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02x11 - The Belly of the Beast Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:29
by bunniefuu
I'm so sorry if I
caused Mr. Hogan any trouble.

I misunderstood.

I would never accuse
him. I just...

I would remind you,
your NDA prohibits you

from speaking about
anything that happened here.

Please. I have no savings.

I'm in a month-to-month sublet.

I gave up everything
for this job.

All I've ever wanted to do

is to help make music.

NDA also says that if you disclose
anything from your time here,

you forfeit your severance.

You're gonna need that money.

So make smart choices, for once.

See her out.


Make sure she gets
clear of the building

and wipe that laptop.

I need to go find a replacement.

Hi. I'm

No. Okay. That's
too casual. Um...

I am a big fan.

Okay, what are you,
a creepy stalker now?

I mean, ugh.

Monroe. Jenna Monroe.

What is wrong with me?

We didn't call for you.


And... you're
probably not going to

because I'm pretty sure
that everybody in that room

has much better resumes than me,

and Ivy League degrees and
high-profile internships.

I've got none of that.

And you're gonna hire one of
them before you even get to me.

Okay. I'm calling security.

Hold on.

Speech first, then security.

Go, kid.

Problem is, if you hire
one of those people,

they're not gonna
work like I will

because they don't
want it like I do.

I mean, I worked two
jobs and lived at home

to put myself
through state school

to get a dual degree
in music and business.

I have no fallback.

This job would
literally be my life.

I mean, late nights, weekends.

All I want is to be a small
part of what you guys do here,

find new artists and
introduce them to the world,

because I truly believe

that music can change lives.

Let me help you change lives.

That's the kind of fire
we need around here.

I am sold. You're hired.

Oh, my God!

Thank you! Thank you.

- I'll send the other ones home.
- Yeah.

- Uh, do you want my resume?
- No.

Thank you! Thank you.

The position has been filled.

Thank you for your interest.

We will keep resumes for
future consideration.

- Aw, man.
- Great.

Um, guys, I think
we have a problem.

- Morning.
- Morning.

You weren't here when I
interviewed. Are you new, too?

I am. It's my first day.

My name is Jeb.
Nice to meet you.

- Jenna.
- Jenna.

I hope Steve's okay.

Oh, the dude that
was here before me?

Uh, yeah, he's fine.

He won a cruise
around the world.

I'm filling in for him
while he's gone, so...

- Wow. How random is that?
- Yeah.

Well, seems like everybody
is getting lucky.

- Bye.
- See you.

Mr. Hogan's coffee must
be exactly 130 degrees.

1-3-0 degrees.

Mr. Hogan's office
is his sanctum.

You don't show anyone in there,
even with an appointment,

without clearing it with me.

You don't go in there
without clearing it with me.

And under no circumstances, do
you ever, ever put a call through

from his ex-wife, Sylvia.

Okay. No call, Sylvia.

This is Mr. Brimley,
head of security.

He has your standard NDA.

Gotta sign before you
can start to work.

- Oh.
- Company rules.

Yeah. It's just, uh, I
have a business degree,

so I like to really
read every clause.

Oh, yeah. Sorry.

Mr. Hogan's calendar
is on your laptop.

That calendar must
be kept current.

At the end of every day, you
will send the updated calendar

to myself and
Mr. Brimley, understood?

Yes, ma'am.

Carol! Help me.

You're the only one who can make
sense out of any of this stuff.

I'm on my way.

Okay. Looking forward to
working with you, too.

What's this?


Lethbridge Stewart.


Mr. Hogan, I'm
sorry to bother you,

but I noticed something odd
about a calendar appointment.

Why don't you come
on in here and fill me in?

Oh, I am... Carol said
that I'm not supposed to...

Yeah, don't worry
about Carol. Come on in here.


Yeah, don't worry about Carol.

I know she seems like a hard-ass, but
she's really a big softie at heart.

- Oh, really?
- Oh, yeah.

You should see her bookshelf.

- Wall-to-wall romance novels.
- Oh.

It's motion-activated.

I get an alert on my phone

whenever it detects movement.

But everybody can use a little
privacy from time to time, right?


Confidential client
meetings, stuff like that.

Wanna try?

I can help you.

Actually, uh, Mr. Hogan,
it's about your calendar.

Carol set an appointment with,
uh, Ms. Lethbridge Stewart

from Be Funky Records.

Oh, yeah, that's
our parent label.

Well, that name, uh,
Lethbridge Stewart,

it's a... it's a
Doctor Who character.

From the TV show.

- Oh.
- Yes.

So, I figured, what
if someone was,

you know, trying to get an appointment
with you under false pretenses?

Oh. Like my ex-wife.


I checked Be Funky's
website directory.

Nobody with the
name works there.


We need to cancel the...

- Lethbridge Stewart.
- Lethbridge Stewart meeting.

Good catch, Jenna.

I knew you were the right girl.

What did I tell you about
going into his office?

What are you?

Oh, sorry. Do you
know where IT is?

I, uh, think I
got turned around.

Uh-oh. Hmm.


♪ Music is mighty good ♪

♪ See all the people
come from miles around ♪


♪ Heard about the... ♪

Oh, hey, there's a person here.

There's, uh, never a person.

Hi, person.

I'm Jenna. I'm
Mr. Hogan's new assistant.

This is where you say your name.

Uh, Keith.

Hi. Uh...

Uh, what can I do for
you happily? Anything?

Uh, this laptop belonged
to the last assistant.

And there's a file on
here that won't open.

Did you know the last assistant?

Uh, no, I mostly stay down here.

There's a lot of
turnover and, uh, it's...

You know, it's kind of
an intense place to work.

I have noticed.

Um, I used to wipe people's computers
after they left, but Brimley...

- you know, from security?
- Mm-hmm.

- Decided to take over. Huh.
- Hmm.

Okay. It was a hidden text file.

I mean, most of it is gibberish because
Brimley tried to wipe the drive.

I... I can read some sentences.

Mr. Hogan... did that
to all these women?

I need the last
assistant's address.

Hi, April. I'm Jenna.

I found your file
at Box 5 Music.

Please, please, don't
close the door on me.

I don't want any more trouble.

Somebody's trying
to silence you.

I know what that
can do to a person.

It eats you up from the inside.

Thank you.

I'm moving back home.

Slinking away in defeat,
I guess you'd say.

I would never say that.

I tried, you know. I did.

I told Carol.

She said I misunderstood Hogan,
but it just kept happening.

I don't know why I
started keeping the notes.

I got stories,

evidence from the other
girls at the office

before they quit or got fired.

I never really had a plan
for what to do with them.

I just felt like...

Somebody have to do something.

One of the other
women who got fired,

she said she was
contacting a local lawyer,

Harry something.

Willis, Winslow, or...

But I never heard anything.

So I, um...

took the severance payment.


I just wanna move on
and forget about it.

My, um, older sister, Quinn,

eight years ago she was studying
to become a social worker.

Uh, she had this professor

that she saw as a mentor,
you know, at first.

And then...

she reported it to the school

and they just, you know,
said, "He said, she said."

And she tried to keep going
and she did for a few months.

And eventually, she
had to drop out.

I'm so sorry.

But I don't have any fight left.

Then let me do the fighting.

I just need you to trust
me, just a little bit.

If you find more
proof, I'll help.

But where are you...

Is this your severance check?

Mm-hmm. More like hush money.

Can I borrow this?


It's the wrong bank.

I have no idea what
that means, but okay.

And why are we out here?

So, no one inside hears us.

Oh, we can use that new
food truck as cover.

Okay. This isn't the same
bank that the company uses.

Hogan's using an off-book account to
pay off the women that he harasses.

How do you know that?

Business degree.

What'll it be, sweetheart?

Uh, I'll have the gumbo, please.

- Thank you.
- I'll just have what she's having.

No kidding? I bet you will.

If I can prove Hogan's
illegally moving funds around,

the parent studio's lawyer
won't defend his NDAs.

April and all the other
women can testify.

Look, I'm not the kind of person who
says, like, let the bad guys win.

But what if you're right?
What will he do next?

Hogan's a powerful guy.

The power is the point, Keith.

That's how he gets
away with all this,

through power and
fear of that power.

Hogan abuses women,
he bullies them,

and then through his NDAs,
he steals their voices,

their future, their power.

Thank you.

Thank you.

So... let's go steal it back.

- I know what you're thinking.
- What?

That she's a civilian.

And that Hank
Hogan has been getting away

with sexually assaulting women
just like Jenna for years.

Yeah, and he bullies them into keeping
silent by using private detectives

and these hired thugs
disguised as security.

Not to mention the NDAs that'll
have them sued into oblivion

if they dare to speak out.

So it's safer to send Jenna
on a cruise around the world?

- By force?
- No.

Jenna wants to help
these young women,

so we are gonna help her.

Your smile
is very contagious, you know?

Oh, I just love
your accent. It's so European.

Is it Belgian?

- Well...
- No.

There's some sexy Liechtenstein
in there.


- Oh.
- Hello?

I'm sorry, Hans.

I... I'm gonna have to put
you on hold for a minute.

But, Carol...

I'm, uh, I'm sorry
to bother you.

I got a memo about a
possible security breach

and IT wanted everyone to install
these cyber security sweep things

on their personal computers to
connect to the company server.

I mean, I don't know. It
went way over my head.

Oh, for God's sake.

I'm not sticking a random
thumb drive in my computer

because some Nebraskan high school
drama club treasurer tells me to do it.

Vice president.

Uh, okay. That's fine.

I'll just tell IT you said no.

But I know we got a lot
of trade secrets here,

so I'd really hate for one of
our secrets to get out, but...

Great. Bye.


Be still my
heart. There she is.


- Nice.
- Mm-hmm.

So Carol's computer syncs
through the calendar app

to Brimley's and Hogan's.

So, I'm in all three.

- Um, how'd you get her to install it?
- Oh, she mocked drama club,

but she succumbed to
my mad thespian skills.

- Are you a thespian?
- Mm-hmm.

Because I'm a thespian.
Like, I love thespians.

I... well, I was.

I still am. A thespian.


- Oh! What do we have?
- Oh.

Do we have proof that
Hogan is moving our money?

Uh, no. Carol just
downloaded another movie.


Carol's hard drive is basically
illegally downloaded Hallmark movies.

She likes the ones where the
guy is, like, a secret prince

but he's living another life in the
States as a Christmas tree farmer,

or a rancher, or a carpenter.

Look. She is even
on this dating app

where she only picks
working-class guys

who speak with foreign accents.

She's really trying
to find a duke

who's pretending
to be a lumberjack?

Carol appears to be trying
to manifest a lumberduke.


And, uh, Brimley just has equally
detailed dossiers on everyone.

What's in mine?

I didn't read it.

Of course you didn't. But Hogan?

Unfortunately, he doesn't keep any
of his financials on his computer.

- Hmm.
- I hate luddites.

Yeah, when I talked to
April, she said that

you're really in
his inner circle

when he lets you
draw up a contract.

I mean, that's when you
get to see the records.

Okay. So, we got to get
you into his inner circle.

Then, we'll get
proof Hogan's dirty.

But I am an assistant. I mean,
that's gonna take me years.

- Oh.
- Oh.

That's the place that Hogan was
having a music showcase tonight.

Not anymore.

They got shut down after all the customers
and performers got food poisoning.

This is my chance.

If I can find him
another singer,

I'll be the hero, and
then I can lever that

into some access
into his office.

And I can find where
the bodies are buried.


But how am I gonna find
a replacement singer?


Hey, I got an alert
from that food truck.

They're outside again.

- You wanna grab lunch?
- Yeah, definitely.

Man, that venue closing,
how random was that?

Yeah. How random was that?

Hey. How can I help you?

Two gumbos, please.

Gumbo times two. On it.

My treat this time.

- Oh.
- ♪ I don't believe in fairy tales ♪

♪ Least what the old ones say ♪

Are you by any chance
a professional singer?

Oh, no.

I mean, I'm trying to be.

Uh, my friends, they have
this, uh, performance space.

I sing there a
few nights a week.

What kind of performance space?

They just rebuilt it. It's
actually not far from here.

Is it free tonight? Are
you performing there tonight?

Yeah. I mean, as a
matter of fact, I am.

I'll give you my number.

If you are performing tonight,

I will get you one of
the biggest music execs

in all of the country
to come hear you sing.



Hello, sir.

Uh, yes, sir.

I saw the calendar notification
and I have a solution.

And there's someone
you should hear.

She's singing tonight.

Yes. I'm talking too much.

Uh, but, yes, I have a venue.

Wow. Uh, thank you.

Thank you.

He told me that I
show great initiative

and he wants me to be more
involved in the business.

- Yes!
- And he wants me to go with him

- to the showcase tonight.
- No.

Jenna, you can't.

I have to.

I'll be careful.

♪ 'Cause I just
need you to believe ♪

♪ In me ♪

Oh, no time to change
after work, I guess.

I was hoping to see you
in your club clothes.

- Yeah.
- Well, at least we got drinks.

What's your poison?

Cuba Libre.

Ooh. Cheers.


♪ I don't believe
in fairy tales ♪

♪ Least what the old ones say ♪

♪ Biding my time I'm
setting my mind ♪

♪ To keep their clouds at bay ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm sure a
rainbow will appear ♪

♪ Just beyond my view ♪

♪ It's gonna feel so very real ♪

♪ One fine and endless morning ♪

♪ Still I don't suffer
fools who follow the rules ♪

You're lucky, kid.

You found a really good one.

♪ And if you believe
my fantasy's fiction ♪

♪ Like the doubters do ♪

♪ I'm here to shout
what I'm all about ♪

♪ Ready to rout every
last trace of doubt ♪

♪ Make my wild fairy tale ♪

♪ Come true ♪


That's amazing!

Wow! Wow.

Hank Hogan.

- Outstanding. Stunning.
- Thank you.

- Perfection.
- Thank... oh.

And this is my manager, Bridget.

She also owns the bar.


Pleasure to meet you.

Oh. And you've met my
lovely assistant, Jenna?

No, but charmed.

Are you... are you all right?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Um, you just remind
me of someone.


The woman from the food truck.

Sorry. Uh, I think I misheard.

I thought you said I look
like I work in a food truck.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not now.

Um, and she has a
New York accent.

Right. Right.

Well, you know, Bridget,
my very British...

- British. Yeah. British.
- Manager, she does look a lot

like that lady I work
with... What's her name?

- Susan, from Queens.
- Oh!

Yeah, they do favor.

- It's uncanny... that's not her, though.
- No, not me.

- Definitely not.
- Wow. That is fascinating, ladies.

But I think it's time
we talk some business.

- Oh.
- Mm.

Jenna, go get us a couple of
fresh drinks. Meet me outside.

Oh, I was really hoping to
see this side of the business.

Oh, yes. By all
means, let her stay.

Jenna is a great girl, but
this is above her level.

Maybe next time, kiddo.

Excuse me.

She looked that much like her?

Uh, I feel like
I'm losing my mind.

You're under too much pressure.
You should have let me come.

"Sure. I'd love to
come to a bar with you,

creepy predator man
who keeps perving on me

and trying to get me to drink,

so I have to pretend my
diet Coke is a Cuba Libre.

Oh, hey, do you mind if I bring
the guy from IT as my date?"

Well, it wouldn't have
been a date per se.

- Unless, uh...
- Oh, sh**t! He's coming.

I got to go. Bye.

Hey, how did it go?

Ah, she owns the place,
and is looking to partner

with somebody for a music festival.

Local talent we can sign
before anybody else sees them.

Great publicity and sweet,
sweet tax breaks from the state.

Oh, that's amazing.

- You've such an eye for opportunity.
- Mm-hmm.

I have an eye for
a lot of things.

So, um, do you think I can be there
when you draw up the contracts?

- You? God, You have such potential.
- Yeah.

You are so eager.

Oh, I love eager.

- Eager about work? Yeah.
- Yeah, I love it. Yeah.

Well, you see the thing
about making work work

is finding the right mentor.

Let me ask you something, Jenna.

Do you want access to the
executive suites? Hmm?

Do you wanna play
in the big game?

How far are you willing to go?

What I mean is...

if you can learn to get
along with pizza barefoot...

if you could swallow
bathing suits of...

I'm sorry. What?

Franco, Sarah, uh, um...


- Oh, there you are.
- Carol.

- Carol!
- Oh, oopsie daisy.

Oh, no.

You don't look at all well.
Come on, let's sit down.

There you go.

I saw you.

Darling, go to the bar and find
someone to stick him in a cab.

- Stick him in a bag?
- Stick him in a cab.

- Cab.
- Stick 'em up.

Looks like your friend
can't handle his booze.

I didn't think he had
that much to drink.

Did you just roofie a
serial sex offender?

Do tigers wear tutus?

Regardless... I also see
a lot of potential in you,

and I look forward to seeing how
you accomplish your next big job.

You, you mean, as in
the assistant job?

In a manner of speaking, yes.

Oh, there they go.

Good luck.

We'll be watching.

Sylvia Hogan.

Uh, Mrs. Hogan... ex-Mrs. Hogan.

Um, no, he's not in right now.

Uh, but I will let him know
that you called about the...

Yes, I'm writing this down.

The enormous check
that he owes you

and to send the money

or you will burn down
everything he loves.

Yes. Got it. Okay.

Car... oh, God.


I found a new singer
and a new venue to boot.

I need you to start
processing contracts

'cause we need to have a
regular showcase there.

How did you find the venue?

The kid and I went
out last night.

She found her.

She's smart.

And she can hold her booze.

You went out with
him last night?

Uh, I was the one
who found the singer.

And if there are contracts or
financial agreements, I mean,

I do have a business degree,

and I would love to be a part
of that side of the company.

I know exactly what
you're trying to do.

You're trying to worm
your way up the company

without paying your dues.

Every one of your
generation is like this.

- No. I promise...
- I spent five years

sitting in an assistant's chair

before I was invited
to a proper meeting.

And you will not get to
do management-level work

as long as I'm around.

Now... I'm gonna
go get my laptop

and process this
paperwork with Hank.

And you are not to
go into his office.

Get to work!

Box 5 Music, Hank Hogan's
Office. How may I help you?

Hey, how'd it go?

Fine except...

Wait, did you hear that?

That, that click?

Yeah. Something weird has been
going on with the phone lines.

I saw that maintenance woman

down at the junction
box again this morning.

And anyway, what's the except?


I mean, as long as she's around,
there's no way I'm getting anywhere near

any of those
financial documents.

Sorry. I don't know what to do.

I can't just make Carol


There's that sound again.


Where the hell is Carol?

Oh, I don't know, Mr. Hogan.

Okay. Well, we need to
start those contracts.

And I ain't doing
them, so get in here.

Let's go, Ms. Business Degree.

It's a little dark in here.


Apparently, that tequila was
way off-brand last night.

Uh, the Brit manager emailed me.

For some reason... she wants
the paperwork done this morning.

And she wants you as number two
on the contract for her singer.

That's our standard contract.

This is your big sh*t.

I won't waste it.

You know...

I meant what I...

what I said last night.

If you could...

You really should, uh...

learn to get along
with people like me.

- Something wrong?
- Nope.

Why don't we have a drink?

I mean, that way we could
celebrate your first contract.

Maybe I should review these
contracts back at my desk.

It's okay. It's fine.

Oh, whoopsie.
Sorry, maintenance.

I got a call about
some flickering light.

That was locked.

Yeah. Well...

There's no light
flick... oh, my God.


Should only take
about a half-hour,

- maybe an hour, or two.
- God. No. Let's go, please.

- Stop. Will you wait till I leave, please?
- Whoa!

Oh, you got some
black mold up here.

Did you know about that? We're
gonna have to call a plumber.

I'm gonna get some coffee.

Do some damage on these

and we'll restart when
this racket's gone.

What do you have there?

Just some forms that
Mr. Hogan gave me.

Hogan gave you forms and said you
could leave the office with them?

Well, no, but he
didn't say that...

No company documents
leave the office, ever.

Situation in the bullpen.

Well, my scanner is broken,

so I figured that I would
just take these down to IT

and scan them back
up to my computer.

And Hogan cleared that?

Well, he...

Sylvia? Where is she?

This is the situation?

Sneaking off with files, sir.

Said she's gonna scan them.

What the hell, Brimley?

So she's taken some papers
to scan... Let her scan them.

Who cares?

I have to find a dark
room and a cold towel.

Mulligan, the new girl, Jenna,

she's headed down to IT.

Go down there.
Keep an eye on her.


The live performance contracts.

Come again?

Hogan structures the live
performance contracts

so he charges for promotion
and overhead at the door.

I mean, before he
reports it to the label,

that way he can... He can
skim through what he wants,

run it through an off-book
LLC, and the label has no idea.

That's how he's getting
the money for payoffs.

If the label finds
out he's stealing,

- like you said, there's no way that...
- No way they'll be able

to enforce the NDAs
to protect him.

If they actually arrest him
for the financial crimes,

like, that could get him off the
street, he can't hurt anybody,

and the cops have time to gather
evidence of the sex crimes.

Keith, that... that's
super smart thinking.

I listen to a lot of true crime
podcasts on my bike to work.

Um, but we need more
than just forms.

And we need to find the
name of the LLC he's using

and find the records.

I mean, but he keep
nothing online, right?

- So...
- Mm-hmm.

It must all be on on here.

I need to get into that safe.

You'd have to be in there alone

with nobody else around
to walk in on you.

How are you gonna do that?

Fire alarm?

- How random is that?
- How random is that?

- Hmm.
- Uh...

Uh, according to the system,
it... it's not a false alarm,

but there's also no fire or
smoke that's been detected.

It must be that weird electrical
problem we've been having.

This is my chance.

It's a combination safe. How
are you gonna get into it?

Well, he probably keeps the combination,
I mean, somewhere in his office,

or on his emails,
or files. Okay.

You hack those. I'm
heading up there.

What if there's a real fire?

If there is, it'll take a
while to get to Hogan's office,

and I can just
jump out a window.

I mean, it's not that high up.

I'll probably just
break my ankles.

You're kind of amazing.

Thank you.

Oh. Can you also turn
off the notifications

for Hogan's camera and
shut the cameras down?

Yeah, probably, it's
a pretty basic system.

Okay. You got this.

I'm counting on you.

- Oh, wait.
- Yeah.

- What's this?
- Uh, something I've rigged up,

so we can hear each other.

Oh, it's a... it's
a little staticky.

Well, I could do better
with unlimited money,

a tech genius, and access
to futuristic technology.

But, you know, who
has time for that?

It's great. Thank you
for having my back.

I just want you to be safe.


I'll take it.

So there's no fire?

Still trying to
confirm that, sir.

By the way, where's
your assistant?

I don't know. She's a butterfly.

Ask Carol.

Carol's not here, sir.


Where the hell could she be?

Does your family support
your lumberjack lifestyle?


My soul
loves to be alone in nature,

amongst the trees,
with the wolves

and the hawks, away
from the world.

I get that. I get that.

But sadly, no.

My family does not
support my rugged,

forest-oriented lifestyle.

Why not?

It's complicated.

My father wants me to go
into the family business.

It stretches back
many generations.

My grandmama calls it the firm.

Security, all eyes,

I need you to find Hogan's
new assistant, Jenna Monroe.

Grab and bring her here.

Keith, any luck with
the combination?

His office cameras are
down, alerts are off,

but, uh, no, nothing
for the safe yet.

Keith, I have faith in you.


This is weird.

- Stay here, sir. I'll go call Carol again.
- Yeah.

Hans, it's no use.

I know... you're not
just a lumberjack.

You're a Belgian prince.

But... no, my secret.

There aren't that many
active monarchies anymore.

Plus your accent.

Don't worry.

Your secret is safe with me.

You are a remarkable woman,

a commoner, but with
the heart of a queen.

Tell me about Belgium.

Of course.

Belgium is a place I know well.

I'm looking for
a piece of paper,

anything with a combination.

I'm coming up empty.

I think I got lucky.

I'm... I'm sending you a
link. It was in my feed.

Hey, guys, what is happening?

So, turns out you got yourself

a Glenn-Rieder FR
1760 combination safe.

Let's teach you how to cr*ck this baby.

Just in case.

First thing you're gonna wanna do
is get familiar with the wheel.

You know, give it a turn,
listen to those clicks.

These are gonna be
pitched in B major

with a slight pre-click on
the combination numbers.

Now, Glenn-Rieder's typically
go left, right, left.

So go ahead and give it three
full turns to the left...

and then listen
for that pre-click.

Oh! The internet.
What doesn't it have?

Bruges is
really like a fairytale land.

Uh, it... it's
cobblestone streets

and, uh, swans, mm-hmm.

- And...
- Excuse me.

Oh, my. Uh, there's a
fire at my workplace.

I'm so sorry. Um, I have to go.

But-but-but you
are my-my-my queen.

Remain here, my sweet prince.

I shall return.


So a lumberduke,
huh? Wow.

Keith, what's going on?

Uh, the fire alarm's off and I
can't find a way to restart it.

People are coming back in. Do
you have the safe open yet?

No, it's not, okay? We need
to at least stall Hogan.

Keith, I'm gonna send
you a phone number.

Carol? Where are you?


Sylvia. Hi.

Hi. How'd you get this number?

No, no, no, no, no.
You don't have to sue.

I have the money. I
can get it to you.

Yes. Please don't
call any more lawyers.

- Oh.
- What happened?

Uh, I must have done it. I just
didn't hear the tumblers click.


Any luck?

Yes. Yes.

There's an entry for
April's check here,

and a bunch of others.

And this is the LLC he's using
to money-launder his payments.

Keith, I need you to tell
me everything you can

about Black Dog Limited Music.

It was incorporated in Delaware.

This shell company is
proof that he's stealing

from the parent label and
paying off his victims.

I knew you were a
little troublemaker.

You really like calling other
women "little," don't you?

Well, I'm the only one with
any backbone around here.

You know, at first,

when you were trying to keep me away
from Hogan and out of his office,

I thought you were
defending your territory.

But I think you were protecting
me, trying to keep me safe.

No matter what you helped
him cover up in the past...

you protected me.

And somewhere in there, you
still have a conscience.

And you know that the
women that he hurt,

that they deserve justice.

You can still make things right.

You need to come down from
planet Nebraska, wide eyes.

The only reason I was
keeping Hogan from you

is because I knew you would just be
one other mess I had to clean up.

April was bad enough.

You're just one more stupid,

wounded baby bird I'd have
to scrape off the pavement.

What the hell is going on here?

I found her stealing
documents from the safe.

Where's Brimley?

He's not picking up his phone.

We'll handle this ourselves.

Tell Carol to
look at the LLC papers.


It'd normally
take me a couple of hours

to run down the name of the
company that you gave me,

but I just happened to discover

an email in Hogan's
account mentioning it.

It's weird, really.


Keith? What, that
little creep in IT?

You both are gonna end up
in a dumpster for this.

Tell Carol to look at whose
name is on the LLC papers.

- Look at the papers.
- Give me that.

Look at whose name's on them.

Everything's in my name.

Yeah, it's just to include you.

Embezzlement's kind of
a short-term crime, huh?

I mean, it always comes
out at some point,

so it's important to
have an escape plan,

like pinning it on your partner.

- You son of a bitch.
- Carol!

No, you don't understand.

This was... this is for you.

Excuse me, folks.

It was him. It was all him.

- He abuses women.
- What?!

He steals. I can
prove all of it.

Prove? The
cameras weren't even on.

Oh, I kept my own
notes, just in case.

And these documents
prove embezzlement.

Whatever I'm guilty
of, she's guilty of, too.

How would she know
about the embezzlement?

Look, look, everything
is in her name.

I was going to say we're here
investigating a fire alarm.

But you're both accusing each
other of embezzlement and theft.

- He assaults women!
- She stole everything!

Everyone can tell their side of
the story down at the station.

Now that I knew what
I was looking for,

turns out somebody doesn't
always turn off his cameras.

He likes to keep trophies.

I have evidence Mr. Hogan here
is guilty of multiple assaults

on female employees.

whoa, whoa, whoa, sir.

You're fired.

Come down for a
routine fire alarm

and leave with the biggest
bust of our careers.

How random is that?

I heard Hogan bailed out,

but he has an ankle monitor.

He can't make a move
without the cops knowing.

Yeah. The label dropped him
so fast, they left skid marks.

And you don't have to
worry about the NDAs.

So you can tell your
story now, if you want.

I'll never be able to thank you.

I feel like I can breathe
for the first time in weeks.

But I'm so sorry that
you lost your jobs.

I can code. I'll
always be able to find a job.

Yeah. And after, I
mean, the last few days,

I still love music, but I don't
know if I'm gonna jump right back

into an assistant job.

All I can say is you're
both pretty special.

So many people owe you so much.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

I can't believe
you pulled it off.

I can't believe
we pulled it off.

The assistant and the IT
guy, it's pretty cool, huh?

We took down a monster.

I still can't help but
feel we got really lucky.

Hey, give
us some credit.

Uh, we kicked ass, we
achieved the impossible,

just the two of us.

All right. Keep
that confidence up

because I don't think we're getting
references from our last bosses.

Oh, no. No.

Yeah, and I don't know about
you, but I have rent due, so...

Oh, hey, I did,
uh, find one thing.


I found it when
I was clearing out stuff.

I think it belonged to April,
but I figured if she had it,

maybe they're in
the same business.

We could call them.

We could call them?

We make a pretty good team.

♪ I don't
believe in fairy tales ♪

♪ Least what the old ones say ♪

♪ And if you believe
my fantasy's fiction ♪

♪ Like the doubters do ♪

♪ I'm here to shout
what I'm all about ♪

♪ Ready to rout every
last trace of doubt ♪

♪ Make my wild fairy tale ♪

♪ Come true ♪

We did everything right,
but the job went bad.

Now they wanna come to
London and punch necks!

We're going to London.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


Appears to be the
scene of the crime.

Who is Inspector
Astrid Pickford?

She considers me a
nemesis. I have a lot of nemesises.

I just don't have time
to nemesis them all back.

My, my.

Hello, Ramsey.

I am taking Ramsey down.

What's the plan?

We need to go. Now.