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02x09 - The Lost Heir Job

Posted: 06/28/23 10:28
by bunniefuu

Kimball? It's Ruth.

Ruth Walton.

Gigi? - No, Ruth.

- Huh? I'm the charity director.

These are the children you helped.

You wanted to see them, remember? I've been trying to see you for months, but your lawyer has cut you off from everyone.

What are you doing here? Mr.

Kimball, listen to me.

Don't let him do this.

You have to fight.

- Get out.


- This is a public hospital.

And this is a private wing named after this man, in fact.

You're trespassing.

- Call a cop.

- OK.

Police! Let's go.


Kimball, this man, he's trying to take your money.

- Gigi.

Oh, Gigi.

- Come on.

Let's go.

- Come on.

- I'm your friend.


- Who's dead? - No, no.

Everybody's OK.

Can I? You scared the life out of me.

I Listen, you can't just - show up here without any - You've got to come back.

Um Well, I thought you were all doing fine without me.

Oh yeah, no, were doing fine.

I mean, yeah.

Everything's I mean kinda went from a quintet to what we are now, a quartet.

I mean, it's like we still know how to play.

We sound good.

You know, but something is, sounding a little bit you know, wrong.

Huh, Well, I hope that I'm I really hope I'm not the violist because when I was little my mom made me have lessons and I was rubbish.

I was completely rubbish.

I can't play a note.

- Not a single note - Please come back.

We need you.

They need me? Or you need me? I, uh I'm meeting a new client tomorrow at 10:00 am.

You'll be there, right? Nathan Ford? - What? - Are you Nathan Ford? - Yes.

- I'm Tara Carlisle.

I'm Ruth Walton's attorney.

She's running late.

You know, Bennett Kimball passed away last week.

I'm sorry, Ruth didn't mention an attorney.

- Why are you here? - Oh, that's Ruth.

We can talk about this later.

- Hi.

You must be Nate.

- Hello.

I just heard about Mr.


I'm sorry.

Blue Irises.

They were his favorite.

Uh, so why don't we sit down? Yeah.

- How did you meet him? - I run a non-profit.

We move children from foster care into adoption.

One day I got a call from Mr.


He said he'd read about us in the newspaper and wanted to help.

I figured he'd make a donation and that would be that.

Those checks kept coming, each one bigger than the last.

Yeah, its not so unusual, you know, men like Kimball, end of their lives.

You know, they're looking for redemption.

Are you gonna just write down what I say? Is that the deal? Yes.

Ruth, go on.

Well, when his health started to fail, I would visit him, show him pictures of our kids.

It would really cheer him up.

That's when he told her about his will.

She's actually doing fine.

- You don't really need to - I'm sorry.

- Sorry.

- A few months ago, Mr.

Kimball told me he had drafted a new will, leaving his entire estate to my charity.

I was stunned.


Did he ever show you this new will? No.

After that, his lawyer, Peter Blanchard, wouldn't let anyone see him.

I knew he was doing badly so, last week, I snuck into his room.

He didn't even know who I was.

He kept calling me Gigi.

It's all right.

It's OK.

Well, Ruth, here's the thing, I mean, will or no will, we're gonna make sure that Mr.

Kimball's wishes are followed.


The law will see to that.

Thank you.

I'm gonna bring these to him.

So I guess we're gonna have that talk now.

I've checked you out, Mr.


Half my sources say you're a vicious thief, the other half claim you're some sort of high-tech vigilante.

I like that.

I should put that on my card.

There is a process to get Ruth Walton justice.

It's called the probate court.

Right, the probate court where Ruth will walk in with a sad story and no ex*cuted will.

Let me know how that goes for you.

OK, I know we're in trouble.

But the only reason I let Ruth come to you is on the condition that I know everything you're doing.

- No.

- You're taking me with you.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I'm there.

Not gonna happen.

I don't just have a responsibility to Ruth as my client.

I believe in what she's doing.

And for that reason, I am willing to put my feelings about you aside and work with you.

Now, if helping Ruth is really your only agenda, shouldn't you be willing to do the same? Either I am in or Ruth is out.

It's your choice.

They are gonna hate this.

I hate this.

You do not let Vicki Vale into the Batcave, ever.

First, this is my home, not a cave.

And second, were not gonna allow her up here.

Sophie would never approve.

- Call her.

- We can't keep calling Sophie.

OK, I see how it is.

We can't call her, but you can go off and have a little secret meeting with her.

What are you talking about? I was in Harrisburg, researching a client.


'Cause you know what? Your passport got dinged going through Heathrow Airport yesterday.

Heathrow's in London.

I guess you couldn't get a direct flight over to Harrisburg.

Well, it's hard when you do the same day booking.

Yeah, 'cause you have to go with the Did you realize that London is the home of the most surveillance cameras in the world? Really? Who feels like playing Where's Waldo? - Oh.

- I do.

Uh! There's Waldo right there.

Waldo Ford.

Oh, is that Big Ben? And you? Wow, you got twins and triplets everywhere.

And lookie there, apartment looking quite pensive.


He's rehearsing what he's gonna say.

- I've seen him do that.

- All right, all right guys, OK.


Got me.

I went to London.


I saw Sophie.

And she's not coming back.

Not now or not ever? I, uh, don't know.

And, uh I don't I don't think she knows either.

So, uh that's that.

Could you please take the Thank you.

Can we, uh, get back to work? This, uh Tara Carlisle.

Hardison maybe you can just do a background check on her and if everything pans out I don't see why we can't have an outsider just this once tag along.

Hm? OK, why don't you run it for 'em.

Meet the late, great Bennett Kimball.

He made his fortune the old-fashioned way, polluting, union busting, employing sweatshop labor.

His personal life was even worse.

Drunken driving accidents, chasing women, paying off the mob.

Why haven't we heard of this guy? Because, to the rest of the world, Bennett Kimball is a pillar of Boston society.

Thanks to one very hard working lawyer.

Meet his longtime attorney, Peter Blanchard.

This is an interesting guy.

He's a blue blood Harvard Law graduate who turned into Kimball's personal janitor.

Dude would pay off the cops, pay hush money, God knows what else.

And he was rewarded by being named the executor and sole beneficiary of Kimball's estate.

See Kimball doesn't have any kids.

He had a couple of ex-wives way, way back but Blanchard's the closest thing he has to family.

Well, I guess this Blanchard guy didn't count on his client having such a giving side.

It's funny how that works.

What happens to rich people when they know the end is near.

It's really, really amazing.

OK, I don't know that we have a legal angle to play on this one 'cause in three days, he is going to present the will in probate court and assume control of the estate.

And our client's charity gets nothing.

Now, Blanchard was the keeper of Kimball's secrets so Yeah, so that's our way in, right there.

You want a skeleton from his closet.

Absolutely and there's gotta be tons of skeletons.

We want something so scary that the mere mention of it makes this guy run for his checkbook.

So, uh, if that weren't hard enough, we've got, uh the chaperone to think about.

Pick up your work cards.

Tara Carlisle.

She checks out.

Civil rights lawyer, does a lot of pro bono work.

Collects lost causes like kittens.

Well, she's honest.



And one sexy librarian.

Hey, guys, I'd like you to meet, Tara Carlisle.

She's our client's attorney.

She's gonna be joining us today.

I'm here because I believe we share a common goal.

I just want to make sure it's done the right way.

Now, you said you had something we could use against Blanchard? OK, well behind these prison walls or, um, prison shrubs here is Kimball's former business partner, PJ Orson.

He's doing ten years for embezzlement.

Kimball's company paid $50,000 to a company called Lamond Holdings back in 1980.

That? Yeah, she does that.

It's OK.

Go ahead.

Well, Lamond Holdings is a Vegas front company for the mob.

Yeah, $50,000 used to be the going rate for a contract k*ller in those days.

You think Kimball paid to have somebody k*lled? OK.

Now what were gonna do right now is we are going to go undercover.

Well, why don't we go talk to Mr.

Orson? Um No.

The best lie is the truth, Mr.


I think if we go in there, and plead our case, Mr.

Orson will wanna talk to us.


Orson, I don't understand.

If you tell me why you made that $50,000 payment to Lamond Holdings, I could write a letter to the judge, possibly get your sentence reduced.

Reduced? This is minimum security.

I love it here.

No ex-wives hounding me for alimony.

A great bunch of guys to hang with.

Why would I help you? Listen, sweetie, I gotta go, I got a cooking class.

You have a great day.

Well, I guess that went pretty well.

OK, Hardison, Eliot I want you to put the squeeze on Orson.

Parker, case Blanchard's office.

I want to know where he keeps his dirty files.

You? Why don't you come with me.

I'm about to become a really terrible lawyer.

You can watch.

I think he is.

Look Blanchard's here at the same time you are.

That's a coincidence.

No, it's not, we hacked into his online appointment schedule.

I mean, yes, what a coincidence.

Why don't you wait for me outside? What are you going to do? I, uh Make an appointment with You'll see.

Well, that's quite an accomplishment.

Um Hmm Yes.

Hi, there.

Listen, Jimmy Popodokolos, Las Vegas, attorney at law.

I'm here to talk to the judge about the Kimball probate hearing.

- OK, Mr.


- OK, yeah, thank you.

- Very important.

Thank you.

- Sure.

After batting in the big leagues this'll be like T-ball for us.

So how does it work here? Uh, well, if an inmate gets three disciplinary marks he gets shipped to maximum security prison at Salem.

- No excuses.

- He said He said maximum secur And I got bad, bad I remember things, man.

This man survived the riot of Cellblock H.

How you gonna bring that up? Oh, no, no, no.

Look, look.

Nothing like that ever happens here.

I mean, half these guys are CEOs.

- CEOs.

- Ah.

For example, Mr.

Orson here.

He's been a model prisoner for the last five years.

Nice haircut, Frank.

Oh, thanks.

Uh, yeah.

I want you to meet officers Bagley and Hilts.


This is Bagley.

They transferred here from Salem.

Can't remember the last guards that came here from Salem.

Hey, Frank.

- Yeah, well it - Don't do that.

They made the transfer on account of what happened to me during the riots, man.

There was a riot? I didn't hear about it.

I'm not even supposed to talk about it.

I'm sorry but the BOP's trying to keep it hush-hush.

They didn't keep the riots down.

They let the gangs take over.

They was all up in there.

Do you know what the Mexican cartel is? They was all up in there with the Aryan Nation and the Fruits of Islam.

Everybody was up in there.

The colors, purple, red.

And then they was just hitting people.

It's not your fault.

All right, you can't be that close to the prisoner.

- You know that.

Back, please.

- He's in my personal space.

Too bad you're not working on Sundays.

You're gonna miss the omelet bar.

- Omelet bar.

- Pardon me, Roger.

Is this guy giving you any trouble? No, why? Because I just got the report of an inmate that matches his description that may be carrying a w*apon.

Can you stand for me, sir? - No.

- Only thing I'm carrying - is his queen.

- You got me, PJ.


Sorry, PJ, you know, it's regulations here.

Whoo! Hm-mm! - That's not mine.

- That's a shiv.

It's a shiv.

- That's a shiv.

- This is outrageous.

- Why would I do that? - 'Cause you're Aryan Nation.

You said you was coming to get me.

I knew you You was gonna cut my head off, put it in a bucket.

Great job screening inmates.

When's the last time someone's checked this man's cell? Ah, cell? You mean his bunk? - Bunk.

- Hey, Frank, Frank.

You know that's not mine.

You know that.

- Clear.

- Look, Frank, tell 'em.


That man was gonna shank me over an omelet.

Two eggs and a slice of government cheese.

Is that what my life is worth? You better go on.

Get away from me.

- Move.

- Oh, yeah.


My God.

He is Aryan Nation.

This is absurd.

I'm not in a prison g*ng.

I'm in the Rotary Club.

I don't even know what to make of this.

Well, let me see if I can help you out.

Two guards come down from the maximum security prison in Salem, and in the course of two hours we uncover the leader of the Aryan Nation.

Now what does that tell ya? Huh? You're sitting on a powder keg, son.

I have to report this.


You're reporting me? That's two strikes.

One more and I go to Salem.

I can't go to maximum security.

You know, I'm gonna have to call my little boy, tell him, Daddy's not gonna be home for a while.

Just be strong for your mother, be strong little Lamond.



Who are you guys? Feds, playing hardball? I'm sorry, what are you? Listen, listen.

The payment to Lamond Holdings was made to someone named George Gilbert.

- Who is George Gilbert? - I don't know.

Blanchard said to keep it to ourselves because the mob was involved.

That's all I know.

I swear.

I don't want to die in a prison riot.

Please, call off your dogs.

Sorry, PJ, times up.

All right, so Blanchard paid the mob $50,000 to k*ll someone named George Gilbert for Kimball.

Well, this should be an interesting meeting.

What dog? Do I have dogs? Nate, I've been searching for a George Gilbert with mob ties circa 1980 and I'm coming up empty.

Are you sure your intel is correct? I'm positive.

Listen, Hardison, if we cancel this meeting, we lose all credibility with Blanchard.

All right? It's our only shot so please get me an answer.

I got you.

I got you.

Just - Peter Blanchard.

- Ah, Jimmy Popodokolos.

Uh Esquire.

I like to know who I'm dealing with.

James Popodokolos.

Graduated from University Nevada-Reno Law School, nineteen ninety-three.

Took the Nevada Bar exam three times.

Disbarred two years ago.

- No, uh, suspended.

OK? It was turned into a suspension.


I mean, you can call 'em up.

I'm good to go.

What brings a suspended lawyer from Las Vegas - to my office today? - Can I just You strike me as a Harvard man.

- Class of 77.

- I knew it.

I'm sitting here and I'm thinking what it must have been like for a guy like you, a Harvard man, to get calls at 3:00 in the morning from Bennett Kimball.

A sports car wrapped around a tree, another pimp with an unpaid bill.

See, I like to know who I'm dealing with, too.

- What do you want? - I want to tell you a story.

A story about a man who wrote a check for $50,000 in 1980 to Lamond Holdings.

I wrote a lot of checks to a lot of companies.

So what? So, well I happen to know what the payment was for.

So We can, uh We can do this game or you can start talking compensation and let's just get to it.

All right, because it's what I do.

Nate, the payment was not for George Gilbert.

It was for Georgia Gilbert.

It wasn't a contract k*lling, man.

You got nothing.

Bro, you in there with nothing.

Better talk about your mama.

OK, I got you.

Look, Georgia Gilbert.

She was a stripper.

She moved to Vegas back in 1980.

Lamond Holdings was set up to pay her - fifty thousand dollars.

- You OK? Georgia Gilbert.

Name ring a bell? Stripper.

Huh? Your blue blood client Kimball fell in love with a stripper, didn't he? I know what you did here.

You sent her out to Vegas with $50,000 that was laundered through a holding company.

I bet you didn't even tell Kimball.

Or if you did, what? She ran away? It was for his own good.

He wanted to marry her, for God's sake.


Popodokolos, I will cede that it would have been a scandal.

But Mr.

Kimball is dead, I don't see the relevance.

- You don't see the relevance? - No.

Georgia Gilbert was pregnant.

Hm? That relevant? Hardison, was she pregnant? How would I know.

I cant even find the girl's social security number.

Just give me five seconds.

Can I please have five seconds? How would you know? She wouldn't say anything.

I mean, you sent her out to Vegas and the local syndicate probably said, "We're gonna put you in the ground in cement if you ever contact Kimball.

" What you have here is a situation where your millionaire's natural born daughter has come out of the woodwork and wants a payout.

Where is she? - Who? - The daughter.

The daughter of Georgia Gilbert? Mm-hm.

Is it safe to see her now? Sure.

All right.

Safe to meet her? Were talking a safe environment? Oh, safe.

Uh, yeah, come on in.

Uh, Mr.

Blanchard, I'd like you to meet Lizzy Cantrell, born Lizzy Gilbert.

What was she doing out there? Um, stealing.

She has a meth problem.

I do.

I love meth.

But she cleans up really nice for a judge, you know? And, oh, boy, when she starts crying about how, you know, growing up without Daddy, huh? Whoo, yeah.

That's why I love the meth.

- You're playing me.

- Oh, really? Playing you.


Let's go to a judge right now, huh? Or strike a deal with her.

Right now.

Strike a deal with her just like you did with her mom only add a few zeroes.

Add a few Really? Bye-bye.

Come on.

Lets go, Lizzy.

Lets go.

- We're gonna get meth? - We'll go get you some meth.

I was one digit away from cracking that safe.

- One digit.

- Yeah.


This is much, much better than the safe.

I got everything on Georgia Gilbert, and I mean everything.

She was born May 15, 1960.

Graduated Saint Mary's.

She failed her driver's test three times.

She was color blind.

She wears a size six dress, size eight shoe, and how in the world did you know she was pregnant? - She was? - Yeah.

- Gave the baby up for adoption.

- What happened to Georgia? She died in 1985.


Tough draw.

Well, it wasn't really a guess.

I mean, for decades Kimball he had a lot of women on the side, avoided a lot of scandal, right? So what made him decide to marry Georgia Gilbert over all those women? Blanchard paid her off and Kimball thought she ran out on him.

How did you know that the baby was a girl? Oh, oh yeah.

No that That was a guess.



But, that's a fifty-fifty deal.

Why don't you find the real daughter? Adoption records are sealed, paper only.

I have a reference number, but nobody can see inside.

All this is good up until Blanchard wants a DNA test.

I gotta say, even with my bag of tricks, I can't rewrite Parker's genetic code.

Yeah, so we have to convince him that asking for DNA is the worst possible choice he can make.

How do we do that? We don't.

Then this lowlife extortionist comes into my office and says that he's found Kimball's lost daughter.


He was here, too.

Wanted a payoff.

Now, I know you and I are on opposite sides of this, but I think we can agree that this Popodokolos fellow is a Has no regard for the law, he's seedy.

He's a disgrace to the profession.

I say we get a DNA test.


Of course, once we enter the DNA into evidence then we have to live with it.

So if she is the daughter, she gets everything.



This file is from Popodokolos.

I tied the adoption reference number to the medical records of one of Parker's aliases.

Social security, taxes, long record of drug offenses.

Anybody short of the CIA is gonna believe that is Kimball's daughter.

I'm beginning to think we should consider a settlement.


Absolutely not.

My client's position is that we will fight this in probate for years, if we have to.


So, how was I? I think you were enjoying yourself there.


Well, maybe a little.

Now we have to see if Blanchard is a gambling man.


Which do we want him to be? Not a gambling man.




All of it checks out.

So if we get a DNA test If a DNA test goes into evidence there's no turning back.

This is not an inheritance.

I earned this.

I did things no lawyer, no one should be asked to do.

She cannot show up at that hearing tomorrow.

So pay her.

Things happen to drug addicts.

Well, in a strange city, don't know a safe place to score.

Things happen.


Set up a meeting with Popodokolos and the girl.

Lind will tell you where and when.

Uh, Miss Carlisle, are you ready? I never thought I would say this, but I hope your way works, Mr.


Because I don't think we have a case.

By the time the hearing starts, we'll have a check in our hands.

This is where he said.

Nate! Come on.

You want this? Well, he was convinced all right.

Good plan.

No, no, no, this is good, this is good.

Because, I mean, you know, we get you to the hearing, he'll cut us a check in the hallway just to keep you from getting in front of that judge.

But just, just make sure that Parker Make sure she gets to that hearing.

No matter what.

They had backup.

They're on their way to the courthouse.

She can't get to that hearing.


- God! God! - Thanks.

Call it in, like he said.

You heard sh*ts, found him like this.

Tell them the blonde did it and she's headed to the courthouse.

What are you kidding me? Look at this.

Hardison, give me some good news.

Oh, I got some great news for ya.

They just put out an APB on Parker.

It says she's a late 20 Caucasian woman who shot an officer.

She's an addict and she's armed.


How good's the description of her? - Freeze! Police! - Pretty good.

Hold it right there.

Hold it! Stop right there.

Uh, Blanchard, your man Lind just Went to inform a drug addict that we would not be blackmailed.

She flew into a rage and gunned him down.

- That'll never hold up.

- Maybe.

Is she willing to bet five to ten years of her life on that? Smartest thing for her to do is crawl back to Vegas and just disappear.

Hardison, Blanchard's headed to the courthouse.

Delay him.

Buy us some time.

How do you expect me to do that? I don't know.

Use your imagination.

Just use my imagination.

Yo, my man.

Can I have that? Uh, yeah.

We're cut off.

We're gonna have to get rough.

I ain't hitting cops.

This way.

I look forward to seeing you explain that.

Anyone besides you gonna wander through that door? Your Honor, I don't know what could have held up the other lawyers.

Next person walks through that door, we're starting.

- Oh! - I'm sorry, man.

- You OK? You're good? - Don't worry about it.

I'm good.

I'm good.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I need by briefcase.

I got it.

Don't worry about it.

- Are you OK, Mr.

Blanchard? - It's all right, Donna.

Everything's fine.

Oh, thank you very much.


- Hey, my bad, man.

I - No problem.

No problem.


Hey, you sir, have a swell day.

- You too.

- Swell day.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.


These aren't my keys.

Oh my God! Let's just get naked for everyone.



Hold it.

- Right there.

- Whoa! Wait a minute.

Stop! Hands behind your head.

Whoa, take it easy.

- Take it easy.

- All right, be cool.

Nothing's gonna happen to you, buddy.

Just settle down No, you're not using the stun g*n either.

Now, hold on.



All right, nobody's gonna get hurt.

Drop it.

Seriously? What are you doing? Listen.

Best if you pretend you never saw us.


I'm sure he'll be Nate, I did all I could do, but Peter Blanchard, Your Honor, my apologies, - but I was held up at security.

- Security is always there.

You should take that into account.

Now, Mr.

James Popodokolos has entered an appearance, do we know where he is? We should perhaps wait a few I do not believe he will be coming in, Your Honor.

Fine, we have a full docket.

Let's get this thing moving.

Nate, I hope you have a Plan B or F or something in the first half of the alphabet.

Yes, but it depends on our Miss Carlisle.

The librarian? Ready, Miss Carlisle? Uh Yes, Your Honor.

All right, Eliot, what's your 20? Every entrance is covered.

Parkers trying to find another way in.

Hey, Parker, forget about the hearing? I need you to do something else.

And when you saw Mr.

Kimball last week, what was his mental state? He didn't even know who I was.

He kept calling me Gigi.

How does that compare with your last visit with him, two months ago? It was completely different.

He was frail then, but his mind was still sharp.

Thank you.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Your witness, Mr.


These are Bennett Kimball's medical records, which I have entered into evidence.

They state that he was declared incompetent over two years ago.

Isn't it true, Miss Walton, that even if you could produce this new will, which you can't, it would have been the product of a man deep in the throes of dementia? No.

He was fine.

He was fine.

Jimmy Popodokolos.

Sorry for my tardiness.

Judge, we're already underway here.

And I don't want to go through this a second time.

- Mr.

Popodokolos - That's me.

has filed that he represents a missing heir.

Hm? I will hear him out.

- Now? - Mm-hm.



Uh, yeah.

Your Honor, if you just give me a moment to collect my thoughts, gather my papers and, uh, yeah.

And again, sorry for the tardiness.

I like a wise Latina judge.

I like it.

Thanks for keeping it going till I got here.

You can't pretend to be a lawyer in a courtroom.

Well, stick around.

I'm about to practice medicine, too.

Uh, Your Honor, I'd like to offer into evidence these documents showing a payment that Mr.

Blanchard made to a Georgia Gilbert, a woman I contend bore Mr.

Kimball's child.

Yes, Your Honor.


Popodokolips It's Popodokolus.


Pop Pop Popo Popodokolus.

This man spun these fairy tales in my office.

It's a shakedown from a disbarred Suspended.

Ambulance chaser from Las Vegas.

And he says that he found Bennett Kimball's daughter.

So, I only have one question for him.

Where is she? I could produce her, Your Honor, if you just allow me to ask the witness one question.

- One question, to the witness.

- Please.

OK? - Ask! - Thank you, Your Honor.

Miss Walton.

What color is my tie? I don't know.

I'm color blind.


Color blind.

You're, uh Ah, yes.

What I have here, Your Honor, these are the medical records for, um, Bennett Kimball, which Mr.

Blanchard here was kind enough to offer into evidence.

Which he was.

It states that Mr.

Kimball is color blind.

Now what we have here is It says that Georgia Gilbert is color blind.

On the Massachusetts application for a driver's license.

Blue irises.

They were his favorite.

She failed her driver's test three times.

She's color blind.

Now, it's rare for a woman to be color blind.

It takes a color blind father, a color blind mother to produce a child who is color blind.

Wait, are Are you saying that I'm Bennett Kimball's daughter? Your Honor, now he's testifying.

You opened the door, Counselor.

It's no coincidence, is it, that you started a program helping foster kids get adopted? No coincidence, is it Ms.

Walton? - No.

I was adopted myself.

- Yes, in 1982.

You were two years old.

The state of Nevada.


Now, the last time you saw Bennett Kimball, he called you by a different name, didn't he? What was it? - Gigi.

- Come on.

- No, its Ruth.

- Let's go.

- I'm your friend.

- Gigi.



Huh? Georgia Gilbert.


Hm? That's who he was looking at when he saw you that day.

Your birth mother, the woman he loved and lost in 1980.

Your Honor Bennett Kimball didn't call Ms.

Walton here out of the blue to donate money to her charity.

He searched for her.

He searched for his daughter.

I move to strike Mr.

Popodokos's evidence from the record based on the fact that I haven't been able to get adequate time to review these outlandish claims and prepare a proper response.


Popodokolus! I agree, Your Honor.

And I would also like to add a motion to compel a DNA test to put to rest any doubt that my client is Mr.

Kimball's daughter.

The truth will win out.

Motion granted.

When we get the results, I expect I will be awarding Miss Walton the Kimball estate.

We're adjourned.

You honestly think this will hold up? For a Harvard man, you're not too sharp.

You tried to keep Kimball's daughter out of the courtroom, she walks right in the front door.

Sorry I'm late.

I was just at your office cleaning out your safe.

Hey, Parker, forget about the hearing.

I need you to do something else.

Those files.

Whoo, that was a lot of dirt.

I gave 'em to your special cop friend.

Oh, who's not too happy with you, by the way, since you shot him.

That means you can't pay him off with any of the Kimball estate money.

What the hell is this? Hey, you don't understand.

These people are thieves.

I don't even think that one's a lawyer.

And if he's Greek, I'm Aristotle.

So, do you still think law is, you know, the only pathway to justice? Now more than ever.

I like to think that you learned something from me today.


Why would he go to all that trouble to find me and not tell me he was my father? Well, I mean, think about it from his perspective.

If he told you the truth, how do you think you would have reacted? I would have asked him why it took him so long.

I would have been really angry.

Yeah, so instead, its like he got to start from scratch.

And by leaving his fortune to your charity, it's like he's atoning for mistakes he made in his life and The kind, generous Bennett Kimball is the one I knew and that's how I'm gonna remember him.

So, um, where's, uh, where's your lawyer? I thought that she'd be with you today.

Celebrating the win and My lawyer? I never met her before this week.

She told me she was with you.

Took you long enough.

Who are you? Tara Cole.

I'm a friend of Sophie's.

She said you were short-handed.

Asked me to help.

It's in there.

So you help out by lying to us.

I wanted to see just how good you really are.

And show you just how good I am.

Consider it my audition.

I bet you're not even a lawyer.

Ah, Sophie was right.

- You are adorable.

- Excuse me? See how good we are.

- Don't call me adorable.

- Hey! Hey! Guys, guys.

She's right.

Sophie did send her.

And Sophie asked us to give Tara here a shot.

Well played.

Welcome aboard.



Whoa, whoa.

Hold up.


Hold up, hold up.

What is this? Oh, that's my invoice.

For my cut of the inheritance.

Hey, I'm not a candy striper.

This is my job.

There, see, we're getting paid already.

It's gonna be fun.