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04x13 - West of Alpha Centauri

Posted: 06/28/23 09:17
by bunniefuu
(male narrator)

Rocketed from a distant planet

to a bold new destiny on Earth.

Found by a Kansas family

and raised as Clark Kent.

He learned, he possessed

the strength of steel.

The speed of light and

the desire to help all mankind.

He isSuperboy.

[theme music]

[music continues]


[indistinct chatter]

We don't know what it is.

The kid who found it

said it dropped out of the sky.

He brought in here an hour ago

then it started

making that noise.

That's when they called us. The

problem is we can't get inside.

We were hoping you could.

Well, let's see

what's in there first.

[shrill squeal]

See anything?

No, it's nothing

I've ever seen before.


I'm gonna try something,

you better step back.



[ticking stops]

[indistinct chatter]

Any idea what it was?


- What's that?

- I don't know.

Maybe, it's a signal.


[theme music]

Well, who are you?

- Let him go!

- Lana, stop.

[theme music]

- Where on earth are we?

- Lanawe're not on the Earth.

[theme music]

[theme music]

It was a trap.

They used the b*mb

to find me.

They knew I'd be the only one

who'd be able to disarm it.

Well, what do they

want you for?

[indistinct chatter]

[theme music]

Was it really such a good idea

to bring him here, captain?

- Are you suggesting it wasn't?

- Certainly not, sir.

Someone as simple minded

as I would be a fool

to question your judgment.

II was just trying to learn

from you, that's all.


Then wait and see.

- Are you the one?

- What do you mean?

The one we've been waiting

for all these years.

The great warrior.

There's a good argument

here for lying, you know.

We were brought here

against our will.

We wanna know why.

We're all here against our will.

But please, you haven't

answered our question.

I'm not sure I understand it.

[theme music]

These are the lamentations

of our people.

They were carved

before I was born.

A long time ago..

our planet become barren.

Food would no longer

grow in its soil.

This craftwas built

to take us to another planet.

A new fertile place

near Alpha Centauri.

And after years of travel,

we never got there.

Some of us thought it was

the captains fault.

There was a mutiny.

- He put you all here?

- He brought our parents here.

That's the grandfather

of the present captain.

He was just as bad.

He's put many

of us here since.

Our only hope has been..

has been this

great prophesy.

Have mercy on us.

Help us.

One thing's for sure.

We're not staying here.

Everyone, to the door.

[all cheering]

[indistinct chatter]


I've never seen

metal like this.

- Is it like the b*mb?

- No, it's harder.

See, they've just discovered

their savior is no better off

than they are.

They're hope's been crushed.

It is truly wonderful

to be near you, captain.

To bask in the warmth

of such brilliance.

Yes, you're a lucky man.

Now, wipe my chin.

[theme music]

[water dripping]

- You thirsty?

- A little.

- It just has to be treated.

- Treated?

First we k*ll the germs.


Now, we'll cool it

back down again.

- Here.

- Thanks.

That fountain belongs

to the Niverites.

We took it from

the Minarets.

Well, whoever it belongs to,

there's still plenty left.

That's not the point.

It's our fountain now.

- Who are the Minarets?

- Sludge, vermin.

The captain favors them

with extra food.

Are they the ones we saw

when we came in?

Those were the Tiaren.

They were stupid enough to think

that you were going

to save them.

They're sludge, too.

Can't you tell the difference?

Not really.

Are you saying that I look

like a Minaret or a Tiaren.

Is that what you're saying?

[theme music]

- You're strong as I am.

- Stronger.

How many of the others

are like you?


Enough to k*ll all the Minarets

and Tiarans some day.

[indistinct chatter]

Are any of them

as strong as you?


Then why haven't you broken out?

- The jailor's strong but--

- You mean, the mute Ta-El.

He thinks the captain is going

to make him our next leader.

That's why he's so loyal.

Whoever he is, he can't

stand up to all of you.

All of us?

Are you saying that we should

work with the Minarets

and the Tiarens.

Well, don't you wanna get out?

[indistinct chatter]

- They'd betray us.

- Don't you understand?

The captain wants you

to fight each other.

That way you're

no thr*at to him.


Think about it.

Soour friend

is organizing the masses?

We'll have to do

something about that.

We could wipe out everyone

in that prison in ten minutes.

Wipe them out?

My grandfather

built that place

to show us commitment

to law and order.

It's tradition.

Then just Superboy.

He could have an accident.

That would make him a martyr.

That's the last thing

I need down there.

Well, I've got to do

something else to control him.

You've done well.

May I return

to the prison now?

I'll get more

information for you.

You can't very well return

without some signs

of punishment.

- They'll begin to suspect you.

- I-I could lie.

Do you have

a problem with my idea?

Certainly not, sir.

It's a brilliant idea.

Now, we all know

the layout of the ship.

There aren't that many of them,

so we won't have a problem.

But they're strong

so we need a plan.

[door opening]

[indistinct chatter]


He's been hurt.

[Lana shouting]

Where're you taking her?

He was carrying

the key to solitary.

It's near the engines.

I donno if she'll

be able to take the heat.

It's so intense.


[theme music]


[door creeks]

Ah, there you are.

At last I get to meet

our newest resident.

I trust you've

been comfortable so far.

I want Lana back right now.

Your friend, who you obviously

feel strongly about is..

shall we say,

in some place safe

untilyou and I can work

out an arrangement.


I need something from you and

now you need something from me.

- We can trade.

- And what is it that you need?

Your cooperation.

It is essential to me

that the prisoners remain

how shall I say,

focused on each other

so that I might run

the ship more smoothly.

I can't have you

in there causing trouble.

Then why did you bring us here?

The prophecy.

I donno how it got started

but they all believe it

and it gives them hope.

Hope that one day they'll escape

before they have been

properly rehabilitated.

But seeing you helpless in

there, the symbol of their hope

they'll know they can't.

When our viewing screens

pickedthat up..

I knew you belonged here.

If there's so much discontent

why don't you just step down?

Step down? Impossible!

I'm the only one

who knows where we're going.

- And where's that?

- Paradise.

A planet just

west of Alpha Centauri.


Oh, don't you worry about that.

- Do we have a deal?

- Alright.

- But if Lana's hurt..

- Oh, no, no, no.

She's alive and wellbarely.

Captainyou believe

in the prophesy too, don't you?

What if I did?

It's broken now.

It can't come true.

[theme music]


Lana, are you alright?

How did you get me

out of there?

I had to promise the captain

I wouldn't organize

the prisoners.

- You shouldn't have done that.

- It was the only way.

And what did

the captain give you?

Extra food, an early release?

Or maybe he just wants

you to spy on us.

We thought you'd be a leader.

You're a fraud.

The real warrior will k*ll you

when he comes to save us.

You don't need me

and you don't need a warrior.

You can get out

of here on your own.

Then, join the rest

of your people

and take back control

of the ship.

And we will.

As soon as we k*ll all

the Minarets and Tiarens.

[all shouting]

- Yes.

- They're hopeless.

How much longer

do we have to stay here?

I don't know.

At least not until

we get to Alpha Centauri.

West of Alpha Centauri.

West of Alpha Centauri.



You think you're

stronger than me?

Do you?

Let's find out.

He's crazy.

You can't b*at him.

We've tried.

- She's right.

- I'm not afraid of him.

I challenge you

a fight to the finish.

- I had a deal with him.

- Captain, listen.

Or would the captain be

afraid you might lose?


I'll have the girl put back

in solitary immediately.


Make Ta-El backed down,

I'll look like a coward.

Well, then what?

I tried to be

reasonable with him

but if he wants to be

a martyr so badly

I say we make him one.

[crowd cheering]

This shouldn't take long.

(Superboy) He's lost,

you know? The captain.

He doesn't know

where he's going.


What did he promise you?

That when you enter the new

world that you'd be leader?

Well, it isn't going to happen.

He's going around

in circles.

He doesn't want to get to the

new planet even if it exists.

As soon as he gets there

he's not going to be

the captain anymore.

What did he tell you?

West of Alpha Centauri?

There is no west in outer space

or north, or south, or east.

He doesn't know what he's doing.

How dare he

question my judgment?


Go to the captain now.

See if I'm telling the truth.

[crowd cheers]

Looks like their prophecy

came true after all.


As a boy, my father

told me of a planet

where everything was perfect.

There was plenty of food, water.

Everyone lives in peace.

That's where I wanted to go.

Had I known it was only a dream.

We'd appreciate you if you

would return us to the Earth.

I kinda hoped

you'd stay on with us.

There's so much that we

can still learn from you.

No, I think you've learned

everything you need to know.

I'd suggest you go

back to your home planet

and try to making it work there.

An excellent idea.

So what are you gonna

do with him?

I think there's only

one thingwe can do.

Full speed ahead.

Let's get this

bucket of bolts moving.

What's taking so long?

Is this a crew,

or a bunch of prima donnas.

Get your backs

into it, you slugs.

This is your captain speaking.

Look, I know where we're..

We're going to paradise.

We're going to paradise.

Just west of Alpha Centauri.

I know where it is.

Follow me. I know, I know.

Is anyone here with me?

Help! Help!

[music continues]