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05x10 - The Window

Posted: 12/09/09 10:48
by bunniefuu
Ted's apartment

Marshall: Well, I received another.

Robin: What's there in the box? What there was in the boiiite?What there was in the boiiiiiite?! What there was in the boiiiiiiite?! Not bad eh? Nothing. I'm the idiot huh? What there was in the box?

Ted: Since Lily and Marshall have their apartment, her mother keeps sending him old things she wants to get rid.

Marshall: Well done 'man, right on target this time. I really needed the right arm of Himan, and this old book of Mad Libs.Pet went to fart to fart loud. This is good. Thank you 'man.

The phone rings and Ted wins.

Ted: Hello?

Older woman: Ted Mosby?

Ted: Yes.

Elderly Woman: The window is open.

Ted: What?

Elderly Woman: The window is open.

Ted: The window is open.

Marshall: What are you waiting for? Ted, run!

Ted puts his jacket over and out of the apartment.

Ted: Lily, the window is open. Fight your way, watercourse Ted, run!

He runs and then arrives at an apartment where a young woman comes out.

Woman: Ted?

Ted: Hey, Maggie. I was just, you know, hmm... How are you?

Maggie: I think I'm fine. Actually no, I'm not well. I just broke up with my boyfriend.

Ted: Oh, sorry for you. Wanna go out tonight?

Maggie: Yes, of course.


The band is at McLaren's.

Marshall: Come on, tell me that happened to you on time?

Ted: I arrived!

Robin: What's happening? What is this window?

Ted: You see how everyone knows a person, and whatever happens, this person is perfect for you.

Robin: My cats.

Marshall: Lily.

Barney: That girl over there.

Ted: Well this girl was and still is Maggie Wilks.

Marshall: We went to college together, she's great. Everybody liked him.

Barney: Oh I know what we do here. Tell me when it stops.

Ted: It was not the fact that Maggie was good. It was the...

Marshall: It was the perfect girl next door.

Ted: It was the perfect girl next door. And still is. All the guys who meet Maggie fall madly in love with her. And that's the problem. Since I know her, she has been single for only three short windows of time.


Ted goes to Maggie.

Ted: When she moved here and broke up with her boyfriend in college, I waited one month, not to go for the spare wheel. And the spare wheel well, he stayed two years. After their breakup, I have waited a week. Late again. She stayed with guys for 3 years.

End flashback

Ted: The third time, I was super fast. I got not even one hour after their breakup. The only thing she has made between the break and I arrived, it's down to her mail.


Ted: Late again. And she went out with him four years. I would not let me have it again. So I begged her neighbor, Ms. Doglas, call me when she and David have broken loose.

End flashback

Ted: And now, a single and Maggie is available along the way to this bar right now. I made him take a taxi with a woman driver for there is no interaction with a man, so far.

Barney: Even when I arrived here, she still will not touch with a man. I feel good tonight, this evening will be well.

Marshall: This is my overalls. I wore this little baby, during high school.

Robin: Hey, you were really a virgin before he met Lily.

Marshall: It was not necessary.

Lily: She's right baby, if you had worn it in college, even I would not have slept with you. And if you remember, I wanted to.

Barney: No way, no one could sleep while wearing it. Challenge accepted. I, Barney Stinson, brilliant mind in an extraordinary body, this will overalls, and lie with a woman.

Robin: I went out with this guy.

Ted: Ok, game plan Maggie arrives, a few minutes of gathering and presentation, and everyone leaves us. This is my only chance, and I will not go wrong.

Robin: You do not give a lecture tonight?

Ted: Damn!

Lily: Oh my God, good evening.

Maggie arrives.

Ted: I want you to Maggie Robin, my roommate.

Maggie: Nice to meet you.

Robin: Likewise.

Ted: I completely forgot, I teach a class tonight. How would you like to come and see what happens during an architecture?

Maggie: Ooh, not even a little. I'll stick with Marshall and Lily, that's fine.

Ted: Super. Sit down, put yourself at ease. Relaxed, everything is relaxed. Listen, you want me to find the perfect girl for you so all together, it's her. Do not let a guy to approach her. No server to take our order, clean the table, and if it ignites, I want a female firefighter to extinguish.

Marshall: I think that emergencies are taking applications like that.

Ted: Marshall Good God, do what you need to keep single until my return. I pay the bill, but do not abuse.

Ted leaves for his course.

Marshall and Lily are in front of the toilet bar.

Marshall: Target secure?

Lily: Target secure.

Marshall: Wow, weird, pulled out all the toilets at the same time.

Lily: Let's go to the table all together.

Marshall: Look at that, our table.

Lily, a man: Get out!

Barney arrives at the bar with the overalls of Marshall.

Robin: Your challenge not interest me but you're cheating. Wear a suit under the overalls.

Barney: No. They are called not on the shirt, or on t-shirts for wholesale repairing the car and my mother spent some time with her top. They are called overalls, and I can relate to what I want.

Robin: Oh it does not tell you goodnight, he tells you how he feeds his horses. I could sit there and tell jokes Farmer on you all night. Challenge accepted.

Ted can continue.

Ted: Good evening, tonight we will quickly see the different bridges. There are 6 types of bridges, small, large, with suspension and three others. You land on each side and water in the middle. See you next week.

Student: It was a course of 1 hour.

Ted: Who wants to hear me talk about bridges for 1 hour? (All raise their hands) Really?

At the bar, Marshall and Lily always watch Maggie.

Lily: I just remembered how Ted is awesome.

Maggie: Bizarre as drinking game.

Barney: I offer you a drink?

Robin: It was a big tractor 3-axis.

Barney: What do I do?

Architecture course Ted.

Ted: One important thing to remember when designing a bridge.

Student: Maggie?

Ted: No. Finally yes. When you design a bridge remember: "Make Adjustments... Fetch energetically" ("Make Ajustments Energize Go Get It" Maggie acronym in English) Good advice in general too.

Student: Professor Mosby, Maggie is someone special?

Ted: No, I mean it's just that girl that interests me very long time.And tonight this is my chance to get away with it.

Student 2: It's Good?

Ted: Yes Jamie, she is very pretty. We can now finish the course. Betty?

Betty: Maggie is finally free, but you Professor, are you ready for a serious relationship?

Ted: Bluntly. I think. Perhaps. I dunno, you think what?

In McLaren's...

Marshall: Oh my God, I had totally forgotten that.

Maggie: What is it?

Marshall: A duty that day of my 15 years. Write a letter to your future you with a list of things you hope to do. "Dear Future Me..."


In 1993, Marshall is in his room at his desk, dressed in his overalls and he writes.

Marshall: "... you better drive a camaro or a super van. This is priority numero uno. And your ponytail should happen to you at the knees. You can always dunk course and change your name to "Vanilla Thunder". Your wife, girlfriend, 1m80, a great body and take care of yourself. "

End flashback

Marshall: Sorry darling.

Lily: No problem, you just described your mother.

Maggie: Continuous.


Marshall: "You still wear overalls faded because it looks torn.And more importantly, you better save the world, and if you became a poor guy then throw yourself off a cliff, because you suck. And I "Licky boom boom down".

End flashback

Lily and Maggie laughs the last sentence of Marshall.

Marshall: Yes that's right, it's hilarious, I became a business poor guy. I work for GNB, the bank most unhealthy existence.

Maggie: Oh come on Thunder vanilla, everyone should grow up and get a job.

Lily: I remember in college, Maggie wanted to be a marine biologist by day and tutor children in difficulty at night. What you ended up doing?

Maggie: These things.

Marshall rises.

Lily: Baby, where you going?

Marshall: I have to do something at work, it will not be long.

Maggie: What did he?

Lily: Oh no, I think he'll resign. Sorry Maggie, I have to go stop him. (Lily comes out in pursuit of Marshall, leaving Maggie alone. A man turns to Maggie) Ted I had to leave the bar but it's good she is with Robin.

Ted: You're left with Maggie Robin?

Robin: Relax, everything is under control.

Ted: You do not understand, this girl is like a magnet to men... overkill.

Robin: I know a little something about loving to men... you see me as one of those magnets that can not put a picture of your children on the fridge. But I am one of these magnets... that can pick up cars in scrap yards...! (Robin returns to the table where she finds a man with Maggie) Who is it?

Maggie: Robin, this is a good friend of Jim's work.

Robin: Oh, well... hello you!

Jim, without looking at Enchanted!

During Ted...

Ted: What does mean to be ready? I thought I was ready last year and I was left on the altar. I'll be honest. I'm scared! Ok, Luis and Betty!

Luis: We're all scared, Professor Mosby.

Betty: Do not be afraid you did not know that it's something important?

Ted: I mean, if you're not afraid you do not try your luck... and if you do not try your luck then... What are you doing? Not?

Jamie: I think you're ready buddy.
At the bar, Maggie laughs with Jim and Robin watching.

Maggie: You're too funny!

Robin: Funny? I think it's hilarious. In fact, I liked so much that I think I'm pissed.

Jim: I'd better go. I go to the first of this photo exhibition we talked about at work. I have a ticket if you want more?

Robin: I'd love to!

Ted is about to leave.

Ted: Ok, I gotta go!

Jamie: Just one last tip: M.A...

All:... G.G.I.E!

His phone rings.

Ted: Hello?

Robin: Ted, change of plans!

She is out with Jim ready to take a taxi.

Ted: You let him with Barney?

Barney: Ted, will you calm down? I'm your pal!

Ted: You're an animal!

Barney: And I know our relationship has suffered in this area, I assure you I'll be the perfect gentleman.

Maggie: Thank you! In fact, I love this bib!

Barney: You have 10 minutes to get here, the window closes.

Ted: 10 minutes?

Barney: Yeah, because we're friends!

Ted Short.

Ted (2030): While I was running through the city to return to the bar, your Aunt Robin was doing his best to keep Jim away from Maggie.

Robin is the photo exhibition with Jim.

Jim: You could go to the bar, Maggie is still there?

Robin: Oh, it's not possible! I love pictures of dogs ironic. You got it there with the dog Welsh dwarf who is a missionary?

Jim: I'll take a taxi, I feel bad for leaving Maggie alone.

Robin: And if you took a glass of wine first? (It shatters his glass on it voluntarily) Oooh boy! I'm dirty, it's me! I'm just a dirty, dirty girl... that would defeat the second base with a friend of a friend.Tui love it! It's pig!

Jim: I'll call Maggie to see what it does.

Robin: Oh my God, Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. Leave her alone!Lord, she goes out with Ted tonight.

Jim: Ted? And Devon?

Robin: They have broken.

Jim: Maggie is single?

Robin: It tells me nothing!

Jim hand and the server comes to Robin with a cloth to wipe her her dress.

Server: I can remove it? Please?

Ted, always current: I hate Barney Stinson!

Voice: Me too!

Ted (2030): Lily finally arrived at GNB. But the place was deserted.

Lily Marshall is on a basketball court.

Lily: Hey baby! I thought you came here to resign... I forgot the basket.

Marshall: Yeah, I thought so... so I got to do something on this list I will feel more so old so I... I came here to dunk.

Lily: Do it helped you feel better?

Marshall: I just touches the bottom of the net. You know my legs are so bad that I have a hard time getting approved.

In McLaren's...

Barney: Really...

Ted comes running at the bar.

Ted: How could you?

Barney: I'm challenged to have sex with overalls. And if you stay on my path, then you let Barney win. And you do not want that!This place will never tell us the end of history.

Jim: Thank God! Maggie! (Ted and Barney stops him) I love that girl.

Ted: Put yourself on the line Bob!

Barney: Yeah, I'll sleep with her. After, he'll tell her he loves her.And you can do... what you want. Is there agreement on the order?

Robin, Jim: Sir! You just missed... the night of your life! The night... of your life.

Jim: I'm in love with her for 5 years!

Ted: I'm in love with her for 12 years!

Barney: I wear this jumpsuit since 1:30!

Marshall and Lily are always the basketball court.

Lily: Maybe you can not dunk now. But you did more in 30 years that this 15 year old could have dreamed. You are a graduate of law. You had the good sense to cut you that stupid ponytail. And, you married this super b*mb that is unlike any points to your mother. This entitles you to 30 cm less to dunk. (She drops a little basket) Go ahead Thunder vanilla!

Marshall: remote!

He rushes forward, touches the bottom of the net and falls.

Lily: Oh, Baby! And if instead of going to dunk on your desk... you allongeras and I'd put the banana oil everywhere?

Marshall: Sure baby. Why we would not do that here?

Lily: Sure baby.

At the Bar, Ted, Barney and Jim will argue that Maggie.

Ted: Guys, guys, guys! We must fix that.

Jim: We continue to negotiate until we have a very small window of opportunity.

Barney: Guys, let me assure you that if you let me... the window will reopen in about 10 minutes.

Ted: Wait, where is Maggie?

Robin: She's gone!

Ted: What?

Robin: I told him to return. You were like vultures... fighting for his carcass. Let her be single for once.

Jim: What enfoirée!

Ted: Wait, she's right. Maggie deserves a little time for her.Nobody likes to be alone, especially after a break but... This is where we discover who we really are... and what you really want. She deserves it!

Ted (2030): Children, I thought. That's why I'm not proud of what he was after...

Ted runs out followed by Jim and Barney.

Ted, in front of Maggie: It was after the corner!

He knocks on the door behind him and Jim Barney.

Ted: Oh, sorry, the course we had a little... Who is it?

Maggie: It's Adam. It's crazy, we grew up together was not forced to see since...

Adam: Very long time!

Ted (2030):... That's when Maggie told us the second most beautiful love story I heard.


We see the story of Maggie and Adam take place over the years.

End flashback

Adam: I just moved to town and I've grown up a bit.

Maggie: I think you have much to catch up.

Ted: Yeah, sure!

Ted (2030): So the kids, I'm left with... the neighbor because the neighbor.

Ted: Well... I'll see you next time!

Ted (2030): There was never a next time. The window of Maggie never reopened.

Barney: Well, I found! There are bars country, "the giddy ups", there are tons of guys in overalls. Copilot me!

Ted: I do not want the "giddy ups." That's what I want. I had forgotten how it felt to seeking the real thing... but I think I'm ready again.

Barney: Let me tell you where I am... I want to sleep with a girl in order to remove this jumpsuit. (From Ted) Go, go. You gotta help me, I have to remove this damn thing.

Older woman: Hey you! I love your overalls!

At the bar, Marshall wrote a letter to him his future.

Marshall: Dear Marshall 60 years... Now you would work in a place that contributes to a better world. Or at least you try. No pressure man! I mean, sir. So... If time travel is possible, could you give me a little sign? Tuesday, December 8 at 8:29 p.m.....

Lily: Someone sent these chicken wings because they were too hot. I do... too hot, you're crazy? So chicken wings free.

Marshall: Old Marshall, as long as you're married to Lily you'll be fine.

Waitress at the old Marshall: Sir, it is for us. Sorry that the wings were so hot.

Old Marshall: Oh dear, it's not that they were too hot. It's just that I've ever had before. Much earlier!