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03x16 - The San Lorenzo Job

Posted: 06/27/23 07:41
by bunniefuu



Ford. You honestly
think you stood a chance?

Honestly, no. We didn't
stand a chance in hell.

- [Sophie] Damien
Moreau is done.
- Look what we did to him.

"Damien Moreau under
investigation for
antiquities smuggling."

"Moreau linked
to blood diamonds."

"Moreau assets in Switzerland,
Germany and Bolivia seized."

Last time anybody got
this much press in the news,
they had a nasty video out.

- What kind of video?
- [stammers] I don't know.

- I did not watch it,
that would be wrong.
- [Nate] Now, Moreau is sitting

in San Lorenzo,
a country with no extradition,

his own private security
and he's gonna wait this
out until it blows over.

But he will be back,
I guarantee you.

Now, we've been
in this situation before.
I pushed you into it.

You were drunk.

- Super drunk.
- Thanks, Parker.

I remember that. So,
I've pushed you, I've
tricked you, I've lied to you.

So now I'm just
going to ask you.

And if any of you,
any of you, say no,

then it's done.

We don't do it.


Help me get rid of this
Moreau guy for good.

Damien Moreau
is holed up in San Lorenzo.

Now, this was a British colony
up until 1969,

so the official language
is still English.

Less than 300,000 people
living on 120 square miles.

The population of the capital
city couldn't even fill
the cheap seats at Fenway.

I mean, you could fit the
entire government in this room.

- What's Moreau using
for resources?
- He's got millions in jewelry

and gold bars stacked up
at his villa there.

I mean, we took out
his international business,

but he still could afford
to sell and buy this
country five times over.

I'm thinking
The Spanish Turnabout.

Mm. No, he's not
gonna leave the country.

Turnabout pays off
in an airport.

- The Peking Watch Con.
- Nice.

Guys, guys, uh,
this is Damien Moreau.

Now, we got lucky
the first time. We caught
him on his blind side.

He still almost k*lled us.
Now, if he, uh, catches wind

that we're running a con
or a heist that he's seen
before, we're done.

- It's gotta be something new.
- There are no new cons, Nate.

Put this up
on the big screen.

Remember I told you
I had a friend in San Lorenzo?

Make sure it's encrypted,
too, because he's taking
a big chance by talking to us.

- Oh, so I do my job...
- Do your job.

- ...that I've been
doing for years.
- Do your job.

General Flores, could you please
tell my team what you were
saying earlier about Moreau?

I have not been general
for a long time, Commander.

You understand, we've had
open elections in San Lorenzo

since our independence
in 1969.

Democracy is, uh, hard,

but we were making progress
until President Ribera.

Ribera was a minor officer
in our security forces.

Then Damien Moreau came
to our country.

He bankrolled Ribera's
political career.

Within a year, Ribera had
bribed and m*rder*d

his way into the presidency.

Anyone who opposes him is
declared an enemy of the state.

They are imprisoned,
and by law their assets
are seized.

Their families... bankrupted.

This is why the general
is in hiding.

He's your candidate
running against Ribera.

General, I understand
you're taking quite a risk

for yourself and your family
by talking to us.

Uh, we...
we certainly owe you a debt.

No, I'm the one with the debt.
Spencer saved my life.

- Twice.
- [chuckles] Once.

- And a half.
- How do you half-save
someone's life?

Because I was the one
who was sent to k*ll him.

So I figured that only counts
as a half, right?

That actually makes sense.

- [banging]
- General, I...

- [banging continues]
- What is it?

I don't know.

is that a secure line?

[shouting, grunting]

I thought you said
this thing was safe, man!

It was, man. They just
hacked it from the other side.

It's serious software,
like, uh...

Thank you for destroying
Duberman last year.

Bankrupted his company.

Put his old servers
on the open market.

Amazing what
ten million dollars

and some clever
tech support can do.

- Moreau.
- Hey, don't blame
yourselves for this.

Ribera makes sure
I stay safe, so I make
sure he stays president.

Actually, to be fair,

I wouldn't have found Flores
if you hadn't contacted him.

So, uh, go ahead
and do blame yourselves.

You can't just k*ll
a w*r hero like Flores.

No, of course not.
We've got UN Election
Inspectors here, world media.

No, he's just in prison
until after the election.

Then he'll
have a car accident.

You know how
these things are done.

Or, um, you used to.

Sleep tight.


[Nate dialing phone]

- [line rings]
- Ciao.

[speaks Italian]

You cleared customs
under a different name.

Your IDs and your work visas
are inside. It wasn't easy.

Well, if it was easy,
I wouldn't have
asked you for help.

Now, he doesn't know
we're here, right?

Mr. Ford,
it will never work.

Damien Moreau will
never leave San Lorenzo.

[woman] Thank you.

[broadcaster on TV]

No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no. No. People, no.

You need the windows to be open.
You need light to see the goal.

You need to see the goal
to win the race.

And also, people,
you need the TVs to be off.

Half the time, they're telling
us things we already know,

- the other half they're telling
us things that just aren't true.
- Excuse me, who are you?

James Draper,
election Consultant.

Uh, General Flores
hired me to run the
last week of his campaign.

- The final push and all.
- But, Flores is in jail.

- Oh, well,
give me the next in line.
- The next guy, uh...

Yeah, your next guy
in the party that
can run for president.

He's in jail, too.
So is the next, uh, guy.

- Who are you?
- Michael Vittori.

- Why aren't you in jail?
- Because I am 30 points
behind in the polls.

Why bother to arrest
a loser, huh? I am sorry
you wasted your trip.

Wasted my trip? No, no.
You're perfect.

No, no, no, no,
this guy's awful.

[scoffs] I have
to agree with Nate.

You know how much
I hate doing that.

Well, look, Ribera arrested
anybody else who stood
a chance at taking him down.

Seriously. Look, these are the
other candidates right here.

Drug dealer. Drug dealer.

Drug addict. Embezzler.

Embezzler, drug dealer
and drug addict.

And my personal favorite:


- Ew! What is that?
- [moaning on monitor]

There's no secrets
on the Internet.

When will people learn this?

You want to help
me run this race?

I don't run races. I win them.

- Bolivia, 2002.
- Estonia, 2003.

- The Republic of Malta, 2005.
- Do you know me now?

- Why me?
- Why you?

Because... are a man of the people
and a leader of men.

The people
of San Lorenzo need you

because you can bring this
country into the shining
future that it deserves.

The people of San Lorenzo,
they need you!

And I'm under contract,
so let's get going.

You've heard the man.

Let's get started.

[workers chattering]

You sure about this?

[sighs] Let's
go steal a country.

Good, you're here. I need
you to change the banking laws.

I'm moving what's left
of my money into San Lorenzo.

I don't want to worry
about paperwork.

This is the office
of the president.

Ribera, you're not the
first president I bought.

You're not even
the most expensive one.

It's my office, just sign.

- What's gotten into you?
- Schoolteacher Vittori.

- He's having a press
- Well, that's good.

Makes it convincing for the UN
inspectors if they think
there's more than one candidate.

Easier to pretend
it's a real election.

- [Vittori] I'm not
sure about this.
- The speech is focus-tested

through anonymous email
linguistic sampling.
Just good words people like.

We don't really do
press conferences here.

Yeah, well, exactly.
That's why people came.

Different is good,
different is news.

And this quote
from my grandmother,

"The truth is a light"?
She never said this.

- Yeah, well, maybe she will.
- But she's dead.

Oh, well, then there's
no way to know that
she didn't say it, huh?

There you go.

[sighs] Nate, I have to say,
of all the deceitful,
unprincipled, corrupt things

- I've done in my entire life,
nothing's as bad as...
- Politics.

I can't even say it.

[man] Announcing your
Independent candidate,

- Michael Vittori.
- [applause]

- [feedback]
- Good evening.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen,
for being here today.

OK, hopefully
Vittori is a stall.

- Eliot, did you find
your friend yet?
- [Eliot] Yeah.

- [Nate] Good.
- No. Flores isn't
in a regular prison,

he's in The Tombs,
cells are underneath
the Parliament building

left over from
the old colonial days.

[Eliot] They tore the stairwell
out, put in a single elevator.

Closed shafts, no access.
Only way in and out.

And even if you
get past the guards,

they're gonna sh**t
the elevator up on
your way back out.

Its a k*ll box.

Flores, getting him out's gonna
be loud, it's gonna be messy.

Hey, how about this?
Steam vent. Welded shut.

It's a steam vent, Parker,
all right? People don't...

Normal people don't go...
They feel like it's...
Will burn...

This is it, we're here.

This intersection
is 60 feet below the street.

You sure that's
60 feet down?

- [sings musical note]
- [note echoes]

Yeah. That's it.
Sixty feet. That pipe.

[Vittori] But what I can do
is be a light

that leads us
through these dark days.

My grandmother...

...used to say
that the truth is a light,

and that light must shine.

Let me light the way
for San Lorenzo.

And in turn...

...a small island,
little body with a mighty heart,

will be a light
that leads the world.

- [applause]
- [reporter] Mr. Vittori,
what are your thoughts...

Mr. Vittori, how do you feel
about San Lorenzo joining NATO?

What about the whereabouts
of General Flores?

Ha! Look at him run.

No, that speech was
very odd. It was good.

It was?

- What are you doing?
- They're asking questions.

- [both] Yes.
- But nobody's ever
asked questions before.

Nobody's even
paid attention before.

Just stick
to the talking points.

You're an honest man
who wants an honest economy.

If you look confident,
then you'll sound confident.

Here. Once they know you,
they will love you,

- and that's the truth.
- Oh, get that.

- What was that?
- What?

[on TV] ...this woman is that
Vittori is speaking with,

is she in fact as involved
with his campaign...?

I'm happy
to answer questions now.

- Who is that woman?
- Is she your girlfriend?

Excuse me, how is that relevant?

- What are you trying to hide?
- I'm not trying to hide...

Does anyone have a question
related to my campaign?

- Is she a hooker?
- What?


I am an honest man who
wants an honest economy.

[toilet bubbles]

[cell phone rings]

- Hello?
- [Eliot] General.

Always full of surprises.

We're working on a way to
get you out of there, sir.

And my people? Spencer,
the rest of my cabinet,

men I've fought with,
my ministers,
they're down here with me.

- I can't leave without them.
- Sir, we can barely find a way
to get you out of there alone.

These people you
are with now, would you
leave any of them behind? Ever?

I thought so. I cannot take the
chance they will k*ll these men

in reprisal if you rescue me.

Leave me here.
No matter what.

Are you OK?

Nate, I hope you're having
a better day than we are.

- Not exactly.
- Nate, we have to do something.

No, no, no. If Moreau
finds out were in the country
he's gonna k*ll... Sophie.

[chuckles] Oh, uh, my name
is, uh, Rebecca Ibanez.

And, um, well, we were trying
to keep this a big secret,

but, um, yes, as Michael's
grandmother used to say,

the truth is a light,
and the light must shine.

- We're getting married.
- [crowd chattering]

- [Sophie laughs]
- My grandmother, she...

- No, sh...
- [crowd chattering]

Yes. Oh, it's very happy news,
yes. He's a wonderful man.

- One at a time.
- Are you a teacher?

Yes, yes, I am also
a schoolteacher.

I, um, I teach

Hey, man. Hey,
the feedback is great.

I mean, online's
going crazy for her,
there's a hash tag on her.

There's a bunch of
phone videos going viral.

- What about her back-story?
- I'll have to wait till
she's done making it up.

But I can graft one
of her old IDs onto it.

Listen, man,
she's not Princess Di.
It's a small country.

We got this. We...
Uh, hell, it's Moreau.

- Yeah, I caught that.
- Ford.

- Yeah.
- I have to ask,
why won't you leave me alone?

Well, you move dirty money.

Well, we want a big family.

Behind every great fortune,
there's a great crime.

If we couldn't move money
just because it was dirty,

the world economy
would collapse.

I'm a banker, Ford.

Some banks buy land,
I buy politicians.

Some banks invest in business,
I invest in countries.

And I think big.
And I don't judge the men
I do business with.

Now, that's not a sin.
That's vision.

- Oh.
- Now, come along.

Uh... My man here has hacked
into all the security feeds

at the Parliament Building,
so if anything were
to happen to me or my team,

the footage would go straight
to the police and to Interpol.

- That's not my problem.
- Well, I think
you should know, though,

that there are more UN
Election Officials here
in this country right now

than there are tourists.
Now your man, Ribera,

he's already
arrested his main opponent,

so if anything further were
to go wrong with his election,

like say the kidnapping
of U.S. citizens,

well, you just might
lose your safe haven.

Make it interesting, Ford.

Yeah, I'll try.

You do know I haven't
hacked into any of the
security feed for Parliament?

- Yeah.
- I should go get on that.

- Do.
- Yeah.

Oh, boy, Sophie,
what have you done?

Honey. Oh, he's so shy.

- [indistinct chatter]
- Hey, up ten points.

- [Nate] Not enough.
- [beeping]

- It's ten points, man.
Sophie's a hit.
- It's not enough.

[applause, cheering]

Eliot, Parker, start
looking at those other plans.

- Those are pretty nasty.
- Welcome to politics.

- [sighs] OK.
- I am worried, Mr. Draper.

- I should not be lying
to the people.
- I agree.

- You know,
you're up ten points.
- I am?

- Michael, do you believe that
Ribera's bad for the people?
- Absolutely.

- Then it's worth anything
to stop him. For the people.
- I suppose...

Don't think of it as a lie.
Think of your engagement to
Rebecca as a campaign promise.

You tell people you're
going to marry her,
and when you become president,

- mmm, you don't.
- How is a campaign promise
different than a lie?

It's complicated. Uh, hey,
right now, uh, your people,
they need a pep talk.

It's not about us anymore,
it's about them.

[Vittori] Come on,
let's get started.

OK, well, after two full days,
you're still alive.

Michael was seconds away
from burying your little plan

- in a shallow grave.
- Shallow grave. Well,
that's... that's good. That...

Remember that joke next
time we're out in the forest
with two shovels in our hands.

Country of 300,000 people,
half of them likely to vote.

Yeah, I just need 20,000
of them to change their
mind in less than a week.

Nate, if stealing
a country were easy,

everyone would do it.

[sighs] Hardison.

- Check it, man.
- The campaign ad?

Yeah, you see,
Ribera and Moreau,
they own the media,

but they do not own the web.
Look what every person

in San Lorenzo got in
their inbox this morning.

[narrator] San Lorenzo.
Today a glittering jewel

of the Mediterranean.
Tomorrow, President
Edwin Ribera.

Against fire safety, for g*ns.

I did an image
and language scan of every
successful US political ad,

- and I just combined
the top techniques.
- Mm-hmm.

[narrator] Against education,
for child labor.

- Ouch.
- Vote Michael Vittori
for president.

You don't think
it's a little over the top.

Over the top? What
language are you speaking?

[man] Presidente!
Mi Presidente!

- Hey.
- [boy screams]

What? What? Me?

I take it back.

- [woman] So nice to meet you.
- Thank you.


[camera clicks]

- [Nate sighs]
- This is incredible.

Yeah. Yeah, now this is about
the point in American politics,

right, where you wanna
drum up a little scandal.

Like, uh, money? No.
A scandal won't work.
Everyone knows he is corrupt.

No, no, no, no,
worse than money.

- Sex.
- Way worse.

What scandal is worse
than money or sex?


[woman on TV] A Canadian animal
rights activist joins us today
with shocking allegations.

- This is Ray LaRoque.
- Did you see this?

What brought you
to San Lorenzo?

Well, two words, Nicole.
dog fighting, eh?

So you contend that dogs are
made to fight to the death

in the courtyard of the
Presidential Palace?

Oh, absolutely.
Uh, even, uh, puppies as young

as this one right here,
this adorable little
thing right here.

- [laughs]
- Wait. Was the
president at these fights?

[Eliot] Uh, I never saw the
president at the fights,

but I am aware that the
dogfights did happen on his
estate while he was home.

- Oh, this is lies.
- [Nicole] The presidential
spokesman has yet to comment.

This is Nicole Polimo reporting
from the Presidential Palace.

Oh, little... [chuckles]

I think I hate you.

You know, I'm OK with that.

OK, I should cancel
the debate tonight. Hm?

The questions.
All of them.

And don't look surprised,
Ribera, I own the TV station.

Listen, tonight you'll
bury him at the debate.

Tomorrow, he loses in what
will be the closest
election in years.

Which, frankly, only helps
legitimize you, so relax.

[both men grunt]

So listen to the question,
then pause before you answer.
It shows you're thoughtful.

Yes, dear, I am not made
for this. This should be
General Flores. He is a leader.

Do you want people to follow
you? To do what you ask?

All right, I'm going
to give you the secret.

Very straight,
very confident.

And then you give
a person a choice.

And one of those choices
is a very easy yes.

You get someone to answer
yes to you in their head,
and before they even realize it,

they're on your side.
And then as you do this,

what you're going to do
is you're going to reach
forward as if to shake their...

No, no, no, like this.
No, as if to shake their hand.

I mean, Western culture,
we're hardwired
to trust that gesture.

So, very straight,
an easy choice,
reach forward.

- Now, go on.
- It sounds so easy
when you say it.

Are you going to let down
all those people that have
worked so hard to support you?

- Or do you want to be
president of your country?
- I want to be pres...


- [sighs]
- Go on.

[woman] The next question in
tonight's presidential debate
will go to President Ribera.

Mr. President, San Lorenzo
enjoys the highest standard
of living in the region.

How would you build on
that in your second term?

I believe my greatest
in my term as president

has been, uh,
economic development.

I... [clears throat]

- One moment.
- Another softball question.

Did you see what she
asked Michael? Who's the
finance minister of the EU?

OK, wait for it.

We have increased
tourism 22 percent

thanks to my [stammers]
s-s... suc-successful,

the, uh, the Soul of the
Mediterranean campaign.

[clears throat] Excuse me.

- [sighs]
- Now, we put, uh, nicotine
cream under his wristwatch.

Vote for me, hm?

- Soul of the
Mediterranean campaign.
- Your coat, Mr. President.

Thank you.
My greatest accomplishment is...

- Ha!
- Good luck.

Thank you.

The nicotine on the skin goes
right into the bloodstream.

- Rapid heartbeat.
- Disorientation.

- Sweats.
- And makes him
look like he's been...

- Sir, are you...?
- What?

- Is he drinking?
- [Ribera] No.

- I don't know.
- [Ribera] This is water.

I just... I just don't...

I... Oh, thank you.

Mr. Vittori, rebuttal.

Does San Lorenzo want to live in
the past with President Ribera?

Or... they want a brighter
future for their children?

[indistinct chatter]

Hey. These are
the latest numbers.

- I think tomorrow's
anybody's game.
- Yeah.

I'm going to be so glad
when this election's over.

Well, don't be.
The only reason we're alive

is that Moreau doesn't
want to taint the election.

He's gonna k*ll us. Yeah.
The second the polls close.

[indistinct chatter]

Good luck.

- OK, how we doin'?
- It's a record turnout, which
is very, very good for us.

There's not much time left at
the polls. I've got everyone
doing get out and vote calls.

- OK, you go get on
that other thing.
- Now?

Yeah, now. Now, listen,
if things get ugly,
you gotta turn Vittori loose.

- No.
- If things get too hot,

they're gonna come
after him hard. You can't
get in the crossfire.

Well, that's even more
reason why one of us
should be watching his back.

Listen, would you
take a b*llet for this guy?

Maybe. For them.


Too close to call, hm?

Too close to call!
How'd you let it get this far?!

Why did you bring
them to my country?

Get out!

Can you
control the streets?

We don't have tanks
to put in the streets.

My security forces
are very good at driving
people up into the mountains

and making them disappear,
but riot control, I don't know.

But they do provide security
for the candidates, too.

In theory.

Polls closing in just minutes,

we're hearing rumors from
Parliament of an upset victory

- for Michael Vittori.
- [cheering]

This could be a landmark moment
in the history of San Lorenzo.

Something for
the history books.

Here we go.

Copy that.

[men chattering indistinctly]

Copy that.

Age of the geek, baby.

And from our European desk,
local press in
San Lorenzo are saying

that President Edwin Ribera
may soon be on his way out

and schoolteacher Michael
Vittori on his way in.

...multiple sources
from deep in the government,

including missing
Independent Party candidate,
General Flores.

- Flores?
- [Flores] It's true.

All charges against
me have been dropped.

And my men
have all been released.

We're heading for
Parliament right now.

I can only assume this is
because Michael Vittori

is even now taking control
of our government. Thank God.

[speed dials, line rings]

I don't care.
Send men down to make
sure he's still in his cell.

Now. And if he is there,
finish him.

And get the rest.

Yes, including Vittori.

OK guys, we're hot. Get out.


We're taking you to the
Presidential Palace now, sir,

so we can issue a statement once
the final votes are tallied.

General Ribera feels it's
important there be unity.

- For San Lorenzo!
- [cheering]

- This way, sir.
- Yes.

- Nothing?
- No, we have Vittori.

- We can hold him
till the results are in.
- I just called my TV station.

They will not announce
any results until
we have cleared them.

The radio station is the same.
We can lock this down.

[door banging]

- Good, we can talk.
- [yelling]

- Eliot, they've got Vittori.
- [Eliot] I'm out of position.

Fine, I'll do it myself.

- Michael!
- Oh!

- We were going to the palace.
- Oh, you're adorable.

We've got to get you
into that crowd.

We need to get you
into that crowd now. Go.


Ford. You honestly
think you stood a chance?

Honestly, no.

We didn't stand
a chance in hell.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

- We have a visual.
- Ah, the candidate

and his fianc?
are joining us live.

Can you comment on
these rumors that there
has been a stunning upset?

Uh, yes. Uh, I didn't
think this was possible
when we started,

but the people of San Lorenzo
have found their voice.

No matter what happens,
don't let them take it from you.

And no matter what they do,
rise up and take your freedom!

- [man] Viva Ribera!
- [man 2] Look out!

- [grunting]
- [screaming]

[Vittori] Rebecca!

- Rebecca!
- [screaming]

She's dead.

She's dead!

Rebecca, how
could they do this?

I didn't.
Not in front of cameras.

OK, I have CNN, I have BBC,

I have the UN Elections
Inspector General all
calling for my blood.

- Can I k*ll him yet?
- I need a drink.

This is nothing I can't fix.

They haven't even
announced the votes yet.

Of course not.
That's the whole point.

What does he mean?
What do you mean?


This is a warrant for
the arrest of Damien Moreau.

Keep it.

Because you're gonna sign that
before I finish this drink.

- I'm so done with you.
- And I'm done with you, Moreau.

You know, for all the, uh, blood
and corruption that you deal in,

well, I've seen your
like a hundred times.

You think because
of all your money
that the entire world

has to play by your rules.

You're just another
bastard in a suit.

So? [chuckles]

Then what are you?

I'm a thief.

Thieves don't win elections,
we steal them.

- [crowd cheering]
- [car horns honking]

There are people
in the street.

Widespread celebration, chaos,
as everyone in San Lorenzo

has received an official email
from the government

confirming Michael Vittori
has won the election.
This is despite...

I told them not
to report the results.

Well, they're not reporting
results, but they have
to report people in the streets,

they have to report
what people are saying.
In the absence of truth,

the press will report rumor.

[laughs] Didn't
you get it, Moreau?

I mean, from the beginning,
I was running
an American campaign.

No need win, you just declare
victory from the start, first.

And then you stick to the story.

I have the media, I have the
g*ns, I have the... government.

You know what I have?
I have a 24-year-old genius

with a Smartphone
and a problem with authority.

[scoffs] You really
never stood a chance.

Look what every person
in San Lorenzo got in
their inbox this morning.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
You sent this ad
to everyone in the country?

Yeah. Took me an hour.

- Victory for Michael Vittori.
This is a landmark...
- [cheering]

Age of the geek, baby.


[Nate] Did you know...?
And I didn't know this.

Four out of five people, they
don't get their news anymore

from the television
or the radio.

No, they get it from their
Smartphone or a computer.

That's a lie.
It will never hold up.

Absolutely not.
But, you know, any lie can
last, you know, ten minutes.

You see, what we needed to do
is we needed to get everyone
to believe the same lie

- for the same ten minutes.
- [woman on TV] General Flores,
are you involved

- in the new administration?
- [Flores] At this moment...

- Do you see this?
- ...meeting with
President Vittori.

We are going to be
investigating this
horrible attempt

that has taken place today, we
are going to find out who is
responsible. The people...

[turns off the TV]

Why is Flores alive?

- Hello? Hello?
- [static]

Oh, yeah, no, sorry,
yeah, no, we stole your
security men, too, so...

[sighs] It's a dry heat.


Who are you?

I'm supposed to tell you,

[mimicking Eliot]
"We be the cavalry."


[man] Look!


And no matter what they do,

rise up and take your freedom!

- [man] Viva Ribera!
- [man 2] Look out!

Come, Eliot.

We came here to announce
that we have won the election.

I am president of San Lorenzo.

The first moments of my regime
are stained with blood

by those who wanted
to steal our freedom.

So I ask you,

do you want to go down in
history with those assassins,

or... you want to be heroes?

[applause, cheering]

[woman] San Lorenzo!

Ah, that would be the riots.

Yes, those happy crowds are
just learning you gunned down

- their beautiful first lady.
- Ribera, do not
lose your nerve.

You know, he's right.
You could fight this.

But the people believe
that they won.

And no matter how many
ballots you show the
international community,

it's always gonna
look like a fix.

Now, from this point forward,

running this country
is gonna be a pain in the ass.

- [banging]
- And you will always be
looking over your shoulder.

Of course, if you're
not president anymore,

there would be no reason
for anyone to bother you.

You could have a nice pension,
a nice estate in the country.

- How nice an estate?
- Ribera, you do not listen
to him, you listen to me.

- How nice an estate?
- Well, I understand his villa
is spectacular.

- His villa?
- Well, sure.

You could have all of the assets
that come with the house

plus anything
that's hidden in it.
Can you imagine what's there?

It's not the government's
to give. There are laws.

There are laws, including the
law that says the government

can seize the assets
of a political prisoner.

Anyone who opposes him is
declared an enemy of the state.

They are imprisoned. And by
law, their assets are seized.

Vittori and Flores
are honest men.
They won't go for that.

Yeah. You're right.

No. No. No. No!

I have people!
I have lawyers!

You, you! Help me! No!

- Ah.
- How is this
going to go, Ribera?

[sighs] Gentlemen.

I have just performed
my last act as president
of San Lorenzo.

- I am conceding the election.
- You are?

Who am I to oppose
the will of the people?

Now, let us discuss

the terms of my retirement.

[door lock buzzer sounds]

Get your hands off me!

You! You have
to get me out of here.

You have to extradite me.
Put me on trial
in Rome or Paris.

I'm so sorry,
but San Lorenzo does not
recognize extradition treaties.

- Damien Moreau will
never leave San Lorenzo.
- Wait!


Who are you people?!

With the resignation
of President Ribera,

there is no question as
to the legitimacy of President
Vittori's administration,

despite the confusion over
the initial voting results.

[man] What is your role
in the new administration?

[Flores] I am advising President
Vittori on foreign policy,

acting as his minister
within the Parliament.

Don't cry for me,
San Lorenzo.

You are utterly unclear
on how to be dead.

This is the second time
in two years that you've
shown up at your own funeral.

They're gonna put my face
on the new 20 royal note.

- I know.
- Name a girls' school after me.

- I heard.
- Hey, did you see
the inauguration speech?

- He's a natural.
- Yeah. You have
every right to be proud.

I am. I'm proud.

You know, we didn't just con
someone, we built something.

- Well, we did
subvert democracy.
- [scoffs] Eggs, omelet.

Fair enough.
We're a good team.

We are. We're a team.
Finally. Partners in crime.

- Partners?
- Together.

See, you know, when we met,
all that running and chasing,

you know, it was romantic,
but it wasn't real.

This, this is real.

Friends then. Do you
want a friendly drink?

[sighs] You're
a bad influence.

- What's all that?
- Knickknacks.

We just stole a country,
I want a souvenir.

- Where's your luggage?
- I don't travel with luggage.
I'm gonna go get Nate.

[both grunting]

Geez. What do you
got up in here, Parker,
some of Moreau's gold bars?

Hey, you got your souvenirs,
I got mine.

- Oh, whoa, what is...? Hey!
- Nate, let's go, take off.

- [groans]
- Let's go.

Yeah, I was just...
I had a couple last night,

you know, drink
just to celebrate.

[laughs] I don't care, man.
Moreau's gone.
You're a free man.

- Yeah.
- Things are back to normal.

- Uh-oh.
- Aye.