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06x151 - Once the Rainbow is Complete

Posted: 07/03/23 06:25
by bunniefuu
Col: Arcobaleno Trial #, the test of combat ability,

Col: has been cleared!

Col: Good job, maggots.

Reborn: Point the ring at Colonnello's pacifier.

Tsuna: We returned to the past and began clearing all

: the Arcobaleno Trials Irie-san mentioned.

Tsuna: Colonnello's trial of combat ability.

Tsuna: Skull's trial of charm.

Tsuna: Mammon's trial of adaptability.

Tsuna: Fong's trial of leadership.

Tsuna: Aria-san's trial of tolerance.

Tsuna: We finally acquired five Arcobaleno Seals.

Tsuna: Only two remain...

Tsuna: And we've finally come to Reborn's trial.

Reborn: Now it's my turn.

Reborn: You're next.

Reborn: You've left yourself wide open down low.

Reborn: Playtime's over.

Gokudera: Flame Thunder!

Yamamoto: It's on!

Yamamoto: Stance :

Yamamoto: Scontro di Rondine!

Tsuna: Ya-Yamamoto?

Yamamoto: Tsuna...

Reborn: Chaos Shot!

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Tsuna!

Ryohei: Sawada!

Tsuna: And after having the snot knocked out of us,

Tsuna: the last Arcobaleno, Verde, made his attack.

Lal: Verde?!

Verde: Bearers of the Vongola Rings, are you enjoying yourselves?

Lal: You won't get off lightly if you break the Arcobaleno pact!

Verde: Arcobaleno pact?

Verde: I could care less about that.

Verde: I need the Vongola Rings for my research.

Verde: So I'll need you to hand them over.

Gokudera: That's enough of your bull!

Verde: I didn't ask for your opinion.

Verde: I take what I need by force.

Verde: I destroy all who resist.

Verde: Yes, that includes the other Arcobaleno.

Col: What was that, maggot?!

Lal: Reborn...

Reborn: This is no longer a trial.

Reborn: Verde has broken the pact.

Reborn: We're moving out!

: There!

Ipin: Lambo, there!

: Okay!

Lambo: Here I go! There!

On Screen,EpTitle: Target Once the Rainbow is Complete

Ipin: Again! There!

Ipin: Lambo's amazing!

On Screen: ,Namimori Shopping District

Kyoko: Haru-chan, sorry to make you come shopping with me.

Haru: Oh, it's no problem at all.

Haru: I had a bunch of shopping to do, myself.

Haru: What brought this on, though?

Kyoko: Well, you know how Hana helped us in the future?

Kyoko: I want to show my appreciation.

Haru: That's right!

Haru: Hana-chan gave us clothes and underwear.

Haru: Though there was a houseboat-print one...

Haru: So you were buying a gift for her?

Kyoko: Yep.

Kyoko: A picture frame.

Kyoko: I saw this and just knew Hana would love it.

Haru: I see.

Kyoko: We have to return to the future tomorrow.

Kyoko: So I have to give it to her today.

Kyoko: Haru-chan?

Haru: Kyoko-chan...

Haru: Will we be able to come back to this world again?

Kyoko: Yes, it'll be fine.

Haru: Huh?

Kyoko: Since Tsuna-kun already kept one promise.

Kyoko: And my brother and everybody else will be with us.

Haru: That's right!

Futa: Oh, Big Kyoko! Big Haru!

Haru: Eek?

Kyoko: Futa-kun.

Mom: Hello.

Haru: Tsuna-san's mother!

Kyoko: Hello.

Futa: Hey, you guys.

Futa: Do you know where Big Tsuna went?

Kyoko: What?

Haru: Eek!

Futa: Everything's been a mess since that picnic,

Futa: and he's never home...

Futa: He left early this morning.

Kyoko: Futa-kun...

Mom: It's no fun when he's not around, right?

Mom: And Tsu-kun's been acting odd.

Haru: O-Odd?

Haru: I-In what way?

Mom: Hmm, it seems he spends a lot of time deep in thought.

Mom: Do you know anything about that?

Haru: W-Well...

Kyoko: Um...

Aria: Hi, Kyoko-chan, Haru-chan.

Kyoko: Oh, Aria-san.

Aria: Thanks for your help the other day.

Kyoko: It was nothing.

Mom: Someone you know?

Haru: Yes. She traveled here from another country.

Haru: We showed her around Namimori

: the other day, with the help of Tsuna-san and everybody else.

Mom: My, I see.

Aria: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Aria: I'm Aria.

Aria: You're Tsunayoshi-kun's mother, correct?

Mom: Yes. Did he do a proper job of showing you around?

Aria: Yes, he was a big help.

Aria: Tsunayoshi-kun is an honest and good boy.

Mom: My, thank you very much.

Aria: Don't worry.

Aria: Tsunayoshi-kun will be fine.

Mom: You're right.

Mom: Thank you.

Kyoko: Why don't you join us for tea if you have time, Mrs. Sawada.

Haru: The cakes here are wonderful.

Mom: Oh? Really?

Mom: Perhaps I'll take you up on your offer.

Futa: I want to eat cake too!

Mom: We can buy some for Lambo-kun and I-Pin-chan.

Aria: I'd expect no less from the woman chosen by Iemitsu,

: the Vongola's outside advisor.

Gamma: I'm supposed to keep an eye on them?

Gamma: They appear to be ordinary people.

Aria: Yes, just to be safe.

Aria: I'm counting on you.

Gamma: Wait! Where are you going, boss?

Aria: To see some of my mother's old friends.

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: Are you okay, boss?

Gokudera: I won't make it in time...

Yamamoto: You okay, Gokudera?

Ryohei: Hang in there, to the extreme!

Gokudera: S-Sorry...

Yamamoto: Still, this is rough.

Ryohei: Yeah, I'm really feeling those injuries...

Chrome: I'll...

Gokudera: Chrome!

Col: Damn it!

Col: Verde had to attack while Sawada and the others were weakened.

Lal: I never liked him...

Tsuna: Reborn...

Reborn: He's broken the Arcobaleno pact.

Reborn: This is no longer a trial.

Reborn: We're moving out!

Lal: Verde! You still want to fight?!

Verde: Still?

Verde: Don't be ridiculous.

Verde: We've only just begun.

Col: Cut this out, maggot!

Col: Shot!

Col: What?!

Lal: Bulletproof glass?!

Verde: It's no use.

Verde: By the way, I believe all of the Guardians participated in Reborn's trial,

Verde: but I don't see the Guardians of the Cloud and Lightning Rings around.

Verde: Well, I'll have you play with this

Verde: until I finish assembling the Vongola Rings.

Verde: I'll buy some time while gathering your data.

Col: Let's go!

Tsuna: Hold on.

Tsuna: The rocket he just fired...

Tsuna: The Guardians of the Cloud and Lightning Rings...

Tsuna: Lambo went home!

Reborn: Mammon, I know you're there.

Mammon: Good grief.

Mammon: I was planning on being a spectator.

Reborn: Deal with the rockets that were headed toward town.

Mammon: It's not my policy to work pro bono.

Reborn: Just go.

Mammon: Okay, okay...

Mammon: I'll finish this quickly.

Mammon: What is this?

Mammon: I-I can't move...

: Huh?

PC: Vongola Cloud Ring located.

Hibari: No trespassers allowed.

Hibari: I'm in a bad mood today.

PC: Capturing Vongola Ring.

PC: Capturi-

Hibari: Vongola Ring...

Hibari: This again?

Lambo: Huh? What?

Ipin: Scary!

Lambo: Lambo-san's ball!

Lambo: Whaddya think you're doing?!

Lambo: Hey!

Lambo: Say something!

Lambo: Pay for Lambo-san's ball!

Lambo: It cost a gazillion yen!

PC: Vongola Lightning Ring located.

PC: Capturing.

Ipin: Lambo! Look out!

Lambo: I-I was just joking!

Lambo: Lambo-san doesn't like boo-boos!

Lambo: Save me!

Ipin: Gyoza Kempo!

Ipin: It's not working...

PC: Eliminating obstruction.

Gokudera: Eat this!

Ryohei: Maximum Cannon!

Gokudera: Bah...

Gokudera: I wouldn't usually have any trouble dealing with this trash...

Ryohei: I can't use my full power, injured like this...

Gokudera: Turf top!

Gokudera: Lal Mirch!

Lal: Get a grip!

Lal: You're supposed to be Vongola Guardians!

Yamamoto: Where... Where's it going to come from?

Yamamoto: Crap!

Yamamoto: Thank you, kid.

Col: Leave this to me, maggot!

Col: Shot!

Col: Wh-What?

Chrome: Boss...

Ryohei: What?!

Tsuna: Chrome...

Ipin: Gyoza Kempo! Gyoza Kempo!

PC: Eliminating obstruction.

Ipin: Oh... No...

Fong: No, you mustn't give up.

Ipin: Huh?

Ipin: Master!

PC: Eliminating obstruction.

PC: Eliminating obstruction.

Fong: Exploding Lotus Kempo!

PC: Eliminating obstruction.

PC: Elimi...

Fong: Are you okay, I-Pin?

Ipin: Thank you, Master.

Lambo: Would you save Lambo-san already?!

Ipin: Lambo!

Ipin: Are you okay, Lambo?

Lambo: No, I'm mad!

Lambo: I'm gonna find the guy who made this!

Lambo: He's gonna pay for my ball!

Fong: You should wait here.

Lambo: No way!

Lambo: I said I'm going, so I'm going and going!

Ipin: I-Pin too!

Fong: Looks like I have no other choice.

Fong: It might be safer to have them accompany me,

: rather than leaving them here.

Mammon: I'm coming with you.

Mammon: I need to return the favor.

Fong: I see.

Fong: Let's get going, then.

Ryohei: Hold on!

Ryohei: I'm coming!

Ryohei: Damn it...

Tsuna: Chrome!

Chrome: Wh-What...?

Ryohei: Wh-What is that?

Lal: A giant armored octopus!

Col: Which means...

Skull: Sorry to keep you waiting!

Skull: It's my turn!

Skull: You can't call me your lackey now!

Skull: Fire!

Reborn: Skull's going overboard.

Lal: You can't fire a bunch of sh*ts and hope that some hit!

Col: We'll punish him later, maggots!

Verde: A futile effort.

Skull: Fire! Fire! Fire!

Skull: Don't stop!

Man: Incoming torpedoes!

Skull: What?!

Skull: We'll fire ours too!

Skull: Th-They dodged them!

Skull: I've never heard of torpedoes that can evade!

Skull: What?! What is it?!

Man: Sir! We have damage to the aft hull!

Man: Unable to stem the incoming water!

Man: We're sinking!

Skull: What?!

Skull: A-All hands abandon ship!

Man: We made it...

Man: Is everyone okay?!

Man: Where's Skull-sama?

Skull: That was rough...

Reborn: Skull.

Reborn: You're pathetic to watch.

Col: Pay close attention to how we fight!

Lal: Let's go!

Lal: Survival Blast!

Ryohei: Wh-Whoa...

Gokudera: Amazing...

Yamamoto: Impressive, kid.

Col: Take this!

Col: Maximum Burst!

Tsuna: Sorry, Colonnello...

Chrome: Octopus-san...

Chrome: Thank you, Octopus-san.

Skull: How do you like that?!

Skull: Now you know our true strength!

Col: You keep your mouth shut, maggot!

Lal: It's over now.

Verde: No, everything has gone according to plan.

Lal: What?!

Verde: As I said...

Verde: I was merely buying time.

Reborn: Looks like the seven-colored rainbow has been completed.

Reborn: All the Arcobaleno are together.

Ipin: Master...

Verde: The cursed seven who walk outside time have assembled here.

Verde: However, this would not be an example of the unscientific event known as a twist of fate.

Verde: Indeed, it was an inevitable step for my research to succeed.

Verde: I expected you all to interfere.

Verde: Which meant I simply had to catch you all at one time.

Verde: Rejoice.

Verde: You will be providing the basis for my research.

Mammon: Th-This is bad...

Col: Wh-What is this, maggots?

Lal: My vision, it's...

Fong: I can't move.

Yamamoto: Kid!

Ryohei: What's wrong, Master?!

Yamamoto: Even Lal...

Ipin: Master!

Skull: Wh-What?!

kull: What is this?! What's going on?

Skull: Hey! What's happening?!

Verde: Well, well. That helmet has purification capabilities.

Skull: So what if it does?!

Verde: In that case...

Skull: Huh?

Skull: H-Hey!

Skull: Give it back!

Skull: I told you to give it back!

Skull: What is this sensation?

Tsuna: Reborn! What's wrong?!

Reborn: This is the same sensation I felt in the future...

Tsuna: Reborn!

Tsuna: Could it be the non-³ Policy?

Verde: Non-³ Policy?

Verde: What are you talking about?

Verde: This is a material I happened upon during my research.

Verde: It appears to be harmful to the Arcobaleno.

Verde: Now, hand over the Vongola Rings!

Verde: Now! Hurry!

Tsuna: Reborn...

On Screen,Caption: Next Episode

Reborn: This is bad.

Reborn: I had no idea Verde had discovered something similar to the non-³ Policy.

Reborn: And after rendering us helpless and taking us hostage,

Reborn: Verde presses Tsuna and his group to hand over the Vongola Rings.

Reborn: All of them resist in an effort to save us,

Reborn: but ultimately find themselves in a tight spot after Verde reveals a new w*apon.

Reborn: Next time on Reborn:

Reborn: A Boss's Resolve.

Reborn: Watch like your life depends on it.

: See you next time!