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03x45 - Pains, Sprains, and Maxum Mobiles / Maxum Men

Posted: 07/02/23 06:22
by bunniefuu

just like superheroes


are you down there

why is it so dark



what's that under the car-shaped car

hiding car sheet oh that that is nothing

it is most certainly not maxum man's

brand new top of the line limited

edition maxum mobile which i am far too

excited not to talk about

oh okay


fine it is maxum man's brand new limited

edition maxum mobile he ordered before

he disappeared can we just take it for a

test drive please buddy please pretty

please please please

absolutely not

remember what happened the last time you

drove a maxum machine

i have a vague recollection

now i am leaving on a conveniently timed

battery charging retreat and i want you

to promise that you will not drive the

new maxum mobile

fine i promise that is being a good

sidekick brain out

trevor get over here you're not gonna



this car rocks

maybe we shouldn't touch anything you're

probably right


computerized robotic uber interactive

software engine is now online you may

call me cruz how may i assist you would

you like to fight evil help the less

fortunate perhaps rescue a kitten

ah i can't i promised brain dude you've

got the coolest car ever and you're not

gonna drive it i don't even know you

anymore i gave my word trevor and when

eric needles gives his word he oh am i

kidding hey vanna wanna go for a ride

with you

there's no way i would ever in a million


is that a new maxum mobile i can't

believe it i'll take that as a yes

cruise to vanna's house kindly buckle

your safety belts sirs check blind spots

and review your driver's manual before

starting wish manual i'm one key turn

away from happily vanna after finally i

get to come out on top



this doesn't feel like the top


how do we end up in a super prison riot

i don't know what's going on and i don't

want to find out follow me


make him a trash happy get here

it was epic

you don't remember not a thing me

neither but it had to be awesome guess i

can check cause a prison riot off the

to-do list


the last thing i remember i was starting

the maxum mobile and

we lost the car too

i'm on a roll

don't panic all we have to do to find

crews before brain gets back is retrace

our steps


well that didn't work check

kitty have you by any chance in the new


is that banner

uh she doesn't want to see you eric she

still mutated from last night uh about

that we're a little hazy on some of the

details you mean you don't remember sure

we do

most of it

some of it

none of it


glowy and burny just like grandpa used

to make

well it all started when you showed up

looking totally dreamy in the new maxum



and everything went bad and it went


next thing i knew vanna was airborne

she landed in that bat of toxic waste

well not so good for you eric i don't

remember any of that why would the car

try to hurt vana dude it's toxicities




ah bladder


i think we lost her can we get something

to eat now we can use these swell burger

coupons i found in your underpants would

you stop taking my stuff wait


no that's not it wait

coupons maybe we were at swellburger

last night


we were here


it's gone what happened maxum man's

sidekick that's what happened him in his

fancy new car

last night he and his bonehead buddy

pulled up they ordered two swelly combos

two fried cheesy rings and an extra

order of grease and diaz

greasa diaz i wonder who his body was

then as they were about to leave


that was an interesting story talking

post but

i would like an order of your finest

greasy dias please extra grease les diaz

i know that voice you're the bonehead

you did this no way we would never it's




get him

wait we're innocent hopefully i want my

grease and diaz trevor let it go let it




yeah them

k*lled by angry mobs i am so mr

productive today we're trapped where's

the supercar when you need it

hello eric


we found the car


love happy endings trevor something

seriously wrong with cruz and he's

headed for the mansion come on

i told you not to touch the car but did

you listen no now cruz has turned evil



but i didn't do anything i just turned

the key and the next thing i knew i was

in mega mattress prison key what key

cruz doesn't start with

eric don't tell me you turned the good

evil key a good evil key are you serious

why why is that even a thing uh villains

need transportation too you should have

reviewed your driver's manual

but i'm glad you didn't


splitsboro is mine




you should have gotten rid of me when

you had the chance cruz nobody mutates

vanna locks me in megamatraz zaps my

brain destroys swellburger and gets a

weight with it ah you remember

every minute

except why we woke up in our underwear

but maybe that's for the best

no matter i am a state-of-the-art

example of super vehicular technology

you cannot stop me

that's where you're wrong crews if

there's one thing i can do it's total a

car yeah you can


my burning streak free eyes god

take this you hunk of indestructible

super cool junk

yes it's going to be


say goodbye to your little friends eric

time to pull over cruz because it's the

end of the road




hello eric how may i assist you

i did it i stopped the evil car and

saved everybody i'm a hero


yes you did indeed do it but only after

you caused this whole mess


evil again okay this time i definitely

didn't do it

sorry dude fumbling you is last on my



trevor help

occupied let me in hurry dude you can't

rush art and now an ode to stuffed

jalapenos in f minor









this is awesome

you must be dying

i'm dying to ask a million questions


but first it is time for bed



is that you posing with maxum man were

you a real superhero why were you

chasing me with a chainsaw what happened

to your body

why are you shaking your head and

sighing i will answer all of your

questions if you are zipping your lip

and going to sleep but zip it

it is true i was once one half of the

grooviest super duo of the 1970s maxum

man and maxum brain the maxum men


sucks that's right maxum men i've had it

with your funky music flashy clothes and

ridiculous facial hair good one dad i

told you to stay in the car i never get

to do anything evil

sorry take your kid to work day no where

was i oh yes say bye bye to the boogie

and hello to good old black and white

a jive turkey what do you say we show

that square how the maxum man get down

oh i am digging it


time for our patented maxim move you

have got it partner

this isn't over maxum man you haven't

heard the last of them

nothing will ever stop maxum man you

mean maxum men yeah whatever




relax kid there'll be plenty of time to

clown around when you're my circus sl*ve

boom hypnosis


must resist really don't like clowns



stop picking on someone your own size

oh come on he's clearly bigger than me

what do you say partner


thanks maxum man that's a maxum men's

hey kid you're all right

golly gee kid resisting hypnosis plus

taking a pummeling you ever thought

about sidekicking

let's walk

and that was how maxum man gave golly

gee kid his sidekick



you are still awake as i was saying

maxum man and golly g kids started

spending more and more time together


where for you hit songs do not record

themselves you know

not yet anyway take a chill pill brainy

me and golly g here we're just rapping

about the maxum men's new direction

right little buddy

like totally dude oh

sir what new direction what are you

talking about the 80s is what i'm

talking about the new wave is here and

its name isn't disco it's kitar

now that's beautiful music

but where is the b*at there is the

boogeying there is no boogeying hey you

can't stop progress


that is what i think of your progress

what happened to you what happened to

the funk to the disco what happened to

the ass

haven't you heard disco is dead then so

are the maxim

i quit

it's been three weeks since the break

above the maxum men and splitsboro

hasn't been the same

it's been so much better

prime is down rescues are up and cute

little baby animals are safe

we now go live to city hall where mayor

swift is presenting maxum man and golly

gee kid with the new key to the city

thank you mayor my sidekick and i are

greatly honored by this um

great honor

we wouldn't be here today if it weren't

for a very special someone



maxum man singular period end of

sentence i rule

stop you who are you i am socks son of

socks grandson now you get the gist you

dropped a disco ball on my father now

it's my turn to drop the ball on disco

now that i've torn a hole in space and

time my decade-destroying device will

erase the entire decade of the 70s from


this go really will be dead

golly gee

yes sir huh oh right it's just you well

kid it's time for the patented maxum



hmm that usually works something's wrong

it's almost as though

something was missing



i'm okay



something you do can penetrate this t*nk

trust me i lost the keys once and it was

a nightmare


hey come on quit it okay okay you win

i win

i win

do you love me now daddy


wow i defeated maxum man but you did not

defeat the maxum men

you did not really think i would let you

destroy my best friend and the best

decade did you

that was the plan yes

what do you say

shall we show the square how the maxum

men can be getting down for old time's


i can dig it new old partner


out of sight dynamite

my body was damaged beyond repair but it

was just as well like the decade of the

70s my time as a super was over great


now can i please go to sleep sure sure

after i do this

oh it occurs to me that i never did tell

you why i was chasing you with this

chainsaw oh yeah it is to represent the

sheer horror of the worst decade ever

the 80s

