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07x161 - Airbike

Posted: 07/03/23 06:33
by bunniefuu
Tsuna: Th-This is...!

EpTitle: Target Airbike

Tsuna: A motorcycle?!

Yamamoto: But it doesn't have any tires.

Gokudera: This machine looks like something out of a sci-fi flick.

Ryohei: But the rumbling sound is awesome.

Tsuna: What is this?

Giannini: This is part of the Vongola Collection, the airbike.

Tsuna: Airbike?

Gokudera: Vongola Collection?

Gokudera: So this belongs to the current boss?

Giannini: Yes, that's right.

Giannini: The current boss gathered a large variety of items in preparation for different situations.

Giannini: His collection ranges from boats to planes.

Giannini: He applied the idea of preparing for the worst

Giannini: and accumulated these items in the event that the Vongola Family was placed in danger.

Giannini: I believe that this is the time to utilize the Vongola Collection!

Gokudera: Way to go, boss!

Gokudera: You planned for every contingency!

Tsuna: Uh, you shouldn't praise the present me...

Reborn: Pretty hard to imagine, when you look at this Tsuna.

Yamamoto: Well, who cares?

Yamamoto: I'll be happy to use it.

Ryohei: You should have told us about these to begin with.

Giannini: Yes, I'm ashamed of myself.

Giannini: I'd completely forgotten about them.

Giannini: And I was absorbed in building a new machine!

Spanner: This should certainly solve the problem of mobility.

Tsuna: But there aren't any tires...

Tsuna: How do we use it?

Giannini: Simple! It hovers in the air as it moves.

Gokudera: You hover in the air?

Yamamoto: On a bike?

Giannini: Yes.

Giannini: Allow me to give you a simple explanation.

Yamamoto: Wow! It's really floating.

Giannini: Highly-pressurized air sh**t out of the nozzles to lift the entire vehicle.

Giannini: Aerial movement also utilizes pressurized air.

Gokudera: So the same principle as a hovercraft.

Giannini: Precisely.

Giannini: The body was made from nano-carbon ceramic to keep it extremely light.

Giannini: It weighs % of what a normal motorcycle would.

Giannini: At the same time, it can endure % more stress.

Ryohei: Yeah, I don't get it.

Spanner: Still, even if the structure is light, a motorcycle is no hovercraft.

Spanner: You'd need a pretty strong engine to make it fly with this body shape.

Giannini: You know your stuff!

Giannini: That would be this airbike's greatest secret!

Giannini: The engine's been modified.

Giannini: It runs on charged Deathperation Flames.

Tsuna: Deathperation Flames?!

Giannini: A considerable amount of energy is required to support the power needed to hover.

Giannini: In that respect, Deathperation Flames are more than sufficient.

Reborn: And if Tsuna and his crew are the riders,

Reborn: they'll be able to refuel anytime, anywhere.

Giannini: The cowl and engine cover are made of the same material as a Mammon Chain.

Giannini: It won't show up on any radar that detects Deathperation Flames.

Yamamoto: It's like these things were made for us to ride them.

Gokudera: We don't know what kind of obstacles we'll face when fighting in the city.

Gokudera: With its ability to make tight turns, a motorcycle is definitely the best choice.

Giannini: We'll have enough of these machines for each of you by tomorrow morning.

Spanner: I'll lend you a hand.

Reborn: Listen up, guys.

Reborn: You'll need to master these before Choice begins.

Tsuna: N-Now, hold on!

Tsuna: I don't know how to ride a motorcycle.

Reborn: You just have to practice.

Tsuna: Easy for you to say!

Tsuna: I can barely ride a bicycle,

Tsuna: and I'm bad with fast vehicles...

Reborn: You have no choice but to ride this.

Reborn: If you want to survive in the fight with Byakuran.

Tsuna: So you say...

Gokudera: The rest of us aside,

Gokudera: doesn't the boss already possess magnificent mobility that lets him fly through the sky?

Ryohei: That's true.

Yamamoto: Tsuna can just fly the way he usually does?

Both: Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Gokudera: Wh-What is it?

Reborn: It's a basic rule of combat to hide your presence from the enemy.

Giannini: The Deathperation Flames emitted by the boss's gloves will be detected by their radar.

Giannini: It's vital to have a method of transportation which can't be detected.

Gokudera: I see.

Reborn: There you have it. So Tsuna, get on.

Tsuna: Huh?! Now?!

Tsuna: I don't wanna!

Tsuna: I can't ride a machine I've never seen before!

Reborn: Most men would be happy if they were told to ride a machine like this.

Reborn: No wonder they call you Loser Tsuna.

Tsuna: B-But...

Reborn: You won't accomplish anything by worrying before you even try.

Tsuna: But...

Reborn: Don't think. Feel.

Giannini: Please use this extra-large training room.

Giannini: It's as big as a driver's education facility, so you can practice at ease.

Tsuna: At ease...?

Gokudera: You've got this, boss.

Yamamoto: Lookin' good, Tsuna.

Tsuna: R-Really...?

Reborn: Let's start.

Reborn: First, try using your right hand to crank the throttle.

: A-All right...

Giannini: Continue by pressing the red switch on the handle.

Tsuna: U-Uh...

Tsuna: Oh, this.

Tsuna: Wh-Whoa?!

Giannini: Don't panic!

Giannini: You're fine in that position!

Tsuna: E-Easy for you to say!

Reborn: Okay, keep your left hand on the clutch while using your left foot to shift gears.

Tsuna: Huh? Like this?

Reborn: Use your right hand to turn the throttle.

Giannini: Huh?

Tsuna: T-Turn the throttle...?

Reborn: Now, release the clutch!

Gokudera: B-Boss!

Yamamoto: You okay, Tsuna?

Giannini: Reborn-san!

Giannini: Why are you teaching him wrong?

Giannini: If you abruptly release the clutch...

Reborn: It's better to teach him fear first.

Reborn: That's how I roll.

Giannini: He's incredible...

Giannini: And wait, what if the precious motorcycle was busted?!

Reborn: So? Was it fun, Tsuna?

Tsuna: Obviously not.

Reborn: Well, get used to it.

Tsuna: Hey... I'll be honest.

Tsuna: I couldn't ride a bicycle without training wheels until fifth grade.

Reborn: So what?

Tsuna: My point is...

Tsuna: I clearly have no chance of learning to ride a motorcycle!

Reborn: Bicycles and motorcycles are completely different.

Reborn: More importantly, you never know what hidden talents a person may have.

Tsuna: He's completely set on making me do this!

Reborn: Okay, everybody else give it a try.

Yamamoto: Whoa! This is rough.

Yamamoto: Crap!

Giannini: The motorcycle!

Ryohei: Extreme!

Giannini: It's gonna break!

Gokudera: Heh, this is easy.

Reborn: Not bad.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun really knows what he's doing.

Giannini: Phew...

Gokudera: Multi-cornering!

Spanner: The machine is crying...

Tsuna: Ow...

Gokudera: Are you okay, boss?

Tsuna: Yeah, more or less, I guess.

Ryohei: Just spit on those scratches and it'll be fine.

Gokudera: The boss isn't like you.

Yamamoto: I can't believe you're not hurt after flying straight into the wall.

Ryohei: I've trained a lot more than the rest of you!

Tsuna: Man, I'm going to be making frequent visits to the infirmary.

Tsuna: How depressing.

Giannini: This will take all night.

Spanner: But we'll have them finished by morning.

Giannini: Yes, let's work hard.

Gokudera: We need to adjust the output of the nozzle controlling posture for tighter turns...

Tsuna: I don't know what to do...

Gokudera: You want to race me?

Gokudera: Sounds like fun.

Basil: Well done, Master Gokudera.

Gokudera: This is a piece of cake.

Giannini: Gokudera-san, okay.

Basil: Master Gokudera, an excellent job.

Gokudera: Of course! I was up all night memorizing the manual.

Basil: Just by reading the manual?

Gokudera: Theory trumps all.

Gokudera: You're not bad yourself.

Basil: I was trained in CEDEF.

Reborn: It looks like Gokudera and Basil will be fine.

Spanner: And the machines are completely finished.

Giannini: What a relief...

Giannini: Now I can watch without having to worry.

Reborn: It's too early to say that.

Spanner: Full throttle, right off the bat?

Reborn: His lack of fear is one of his better traits.

Giannini: That's too dangerous!

Giannini: You're going too fast!

Giannini: Please slow down!

Giannini: Sasagawa-san!

Ryohei: What?!

Ryohei: It's too loud for me to hear anything!

Giannini: Too much speed!

Ryohei: What about speed?

Giannini: Th-The wall...

Giannini: Please turn!

Giannini: Hurry!

Ryohei: I don't know how to turn!

Spanner: Another all-nighter for repairs...

Reborn: That's not a problem.

Giannini: It most certainly is!

Giannini: We should've trained them on simulators before riding the airbikes...

Reborn: It's fine.

Reborn: Ryohei's the type who learns by doing.

Giannini: But...

Reborn: Teaching isn't as effective as hands-on experience.

Reborn: Don't think. Feel.

Reborn: You'll master a motorcycle more quickly when you can feel the wind on your skin.

Reborn: See? I told you.

Giannini: Yes, well...

Giannini: I didn't expect him to make so much progress in one day.

Spanner: His reflexes, and how quickly he reacts before accidents, are both off the charts.

Spanner: What you'd find in a professional racer, actually.

Reborn: Well, yeah. Yamamoto is the Vongola's top athlete.

Reborn: On the other hand...

Reborn: He's still failing.

Tsuna: This time for sure...

Tsuna: Once I'm hovering, turn the throttle...

Tsuna: Where's everybody going?

Boy: We're biking to the river.

Tsuna: Oh! I'll come with you.

Boy: Only if you ditch the training wheels.

Boy: That won't happen.

Boy: He's the only one in fourth grade who can't ride a bike.

Boy: Of course. He's Loser Tsuna.

Boy: Fails at everything he does...

Boy: Loser Tsuna!

Gokudera: Boss! Hang in there!

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: You okay, Tsuna?

Tsuna: Y-Yeah...

Reborn: You're so pathetic.

Tsuna: Reborn, I really shouldn't...

Reborn: Did you try everything you could before you started thinking about stupid stuff?

Haru: What happened to your face?

Ryohei: I ran into a wall on a bike.

Kyoko: What?!

Haru: Eek?!

Haru: B-Bike?!

Ryohei: Uh...

Spanner: They're testing out these new bicycles I invented.

Haru: Oh, a bicycle.

Haru: So not a motorbike, but a bicycle.

Lambo: Lambo-san goes vroom-vroom on his tricycle!

Ipin: Geez, Lambo.

Kyoko: Lambo-kun, be careful.

Haru: But you're covered in scratches...

Haru: It must be quite difficult to ride.

Ryohei: Yeah, since it suddenly starts floating...

Haru: Floating?

Gokudera: Turf top here just rode straight into the wall like a moron.

Ryohei: What was that, Octopus head?!

Gokudera: Most people would turn before they slammed into a wall.

Ryohei: I don't like to turn!

Gokudera: That's not the issue here!

Yamamoto: Still, it's pretty fun.

Basil: Indeed, the more accustomed I become to riding it, the more enjoyable it is.

Haru: Isn't that nice, Tsuna-san?

Tsuna: Huh?

Haru: Let me ride on the back next time.

Tsuna: Oh... Uh...

Reborn: Why not? Though who knows how long that'll take.

Tsuna: I have to do something about this...

Gokudera: You're falling behind, Turf top!

Ryohei: I won't lose!

Ryohei: How's that, Octopus head?!

Gokudera: Y-You fool! Look ahead!

Ryohei: Extreme drift!

Basil: A-Amazing...

Yamamoto: Sweet moves, Senpai!

Ryohei: Extreme drift!

Giannini: That's so dangerous!

Reborn: He finally learned how to turn.

Spanner: Boost the rear frame to endure % more stress...

Tsuna: I'm the only one left again...

Tsuna: Oh.

Haru: Ah, Tsuna-san...

Kyoko: What's wrong?

Tsuna: Oh... I wanted to get some water.

Haru: I see. Please have a seat then.

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun.

Tsuna: Oh, it's okay.

Tsuna: I have to get back as soon as I'm done with my drink.

Kyoko: You're sure working hard.

Tsuna: I guess...

Tsuna: What are you doing?

Kyoko: Oh, this?

Kyoko: It's for Chrome-chan.

Haru: It's a cooking starter book.

Tsuna: Thanks.

Tsuna: Cooking starter book?

Kyoko: A book that teaches cooking for beginners.

Haru: Chrome-chan seems to be interested in cooking,

Haru: so we want to help as much as we can.

Tsuna: This is amazing. It even has illustrations.

Tsuna: It must've taken you a while.

Haru: Nope.

Haru: Over half the information was initially for us.

Tsuna: Huh?

Haru: I knew the difference between cutting chunks and strips,

Haru: but I knew nothing about shaving or doing a chateau cut.

Haru: There were many things we couldn't do at first.

Kyoko: But we worked hard so everybody could eat good meals.

Haru: Yes!

Haru: We did our best to learn step-by-step.

Haru: And now, we've become fairly good at cooking.

Kyoko: We nicked our fingers a lot in the beginning,

Kyoko: but now that we've had lots of practice we're not as bad.

Tsuna: Thanks, you two.

Tsuna: I've realized that I can't give up.

Tsuna: I'll keep trying!

Haru: What was that about?

Tsuna: S-Stupid...

Tsuna: One more time...

Gokudera: Are you okay, boss?

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun?

Tsuna: Why are you here?

Yamamoto: Don't be a loner and practice by yourself, Tsuna.

Ryohei: I'll train with you!

Tsuna: Yamamoto... Ryohei...

Yamamoto: Get on.

Gokudera: Come on, boss.

: Okay.

Gokudera: Ready, boss?

Gokudera: Start by turning the throttle about fifteen degrees.

Gokudera: Three notches as the output increases.

Tsuna: Here comes Gokudera-kun's theoretic explanations...

Yamamoto: Forget the details, just go "pbbbb" while you "vroom-vrooom-eee," and turn!

Tsuna: And Yamamoto with his weird advice...

Ryohei: You need guts!

Ryohei: That's right!

Ryohei: Extreme guts!

Tsuna: And Ryohei's spiritual philosophy...!

Gokudera: Fool! You can't ride a bike on guts!

Yamamoto: It's all about feeling. Feeling.

Ryohei: No! It all comes down to guts!

Tsuna: They're all trying to help me...

Tsuna: That cheers me up.

Gokudera: So give it a shot.

Yamamoto: Vroom-vroom.

Ryohei: Take it to the extreme!

Tsuna: Yeah, I'll definitely learn how to ride this thing.

Tsuna: Here I go!

Gokudera: Looking good, boss.

Ryohei: Go, Sawada!

Gokudera: Now accelerate slowly!

Yamamoto: Don't forget about balance! Balance!

Tsuna: I-I did it!

Tsuna: I'm riding!

Reborn: You did it, Tsuna.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Reborn...

Reborn: You did a good job.

Tsuna: Yeah...

Tsuna: But I'm not as good as the other guys yet.

Reborn: For someone who couldn't ride a bicycle until fourth grade,

Reborn: learning how to ride a motorcycle in a few days is impressive.

Tsuna: True...

Tsuna: This is the first time I've learned something so quickly.

Tsuna: Thanks, guys!

Reborn: You still have a ways to go.

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: And now for the horoscope segment I'm sure you've all missed.

Reborn: Who'll be lucky today?

Reborn: Here are the top three.

Reborn: First, in third place:

Caption: Leo Your lucky number is !

Reborn: Leo.

Ken: All right!

Ken: I'll eat a bunch of snacks and win more!

Reborn: Next, in second place:

Caption: Gemini Feel more self-assured by changing your hair style!

Reborn: Gemini.

Lambo: All the grape candy will be Lambo-san's!

Reborn: And finally, in first place:

Caption: Sagittarius Your dreams will come true and you'll be happy!

Reborn: Sagittarius.

Irie: I-I'm happy.

Irie: But my luck isn't going to run out now, is it?

Irie: Ow...

Caption: Horoscope: Keiko Han

Caption: See you next time!

Reborn: Were you the lucky ones?

Reborn: We'll see you next time then!

Caption: Next Episode

Reborn: Tsuna's managed to learn how to ride the airbike.

Reborn: It's probably time to move on to mastering the Box Weapons now.

Reborn: But when Tsuna jumps the g*n and opens his Vongola Box first,

Reborn: it opens to reveal a brilliant light, and an unimaginable sight.

Reborn: Next time on Reborn:

Reborn: The Sky Vongola Box.

Reborn: Watch like your life depends on it.

: See you next time!