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05x138 - Twin Princes

Posted: 07/02/23 15:28
by bunniefuu
Mil: Attack!

Leader: Everyone!

Leader: Don't touch the fire!

Leader: Those are storm-class Deathperation Flames!

Bel: Impossible.

Soldier: Captain!

Bel: The crimson flames...

Bel: Fiamma Scarletta.

Flan: This is really burning.

Flan: Have you ever thought about how this is destroying the environment?

Bel: A rain-class pelican?

Orgelt: It's been too long, Master Bel.

Orgelt: Do you remember me?

Bel: Who are you again?

Orgelt: I served as a butler for your family when you were but a child.

Bel: Oh yeah, now I remember.

Orgelt: I am Orgelt.

Bel: Have you come to beg for your life on account of being an acquaintance?

Bel: Don't bother.

Bel: I don't need a butler.

Orgelt: That would be out of the question.

Orgelt: I serve only the prince who will one day become king.

bel: That'd be me.

Sil: You couldn't be more wrong, Bel.

Sil: The king will be the older twin brother you supposedly k*lled.

Sil: Prince Sil!

Bel: S-Sil?

Dialogue: On Screen,EpTitle: Target Twin Princes

Bel: Huh?

Flan: Didn't you say you k*lled your brother?

Flan: Does that mean he's an illusion?

Bel: Uh, wouldn't it be your job as an illusionist to figure that out?

Flan: I don't think any tricks are being used here,

fran: though that's just a hunch.

Bel: A hunch?

Flan: It's really hard to see through illusions.

Flan: Even my master said that it comes down to instinct in the end.

Sil: Bel...

Sil: I understand that this is hard to believe,

Sil: but I'm not a fake or a doppelganger.

Sil: Look, I've got the birthmark on my stomach that mirrors yours.

Sil: Shouldn't the scars you left on me prove it?

Flan: Hey, he's right...

Bel: What are you doing?

Flan: I had to confirm if your big brother's telling the truth.

Flan: Whether you have a birthmark on the opposite side, like he said.

Bel: You should ask first!

Bel: Seems like the real deal...

Bel: Since the day we were born...

Bel: From the second we came into this world,

Bel: we've hated each other's guts.

Bel: And that day...

Bel: That day began with a stupid fight too.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,{\fad(,)}Throwing Stones

Bel: Throwing stones...

Dialogue: On Screen: ,{\fad(,)}Throwing Boulders

Bel: Throwing boulders...

Flan: Throwing boulders?

Dialogue: On Screen: ,{\fad(,)}Throwing Knives

Bel: Throwing knives...

Flan: Throwing knives?

Flan: Does that even exist?

Bel: Shut up.

Bel: Stop interrupting my flashback.

Flan: It's dangerous, so good little kids shouldn't try it at home.

Bel: Who are you talking to?

Flan: Feel free to continue your story.

Bel: Anyway.

Bel: I finally won, permanently.

Bel: And there you have it.

Flan: Bel-senpai...

Flan: You used an awfully comical way to describe a violent tragedy.

Bel: Well, there you have it.

Bel: Those scars are exactly the same as the ones I left.

Sil: Man, you haven't grown up, Belphagor.

Sil: And you have such a selective memory.

Bel: Huh?

Sil: You should start by

Sil: remembering how you could never beat your

Sil: older brother at anything.

Sil: Whether studying or racing,

Sil: you were inferior in everything you tried to best me at.

Sil: There was a % chance that I would be the next king at that point.

Sil: Right, Orgelt?

Orgelt: That is correct.

Flan: You mean, he's even more gifted than the Varia's own prodigy?

Sil: You didn't win that day because of your own power, right?

Sil: You knew a quasi-genius like you could never beat a

Sil: true genius, like me, head-on.

Sil: That's why you dumped laxatives into my cup that day.

Flan: Wow, that's pretty dirty, Senpai.

Bel: I was fed worm-ridden clumps of mud too.

Bel: I could hardly stand.

Bel: Didn't that make us even?

Bel: Anyway, how are you alive?

Bel: I clearly remember burying you in the ground.

Sil: The true prince wouldn't let himself be k*lled.

Sil: I, unlike you, was protected by his great power!

Bel: What are you talking about?

Sil: Do you know what this is?

Bel: Uh...

Bel: A Mare Ring?

Flan: Then your big brother is...

Sil: Yes, one of the six Funeral Wreaths.

Irie: In fact, of the Millefiore's six Funeral Wreaths,

Irie: he who possesses the Mare Ring of Storm

Irie: is the older twin brother of Belphagor,

Irie: a member of the Varia,

Irie: the Vongola's independent assassination squad.

Lal: What?!

Tsuna: L-Lal!

Tsuna: Don't push yourself.

Tsuna: Is that so shocking?

Kusakabe: According to our records,

Kusakabe: Belphagor's brother supposedly died over ten years ago.

Lal: Th-That's right.

Lal: And by Belphagor's hand.

Tsuna: What?!

Gokudera: So a dead man's actually alive?

Gokudera: Hey!

Gokudera: Are you sure he's not someone else?

Spanner: No.

Spanner: If Shoichi says so, it must be true.

Gokudera: Hey, who the hell are you?

Tsuna: Go-Gokudera-kun!

Gokudera: You've been standing next to the boss this whole time!

Gokudera: But I'm his right-hand man!

Spanner: What's he talking about?

Tsuna: U-Uh...

Tsuna: This is Spanner-san.

Tsuna: He saved me after I was beaten up by King Moska.

Tsuna: He's been a big help.

Gokudera: R-Really?

Reborn: Well, Spanner was the one who used King Moska to attack Tsuna.

Gokudera: What the hell?!

Tsuna: Calm down, Gokudera-kun!

Gokudera: Don't stop me, boss!

Reborn: He's old friends with Irie too.

Gokudera: What?

Gokudera: So you were working together?

Gokudera: I get it now!

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun!

Tsuna: Why are you saying that, Reborn?

Reborn: It's the truth.

Reborn: There's no need to hide it.

Reborn: So, a guy who's supposed to be dead is alive.

Reborn: Byakuran's power is probably involved, right?

Flan: Captain Squalo.

Flan: One of the Funeral Wreaths is on the south side.

Squalo: Damn.

Squalo: I was on the wrong side!

Flan: And it's a real shocker.

fran: It's dumb Bel-senpai's dead brother.

Squalo: What are you talking about?!

Flan: He survived, I guess,

Flan: and he's got a tough-looking butler too.

Squalo: I don't really understand,

Squalo: but you can give me the details later.

Squalo: Truth is, I'm a kind of busy...

Squalo: right now!

Squalo: Levi! Lussuria!

Squalo: We've got a Funeral Wreath!

Squalo: Go back up Bel and Flan!

Lussuria: But we're slightly busy ourselves.

Lussuria: There was an expl*si*n to the north and our guards were taken out.

Squalo: What?!

lussuria: Levi's on his way.

levi: Thunder Torpedine Fulmine!

Levi: Watch me fight, boss.

Levi: Here I go!

Lussuria: The enemy must be trying to overwhelm us

Lussuria: with sheer numbers by attacking from all sides.

Guy: Big Sis Luss.

Lussuria: Oh my...

Lussuria: We've got a bunch of injured here, so I can't go either.

Squalo: Lussuria!

Squalo: Focus on providing support from the castle!

Lussuria: I'm getting sick of this.

Lussuria: I want to fight someone,

Lussuria: but I'm stuck with all these chores.

Lussuria: Guess I have no choice.

Lussuria: Open Box...

Lussuria: Sunny Peacock: Pavone del Sereno!

Lussuria: Now, lie down and show me your wounds.

Lussuria: Is everybody ready?

Lussuria: Go to it, Pea-chan.

Lussuria: Healing Panel!

GuyB: My wounds are being healed...

GuyC: This feels nice...

Lussuria: Pea-chan covers an exceptional area for a Sun Box w*apon.

Lussuria: The active factor sun flames help in cell regeneration, healing wounds,

Lussuria: but your hair and nails will grow too, so give them a good trim.

GuyD: Please take care of us as well, Big Sis Luss!

Lussuria: Oh, good heavens..

Lussuria: They just keep coming.

Lussuria: Okay!

Lussuria: Line up, fellas!

Squalo: Bel! Flan!

Squalo: You guys do something about the Funeral Wreath!

Flan: Bel-senpai,

Flan: I've got bad news.

Bel: I could hear you.

Bel: I never asked for any help to begin with.

Flan: Rats.

Flan: I contacted him because it was my duty...

Bel: I want to take care of this unfinished business myself.

Sil: That's what I should be saying,

Sil: useless little brother.

Sil: I'll finish you off for good.

Orgelt: Master Bel, prepare yourself.

Flan: So I have to take the tough-looking butler?

Bel: Don't get in my way.

Bel: Scram.

Flan: I have to stay because it's my duty, interim prince.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Prince (Interim)

Bel: Drop the "interim"!

Flan: Let's see...

Flan: This should do it.

Orgelt: That's a Hell Ring.

Sil: That's what makes your squad the pride of the Vongola.

Sil: You're still going to get wiped out though.

Flan: I doubt that.

Flan: You're just a hairier version of Bel-senpai.

Sil: Bel, who is this guy?

Bel: A snarky kid.

Orgelt: Fool.

Orgelt: You shall learn the difference between us.

Orgelt: Let us begin!

All: Open Box!

Orgelt: That's a Hell Ring.

Sil: That's what makes your squad the pride of the Vongola.

Sil: You're still going to get wiped out here though.

Flan: I doubt that.

Flan: You're just a hairier version of Bel-senpai.

Sil: Bel, who is this guy?

Bel: A snarky kid.

Orgelt: Fool.

Orgelt: You shall learn the difference between us.

Orgelt: Let us begin!

All: Open Box!

Bel: Storm Mink: Visone Tempesta!

Sil: Wow, that's lame.

Sil: Storm Bat: Pipistrello Tempesta.

Bel: Cheeky Box w*apon you've got there.

Sil: What's yours, a pseudo-skunk?

Sil: I might not even need to do anything.

Sil: Orgelt.

Orgelt: Sir.

Orgelt: Elefante Forte Pioggia!

: Huh?

Flan: That's big.

Flan: Whoa, close call.

Flan: Thank you, Bel-senpai.

Flan: Good job.

Bel: Don't just thank me, you toad.

Bel: What about your Box w*apon?

Flan: I tried really hard,

Flan: but I couldn't come up with a pose for opening it.

Bel: Pose?

Flan: You know, like when a hero transforms or

Flan: a mage recites a spell, they do a pose, right?

Flan: I'm the kind of guy who needs one of those.

Flan: Flan of the Vongola's assassination squad, the Varia,

Flan: will open the box in under one millisecond.

Flan: Pay close attention to the process.

Flan: Both arms forward.

Flan: Then raise the left.

Flan: Now the right.

Flan: Open Box!

Dialogue: On Screen,Flan: Open Box!

Bel: Give me a break...

Bel: You can k*ll yourself now.

Flan: I'm telling the truth!

Flan: I can't raise my arms above my head in this hoodie.

Flan: So, may I take it off?

Bel: Hell no.

Bel: k*ll yourself without taking it off.

Sil: You okay there, Bel?

Bel: I'll be fighting without this idiot, so there won't be any problems.

Sil: Good to hear.

Sil: Though I stopped holding back a while ago.

Bel: Huh?

Flan: Bel-senpai?

Sil: This is w*r!

Sil: Were you expecting a signal to start us off?

Sil: We all know that bats use sonar to determine an object's position,

Sil: but Pipistrello Tempesta fires invisible storm flames instead of sound waves.

Sil: Instead of bouncing off, % of the flames are absorbed by the object,

Sil: so anyone hit by the flames

Sil: is affected by the storm-class disassemble factor and...

Sil: Kaboom!

Bel: S-Sil...

Sil: Shatter!

Sil: Lookin' pathetic there, dumb brother!

Sil: You were destined to end up this way from the day you were born!

Man: Master Bel! Master Flan!

Orgelt: Hammer of Earth: Martello della Terra!

Man: Retreat!

Sil: This is brilliant!

Sil: The Varia's so weak!

Orgelt: It's merely a group of failures who haven't made any progress.

Orgelt: I believe it wise to continue all the way to the castle.

Sil: You're right.

Sil: Go on ahead.

Orgelt: In that case...

Orgelt: Elefante Triplicare!

Squalo: What's that?

Man: We believe them to be three Box Weapons.

Man: They're headed for the castle.

Man: I shall launch an attack!

Squalo: Were Bel and Flan taken out?

Man: Hold off on the attack!

Squalo: Bah, a useless death...

Squalo: Lussuria, do you copy?!

Lussuria: Huh? What?

Squalo: Bah.

Levi: That direction is...

Levi: B-Boss...

Sil: Flattened in no time!

Sil: The Vongola's greatest squad has been wiped out!

Xansus: Shut it.

Orgelt: What?

Xansus: Freaking scum.

Haru: Hey!

Haru: It's another episode of everyone's favorite "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: Today's guest is making her second appearance:

Haru: My best friend, Kyoko-chan!

Kyoko: Haru-chan, thanks for inviting me!

Reborn: Why's she dressed like that?

Haru: We chose our outfits together, so we'd match!

Kyoko: Yep, that's right.

Reborn: You're really close, huh?

Both: Yep!

Reborn: All right, I get it.

Reborn: Just move on.

Reborn: But I've heard enough about cakes and pajama parties already.

Haru: Eek?!

Haru: Ky-Kyoko-chan.

Haru: I only prepared information about bakeries.

Kyoko: Me too.

Kyoko: What do we do?

Reborn: I guess that brings today's show to an end!

Haru: N-No way!

Haru: We can't let it end before we've said anything!

Haru: U-Um...

Haru: Kyoko-chan and I...

Haru: That's right!

Haru: We cook and do housework at Tsuna-san's base.

Haru: Care to share about that, Kyoko-chan?

Kyoko: Cooking's easy, since I've been

Kyoko: making stamina-boosting meals for my brother for years.

Kyoko: But cooking for a big group can be pretty tough.

Haru: That's true.

Haru: Tsuna-san, Yamamoto-san, and Gokudera-san...

Haru: They're all growing boys.

Haru: Has anything else left an impression on you?

Kyoko: Let's see...

Kyoko: Oh, there's the bath.

Haru: That's right!

Haru: The bath at the base is like a public bathhouse, right?

Haru: And the way your voice echoes makes it perfect for singing!

Kyoko: Uh-huh, that's right.

Kyoko: But it's really hard to give Lambo-kun a bath.

Kyoko: All kinds of weird stuff pops out when we wash his hair.

Haru: So true!

Haru: Lambo-chan's hair is a mystery.

Reborn: Yeah, I guess you girls work pretty hard.

Reborn: I should give you some kind of reward.

Haru: Eek?!

Haru: I'd like some green tea cake or orange cake!

Kyoko: Blueberry cheesecake would also be nice.

Kyoko: It's so hard to choose...

Reborn: So you still ended up talking about cake in the end...

Haru: Th-That's all for today's "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: I'll see you again next time!

Kyoko: Bye-bye!

Reborn: Good grief...

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Furious Roar.

: See you next time!