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05x06 - The D.B. Cooper Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:38
by bunniefuu
Guard: Hey! Who's there?

I'll check in here. You
check in the next room.t.

No one in here! I'll check the hallway.

Check the stairwell!

Come on.

No, no. Parker, you do not bring
an FBI agent into our bar.

No, our cover's not blown.

McSweeten still thinks
I'm special agent Hagen.

Who agreed to help him break
into Portland FBI last night.

What are you thinking?

I'm doing this because he needs us.

So do the victims of Oliver
Schmidt's Ponzi scheme.

I've been planning that
takedown for months, all right?

I-I-I don't have time for this.

Nate, he's about to lose his father.

Please just go talk to him.

For me.

Pancreatic cancer.

Doctors said we're out of options
and I could take him home,

so that's what I did.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Agent Hagen says you're a profiler

who's helped the FBI
solve impossible cases.

I take it you got one
involving your father.

My dad was an FBI agent here
in Portland for over 40 years.

He took a lot of bad guys off the streets,

but none of that is gonna
end up in his obituary

because of the one that got away.

Before my father dies, help
me do one thing for him.

Help me bring D.B. Cooper to justice.

Wait. The number-one unsolved mystery

in the history of American crime...

that's our new job?

No, our job is to take down Oliver Schmidt.

This is just a detour. Sophie?

It's 1971, the day before Thanksgiving.

A 727 takes off from
Portland bound for Seattle.

It is h*jacked by this man,

a passenger who goes by
the name of Dan Cooper.

Wait. I thought his name was D.B. Cooper?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to
interrupt your swooning.

Go on and swoon.

He shows the stewardess
what appears to be a b*mb.

He demands $200,000 in
cash and four parachutes.

He gets them. Then he does
something no one expects.

Somewhere over the cascades,

which is near to where we are now,

he jumps, and he just...
he disappears forever.

Sophie, just real quick...

you had a poster of D.B. Over your bed
when you was, like, 15.

Tell the truth... you did, didn't you?
So what? What if I did?

Wait. Let me save us a
little trouble here, okay?

The guy jumped from 10,000 feet, yeah,

but it was seven below zero.

He's in a 1971 parachute.

He jumped in bad weather over dense woods.

He didn't survive. Case closed.

All right, this is... this is probably just

a, you know, a waste of time. What?!

But I promised that we would try.

So, I'm gonna go talk to McSweeten's dad,

and, Hardison, you're gonna
follow up on the old case file.

The old case file that Parker stole? Yeah.

The one that's, like, 80 volumes long?

Don't worry. I got you some help.

Mr. Reynolds.

Special agent Thomas?

You can call me Alan. This
isn't a bureau matter.

Call me Steve.

I was Peter McSweeten's
partner on the Cooper case.

Well, we're gonna be working
with Mr. Dalworth here.

He's a private consultant.

Well... Anything for Peter, but, uh,

you should know this
wasn't just a case for me.

It was personal.

My, um, late wife was a
stewardess on the plane.

Oh. Wow.

Well, then, you're the right man to ask.

It seems everyone has a
theory about Cooper.

What's yours?

About a year after Cooper vanished,

Richard McCoy hijacks a
plane out of Denver,

gets caught, sentenced to 45 years.

Some time later, he makes
a g*n out of dental paste

and breaks through the prison
gates in a garbage truck.

Dies in a gunfight with the FBI.

There's a fella in Florida, a Duane Weber,

admitted to being Cooper
on his death bed in 1995.

You want a theory? Take your pick.

Subtitles edited by

Dad? Is it a good time?

The sirens are luring the
sailors to their death.

Luckily, I know how it ends.

I'll be back in a few hours.

Tally ho, son.

Peter McSweeten.

Nick Dalworth.

Have a seat.

Thank you.

So, you're a profiler
who's come to take a run

at the Cooper case.

If it's all right.

I spent 40 years trying
to understand one man.

What's it like to climb into the mind

of a different criminal every day?

Well, if I told you I left it
at the office, I'd be lying.

Then this is a story you should hear.

It began the day before Thanksgiving, 1971.

Oh, what's that?

Just a little something for the new job.


This is gonna be tough.

Saying goodbye to the people
you care about always is.

Tally ho, Todd. Tally ho, dad.

It was my first day as chief
of the Seattle office.

Before I reported there,
I had to do one thing...

thank the people I served
with here in Portland.

Hail, hail. The conquering hero returns.

I just came to say goodbye.

You were a great partner, Reggie,

and you got a bright
future here at the bureau.

Especially now that you're moving on.

You was, uh, kind of pinning
my wings back, chief.

No offense. None taken.

If I could just get everyone's
attention for... for a second.

So, our motto is "fidelity,
bravery, integrity."

And all my time here in
Portland, I must say

you have all shown those
qualities every single day,

and for that, I thank you.

But if I could do one thing before I leave,

I'd like to add a word to that sign...


Never forget to put yourselves

in the shoes of the people we serve,

and not just the victims, but
the perpetrators as well.

They're all deserving of our mercy.

Thank you.

There you are.

Ma'am, your drink. Thank you.

Hey, little lady, can I get another scotch?

I'm telling you, Laurie,

the shorter they make these hemlines,

the more these drunks
think we're on the menu.

Don't knock it till you try it.

Not even this stops them!

I want combat pay.

Well, Stephanie, good luck with that.

Welcome to flight 305. What
can I get for you, sir?

Bourbon and water, please.

And this is for you.

What did I tell you? Another
lovesick businessman.

Now, now. Don't be so hasty.

Once Cooper handed
Stephanie Ritter the note,

she became his connection to us.

Just about everything we know about him,

we got from that brave woman.

Of course, Stephanie had
to open the note first.

Here you are, sir.


You really ought to read the note.

The plane just landed.

We'll be at the airport
in about five minutes.

32 passengers on board. Do
they know what's happening?

No, just the, uh, the
stewardess, Stephanie Ritter,

and the two-man flight crew.

And the hijacker... what are his demands?


a refueling truck to meet the
plane here in Seattle...

and four parachutes.

Four parachutes.

McSweeten, welcome to Seattle.

I see you've met Mr. Crowsley
from the airline.

I presume he's brought you up to speed.

While you were delayed,

I prepared a tactical as*ault plan.

My men can take out the hijacker
with minimal casualties.

That is my recommended course of action.

Why is that?

Because the b*mb's a fake,
the plane is on the ground.

If we let him take off
again, anything can happen.

So, what are your orders?

Well, police sn*pers can't hit
what they can't see. Hades down?

My strike team is standing by.

We wait much longer,

there's no telling what this guy might do.

Radio the pilot.

And tell the hijacker to
release all the passengers,

and we'll give him what he wants.

Roll these up. You're just gonna let him

take off with the money
and four parachutes?

Ah, the chutes are a bluff.
He's gonna land.

How the hell do you know that?

The same way you know the b*mb's a fake.

Sorry I couldn't let you get
off with the passengers.

I need someone to speak for me.

Are you scared?

Do I seem crazy to you?

Get me another bourbon and water
and, uh, keep the change.

Don't try anything or
I'll set off the b*mb.

I'm gonna get you out of here safe.
I promise.

Tell the pilot we're flying to Mexico city.

He's to fly no higher than 10,000 feet,

flaps at 15 degrees.

If he fails to comply with
any of these instructions,

I will know, and I will act accordingly.


I told you this was a mistake.

Now we're gonna have to chase him

all the way down the coast... Reno.

He told the pilot to fly to Mexico city.

Well, he's not gonna get there.


No, fuel... it burns much
faster at low altitude.

By my calculations, he's gonna
be running out of fuel by Reno.

He's gonna have to land,

and that's... that's where
we're gonna take him.

Based on what?

On my 55 combat missions in Korea.

Give me Las Vegas FBI.

What was that?

Something happened in the cabin.

Looks like the aft door is open.

Do not go in there!


more like this?

Yeah, he had short... short, dark hair.

Kind of a high... higher forehead.

And that was the last anyone
saw of Dan "D.B." Cooper.

After that, I was transferred
back to Portland.

They didn't call it a demotion,

but everyone knew that's what it was.

Meanwhile, D.B. Cooper became
an instant folk hero...

a punch line on "Johnny Carson."

They even wrote songs about him.

It's not my kind of music,

but damned if it ain't catchy as hell.

Welcome back.

Agent Wilkins.


Now, tell it to me.

Now, slow down, slow down, slow down.

Yeah, uh, yeah, what do you got?

Records of a farm mortgage
held by a Daniel Cooper.

It got paid off in 1972.

The irs flagged it,

but since agencies didn't
share info back then,

it was never forwarded to the FBI.

Here's the best part...
he was army airborne.


His last-known residence
is here in Portland.

Sophie's en route. I'll keep you posted.

I know that face.

It's Cooper. He's got you now.

Oh, well, we'll see. It's getting dark.

Peter, do you want to take
a little break right...

when it comes to "skyjack71," I never rest.

I'm guessing that's a
feeling you know well.

I came to believe that finding D.B. Cooper

was the reason I was put on this earth.

Everything else fell by the wayside.

Yes, your honor, I know what day
it is, but I have a suspect

and I need a search
warrant before he flees.

No. I... I do not have an eyewitness I.D.

I... yeah, I understand.

Thing I...

I... hello?

Hello? Ah!

I got to go.

Peter, I can't believe
you're doing this to us

on Christmas Eve.

Joy, this is not me.

As long as Cooper is free and celebrated,

other men, desperate men,

are gonna hijack planes, and
people are gonna get hurt.

And you think that's your fault?

I know it is.

I shouldn't be surprised.

Did you see your son's Christmas list?

"A bike.

D.B. Cooper."

He knows it's what you want more
than anything in the world.

Oh. Hi. Agent McSweeten.

I'm sorry to intrude.

It's okay. Uh, do you want some coffee?

No. No, thank you.

I just... I'd like to show you something,

and then I'll, uh, be on my way.

We got a tip that this fella,

he's been going around local bars

bragging that he's D.B. Cooper.

I just need you to be positive.

Was this the hijacker from flight 305?


I don't know.

I'm sorry.

Hey. Are you okay?

I'm fine. I just... it's been a long year.

Thank you.

Mr. McSweeten.

Oh, uh, this is my husband, Steve Reynolds.

How you doing?

Listen, I just wanted to say
thank you so much for, uh...

What D.B. Cooper put my wife through...

don't ever give up.

Maybe I will take that
coffee that you offered.

Yeah. Yeah. Come on in.

What kind of work are you in, Steve?

Whatever I can get these days, you know?

It's tough out there since
the army sent me home.

Going on... About three years next month.

Three years? Yeah.

So you were on the tet offensive?

I was.

I wanted to serve my country.

Now you got crack pots hijacking airplanes,

you got college students calling
us vets "baby K*llers,"

and it just feels like...

it feels like the world is being
turned upside down, doesn't it?

Yes, it does.

Steve, what if I were to tell you

that you could help bring D.B.
Cooper to justice?

What do you mean?

What I mean is, how would you like a job?

And that I will well
and faithfully discharge

the duties of the office, so help me God.

That I will well...

Steve Reynolds was a decorated veteran,

and with my support, he went to Quantico

and was sworn in as a FBI agent.

One of the perks of undercover work...

I got them to waive cutting your hair.

Uh, for Mr. hoover.

Steve became my partner.

I finally had an ally

in my quest to bring D.B.
Cooper to justice.

Hey, Steve.

Did you ever think that you
would end up in the FBI?


After I went through in the w*r?

I never thought I'd live this long.

You know, it's fair to say that the day

that Peter McSweeten knocked on my door,

he saved my life.

Years went by. Suspects came and went.

Then we got our first break in the case.

A family found cash from the Cooper ransom

washed up on a riverbank.

We went to investigate,

and that's when everything changed.

What the hell we doing out here?

We're following the first solid
lead we've had in years.

Yeah, right. Probably have
better luck finding big foot.

Now, you listen to me!

My wife still has nightmares about
that hijacking, all right?!

Now you... easy. Easy.


What do you expect to find out here, huh?

D.B. Cooper living in a log cabin?

He died in them trees or he walked out.

Either way, he won. You lost.

D.B. Cooper is just another
file for the cold-case room.


He's right.

Don't listen to him, Pete.

We may never find him, but...

we can still do some good.

That's when Steve and I took
over the cold-case unit.

I just want to get the hell out of here.

I hear you.



No, no, no! D...

stay down! Stay down!

Get your hands behind your back!

What the hell are you doing, man?
I didn't do the deal.

That's not heroin in there. It's cyanide.

We thought he was just a
dirty narcotics detective.

Turns out he's also a psychopath.

Virgil, listen to me.

You're a stick-up man, not a cop k*ller.

I know what you're going through.

It's not easy losing your
house, losing your job.

But you've got to...

he wasn't gonna sh**t.

Well, we got the g*n that
he used for the stick-up.

What's in the trunk, Virgil?

Well... let's have a look.

Was it a ski mask that you used, huh?

It's the clerk from Roy's marketplace...

the one that I.D'd him.

Come here, sweetie.


You okay? Yeah. Thank you.

You think too much of people.


Nate, I found Daniel Cooper.

Looks like he died in 1968,

three years before the hijacking.

It's another dead end.

Cooper died abroad... Vietnam.

That's why Hardison didn't
find a death certificate.

Yeah, Hardison.

What else did you find in the case file?

It's not what's in here.
It's what's missing.

There's no DNA evidence, even
though they pulled hairs and fibers

from the hijacker's clothing.

You know, I retired before
that stuff became important,

but I know where it must be stored.

The crime lab.

DNA file's secure. On my way.


Look at all this stuff.

I asked the bureau for a
desk lamp six months ago.

Is that a crossbow?


Come on!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Peter, any regrets about the case?

Just one.

My boy, Todd, had a hard time

growing up in the shadow of D.B. Cooper.


Thank you.

Michael novak's here.

Eight years after the hijacking,

and now this kid thinks they got
the composite sketch wrong?

Well, him, he was on the plane,

and he swears that Cooper looked
different than in the sketch.

Come on. We have to...

follow every lead. All right.



Tally ho, son.

Where... where are you?

Yeah, okay. I'll be... I'll be right there.


go. Go. I got the novak interview.

What happened?

A bunch of kids said

they needed to borrow my
bike to look for a lost dog.

They said they'd be right back.

When was that?

Three hours ago.

Why does this keep happening to me?

Every day, I go and chase bad
guys... some really bad.

And pretty soon, you start
to see everyone like that.

It's easier that way.

You could... you could be like that, too.

You wouldn't lose as many bikes.

But I won't find any lost dogs.

That's right.

It's not a weakness to see the
good in people, all right?

It's not a... a flaw or a
bad thing to... to trust.

Do you want to know the truth, Todd?

You're the best guy I know.

Get in.

I still believe that.

The people I arrested... they
were human beings to me.

Something drove them to cross the line,

but I always believed that
they could be redeemed,

even Cooper.

Don't you believe that?

No. No.

I wish I did.

Then you can see why I'm
worried about my son.


You're afraid of what the hunt
for Cooper might do to him.

I tried to stop him, but I suppose

a son will always try to
avenge his father's defeats.

Like telemachus and odysseus.

You don't have to find D.B. Cooper.

He's... Lost somewhere in the darkness.


Just make sure my son
doesn't follow him there.

Well, it's getting late.

Until tomorrow.

I'll be here.

Thank you.


Hey. What's in the DNA file?

The DNA never made it to the main case file

because it was contaminated
by the investigating team.

Everybody's DNA is in there...

Cooper's, Reynolds',
McSweeten's, the lab techs'.

Yeah, I was afraid of that.

That's what happens
sometimes with old cases

when they predate modern forensics.

So, what? Back to square one?

No, I prefer "back to the drawing board."

It's more hopeful.

It's McSweeten.



yeah. I'm sorry.


His dad died last night.

We should be drinking coffee.

Dad loved his coffee.

Yeah. He'd let it get ice cold
and top it off all day long.

Drove me crazy.

What else do you remember about him?

Well, he was a hell of a shot.

Yeah, but a terrible driver.

That's true.

One time, we're in this high-speed chase,

and he plows us right into
this restaurant dumpster.


What a mess!

So we get out of the car,
we're looking at the damage,

and this girl comes running up to us

and says somebody att*cked
her and that maybe

she thought he was the C.I.A.
Or one of the Russians.

She's tripping on acid. She's a runaway.

So I'm ready to hand her
over to the paramedics.

Peter's got her in the
back seat of the car.

"Take us to him," he tells her.

We found the guy! He's in the bus station!

And the next day, he takes us to the woods

where he's buried three other runaways.

I say to Peter,

"hey. This girl, she was.
She was strung out.

"She was ranting.

I mean, how did you know?"

He said, "all I heard was
that she was afraid."

So, here's to Peter McSweeten,

who couldn't drive a lick.

I want to thank you again for trying.

From now on, the hunt for D.B.
Cooper is on me.

What are you doing?


You hear what McSweeten said back there?

This was gonna be his fight now?

I'm not gonna let that happen.

Michael novak was a 10-year-old
passenger on the plane

when he told Steve Reynolds that D.B.

looked different than the sketch.

Yeah, but he only remembered
after eight years.

And he saw him for all
of, what, 10 seconds?

The stewardess... she was on the flight,

sitting next to him for
five hours straight.

She studied every inch of his face.

What do we know about this case?

What do we know about this case?

I mean, we don't have a suspect.

We have hundreds of suspects.

We don't even know if he
survived the jump, right?

The only thing that we have for certain...

we have this sketch.

This sketch that was provided by
the stewardess's description.

That's the only thing that
no one has ever questioned.

Where was the stewardess sitting
when the FBI interviewed her?

On the plane. Why?

And what was the in-flight magazine?

"Sky class."

Show me the back cover.



Now, why would she lie?

Nick! Hey! Steve.

Hey, sorry to bother you.

Come on in. It's all right.

I was in the neighborhood,

and I just had a couple of
questions about the case

I wanted to run by you.

I hope it's all right.


Oh, here's... Stephanie?

She sure was beautiful.

Yeah. Miss her every day.

She's been gone 10 years now.

10 years now?

Ah. Just making some tea. Excuse me.

You and her got married in 1972, right?

Uncle Steve?

Now why don't you tell us the
real story of D.B. Cooper?

I've been carrying this around
with me for a long time.

Welcome to flight 305. What
can I get for you, sir?

I believe I'll have a
bourbon and water, please.

And this is for you.

Are you scared?

Do you think I'm crazy?

What about now?

I'm not doing this 'cause I want to.

I'm doing it because I made a promise.

To who?

P.F.C. Daniel Cooper.

I held his hand when he died.

And I told him that I was gonna
take care of his family,

and that's what I'm going to do.

Please, I don't want to die.

This... this ring?

It's just for show to keep the drunks away.

But I want to get married,
and I want to have kids.

Hey. I'm not gonna hurt you.

Or anyone.

Do you believe me?

What do you want me to do?

I think I'll have another
bourbon and water.

Keep the change.


Let's see.

You tell them if they try anything,

I will set this b*mb off.

Tell them.

What was that?

Something happened in the cabin.

Looks like the aft door is open.

Do not go in there!


Stay back!

You'll never make it!

There's only one way to find out!

Look, maybe it should have been
you instead of your friend.

But it doesn't matter!

Don't do this.

Why do you care?

I don't know.

Come on.

I'll see you again.

I promise.

And I keep my promises.




Wonder if Santa's in the area. Maybe.

Cheers. Cheers.

Oh, my God. It's the FBI.

Go. You have to get out of here.

Go out the back. I'm not gonna lose you!

You're not gonna lose me. I promise, okay?

Just be cool. Be cool.
Just answer the door.

Trust me. Answer the door.

Merry Christmas to you,
too, agent McSweeten.

What the hell was that?

Why didn't you leave?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I wanted to see his face.

Did you hear what he said?

How would I like a job?

He's taunting me. He's taunting me. Yeah.

Why doesn't he just put me in jail?

Well, maybe not. Maybe
he's telling the truth.

I mean, why would he come here like this?

You could run now. It
doesn't make any sense.

You actually think he wants me
to help him find D.B. Cooper?


And I think you should do it.

I'm D.B. Cooper.

Which is why it's perfect.

If you're right, then they
already know who you are,

and it's only a matter of
time until they catch you.

But if I'm right, they will
never find D.B. Cooper

because he will be right in front of them.

So you think I should do it?

I think you're gonna have
to be on top of your game.

One slip-up and it's over.

How'd you figure out he was D.B. Cooper?

Daniel Cooper died in the tet offensive.

And it wasn't too hard to figure out

that Steve was in his unit,

and there was another reason
that the physical evidence

was contaminated by the investigating team.

What about the money?

It paid for a dairy farm
for Dan Cooper's family.

Buried some in the woods...

In case I got caught.

That's what the campers found.

You know, there's one thing
that I just couldn't...

couldn't quite figure out.

The kid witness on the plane.


Now, you interviewed him.

How'd you fool him?

Well, years of lying taught me one thing.

Look someone dead in the eye.



Tally ho, son.

Where... where are you?

Yeah, okay, I'll be... I'll be right there.


go. Go. I got the Novak interview.

Michael? Yes, sir.

Special agent Steven Reynolds.

How you doing?

I'm gonna take your statement today.

On behalf of the FBI, I just want to say...

thank you for coming forward.

Your dad was like a brother to me.

Nothing will ever change that.


He's a criminal. He belongs in jail.

Is... is that... is that
really what you want? Yes.

It's what my father wanted more
than anything in the world...

to bring D.B. Cooper to justice.

You know, Todd, your... your dad,

he had a gift that I believe
he passed on to you.

He could see goodness in people.

And because of that, did bring D.B.
Cooper to justice.

You know, it's fair to say that the day

that Peter McSweeten knocked on my door,

he saved my life.

You did the right thing.

You think my father knew?

Yeah, listen, here's the thing.

Peter McSweeten knew that Steve Reynolds

was a man who deserved a second change.

I mean, isn't that enough?


I wanted to thank you.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I... I can't take that.

My father went on an
odyssey for over 40 years.

You ended it.

I know he'd want you to have it.

I hope this doesn't mean
you're going back to sea.

If you could choose someone
from "the odyssey"

that most resembles me, who would it be?

Well, um...

The hero, obviously... odysseus.

Cunning warrior, master of disguise,

and it means "trouble" in Greek.

I think I'm like a siren.

You sing the songs that lure
the sailors to their death.

Yes, but not just any song.

No, no, no.

The song that offers them
their deepest desire.

When we first started this thing,

this thing that we do,

do you remember what I said to everybody?

"You all know what you can do,

but I know what you can do together"?

This my talent.

But now...

now you offer a man like Oliver Schmidt

their deepest desire in order to...
Destroy them.

When you spend most of your time

getting inside the minds of bad people,

looking for their flaws and their weakness,

then it's pretty much all you see.


That's not what happened
to Peter McSweeten.

Ah, but Peter McSweeten
wasn't Jimmy Ford's son.

So, what do you want to do?

I want to build something.