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02x07 - Paddington in a Hole / Paddington in the Galapagos / Paddington Strikes a Bargain

Posted: 06/26/23 07:26
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does his
best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

- I do wish
mr. Curry would hurry up

And finish all
his home improvements.

- I wouldn't mind if they were
his ideas in the first place!

Now there's talk of a serving
hatch in his kitchen wall!

Just like the one
mr. Brown installed.

- He said he'd do that after
he copies the concrete path.

- Huh! Indeed!

If mr. Curry's
not simply being mean,

He's busy copying
everyone else's ideas.

-Are you sure you won't
come with us, paddington?

-No, thank you, mrs. Brown.
I think I'll stay at home
and sit in the garden.

-oh! I don't think
you'll get much peace.

Not while mr. Curry's
busy trying to copy

All of henry's improvements.

-It had indeed been a very
busy week for mr. Brown.

The serving hatch he installed

Made life easier for everyone, not just mrs. Bird.

And the kitchen sparkled with a fresh coat of paint.

It was when mr. Brown laid the new concrete path in the garden

That mr. Curry got
wind of it all.

Mrs. Bird says
that mr. Curry's

Never had an original
idea in his life.

-I'll never finish
these renovations.


Good morning, bear.

-Oh! Good morning, mr. Curry.

-I wonder if you'd care
to lend a paw, bear.

I'm laying down some stakes
and it's a bit difficult
with only one pair of hands.

This way!

-Mrs. Bird is right, mr. Curry:

You do want your
house to look like ours.

-What? Er... Well, anyway,
I'll show you where you
can put the stakes,

And you can carry on while
I go out for more supplies.

And if you finish
before I get back,
you can collect some rubble

For the path's foundation.

If you do a good job,
there might be
pence in it for you.

-Thank you, mr. Curry, but--

Now, when I nod my head,
you hit it.




Where are you, bear?
Come back here, bear!

-I couldn't believe
my ears when mr. Curry
told me to hit his head.

But over the years, I've learned never to question him.

There's always a first time.-Oh, when I get

My hands on him...

Now I shall have to stop
at the doctor's before
buying my supplies.

-While I hadn't agreed
to lend a paw with the
stakes or collect rubble,

I did feel badly about hitting mr. Curry and I wanted to make it up to him.

But since he hadn't
shown me where to put

The stakes, I'd have to find another way to help him.

And I did. Oh!

[Hammering and sawing]

[A baby's crying.]

I found that knocking down walls was much more interesting

Than what mr. Curry
had planned for me.

Even with all the dust.


I had finished one of the
best jobs I could ever
remember doing,

And I was sure mr. Curry
would be just as pleased.

Oh dear...

I think I'm in trouble again.

I've seen the browns'
house from a great
many different angles,

But never from that direction.

Oh, oh...

-There you are, bear.
What are you up to now?

-What am I up to now, mr. Curry?

-Ah, I see you're trying
to make amends,

And you've done very well.
This is excellent rubble.

Here, I promised you pence
and I must say you've earned it.

-Thank you very much, mr.
Curry, but I won't spend it
yet in case you want it back.

-Nonsense. Of course
I shan't want it back.

This rubble's just what
I need for my path.

-I don't think you should use
it for your path, mr. Curry.

You may want it
for something else.
-Something else?

What ever are you on about?
Give me an example?

-If it's all the same to you,
mr. Curry, I'd rather not.

-Well, back to work then!


There! That won't come up again
in a hurry once it's set.


Where have you got to, bear?

Yoohoo! Bear?





-Ooh! I just saw a
bear running that way.

-He'll be doing more than
running when I catch him.

-Don't worry, mate. I'll
just leave your milk in
this delivery hatch.

Won't even have to
bother you from now on.

-Delivery hatch?

-It's a terrific
idea, you know?

I'm sure the grocery boy,
anyone else who has to make
deliveries will agree:

It'll make life so much easier.

And if you build
a cupboard inside,

You won't even have
to answer the door!

-No, I wouldn't, would i?

Ah, there you are, bear!
Come here at once.

-I'm sorry about the
serving hatch, mr. Curry.

You see, I picked the
wrong wall by mistake.

Your house is the
same as the browns'

Except everything's
the other way around.

-Don't worry, bear,
it's a splendid idea!
Very practical indeed.

I don't know why I didn't
think of it ages ago.

And you know what the best
part of it is, bear?

-It was free, mr. Curry?

-Ha! Ha! Ha! Not
only that, bear.

What's best of all
is that no other house
on the street has one.

-Ha! Maybe I'll surprise
mr. Brown with one as well.

-People come from
all over the world

To photograph and
study the animals of
the galapagos islands.

That is why, I'm afraid,
you only have one day to carry
out your research, mr. Gruber.

-That should be plenty
of time, mr. Sanchez.

I'm sure I'll be able to get all
the photographs I need for my
book: the world and its wonders.

-And it is because of this
young bear that you have
been given permission.

After all, he is from peru.

-And because peru and ecuador
are right next to each other,

We're neighbours, mr. Sanchez.

-Exactly! So we will meet
back here at the end of
the day. Good luck!

-Isn't this exciting,
mr. Brown?

The galapagos islands,
where evolution happens
before your very eyes.

Look, mr. Brown!

Oh, wait!

-I hope evolution slows
down a bit while we're
here, mr. Gruber.

Otherwise you won't
get any good pictures.

-The blue-footed booby. Steady,
mr. Brown. Don't startle it.

-I'm sorry, mr. Gruber,
but you didn't say anything
about it startling me.

-Don't worry, mr. Brown. But we
shall have to work out a plan

If we are to get the
photographs we need.

You go that way and
I'll go this way.

We'll circle towards each
other and corner the bird.

-Bears are good at going
around in circles, mr. Gruber.

-Quietly, fran. Do not
frighten them away.

-Hurry, fritz, or the
shot will be ruined.

[Noise from the motor
of the camera]

-Ack! We waited hours for the
sun to be perfectly positioned,

And you ruined the shot!

-Me, fritz! Youare the
one who wasn't fast enough!

-One whole month, and still
we have nothing interesting

For our documentary film
on the galapagos islands.

-We must find something soon, or
our reputations will be ruined.

-Ah, ah! But where's mr. Gruber?

Perhaps I can see him
from up there.

But I'll need to use my claws.

-What's that?


Red feet! Are you filming?
-Of course!

Do you see that? Red feet,
blue body, red crest...

What kind of creature is this?

-I have never seen
anything like it.

You had better not
ruin this shot, fritz.

-Mr. Gruber? Ah!


Mr. Gruber! Help!

Mr. Gruber!!!

-That cry...

Fantastic! And whatever it is,

It is on the move.

-We must get closer. But
first, we need... Camouflage!

-I certainly have
a helpful assistant.

His cries sent the
bird right to me.
-Sorry, mr. Gruber.

Oh, mr. Gruber, I've
ruined another picture.

-That's quite all
right, mr. Brown.

We'll just have to try again.

Whatever happened
to your wellingtons?

-Oh! I left them back there.

-Perhaps you should fetch
them while I track the bird.

-I love this part of our job.

-I shall be picking leaves
out of my hair for weeks!

-You must be perfectly
quiet, fran.

-Imust be quiet?

-That sounds like something very
large. I hope it isn't something
that's looking for lunch.

-Shush! Here it comes.

Ach! It must have spotted us.
It is trying to get away. Hurry!

-It's chasing me!


This creature is behaving
strangely. Almost as if it
knows it is being followed.

-My hat!

Something's sprung a leak.

There. I must be sure to
tell mr. Sanchez about this.

-Now is the time to
get a closeup. We must
be very careful.

Who knows what
we're dealing with?

-I wonder if this creature
has a defense mechanism.

It could be dangerous.

[Together]: whoa!

-This creature, it...
It throws rocks!


-Ah, mr. Brown. I'm afraid to
say that I've lost the bird.

-Well, there's lots more we can
take pictures of, mr. Gruber.

-It's the blue-
footed booby again.

I think it's after
your marmalade sandwich.

-Aunt lucy always
told me to share.

-Good work, mr. Brown!

-Hurry up, mr. Gruber,

It's about to begin!

-What a stroke of
luck, mr. Brown,

To be able to watch a
nature documentary on
the galapagos islands

So soon after our trip there.

I'm sure it'll be very helpful
for your book, mr. Gruber.

-We have made a truly
wonderful discovery.

A new species never before seen on the galapagos islands! Isn't that right, mr. Sanchez?

-Experts have examined this footage quite carefully,

And all agree that this is
an undocumented species.

-But... That looks like my coat,
and my wellingtons,

And my hat! -But the greatest mystery is,

That this rare species seems to have disappeared
without a trace.

-Well, we know where that rare
species is, don't we, mr. Brown?

-And if you had your camera,
mr. Gruber, you could
take a picture of it.

- My favourite
part of the day

Is sharing my
buns with mr. Gruber.

Is sharing my
buns with mr. Gruber.

I always learn a lot from
our chats together.

Good morning mr. Gruber!

Mr. Gruber?...

Mr. Gruber never
misses our elevenses.

I do hope he's all right.

Not a sign of him. And no clues.

On second thoughts...

Mr. Gruber?

Are you all right?
-Mr. Brown?

Is that you?

Ah! Good morning, mr. Brown.

I see you've spotted
my latest acquisition.

It's an old crock.

That's the name given to vintage
cars. This one is so old
it runs on steam.

-You mean you have to boil
a kettle to make it go?

-Ha! Ha! Ha! No, no, mr. Brown.
What I mean is that it's a
steam-powered automobile.

It was built in the days
before they invented the
engines we use today.

But I'm afraid it's a little
worse for wear at the moment.

I wonder if you wouldn't mind
helping me to restore it,
mr. Brown?

-Restore it! Oh, yes,
please, mr. Gruber!

-Soon there will be
the international fair
in the portobello road.

And I hope to enter it
in the grand parade,
if it's ready in time.

-I've had plenty of practise at
cleaning things up, mr. Gruber.

I'm sure we'll be able to
turn this old crock into a
new one in no time at all.

And after a lot of hard work, that's just what we did.

But I also managed to get...

Very, very dirty.

It was time to use
a secret w*apon.

"Magic bubblescontains
special ingredients.

With just one capful, magical
results are guaranteed."

Magical results...
That's just what I need.

If one capful does all they say,
think what two might do.

After all, tomorrow
is a very special day!

-Here you are, paddington.

I think I've removed
all the stains.

-Thank you very much, mrs. Bird.
-You look so clean and shiny!

And so slippery. It almost
seems a pity to cover you up.

-It's the magic bubbles,
mrs. Bird.

"Two-ton "muscles" galore.

The strongest man in the world."
He sounds very interesting.

-Ah, mr. Brown. I have to go and
register the car. Why don't you
have a look around the fair.

-Where shall I start,
mr. Gruber?


-Why, just follow
your nose, mr. Brown.

-Ah, I see you've seen
the bonnie prize.

-For tossin' the caber.
Take a look over there.

Are you up to it, laddie?
-I might have a go.

-You! Hand the caber to
this young gentleman here.

-You're kiddin' me, right? He'd
never be able to hold it up!

-I'll have you know that bears
are very good at holding things.

Thank you very mu... Aaah!

-Mr brown...

-Why, I'm gonna...

-Come on now, muscles,
it's time for your show.

-Oh dear, mr. Brown. This has
put a damper on our entering
the grand parade.

-Perhaps we could try parading
it on three wheels?

-It's possible, I suppose,
mr. Brown. But someone would
have to hold the other corner.

Someone with a lot of strength.

-I shan't be a moment,
mr. Gruber.

-And in this corner, I give you
the strongest man in the world,

The one, the only,
two-ton "muscles" galore!

And our challenger,
ladies and gentlemen,

Is... Who are you, champ?

-My name isn't champ.
It's paddington brown
and I'm from darkest peru.

-And in this corner,

All the way from
darkest peru,

Paddington brown!


-Now ain't this just
a funny turn of events!

It's him again!
I'm gonna enjoy this!

-Mr. Galore. I was...

-Here! He's all slippery!

-Mr. Galore, I just wanted to...

-He's coated himself with
somethin'! I can't get a hold!

He's all slippery.
Worse than an eel.

[The crowd]: paddington!
Paddington! Paddington!

Paddington! Paddington!
Paddington! Paddington!

-Paddington? Did you hear that?

-Come over here, you!
-No, thank you, mr. Galore.

-Well, I never! In all my years!

Muscles galore, indeed! You
ought to be ashamed of yourself!

Why don't you pick on
someone your own size?

-Get her off me! Get her off me!

-Mrs. Bird! I only wanted
to ask mr. Galore if he'd
help with mr. Gruber's car.

-Anythin', I'll do anythin'
you want! Just get her
to stop, will you?

-I must thank you, mr. Brown.
I'd almost given up hope of
entering the grand parade.

-You're welcome, mr. Gruber.
But mrs. Bird helped a bit too.

-You're looking very full of
beans, paddington. Anyone would
think you had a bus to catch.

-Actually, I'm looking forward
to a nice hot bath, mrs. Bird.

-Goodness gracious!
Wonders will never cease!

-My whiskers are a bit dusty
so I may need some more
magic bubbles.

They were so successful today,
who knows what results they
could bring tomorrow.