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05x16 - The Best Little Telethon in Sacramento

Posted: 07/01/23 07:02
by bunniefuu
What exactly are we talking

about, Mr. Koppel?

The Unified Charities Telethon.

'Stars. I want this telethon

to be a blockbuster.'

♪ What are we gonna do? ♪

[club music]

♪ But if the child inside

could lead us ♪

♪ Innocence no wills to w*r.. ♪

♪ That blind fool in me.. ♪

[theme song]

♪ There's a magic ♪

♪ In the early morning

we've found ♪

♪ When the sunrise smiles ♪

♪ On everything around ♪

♪ It's a portrait

of the happiness ♪

♪ That we feel

and always will ♪

♪ For eight is enough ♪

♪ To fill our lives with love ♪

♪ Oh we spend our days ♪

♪ Like bright and shiny

new dimes ♪

♪ If we're ever puzzled

by the changing times ♪

♪ There's a plate

of homemade wishes ♪

♪ On the kitchen windowsill ♪

♪ And eight is enough ♪

♪ To fill our lives with love ♪

[instrumental music]


'Forget it, Jeremy,

we don't need your help.'

Our band manages itself.

Yeah, right into "never heard

of 'em," that's my point.

You should be concentrating

on your music

and let me worry about

getting you the gigs.

- You?

- 'Yeah.'

Your talents need promoting

and my talent is promoting.

That's what dad said.

Look, Jeremy,

I hate to hurt your feelings

but you're way

out of your league.

Why don't you try

mowing lawns or something?

- You're rejecting me?

- I'm rejecting you.

Yeah, but I'm not accepting

your rejection.

I don't even know

the meaning of the word.

'That's why

I'll be the perfect manager.'

No, Jeremy,

I need a professional.

Alright, I'll tell you

what, Tommy

I'll give you a free sample.

I'll get you a gig.

You don't even have to

pay me commission

until I get you the second one.

What do you have to lose?

My time. And I don't wanna waste

anymore talking about it.

I-I won't talk about it again

until I get you work, okay?

And if you don't get me work

then you'll stay shut up?

- Right.

- 'Great.'

I could you a few decades

of you being silent.

So does that mean

he is your manager or isn't he?

- Yes.

- I wouldn't bet on it.

That's what I thought.


'And then it came to me, a light

bulb flashing Joannie Bradford.'

A light bulb? Really?

Joannie Bradford

and I said right.

After all, you've been asking

for more challenging


That I have, Mr. Koppel.

And you were trained

in the performing arts.


And Trisha Prentiss

in programming

who is supposed to be doing this

eloped with farm news anchorman.

Oh. What exactly are

we talking about, Mr. Koppel?

Oh, the Unified Charities



I-I'm sure you read the memo

announcing my appointment as

Sacramento chairman this year.

Oh, I'm sure I have. Great memo.

Trusting you

with this assignment

is trusting you

with my reputation.

I'll do the best I can.

Joannie, this is going

to require both our best.

Money is tight, Joannie.

People aren't giving

like they used to.

We are gonna have to come up

with a show

that will,

A, grab a big audience

and B, grab their bucks.

How do we do that?

I can tell you

there's only one way.

- With stars. With big stars.

- Oh.

I want this telethon

to be a blockbuster.

I want the biggest names

in show business.

How do we get 'em?

Joannie, when you work

in harness with me

you'll learn very quickly

that I set the policy..

...and then I let my associates

have complete freedom

to carry it out.

Any questions?

- Well..

- Good.

I'm sure we're gonna

make a great team.

(male # )

'You ever set lease before?'

- Nope.

- 'You're gonna love it.'

Particularly, since

you're keeping the big bedroom.

What I love is not having to

scramble so hard for the rent.

Yeah, sure helps out

the old lifestyle.

Well, I guess we're roommates.

Oh, wait, y-you do understand

the rule about privacy?

Right. You live your life,

I live mine.

No advice, no meddling,

no kvetching.

If we wanted those things,

we'd both still be married.



How about Jane Fonda?

- Burt Reynolds?

- Or Donny Osmond?

Well, thanks

for your suggestions

but where do I find

these people?

Jane Fonda's not exactly

in the "Yellow Pages."

Well, I can call Ben Catron.

Oh, your advertising friend.

Yeah, he-he's from LA

and he know scads of people.

So, uh,

what are we talking about?

Well, Joannie's

assistant producing

a telethon for Channel .

And we're assistant

assistant, I guess.

Yeah, telethon?

Oh, what are you doing

about the music?

I can, maybe, talk Tommy

into bringing on his group.

Oh, no, Jeremy,

we've got the Old Opera House

to broadcast from

and we're gonna have

a huge studio audience

so Mr. Koppel wants

just big stars, only.

Well, with proper management

Tommy will be the biggest.

Jeremy, I couldn't suggest it.

We need names.

- Fleetwood Mac.

- Bruce Springsteen.

- How about Neil Diamond?

- Oh.

Neil Diamond?

You really think so?

Yeah, pencil him in.

But Tommy says he doesn't wanna

hear about you managing him.

He'll wanna hear about this.

Just ask the question.

Well, okay.

- What rhymes with rapture?

- Beats me.

Not close enough.

Oh, by the way, Jeremy,

how is it been coming

you getting work

for Tommy's group?

Alright, you guys,

knock it off.

It's coming just fantastic,


I just started negotiations

with a big TV producer.

- Wow.

- Sure, he did.

The producer was planning

to use both

Bruce Springsteen

and Fleetwood Mac

'until I brought up

Tommy's group.'

Oh, really,

what producer was this?


'He asked me

not to talk about it.'

You mean you don't

wanna talk about it

because it's Joannie.

- Joannie?

- I've got ears, too.

Well, as a matter of fact--

As a matter of fact,

what makes you think

I need you to get me a job

with my own sister?

Okay, so I exaggerated a little.

I was just trying

to build up your morale.

Yeah, well, my morale was fine

before you started

messing with it.

Hey, you say that,

but I know you're depressed

because Joannie

couldn't use you.

Don't worry, Tommy, I'll get you

something even better.



'Hope we can finish

the tax return tonight.'

Just you wait, next year

Bradford Construction Company

will make enough money

to turn this whole

tax return over

to an accountant.

I hope so.

'Cause I've had all the

austerity I need for a while.

Well, things will ease up when

you find yourself a roommate.

Oh, I found one.

Uh, his name's Corry Terrell.

Ah, did you get his references?

Well, he's a friend of a friend

of my dentist's nurse's brother.

Uh, no references.

Well, he seems like a great guy.

You said, "Great guy,"

you must be talking about me.

Oh, hi, Corry.

I'd like you to meet my dad.

Hi, dad, it's a pleasure.

And I'd like you to meet

a friend of mine.


- Carolyn.

- Oh, right, Carolyn.

- 'Pleased to meet you.'

- Oh, how do you do?

Oh, you have

a great apartment, Corry.

Thanks, honey.

[instrumental music]

Well, it's been nice.

See you folks soon.

Uh, now, let me show you

my lovely view of the capital.

David, you don't have a view

of the capital.

I hope you haven't

cashed his check yet?

Afraid so.



Jeremy! Wait.

I've been looking all over

for you.

Did you try the boys' showers,

that's where I'm right now.

- Oh, you're so comedic.

- Yeah, hysterical.

- I'll see you around--

- No. Wait, wait, Jeremy.

You friend, Albert, said that

you could help me

with a serious problem.

Yeah, sorry, Dworsky

halitosis is out

of my bailiwick.

Is that the band's name,


Oh, that's cute.

What are we talking about?

The band, that Albert says

you manage.

I want to employ them

for Saturday night.

You wanna employ my band?

The Ecology Club's

Annual Dinner Dance.

Yeah, well, my guys are pretty

expensive. What's your budget?

I'm authorized to go

as high as $ .

Congratulations, Dworsky,

you've come to the right place.

Huh, bucks won't even

cover the cost

of our equipment rental.

- It won't?

- No.

I need at least for it

to make sense to me.

Two hundred! I-I already

committed you at forty.

No, you didn't.

You had no right to do that

and we're not showing up.

Yeah, b-but I can't tell Kathy

that. She'll wanna k*ll me.

W-what am I gonna do?

That's your problem.

Manage it.

But, Tommy, I..

[instrumental music]

- Oh. Whoa!

- Oh, hi.

You. Did you sleep well?

- Oh, yeah.

- Me, too.

Such a quiet,

uncrowded neighborhood.

Oh. Well,

outside is very uncrowded.

And the kitchen

is so convenient.

Thank you.

I think I made

the right decision, don't you?

About what?

About moving in.

[music continues]

- Alright?

- Hmm.


'Just listen to yourself, Dave,

you're meddling.'

All I'm saying is that

we could've talked about it

before you asked

some stranger to move in.

She's not a stranger. She's been

in the steno pool since Friday.

Oh, that's different.

I thought we agreed. Privacy.

No advice, no kvetching..

Dave, you're getting

very close to kvetching

And you're getting very close

to my violent line.

She's just arrived

in Sacramento.

Do you want her to think

the capital city of California

is unneighborly?

Yeah, fat chance

with you living here.

Face it, Corry, you just met

her, what do we know about her?

I knew, you'd say that.


- What's this?

- Her references.

I'm sorry, Jeremy, I don't even

have time to discuss it.

You gotta discuss it.

Tommy writes me off

as a zero person

I don't think

I can handle that, Joannie.

Oh, I appreciate how you feel.

But what can I do about it?

You can let me talk you into

putting Tommy on television.

Then he'd know

I'm not just some noisy nerd

who should go mow lawn.

I really would like

to help you, Jeremy

but there's nothing I can do.

Mr. Koppel says stars only.

Now, I'm gonna level

with you, Joannie

I'm, I'm also on a bit

of a jam at school

and I need a good excuse

to get out of it.

Like Tommy having to appear

on this telethon.

Jeremy, I wish I could help you,

I do...but my hands are tied.

That's your final answer?


Okay, I can accept it.

Why should you care

about my ruin?

Renegotiate, why?

Alright, the truth is,

Dworsky, I hate to pollute

the ecology club with

discussions on money, however--

No matter how much you however,

Jeremy, we had a deal.

I know, but when I said $

I was thinking about

the equipment rental.

You know,

the musicians are extra.

No extras.

Do you realize,

how many beer cans

we had to recycle to earn $ ?

Forget recycling. I got a better

way to raise your funds.

Better be above board

and totally organic.

Oh, it is, Dworsky, it is.

Now I know you usually

have a private bash

for your annual

dinner dance, right?

Well, with a well-known band

like Tommy in the action

you could open it up to

the public and sell tickets.

That's very unprecedented.

It'd be great publicity,

build up your membership.

And I'll split very generously

with the ecology club

after the basic $ guarantee.

I'll have to call

a special meeting of

the executive committee.

Will any part of your plan

hurt the environment?

No, actually, it'll protect

an endangered specie.

Jeremy Andretti.

You couldn't get one single

number of one single star?

I'm sorry, Joannie, but Ben said

if you'd given him a few days

he could dig up

the name of their agents.

Well, I don't have a few days.

Well, Ben said

it doesn't really matter.

Agents are harder to get to

than their clients.

He also asked

what your budget was.

What budget?

This is for charity.

Well, Ben says that

you can't ask a star to fly in

from London or Paris,

at his own expense.

What about LA?

He says he's glad

he's not the one trying it.

Some friend?

What am I supposed to do?


'Well, he did offer

one suggestion.'

- What?

- Quit before you're fired.



"Enter excessive gain on line

over amount on line ."

I did that.

"Reduce the gain,

if any, on line

"to the extent of the loss

if any, on line ."

I did that.

"Enter loss from line A.

If line A is blank,

enter a zero."

I did enter the zero.



I think this time

we finally got it done.

Well, let me add up

Schedule R one more time.

Oh, no, please,

Schedule R's a tricky one.

Every time I do it,

I get a different answer.

That's why I wanna add it up

one more time.

Oh, if you find a mistake,

I think I'll k*ll myself.

Well, let's make sure first

that su1c1de is deductible.

That's devious.

Oh, that is really devious.

No, it's upfront.

You're just saying it's upfront

because you wanna shock me

'and that is devious.'

- 'That's name calling.'

- 'Oh.'

Hey, guys, would you mind,

we're working over here?

Oh, you see, now,

you're annoying David

and his nice old father.

You can't expect me to put up

with that kind of insensitivity.

Then don't expect to type

anymore of my letters.


Hi, sweetie.

[instrumental music]

Well, that takes care

of one problem.

- It does?

- Yeah.

I didn't wanna tell you

but Carolyn there

had moved in with Corry.

Oh, now, that's ridiculous.

You shouldn't stand for it.

Isn't that carrying California

casual a little too far?

Looks like neither one of us

has to worry about it.

[instrumental music]

Corry, I just got in touch

with my impulsiveness.

'You're probably right

and I apologize.'

What were you saying

about California casual?

You have booked exactly no one?

- That's right.

- That's not very good, Joannie.

I know. L-let me explain--

No, you let me explain.

We are committed

to this telethon.

We have had

on-the-air promotion.

We have had publicity.

My picture's been in "The

Register" and the "Tribune."

We are planning on packing

the Old Opera House--

I-I know.

We are not going to raise any

money for Unified Charities

by running two hours of,

"Please, stand by."

I did my best, Mr. Koppel.

Please, understand--

I don't have time to understand.

Joannie, we gotta solve this.

Mr. Koppel,

could I make a suggestion--


- I'm getting a light bulb.

- You are?


- Sacramento light bulb?

- That's right.

What does it take to get

a big Sacramento audience?

- What?

- Sacramento talent.

Oh. No stars?

No. Forget your stars idea,


I always thought

it was a little trite.

Well, Mr. Koppel--

I want you to get me

local talent, Joannie.

I want you to get me unknowns.

- Do you know any?

- All of.. Lots of 'em.

Very unknown unknowns.

Well, get out there and get 'em.

Yes, sir.

Oh, Jeremy, I've got great news.

- Yeah, what?

- Mr. Koppel did a total U-turn.

Tommy can be in the telethon.

Oh, really?

Well, aren't you excited?

Come on.

My excitement depends

on a key question.

- What?

- How much they're paying him?

Paying him!

No, you don't understand.

Nobody's getting paid,

it's a telethon.

Then forget it.

Forget it, after the way

you begged me?

That's what I said,

forget it.

Jeremy, I need Tommy.

My job is at stake, really.

And after all,

he is my brother.

Then how come

that didn't matter yesterday?

I'm sorry, Joannie,

after you blew it

I got your brother a $

paying gig for Saturday night.


'Well, okay.

Since you sound so desperate.'


if I only sound desperate

I haven't communicated

very well.

Well, I guess I could do

this is little song I wrote.

- Oh, Abby, would you?

- Yeah.

Oh, thank you.

- How can I repay you back?

- Well, applaud a lot, okay?

I will, I will.

Glad enough to be

heard in Pasadena.


Yeah, so my father can know

that all that money he spent

on voice lessons wasn't wasted.

Wasted? You're saving my life.

I'm so glad,

Jeremy's not your manager.


Well, so who else

did you get from the family?

Well, Tommy's not available.

Abby's singing, you're dancing

and...I'm gonna get David to do

one of his old coffee house

numbers, I guess.

Hmm. But, Joannie,

there's gotta be somebody else.

I about Susan

or maybe

uh, Nancy and Nicholas.

Um-unh. No, they're not right

for the show.

I mean, this is television,

it's not

the amateur night in the

Bradford living room.

Well, Joannie, I wouldn't put it

like that when you talk to them.

Hmm. They'll understand.

I mean, we have to draw the line

at professional quality talent.

♪ Let me entertain you ♪

♪ Let me entertain you ♪

♪ Let me make you smile ♪

♪ Let me make you smile ♪

♪ Let me do a few tricks ♪

♪ Let me do a few tricks ♪

♪ Some old and some new tricks ♪

♪ Some old and some new tricks ♪

♪ I'm very versatile ♪

♪ I'm very versatile ♪

♪ And if you're real good ♪

♪ And if you're real good ♪

♪ I'll make you feel good ♪

♪ I'll make you feel good ♪

♪ I want your spirits to climb ♪

♪ I want your spirits to climb ♪

♪ So let me entertain you ♪

♪ So let me entertain you ♪

♪ And we'll have ♪

♪ And we'll have ♪

♪ A real good time ♪

♪ A real good time ♪

♪ Yes sir ♪

♪ Yes sir ♪

♪ We'll have ♪

♪ We'll have ♪

♪ A real good time ♪

♪ A real good time ♪

We will.

Oh, that's great.

- Thanks.

- Thanks.


we're all booked up

on the song

and dance acts so..

Oh, well, what do you need,


- Comedy, magic, juggling?

- Um.

Yeah, hey, I got this

great routine

in tying boy scout knots.

Well, actually, you know,

entertainers are a dime a dozen

what I really need is somebody

to help Mary and Susan

answer those pledge phones.

'Nancy, you would be great

at that.'

'And Nicholas, I'm desperate

for somebody with'

'your wonderful qualifications

for carrying signs.'

Joannie, were we really

that bad?

Uh, well, you asked me

so I have to tell you.

That was the worst imitation of

"Donny and Marie"

I've ever seen.

No, it wasn't. We were doing,

"Captain and Tennille."



My father has a very hard time

understanding this arrangement.

And frankly,

I don't understand it at all.

I guess we did make it

a little awkward for you.

I'm not as worried about

what my dad thinks

as about what I think.

And I refuse to put up with two

roommates who can't get along.

Oh, we were just

discovering each other.

She's right, Dave.

Relationships aren't readymade.

They can take hours.

Well, I'd appreciate it

if the two of you would work out

your relationship

under some other roof.

If you just give me a few days

to scrape up a rent refund.

Uh, that won't be necessary.

There'll we no more fighting

between me and Corry.

I'm glad to hear that.

I don't think you understand.

- Uh, I like my privacy.

- So do I.

That was one more reason why

Corry and I weren't compatible.

I'm much more gregarious.

Carolyn and I became aware

that our attraction

was a simple surface phenomena.

We're splitting up.

We discovered that we just

don't relate consistently.

I'm moving in with a friend

from my therapy group.

Oh, fine.

And I'll be staying here

with you, Dave.

I just love this apartment.

- No.

- 'Yes.'


'Yes, David, it's all arranged.'

Well, then you can

unarrange it.


Carolyn has already

taken over the sub lease

and given me my refund.

And now I can't afford

to move out.


'Yes, Dave. It has been great.'

And if you ever need

any references

you give 'em my name.

[instrumental music]

Oh, this is

really nice of you, David.

Oh, well, ahem..

I thought if we met

in neutral territory

uh, maybe we could be

more objective

about our apartment problem.

Oh, our apartment has a problem?

You mean, like termites?


I mean like I really didn't plan

on having a roommate

of the opposite sex.

Oh. Well, in that case,

I have a suggestion.

I'm up.

Maybe you could move out.


'Carolyn, I'm not moving out.'

Well, I'm really glad

to hear that, David

I-I would really,

really miss you.

What about your family?

Oh, well, they got used to it

when I, when I was living

in a co-ed dorm.

What I meant was

can your family help you

finance a place of your own?

Oh, well, I really wanna be


And you'll be more self-reliant

in your own place.

and that will let me

be self-reliant in my own place.

Well, I guess I could

call home and discuss it.

I appreciate that, thank you.

Well, David,

what are roommates for.

♪ Oh mamas ♪

♪ Oh mamas ♪

♪ don't let your

babies grow up ♪

♪ To be cowboys ♪

♪ To be cowboys ♪

♪ They'll never stay home ♪

♪ They'll never stay home ♪

♪ And they're always alone ♪

♪ And they're always alone ♪

♪ Even with someone they love ♪

♪ Even with someone they love ♪

♪ Oh mamas ♪

♪ Oh mamas ♪

♪ Don't let your

babies grow up ♪

♪ To be cowboys ♪

♪ To be cowboys ♪

♪ Don't let them pick guitars ♪

♪ Don't let them pick guitars ♪

♪ And drive them old trucks ♪

♪ And drive them old trucks ♪

♪ Let 'em be doctors ♪

♪ Let 'em be doctors ♪

♪ And lawyers and such.. ♪

♪ And lawyers and such.. ♪

Whoa! Whoa! Hold your horse.

But we haven't even gotten

to the good part, yet.

Yeah, that's pretty obvious.

You know,

you're making a big mistake.

This kind of music

is sweeping the country.

The way you sing it,

sweeping isn't enough.

The country will

need to be fumigated.

- Back to the phone.

- And carrying signs.

Well, that's where I really need

the help, you guys.

Hey, I gotta--

- Well, we liked ourselves.

- That's right, partner.

Why don't we do

a big rock number?

You know that doesn't take

talent, that just takes volume.

Well, thank you, partner.

Hey, welcome home, Tommy.

Some welcome when everybody's

knocking your profession.

What are you guys doing?

We're trying to do a number

for Joannie's telethon.

Yeah, she's letting David,

Elizabeth and Abby perform

and not us.

Well, if you're letting them

perform, why won't you let me?

I'd love to, Tommy,

Jeremy said you couldn't.

I couldn't, why?

Because of that other job

he got you, Saturday night.

Jeremy has no right

to get me other jobs.

I'd give my left amp to do

your show, Joannie.

- You would? Really?

- 'Sure?'

Oh, that's great, Tommy.

What would you like to sing?

Well, we could talk

about that later.

Right after I arrange

for Jeremy's funeral.

How about another chorus?

Come on, partner.

♪ Oh mamas ♪

♪ Oh mamas ♪

♪ Don't let

your babies grow up ♪

♪ To be cowboys ♪

♪ To be cowboys ♪

Don't crumble at me

I was just trying to help you.

What, by keeping my band

off a television?

How was I supposed to know

that Joannie's boss

was gonna undecide his decision?

Oh, come on, you knew

I didn't want you making

any deals I didn't know about.

You said you'd take $ jobs

and that's what

I was getting you.

And that's what you gonna

have to cancel.

- 'I can't.'

- You have to.

Dworsky's club will go after me

like they've gone after Smaug.

Well, if you didn't keep

trying to be such a big shot

you might not have

these kind of problems.

For the last time, Jeremy,

I'll handle my own career.

Butt out!

I guess, Tommy

was pretty rough on you.

Let's just say

I was earning my ten percent.

Well, you should try

putting up with Nancy.

See, she really wants

to be in Joannie's show

and you should see

what she makes me do.

Nancy wants to be in the show?

Our Nancy?

Does Superman

find his underwear?


Maybe the three of us

oughta talk.

About what?

Just asking Nancy to come up

to my office, okay?


[instrumental music]

Hi, David, I was getting worried

about you.

It's almost : .

I just stopped by to see Joannie

for some last minute

instructions and..

Carolyn, I really don't think

I need to account

for my whereabouts.

Oh, I know but I think

it would've been nice

if you had called.

Don't count on it.

Uh, what's this all about?

It's my bed.

Well, fine but, uh, what's wrong

with the bed in your bedroom?

Oh, it's a wonderful bed.

There's nothing wrong with it.

I'm glad to hear that

but why do you wanna sleep out

here in the living room?

Well, I think it's pretty

obvious, don't you?

I mean, I couldn't very well

ask momma to sleep out here.

- Momma?

- My momma.

- I took your advice.

- My advice?

Well, I called home

and I told them

that I couldn't move

without any money.

So momma got on a bus,

She came here.

And she's gonna help me

find a new apartment.

Oh, I'm glad to hear that.

I bet you'll find one tomorrow.

Oh, no, we can't go tomorrow.

Momma wants to see

the legislature.

W-what does the legislature

have to do

with your finding an apartment?

Well, since the rent is paid up

here for the rest of the month

there's really no hurry

and momma thought

she'd get in some sight-seeing.

While she's

You'll love her.


Momma! Come on out here

for a minute.

- David's home.

- David.

That's our David.

- Hi.

- Hello, David.

Oh, he's a fine-looking boy.


And what took you so long?

Carolyn was sure

you'd be here earlier.


Good evening, Sacramento

and to our wonderful crowd

here at the Old Opera House.

[all applauding]

Welcome to the Annual

Unified Charities Telethon.

I'm your host John Koppel.

And we have a very exciting

show for you this evening.

Remember, the way

to show your appreciation

is to call our toll-free number

and pledge your contribution

to this vital cause.

[drum music]

And now with no further delay

here is our first

wonderful talent

Tommy Bradford in the action!

[all applauding]

- I'm impressed.

- About what?

Well, that Tommy got his act

on first.

I mean that's pretty shrewd.

[instrumental music]

♪ Your pleasure ♪

♪ Is all mine ♪

♪ You keep me working

at it day and night ♪

♪ I'm slaving ♪

♪ Along with you ♪

♪ I'm really hoping

that it never gets to ♪

♪ Your timing

is pretty neat ♪

♪ You took a chance

and then you took a seat ♪

♪ Now tell me

and tell me true ♪

♪ What is your daddy

really thinkin'? ♪

♪ What are we gonna do ♪

♪ When it finally hits? ♪

♪ What are we gonna do? ♪

♪ We're never gonna

turn it down ♪

♪ So what are we gonna do? ♪

[music continues]

♪ Believe me

I'm coming clean ♪

♪ I know I'm not

exactly what I see ♪

♪ Now tell me

and tell me true ♪

♪ What is your baby

really thinking? ♪

♪ What are we gonna do ♪

♪ When it finally hits? ♪

♪ What are we gonna do? ♪

♪ We never gonna

turn it down.. ♪

Phones aren't ringing, Joannie.

Uh, they'll ring, Mr. Koppel,

They'll ring.

They better.

How long is this group

supposed to play?

Well, I asked them to do

three more numbers

and an encore of course.

I don't know, Joannie.

I mean, they're good.

We need pledges, cash pledges.

Oh, we're getting them,

Mr. Koppel. Look.

[indistinct chattering]

♪ I know we're gonna

make it anytime ♪

♪ Now tell me

and tell me true ♪

♪ What do you think

the world is thinking? ♪

♪ What are we gonna do ♪

♪ When it finally hits? ♪

♪ What are we gonna do ♪

♪ Oh when it finally hits? ♪

♪ What are we gonna do ♪

♪ when it finally hits? ♪

♪ What are we gonna do ♪

♪ Oh when it finally hits? ♪

[all applauding]


'Thank you very much,

ladies and gentlemen.'

'I'd like to take

this opportunity..'

Listen. Uh, give me the tally.

I want to announce how much

money we've raised.

So far, zero.

No money?

What about all these calls?

They're all teenage girls

who want Tommy's phone number.

- Not a penny?

- 'No, sir.'

But one girl did offer

to babysit Tommy free of charge.

I was afraid of that.

Joannie, get that rock group

off, and get me another act.

Oh, we can't do that,

Mr. Koppel.

Yes, we can.

You get them off

and get me something

to motivate the audience.

Things have gotta start

happening, Joannie

or your telethon

is gonna b*mb.


'"Wild Man," Medore.

Let's hear it.'

And for our second number,

we'd like to do--

But first we'd like

to return to the station

for a commercial message.


- Tommy.

- What's up?

Tommy, I'm really sorry

to tell you this.

I'm afraid you're cancelled.


- Mrs. Chapman--

- Please, call me mama.

Everybody does.

I don't think this living

arrangements are going to work

so I'm going to have to insist

that the two of you

move out tomorrow.

Look, I'll help you

find another place to live

and I'll refund

the rent somehow.

Oh, David,

that's not very friendly.

Couldn't we talk about it?

There's nothing to discuss.

And, uh, I'm late

for the telethon.

What telethon?

David's singing on television.

Our David?

'Oh, that's wonderful.'

We're coming with you, dear.

I can see that you're nervous

and you'll need our support.

[instrumental music]

[snapping fingers]

Ah. Joannie,

that's more like it.

[music continues]

[no audio]

[music continues]

Hey, please, you can't go.

You'll practically

half the audience.

I've got business

to take care of.

- How many calls?

- Uh, one.


Did they pledge anything?

Well, no, actually it was

Elizabeth's third grade teacher

who says she is

nicely coordinated

and she's filled out a lot.

[music continues]

[music continues]

[audience applauding]

Excuse me, sir. I'd like to talk

to you about Tommy Bradford.

Go away, son.

Jeremy, don't make

things worse, please.

(Mr. Koppel)

'Joannie, we are dying.'

You go out there and introduce

that next act whatever it is.

You booked it, and any egg

belongs on your face.

Yes, sir.


Thank you, Elizabeth.

Let's give another big hand

to a beautiful dancer.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

I understand

that the phone lines

are conveniently open

right now, so..

[instrumental music]

[audience laughing]


So, please, call in

your pledge donations

while we welcome

another wonderful performer.

She's written a special song

just for tonight.

Abby Bradford.

[audience applauding]

[instrumental music]

♪ There are souls

who sit in silence ♪

♪ While some shout

words of w*r ♪

♪ We're a people on a planet ♪

♪ Who've forgotten what we are ♪

♪ We defend

our race and country ♪

♪ In the face of so much need ♪

♪ And we trade our lives

for money ♪

♪ In the name of endless greed ♪

♪ But if the child inside

could lead us ♪

♪ Innocence no wills to w*r ♪

♪ We'd be creatures

on an earth ship ♪

♪ We'd be travelers on a star ♪

♪ In our seeing one another ♪

♪ All our sweetness

would return ♪

♪ We would sing a song

of gladness ♪

♪ And our hatred

could be burned ♪

♪ In the firelight

we'd see shining faces ♪

♪ Feel our beating hearts ♪

♪ And the spirits

of dimensions ♪

♪ Who are simply playing parts ♪

♪ Would be stronger

would be kinder ♪

♪ We could care

to cause no pain ♪

♪ We could give up

all our anger ♪

♪ And we'd all begin again ♪

♪ To a march of simple oneness ♪

♪ To the music of a drum ♪

♪ And in four-four time

that we all can feel ♪

♪ Beating out the time in one ♪

♪ And our minds could drop

the concepts ♪

♪ While our throats

would fill with song ♪

♪ It's of love and peace

and wonder ♪

♪ And it's been so all along ♪

♪ Pa-ra-rum-pum-pa-rum-pum ♪

♪ Pa-rum-pum-pum-pa-ra-rum ♪

♪ Pum-pum-pum-pa-ra-rum ♪

♪ Pa-ra-rum-pum-pum-pa-rum ♪

♪ Pa-ra-rum-pum-pum-pum ♪

♪ Pa-rum-pa-rum-pum-pum

pum-pu-rum ♪

♪ Pa-ra-rum-pum-pum-pa-rum ♪

♪ Pa-ra-rum-pum-pum-pa-rum ♪

♪ There are souls

who sit in silence ♪

♪ While some shout

words of w*r ♪

♪ We're a people on a planet ♪

♪ Who've forgotten what we are ♪

♪ But if the child inside

could lead us ♪

♪ Innocence no wills to w*r ♪

♪ We'd be creatures

on an earth ship ♪

♪ We'd be travelers on ♪

♪ A star ♪

[audience applauding]

Did you come back here

to rub it in?

I just came to say I think

you got a shabby deal out there.


And I should have

taken your gig?

You could have at least

thought about it.

I could do you

a lot of good, Tommy.

At this stage in my life, good

is not some high school dance.

Hey, it's a start, huh.

I had that start already.

I know you tried,

but we need real work.

You're just not ready

for this business.

Hey, tell me what ready is

and I'll be.

Ah. You'd be smarter if you'd

just wait a few years.

Why keep falling on your face?

Hi. Welcome back to the Unified

Charities Telethon.

Our next performer

will certainly charm you.

He is also a talented Bradford

and also singing a song

that he wrote.

Please welcome David Bradford.


- That's my David.

- Your David?

Isn't he wonderful?

I think of him as my son.

Yeah, me too.

Do we know each other?

I'm David's roommate.

[guitar music]

♪ Came into town

on the mid-morning train ♪

♪ I packed deep within my bags ♪

♪ Promised myself I wouldn't go

and look for you ♪

♪ Even though

you were all I had ♪

♪ Even though

you were all I had ♪

♪ Saw a young girl

with hair golden brown ♪

♪ Like yours in summer

in the sun ♪

♪ Tryin' to forgive her

for looking so like you ♪

♪ Then again so does everyone ♪

♪ Then again so does everyone ♪

♪ That blind ♪

♪ Fool in me ♪

♪ Started heading ♪

♪ Straight for your home ♪

♪ Till the eyes ♪

♪ Of a stranger ♪

♪ Showed me just how long

you'd been gone ♪

♪ And how long I'd been alone ♪

♪ Hm-mmm ♪

♪ Hmm-mm-mm ♪

♪ When Border took it

on the midnight express ♪

♪ Heading for

the Vermont borderline ♪

♪ Heading straight north east

south and west ♪

♪ Spreading like a shadow

through the pines ♪

♪ Spreading like a shadow

through the pines ♪

♪ You're along the coastline

good and pure and true ♪

♪ Running through my veins

into my chest ♪

♪ Breathing finally freely

forgetting about you ♪

♪ Forgetting what it was

you loved the best ♪

♪ Forgetting what

it was you loved the best ♪

♪ That blind ♪

♪ Fool in me ♪

♪ Started heading ♪

♪ Straight for your home ♪

♪ Till the eyes ♪

♪ Of a stranger ♪

♪ Showed me just

how long you'd been gone ♪

♪ And how long I'd been alone ♪

♪ Showed me just how long

you'd been gone ♪

♪ And how long I'd been alone ♪

♪ Showed me just how long

you'd been gone ♪

♪ And how long ♪

♪ I'd been alone ♪

♪ Hm-mm ♪


Joannie, Mr. Koppel

we have a pledge,

an actual pledge.

Oh, oh, I agree, sir.

It was a terrific song.

Yeah. Um, well, how much

would you like to pledge?

Three dollars?

Three dollars?

Well, uh, that's just

wonderful, sir..

What's your name and address?

Uh, it's anonymous.

Is this some kind of a joke?

No, Susan, it isn't.

Uh, how'd you know my name?

Wait a minute.

Uh, is this Nicholas?

[music continues]


Forget it, Mr. Koppel,

it was my little brother.

I wish I could forget

this whole fiasco. What's next?

Well, there's a slight problem.

All the numbers

that I had scheduled next

are too embarrassed to go on.

- There's nothing else?

- Nothing.

No, Joannie, you're wrong.

Come on, Nicholas.

Just like this?

Everything is taken care of.


'My sister and I

are going to sing'

if you can call it singing.

The only thing worse

is our dancing

which we'll also do.

But don't turn us off

because we're not

doing this to show you

how great we are..

'...but to show you

there are people'

'who need your help.'

Poor people, sick people.

And if we can get up here

and do our part..

Well, you can do your part

'sharing what you have

with people who don't have.'

So if you'll call

the telephone number, please.

Well, we'll do our number.

Thank you.


[instrumental music]

♪ Me ♪

♪ And my shadow ♪

♪ And my shadow ♪

♪ Strolling down the avenue ♪

♪ Strolling down the avenue ♪


♪ Me ♪

♪ And my shadow ♪

♪ And my shadow ♪

♪ Not a soul

to tell my troubles to ♪

♪ And when it's twelve o'clock ♪

♪ Twelve o'clock ♪

♪ We climb the stairs.. ♪

♪ We climb the stairs.. ♪

Those are my roommates.

You lucky man.

Will the Telethon

accept out of town checks?

♪ And my shadow ♪

♪ And my shadow ♪

♪ All alone and feeling blue ♪

♪ All alone and feeling blue ♪

[music continues]

My phone's lighting up.

My phone's lighting up.

- It-it's lighting up.

- Well, answer it.



Yes, sir.

A hundred dollars?

'I need your name

and address, please.'


Thank you, sir,

very much. Bye-bye.

I know. It's another one

of your brothers.

No, it's just

someone who happened

to love my brother's speech.

You mean a real person

just pledged $ ?


I just got a call for $ .

- Two hundred dollars?

- 'Two hundred dollars.'

Wait a minute, it's ringing

again. Hello?

[indistinct chattering]

♪ And when it's twelve o'clock ♪

♪ Twelve o'clock ♪

♪ We climb the stairs ♪

♪ We climb the stairs ♪

♪ We never knock ♪

♪ We never knock ♪

♪ For nobody's there ♪

♪ For nobody's there ♪

♪ Just me ♪

♪ Just me ♪

♪ And my shadow ♪

♪ And my shadow ♪

♪ All alone and feeling blue ♪

[crowd applauding]

Thank you.

[indistinct chattering]

That act is working, Joannie.

They've gotta do

another number.


Yes, sir.

[indistinct chatter]

You know,

you really weren't that bad.

Nancy, listen,

can you do an encore?

- An encore?

- Yeah.

You'd have to talk

to our manager.

Your manager?

I don't know, Jeremy.

What do you think?

Can we go back on?

- On one condition.

- Condition?

Only if you use

my other client.

♪ Oh let's be frank ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Take a chance with me ♪

♪ Let me save us ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Take a chance with me ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Just let me take

this opportunity ♪

♪ Take this opportunity ♪

♪ To answer any questions here ♪

♪ 'Cause if I read

in between your lines ♪

♪ We must be gone ♪

♪ Let's be frank ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Take a chance with me ♪

♪ Let me sing guys ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Take a chance with me ♪

♪ Let's be frank ♪

So well, I know.

Guys, everybody, listen.

We raised more money

than Mr. Koppel

ever thought we would.



I'm really proud

to be a part of this family.

- Uh-huh. Can we discuss that?

- 'I'd love to discuss.'

You don't know how wonderful

it feels to realize

that my little girl

can come to the strange city

and find such wonderful friends.

Aren't they great, mama?

So talented.


Are you going to feel

that way tomorrow

when I serve you

the eviction notice?

Oh, you don't have to go

that far, David.

I realized today

how much I miss mama.

- So I'm moving back to Chico.

- Really?

But we'll write you, David.

And we'll phone you every week.

Oh, thanks.

I'd really like that.

(Mrs. Chapman)

'Now, that settled.'

Everybody is invited to a party.

A party? Where?

Our place.

Our place?

[instrumental music]

Our place.

[theme music]

[music continues]