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03x25 - Taste

Posted: 06/26/23 15:14
by bunniefuu


- Hooble-doop Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come.


♪ You know who the Hoobs are. ♪

- Iver.

- Groove.

- And Tula.

- [All] We're Hoobs.

♪ And they're ready to go. ♪

- [Iver] Wahey!

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know. ♪

- Yeah hey.

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-Hoob-Hooray! ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way. ♪

- Oh here we come.

- Wahey!

- Ah.

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say? ♪

- [All] Hoobs.

(upbeat music)

- Right, cookie mix, Hoobygoop.

- Oh no, we've

already done that.

How about we (sighs),

we've done that too.

- (chuckles) You talking

to yourself again Iver?

- Hmm, oh no Tula, I'm

trying to think of a question

for today's "Hoob News"

but I'm completely stumped.

- Oh, well maybe a

Hooby cookie will help.

I'm just about to make some.

- Oh Tula, that

would be Hoobacious.

Hooby cookies always help

me to think of a question.

- Oh, did somebody

say Hooby cookies?

- Oh yes, they won't be long.

- Ahh, Hooby groovy

I'm so hungry.

(both laughing)

- Hooby-doop.

- Stop it Groove.

- Can I help?

- No, I am fine.

I've made Hooby cookies so

many times I could do it

with my eyes closed.

♪ You take the

Hooby cookie mix ♪

♪ And double Hooby scoop ♪

♪ Put it in a bowl ♪

♪ With three blobs

of Hoobygoop ♪

♪ Blend and fold

and blend a while ♪

♪ To make the sweetest treat ♪

♪ Then pour into

the paper molds ♪

♪ They're now almost complete ♪

♪ You still have one

thing left to do ♪

♪ 'Cause they can't

be eaten yet ♪

♪ You've got to put them

in the Hoobofridge ♪

♪ And eat them

when they're set ♪

♪ Put them in the Hoobofridge ♪

♪ And eat them

when they're set ♪

(Tula sniffing)

- They're ready!

- [Iver] Oh.

(Groove laughing)

- Only one Groove!

- Oh.

- Groove how fond are

you of your twizzletuft?

- Well I'm very fond of it Iver.

My twizzletuft is one of the

Hooby grooviest bits of me.

- But then don't forget that

if you eat too many sweet

things you're twizzletuft

will fall out.

(Groove exclaiming)

- Exactly, remember the

rhyme we were all taught

when we were little Hooblets?

- [All] Hooby

cookie, Hooby cookie,

don't eat 'em til

you're stuffed.

Just one a day 'cause any more

will rot your twizzletuft.

(all moaning)

- Oh do you know, Hooby

cookies don't come any more

Hoobily-groobily than this Tula.

- Oh Groove, you are nearly

as sweet as a Hooby cookie.

(Groove laughing)

But maybe my Hooby

cookies could taste

even more Hoobily-groobily.

- Oh yeah, how?

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how,

how, how, how, how ♪

- Well, I don't know

how exactly, hmm.

- How can we make Tula's

Hooby cookies taste

even more Hoobily-groobily?

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Ooh, I knew a Hooby cookie

would help me to think

of a question.

- How can we make Tula's

Hooby cookies taste

even more Hoobily-groobily?

That's a Hooble-dooble-doopa

question for "Hoob News."

Hoobs everywhere, including

me I must say, would love

to know the answer to that.

- Tula's cookies are

hard to b*at Hubba Hubba

but we're going to

try as hard as we can.

- For the sake of "Hoob News."

- Right, so let me see

whether I can find anything on

Hoobnet to give you an idea.

Hmm, ah, take a look at this.


Oh, looks like they're

making some soup there Hoobs.

- [Groove] Yeah.

- [Hubba Hubba] Oh

grinding up some tomatoes.

Look at all those

lovely ingredients.

And the ingredients are

all of the different things

that go into your food Hoobs.

Doesn't that look Hoobalicious?


- Hooby-galooby, all

those ingredients.

- It must be the

ingredients that makes food

taste the way it does.


- I get it.

So adding sweet Hoobygoop makes

the Hooby cookies taste sweet.

- Yes, I suppose so.

- Which means if we put

something else in instead

it will change the taste.

- And it might be even

more Hoobily-groobily.

- So we need to keep

making Hooby cookies

and adding different things

and then tasting them.

(all laughing)

What a Hooby-groovy

"Hoob News" question

this is turning out to be.

(all laughing)

Ingredients, we need to put

in some new ingredients.

Erm, but what?

♪ What, what, what ♪

♪ What ♪

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- I don't know what having

never cooked a thing in my life

but I'll email Roma and ask

her to go on an ingredient hunt

and in the meantime

the Tiddlypeeps might

have some ideas.

- I'm on my way Hubba Hubba.

(Tula giggling)

- Could you drive him please

Tula 'cause I'm gonna stay

behind and get everything ready.

- Ah, but no sticking your

paws in the Hoobygoop Groove!

- As if I would.

Off you go, go on, off you go.

- Groove, how fond are

you of your twizzletuft?

- Oh yes, right,

sorry I erm, forgot.

- Hmm.

- I do not want my

twizzletuft to rot.

I do not want my

twizzletuft to rot.

I do not--

- Seatbelt.

- Mm-hmm.

- [Both] We're off to

see the Tiddlypeeps!


(upbeat music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

where, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hooble-doop Tiddlypeeps.

- [Both] Hooble-doop Iver.

- Want to do a Hooby hello?

- [Both] Yes.

- [All] Hooble-doop,

Hooble-doop, whoop,

whoop, whoop.

- What are you doing?

- We're playing a tasting game.

- Oh, why did you

cover your eyes?

Don't you want to see

what you're eating?

- That's the idea

of the game Iver.

- You have to try and guess

what you're eating by the taste.

- Do you want to have a go?

- Oh, well, we are trying to

find out about new tastes, so--

- Right, first I have

to blindfold you.

- Oh, erm.

- It's over his nose.

(all chuckling)

- Where am I?

- Try this, here it comes.

- Ahh.

- [Girl] So what

do you think it is?

- It's sweet like Hoobygoop.

- It's treacle.

- We mustn't eat too many

sweet things like that though

or they'll make

our teeth fall out.

- Really?

That's funny too much Hoobygoop

makes our twizzletufts fall out.

- Now, try this one.

Open wide!

- Mm, oh yes, that

tastes Hoobacious.

Not sweet, a kind of--

- Sour?

- Mm, sour.

- There you go.

- Hmm, sour, hmm.

I like this taste.

Mm, what is it?

- It's lemon juice.

- Oh, I wonder if our

Hooby cookies would taste

more Hoobily-groobily

with lemon juice in them?


- Yeah.

- Tula?

- Mm-hmm.

- Order a lemon from

Hoobnet right away.

- Okay.

- Off you go.

- Thanks Tiddlypeeps

that was lots of fun.

Lemon flavored

Hooby cookies it is.


- [Both] Hooble-toodle-doo.

(Iver laughing)

(upbeat music)

- The lemon's here Tula and

it's all ready to squeeze.

- Well, let me have

it then Groove.

- Oh all right.

- Lemon Hooby cookies are

going to be Hoobacious,

I just know it!

♪ You take the

Hooby cookie mix ♪

♪ Such lovely stuff to use ♪

♪ But instead of

lovely Hoobygoop ♪

♪ I'll add some lemon juice ♪

♪ Stirring, stirring,

round and round ♪

♪ The lemon smells so heady ♪

♪ But sour Hooby cookies ♪

♪ Will be Hoobacious

when they're ready ♪

♪ I still have one

thing left to do ♪

♪ They can't be eaten yet ♪

♪ I've got to put them

in the Hoobofridge ♪

♪ We'll eat them

when they're set ♪

♪ Put them in the Hoobofridge ♪

♪ We'll eat them

when they're set ♪

(Tula sniffing)

- Now for the test.

Excuse me.

- Test, test,

test, test, test.

- Oh, yes, try one.

- Thank you.


- Mm, they're not bad.

Very lemony tasting.

- Mm, they taste sour.

They're not more


than the sweet ones are they?

What do you think Groove?

- Me, I think we

should try again.

We won't know the answer

until we've tried Hoob loads

of different ingredients.

- Right, so we need to

find something else to add

instead of lemon.

- [Announcer] Roma,

Roma, Roma, Roma.

- Mm, Roma might have

found something for bakers.

- Hooble-doop Hoobs.

- [All] Hooble-doop Roma.

- Now, when Hubba Hubba

told me that you were trying

to find out all about taste

I knew exactly where to come.

- Where Roma?

- To a restaurant of course.

Peeps like to go to restaurants

when they can't be bothered

to cook for themselves.

- Do they have anything like

Hooby cookies there Roma?

- No Tula but they

do have some very

interesting food indeed.

You see Peeps in different

countries often like different

types of food.

- What type of food do they

have where you are Roma?

- Well Groove the Peeps that

do the cooking here come from

a place called India.

- India.

- One of the Indian

lady Peeps has lent me

this Hoobacious dress.

- [Tula] Ooh, yes.

- It's called a sari.

- You look beautiful in it Roma.

- Yes I do rather don't I.

I'm wearing it specially

because I'm about to have

a delicious Indian

meal called a curry.

- What's Indian food like Roma?

- Well Iver I've not tasted

any yet but these Peeps here

tell me it's very spicy.

- Spicy?

What's spicy Roma?

- I'm not absolutely

sure Groove.

It's something to do

with special ingredients

that the Indian

Peeps here put in.

They're called spices and

there are apparently lots

of different kinds.

- Do you think we could put

some spices in our Hooby cookies

to make them taste more

Hoobily-groobily Roma?

- Oh I'm sure you could Tula.

In fact I've sent you a special

mixture of some of these

spices to try.

It's called curry powder.

- Oh, thank you Roma.

- [Groove] Yes.

- That's quite all right Iver.

Now, I'm going to have my curry.

This is Roma Hoob

off to tuck into a,

what was it called again?

Oh yes, a Vindaloo.

- Vindaloo?

- Hooble-toodle-doo.

- [All] Hooble-toodle-doo.

- Oh, spicy Hooby cookies.

That's got to be the answer.

- And that'll be the

curry powder now.

- Yeah.

- Of course the great thing

about these different tastes

is they're not sweet so they

don't rot your twizzletuft.

So you can eat

Hoob loads of them.

- Right, here we go again.

♪ We take the Hooby cookie mix ♪

♪ Be careful not to crowd her ♪

♪ As Tula adds her

brand new taste ♪

♪ The spicy curry powder ♪

♪ Turning, folding, pouring in ♪

♪ Make sure that

there's no waste ♪

♪ I hope there

isn't long to wait ♪

♪ To give this batch a taste ♪

♪ There's just one

final thing to do ♪

♪ 'Cause they can't

be eaten yet ♪

♪ Put them in the Hoobofridge ♪

♪ Eat them when they're set ♪

♪ Put them in the Hoobofridge ♪

♪ Then eat them

when they're set ♪

- Right, who is for

a spicy Hooby cookie?

- Oh yes, please.

- Here we are.

Mm, right.

(all moaning)

- Oh, oh, Hoobily-doobily,

it's quite erm, it's quite--

[Both] Hot!

(both exclaiming)

- Hoob juice!

(both gulping)

- Oh, oh, phwoar, that's better.

Oh, so, spicy must

mean hot then.

(Groove screaming)

Oh dear, well I think we

can safely say that spicy

Hooby cookies do not taste

more Hoobily-groobily

than sweet ones.



- But you know, with the

help of a cup of Hoob juice

I think I can carry on tasting.



- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Well Hoobs it seems

that it's going to be hard

to find a better Hooby

cookie than Tula's.

- But that doesn't mean we

should give up Hubba Hubba.

- Well of course not Groove.

The search for a more

Hoobily-groobily Hooby cookie

must go on.

- [Groove] Yeah.

- Now then, see if this

Tiddlypeeps story helps.

I think it might give you an

idea for another ingredient.


(gentle music)

- [Narrator] Goldilocks

was making breakfast

for her three best friends;

Bruce, Bronwyn and Brian.

They were three big, brown

bears and they would be back

any moment from their

morning run in the woods.

She was making the only thing

that her three bear friends

ever ate; porridge.

And lots of it!

Then suddenly she

remembered something.

- I haven't put in any salt.

- [Narrator] The problem was

Goldilocks couldn't remember

how much salt was needed.

- I know, I'll put

a different amount

of salt into each bowl.

- [Narrator] So she put

a pinch in Bruce's bowl,

two pinches in Bronwyn's

bowl and three pinches

in Brian's bowl.

No sooner had she done this

then in crashed the three bears.

- [All] Roar!

- [Iver] Oh.

- [Narrator] Which means.

- Thanks for making

us our porridge.

- [Narrator] In bear language.

Without another word the bears

sat down and started gulping

down the porridge.

But Brian suddenly said.

- Burgh, my porridge

is too salty.

- [Narrator] Then

Bruce cried out.

- Burgh, my porridge

isn't salty enough.

- [Narrator] But

then Bronwyn said.

- Yum, yum, my

porridge is just right.

- [Narrator] Bronwyn shared

her porridge with her friends

and from that day on Goldilocks

knew that two pinches

of salt was just the right

amount of salt for porridge.

You may like to know that

Goldilocks never ate porridge.

She preferred toast and honey.

Much, much sweeter.


- Salt.

- It's worth a try Tula.

- Everything's worth a try.

♪ I'll take the

Hooby cookie mix ♪

♪ Before we call a halt ♪

♪ To the various

cookie flavors ♪

♪ And this time

I'll add some salt ♪

♪ Stir it in and mix it well ♪

♪ Spreading out the flavor ♪

♪ When this little lot is done ♪

♪ I'll have one taste to savor ♪

♪ I know there's one

thing left to do ♪

♪ 'Cause they can't

be eaten yet ♪

♪ Oh yes, we've got to ♪

♪ Put them in the Hoobofridge ♪

♪ And eat them

when they're set ♪

♪ Put them in the Hoobofridge ♪

♪ And eat them

when they're set ♪

- Right, here goes, mm.

Here you go and

there you go, right.

(all scoffing)

- Well, is a salty Hooby

cookie more Hoobily-groobily

than a sweet Hooby cookie?

- No, no, it tastes too

much like a Hooby chip.

Hooby chips are salty,

Hooby cookies are sweet.

- Oh, Hooby chips, Hooby

snacks, Hooby cookies,

they're all fine by me.

- Maybe there isn't a way of

making Tula's Hooby cookies

even more Hoobily-groobily.

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.


- Maybe not Iver.

But if there is a way then

I think the Tiddlypeeps

will know what it is.

- Yeah, I'll go this time

and I'm gonna take your

Hooby cookies with me for the

Tiddlypeeps to taste Tula.

- I'll drive Groove.

- Oh, great.

- Let's get those

Motorettes singing.

- Yeah.


(upbeat music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

where, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road go ♪

♪ We're of see the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪


- Hooble-doop Tiddlypeeps.

- [Both] Hooble-doop Groove.

- Hey, those cakes

look Hooby-groovy.

Oh, and they smell Hooby-groovy.

I bet they taste Hooby-groovy.

- [Tula] Oh.

- Would you like to try some

Hooby cookies that Tula made?

- [Both] Yes please.

- I made the cookies.

- Hooby cookies are

Hoobs favorites.

- Mm, they're delicious.

- Oh, well done.

- Would you like to try

one of our fairy cakes?

- Oh could I?



Oh, Hooby-dalooby.

They are Hoobalicious.

What's that stuff on top?

- It's icing, it makes

things taste even sweeter.

- Sweeter, Hooby-dalooby,

that's how we can make our

Hooby cookies taste even more

Hoobily-groobily, of course.

- We could ice your

Hooby cookies for you

if you like Groove.

- Oh, yes please.

(upbeat music)

- They're all done.

Three iced Hooby cookies.

- One each for

you, Iver and Tula.

- We're getting one,

we're getting one.

- Oh Tiddlypeeps,

thank you so much.


- [Both] Hooble-toodle-doo.

(upbeat music)

- He's coming, I

know he's coming.

- Sweeter, of course.

Trust the Tiddlypeeps

to work that one out.

- Oh!

(Groove laughing)

- Here they are.

There's one each.

Come on, let's try them.

- Ah, but Groove, we've already

eaten a sweet Hooby cookie

today and these

are twice as sweet.

- No, don't say it.

- Yes, so really we

should wait until tomorrow

and then just have half of one.

- No, no, no, no.

- But, but seeing as

this is for "Hoob News."

- Oh, and the Tiddlypeeps did

ice them specially for us.

- I'm sure we could have

just a little nibble now

and save the rest

for afterwards.

Yes, yes.



- Hoobily-groobily or what!

(upbeat music)

♪ Simple Simon met a pieman ♪

♪ Going to the fair ♪

♪ Sensible Simon to the pieman ♪

♪ Let me taste your wares ♪

♪ Are the sour or

are the spicy ♪

♪ Do they taste just right ♪

♪ Are they sweet

or are they salty ♪

♪ Please give me a bite ♪

♪ Said the pieman

to Simple Simon ♪

♪ Show me first your penny ♪

♪ Sensible Simon to the pieman ♪

♪ Sir, I have not any ♪

- Well in that case I'm sorry

but you can't have a taste.

- Oh please!

- No.

- Please?

- No, they're my pies.

- Oh please!

- No!

- Give me a pie.

- Oh, that was my pie.

- Ha!

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.


- Now Hoobs are you ready

to give me your "Hoob News"

for my great Hoobapedia?

- Yes, we're all

set Hubba Hubba.

- Then take it away.

(dramatic music)

- Hooble-doop-whoop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to "Hoob News" the

news show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question.

- How can we make Tula's

Hooby cookies taste

even more Hoobily-groobily?

- First we saw some

pictures of Peeps cooking

lots of food using

different ingredients.

- [Tula] So we got the idea

of taking out the Hoobygoop

and putting in a different

ingredient instead.

- [Iver] The Tiddlypeeps

suggested using lemon juice.

- [Tula] Which

tasted rather sour.

- [Iver] Then Roma told

us all about some spicy

food called Curry.

- [Tula] But the spicy Hooby

cookies tasted too hot.

- [Groove] Hubba Hubba showed

us a story about three bears

who liked salty porridge.

- [Tula] But the salt made

our Hooby cookies taste

like Hooby chips.

- [Groove] So, I took some

of Tula's Hooby cookies

to the Tiddlypeeps

for them to taste

and see if they could help.

- [Iver] And do you know what?

They knew exactly

what was needed.

- [All] Icing!

- Which makes Hooby

cookies twice as sweet.

- And twice as Hoobily-groobily.

- [All] Hoob-hoob-hooray!

- So it's thanks once

again to Iver, Tula, Groove

and Roma for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of Peeps.

And remember, wherever

you are have a nice day

and Hooble-toodle-doo.

- [All] Hooble-toodle-doo.

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-Hoob-Hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- Oh, here we come.

- Wahey!

- Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪