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06x144 - The Arcobaleno Seals

Posted: 07/02/23 15:33
by bunniefuu
Irie: You cannot use that yet.

Tsuna: Huh?

Gokudera: What are you talking about?!

Irie: Your Vongola Sky Ring can't open that box yet.

Tsuna: Wha-?!

Irie: You will need the seven Arcobaleno Seals for your ring to open that box.

Tsuna: Th-The seven...

Gokudera: Arcobaleno Seals?

Irie: You must temporarily

: go ten years back in time.

Tsuna: T-Ten years back?

Tsuna: We can do that?!

Irie: You must then overcome the Arcobaleno Trials

Irie: and obtain the seven Seals.

Irie: Everyone...

Irie: Good luck...

Tsuna: And so, we returned to the Namimori of ten years ago.

Reborn: The Arcobaleno are the strongest seven.

Tsuna: The strongest seven...

Tsuna: We have to clear all of them within a week...

Tsuna: But what are the Arcobaleno Trials?

Gokudera: Don't mess with us...

Gokudera: Take this!

Gokudera: Die!

Gokudera: And I'll finish you with this!

Col: Maximum Burst!

Yamamoto: He took out Gokudera's Rocket Bombs with one shot?!

Ryohei: What was that?

Lal: Colonnello's special attack, Maximum Burst.

Reborn: Been a while since I last saw him use it.

Reborn: I see that it's still ridiculously strong.

Gokudera: Sorry, boss...

Tsuna: There's no point in fighting separately.

Tsuna: We'll fight together.

Col: Bring it on, maggots!

Dialogue: On Screen,EpTitle: Target The Arcobaleno Seals

Chrome: Master Mukuro...

Chrome: What happened to Master Mukuro... Mukuro Rokudo?

Irie: Huh?

Irie: According to Byakuran-san,

Irie: Mukuro had possessed a Millefiore soldier.

Irie: Once Byakuran-san noticed, he personally...

Irie: But I don't believe him,

Irie: because his name never showed up on the Vindice Penitentiary's deceased list.

Chrome: The future Master Mukuro isn't dead...

Chrome: But where is he?

Chrome: Ken...

Ken: I bought some food for ya.

Ken: You'd better eat it all.

Chikusa: You sure bought a lot.

Ken: N-Not for any special reason!

Ken: We didn't use as much money on food while she was gone,

Ken: so I went and bought some!

Chikusa: We'll go with that story then.

Ken: What do you mean, "story"?!

Ken: It's the truth!

Mukuro: Chrome...

Mukuro: My Chrome...

Mukuro: Chrome.

Chrome: Master Mukuro...

Mukuro: Where have you been the past few days?

Chrome: Well...

Mukuro: You appear to have been through a tremendous ordeal.

Mukuro: My precious Chrome...

Mukuro: I am always by your side.

Mukuro: Always...

Col: Let's go!

Tsuna: Let's go.

Gokudera: Yes, boss!

Gokudera: All right!

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Tsuna!

Ryohei: Sawada!

Gokudera: Colonnello!

Gokudera: Over here!

Col: Too late, maggot!

Gokudera: Boss! Damn you!

Col: You're getting annoying, maggot!

Col: Don't let your mind wander, maggot!

Yamamoto: Tsuna!

Ryohei: Hey, didn't you train really hard in the future and defeat a bunch of strong enemies?

Yamamoto: Yeah...

Ryohei: But you can't even touch Master Colonnello when it's two against one?

Reborn: It's true...

Reborn: It's true that they've powered up,

Reborn: but that only matters when you land a direct hit.

Lal: Colonnello is skilled at close-combat techniques such as karate and Sambo.

Lal: He's using them to toy with Sawada and Gokudera.

Lal: It doesn't matter how strong they are.

Lal: They're just running in circles.

Reborn: Didn't you see how he moved when he fought with Lal on the roof?

Reborn: It simply means that power doesn't necessarily translate to combat ability.

Reborn: I-If I could get off an X BURNER...

Col: It's over now, maggot!

Col: Maximum Burst!

Himeko: Thanks, Mister.

Himeko: Here you go.

Himeko: It's to show my appreciation for shopping with us.

Himeko: You showed us a bunch of great stores.

Kyoko: But...

Himeko: S'okay. S'okay.

Himeko: It's proof that we're friends now.

Hana: We might as well accept them.

Kyoko: A-All right...

Haru: Then I won't hold back!

Haru: Let's eat!

Monta: You should hold back.

Haru: Eek?

Himeko: Sheesh, he's got such a sharp tongue.

Himeko: Sorry about that.

Shamal: Well, well, mesdemoiselles.

Haru: Eek?

Haru: Th-This voice is...

Kyoko: Dr. Shamal.

Haru: It's that dangerous man...

Hana: What do you want?

Shamal: I'm glad you're so happy to see me.

Shamal: Oh, we have some new faces.

Shamal: You shouldn't be hanging out here this late.

Shamal: Come, it's time to go home.

Haru: Eek?

Haru: Wh-What do you mean?

Hana: Hey, don't push us!

Kyoko: Monta-kun, Hime-chan, see you tomorrow!

Shamal: You should head home too.

Shamal: Why have they come to this town?

Ryohei: Sawada...

Yamamoto: Tsuna...

Lal: You don't seem very worried, Reborn.

Reborn: Yeah.

Reborn: That won't be enough to beat them.

Ryohei: What?

Col: I see.

Col: That's an interesting w*apon.

Reborn: It's Gokudera's SISTEMA C.A.I.

Lal: An ace up your sleeve, huh?

Lal: That's why you weren't worried.

Gokudera: Are you okay, boss?!

Tsuna: Yeah.

Gokudera: Boss...

Gokudera: Colonnello! I'll take you on!

Col: Those movements are the best you can do?!

Gokudera: How about this?!

Col: Not even close, maggot!

Col: Falco!

Gokudera: Bah.

Gokudera: Then how's this?!

Col: What?!

Gokudera: I got him!

Yamamoto: Gokudera!

Ryohei: Don't let your guard down, squid head!

Yamamoto: Look up!

Gokudera: What?!

Gokudera: Only the bird?

Gokudera: Where's Colonnello?

Col: Over here, maggot!

Gokudera: Colonnello...

Col: Too bad, maggot.

Gokudera: You sure about that?

Contact: Gauge Symmetry.

Contact: Standby for launch.

Yamamoto: Tsuna?

Reborn: That's why Gokudera was acting as a decoy.

Yamamoto: Gokudera!

Ryohei: That's great, squid head!

Col: I won't let you, maggot!

Tsuna: X BURNER!

Col: Maximum Burst!

Tsuna: X BURNER!

Col: Maximum Burst!

Col: Damn it!

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: You did it, boss!

Tsuna: Yeah.

Lal: That's enough.

Lal: The match is over.

Col: That's right...

Ryohei: Master...

Yamamoto: Which means...

Col: Arcobaleno Trial #, the test of combat ability,

Col: has been cleared!

Col: Good job, maggots.

Gokudera: Boss.

Yamamoto: You did it, Tsuna!

Ryohei: And squid head worked extremely hard too!

Gokudera: Of course!

Gokudera: Who do you think I am, turf top?!

Col: Bring out your Vongola Ring, maggot.

Reborn: Point the ring at Colonnello's pacifier.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Reborn: You'll be receiving an Arcobaleno Seal as proof that you've cleared this trial.

Tsuna: Okay.

Col: Here's the Arcobaleno Seal!

Col: Take it, maggot!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Kokuyo Health Land

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Reception Room

Reborn: You've cleared the trial of combat ability now.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: That's one down...

Yamamoto: Great job, Tsuna.

Ryohei: You had me worried for a bit there though.

Gokudera: What are you talking about?!

Gokudera: He had me with him!

Gokudera: It was only natural for him to win!

Gokudera: Right, boss?

Tsuna: Y-Yeah.

Tsuna: But we don't know how the next one will go...

Lal: Every time you clear one of the remaining trials...

Lal: A seal...

Lal: In other words, a pacifier, will inject light into the ring.

Reborn: And when you've received seals from all of the Arcobaleno...

Tsuna: I'll be able to use this ring to open Sky Boxes...

Lal: In any case...

Lal: You're still too foolish!

Lal: Once you allowed your attention to be drawn to the person making flashy movements,

Lal: and gave Sawada the opportunity to prepare for a big attack,

Lal: you lost.

Tsuna: That looks painful...

Yamamoto: Tsuna.

Tsuna: Huh? What?

Yamamoto: Where did the kid and the rest of them go?

Tsuna: They had something to talk about.

Lal: Honestly...

Lal: You're going to lose your life if you keep making foolish mistakes.

Col: No.

Col: No matter what happens, I'll survive.

Col: Or else I'll make somebody sad.

Lal: Wh-Who would be sad?!

Lal: Cut that out!

Reborn: Come out now.

Skull: W-Wait! It's me!

Reborn: Oh, it's Skull. Why are you here?

Skull: Wh-Why am I here? Isn't that obvious?

Skull: I'm here to give an Arcobaleno Trial to Vongola X.

Reborn: Oh. Then give Tsuna the Arcobaleno Seal and scram.

Skull: Roger that.

Skull: Wait! Hold on!

Reborn: Just kidding.

Lal: Reborn, could you stop teasing him?

Skull: That's our Lal...

Skull: Keep it up while observing my trial, okay?

Skull: Well, I won't screw up the way Colonnello-senpai did.

Col: What's that supposed to mean, maggot?!

Skull: S-Stop!

Skull: It means I won't attack head-on, the way someone else did.

Col: What?!

Skull: I won't make the first move,

Skull: since I'm the intellectual type.

Skull: I'll use a method that none of you could ever think of to beat up Vongola X.

Skull: Stunned into silence, huh?

Skull: Hey! You're just ditching me?!

Skull: There you are. I've been waiting, Viper!

Mammon: Don't call me by that name.

Mammon: I'm Mammon right now.

Mammon: So what did you want?

All: Let's eat!

Tsuna: Reborn, where did you guys go?

Reborn: Unfortunately, I can't tell you that.

Tsuna: What the heck?

Tsuna: Oh, does it have something to do with the trials?

Reborn: No comment.

Reborn: It'll ruin Momma's delicious dinner.

Tsuna: Man... Fine.

Tsuna: That's right... Chrome just vanished...

Tsuna: Is she eating properly?

Tsuna: Mom.

Mom: What is it?

Tsuna: Could you make some rice balls?

Tsuna: You can put whatever you want inside.

Mom: Sure. But why?

Tsuna: Uh...

Tsuna: I-I was gonna study tonight to make up for the classes I missed.

Mom: Oh, so it's for a midnight snack?

Mom: Sure thing.

Tsuna: Th-Thanks...

Tsuna: Make a whole bunch.

Hibari: Do you need something?

Tsuna: Suck it.

Hibari: It would seem that you wish to anger me.

Tsuna: You're too slow!

Tsuna: Catch me if you can!

Hibari: Oh?

Chrome: Who is it?!

Chrome: Boss?

Tsuna: Where's Mukuro Rokudo?

Chrome: Master Mukuro?

Tsuna: I have business with Mukuro Rokudo!

Chrome: Boss... What are you...?

Tsuna: Tell Mukuro Rokudo to come out!

Tsuna: Hurry it up!

Mukuro: Who's bullying my Chrome?

Mukuro: You the one who has business with me?

Mukuro: I'll punish you for scaring Chrome.

Tsuna: Go ahead, if you can.

Mukuro: I don't like your attitude.

Tsuna: Good, then come!

Mukuro: I don't like any of this...

Reborn: Are you worried about Chrome?

Tsuna: Chrome didn't eat anything in the future,

Tsuna: so I wondered if she's been eating properly since returning to Kokuyo...

Reborn: That's why you had your mom make you rice balls.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: Now I just have to give this to her without the two Kokuyo guys finding me.

Tsuna: H-Hibari-san?!

Tsuna: But why is he here?

Tsuna: I-It's Mukuro Rokudo!

Tsuna: Wh-Why are both of them glaring at me?

Reborn: Those two seem really pissed.

Tsuna: No way!

Hibari: Hello. We meet again at last.

Mukuro: It's been a while.

Hibari: I'll bite you to death this time!

Mukuro: You should provide more entertainment than last time.

Tsuna: Hibari-san and Mukuro are fighting...

Tsuna: Why? For what reason?

Tsuna: What's going on here?

Dialogue: On Screen,Caption: Next Episode

Reborn: At this rate, Hibari and Mukuro won't stop fighting until one of them collapses.

Reborn: Looks like Skull's stupid plan failed.

Reborn: And Lal Mirch gives a confused Tsuna the location of the next trial.

Reborn: Next time:

Reborn: Guardian Showdown! Cloud and Mist.

Reborn: Watch like your life depends on it.

: See ya next time.