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04x18 - Cat and Mouse

Posted: 06/28/23 09:20
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]

(male narrator)

Rocketed from a distant planet

to a bold new destiny

on earth.

Found by a Kansas family

and raised as Clark Kent.

He learned he possessed

the strength of steel

the speed of light

and the desire

to help all mankind.

He is Superboy.

[theme music]



[instrumental music]

[no audio]

Clark. Up here.

[music continues]

Where's Mr. Jackson?

He's in DC trying to fight

what's going on here.

Well, what is going on here?

The bureau's making

some cutbacks

and your position's one of the

ones that's being eliminated.

The good news is that

we figured out a way

to keep you onboard

by promoting you to a GS-9.

Let me get this straight,

my position's being eliminated

so they're giving me

a promotion?

It's a government thing.

Just go with it.

It'll mean more responsibility,

more money..

and a free

psychiatric evaluation.

So, there's nothing

to worry about.

Wait a minute.

- A what?

- It's no big deal.

It's just a formality, really.

The higher your security level,

the more they check you out.

Here's the address.

There's an examiner

waiting to see you now.

I don't wanna go

to a psychiatrist.

Why not? Everybody

does these days.

Heck, they put it on

their resumes in Los Angeles.

It's not like it's

an obstacle course.

You just lie there

and answer some questions.

As long as you got nothing

to hide, there's no problem.

I just don't like

the idea of it.

I mean, if there's

any way around this..

I don't know what to tell you.

You like your job here, right?

Of course I do.

I-I love it.

If you don't go, I'm afraid

you won't have one to love.

[instrumental music]

Like I saidI'd love to go.

[dramatic music]

Pretty boring stuff, huh?

There's nothing really

very special about me.

- I'm-I'm just an ordinary guy.

- Good.

Then, you needn't be so nervous.

[music continues]

You like puzzles?


Puzzles are like people.

It's my job to ferret it out

all the pieces..

and make sure they fit.

- They look really hard.

- Yes, they are.


Why don't you lie down,

Mr. Kent?

You and I are going

to get better acquainted.

Just relax.

Think of me as someone

to confide in.

But I already have someone

to confide in.

As a matter of fact,

I have two people. My parents.

I can't think

of a better place to start.

Why don't you tell me

about them?

Well, they're two of the nicest

people you'll ever wanna meet.


I can tell them anything.

Whenever I need advice

I know where to go.

I didn't mean to upset you.

But people do need you.

Everywhere I go,

somebody needs me.

That's because you are

who you are.

[spoon clatters]

Who am I?

I didn't ask to be like this.

And I can't help everybody.

That's why I had

to turn off the news.

I turn it on and hear

about people in Canada

stuck in an avalanche.

Sure, I could fly up there in

a few minutes and rescue them.

While I'm doing that,

there are some firefighters

in the North Sea on an oil rig,

who are dying in a fire.

Or a little girl's

fallen down a well.

No one expects you

to do it all.

Don't they?

Do you realize what it's like?

There's so much going on

around you all the time

and not be able to stop it all?

You always have to choose.

They know more about me

than anybody.

So, what does that tell you?

About your parents?

That you had a loving,

supportive family.

Then I guess I must be normal.

Well, John Hinckley had

a loving, supportive family.

It's sounds to me like

your parents are a substitute

for close peer relationships.

Do you have a social life?

Do you have a girlfriend?


Yeah, um..

kind of.

Kind of?

Could you expand on that?


[dramatic music]


[sizzling continues]

[instrumental music]



[music continues]

But I have to leave early

this afternoon.

Adam's taking me

to the opening ceremonies

for the centennial, tonight.

But you were supposed

to go with me.

Oh, I'm sorry, Clark.

I forgot.

But you understand.

I mean, it's a date.

I understand.

WellI guess, we've had

our ups and downs.

There's a part of me

that she really likes..

maybe even loves.

But there's another part of me

thatshe just likes

as a friend.

What are your feelings for her?

Well, I guess I love her.

You guess?

I-I do love her.

Have you ever told her?


Because I'm not sure

ifbeing with me

will be the best thing for her.

And I would never want her hurt.

Why would being involved

with you cause her to be hurt?


Didn't your mother

ever tell you to respect

other people's property?

I have somethingI think

you're gonna be interested in.


Now, if you wanna

see her alive..

then come

to my basement, downtown.

Superboy, don't do it.

It's a trap!

Of course, it's a trap.

He knows it.

He's gonna be there anyway.

I mean, he's a superhero.


Come with me.

And I will let

them all live.

You have to.


Innocent people will die.

[dramatic music]


I'll make it easy.

[instrumental music]

Let's just say, part of me

always puts my work first.

Very interesting.

Don't you think you'd be

more comfortable lying down?

You keep referring

to yourself in two parts.

Almost as if you think

of yourself

as two different people.

Would you say that's accurate?

Do you see yourself

as two people?

[theme music]


But doesn't everybody

see themselves as somebody else

at sometime or another?

Mr. Kent.

From the moment you walked

into my office

you have been careful.

Careful of my questions,

careful of your answers.

Even your body language

is careful.

And in my experience

people who are careful

are usually hiding something.

What are you hiding?

Nothing. Really.

I don't believe you.

But then again we'll know

soon enough.

It is now time to move

to our nextexamination.

And what exactly is next?

The lie detector.

[dramatic music]




And now we can get into the

really interesting questions.

Have you ever committed a crime?

Um, I thought I did once.

What do you mean?

Did youever commit a crime?




I'm looking out my window

and, uh, that black guy

he must've been scared

'cause he jumped in the car.

The next thing, Superboy blows

that truck right on top of him

and-and the whole thing

goes up in flames.

The guy was screaming

something awful.

I didn't hear anything.

I thought for sure you were

gonna save him.

Well, it was

one of those things, um..

Someone told me that

I had done something wrong

and I believed it.

Again, did Superboy

k*ll Winston?

- The b*mb first.

- No, man. Truth first.

Then perhaps the b*mb.

The-the truck had already

crashed and it was burning

and Llewellyn hit Winston

with a brick or something

chucked him into the car

and let him fry.

(male #1) Superboy didn't

know squat what was happening.

I found out later that

it wasn't really my fault.

So then, no.

You didn't commit a crime?

Hm. No, I guess I didn't.

Okay, then you've never

been involved

in any illegal activity.

- Well, I didn't say that.

- What did you say?

Well, there was this other time.

I almost did something

very wrong.

(Clark) I'd been misled

by this other person and..



(male #2)



Superboy, can you hear me?

Now, just relax..

and do everything

I tell you to.


It's a time b*mb.

I want you to put it

in the Premier's hotel room.

Set it so it detonates

after you're gone.

Soviets will blame

the Americans.

The Americans

will blame the Soviets.

And it'll be

Armageddon at last.

You have no choice,

you must obey me.

As long as I have

the parchment you signed

you must do whatever I say.


[glass shattering]


Alright, okay.

Let me put it another way.

Have you ever willingly

committed a crime?

Since you put it that way, no.


Thank you.

You see, you just

have to learn to phrase

your questions

a little better.


The next one's easy.

Have you ever

willingly destroyed

public or private property?




[glass shattering]


We all are good.




Only in emergencies.

[lie detector beeping]


Next question.

Have you ever lied

to a co-worker or superior

in anything work-related?

What precisely

do you mean by lied?

This is a nightmare.

Will you stop?

Will you just stop fidgeting?


Have you ever, have you ever

knowingly deceived anyone?

Hank, those index cards

you were asking for

I'm gonna go buy them now.

[theme music]

- Where have you been?

- Getting index cards.

For 45 minutes?

I was shopping

for a discount store.

You told us to save

government money.

I left my wallet in the car.

Um, I gotta put money

in the parking meter.

You better

call the police.


I know it's lame,

but I was sick--

Yeah, sick.

You see, I try to be in bed by

10 and sometimes I have to rush.

Matt's with the body.

I haven't seen Clark.

Then I got lost.

So, where were you?

Or don't you remember?

Oh, I remember.

And I can give you all

the explanations you want.

But that's not the real issue.

No? Then what is?

These re-creations are based

upon your memories.

When Superboy's around

you don't notice me.

You're just trying to throw

off suspicion.

I always try to be honest,

butsometimes I can't.

Sometimes I feel like I should

hold back information

for other people's own good.

Alright, the tough ones

are out of the way.

So, uh, on to the more mundane.

Have you ever used an alias?

Clark, he was

only an act, wasn't he?




I guess we can forget

that faxing, huh?


No. Superboy.


I like the sound of that.

[indistinct chattering]


What exactly

do you mean, doctor?

I think the question is obvious.

Have you ever used another name?

I said, are you known by any

name other than Clark Kent?


Is something wrong?

I don't know. I've never seen

it do this before.




- You have a fire extinguisher?

- Oh, yes, of course.


It went out by itself.

That's the first time

that's ever happened.

Oh, here.

- I guess that's it, right?

- I guess so.

I certainly have enough data.

Let me just check to make sure

that I'vecovered everything.

How did I do?

I'm afraid that I'm going

to have to recommend

that they defer putting

through your promotion.

What? Why?

Because I don't think you've

got what it takes to be GS-9.

- But--

- I'm sorry.

But that is my evaluation.

[dramatic music]

I'm sorry, doctor, but I think

you've made a mistake.

I'm conscientious,

honest, hard-working.

And unlike some other

government employees

who are there

just to pick up a paycheck

I'm there because I care.

If you don't think that I'm an

asset the government should keep

I'm prepared to file

an appeal with your superior.

I love my job.

And I'm ready to fight

to keep it.

- Very good.

- I mean it.

I know you do.

And I'm delighted to hear it.

My reports from your superiors

are that you are a good employee

but that you're usually meek

and self-deprecating.

I was just checking to see

if they were right.

So does that mean I passed?

My report will be

at your office tomorrow.

Oh, by the way..

it was very interesting.

That it was, Mr. Kent.

That it was.

[instrumental music]

Dr. Meyers seems to think you're

a pretty interesting guy, Clark.

So, how did I do?

She said she'd love

to keep you on the couch

for another year or so

but that you'd

probably make a greatGS-9.

- So I passed?

- Yeah, you passed.


You just earned yourself

an extra $12 a month.

[instrumental music]

[theme music]

[music continues]