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03x06 - The Great Escape / The Paddington Files / Paddington the Surveyor

Posted: 06/27/23 06:00
by bunniefuu
♪ Left Peru and sailed
to England alone ♪

♪ There he met the Browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's Windsor Gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does
his best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brandnew ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's Paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪

I'm Paddington bear!

Mr. Curry.
It's Jones the builder.

I've brought the bill.

I know you're in there,
Mr. Curry.

I can hear you shuffling about.

Excuse me!

Do you know if Mr. Curry's home?
I've brought

the bill for mending
his broken window.

Then I expect
Mr. Curry's hiding.

He does that when he hears
the word "bill".

Well we'll see about that!
I'll have some friends
pay him a call.

They'll soon winkle him out.

Ha! Ha! Ha! He's gone! With
any luck, he won't be back.

He said he was sending
some friends over to winkle
you out, Mr. Curry.

Winkle me out?!

Look here, bear. I need help.

Stay here and if anyone strange
calls, say I'm away.

But I can't do that.
Oh yes, you can!

After all, who broke the window
in the first place?

You did, Mr. Curry.

When you slammed the front door
the other day.

And why did I slam the door?

Because you got marmalade
on my knocker!

So make sure you don't let
anyone in while I'm gone!

[police siren]

Have some tomatoes!

Let's pull in there and hide.

Uh-oh... that must be
the builder's friends.

It worked!
We gave them the slip!

But they will be
looking for us now.

Hello. I'm Paddington,
Mr. Curry's neighbour.

He isn't here right
now and uh...

The house is empty?
Why, fred, it's perfect!

Perfectly bad luck, you mean.

We're Mr. Curry's
distant cousins.

How nice! Do come in.

This is the sitting room.

Here. you sit down and make
yourselves comfortable.
I'll go make some tea.


Did you say comfortable?

Mustn't look a gift
horse in the mouth.


Oh, I'm sorry.
Here, let me help you.

[both]: No!

I've never seen such junk!

If you remember, Mr. Curry
keeps all his best furniture
locked away in the cellar,

along with his valuables.

He! He! He!
Of course, we'd forgotten.

I'll go make the tea now.

If we could get
rid of that bear,

we could clean out
this house in a jiffy.

Uh, excuse me.

We we're wondering if you'd
run down to the shops for us.

We'd go ourselves, but we don't
wanna miss cousin Murray.

Murray? Don't you mean Curry?

Of course. silly me!

If you'll take this, I'll find
some paper and make a list.

Aaah! That's hot!

Here, let me help you.

Then perhaps I'll go down to the
shops now. what did you want?


Pain K*llers!

These two men escaped from jail
just a few hours ago.

The commissioner's
offering a big reward

for their arrest. call
us if you see them.

Someone's been having
a bad day, haven't they?

After we sell all this stuff,
we should have enough
cash to retire.

Just as long as we put enough
miles between us and that bear.

Oh no! They must've got
tired of waiting! Wait!

Hold up. I forgot to
close the back doors.

It's all right, I'll do it.

Uh... we thought we might
take a little trip around
London while we wait.

Really? I love trips.

What a good thing
I got back in time!

What a coincidence!

Mr. Curry has a candlestick
just like this.


Look out!

Oh, dear... I think
I'm in trouble again.

We want to go back in jail!

It's those escaped prisoners.

Hurry! Arrest us!
We won't try to escape!

Just get us away from that bear!


Ha! Ha!

I'm willing to bet the bear
got rid of that builder
and his friends.


What's happened to my chair?


That bear must've let them in!

They've destroyed the place!

My valuables!

I've been winkled!

They've taken everything!

Wait till I get my hands
on that bear!

There you are! I've been robbed
of all my valuables!

And it's all your fault!

Here, wait a minute, sir.

If it wasn't for this young
bear, we wouldn't have nabbed

two escaped prisoners and
recovered your stolen goods.

Indeed, you should
be thanking him.

I have no hesitation in handing
over the reward to you,
Mr. Paddington Brown.

We did it, bear.
We caught those criminals.

But, Mr. Curry
a brilliant idea and...

Well seeing you are both
responsible for their capture,

we'll give you half each.

Thank you very much.
Ah, Mr. Jones!

Just the man I was looking for.

This should cover
the repair bill.

Everything's settled.
Not quite, Mr. Curry.

You still have to take
your valuables inside.

How am I going to do that?

Maybe Mr. Jones' friends
can help you.

Fine. but this is
all your fault, bear.

And I won't forget it!

[mumbling to himself]:
Oh, that bear...

He drives me mad.

I'll get him one day.
I'll get him one day.


One of the best things about traveling with Mr. Gruber,
collecting stories

for is book
the world and his wonders,

is staying in hotels.

And one of the best things about hotels is being able to watch television in bed.

This pod. I've never seen
anything like it before!

It's out of this world!

That's because it was left
by the mother ship of an alien
race from Alpha Centauri!

It was horrible! Horrible!

Itis horrible! Horrible!

Alien flying saucers!

They're coming to get us! To take us away in their pods!



And then the aliens carried the
poor people away in a space pod!

It's no wonder you had
nightmares, Mr. Brown.

But don't forget,
it was only a movie.

Don't you believe in aliens,
Mr. Gruber? It would make

a very good chapter for your
book if we saw a real one.

Many people claim
to have experienced
close encounters with aliens,

but such stories are usually
more fancy than fact.



Mr. Gruber! Over there!

A flying saucer!


Over there! Ah!

It's gone!

It must've dematerialized!
Like they did in the movie!

Perhaps you shouldn't watch
any more late night movies

until we reach our next
destination, Mr. Brown.

If there's one
flying saucer about,
there are probably others.

Bigger ones full of... aliens!

I was right after all!
I must tell Mr. Gruber!

Mr. Gruber! Mr. Gruber!

Mr. Brown, what is it? You look
like you've seen a ghost.

Not a ghost, Mr. Gruber,
something even worse!

Real aliens!

Have you been watching
television again?

I saw them with my own eyes!

Come on, we must be on
the look out for more.

I think the receptionist is
getting curious, Mr. Brown.

How long do you plan
to wait here?

As long as it takes,
Mr. Gruber.

I brought extra film
and we should be careful
to stay out of sight.

They're here!

You can't deny what you see
with your own eyes!

I'm afraid I can't see anything
without my glasses, Mr. Brown.

Where are they?

They're gone... again.

Come one, Mr. Brown.

I'm sure there's a
rational explanation

for what you think you saw.

But I think you should
understand once and for all

that there is no such
thing as aliens.

Scientific data repudiates
any evidence

of extraterrestrial life.

How do you do? Huh?

They've abducted Mr. Gruber!

Can I help you, sir?

I want to report
an alien abduction!

Very droll, sir.
Would there be anything else?

Anything else! I should have
thought being abducting by
aliens was quite enough!


Mrs. Bird is right: if you want
something done, do it yourself.

Hold on, Mr. Gruber!
Wherever you are!

Astounding! Mr. Brown
wasseeing aliens.

What floor?

You don't sound like aliens.

We're not. we're here for
the science fiction convention
at the conference center.

It's so far out that
you fell for our costumes.

Long life and prosperity!

It's no wonder
Mr. Brown is confused.

I think I'd better find him
before he jumps to any more
wrong conclusions.

An alien pod!

We've got to refill this space
pod with free giveaways

and get it back to the
convention as fast as possible.

The aliens must be planning
to transport Mr. Gruber

back to alpha centauri
in that space pod.

I don't have much time!

[knocking on door]

Room service!

We didn't order room service.


Don't worry, Mr. Gruber.
I'll soon have you out of there.

It's all right, Mr. Gruber.
I won't let the aliens
scramble your brains.

Stop that bear!
He's stealing our giveaways!


Mr. Brown! Hold on!

Hang on, Mr. Gruber!
We're under alien attack!

Aaah! Aliens! Everywhere!

Hey, you! Hand back
that space pod!

I'm not letting you
take Mr. Gruber!

Set phasers on stun!

No power. and these aliens
want to rule the universe!

Get him!

They're getting ready to leave!
But I'll save you, Mr. Gruber.

Great costume, man.

What an awesome start to the science fiction convention!



There you are, Mr. Brown.
Now do you understand?

Contact has been established
with the aliens forces,
Mr. Gruber.

Wish Mrs. Bird long life
and prosperity,

and tell her not to wait up.

I'll be back home as soon
as they let me down.

Now that's



What are you up to, bear?

I was...

Just doing some measuring,
Mr. Curry.

I found this in a corner
of the attic.

It's a map of the Brown's
and your garden.

A survey map, hey?

I measured the Brown's
garden as feet across,

but the map says it should
only be feet.

I see...

I knew it! I knew it!
Ha! Ha! Ha!

Oh! Hello, Mr. Curry.
This survey map

confirms my long held
suspicion that...

The dividing fence is
in the wrong place.

It's been put four feet
inside my property.

For which I shall now be
charging pounds
a month rent.

But hold on!
It's always been like that!

Ever since yourgrandfather
built it.

Ah yes! Grandpa Curry.
A kinder

and more generous man
you couldn't hope to meet.

pounds a month!
For a bit of old garden?!

Ah, there's this too. a
prorated compound interest bill

for the years of unlawful
appropriation of property

totaling , pounds

and... pence.

I could let you have
the pence, Mr. Brown.

Mr. Curry, why don't
you go home, have a

that's your attitude, is it?

Well, we'll see about that!


[Paddington]: Uh-oh...

Right! That's four feet. since
Mr. Brown won't pay me rent,

I shall be occupying
my rightful territory.

Hmm... Mr. Brown, Mr. Curry is
doing something in your garden.

[Mr. Brown sighs.]

He's playing a silly
little game, Paddington.

Just ignore him.
I'll try.

But he's rather hard to ignore.

Especially when he's about to
cut down your prize rose bushes.


Ah, ah, ah! Private property!

You can't cut my roses!

And why not?
They're on myside.

[he's humming.]

Those are mygarden shears!
Where did you get them?

From the tool shed, of course,
which is also on myside.

Oh, and I got

the lawn furniture
from the garage.

Now since only half of it
is on myproperty,

I'll allow you to park
the car here.

But I'll need a set of keys.

That does it, Curry!
I'm getting my solicitor!

By all means!
Waste your money on solicitors!

Thanks to that bear,
I've got all the proof I need!

Ow! Bear!
I wish I'd never
found that map.

Help me out!
I think it's time
I saw Mr. Gruber.

He might know what to do!

I don't understand.

Why would Mr. Curry's

build the fence four
feet onto his own property?

Mr. Curry did say his
grandfather was a generous man.

Ahem! Ahem!

Excuse me, I couldn't
help overhearing.

But I delivered milk
to Windsor Gardens

when I was a lad...


You clumsy boy! Look,
you've made a terrible mess!

You either clean this up or
I'll expect free milk and cream

for a year!

[he's snickering.]


Old Man Curry was neither
kind nor generous!

And if he had anything to do
with building a fence,

I suggest you go to
the town hall and look
at the official survey.


Ah, Windsor Gardens! I used to
play there when I was a girl.

A lovely street!

Except there was one house

with a most disagreeable man...

Mr. Curry, I believe...

Some things never change.

Ah! That's it! May I have
a copy of this, please?

Why, of course, dear.

He's gone too far this time!
Barbed wire, cutting my roses,

stealing my tools...
He even wants my car keys! Ow!

What the...

Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Brown.

Mr. Curry, I'm Mr. Jones,
Mr. Brown's solicitor.

I'll have to ask you
to suspend work...

No, no. he's not Mr. Curry.
He's Paddington and he's...

Paddington, what areyou doing?

Well, I decided the only way
to stop all the fighting

was for me to move the fence
once and for all.

Excellent survey,
Mr... Paddington.

Oh, thank you.

That's exactly where
the fence should be.

But that's on Mr. Curry's side.

Yes, I thought that odd too.

But I triple checked
all my measurements.

And where did
thismap come from?
I got it from the town hall.

You mean, all these years,
Mr. Curry has actually had
four feet of ourgarden?

His grandfather must've changed
the map you found in the attic

to take some of our land!

Ho! Ho! Ho! This calls
for a little celebration.

[talking and laughing]

Aaah! Stop that
incessant racket!

I can't hear myself think!

Mr. Curry! You're just
in time for cake.

What's going on?
You've moved my barbed wire!

Just what are you up to?
Get off my property! Shoo! Shoo!


I'm afraid that according
to the official survey map,

this is ourproperty.

Well, what about thismap?

Yes, what about thismap?

It doesn't seem to match
the official town map.

Perhaps your grandfather
made some modifications.

Impossible! A kinder more gen

"more generous man..."
Yes, yes. especially to himself.


Look, Mr. Curry, why don't we
just leave the fence where it is

and forget this map nonsense
ever happened.

You mean, though this is

you won't be charging me rent?

It's more important to be good
neighbours than it is to fight.