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03x45 - It's a Mystery

Posted: 06/26/23 15:34
by bunniefuu
(psychedelic space sound)

Whobadook tiddaly peeps

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send four

of my favorite Hoobs down to

earth to find out all about

you for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!

(psychedelic space sound)

(Upbeat driving music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are, ♪

♪ - Aleva ♪

♪ - Groob ♪

♪ - Astula ♪

♪ (All) We're Hoobs! ♪

♪ - And they're ready to go. ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning,

we can all get learning, ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know. ♪

♪ - HeHey ♪

♪ Hubba Hubbaaas,

in Hoooobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ - Oo, Oo, Oo ♪

♪ - The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ - We get the engine spinning ♪

♪ (All) Hoob Hoob Hooray! ♪

(Upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way! ♪

♪ - Oh here we come! ♪

- Well Hey!

- Ooohh!

♪ - The Hoobs are here

so what do you say! ♪

♪ (All) Hoobs! ♪

(Upbeat Acoustic Guitar)

(grunting and sighing)

- Hmmm! I should be able

to make something really

HooblyGroobly out of these!

- Hoobadopoobs!

- (together) Hoobadopeither!

- I'm in a real

making mood today!

- Yeah, and I'm in a real

polishing mood, look at my

collection of shiny things.

- Ooh, that's

Hoob-acious groove.

What are you going to make Tula?

- Umm (interrupted

by mysterious voices)

- Hey Iver, you've hit

the question for HoobNews.

- No No No No, that's

not the question Hoobs,

I must have pressed

your button by mistake.

There will be Boofa!

- What's the matter HubbaHubba?

- Well I've been downloading

this fairy tale from HoobNet

for Auntie Hattie, and I'm not

sure I've got all the pages

and the ones I have got

are in a dreadful muddle!

- (groans and sighs)

- It's such a

Fan-tabby-Hooby story too.

Listen to this: Once upon a

time, There was a beautiful

princess called

Princess Marybell.


- That's what I'll make! A

beautiful Princess dress.

- Yes, well the beautiful

Princess was in love with a

handsome prince called Derrick.

- HoobyGroovy! I can

be Prince Derrick!

Look, I've got a crown to wear.

- Very nice Groove, anyway,

I wicked goblin called Gordon

lived in the forest

outside the castle.

- Ohh! Iver, you'd make

a HooblyGroobly goblin.

- Do I have to?

- Gordon the goblin was very

jealous of Prince Derrick.

He didn't want him to

marry the Princess,

(goblin voice) "I want

to marry the Princess",

said Gordon,

(goblin voice) I am going

to cast a magic spell

on the Prince and

turn you into a...

- Into a what?

(melodramatic piano music)

♪ - What! ♪

♪ What! ♪

♪ What, What, What! ♪

♪ Whaaat! Whaat! ♪

♪ What, What Whaat! ♪

- That's the point,

I don't know what!

The page that says

what Prince Derrick

got turned into is missing!

- Well, Let's think about this.

What did Gordon the Goblin

Turn Prince Derrick into?

- What did Gordon the Goblin

turn Prince Derrick into?

Now that is a

Hooble-dooble-doople question

for today's Hoob News.

- Is it?

- Of Course! Now While I'm

trying to get these pages in

order why don't you go

and see the Tiddly Peeps?

They know all about fairy tales.

- C'mon Groove. I'll drive.

Let's get those little

Motorettes singing!

(Whimsical xylophone music)

- I'll stay here and carry

on with my princess dress.

- Hehe

- Oh Groove!

- Yeah?

- You may kiss my hand.

- Oooh, my pleasure your

Highness. (kissing noise)

- Later Groove

- Excuse me.

(Bird Noises)

- Seat belt.

- Yes, thank you.

- We're off to see

the TiddlyPeeps

(Magical Noise)

- Yeehaw!

♪ We're off to see

the TiddlyPeeps, On

the road we go! ♪

♪ We're off to see the

TiddlyPeeps, they're smart ♪

♪ They're fun, they know. ♪

♪ TiddlyPeeps, the TiddlyPeeps,

if we need to know. ♪

♪ Who, what, where, why, when

and how, we'll ask them, ♪

♪ off we go. ♪

♪ ♪ We're off to see

the TiddlyPeeps, On

the road we go! ♪

♪ ♪ We're off to see the

TiddlyPeeps, they're smart, ♪

♪ they're fun, they know! ♪

- WhoodleDo TiddlyPeeps.

- Whoboddle Groove!

Hey do you want to

do a Whobe hello?

- Yes!

- Yah.

- Whobledoop, Whoobledoop,

whoop, whoop whoop.

- Why are you wearing

a crown Groove?

- Well, I'm pretending to be

Prince Derrick. Ha ha ha ha

Oh, is that a handsome

prince there in the book?

- Yes.

- Oh, he's just like me, eh?

How WhobeeGroovy is that?

- Veeery WhobeeGrovy.


- Now listen you two, I need

your advice on a fairy tale

HubbaHubba's reading to us.

You see, we've been dressing up

as all the characters. We know

that a wicked goblin, that's

Iver, cast a spell on Prince

Derrick, that's me, to stop him

marrying Princess

Marybell, that's Tula.

- What happened next Groove!

- Oo I'm glad you've asked,

because the spell turned Prince

Derrick into something. But

HubbaHubba can't find one of the

pages from the story, typical.

So, we don't know what.

- Well in fairy stories,

Princes often get

turned into frogs.

- They've got slimy

skin and webbed feet.

- Look! WhoobeeGaloobee. A

Frog! That's probably it.

Derrick the Frog. Ha ha ha ha.

Hey, Tula, start making me

a frog costume right away.

Right, I've got to get back

to the WhoobMobile now to

here the rest of the story.

Thank you so much TiddlyPeeps.


- WhoobleToodleDoo!

(whimsical piano music)

- I love you my little pea

princess. But the evil goblin

Gordon has turned me

into an ugly frog.

- Aww

- With big webbed feet.

Oh Woe! Woe is me! Croak!

Croak! Croak!

- Oooh Derrick, Prince of

my dreams, alas, alack.

Whatever are we to dooo!?

- Hmmmmmm.


- So is ah, Iver dressed

as Gordon the Goblin?

- Yes, but he

doesn't like it much.

- Where is he?

(melancholic horn music)

- Here

- Ha ha, Iver, I have never

seen you look so...funny.

- Yes all right Groove, that's

quite enough. I don't want to

be a wicked goblin ya know?

- Oh Iver! You'll

get used to it.

- Yeah, go on Iver, be wicked.

Go "Muahhahhahhah. I'm a

goblin. A wicked goblin."

- Neeaaa, I'm Gordon,

the wicked goblin.

Now I've done it, I've done

it now, I'm going to tell

HubbaHubba we've got the answer.

Maybe then I can

get out of this.

(mysterious synthesizer noises)

- Oh Iver, I've never seen you

look so funny! Ha ha ha ha.

- Mmmm, yes, and, thank you

HubbaHubba, and, we've got the

answer for HoobNews, Prince

Derrick was turned into a frog.

- (Croak croak)

- Yes, well, while you've

been away, I found a bit

more of the story.

- (gasp) You did! Read it to us!

- Hmm, Derrick was very angry

about the spell that had been

put on him by Gordon the

Goblin. He was determined to get

his princes back again. He

found the key to the castle

hidden under the bush,

and he picked it up

with his sharp claws.

- J-J-Just a sec.

Frogs don't have claws.

- Exactly Tula. Which means

Gordon the Goblin didn't turn

Derrick into a frog.

- (Croak)

- Sorry Hoobs, I'll email Roma,

to see if she can help us.

- So, what could Gordon

have turned Derrick into.

- No idea.

- And what do Hoobs do

when they need an idea?

- Have a HoobeeThink!


(Slow pulsing music)

♪- When you're stuck for

an answer or what to do. ♪

♪ Stop. Hmmmm.

Think it through. ♪

♪ take a deep breath

in, think it out. ♪

♪ Work it through don't

scream and shout. ♪

♪ (Music becomes more upbeat) ♪

♪ -Think it through!

Don't go BooHoo. ♪

♪ Think it through!

You'll feel brand new. ♪

♪ If you think it through,

if you think it through ♪

♪ If you think it

throughhhhh! Yeah! ♪

(Nasal droning noise)

- I've got it. Something

with claws. A cat!

- Of course. Oh,

you're a genius Iver.

- He he he, I am Gordon

the Goblin Ha ha ha ha.

Prince Derrick. You are going

to be turned into: a cat!

- (gasp) But how?

(Grand organ music)

♪ How, Oh How? ♪

♪ How oh How, oh How? ♪

♪ How, How Hahhhhhhow ♪

♪ Oh How, Oh, How? ♪

- Here's how.

- Meeeoow. Thanks Tula.

(mysterious synthesizer noises)

- Oh Groove, You're a cat.

- Yeah.

- Doesn't he look HooblyGroobly?

- Ha ha ha ha

- We think Gordon

turned Prince Derrick

into a cat, HubbaHubba.

Because a cat has claws. See?

- Meeeooow

- Ah yes, nice try Hoobs, but

I found another page of the

story. Ahem. Clutching

the key in his claws,

Derrick flapped his wings and

flew high over the enchanted

forest to the castle gate.

- Hang on, did you say flew? Oh!

- I think we may have got

this wrong. Oh Hoobybother.

(whimsical magical music)

♪ - Oh dear little kitty,

how pretty you are, ♪

♪ as you sit on

my lap and purr. ♪

♪ - Purr, purr ♪

♪ - Oh dear little kitty, with

whiskers so fine, let me ♪

♪ Stroke your soft silky fur. ♪

♪ - Meow. ♪

♪ - We thought you

were Prince Derrick ♪

♪ 'til the goblin

cast his spell, ♪

♪ and turned you

into something else ♪

♪ but what we cannot tell. ♪

♪ - But it wasn't a p*ssy,

though a p*ssy has claws, ♪

♪ not a p*ssy 'cuz it must have

had wings instead of paws. ♪

♪ - He flew across the forest,

he flew so high above. ♪

♪ - Searching for the

Princess, his own true love. ♪

♪ - He flew across the forest,

he flew high in the sky. ♪

♪ And a little pussycat like

me has never learned to fly. ♪

♪ - So it wasn't a p*ssy,

though a p*ssy has claws. ♪

♪ Not a p*ssy, 'cause it

must have had wings, ♪

♪ instead of paws. ♪

♪ Yes it must have had

wings instead of paaaaaws! ♪

(mysterious voice)

- Phew, it's Roma.

- Aw, let's hope she

knows what animal

I'm meant to be. (sigh)

- Hoobledoop Hoobs.

- Hoobledoop Roma!

- Now, HubbaHubba tells me you

need to know about creatures

with claws. So I've come

here, to this mountain.

- Um, what's the

sandwich for Roma?

- Oh, it's for me Groove. I

thought, while I was here,

I'd have my lunch. You

don't mind, do you?

- No, go ahead.

- Yes, but what about

creatures with claws Roma?

- (gulping) Ah. Well. I've been

sitting here very still and

quiet and I've seen the most


big birds circling

round and round overhead.

- Big birds with claws Roma?

- Oh yes Tula. Enormous

claws. These birds are called

eagles, and they swoop down

from high above and pick up

their food in their

great big sharp claws.

- HoobeeGaloobee, that's

it, I must be an eagle.

- Um, whatever you say Groove.

- Yeah, swoop swoop

swoop ha ha ha ha.

- Oh! In fact, here comes a

particularly large one now.

Uh Oh, I think he's after

my sandwich. HoobeeGaloobee!

This is Roma Hoob,

up a Mountain, about

to lose my lunch.


- HoobleDoodleDoo!

- Yes! Eagles have

got wings and claws.

- That's got to be the answer.

- Ha! I'll make

you a HooblyGroobly

eagle costume Groove.

- Oh yes Tula.

(mischievous piano music)

Swoop swoop swoop

swoop swoop swoop swoop

Snatch ya, and snatch ya.

- Prince Derrick!

- Snatch ya! Swoop

swoop swoop swoop

(mysterious noise)

- Hubba, guess what? We think

Gordon the Goblin turned

Prince Derrick into and eagle!

- Ah, well actually Iver,

I've um, found a but more

of the story.

- Yeeesss?

- Yes, um. Derrick opened the

castle gates and flew inside.

He found the princes

in her chamber.

"It's me Derrick" he said.

"I've come back to marry you."

The Princess gasped. "I would

never marry a scary flying

monster like you" she said.

- A flying monster?

- You can hardly call

an eagle a monster.

- So an eagle can't

be the answer.

- Sorry Hoobs. But

don't despair. I found

a story on HoobNet

that might help us.

(mysterious noise)

- One day, the dinosaurs

were talking about

what they did best.

- I'm the heaviest, so I

can make the ground shake.

- Boasted Brontosaurus.

(Thumping horn and drum music)

- I've got the longest neck,

so I can reach up really high.

- Boasted Diplotocus.

(Orchestral flute music)

- Then he turned to Pterodychtl.

- What do you do best?

- He asked

- Oh, Uh. I can't dig up

roots with my sharp claws.

- He said

- Hurumph. We can all do that.

- Scoffed Brontosaurus.

- In that case, I don't

I do anything special.

(Offbeat orchestra music)

- Well you can't play football

with us unless you can

do something special.

- Said bossy brontosaurus.

- So pterodactyl sat and

watched the others play.

Suddenly the ball bounced

past him and fell right over

the steep cliff.

- I'll get it.

- He called, and jumped over

the cliff after the ball.

- Help! I'm falling!

- But suddenly, a strange thing

happened. He discovered his

wings. He flapped and

flapped and flew gracefully

down to the ground.

He picked up the ball, then

flew back to his friends.

- I can fly!

- He cried.

- That makes you extra special!

- Said diplotocus.

- That makes you a star!

- Said brontosaurus.

- And pterodachtyl spread

his wings, and flew round

and round for joy.

(mysterious noise)

- A pterodactyl. That's

a flying monster.

- Ah HoobyGroovy. Tula, make

me a pterodactyl costume,


- I am going as fast

as I can Groove.

- Faster!

- (mysterious voices)

- Have you found

another page HubbaHubba.

- Oh well yes Tula, I have.

Ahem. At that moment the door

opened and Gordon

the Goblin came in.

- (whispering) That's you.

- Derrick stamped his clawed

feet, flapped his big wings,

and breathed fire

all around the room.

- Pterodactyls don't

breath fire! Oh dear.

- (sigh) Good job I didn't

get going on the costume.

- Yeah, I really fancied

being a pterodactyl.

- Ha! Well nevermind Groove,

why don't you take another trip

to the TiddlyPeeps.

- That's a hooblygroobly

idea HubbaHubba. I'll drive.

(Relaxed accordion music)

(Upbeat whimsical music)

♪- We're off to see

the TiddlyPeeps, on

the road we go. ♪

♪ We're off to see

the TiddlyPeeps, ♪

♪ they're smart, they're

fun, they know! ♪

♪ TiddlyPeeps, TiddlyPeeps,

if we need to know. ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how. ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go. ♪

♪ We're off to see

the TiddlyPeeps, on

the road we go. ♪

♪ We're off to see

the TiddlyPeeps, ♪

♪ they're smart, they're

fun, they know! ♪

- Whoobledoop TiddlyPeep!

- Whoobledoop Groove.

You're back soon.

- Oh I know. We just can't

find out what the wicked goblin

turned Prince Derrick into.

- Wasn't it a frog?

- No, I'm afraid not. We heard

a bit more of the story and

the thing we're looking for

now is scary, has claws, wings,

and breathes fire.

- Well frogs don't do all that.

- No.

- I think I might know

what Derrick is Groove.

- WhooobeeGaloobee,

Really? What?

- I think he's a dragon.

Dragons are definitely scary.

- Dragon, what does

a dragon look like?

- Like this, see? Wings,

claws, and he breaths fire.


- Oh look at that Tula.

- HooblyGalooby. Tula needs

to make me a dragon costume

right away. But how

can she do that?

- Well sometimes you see

dragon costumes at the Chinese

New Year.

- Really? Nice! Iver, Tula,

ask HubbaHuuba to search

HoobNet, and see if he can

find and pictures of Chinese

New Year. Have you got that?

- Yes Yes, I'm on my way.

- Good. Thank you TiddlyPeep,

I think a dragon is

definitely the answer.

- That's Okay Groove.

- Aw thank you. Well, better

get back to the HoobMobile now.

I can't wait to dress up

as Derrick the dragon.


- HoobleToodleDoo!

(whimsical piano music)

(mysterious voices)

- You're in luck Hoobs.

Take a look at these

HoobleDoobleDuple pictures.

(mysterious noises)

(East Asian music)

- Wahoohoohoo! What did I

tell you Hoobs? Aren't they

fantabbyHooby? You see they're

very clever, these Chinese

Peeps, they have one Peep

holding the head on a stick and

lots of other Peeps holding

sticks controlling the body of

the dragons. Aren't

they utterly Hoobacious?

- Yes! I'm gonna be a dragon!

How HoobyGroovy is that?

- And I can make you a dragon

costume in the blink of a

Hooby eye.

- He he he he

- Well hurry up Tula,

it's time for HoobNews.

(upbeat music)

♪ - We saw a dragon

in the sky. ♪

♪ - In the sky. ♪

♪ - We waved to him

as he flew by. ♪

♪ - He flew by. ♪

♪ - Blowing flames of fire from

his great big scaly nose. ♪

♪ - With sharp sharp

claws upon his toes. ♪

♪ - On his toes. ♪

♪ - See him swooping

down for landing. ♪

♪ - Now he's landing. ♪

♪ - See him standing. ♪

♪ - See him swish his

scaly tail as he goes. ♪

♪ - Goes Goes! ♪

♪ - There is a

dragon in the town. ♪

♪ - In the town. ♪

♪ - He was up high

but now he's down. ♪

♪ - Now he's down. ♪

♪ - Blowing flames of fire from

his great big scaly nose. ♪

♪ - With sharp sharp

claws upon his toes. ♪

♪ - On his toes. ♪

(mysterious voices)

- Are you ready to give

me your HoobNews for my

great Hoobapedia?

- I'm just waiting for

Derrick the dragon.

- Roooaar! Roar roar roar roar!

- Here he comes how!

(Frenetic piano music)


- No, No.

- Ha Ha, that is

Hoobacious. So take it away!

- What, the dragon?

- No, HoobNews!

- Eh.

(Pulsing action music)

- HoobleDoopWhoop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to HoobNews. The news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Rooooar! Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question:

- What did Gordon the Goblin

turn Prince Derrick into?

- First, we went to

see the TiddlyPeeps,

who suggested a frog.

- Then HubbaHubba tols us that

the thing Prince Derrick had

been changed into had claws.

- So I thought it was a cat.

- Then we found out that

the thing had wings.

- So we thought Prince Derrick

had been turned into an eagle.

- But HubbaHubba told us that

Prince Derrick had been turned

into a scary flying monster.

- So we thought he might be

a pterodactyl. But the scary

flying monster breathed fire.

So it couldn't have

been a pterodactyl.

- So we went to see the

TiddlyPeeps again. And they knew

the answer.

- Gordon the Goblin turned the

handsome Prince Derrick into:

- A Dragon!

- You'll never

believe this Hoobs,

I finally found the

last page of the story!

- Yeees?

- Ahem. Derrick chased Gordon

out of the castle breathing

great flames of fire. Gordon

ran and ran and was never seen

again. The magic spell was

broken. In a puff of smoke,

Derrick appeared before his

princess as his old self again.

A handsome prince. And they

lived happily ever after.

- Ahh.

- Ahh. Now isn't that touching?

And so its thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove, and Roma,

for giving Hoobs everywhere

a little Peep into the world

of Peeps. And remember,

wherever you are, have a nice

day and HoobleToodleDooo!

- HoobleToodleDooo!

- Right. Let's do it.

Are you ready Iver?

I'm going to chase you. Roar!

(Playful screaming)

- Ah! Princess Marybell.

Will you, Marry me?

- Oh, with pleasure

Prince Derrick.

(kissing noise)

- Gordon the Goblin's

gone now, can I come back?

(upbeat rock music)

♪ - HubbaHuuba's in HoobLand, ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away. ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing. ♪

♪ - We get the

engine spinning. ♪

♪ - HoobHoobHooray! ♪

♪ - The Hooba feelings

coming your way ♪

♪ - Oh here we come! ♪

♪ - Well Hey! ♪

♪ - Ahhh! ♪

♪ - The Hoobs are here

so what do you say! ♪