends ♪

♪ I cannot see a thing ♪

Oh there's no way we'll

see the Peep Planet

if we fly above the

clouds in a jet plane.

- No, just as I thought but

maybe there's another kind

of Peep flying machine that

doesn't fly about the clouds.

- Above the clouds or not,

we will still need

something to eat.

- [Computer] Roma, Roma, Roma...

- Ah, here's Roma, she's

bound to be able to help.


- Hoobledoop Hoobs!

- Hooble doop Roma!

- Now as you can see and hear,

I'm standing in front

of a helicopter.

Helicopters are hoobaciously

exciting machines.

- What are those whirly

bits at the top, Roma?

- Those are called

rotor blades, Iver.

They go round and round

hoob-loads of times a second.

And there are some more

whirly bits at the back too.

This means that a helicopter

can fly almost anywhere.

- And do helicopters

fly high, Roma?

- What, what?

Sorry Hoobs, I can't hear you!

Now, another good thing

about a helicopter

is that most of it is window.

This means that you can

look out in any direction

and see everything below

you really clearly!

Ooh, it looks as if this

helicopter is about to take off

and I'm going with it!

- Roma, be careful!

- This is Roma

Hoob, about to go up

in a great, big helicopter,


(helicopter rotors whirring)


- So that's one, two for

me, one, two for Tula

- A helicopter just

has to be the answer.

- How many hula-nips do you

want when we go flying, Iver?

- Eh, same as you

please, Groove.

- So that's one,

two for Iver, great!

(Tula mimicking helicopter)

- Tula!

How can we make her stop?

- What?

- I said how can

we make her stop?

- Okay Tula, you can stop now!

(Tula mimicking helicopter)

- Tula!

Tula stop!

- What?

- Stop making a noise

like a helicopter.

- I have!

- It's no good, a helicopter

is not the answer.

- It isn't?

Why not?

(spring bouncing)

- Because I couldn't hear Groove

and Grove couldn't hear me

and you couldn't hear us!

- Oh, you're right.

If we were flying

above the Peep Planet,

we'd need to talk to each other.

- Yeah, what if I said,

"pass me a cheese sandwich

please, Tula," and

you couldn't hear me?

That would be awful.

(spring bouncing)

- Yes, we'll just have

to find something else

to fly around in.

But where?

♪ Where, where,

where, where, where ♪

♪ Where ♪

(horn trumpets)

- Oh Hoob Net, that's where!

I've just found a story

a tiddly-peep sent in.

It's about a little pig.

Oh I do love a good pig story!


I'm sure you will too.


(birds singing)

- [Narrator] Once upon a time,

there was a pig called Peter.

Peter used to sit in

his field every day,

looking up at the

sky and dreaming.

- [Groove] Oh, lovely.

- [Narrator] One day, Peter

saw lots of dandelions seeds

floating down towards him.

- Wow!

- [Narrator] he thought,

- I'd love to float down to

Earth like a dandelion seed.

I could see exactly what my

field and my pig-sty looked like

from the sky.

Oh it would be

the best fun ever!

- [Narrator] The next

minute, Harry Hare hopped by.

Hippity hoppity, hippity

hoppity, hop, hop, hop!

- Hello Harry.

- [Narrator] Said

Peter dreamily.

- No time to chat.

- [Narrator] Cried Harry.

- I'm off to fly my new plane.

- A plane!

- [Narrator] Said Peter.

- Can I come and see?

- Of course!

- [Narrator] Harry

replied as he hopped off.

Hippity hoppity, hop, hop, hop!


Peter ran behind him

and at last they reached

Harry's beautiful, shiny plane.

- Whoa!

- There, look at that!

Want to come for a ride?


- Yes, please!

- [Narrator] Said Peter.

- Does you plane float

down from the sky

like a dandelion seed?

I'd love to do that.

- Well the plane

doesn't float down.

But a parachute will.

Come on!

- [Narrator] So Peter

climbed into Harry's plane.

He strapped on his

parachute and when the plane

was high in the

sky, he jumped out!

- Whee!

- [Narrator] Down,

down, down he floated.

He saw his field,

he saw his pigsty.

It was the greatest fun ever.

And best of all, Peter proved

that pigs really can fly.

(upbeat music)


- If we floated in a parachute,

it would be hoobaciously quiet

and we could see

the Peep Planet.

- Well, I'm making a

little parachute now,

to see if it works.

- Yeah, but to float

down in a parachute,

you have to go up

in a plane right?

- That's right, Groove!

- And then you'd have to

jump out of the plane?

- Yes

- Well I'm not sure

I want to do that, Tula.

Besides, where would

we carry all our food?

- Groove, stop

thinking about food

and start thinking

about parachutes!

- [Tula] It's ready!

Let's test it!


(piano music)

- Oh, da da!

Is that hoobily-groovy or what?

- Um, yes...

- What's wrong?

- Well that parachute just,

well it just floated down.

- Well isn't that what

it's supposed to do?

Yes but if we're going down,

we're not really flying.

We'd be falling.

- Oh I definitely

don't want to fall.

- Oh, never mind, I can

still use the parachute

for Hoob news.

- What?

Hoob news!

We're running out of time!

We still don't have the

answer to the question!

- Don't worry Iver,

we'll find it.

- Yes but how?

♪ How, oh how, how

oh how, oh how. ♪

♪ How, oh how, how

oh how, oh how. ♪

♪ How oh how ♪

- Hmm, I don't know how.

Do you, Groove?

- No and I don't know

how to get more than

two sandwiches in

this box either.

- Why don't you

use a bigger box?

- Good idea.

- [Computer] Hubba, hubba...

- Hoobledoo Hubba Hubba.

- Hoobledoop Hoobs!

How's it going?

We thought we had the

answer, Hubba Hubba.

But we were wrong.

We need to find something

that's quiet like a parachute

but doesn't float down.

- Yeah we need it to stay up.

- Abso-hooby-lutely, Groove.

Now then, let me think.

Well, if tiddly-peeps

knew about jet planes,

they're sure to know

of something that

flies, that's quiet.

- And doesn't fly too high!

Come on, we're off to

see the tiddly-peeps.

(upbeat music)


(upbeat rock music)

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps,

on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The tiddly-peeps,

the tiddly-peeps,

if we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps,

on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddly-peeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- It's Iver!

- Hoobledoop, tiddly-peeps!

- Hoobledoop, Iver!

- Wow, wow, those are

Hoobacious pictures!

- Thanks!

- Are they flying machines?

- Yes!

- Oh hooby-galooby.

We've been looking for

a Peep flying machine

that flies like

a bird, you know,

we've tried hoob-loads

of different types

but nothing seems quite right.

- Yeah.

- But we haven't tried that one!

What's it called?

- It's a glider!

- It's really quiet 'cause

it doesn't have an engine.

- Oh, no engine!


How does it fly?

- It glides on the

wind like a bird!

- Like a bird!

- Wow!

- Tula, did you hear that?

- Yes!

- Order a glider, now!

- No, wait a minute, wait

a minute, wait a minute.

Is there room for three

Hoobs in a glider?

- Oh yes!

- Lots of room!

- Let me see!

Oh show the Hooby-cam!

Look at Tula, can you see that?

Order one like this!

- Oh yes!

- Oh thank you tiddly-peeps!

But I really must dash,

almost time for Hoob News.


- Hooble-toodle-do!

(upbeat music)

- I'm sorry Tula but I

can't order you a glider

from Hoob Net because it's

too big for the Hoobmobile.

- Oh, but it looks

to hoobily-groobily!

- I was really looking forward

to having a ride in one.

- Ah ha, just because

you can't have a glider,

doesn't mean that you

can't go for a ride in one.

I can arrange that for you

in the blink of a hooby eye.


- Oh thank you Hubba Hubba!

Come on, it's time

for Hoob News.

- I'll bring the parachute.

- I'll bring the picnic!

- Come on!

(upbeat music)

♪ Flap your wings little birdy ♪

♪ Flap your wings and fly ♪

♪ Flap your wings little birdy ♪

♪ What can you

see from the sky ♪

♪ I see a pig little birdy ♪

♪ I see a pig and a sty ♪

♪ I see the Hoobs getting

ready for the news ♪

♪ That's what I see when I fly ♪

♪ I see the Hoobs getting

ready for the news ♪

♪ That's what I see when I fly ♪

- [Computer] Hubba, Hubba, Hubba


- Hooble-doop hoobs.

Are you ready to give

me what you've got

on flying above the Peep

Planet for my Hoobapedia?

- We're ready Hubba Hubba!

- Then you're

clear for take off!


- Hoobledoop whoop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the new

show for the Hoobs everywhere!

I'm Iver

- and I'm Tula

- Oh and I'm Groove.


- And today we've been

asking the question...

- What's the best

way for hoobs to fly

so we can see the Peep Planet?

- [Iver] First we thought,

perhaps we could ride on a bird.

Then we realized we

were too big to do that.

The tiddly peeps told

us about jet planes.

Problem is, they fly

above the clouds.

- [Tula] And that meant

we wouldn't be able

to see the Peep Planet!

♪ Zoom, zoom by swooping

through the sky ♪

♪ Way up there we hooby three, ♪

♪ hoobacious things

we're sure to see. ♪

♪ But if we flew up in a jet ♪

♪ Maybe we would get

so high that through

the clouds we'd go ♪

♪ And would not see

much down below ♪

- Then, Roma told us all

about hooby-groovy helicopters

- But when I

pretended to be one,

we discovered that

helicopters are too loud.

(Tula mimicking helicopter)

- Tula!

- We couldn't hear

each other speak.

The story was all

about a parachute.

We thought that was the

answer until we realized

it only went one way.

- [Narrator] Down,

down, down he floated.

He saw his field,

he saw his pig sty.

It was the greatest fun ever.

- So off we went to

the tiddly-peeps again.

And guess what?

They had the answer!

- We've been looking for

a Peep flying machine

that flies like

a bird, you know,

We've tried hoob-loads of

different types but nothing

seems quite right... but

we haven't tried that one!

What's it called?

- [Together] A glider!

- It's smooth, it's quiet, it

doesn't fly above the clouds.

- And there's room

for plenty of food.

- Thank goodness

for that, Groove.

I wouldn't want you to

get hungry so high up!


- Neither would I Hubba Hubba.

- So it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of

Peeps and remember,

wherever you are, have a

hobble-dooble-duper day

and hooble-toodle-do!

- [Together] Hooble-toodle-do!

- Right, come one, we're off

the have a ride in the glider!

- Oh yes, yes, yes!

- Hey wait a minute,

aren't you gonna help

me carry the picnic?

♪ Hubba, Hubba

Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob hooray ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoob-mobile

is coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here so

what do you say, hoobs ♪