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05x15 - The Long Good-bye Job

Posted: 06/27/23 08:42
by bunniefuu
What was your mistake?

How did it start?

You sure it's a cure?

A whistle-blower
at Pallagen

reported that 76% of children put
on this new drug, Trimethia,

went into full remission.

And they won't
release the drug.

The only disease it cures
is Stanhope's Sarcoma, and...

We both know how rare that is.

There's no market for the drug,

so they won't put it
into production.

Not enough children
die of Stanhope's Sarcoma

to make it profitable.
- Enough children...

Enough of them die.

My patient... Danny Sullivan...
he's running out of time.

He's gonna get the drug.

I don't want to give
his parents false hope.

Thing about false hope is that,
uh, the sting of it fades.

Unanswered prayers...

eventually, those... those go away, too.

But the idea that his parents
could have done something,

anything, to save
their kid's life but didn't?

Don't let them
carry that burden.

All right?
Let's not do that.

I'll take care of this.

Since when
does Nate hug the clients?

Well, he hasn't seen her
for seven years.

Not since Sam's funeral.

Dr. Giallo
was his son's pediatrician.


Pallagen stores samples
of all their orphan dr*gs

right here
in a lab on the 10th floor.

We've done this a hundred times.

Well, the lab door has a keypad.

We can pop that in five minutes flat.

- It's not the lab.
- Then what is it?

It's the building.

None of the security measures
are here,

and the public plans
are redacted.

Highpoint Tower isn't just home
to Pallagen, okay?

Check it.
This... the 20th floor...

There's an Internet hub server
for the federal law enforcement.

You know
all those Internet files

that are supposed to be
in the cloud?

There is no cloud.

They dance and shuffle on these
servers all over the world.

I mean, five minutes here,
three hours there.

At any given point, there are
data backups for the FBI, DEA,

and Interpol passing through
the Highpoint Tower server.

Okay, so the building's
security is classified.

We have eyes on it?

Oh, yeah, I thought you'd want that.



We're on our way in.

Your purse, ma'am.
Thank you.

Go ahead and go through.

Sir, excuse me.
Could you step back?

Nate, can you hear me?

What's going on with the comms?

I'm on it.

Comms are fuzzing in and out.

No one's on their phones.

No one's checking e-mails.

Cellphone blockers.

Full wireless lockdown.

The only time I've seen that is CIA.

We've seen this on one other system before.

Don't look up.
We have to go... now.

We have a problem.

The security system's a Steranko.

Oh, sweet Lord.

No, no. Come on.
We've beat a Steranko before.

No, we escaped a Steranko...

They've been improving the system

for the last two years based,
by the way, on our break-in.

Look, the only communication
in or out is through hard lines.

Good news is I can hack
the exchange under the street.

Yeah, so you can control all the calls
coming in and out of the building.

Yeah, but that's it.
Check and mate.

Okay, so, how much time do we have, you know,

just to get in and... and bluff
for a few minutes, huh?

Danny Sullivan has maybe
two months to live.

I can do it in one.

All right.
So Steranko is bottom-heavy.

The toughest security
is in the lower floors.

We're gonna come in from the top.

Show me, uh, surrounding office towers.



Oh, hello, gorgeous.

Okay, that's Dolan Theater.

It was built 100 years ago
over the Shanghai Tunnels.

It's a landmark.
That's why they had to build

the other office tower on top of it.


Security there is a joke.


I have just the thing.

Subtitles edited by

Highpoint Tower is 55 yards away.

Now we just need to get you
from here to there on a zip line

without breaking both your legs.

This one means a lot to you.

"V" equals "G" times "T" times "A."

Velocity equals gravity.

32 feet per second squared
multiplied by time in seconds,

multiplied by the cosine angle
of the zip line.

- Minus friction.
- Minus friction.

It's just that this is
the kind of mastermind stuff

you usually go off
and do by yourself, you know?

Well, you and your bottle.

But lately, you've been
involving me in the planning.

And not just the heists...
the cons, too.

Parker, you know, you don't
let feelings get in the way.

You... you rotate problems...
security, people, timelines.

You spin them
in the three-dimensional space,

like puzzle pieces, until they click.

It's not the way I think, but...

I trust your judgment.

I really do.

18 Miles an hour.

Is that what you got?

This supernatural soliciting
cannot be ill, cannot be good.

Zachary, all right,

the witches have just delivered
their prophecies to MacBeth,

and... and...
and he's afraid.

Why... why...
why is he afraid?

He's afraid because he knows

that he's contemplated
taking the crown.

He's consumed by the fear

of having
his darkest secrets revealed.

All right, take five, everyone.

Okay, everyone, take five.

When we come back,
we'll pick up with act 4.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Do you miss it?


No? Not even a little?

My acting talents
are best served

relieving people
of their wallets.

I really like it
on this side of the stage.

I-I love it.

For the first time in my life,
I'm exactly where I belong.

What was your mistake?

When you were pulled from
the river, you were semiconscious.

You said
that you made a mistake.

Mr. Ford...

How did your friends die?

Where am I?

You're in the criminal holding
room of Trinity State Hospital.

You suffered a head trauma,

so your short-term memory's
a bit fuzzy.

I'm Ellen Casey.

I'm here to evaluate you
and... and your state of mind,

try to get some sort of context
of what happened today.

We have reports

of an attempted break-in
at the Highpoint Tower.

There were sh*ts fired,

and then there was
a car crash at the river.

I don't... I-I don't...
I'm not...

Mr. Ford,
I'm here to help you, okay?

I just...

I'm just trying
to get to the truth, okay?


Just focus.

Five minutes to places, please.

Five minutes to places,

This is a disaster.
It's a disaster.

My Lady MacBeth
hasn't shown up.

I have to go on.

Oh, you'll be great.

You lie to me spectacularly
all the time,

and now you utterly fail.

No, listen, the matinee audience
is cover for the getaway.

It's part of the con.

So you'll be great 'cause
you're always great on the con.

Break a leg.

Break a leg.

Okay, Parker,
the play starts in 3, 2, 1.

And showtime.


20 pounds of crazy.

5-pound bag.

Parker, there are two guards

stationed full time
on the 20th floor.

They're gonna be coming up
to check the roof alarms

in 4, 3, 2, 1.

Parker, you clear? Parker?

Hey, man, I boosted the earbuds
as high as I could

without frying our skulls,
but I already told you...

Once we're in that building,
we're shut out.

How's Sophie doing?

...You spirits that tend on...

Pretty good.

Unsex me here.

And fill me...

And fill me from my head...
From my crown to my toe.

Oh, te... oh, come on.

Alarm on 12.

Go to 12.

Okay, now it's on 5.

Highpoint Tower.

This is operator 722
for Steranko Systems.

We're showing alarms.

They're all false alarms.

We have confirmation there's
no entry at any of these points.

Could you turn off
the damn alarm?

Could you give me your building
security password, please?

Bravo two two zebra nine eight.

Thank you. Yeah,
we actually have technicians

finishing up a job in the area.

They'll be there shortly.

- Thank you.
- Highpoint Tower.

Hello, this is operator
397 for Steranko Systems.

We're showing alarms.

Yeah, listen, we got a blown
transformer down the street.

We're getting power surges,
brownouts and everything.

The alarms are going crazy
up and down the block.

Could you turn the thing off?

Thank God.
I'm glad you guys showed up.


Thank God.
I'm glad you guys showed up.

You got a screamer, huh?

Your building security password,

Bravo two two zebra nine eight.

Thank you.

I got it.

You got a recurrent fault
up on the 10th floor.

It keeps resetting the alarm.

If we don't fix that thing,
the alarm's gonna sound all day.

Go. Definitely go.

Two minutes tops.
We're gold.

I got an alarm call
from this address.

We already told the alarm
company it's a false alarm.

Technicians are upstairs
fixing it now.

It doesn't matter.
I got to walk it... city policy.

It's 20 floors, man.

you got police on-site.

This is Baker 12.
I need alarm confirmation.

Radio will still work.

There are no confirmed
technicians on-site.

I repeat...
No confirmed technicians.

You two stay here.
You two come with me.


Come on, come on. Go, go.
Forget it, forget it.

Follow them!
I'll cut them off!

What's up?

Come on!

It's locked down.



I got you.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
- What? What? What?

I got to readjust my grip.

I got you.

Don't let me go, babe.

I won't.


No! Hardison!

What? Parker, what?

Nate, I'm hit.

Hardison fell.

He broke his leg.

And he's all smashed up inside.

Okay, get to the alley.

I can... here, put your...
I can...

I can get him out
through the loading dock.

Just, please, get to the alley.

Okay. You're okay.
I got you. I got you. I got you.

Hey, hey!

Damn it, Hardison.

Let's g...

Parker, come.

We're almost there.

That's it.


Come on!

Did Eliot make it?

Here I am.

Age of the geek, brother.


The bridge.

If we can
just get to the other side...

Stop the vehicle right there!

Come out with your hands up!


Look out!

Take them down!

The police sent this over.

They pulled the van
from the river.

The identity of your friends
have been confirmed.

Hold him.
No visitors, no calls.

Agent Frierson speaking.

Can I help you?

Interpol Offices,
Portland Bureau.

Portland Police Bureau confirms
the "sh*ts fired" report.

They said they sent
two detectives

to do a follow-up
with the lobby guards.

They said they sent detectives?
Did they?

Lobby guards confirmed
two detectives came by,

took their statements.

Our cameras
are on 15-second loops.

We got this.

Get the Portland police
back on the phone.

I want those bodies.

You said the patrolman
came into the lobby

before they went upstairs
with the guards.

And then he ran back through
again, calling for backup.

Tell them
I'll be at the theater.

Please, we don't want
to disturb the play.

We had a bad enough matinee.

What happened?

Our afternoon Lady MacBeth
was not good.

She was just a stand-in.
Our lead is amazing.

...Top-full of direst cruelty.

Make thick my blood.

Stop up the access...

You mind if I look around?

Of course.

Mr. Ford,
the police are satisfied.

And when do they
take me into custody?

As soon as
the doctors sign off.

I see.

You loved them very much,
didn't you?

Do you mind if I ask you
one more question?

Why are you lying to me?

I am not.

See, the three weeks you
took over the theater basement

just doesn't make any sense.

There are a dozen ways
to get on that roof,

until you consider
the Shanghai Tunnels.

Okay, that's Dolan Theater.

It was, uh, built 100 years ago

over the Shanghai Tunnels.
It's a landmark.

That's why they had to build
the other office tower on top of it.

To places, please.

See, three weeks
just doesn't make any sense

if you want to get on the roof,
but you know what makes sense?

Breaking down an old foundation

to get into
the old Shanghai Tunnels.

Do you want to know what I
found at the end of the tunnels, huh?

The roof's not the way in.

The elevator shaft's
the way in, isn't it?

This is
how I think it went down.

If we don't fix that thing,
the alarm's gonna sound all day.

Go. Definitely go.

I got an alarm call
from this address.

Go, go, go.

Follow them!
I'll cut them off!

They locked it?

Why would I lie?!


I screwed up!
I got them k*lled!

I lost everything,
the only thing I ever had!

Why, why, why would I lie?!

if I would venture to guess,

I would guess
that you probably have realized

that you're
not in the hospital.

How'd you figure it out?


Hospitals... take it from me.
I've been in quite a few.

They're loud places.

Since I've been here, I haven't
heard any announcements,

no alarms, no "ding."

Those files that,
um, you read from earlier

are supposed to be
from Portland Police,

but they all
had Interpol coding.

When you stand,
you adjust your little jacket.

You give it a little tug

to hide the g*n that ordinarily
would be in your holster.

You're not
Portland or State Police.

they like to flash their badges.

And, besides,
I've been in the, uh,

Portland offices of the FBI.

Like most Americans,

you reach for your cellphone,
on average, every 94 seconds.

But you... you stop yourself.

Your head... you give
a little tell, a little shake.

You know,
it's to remind yourself

that your cellphone
doesn't work here.

And that leaves
only one law-enforcement agency

in an understaffed,
barely used office

in a building
where cellphones don't work.

So I am in
the Provisional Interpol Offices

in the Highpoint Tower,
Agent Casey.

That was good.

But, uh, the roof alarm...

I mean, that was just to get
the guards off the 20th floor...

Right?... so that Parker
could get in unobserved?

That floor has a server room
that holds the databases

for FBI, DEA, and Interpol.

Come on, come on, come on.

But all those files are dead.

There are no active cases
on the hard drives in that room.

No active cases.

No active cases.

You bastard.

You would get them k*lled for that.

You'd risk everything for that.

Agent Casey, your boss
has a story to tell you.

Mr. Ford was after the most
secret file at Interpol...

The black book.

What is the black book?

Five years ago, when
the financial system crashed,

the FBI, SEC, IRS, Interpol...
they all did their jobs.

They investigated,
and they found massive fraud...

Market manipulation,
secret deals,

pension funds
loaded with worthless paper,

people's life savings burnt.

And because they knew
they'd broken the system,

the rich and powerful... well,
they got all their money out.

Now, you think I'm a thief,
Agent Casey?

One-third of the entire world's
wealth disappeared then.

Biggest heist in history.

And we know who did it.

We decided not to prosecute.

Order had to be restored.

That's why you joined Interpol?

Screw justice?
You're the order guy?

- It's not a choice.
- It is.

Justice or order...

One day, you are going to
have to make that choice.

The world's economy
would never stabilize,

with endless parades of bankers
being led around in chains.

The system has to work.

The guys who used to run it
have to keep running it.

Government agencies...
they closed all the cases.

They took all the files

of all the cases
they could have prosecuted,

all the savings accounts
of all the stolen money,

and they filed it away.
That file is the black book.

The holy grail of
the ones who got away with it.

This black book is here?

No. Mm...

You know
all those Internet files

that are supposed to be
in the cloud? There is no cloud.

They dance and shuffle on these
servers all over the world.

Five minutes here,
three hours there.

At any given point, there are
data backups for the FBI, DEA,

and Interpol passing through
the Highpoint Tower server.

Once a month
for just a couple of hours,

the black book file
is shuffled here

to a backwater server
in an auxiliary Interpol office

during routine maintenance.

That's why
you moved to Portland.

Could have picked
anywhere else in the world,

and you chose here.

It grows on you.

You didn't find the black book,
and your friends are dead.

So why is he still lying to us?


The coroner's van just arrived.

Tell them to pull it
straight into the garage.

Pull it
straight into the garage.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- One second.

- How many bodies?
- How many bodies?



We're going to the 20th floor.

Bring him.

Bring every guard we got.
Bring everybody.

- We go now!
- Everyone goes now.

Check the file manifest
right now.

File black zero zero one.

It's not on the server.

Oh, just appeared.

The backup started.

Parker never got the file.

still in the server room.

Come on, come on, come on.


Roof is all clear.

We're on the 20th floor,
heading back to our post.

That's why you lied.

You had one person left.

You were giving her
time to escape.

Open the door.

It's biometric.
I'm not cleared.

Confirming I.D.

Access granted, Agent Sterling.

Parker even know
you got Hardison k*lled?

All right, let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

All right, move.
You guys check in here.


We're clear.

Check the left side.

No, it's empty.

All clear, ma'am.

It's clear.

Close it up.

All right, everybody, move out.

All right.
Come on, let's move on.

Let's go.

- Was it worth it, Ford? Really?
- Stand back!

Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey, hey!
Whoa, whoa!

What are you, crazy?

The face is very lifelike.

But he's ballistics gel.

Wait. It's a fake body?

I have two questions for you...
only two.

Did you talk to
the Portland Police?

Of course I did.
The guards did, too.

We talked to
the coroner's office.

On the phone?

In this building?

Second question... no.

Nate, why don't you tell her
what my second question is?

Uh, the second question is...

Where are
the coroner-van drivers?

We were told to bring them in.

Without checking
the security I.D.?

You authorized their entry.

Thank you.

For my own personal edification,
who played the, uh, patrolman?

The black book... That's
what you dragged us here for?

That's why we're in Portland?

You lied to us.

You lied to me?

I'm sorry.

Don't... don't put this on him.
He kept my secret.

We keep
each other's secrets sometimes.

Now, this is the big score.

That black book...

It's gonna be in that building
once a month for three hours.

And we take as much time
as we need to crack it.

Now, I've got most
of the security beat,

but there's one thing
we do not have time to deal with

once we're inside.

It's the biometric lock
on the server room.

It's got
a rolling 10-digit encryption.

I cannot get us past that lock.

And it's not like
they're just gonna let us in.

Are you sure?

You're gonna be fine.
You'll be great.

Now, go on, go on, go on.

I feel a bit bad about that.


The plan's the thing.

Come, you spirits

who tend on mortal... thoughts,

unsex me
and... and fill me up.

Fill me up from my...

Oh, this is operator 722
of the Steranko System.

We're showing alarms
have been set off.

I got an alarm call
at this address.

Go, go, go, go.

All right, follow them!
I'll cut them off!


Baker 12. sh*ts fired. In pursuit.

Portland Police Bureau.

We will check with
dispatch, sir.

But do not leave
that building, sir.

We'll send a couple
of detectives over later

to take your statement.

Hi. I'm Detective Tennant.

I understand
you two saw the incident today.

Um, they said that
there would be two detectives.

Oh, well, my partner's out back
checking out the crime scene,

but if you'd
rather talk to him...

No, no, no.
We... uh, we'd love to help you.

Listen to me very carefully.

Interpol has jurisdiction
on those bodies.

That is way above my pay grade.

I can't release bodies
in an active investigation.

Get me your supervisor.

If you insist, ma'am.

Captain Liebowitz.

How can I help you?

I talked... we all talked
to a dozen people today.

I've seen Sophie Devereaux
play a dozen people...


I was at the theater.

Please, we don't want
to disturb the play.

We had a bad enough matinee.

What happened?

Our afternoon Lady MacBeth
was not good,

but she was
just a stand-in.

Our lead is amazing.

Come, you spirits
that tend on mortal thoughts,

fill me
from the crown to the toe,

top-full of direst cruelty.

Make thick my blood.

Stop up the access and passage
to remorse.


Access granted, Agent Sterling.

Hard drive's gone.

Yeah, Roger.

The bodies from the crash site
are here.

File black zero zero one.

It's not on the server.

Oh, just appeared.

The backup just started.

Parker know
you got Hardison k*lled?

All right, let's move in.

It's clear.
All right, everybody, move out.

All right.
Come on, let's move on.


Trojan horse.

The coroner's van
is a trojan horse.


I'm the trojan horse.

There's no way out.
The building's in lockdown.

Of course there's a way out.

You found it.

You just thought
it was the way in.

Did you really think
she was gonna find it?

Well, you know, 50/50.

It's agent Casey.

Get the guards across the street
to the theater now.

No, they're gonna be mixed in
with the audience.



I don't suppose you're done.

Well, what do you think?

What you were doing.
Back in the room.

When did you learng
to act like that?...

Oh, Sophie.
She really helped me.

Uh, she's directing now.
She... she found her calling.

Well, your ride
to a life sentence

in a secret prison has arrived.

Any last requests?


The other reason
I needed it to be you

was so that
I could ask you this.

Don't tell them
I got the black book.

Transfer papers.

Send me to jail forever.

You know, just don't tell them
I got their names.

You know,
send me away for the break-in.

Say that the file
wasn't on the hard drive.

It's a list of all the sins
and secret bank accounts

- of the most powerful
men in the world. - Yes.

It'll be open season for every
grifter and thief out there.

If I don't tell them,
they'd be defenseless.

Yeah, that's right.
That's exactly right, yeah.

See, you don't tell them,
they won't see it coming.

They broke the world, James.

Do you boys
want to know what I think?

I don't know.

He has that effect on people.


You and I are not the same.

We don't believe
in the same things.

What is it?


That couldn't have been easy.

justice is always easy.

There it is, man...
The holy grail.

A thousand bad guys.

A lot of revenge in there

just waiting on a righteous man
to take a swing.


That man's not gonna be me.

We're out. Done.


Well, that depends on...
On what you say next, of course.

What? Huh?

For five years,
I've been... I've been...

- Drunk.
- Lying.

You've been an ornery bastard.

Yeah, yeah, all that, all that.

But you... you have always,
always had my back.

Now... be on my side.

Did you steal it?


Oh, 'cause that...

That would have been more
romantic, right, Parker?

I'll, uh... I'll steal
the first-anniversary ring.

Now can I get up?

You've got to say it.


- Say the thing.
- What thing?

Oh, the thing.
Oh, uh, yeah.

Will you...

Marry me,


- Yes.
- Yeah?


- Ow!
- There you go.

You like it? Yeah?


The hard drive.

Everything you need
is right there.

You know what?

I'm gonna dump this
on the darknet.

Every crew from around the
world's gonna want in with us.

I mean, just think about it...
Leverage International.

That sounds pretty good.

You know,
this was your crusade.

Now it's our w*r.

Promise me...

You'll keep them safe.

Till my dying day.

You know, Eliot, I'd say
call if you need anything,

but you never...
never need anything.

Yeah, I did.

And thanks to you...
I don't have to search anymore.


You're the smartest man I know.

Don't get cocky.

It's a little late for that.

So you're really going.

How's that make you feel?

I think I'm okay with it.


I'm okay with it.

That's why we can go.

You do know that Laura
is not my real name, don't you?

I do.

It's a shame.

I was getting to like Portland.

How can they do this?

They just... pay a fine?

They just buy my son's life?

People like that...
Corporations like that...

They have all the money,
they have all the power,

and they use it
to make people like you go away.

Right now, you're suffering
under an enormous weight.

We provide...
