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01x05 - The Paranormal Hacktivity Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:12
by bunniefuu


you sure you're OK, hon?

[TINA] Yeah, Mom. Everything's fine.

It's just a lot of stuff

to deal with, but

[WOMAN] Sorry I missed the memorial.

I know how much Aunt

Mildred meant to you,

but, Tina, it's time to

move on with your life.

Mom, it's quiet here without her.

[WOMAN] I'm sorry. I'm

just worried about you

We we we don't have to keep having

the same fight about Aunt Mildred, Mom.

- There's room at home.

- I'm fine. [GASPS]

You know who I just heard from?

Your sister called and she said

Uh, um, I'm sorry,

wha what did you say?

The the the power just

cut out, that that's all.

[WOMAN SIGHS] Of course it did.

I don't see how you can stand

living in that old house.

I like this old house, Mom.

It's it's not your problem

because Aunt Mildred left it to me.

[WOMAN] I'm sorry, Sweetie.

- Look, I'll I'll call you tomorrow, OK?

- Good night.












- Who's there?



Aunt Mildred?

[GASPING] Is that you?









Call 911!

- [TINA GASPING] It's her.

- Try not to move.

[TINA PANTING] It was her.

She came back.



- That's a problem.

- What are we gonna do now?






OK. Yes! Yes! Yes!





- Breanna!


What is this doing by the front door?

[SPOOKY VOICE] Being cursed to

walk the earth for all eternity.

[NORMAL VOICE] You said I could

put decorations up outside?

Yeah, I was imagining an autumnal

harvest wreath and a pumpkin.

This place looks like a

a demonic kindergarten.

Plus, you used all

the good toilet paper!

OK, don't use the Charmin

on decorations. Noted.

When you draw this much

attention to a secret lair,

it just becomes a

not-so-secret lair.

Look, it all has to come down.

[GROANS] But the Halloween

Parade is tonight!

Christina Killian Santoro is

the parade marshal this year!

Name a cooler politician.

I mean, she goes after

corporate polluters,

Wall Street, the Mob.

I personally can't wait until she

turns 35 and runs for president.

The point is

I read she loves

Halloween as much as I do,

and I'm dying to impress her. Please.

I hear you.

Take it all down.

You can decorate the attic.


You're harshing my Halloween vibe.

Guys. We have a visitor.

I was getting ready for bed,

on the phone with my mom.

Ever since my aunt died,

she's been trying to get

me to leave New Orleans.

And then the power cut out.

It's an old house, so


Then I heard

It's fine. Take your time.


My aunt walked with a cane.

And I heard footsteps in the hall.

Her footsteps.

- Tap-tap Tap.



And I had been so

lonely without her there,

At first I was glad,

but then she she told me

"you did this."

Wrote it in blood, on the mirror.

And then screamed. So loud.

- So what did you do?

- I ran.

Knocked a candle over on my way out.

- I know I sound crazy.

- No

- Don't be silly, it's just

- A bit, yeah.

You wouldn't be the only ones. The

insurance company sure thinks I am.

What do you mean?

When I told them what happened,

they accused me of

setting the fire myself.

For the payout.

[SIGHS] I guess, Aunt Mildred didn't

want me in that house after all.

Oh, Tina, you must be exhausted.

Breanna, can you ?

Oh, yeah, sure. Uh, we have a

spare bedroom on the third floor.

I could help you up the stairs.

Thank you.


You're right.

The whole timbre of her voice,

her posture, it's not grief.

- It's fear.

- But, letting her stay here?

We can't have guests.

We can't have innocent civilians

privy to any crimes

we might be committing.

But we're not committing any crimes

since Harry and Eliot are in Brunei

helping Hardison with that extradition.

Wait a minute. Sophie

are you committing crimes?

No. I'm not committing any crimes.

Who said I was committing crimes?

- You just did.

- Did I? I did not!


- [SOPHIE] Oh!


All right. Agreed.

We're not committing any crimes.



why does this case mean so much to you.

Other than I saw her get hit by a car?

I hang off of buildings

by my pinkie fingers,

and the only thing

I've ever been afraid of

is the one thing I couldn't understand.

We have to help her.


So what exactly are we looking for?

Anything that makes the

fire look like an accident.

Or a ghost.

What? I thought you liked Halloween.

I mean, Halloween's fun, 'cause

costumes and candy and stuff.

But ghosts and the spirit realm?

I don't know, the "other

side" doesn't really exist.

I learned that when my parents died.

Hey, guest book from Aunt

Mildred's funeral service.

Hmm, not a lot of people

showed up at the house.

Hey! No one's allowed in here.

[CHANGES VOICE] Uh, arson unit. No

worries, we got the case covered.

City arson investigators

were already here.

They said nothing was to be disturbed!

I gotta report as a 146

Excuse my trainee. She's still

trying to get the hang of things.

She's gonna put that

back where she found it.



Uh, now I'm gonna have to document

this protocol breech as a 12-07.

Ugh, the paperwork.

[GASPS] Thanks for catching it, Stuart.

We're just gonna be

a couple more minutes.

[CHUCKLES] No problem.

I'll be here all night every night.

Gotta make sure no one hurts

themselves at the parade.

You Jedi Mind Tricked him.

Rule-followers are

susceptible. Just like Harry.

Look at this. I think I found something

that will prove this was a setup.

Woah Maybe Tina really was haunted.

This is your ghost. A mini speaker.

Someone hides a bunch of

those around your house,

sets a timer for the sounds,

boom! You have footsteps

coming down the hall.

But it was her footsteps. Exactly.

I heard her cane.

This is a mini projector.

You probably can't tell

'cause it's kind of burnt,

but it's probably why you

saw the blood on the mirror.

And the other one is a fogger.

So, a little fog, some

dark, boom! Disoriented.

You think someone did this on purpose?

Do you Do you think I'm stupid?

No. Um, has anyone been in the

house recently? Someone different?

[SIGHS] Barely anyone

came to the funeral.

It was just me and Aunt Mildred.

No one else really cared about her.

She came back, because

she told me to get out because

No one did this.

It's impossible.


No, no, no, no, no.

- [BREANNA] What?

- It's a thing.

What thing?

Flashback, backslash, slash

flash-back, backlash effect!

You know, when you show

someone actual proof

that what they believe is

wrong and they don't just agree.

Instead they believe more,

harder into that fake thing.

It's a weird human brain thing.

Ugh, I hate the human brains.

You say "human brains" like

you have an outside perspective.

Yeah, well Sophie uses

this one in a long con.

So, someone says she's a fake,

it makes the mark believe

in Sophie even more.

OK, so you're saying she'd

rather believe she was haunted

than see the truth

staring at her in her face?

Mm-hmm. You do this as long as I have,

you start to understand people's


- Emotions?

- Yes.

So, we can't just tell Tina.

We have to show her enough clues

to where she figures it out for herself.

Now, Tina said the only time

strangers came by were for the funeral.

So we are gonna find the people

who haunted her out of her house.

Her ghosts are in here.

I don't mean literally

in here, like, you know,

haunted baby doll, or a jack in a box.

No I caught your meaning.

I didn't eat all your Halloween candy.

Then why does your face

smell like peanut butter?

[SIGHS] Tina's upstairs?

[PARKER] Mm-hmm.

I just spent the entire morning

with her insurance company.

Long story short, they would

need absolute proof of tampering.

So, what do we have?

Well, I've already

looked through everyone

who signed the guest book

at Aunt Mildred's service.

So, which guest haunted

her out of her house?

Not a lot of people came

to pay their respects.

We've got a priest, a

few ladies from church,

a nurse from when she broke her hip.

The only people out of the ordinary

were these guys, the Herberts.

[PARKER] Herberts? You mean the Herveys?

Nope. Herberts. Because

They erased and rewrote it.

[SCOFFS] Amateurs.

Well, they did it again

under the "from" column,

they originally wrote


Right, the Garden state itself.

So I found an LLC

registered to Lyle Herbert,

which in turn owns Revenant Realty.

Of course! It's a real estate scam.

They read the obituaries, and

then they pitch up at the funerals.

Spend the whole time casing the place,

and planting the seeds for a haunting.

Oh, I'm sorry. You wanted

to say that, didn't you?

No, the moment's passed now.

So, what do we know

about Revenant Realty?

Well, they mostly operate in New Jersey.

I really don't know why they're here.

They just buy houses on the cheap,

and then flip them

within a couple months.

And, yeah, all of the

original owners of the houses

have recently passed.

And then the relatives who inherited,

they start hearing bumps in the night,

and then they sold to the

first person who inquired.

Survey says Lyle Herbert.

- Mm-hmm.

- Revenant Realty was owned by Lyle

and his late brother

Owen, but Owen's son Deke

is putting his design degree

aside to step into his dad's shoes.

Well, he's the amateur.

Still has a lot to

learn. We can use that.

We need to show Tina who

these guys really are.

Problem is, she might

not be willing to see it.

You know as well as I do

how grief can change you.

It can impair your judgment.

You don't know up from down.

So how do you want to play this one?

You need to find a way to reach Tina

and prepare her for

what she's about to see.

What is she about to see?

We are gonna transform this place

into the perfect mark for the Herberts.

And Tina's gonna watch them

try and con us, step by step.

Then we're going to

expose them to the world.

Let's go con ourselves a conman!

You wanted to be the one

to say that, didn't you?



[PARKER] Tina.


Oh, you're packing? Um

Parker, thank you for trying to

help me, but I think that I

I used to believe in psychics!

I couldn't explain how

they knew what they knew,

so I thought they had to be real.

But Sophie and my friends,

they showed me the truth.

Decent people tend to think that

everybody else is decent, too.

But there are those people who

take advantage of the gullible

and weak willed.

- I'm gullible and weak-willed?

- Yes!

The ideal mark is lonely, single,

and desperate for connection.

And I d don't mean

that as a bad thing.

I'm just saying you're a decent person.

I'm not a decent person.


The day Aunt Mildred died,

she told me that she

just had a headache,

so I told her to go and lie down.


really, I just wanted a break.

Fifteen minutes to have

a walk and a coffee.

When I came back, she was lying

on the floor outside of my bedroom.

She died alone.

So that's how I know she

wanted me out of that house.

It's not a con.

It was my fault.

Oh just because you

wanted a cup of coffee

doesn't mean you're a bad person.

Or that you didn't love your aunt.

Just stay here one more day.

I think your aunt would want you to.

- OK.

- Good.

OK. Now, tell me everything

you know about the Herveys.

The two men from the service?

- Mm-hmm.

- I don't know a lot.

They came late, most

everyone was already gone.

[PARKER] Good. That helps

us know what to expect.

- Ahh.

- Estella, it's me, Lyle.

We're so sorry for your loss.


The memorial service just ended.

Did you know Big Daddy?


[SIGHS] Welcome.

OK, you are Estella Havisham,

and you inherited this house

after your father just

suddenly passed last week.


He fell in love with my

Momma's prize-winning gumbo,

and he gave me a three-legged

puppy named Cooper.

You just happen to have the back

story laying around like that?

Of course I do. It's a con.


Look at those ceilings!

Are those etched glass?

[SIGHING] Ahh, young man,

you have a marvelous eye.

Are you an artist?

A designer?

No. I did go to design school

[TINA] Then they told me

that they knew Aunt Mildred

from the old neighborhood.

Vague personal connection.

Explains why you wouldn't know them.

And they showed up

late to avoid witnesses.

I am just so touched that

people came to the house.

There was not one soul

at the burial earlier.

How did you know Big Daddy?

From work, back in the day.

Which work? Don't tell me.

The munitions factory,

the sewage treatment plant?

- Uh, yep.

- Which one?

Hey, Deke, why don't you, uh, find

a place for these flowers, huh?


Don't mind my nephew.

He's kind of new to the family business.

[WHISPERS] Wow, these

guys are bad at this.

[SOPHIE OVER COMMS] Deke's on the move.

- Let him into the

- [WHISPERS] No! No!

I'm not letting him into

our electrical system!

We have talked about this.

- I don't wanna I don't wanna

- [SOPHIE] Shh!

It's just a breaker box.

Hardison is going to k*ll me,

and then I'm gonna come back

as a real ghost, and I'm

gonna haunt you, Sophie

[SOPHIE] You don't believe in ghosts.

Who are you talking to?

[CHUCKLES] Don't mind me.

I was just talking to Big Daddy.

Oh, of course.



[TINA] They asked me what

I planned on doing next.

It's strange, they said they

could feel her in the house.


And then I told them that

I would wake up sometimes,

that I would hear her

calling out for me.

It was just me and

Big Daddy for so long.

Sometimes I feel like he's still here.

Big Daddy, that is.

I hear his voice.

Of course! He was so full of life.

It's almost spooky how much

I can feel his presence.

Like he's just waiting

on the other side.

[TINA] And then the

lights flickered out.


Fine, I take pity on

you, newbie con guy.



What was that?

- I don't know.


The lights must be playing up.

[GASPS] Big Daddy loved this

old place, so much history here.

Maybe the lights were

a sign from Big Daddy.

- He was a music fan?

- Why, yes.

He wanted to reopen this old place,

but in the end it's what k*lled him.

[DEKE] How how did he die?

Ah, there you are! Took you long enough.

How did Big Daddy die?

You mean you don't know?

Why, it happened right here.

He was hanging up new stage lights,

and he went right over the railing.

Died right on this very bar.

I sleep in the room right

across from where he slipped.

Sometimes, I feel like

he's trying to reach me,

trying to tell me

You know, it sounds like

this place is full of ghosts.

Ever thought about selling?

Yeah, yeah, it might be a good idea.

You know, a big old place like this,

there might be more than

bad wiring in these walls.

Yeah, if you did, you

know, we'd be interested.

To take the burden off your shoulders.

Oh, I couldn't.

Big Daddy wanted me to have this place,

and short of him telling me to go

I'll stay.

Oh, thank you so much for coming.

Big Daddy would have loved it.

Well, you stay safe.

Especially on Halloween

The veil between this world

and the next is so very thin.

- [WHISPERS] Yeah.

- We'll see ourselves out.


Letting someone into our electrical

system aside, that was pretty easy.

Hmm. I handed them everything on

a platter, and they lapped it up.

Decent conmen would've

been more suspicious.

True. But luckily these are

the worst conmen I've ever seen.

Perfect location, perfect mark.

This is gonna save our asses.

Yeah, but you don't think

it was a little too perfect?

- I know we don't have a lot of time

- Who's fault is that?

Who insisted on the candles?

Candles are in every horror movie!

They add atmosphere.

I didn't know she'd burn

the whole place down.

If you'd get your head in

the game and stop daydreaming

about that fancy design

school, we'd be done already.

I'm not good at this

stuff. I'm not a criminal.


Yeah, hey, uh, we got another place.

Don't worry, we'll have

it cleared out by tonight.

[SOPHIE] Tina's resting.

We have to set the scenes before

the Herberts get back here.

Grieving daughter all

alone in the old theater.

They gonna break in this way?

Yeah. With the cop car across

the street guarding Tina's house,

that's the best point of entry.

What makes you think

they're coming tonight?

They bought our story too easily

For some reason, they're in a rush.

Besides, it's Halloween.

What better time to fake a haunting?

Too bad Eliot isn't

here. He could just

break their knees and

we'd be done with it.

Broken bones heal. We're

gonna break their spirits,

and they'll never do this again.

Now, Tina needs to see

everything for this to work.

Are all the cameras set?

Well, I got a couple

more things to wire,

then I'll set up a station

in Tina's room upstairs.

Great. And I'll walk Tina

through every step of the con.

And what are you gonna do?

Hmm, I

have a performance to give.

Still can't believe this was

anyone other than Aunt Mildred.

There are some powers in this world

that are stronger than you know.

Yeah, and we're three of them!

What is all this?

Same guys who did this to you

are gonna try to do it to us,

and I want you to see exactly how.

That's them!

The guys from the memorial.

Confirmation. Sophie, you're up.




- Yeow.

- Come on.

Why, Big Daddy always

spoke so highly of you.

She's coming. Move!

your gumbo was almost

as good as my mother's.

Of course, normally I'd be delighted

to attend your Halloween gala,

but with Big Daddy

gone, my heart is heavy.

We could set everything up

when she goes to the party.

Too late for that. We

have to do this now.

Let me think on it.

You make such a tempting offer.

I'm going upstairs to retire to my room.

Perhaps after a long, reviving nap,

I'll reconsider.

We have to work fast.

Get this done before she wakes up.

Come on, let's go!

Oh, Big Daddy, I'm so

sorry I let you down.


Her bedroom is just off

this upstairs hallway.

When she hears the

sound, she'll come up

and the show begins!

It's a scam. And you're not

the first they've done this to.

[WHISPERS] Come on, come on.

She'll be coming through this doorway.

We want the words to appear

there at the top of the wall.

There's a painting there. Projector

won't work on top of a painting.

Well, then get rid of it, dumbass!



Hey, the iron frame's

too heavy. Give me a hand!

How did you know that's where

they'd want to put the projections?

I didn't. Tina did.

She told me exactly what was

set up outside her bedroom,

and I figured they'd

do the same thing here.

Son of a

[GRUNTING] It must be bolted.


All right, give it one last pull, OK?



Oh, Big Daddy, is that you?




She's primed! Get the speakers set up.

Why would they do this?

It's a con. They want you

to sell your house for cheap.

And then flip it for a big profit.

Yeah, but the writing on the mirror.

How would they know about that?

They read you at the memorial.

They could sense that you

had a little bit of guilt.

They didn't need to know the details,

just enough to know

which buttons to push.

Sophie gave them the same "tell."

I think they're using

the same playbook here.

I really hate these guys.

Then you are gonna love this.


Pass me the screwdriver.




It's time for the big finish!

This is called the gloat!

It's the best part. Come on.


Oh my, oh my!

What do have we here?

[QUIETLY] OK. All right.


I'm loading video of their

break-in to all of our screens.

Just give me the word, and

I'll pop open the curtain.


I do believe you're trespassing.

Louisiana has very strong laws

against breaking and entering.

What the hell is she doing here?

Place is supposed to

be cleared out by now.

What ?

The kid screwed up our whole day.

We're behind.

Place was supposed to be emptied out.

- She the only one here?

- [LYLE] Just her.


I'm only paid to k*ll

one person tonight.

So you'll have to take care of her.

Everyone, stay calm.

- Tie her up.



Junior, get me a drink.

[WHISPERS] The newcomer.

I know him.

- [BREANNA] Does he know you?

- [PARKER] I hope not.

They call him The Wraith.

He's one of the most notorious

hit men on the eastern seaboard.

This job just got a whole lot scarier.

[WHISPERS] He's an

assassin? Why is he here?

No idea, but he's one

of the best in the world.

Did you see his medallions?

One is St. Julian,

and one is St. Hubert.

Patron saints of murderers

and hunters alike.

He wanted to make sure he was covered.

[WHISPERS] We can't

just leave her like this.


OK, I'm on the dark web.

The Wraith is the guy you call

when you want someone dead.

You remember that cardinal

who was in that car crash?

Jane Doe in WITSEC who was poisoned?

Inmate number 11563 in

solitary who squealed?

All of that is The Wraith.

[WHISPERS] Oh OK, this

is this is really scary.

[SIGHS] Tina, we have

to get you out of here.

If he finds you like this,

you're a sitting duck.

How? We can't go down.

Then we go up.


is that real bone on that handle?

See, she won't be a problem.

Yeah, we could just let her go, right?

I mean, she's not

gonna do anything, so

She's your problem.

But if your solution is to let someone

who can recognize my face go, then

she's not my problem.

You are.


annual Halloween parade,

grand marshaled this year

by Christina Killian Santoro,

has made the turn at Canal Street.

Yeah, understood. We'll take care of it.

- We're just gonna

- [DEKE] Yeah, w we'll wait for the parade

so no one hears our shot. Just like

Just like you, right, Mr. Wraith?

[WHISPERS] The parade. The parade.

The parade. The parade. The parade.

New Jersey!

Christina Killian Santoro,

district attorney from New Jersey.

She's grand marshal of

the parade this year.

She's known for cracking

down on the Jersey Mob.

They must have sent

small-timers like the Herberts

to come in and secure houses

along the parade route.

Like Tina's.

And ours.

[QUIETLY] The parade's supposed to

pass by here in about ten minutes.

Sophie, we gotta stop

them before the k*ll her

and you.


- Come on.

[GASPING] OK, I'm coming.


Um, where are we gonna go?

I don't understand.

- [TINA] Oh, my God.

- Yeah.

You're going out the window.

- What?

- Mm-hmm.

How about you can do that,

and I will stay here and die,

that's fine.

Don't worry, I'm really good at this.


"We can just let her skip

over to the police!" Moron.

When I left school, you said

I'd be designing new floorplans.

I didn't sign up to k*ll anyone!

What did you sign up for, Sweetie?

We just needed you to leave the house.

We only wanted to scare you a bit.

Lights, some fog, creepy noises.

A little haunting.


What haunting?

It's just part of the con.

You give people a scare,

they think there are

spirits around, and boom!

Undermarket property we can flip.

You don't mess with the afterlife.

It might mess with you back.

[CHUCKLES] The afterlife? C'mon.

Do you know how many I've seen die?

What it's like

when the light

dies from their eyes?

Spirits are real.

I've watched as they leave the body,

when they stop struggling.

You don't mess with that.


you k*ll people

I didn't cause their death.

I'm just a w*apon.

A very good one.

- Nice. Real nice.

- What?


Breanna, I have an idea.

Your Halloween stuff.

It's hooked up to your tablet, right?

Yeah, and all the ones the

Herberts installed, too.

I'm gonna need more power.

Luckily I'm in the right place for that.

[MAN ON TV] As the parade

approaches Jackson Square,

we can see that the costumes

this year are gorgeous

Hamilton. Third floor window.

Check for the best line of sight.

Parker, hurry up.

The spotter, Hamilton, he's coming up.

- Ready?

- No!

I don't normally ask people that.

Can we just wait for a minute?

That would that would be good

if we could we could

You don't have time to be scared.

It's up to us to stop these guys.

The Wraith won't hesitate.

Lyle and Deke won't hesitate.

And that Hamilton guy is [GASPS]


Right behind me.


Toss me some sheet and rope.

We gotta get you out of here.

That was incredible.

Why did Alec chain all of

the repeaters in a series

instead of parallel?

'Cause that would just be far too easy!

Please work.

Come on, baby, come

on, baby. Work, work.

Yes! Awesome. OK.

I am controlling all of

their haunting gak, now.

You're sure?

[SIGHS] There's only

one way to find out.

You ready?

What was that?


Sounded like one of our speakers.

But I hadn't set them up yet.

Oh, that was just the

house voicing its opinion.

- Pay no mind.

- Its opinion?

Just one of the reasons why me

and Big Daddy loved this old place.

We were never lonely.

Maybe that's why we had

trouble setting up the gags.

- Maybe maybe

- Are you kidding?

She's just a daffy bat.

Well, they never bothered me much.

But then again, I never

caused anyone's death.

Nice and easy.

Here come the crutches.

OK. Tina's out of the building.

[SIGHS] What do you want me to do next?

Now, you learn the

art of haunting houses.

I'll work on my animations while

you start with the fog machine.




More fun for me. [COUGHS]

[SIGHS] Do you hear them? Hm.

The spirits will be heard tonight.

Listen to them.

You need to keep her quiet.

They're telling me about the cardinal.

And the automobile accident.


They are not happy

about your presence here.

There was a woman.

It witness protection.



She just wanted to stop

others from being hurt.

Shut up!

And that man in prison.

Oh, that poor man.

He was not very contrite but

did he deserve to die that way?

- I said, shut up!

- Careful!

You do not cause the

death of others, remember?

She's a liability.

You take care of it.

You sure? Y you don't want to wait?

I I mean, the parade's

right around the corner.

You watch her. You come with me.

OK, only 36 more mini speakers left.

You go in there and

you finish the job now.

She's just trying to get under our skin.

And to be honest, it's been a while.

I'm a little rusty.

[SOPHIE] No, Deke.

You're making them angry!

[CRYING] You have to get us out of here!

[DEKE] Just let me think!

This place is driving me crazy!

[SOPHIE] You don't have to

do this, Deke, put it down,


I just wanted her to

be quiet, like you said.

Oh, God, what did I do?

What did I do? [SIGHS]

[ON TV] The parade turns onto Madison.

The crowd is revved up for Santoro.


It's time.

The speakers are set.

Parker, the Wraith is

headed up to k*ll Santoro.

You have to get out of there! Now!

But I still haven't done the projectors!

[THE WRAITH] Hamilton.

Hamilton, are we clear?

Where is he?

[ON TV] And here's Santoro,

waving to the crowd.

She's blowing them away.




Focus, all right?

If we leave now, the

Wraith takes the blame.

OK? Let's go get our stuff,

and the cops will never

even know we were even here.

- All right?

- Yeah.

Now you're thinking, kid. Come on.



What the hell was that?


OK, OK, time to go.



[MALE VOICE] Bless me,

Father, for I have sinned.


[SOPHIE'S VOICE] The cardinal

and the automobile accident

They are telling me about the Cardinal.

This is great. Keep him

talking, we can use all of this.

You watch her. You come with me!

Shh, don't throw your future away.

- So if I help you

- If you help us,

we'll get you away from your

uncle and back into design school.

But you have to help us, and fast.

[GASPS] Gah! You a ghost?

The ghost of fake blood packs.

You just happen to have

fake blood packs on you?

It's Halloween. Of course I do.

Spook it up.

Oh, Ghr

No, that was too



[SOPHIE'S VOICE] There's a woman

in witness protection.


She just wanted to stop

others from being hurt.


[SOPHIE'S VOICE] And that man in prison.

Oh, that poor man.

He was not very contrite, but

did he deserve to die that way?


These are the spirits

of those you k*lled.

And they are starving.



[SHOUTING] Get me the hell out of here!






That's them.

- [THE WRAITH] Please

- [LYLE] You have to listen to me

I'll confess to everything I

did. Just get me out of here!

And the whole place is haunted!

There's another one

up on the third floor.


Please, please get me out of

here. You don't understand.

Get me out of here. Please!

What will happen to my uncle?

Well, he did spontaneously

confess to fraud,

so, yeah, a bit of prison.

Just enough time for you to

start anew, now that you're dead.

This is a chance for you

to really separate yourself

from the family business

and go back to school, Deke.

I suggest you take it.

I definitely will.

Just sent out footage to

your insurance company.

That and the police

report should do the trick.

What are you gonna do with

your aunt's property now?

Are you gonna sell it or rebuild it?


It's what Aunt Mildred

would have wanted.

Plus it's kind of nice

to know the neighbors.

We got you a little something.

Oh, my God. It's Aunt Mildred's cane.

Yeah, we found that in

the house. It survived.

Like you.

To neighbors.

- [BREANNA] Neighbors.

- [TINA] Neighbors.

You guys shoulda seen them.

They were practically begging

the cops to arrest them.

It was perfect.

And we went trick or

treating afterwards.

Well, at least you managed to salvage

- a little bit of your favorite holiday.

- Wait!

That is my Halloween candy.

Hold on. You took down

an international assassin

using a haunted house?


Well, this place must've

looked really scary.

Well, it is New Orleans.

I mean, every building is

just a little bit haunted.


- You guys are messing with me.

- Stupid.

No, no. That wasn't me, I swear.



That's not funny, man,

don't do that. Hey.

That's not funny.

What are you talking

about? We ain't do nothin'.