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01x01 - The Sofabed

Posted: 06/23/23 06:45
by bunniefuu
For someone who doesn't stop going on about Formula One, you're surprisingly sh*t at driving.

Ha-ha! Seriously, like no control of the vehicle.

No control of the vehicle?

Why does it keep doing that?

No control of the vehicle.

Well, you can drive next time! Fine, and you can learn from the master.

Master knob face.

Why's the door open?

Um Ooh, hello! Er, hi, Jim Jonny! I'm Adam.

I'm Jonny.

Oh, yes.

Who are you?



Good boy, good boy, Wilson.



Wilson! That wasn't strange! Hi, Mum.

Hi, boys.

What are you doing in the garage?

We're having a clearout.

Don't you mean what's Jim doing in our loo?

Martin, you do know the boys are here?

Say hello.


Oh, hello, bambinos.

No top tonight?

He's boiling.

I'm boiling.

And Jim's using our toilet because.



Oh, his is broken.


He broke it No, there! He broke his own toilet?

How did he do that?

Use a bucket?

This as well?

Yes, all of them, and then you're doing the sofabed.

Your mother wants me to chuck away all my old copies of New Scientist magazine, can you believe it?


Thank you, Adam! What do you mean, yes?

You don't even read them, why do you keep all this crap?

It's not crap! I wish you'd stop calling it crap.

They're collectibles.

Are they?

Boys, look, this one is from 1969 and there's a poster of Isaac Newton.

Now he was a genius.

Sorry, I'm not discussing Isaac Newton again.

Tomorrow morning, you are taking them all to the dump.

Impossible! Newton.



OK, done the potatoes, overcooked the bloody meat.

Oh! Oh, er, Martin, did you do the, er, sofabed?


No, I'll do it later.

Oh, well, I wanted it ready.

The man's not coming till tomorrow.

What man?

Oh, the sofabed man.

Martin, can you not eat out of the bin, I've told you! Dad! Oh, vegetables.

sh*t, what's the time?

Er, 20 past.

Right, out of the way please! Your mum is very excited.

About what?

It's the final of Masterchef.

It's the final of Masterchef.

Oh, there is such a smashing Greek bloke in the final.


Me and Val love him.

Oh, he's got such a terrific bum! Mum! She's not talking about that Greek fella's arse again, is she?

So exciting! You'll watch Masterchef with me, won't you?


No! Please?

No! No way! What do you mean no way?

It's the final! Of people cooking.

And then eating.

Oh, please, for me?

I only see you once a week.

No! Martin, speak to the boys! What about?


Oh, Masterchef.

Um, well, it's a cookery programme on BBC, it's like a big competition.

Not generally, tell them! Hmm?

About them watching it! Oh, right.

Your mum wants you to watch it.

We know.

Will you?

No! I tried.

I wish I'd had girls.

Ooh, excuse me.

Come on, pigs.


Here What?



Yes, really! Aren't you freezing?

Now, Adam, I need to speak to you.

This better not be about what I think it's going to be about.


You know.


What you always talk to me about?

The economy?

No, the F word.


Yes, females.


Well, is it?

No no, it's, um Well, don't tell my wife but, er Your wife?

Sorry, your mother.

Look, I ordered some things off the internet and I had to get them sent round to your place.



50 back copies of New Scientist magazine?

Jesus, you're buying more?

Shh! They're all from 1965, I'm missing that year, it's the set.

Why are you buying more when you're taking the rest to the dump?

If I take the rest to the dump! What?


Dad, you do know Mum will go mental?

Why are you both outside?


Your soup's just sitting there.

What's that?


Er, it's nothing, Jackie, just, um Females.

Oh, females.

Well, hurry up, will you?

Aren't you freezing?

I told you, I'm boiling! Oh.

So you'll look after the stuff for me?

All right, God! So are there any?

What, females?

Yes! No! My son the monk! Well! You know what, Jackie?


This is a lovely bit of squirrel! I'll get it! Sit down! It'll only be Val about Masterchef.



Listen, you know those, er, boxes I'm taking to the dump?

Full of all that old crap?

It's not crap! I need you to take them later and put them in your car.

Why do I have to take them to the dump, why can't Pusface?

Because Pusface here has already been given a job.

Shut up, Adam! Jonny, all I want you to do is take them home and look after them for me.

And you're buying more?

Jesus, Dad! Shhh! She is so funny! Mmm, lovely bread, Jackie, did you make it?


I've never made bread in my life! OK, what's going How's Aunty Val?


Oh, she is so excited! Mastershit?


Is Alison a good cook?


You know?

Your pretend girlfriend?

Ha ha! Um, I dunno, really.

What do you mean you don't know?

He doesn't know because she doesn't exist.

Just because I've got a girlfriend! Who has another boyfriend Simon is not her boyfriend! Oh, no, sorry.

He's just a guy who sleeps on top of her.

Who you talking about?


Alan Davidson?


Mum, don't you think Adam should ask Tanya Green out for a date?

Oh, very good.

She's meant to be a lovely girl.

Sorry, female.

She is a lovely girl.

Oh, she was a beautiful baby.

You want me to go out with a baby?

Oh, don't be so stupid.

No, it would be lovely, actually.

A nice romantic date, all arranged by my Mum, the paedophile.

Who's a paedophile?

Mum is.


I'll get it! I'll get it! I wonder who that could be?

Ah, um Adam.

Yes, of course.

Right, well, I've just come to, um Yep Wilson, you stay! Oh.

Ooh, something smells nice! Right, Wilson.


So I'm basically a lavatory attendant.

What could I do?

Oh, maybe I should offer him some crumble?


No way! Crumble?

No, Jackie! All right, all right! Do you think Jim ever gets any You know, lady action?

Shhh! He can't hear us! Just wait! Bye, Jim! So, do you reckon Jim ever gets any ladies?

I think his dog gets more.

I reckon he just strangles them! Hello, everyone! Ooh! We'd Thought you'd gone.

No, just saying hi.

Don't get up.

Hello, Martin.

Um, hello, Jim.

Um, are you well?

Fine, fine.

That's a nice spread.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, I'm sorry, you're eating, I'm being very rude.

No, not at all.

Oh, OK.

So How's Wilson?

He had worms.

How's Wilson?

He had worms.

Er, Adam, could you, er Sure, Mum.

Well, it's lovely to see you, Jim.

It's lovely to se you too, Jackie.

And the others.

So if, er If you'd like to Yes, course Oh, and, er, bring in the apple crumble.


Ooh, crumble! Yes! Well, never mind.

You'll do that for me, will you?


What are you.



Shhh! That's your glass.

I know.

Don't tell Adam.

And if you ever need to use the toilet round at mine, Jackie, you're always welcome.

Well, thanks, Jim.

That's good to know.

Has the lady strangler gone?

Shh! Bye, then! Mmm, crumble! Crimble crumble! Looks a bit dry.

Lucky we've got water.


Nothing, just saying, lucky we've got some water.

Oh, wait a minute I know what you've done! What?

Ha-ha! Ugh! You bastard! How did you?

Jonny! The double bluff! High-five, Dad! Christ! What you doing?

You know he doesn't understand these things.

Lunatic! Right, I'm gonna get some new water, then.

Hey! Oh, can you get it?

It'll be Val again.

Hi, Aunty Val.

Oh, hello, Pusface.

'Got ya!' Cockhead.

Good one, Pissface! Cheers! You better not be Sorry?

Christ, again?


It's like a public toilet in here.

Hello, come in, use the loo.

Oh, thanks, I really do need to go, actually! Where is it?

Um, just In there Great, thanks! Mum, there's There's a man in our loo! Yes, we know that.

No, like, a man! Come and eat your crumble.

I swear! I opened the door and What's he going on about?


What you doing?

Shh! Hello?

Who you talking to?


Who are you saying hello to the whole time?

Shhh! Hello?

That's not Jim.

I know! What are you doing in there?

Um, I'm going to the toilet.

Why are we all in the hall?

There's a man in our toilet.

A man?

Who are you?

Er, Chris Parker.

Who's he?

What are you doing here?

I've come about the sofabed?


He's come about the sofabed.

Don't be silly, the man's coming tomorrow.

Erm, well that's a man And he's definitely here now I am.

And he's definitely come about the sofabed.

I have.

You're unbelievable! Why aren't you here on the fifth?

It is the fifth?

No, Saturday the fifth! Dad, today is the fifth.

It's Friday 5th.

Yeah, today is the fifth?

Is it?

Right, well done, Martin, right in the middle of dinner.

Thank you.

But I thought the fifth was Jackie, I'm sorry, I thought Now careful.

Pull it out slowly.

Slowly I'm doing it slowly! Yeah, it's perfect size.

It's actually for my father.

He's had a pretty tough time health-wise.


Slowly In and out of hospital, it's been awful.


Move it round Now, hopefully, Dad can stay over at ours, we can always just fold it back into a sofa.


Slowly! You don't need to tell me to do it slowly any more! That's the beauty of a sofa bed, I suppose.

Yeah, and lift Argh! What?

Oh, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! Are you all right?

Oh, sh*t on it, sh*t on the bloody thing! Sorry.

Oh, sh*t on it, sh*t on it! Are you all right?

Of course I'm not! The sh1tting thing went right on my bloody Are you all right?

What happened?

Oh, go away, Jackie! Martin! I'm so sorry.

It's OK, Dad, we'll do it.

Just go downstairs.

Oh, sh*t on the sh1tting thing! I'm really sorry.

Right, er, OK.

Slowly Be careful of the wallpaper.


Slowly Please, Mum! Oh! Excuse me.

What are you doing up here?

Well, the other boy was in the one downstairs, so, em Oh, hello, Jackie.

Hi, Jim.

Yes, quickly! Sorry! Jim, Jim Bell.


Chris, Chris Parker.

I broke my toilet.

Oh, how did you do that?

Right, yes.

So, bye, Jackie! Bye, Jim.

Bye-bye, all.

He's, er, not part of the family.

Jonny's meant to be taping it.

Jonny, are you taping it?

Yes, I've told you! And don't tell me who wins! Adam, what's your mother doing?

Phone! Oh, typical.

I said, be careful of the wallpaper! Yes, OK! All right, tell me, is his lovely bottom in those tight leather trousers?

What's she talking about?

Someone's bottom.

Yeah, I'd better go.

Bye, love! How are we doing?

I think you need to move it a bit your way.

Whoa, whoa! You all right there, Pusface?

Yes, fine, go away! I'll just have a nice lie down on the sofa then.

Jonny, youaretaping MasterChef?

For the 350,000th bloody time, I am taping it, all right?

Excuse my horrible sons.

Jonny, the boxes, in the car! Oh, what, now?

Yes, bleedin' now! Right, what's happening?

I think it's stuck.


It's stuck.


I can't understand a word the bloody man's saying.

What did he say?

It's stuck! Right, it's stuck, thank you.

Well, what are we going to do?

Em hang ourselves?

Martin! Is it really stuck?

You try pulling it up your way a bit.

Stop, it's tearing the wallpaper! Stop! Oh, brilliant, it's properly stuck! Oh, I hope that's not Dad's.

Hold on, don't let go! What?

Mum! Martin?

Mum, please! Martin! Darling?

You think I'm stupid, do you?


Mum, not now.

Shut up, Adam! So that's what you do.

Instead of chucking away all those dirty old magazines that, you know, I hate you get your youngest son to hide them! You, what, but And then you go and buy more, more of those bloody magazines! By the way, they're not like dirty magazines.

Oh, right.

Jackie, they're collectibles! They're not collectibles - they're crap! But Jackie Oh! sh*t, sh*t on it! Will you please stop saying sh*t on it! Stop saying sh*t on it.


As soon as we get downstairs, you are taking those bloody boxes out of Jonny's car, you hear?

Yes! Oh, my God! Shhh! When?

Oh, no! No, no OK, right.

Oh, my God.

Right, OK.


You all right?

Um I think I need to sit down.

What's the matter?

My My dad.

My dad's just d*ed.

Oh, my God! Oh, I'm so sorry! Yeah, sorry.

How awful.

What sort of dog was it?

We all knew it was coming, it's just the shock.

No, I'm OK, love.

I'll be leaving soon, they're just making me some tea.

I will.


Are you all right?


Er, yeah, thanks.

Sorry, did you say you take sugar?


Em, no.

No sugar, thanks.

Well, talk to the man! Fantastic Friday night.

Can you invite him every week?

Don't be horrible.

How would you feel if, God forbid, one of us d*ed?

Erm Right, thank you, Adam.


Dad! Dad! What's happening?

What are you doing?

I'm making the man a cup of tea.

Not that cup! What's the matter?

Oh, my God! Here you are.

That's my cup! Nice cup of tea.

Thank you.


Oh, no.

Um, excuse me.

Ugh! I think this has got salt in it! Did you put salt in my tea?

Sorry, sorry.


There's salt in his tea.


! Is this water?

Er, I think so.

I put salt in his tea?

Ugh! There's salt in this too! Oh, is there?

Why would you do that?

Why have you put salt in everything?

My father's just d*ed and you're just putting salt in everything! Actually, I've got to go.

What about the sofa bed?

You have to twist it up a bit.

Just twist it up a bit more?

Lift up the catch.

Push and pull! Christ! I think he liked us.

That's it, Jackie.

Be careful, be careful! It's all right, Mum, it was easy.

Slowly Oh, God! Careful, Jackie, careful.

Ooh! That's it.

Thank you.

Good girl.

Down we come.

There we are.

Well done, Mum.

You OK, Jackie?

Er, thanks, Jim.

Yeah, thanks, thanks again.

Actually, do you mind if I?

You know There.


Right, MasterChef! Oh, I know, who'd have thought that Greek chap would win?

What a final! CRASH! sh*t on it!