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Rally Road Racers (2023)

Posted: 06/26/23 18:40
by bunniefuu
[audio logo]

[racing cars]

ANNOUNCER: So it's the last

day of the Bonzer Rally

here in the Land Down Under.

And Archie Vainglorious is

still the driver to beat.

[energetic music]

Oh, come on.

ANNOUNCER: It looks like

Team Hot Spots race has just

been cut short.

[energetic music]

What did I tell you, folks?

Nobody's been able to

get close to Vainglorious

since the amazing Gnash

mysteriously stopped racing.

Thank you.

ANNOUNCER: So that's

one more rally cap

for Archie Vainglorious.

ZHI: Legend, champ.

One day, I'm going

to be the champ.


[energetic music]

[bike bell]




Once again, it's time for the

annual Slow Loris Day Festival

here in the--

ZHI: Yeah!

Coming through!

We have a new champion!

The crowd is going wild!

The crown is on its--



How shameful for your granny.

That was the coolest

thing I've ever seen.



I really like your helmet.


I painted it myself.

It's a soup pot.


By the way, I'm Zhi.

Hi, I'm--

GRANNY BAI: Zhi-zhi.

Uh-oh, hide me, please.

How many times do

I have to tell you?

You need to stop with your

foolish racing fantasies.

[speaking chinese]

Granny Bai, Granny Bai.

Uhm, nice meeting you.

GRANNY BAI: I swear he's

just a stubborn as you were.

Look at it, my best soup pot.

[speaking chinese]

I don't get it, mama.

Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo

when I'm just being me.

And Granny, she

doesn't get me at all.

She just makes me

practice Tai Chi.

Tai Chi is how we

learn to slow down

the world by allowing the breath

of life to flow through us.

[deep breathing]


And she makes me trim plants.


tree just knows how

to grow, the leaves to bloom.

This is their [chinese].

The question you must answer

is, what is your [chinese]??


But I don't care

about that kind of stuff, mama.

I just want to race.

Mama, mama!

I got a slot in tonight's race.

And I know I can win this one.

Oh, hey, don't tell Granny, OK?

Who's racing?

I'm racing.

Who's racing?

I'm racing.

Who's racing?

This guy.

I am racing.




looks like it's

going to be a drag race into the

final stretch with Local Loris

VE on the move.

He finds his pocket.

And he takes the lead.

This is it.

I got this.

I totally got this.


ANNOUNCER: Ooh, and with no

one to blame but himself,

that has got to sting.

GNASH: Hey, kid.

Why the cloudy face?

Oh, hey, Gnash.

I saw you out there tonight.

You looked pretty good.

I think you might need

to get your glasses fixed.

I learned long ago to

trust my gut, not my eyes.


Pretty good, right?

OK, how about this one?

Winners are always winning

even when they're losing.

Hmm, I-- I got to go.

[sad music]

Do we have to do this?

Yes, your [chinese]

is blocked again.

[deep breathing]

Hey, check it out.

Tai Chi with a beetle--

Tai Chitle.



Tai Chitle is not a thing.

Off you go.

I'm begging your

pardon, Granny Bai.

I'm worried about you.

When will you find

your [chinese]??

How do you know I haven't?

Because [chinese] is

the path to harmony.

And this, this is

not harmonious.

What if that's because

I have a different path?

And this is it.

It's just a loop--

a never-ending loop of

humiliation and rejection.

What if this is my harmony?

It's not.



What is going on?

What the--

That's it.

That's it.

Down it goes.

Vainglorious Industries?

Like Archie Vainglorious?


PHONE): Congratulations.

Your lovely home has

been hand-selected

by me, Archie Vainglorious,

for temporary repossession

and extreme demolition.



PHONE): Yes, demolition.

Echo, diabolical laugh.

[evil laugh]


PHONE): Have a nice day.

How can they do this?



Don't cry, Granny.

This has to be some kind

of misunderstanding.

I'm going to go and try

to sort this out somehow.



Vainglorious has just

taken the Bonzer Rally Cup.

What the?

Whoa, that's a big toad.

[intense music]


Right, who are you?

And who let you in?

Oh, hi.

My name's Zhi.

But usually, people call me Zhi.

I'm a-- I'm a huge fan.

Of course, you are.


Congratulations, you met

me, Archie Vainglorious.


Thanks, but I actually

came for something else.

I'm from the Slow Loris Village.

And I want to talk

about my Granny's house.

I think there's been

a misunderstanding.

I mean, what would a cane

toad and a legendary racer

like you even want with

the Slow Loris Village?


That's why I'm going

to plant and flood it.

Let me show you.

Muddy Meadows-- luxury, high-end

swamplands for the posh toad


Muddy Meadows?

To test it better

than Funky Fields.

But it's the last Slow

Loris Village in China.

How can you even be

allowed to do this?

Quite easily, actually,

because who really

knows what a Slow Loris is?

Hey, now, if you were

pandas, forget about it.

But slow lorises?

Please, who even cares?

I do!

OK, OK, no need to get

your nickels in a twist.

You and your Granny still

have 10 days to pay.

10 days?

We can't raise this

much money in 10 days.

Well, in that case--



Hold on.

Hold on.

Hey, hey, wait.

Oh, coming soon.

Ah The Silk Road Rally,

Kashgar to Shanghai.

Oh, it's going to be epic.

It's a little

presumptuous, isn't it?

Building a trophy case?

I mean, you haven't

even won yet.

But I will.

Let me break it down

for you, fellow.

Daddy, grandaddy,

my imbecile brothers

helped me join in

on the business.

Help us bump the numbers.

Real estate is boring.

It's really quite a blunder.

So they bring the coins

while I bring the thunder.

The fastest car, I got it.

Your village, I bought it.

It makes my daddy proud to

have our name and all on it.

Rally after rally, knocking

trophies down like pins.

Plain and simple, loris,

Vainglorious wins.

The album drops next year.

You seem pretty confident

you're going to win.

Willing to stake a bet on it?

What do you have in mind?

If I win the cup--



You are the one who

is personally going

to be doing the beating of me?

I laugh at the idea.



I know it's crazy.

Sorry, little champ.

You were saying?

If I win, you give me

the deed to Granny's house

free and clear.

Such hutzpah, I love it!

I accept your bet.

But if I win, you become

the face of Muddy Meadows.


But I'm not a toad.

No, but you are

toad-ally adorable.

See you at the starting

line, slow loris.

Slow loris.

Super nice guy.

I look forward to

annihilating him.

Why the long face, kid?

I kind of have to sort of race

the Silk Road Rally and win it.

The Silk Road Rally?

Oh, that the race

is no holds barred.

200 miles per hour

for four days straight

across unforgiving terrain

against the craziest drivers

in the world.

Yeah, so why would you

want to get mixed up

in the kamikaze

mission like that?

Because it's

the only shot I've

got as saving our house

from becoming Muddy Meadows.

I don't follow.

If I don't win that

cup, Vainglorious Industry

is going to tear down our house.


As in Archie Vainglorious?

I know!

How am I going to beat the

best racer in the world?


[sigh] I'm in way

over my head, Gnash.

Our home is all we have.

It's my mom's final

resting place.


All right, kid, come with me.


This place is awesome.

You were a race car driver?

I've been lots of things.

So this is how I see it, kid.

You are like this part.

You got everything you need,

but it's just a tangled up mess.

It can't do you any good.

But you and me

together, looking good.

Nice, looking real good.

Together, there ain't

nothing we can't do.

[engine starts]

Together like me and you?

Yeah, I've probably seen

every one of your crisis--

I mean, races.

You have?

You've got raw talent.

And you've got guts, but

you're missing something.

I can help you find it.

But only if you're

willing to listen.

No questions asked.

You would do that?

But why?

OK, that was two questions

right off the line there.

What part of no questions

asked did you not understand?

Hey, the heart of a champion

beats in all of us, kid.

See you tomorrow.

That apple really didn't fall

far from the tree, did it?

I know.

I know.

I said I was walking away

for good, but he's your son.

What am I supposed to do?

Birds got to fly.

Fishes got to swim.

And the goat-- well, a

goat has got to race.

So Zhi-zhi, how did

it go with Vainglorious?

Yeah, good.

Very good.

Yeah, I have it under control.

Just leave it-- leave it at me.

I just have to go

away for a while.

Go away?


To How to Defeat an

Evil Cane Toad TedTalk?

I got to go.

See you later, Granny.

You do know that when he lies

to me, his left eye twitches.

Exactly the same way yours did.


OK, kid.

Let's talk about your last race.

It was yours to win, but then--


So what happened?

Do you see that guy's car?

If I had a car like that--

[horn sound]

What the?

Cars don't win races.

Drivers do.

Although, yeah, we actually

are going to need a car.


Appearance is an illusion.

It's what's inside that counts.

[cake, "the distance"]

Reluctantly crouched

at the starting line.

Engines pumping and

thumping in time.

The green light flashes.

The flames go up.

Churning and burning,

they yearn for the cup.

They deftly maneuver

and muscle for rank.

Fuel burning fast

on an empty t*nk.

Reckless and wild, they

pour through the turns.

Their prowess is potent

and secretly stern.

As they speed through the

finish, the flags go down.

The fans get up.

And they get out of town.

The sun has gone down.

And the moon has gone up.

A long ago, somebody

left with the cup.

But he's driving and striving

and hugging the turns

and thinking of someone--

OK, let's see what you got.

[cake, "the distance]

He's going the distance.

He's going for speed.

She's all alone.

All alone.

It's just like

in his last race.

The moment he takes

the lead, he chokes.

The key to winning is focusing

on the road ahead of you.


GNASH: Also, not crashing

into walls is good.

He always gets nervous

when he's ahead.

ZHI: Oh, oh, oh.


Maybe if I hold him back--

that's it!

Not yet.

Not yet.


That was awesome!

Go, Gnash.


Yeah, I like it.



Beyond ridiculous.

Oh, this is too easy.



Hold the line.

Who's this?

The Amazing Gnash?


Well, you're not nearly as

dead as I thought you were.

Hmm, this is quite the wrinkle.

If you're in the

race, I could lose.

It's V.

What do you want?

I'm ready for you to

repay me that favor.

Neil will be in touch

with further instructions.



[evil laughter]

[upbeat music]

ABBY JACKS: Welcome race

fans to the Silk Road Rally.

I am Abby Jacks.

And with me, at the repeated

request of my husband,

is my sister-in-law,

Juni Hakansdotter.

Hey, that's me.

ABBY JACKS: And hailing from

India, India's team, Tandem.

I wonder how they

put their pants on.

And there they are,

the British Invasion.

And straight out of South

Central, China, Bling

and Bling.

[crowd cheering]


morning race fans

and welcome to the main event.


[music playing]

Who let the frog out?

I got him.

Who let the frog out?

Who let the frog out?


of course, no race

would be complete

without an entry

from Britain's notorious,

Team Vainglorious.

Oh, he looks slimy.

Come on, kid.

Let's get out of here.


[speaking italian]

I'm just so excited.

By Vainglorious?

No, by this.

I'm due in less than two weeks.



I'm pregnant.

Oh, man, we are

such a miracles, eh?

Oh, I'm Berpe,

Team Wet Lightning.

Oh, hi, nice to meet you.

I'm Zhi.

Berpe, would you get your

sweet little tail over here?

Race is about to start.

That's my Adalina.

[italian], good luck out there.

ABBY JACKS: Long before the

internet connected the world,

there was the

legendary Silk Road.

A road that's made of silk?

I can't believe this.

No, it's not made of--

forget it.

The course is a 4,000 clickhorse

straight across China.

The race will take place in

four legs over four days.

And the race with the shortest

overall time takes the cup.

Other than that,

there are no rules.

And as the race is

wide at the line,

they're all thinking

the same thing.


Did I remember

to put on my

fireproof underpants?

ABBY JACKS: No, just

for one brief moment,

it's still anyone's cup.

Remember Vainglorious

drives dirty.

And he doesn't waste any time.

Trust me.

Are you ready, Zhi?


All right, fellas.

Let's go.

ABBY JACKS: Vainglorious

wastes no time

trying to clear the field.

Look out!



You weren't kidding.

That toad is crazy.

You said you wanted to

race the Silk Road Rally.

Welcome to it.

ABBY JACKS: And the races

begin to make their way

across the Taklamakan Desert.

You're supposed to

be out of the race.

Supposed to be.


Get it off!

Get it off!

Ah, new idea.

Echoes, attack.

ABBY JACKS: And here comes

Argentina's Team Kale

driving a car with no

steering wheel at all.



molly, newbie team

Muddy Meadows just took

the lead from Vainglorious.

Enjoy the moment, loris.

It will not last.

Diabolical laugh.

[evil laugh]

[music playing]

Oh, yeah!

I can't get him off my tail.

All right, kid.

It's all about focus now.

Enter the zone.

No distraction.

OK, I get it.

Hey, is that a loris?

I'm pretty sure it's

a loris right there.

Gee, focus.



You're right.

That is a loris.

We should stop.


I was to say we just-- stop!


Total loser!

ABBY JACKS: Unbelievable!

The lead car just

chucked to U-ey.

What are you doing?

No questions asked.

You agreed.


Oh, come on, Gnash.

Get back here.



Hey, Neil.

It's been a long time.

Well, if it isn't

the Average Gnash.


15 years, that's the best

you could come up with?

Hey, you OK over here?

Yeah, I'm fine.


Wow, this is heavier

than it looks.

Whoa, you're a loris.


So you got a name or--


What if I just

call you Speedy?

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Uh, uh-huh.

A racer and a great


my lucky day.

Gnash, you all right?

Never better.

Hey, you dropped this.


Well, that was fun.

I don't think that

tiger is going

to give you any more grief.

You'd be surprised.

Thanks for stopping guys.

And maybe I'll see you

around sometimes, Speedy.



Sorry to break

up the fun, kids.

Gnash, don't--

But we have to get

back to our race.


Nice meeting you.

Penny for your

thoughts, Speedy?


Oh, it's nothing.

All good.


Oh, there you are, Shelby.

I'm dying to hear.

Give me the deets.

Why didn't you tell me

that your mark was a loris?

What a scintillating question.

Let me have a think on that.

I don't know.

Maybe because you work me.

So what happened?

Let's just say

your pet kitty is

going to have quite the

headache when he wakes up.

Sorry, I don't follow.

Your tiger couldn't

handle the goat.


ABBY JACKS: Vainglorious will be

the first to throw his name up

on the leaderboard.

But with three more

days of racing ahead,

this race is far from over.


this race is actually four days.

You cost us the race.

Races aren't won or lost

until the final second.

We were ahead.

Why would you make a stop?

Feel with your gut,

not with your eyes.

That's not what I sound like.

Let's do a whole

training montage.

But then, let's make it

totally irrelevant by stopping

and blowing our time.

ABBY JACKS: I don't know

where this kid has come from,

but he's clearly come to win.


Oh, I know this one.

He came from China.

Oh my.

Sixth place--

super impressive--

on opposite.

Sixth place?

You did great, kid.

I was in the lead.

Which is when

you always lose it.

But when you're behind, kid,

you're a force of nature.

Zhi, how could

you not have told me

that you are such a driver?



Anyone else would

have come in last

after stopping

like you did today.

But then, oh,

watching you drive,

it's like a poetry in motion.

I need a snack.

I don't know, maybe a pint of

ice cream and some seaweed pad


I know why he's

doing it, but I'm still

terrified every time he

walks out of that gate.

Watch over him up there, OK?

For both of us.


Who could that be at this hour?

Oh my dears, come in, come in.

Oh, thank you.

[party music]

What the?

That was seriously me?

How did I--

SHELBY: Not a big

fan of parties, huh?

Who said that?


You, wait up.

Hey, where did you go?

Oh, hey.

Hey, hi.

It's-- it's you.

Oh, I see you've been working

on your conversation skills.


my conversation skills, because

that's what you said last time.

So sixth place, huh, Speedy?

It could be worse.


Oh, I get it.

You're one of those

all-or-nothing racers.

And it's just all

about the trophy.

I wouldn't say that exactly.

OK, so you're more of

the fame and glory type.

I don't think

that's it either.

Then what are you?

Well, I'm really only

here for my Granny.

I'm trying to save our home

from this psychotic toad.

Save your home?


And not just my home.

He's actually planning on

destroying the entire loris


The entire loris village?


And it's going to

k*ll my Granny Bai.

I just know it.

Granny Bai?

Granny Bai!


You're that Zhi?

I don't know.

I guess it depends which

Zhi you think I am.

From the park at the

Loris Day Festival.

When we were kids, you were

wearing a painted soup pot

on your head.

That was you?

I looked for you a lot,

but I couldn't find you.

I never even knew your name.

I still don't know your name.

It's Shelby.


Why didn't I ever see you again?

We moved to the

city for my dad's job.

My last happy memories are

actually in that village.


I just can't believe it's

really you after all this time.

I know.

This is-- this is crazy.

What are the chances?

No, go back.

What do you say we

take a walk, Speedy?

What's going on?


I just need to stretch my quads.

Stretch your quads?

[party music]

I bet he's over you.

I don't think he knows others.

Time for round 2.

[cracking knuckles]

Here, kitty, kitty.

Not smart.

And welcome, folks.

It's fight night at

the Happy Pagoda.

Oh, I'm loving the party.

SHELBY: So tell me something.

What happened to old Bing?

Did she ever actually

start bottling and selling

her own tea?


But she's still claiming

that when she does,

she's going to be--

Deep in tea money.


Oh, what about

the Chu triplets?

Are they still there?

Yeah, they're

all still there--

I think.

I'm not really sure, actually.

It's kind of hard to tell.


Hey, you think

you want to maybe--

I don't know.

Are you asking me

to dance, Speedy?

I mean I--



The number you have dialed

is no longer in service.

Please check the

number and try again.

Gnash is in there.

Oh, OK.


Whoa, that the--

Gnash, hold on!

I'm coming.

Oh, snack time.

Oh, boy.

What is going on?

This is weird.

Wait a minute.

Is this what Granny was

always talking about?

Holy golly.

Did you see that?

I did not.

Oh, this is interesting.

Excuse me.

[crowd cheering]

Not bad, Speedy.

Not bad at all.

Well, good day, race fans.

It's Abby Jacks.

And welcome back to day

2 of the Silk Road Rally.

Oh, not necessary at all.

Well, obviously,

absolutely necessary.

They're not the

cheering for you.

Of course, they

are, horse of the sea

who is hardly a horse at all.

I don't think so.

They are cheering

for my best friend.

Videos of Zhi saving me and

by bambinos have gone viral.


He doesn't even have a

social media coordinator.

[crowd cheering]




I think you got some fans.






Hey, slow loris.

Emphasis on the slow.

Care to engage in a classic

raising of the stakes?

What do you have in mind?

If you win, not

only will I give you

the deed to your

house, I'll give you

the deed to the

whole loris village.

What's the catch?

If you lose, you

become my echo.




Hand buzzer-- classic.

[engines starting]






[upbeat music]


[a-ha, "take on me"]

We're talking away.

I don't know what I'm to say.

I'll say it anyway.

Today is another day to

find you shying away.

Oh, I'll be coming

for your love, OK?

Take on me.

Take on me.

Take me on.

Take on me.

I'll be gone in a day or two.

Take on me.

Take me on.

Take on me.

I'll be gone.

See that tree?

Into that.

Into that!

Nice work.

Nice work.

I was talking to the tree.

Congrats, you're no

longer on my list.

You, you're fine.

You're fine.

(SINGING) Take on me.

Take on me.

Take me on.

Take me on.


Well, that was weird.


you're not wrong.

Unless Zhi has a rope and

a trunkfull of tiny toads,

he might be in some

serious trouble.



All right.

We did it, Gnash.

Way to go, kid.

That was awesome.

There you go, little fella.

Little fella?

Come on, Gnash.

We can still take the leg.


Mama mia.

Back up gently, gently.


Oh, wait.

My bambini!



I got a job.

Oh, no.

My bambinos!


Gnash, don't

disconnect that hitch.

We're going to lose

a ton of time, kid.

I know.

But I entered a Silk Road

Rally to save a family.

And that's exactly

what I'm going to do.

Let's just make it quick, OK?

Do you think this will work?

Not a chance.

I've got you.

Punch it, kid.

Punch it, kid.

ABBY JACKS: Oh, this is

not looking good, folks.

The weight and pressure are

going to rip Zhi's car in two.


he'd love two cars.

Come on.

Don't give out on me.

Come on.

Come on!

Oh, no!

Zhi did it!

The queen is safe.

[crowd cheering]

It was super scary, guys.

Ooh, yes!

Berpe, Adalina!

I'm so glad you guys are safe.

[speaking italian] Thank you

so much for saving my babies

and my Berpe.

I don't know what

I'd do without him.


ABBY JACKS: Well, this is truly

a remarkable moment, folks.

And one that I don't think

we'll forget in a hurry.

The moment went on unlikely.

Little loris named Zhi became

the face of this Silk Road


Look, Granny Bai, look!

It's Zhi!

He saved all the other racers.


face on the Silk Road Rally.

My goodness, look at

what your boy has done.

You must be so proud.

Oh, I am.

But I'm also so

ashamed of myself.

I wasn't ever really helping

him find his [chinese],, was I?

I was just trying to

force him to accept mine.

ABBY JACKS: So, folks, we

are at the end of day 2.

And what a spectacular

day of racing it has been.

Team Vainglorious nabbed

first place again.

No big surprise there.

But the big story of the

day is Team Muddy Meadows

who has shocked the world

by climbing into third place

after a harrowing rescue.

We are here with fan favorite

and hero of the day, Zhi.

So she we would be

remiss if we didn't

ask you the question that

is on everyone's mind.

If you hit yourself

and it hurts,

does that mean you're

strong or weak?


What were you thinking

when you stopped

in the middle of the race to

rescue all your competitors?

What was going

through your mind?

Talk us through it.


I wasn't thinking.

My friends were in danger.

Besides, I still

have two more days.

Like seriously?

Two more?

Well, Zhi, you definitely came

off looking like a real winner



It's like an old friend told me,

winners are always winning even

when they're losing.

[party music]

s When I say vain, you say--

When I say vain, you say--



Reply is glorious!



The reply is glorious!

It's ironically hard to

get a good call or response

game with echoes.




Good to see you, brothers.

Good to see you, brothers.

I'm so happy you can join

the festivities in honor of

and sponsored by me.

A brochure?

Archiebold you have risked our

family's business over a bet.


What bet?

Oh, that guy.

Don't even, daddy.

He's in third place which is so

many places behind first place.

You couldn't even count

him if you wanted to.

If you lose Muddy Meadows,

you lose everything.


Please, daddy, I'm not

as moronic as my brothers.

No offense.

Well, some offense.

I've taken out an

insurance policy.

[phone rings]

It's V.


don't have to say, It's V,

every time.

Your name shows up on

my phone when you call.

It's how phones work.

Never mind.

What do you want?

Nearly striking out with

the goat so it's up to you.

You want me to

beat up the goat?

No, I want you to

find Zhi's weakness.


Greetings, dance fans.

And welcome to the

Nuorilang Falls Ball.

And what a beautiful

place to be.

[party music]


[non-english speech]

You realize.

If you're tagged.


By 20 minutes.

You'll only be.

10 minutes.

From the go.

If you can pull that

off, mate, the next day,

you'd have a real

chance at the cap.

Too right.

Touch a nitro.

I hope you seal the deal.

Yeah, that'd be great.

But nitro is a bit outside

our budget which is nothing.

[speaking chinese]

Whoa, seriously?


This could really help us

close that 29-minute gap, kid.


So this is what a burgeoning

superstar does in his off time.

I'm no superstar.

Oh, then what are

you doing on my cup?

So last time I

saw you, I believe

you were asking me to dance.

Was I?


Looking good, kid.


[music playing]

OK, whoa, slow

down there, Speedy.


Isn't that better?


I like the way you dance.

Then you should

probably thank my Granny.

She's the only person

I've ever danced with.

She taught me all my moves.

Well, how do you like it

then dancing with someone else?

I like it.

A lot less elbow skin.


I'm sorry.

I can't.

Not like this.

But wait!



Something get

under your warts, V?

Oh, there she is.

Tell me what's the dirt

on my little friend?

You told me you were

getting even with someone

who double crossed you.

You didn't say anything about

hurting an innocent loris

and destroying my

childhood home.

I'm out.

You came to me appealing to

my love of taking advantage

of the helpless in

their times of need

and, in detriment,

my evil whims,

and asked me to have your

father's name cleared

for a crime that I

clearly framed him

for which I did for you and

which, of course, I can undo.

Therefore, when I

say jump, you say--

You say--

How high?


And when I say side

vegetable, you say--

Stewed carrots?

Ooh, nice one.

And when I say--

Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.

Bop, bop, bop.

What the-- Shelby

and the Vainglorious?

Oh, no, this is going

to k*ll the kid.

Well, don't let him find

out until the race is over.

And when I say dream

first date, you say--

Moonlit dance

beside a waterfall

with a sweet guy

who makes me laugh.

I would have also

accepted putting on a show.


How did I don't see it before?

It's so obvious.

See what?

Perhaps if you're

standing where I'm standing

and I'm standing

where you're standing,

you could see what

I clearly see.

Go, stand where I was standing.



What exactly am I

supposed to be seeing?

You're right.

It is worse this way.

Go back, go back, go back.



What you are

supposed to be saying

is that you two silly lorises

are falling for each other.

You are the secret

w*apon I've been

looking for the whole time.

So wouldn't it just

break his simple heart

to learn that you've been

working for me all along?



ABBY JACKS: Welcome race fans to

day 3 of this Silk Road Rally.

Today's course takes us right

through the Stone Forest.


forest made of stone?

I can't believe this.


Oh, Zhi, great, there you are.

In the car, let's go.

I got to hand

it to you, Gnash.

You were totally right

making a stop for Shelby.

She is--

Dead weight, yeah.

I don't know what

I was thinking.

That's not what

I was going to say.


You seem a little jumpy.



What do you want?

Here, let me get that for you.

Gnash, what the?

Oh, no, the window is broken.

Shelby doesn't love you.

She works for me.

What's he saying?

She does it long

view rehearse the flea?

Cuckoo, am I right?

[phone chime]


Hey, Gnash!

What the heck?

These screens are a

serious distraction.

They destroy focus.

You can't have that.

You're welcome.

ANNOUNCER: All racers

to your vehicles.

Oh, yes, finally, here we go.

[engine sound]

[upbeat music]

Last night,

dancing with Shelby,

it was like a dream come true.

But one I never

even knew I wanted.


Well, look out.

What if she never comes back?

How could I ever be

happy again knowing

what life could have been?

I couldn't, Gnash.

I just couldn't.

Then again, a winter

wedding would be so Shelby.

But a summer wedding--

Oh, enough already.

You've been talking about

this girl for 1,000 miles.

You need to get your

head back in this race.

How's this for

head in the race?

Whoa, kid, that's

100% pure nitro.

You will just--

Holy moly.

Zhi just took off like a roo

with a rocket in its rump.

[intense music]

After I save

Granny's house, I think

maybe I'll get a

place of my own,

something worthy of

Shelby, you know.

I'm thinking karaoke room.

Oh, for the love of--

Hey, seriously, what

is up with you today?



You're the one that wants to

quit yammering on about Shelby

when you should be racing.

You're jealous.

Oh, what in the world

would I be jealous of?

Me because it's not the

amazing Gnash show this time.

Oh, give me a

break, wouldn't you?

ABBY JACKS: Team Muddy Meadows

have broken the land speed



definitely going to crash.

Whoa, we're too hot.

Lay off the nitro.

Come on!



Go, Zhi-zhi, go!

ABBY JACKS: Let's take

another look at that finish.

Yes, Speedy!

You could have k*lled us.

Nitro can't handle

that kind of heat.

You can't handle

that kind of heat.

Your pistons are misfiring, son.


You are just like your mother.

As soon as you

don't get your way,

you just fly off the handle.

My mother?

I taught her how to race.

My mother raced cars?

And she was great

too just like you.

But then this one rally,

we were racing as a team.

And I signaled to her

to slow down and not

take the easy pass,

but she couldn't

resist so she blazed by me.

And-- and when she hit

that next turn, she--

She what, Gnash?

She-- she should

have listened to me.

What happened, Gnash?

I lost my best friend.


We could have been amazing.

Could have been amazing.


Oh, yeah?

If I had middle fingers,

you'd all know it right now.

Hey, what's this?

One, get out of here.

Get away.

Go on.


It's all mine--

the trophy, Muddy Meadows,

totally conditional

love of my family.

Echoes, cue the

victory simulation.

[party music]

ABBY JACKS: Well, that

was a dramatic end

to a dramatic day, folks.


He and Vainglorious somehow now

both in first place.

ABBY JACKS: And with his car and

his relationship with teammate

Gnash both up in flames,

there's suddenly no way for Zhi

to finish the rally,

let alone win it.

He needs us.

Hey, there she is.

There she is.

Oh, what are you

so happy about?

Haven't you heard?

Zhi is out of the race.

We did it!

You and me, the two amigos.

I don't want this.

Oh, don't be shy.

Take a pic.


Zhi, what are you--

what are you-- what are you--

what are you doing here?

I came to make a trade--

me for the village.

How noble of you.

But seeing as your leverage

just blew up-- what?

Five minutes ago?

Yeah, I was kind of hoping

you didn't hear about that yet.

I think I'll just take

you and the village.

Echo Training Program?


Wait a second.

Why are you here, Shelby?

What-- what's going on?

Well, OK-- so this

is a crazy story.

You'll think this is funny.

The thing is-- well the--

Oh, enough with

the dramatic pauses.

The lady loris works for me.

No, no, wait.

It's not like that.

I hired her to destroy you.

How did she do?

She k*lled it.


Well, that was awkward.


ABBY JACKS: Oh, what an

emotional roller coaster

ride this has been for Zhi.

And now, it looks like

everyone's favorite slow loris

is in for a dark

night of the song.

It feels like a

saxophone moment to me.

[saxophone music]

[cat scream]

Zhi-zhi, where did

you find that car?

Kid, you're a force of nature.

That was the coolest

thing I've ever seen.

When will you

find your [chinese]??


somewhere, Gnash?

Granny Bai, what

are you doing here?

Making sure the past

doesn't repeat itself.

You need to help him finally

embrace his [chinese]..

I think you

should talk to Zhi.

You owe me this, Gnash.

And you owe it to Zhi.

But mostly, you

owe it to yourself.

It wasn't your fault.

It was nice to see

you again, Granny.

You take care of yourself.


Aw, aw, aw, aw, aw.

Granny, let go.

Oh, come on, Granny.

Don't be an idiot.

Well, that's a good one.

Darn bumper stickers, why do

they have to be so persuasive?

So persuasive.

Next race to

start in one hour.


The plant just

knows how to grow.

[deep breathing]



Where have you been?

Come on, it's Berpe.


Look at what my Berpe did.

It was awesome and

a little disgusting.

I swear I have a whole

new respect for men.

Come and meet the

little tailbiters.

They're so cute.



They're beautiful.

Everyone, say hi to Uncle Zhi.

Look at him all tuckered out.

I'm so proud of him.

But doc says he's in no

condition to finish the rally.

Well, then, we can watch

the last leg together

because I'm out too.

No, Zhi.

This is where our road led us.

But you, you need to

get back out there

and find out where

your road goes.

But even if I wanted to--

BERPE: Zhi, we are a familia.

I cannot sit here and let

you offer this a hook.


Familia, we push each other

forward even when we think we

can't possibly go on, especially

when we think we can't.

You can do this, Zhi.

We believe in you.

[door opening]


I'm so sorry.

Everything Vainglorious

said is true.

When we met, I was

working for him

but I didn't really

know what I was doing

or who I was doing it to.

And then-- and then we met.

And we got along so well.

And you-- you were the kid

with the soup pot on your head.

And then I realized

that you were fighting

for the Loris Village which

meant that I was the one trying

to destroy it.

Shelby, I get it.

You didn't know.

No, but that

doesn't make it right.

My whole life, I have been

trying to find my way back

to the village.


SHELBY: And when you offered

it to me, I betrayed you.

But I want to make it right

so that's what I'm doing here.

I'm trying to do right by

the guy I'm sort of into.

The guy you're sort of into?

She loves me!

Did you guys hear that?

She totally loves me.

Whoa, slow down there, Speedy.

We still got a race to finish.

Shelby, I--

I blew up my car.

There's no way for me

to finish the race.

There's-- there's not going

to be a village to go back to.


Isn't this Neil's car?

Not anymore.

The starting line is

the other direction.

ZHI: Oh, I know.

Hey, wait.




What are you doing here, kid?

I'm so sorry about

what I said, Gnash.

You've been nothing but good

to me, and I blew it all up.

We blew it up.

I'm sorry too, kid.

I should have told you

about your mama sooner.

And then when the

road got rough,

I just up and split

without so much as a glance

in the rearview.

You know, truth is I would

have been on that bus

there too if an old

friend hadn't stopped by

to drop some wisdom on me.

An old friend?


on now, you two.

I'm not that old.


I'm sorry, Zhi-zhi.

I never intended--

It's OK, Granny.

It's OK.

I'm so proud of you.

You're proud of me?

Even though I'm racing?

Because you're racing.

You found your

[chinese],, Zhi-zhi.

Now, go save our home.

GNASH: I hate to be the one

to break it to you guys,

but I think it might be a

little too late for that.

Too late?

But you're the one who said

races aren't won or lost

until the final second.



Again, that's not

what I sound like.

ABBY JACKS: Well, race fans,

it's the last day of the rally.

And with Zhi out, the only

question on everyone's mind


Why don't croissants

come in any other shapes?

No, not that.

Can anyone else left

in this race actually

beat Archie Vainglorious?

Of course not.

Where's Zhi?

[speaking chinese]

Yeah, he's totes

going to miss the race.

His village is going

to be destroyed.

We've got to find a

way to buy him some time.

Lovely idea, lads.

All right, you lot,

follow our lead.



Tucks away.

Well, that's just a waste

of perfectly good people.

Hey, what are you doing?

ABBY JACKS: 7 minutes

in, and the other teams

have a deadlock on Vainglorious.


this map is really handy.


are four hours now.

And these guys have no intention

of letting Vainglorious pass.


It was just 7 minutes

like 12 seconds ago.

Oh, that's a lot of numbers.

My head hurts.


[horn honks]

ABBY JACKS: I don't know

what these guys are up to,

but they're up to something.

They're corralling him.

Five trapped Vainglorious.


ABBY JACKS: And Vainglorious

has broken free.

Who would've seen that coming?


Well, folks, it seems like

it's a great day for evil

everywhere as Archie

Vainglorious has just secured

himself a certain victory.


ABBY JACKS: Hang on a second.

What's this?

Some fool has just

joined the race.

Is that Neil?


ABBY JACKS: Oh, no way,

that's not some fool.

It's Muddy Meadows,

the mini miracle!

Mini miracle?

Oh, that's a cool nickname.

[energetic music]

There it is, Shanghai!

You got this, Speedy.

ABBY JACKS: If there's ever been

a more exciting race for a cup,

I, for one, cannot recall it.


I've got to agree.

ABBY JACKS: That's because this

is the first race you've ever

seen, Juni.


to agree with you again.

GNASH: Steady, steady.


As if, loris.

As if.

ZHI: I can't get past him.

GNASH: Not yet.

Not yet.


See you!

GNASH: Yeah, way to go, kid.


SHELBY: Right, left, right?

Hold on.

SHELBY: Speedy!



SHELBY: Back up, back up!

You can get around

him and take it.

Coming down, look out!

You're not going

to make it through!

Forward, Zhi!

Forward fast, forward!

ABBY JACKS: Oh, Vainglorious

has pulled ahead yet again.

And this time, it looks

like it's curtains for Zhi.

What are we going to do?


I'm sorry.

I'm all out of bumper stickers.



[intense music]

Go save our home.

What exactly is going through

that giant head of yours right

now, kid?

Like you said, when I'm

behind, I'm a force of nature.

[engine starts]

ABBY JACKS: Oh, stiffen the

wombat and thump the lizard.

The mini miracle is headed

straight into a colossal death



like a very stupid idea.

[deep breath]

SHELBY: This is crazy.

We're close to

the finish line.


ABBY JACKS: Well, vanquish me

Vegemite and call me a koala.

You are a koala.

ABBY JACKS: The mini miracle

has just won the first

ever Silk Road Race!

[crowd cheering]

SHELBY: We did it!


I'm his friend!

Go, Zhi!

[crowd roars]

Zhi, can I have

your autograph please?

That was great.

Hey, you did it.

What's up, Zhi?

Hey, it's supposed to

say the Amazing Gnash.










Hey, Vainglorious.

Ready to settle that bet?

I'm sorry what bet was that?

There you go.

We got you, Zhi.


We had-- someone must

have hacked my account.

Daddy, you appeared to

have accidentally nabbed me

with your giant cool device.



[crowd cheering]

We did it!

Let me think.

I never really liked that

neighborhood anyway--

too many lorises-- sees?





I'm really going

to miss that guy.



[crowd cheering]


SHELBY: Yay, Granny.

ZHI: Go, Granny.

Go, Granny.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.


You know I seem to recall

we've been here before.

Or was it here?

Actually, I think

I was more like here.

Oh, that's right.

Hmm, I can't remember

what happened next.

Not this.

Zhi-zhi, Shelby, are

we going to play or not?


I don't know why

I call you, Speedy.



Yellow mountain fruit peak?

I know it was

always your favorite.

Your favorite?


[sip] [sigh]

I'm still getting

used to that.

All right, game on.

OK, but Shelby has to take

it easy on me this time.

Not a chance.

I've been learning

from the best.

[speaking chinese] Thank you.

Wait, I've lived

with her all my life.

How come I never learn

to play like this?

Because you actually

have to listen.

ABBY JACKS: Oh, and as the sun

sets over this happily restored

Slow Loris community, there's

only one thing left to say.


is a lot like that turtle

and the rabbit one.

ABBY JACKS: No, that's--

forget it.


to be in the sequel, yeah?

[music playing]


I got a rhythm in my body.

No way, no way.

Nobody's going to stop me now.

Today, today.

I'm going to hold

onto the feeling,

not going to worry

about the reasons.


The song is getting started

to the beating of my heart.

And it's getting

me carried away.

I got the feeling,

feeling right now.

Keeping it moving,

and I'm making a part.


This is electric,

electric in there.

Back in the rhythm and

I ain't going to stop.


Walking on the air like magic.

No way, no way.

I ain't going to let

them drag me down.

Today, today.

I'm going to hold

onto that feeling.

I've been awaken

from my dreaming.


Something is getting started,

the beating of a heart.

It's getting me carried away.

I got the feeling,

feeling right now.

Keeping it moving,

and I'm making a part.


This is electric,

electric in there.

Back in the room, and

I ain't going to stop.

Something getting started.

There's something

getting started--

the beating of a heart,

the beating, the beating,

the beating of a heart.

Something getting started.

There's something

getting started--

the beating of a heart,

the beating, the beating,

the beating of a heart.

I got the feeling,

feeling right now.

Keeping it moving,

and I'm making a part.


This is electric,

electric in there.

Back in the room, and

I ain't going to stop.

[upbeat music]