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04x06 - Sole Crusher

Posted: 07/04/23 12:09
by bunniefuu
In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl,

with a normal life.

But there's something about me

that no one knows yet.

Because I've got a secret.

♪ Miraculous, simply the best

♪ Up to the test

when things go wrong

♪ Miraculous, the luckiest

♪ The power of love

always so strong

♪ Miraculous

♪ Miraculous ♪

You'll discover for yourself

that one can never

see too much of Paris!

Does the Eiffel Tower

need an introduction?

To think that when it was built,

the Parisians thought

it stuck out like a sore thumb!

And over there

are the Trocadéro Gardens!

Underneath there is an aquarium.

The first in the world,

built in !

The Louvre!

The largest museum in the world!

So huge that it would take

days to see everything!

Originally, it was a fortress

built to protect our city.

These days, it protects our art.

Speaking of protecting the city,

there are our miracles,

- Ladybug and Cat Noir!

- Can we stop here?

I've always dreamed of eating

a Parisian croissant!

You couldn't have picked

a better place!

It's the best bakery in Paris!

My kids adore

their croissants!

You're lucky,

they're fresh out of the oven.

Sorry, I got held up!

Here are the appl --

- Aaah!

- Oh!

Is everyone all right?

- Sorry, sorry, sorry!

- It's totally OK!

But maybe

I should be asking if you're OK?

- That was quite a fall!

- (Laughs)

Don't worry about me!

I'll be fine.

I'm pretty clumsy,

so I'm used to it!

Come to think of it,

I fall a lot.

Fall flat on my face,

fall asleep, fall out of bed,

fall apart at the seams,

fall in love...


I am sorry about all this.

How can I make it up to you?

- It's nothing, don't worry!

- It is!

Mom, could you put together

a dozen more croissants for...

- Zoé!

- Hello, Zoé!

I'm "Miss Walking Disaster!"

Where's your accent from?

It's really pretty!

- I'm from New York!

- Wow, cool!

And what are you doing in Paris?

I'm, uh,

here to be with my family.

Then it's gonna be a great trip.

If you're

with the ones you love,

you feel right at home.


Wow! Your sneakers are awesome!

Did you decorate them yourself?

Yeah. I've written

every nice thing

anyone's ever said to me,

to keep them with me

all the time.

But there's only one message.

I only had one friend.


If you're free tonight,

my friends are performing

a concert on a river barge.

Let me give you my number.

I can give you mine, too,

if you want.

This way,

I won't lose it for sure!

- Bye!

- See you tonight, then.

- Share it with your kids.

- Wow! Don't you want

to keep some for your family?

Nah, they prefer sour to sweets.

Well, thanks, Miss.

Enjoy your journey.

Oh, welcome, Mademoiselle Zoé.

Please follow me.

Pardon me, Madame,

but your daughter has arrived.

Zoé! Ugh! You look terrible!

I'm guessing

the flight was horrific?

Someone in Economy class, uh,

smelled like disgusting cologne,

and they refused to open

a window to air out the plane!

Your father forgot

to provide a private jet?

Too busy for anyone, as usual.

It's fine that you want

to come live with us, but...

what exactly was wrong with

your boarding school, again?

I found roaches in my locker.

Can you believe it?

Well, that's nice, dear.


Take her to see her sister!

So, you're Zoé.

Blonde hair, blue eyes...

Good. You're measuring up

to the family standards.

You could make an acceptable

sister, physically at least.


You'll have to change the case.

Not enough gold or diamonds.

Aaah! What are those?

See these? These shoes are life.

And in life

there are winners and losers.

Winners have their perfect

little feet in these shoes,

while losers

get crushed under the soles.

So, you want 'em?

Ah, ah, ah!

If you wanna be a winner

and be part of this family,

you're gonna

have to earn your place.

But don't worry.

I'll be your mentor!

And if you prove worthy enough

to be my sister,

well, then, maybe

I'll let you borrow my shoes.

Rule number one.

Your father only exists

to give you everything you want,

whenever you want.

- Daddy!

- (Knock on door)

I want the limo painted pink

before I go to school.

Huh? What? But, sweetheart...

Since your father isn't here,

you'll use mine!

If you become my sister,

of course.

Rule number two. You need

a minion. Where's yours?

Uh... I left them in New York!

(Gasps) Fatal mistake!

You never go anywhere

without them!

Don't confuse a minion

for a patsy.

I'll teach you later.

A minion is someone

who does everything for you.

Aren't you done

with that homework?

Sorry! It's taking me longer

'cause it's so dark in here,

but now my eyes are used to

having no light it'll go faster!

Now, a patsy is there to suffer

for your own entertainment.

If you're good enough,

a patsy can last you a lifetime.

I have an old one, but

it hasn't been working so well

since I became a superhero.

I got too soft.

She's yours if you can do

something with her!

Another super important rule,

number .

All the boys have to be

crazy about you!

Carrying your schoolbag should

be the highlight of their day.

Not you.

Not you either... or you.

But you can shine my shoes

in your dreams tonight! You!




Hey, you nobodies!

Stop your chatter

for a minute

and listen up! This is...

Uh, what's your name again?


We'll buy you a new name later.

This is Zoé. She's only

my half-sister for now,

but you must still treat her

with respect. So, bow down...

uh, I mean, give her the welcome

her status deserves!

Her sister? Chloé has a sister?

Hopefully, she's less horrible!

Relax, girls,

I met her at the bakery earlier.

She's totally

nothing like Chloé!

She's actually really nice!

And besides,

why make judgements

about people

before we know them?

- Hey, what's up, man!

- Ah! Rule number .

You need a guy BFF

to wrap around your finger,

preferably gorgeous and rich.

That one over there, is mine.


He's the best there is.

So keep your hands off,

you hear?

We'll find you

a less handsome one,


you're less pretty than me.

Ah! Here comes the patsy

I mentioned.

If you can do a number on her,

then I'll make you

my real sister!

Watch and learn. Still

loafing around, Dupain-Cheng?

(Laughs) Loaf!

She's a baker's daughter.

- Get it? Ha, ha, ha!

- Hey, Zoé.

What'd you think

about the macaroons? Good, huh?

- What? You know Dupain-Cheng?

- Yeah, we've met.

This clueless klutz

knocked me down.

So she gave me some super,

uh, disgusting macaroons,

trying to make up for it.

But since I have good taste,

I threw them out.

Can I do your homework?

Find a spot, find a spot.

Mid-year admission

is not so easy!

- There's a lot of paperwork --

- Rule number .

Would you like me

to call my stepfather

and let him know

how useless you've been?

So useless that this school

would surely run

- just as well without you!

- Uh...

May I introduce

your new schoolmate, Zoé!

Please obey... I mean,

give her a warm welcome!

I don't understand.

When I met her this morning,

- she was so nice!

- That's just crazy!

Chloé's influence is so toxic

that she's corrupted

her sister in a few hours?

- Let's get her out of there!

- Who'll take her in?

- Can we adopt her?

- Let's just talk to her first.

I'll handle it.

Needs improvement,

but not such a bad start!

As a reward, I'll let you

touch my diamond shoes

- when we're home.

- Thank you?

See you later!

Why did she become so nasty

when she was so nice before?

Maybe she was... hungry?

I'm sure the real Zoé

is the one I met the first time.

I hope I can get

to the bottom of this.

As long as you're acting with

kindness, you can't go wrong.

No, no!


I can tell that something

is keeping you

from being yourself.

If it's Chloé, we can talk

about it tonight if you want.

You're still welcome

to come to the barge.

- Ridiculous!

- "Sorry, I'll explain tonight."

Are you texting Dupain-Cheng?

I warned you!

Either you walk over people

or I walk over you.

Either you're proud

to be a part of my family,

and walk in my footsteps,

or you clear out!

Are you through? This is

all just part of my plan.

I tricked her

into thinking I'm her friend

and tonight on the barge,

I'll throw

her macaroons

into the Seine

in front

of all her friends.

Total humiliation!

(Gasps) Oh! Brilliant!

Utterly brilliant!

So, how about stick a wad

of chewing gum on her chair?

No! Done that!

Oh! Get her punished

for something she didn't do?

Too easy.

(Gasps) Roaches!

Roaches in her locker!

Yes! How amazing am I?

Hey, where are you going?

I'm going

to try them on outside.

I want to see the diamonds

sparkle in the sunlight.

Is everything OK, Zoé?

When I was young, I wanted

to make movies, tell stories...

Ah! That was the real me!

But it was made very clear to me

that in order to earn my place,

I had to let certain dreams go.

What about you?

What are your dreams?

At first I... I wanted to be

an actress. I'm good at acting.

Then I found myself

acting all the time,

trying to please everyone,

until I couldn't do it anymore.

I just want to be accepted

for being me, the real me.

And now it's happening

all over again. I just can't.

Let me show you something.

I call this my cellar of dreams!

It can be lonely

when even your own family

can't accept you.

We end up burying our feelings

deep, here and here.

If you want, I can make

some space for you.

I warned you!

Either you walk over people

or I walk over you.

Never being accepted

by your loved ones,

travelling across the ocean

only to be rejected once again!

Welcome to Paris, Mademoiselle.

Fly away my little akuma,

and evilize that fragile heart.

Sole Crusher, I am Shadow Moth.

Your sister challenges you

to measure up to her?

I give you the power

to crush her soul instead!

From now on, every person you

crush will make you stronger.

They'll be crushed

under the soles of my shoes,

all the same!

All I ask for in return

are Ladybug and Cat Noir's


Start walking, Sole Crusher!


- Mademoiselle... Chloé?

- Wrong, John-Something!

I am Sole Crusher!

(Evil laugh)

Hey! How come you're using my

image without my authorization?

The student

has become the master, Chloé,

and now I'm going to crush you!


- Hey! That's our cab!

- Not anymore!


Hey, you!

Watch where you put your feet!


You! Hide me!

Quick, hide!

Chloé? What's going on?

Don't just sit there!

Help me block this door!

Found you!


- Who are you?

- I'm Sole Crusher!

You can't escape me!

Kaalki! Teleport to Plagg!

We'll need Cat Noir's help!

Are you sure?

You know how dangerous it is?

We have no choice! Hurry!

I'll look for Marinette!


- My cheese!

- There's a villain in Paris,

and the Guardian

can't take care of it!

Sorry, Mr. Noir,

about your room.

Don't worry. Ladybug

will fix everything later.

Plagg! Claws out!


If you want to be my sister,

if you want to be like me,

then I'm not the one

you should crush. They are!

Those losers! Otherwise,

you'll go back to New York!

You may be bigger,

but you're still just

a ridiculous copy of me!

- Utterly ridiculous!

- That's not true.

You don't have to crush anyone.

There are no winners or losers!

There's just people, with their

differences and individualities!

Did someone start off

on the wrong foot?

I'm not finished!

Zoé, no one will judge you here!

You can just be yourself.

You might trip, you might fall.

Someone will always help you up.

I'll always be there for you.

Sole Crusher, I can sense

that you're weakening.

You wouldn't want me

to remove your powers

and leave you stuck

with the losers, would you?

No one

will tell me what to do!



- Marinette!

- You followed me? Way to go!

Tikki, spots on!


The big fall the hardest.

- Sorry, I got held up!

- Grr!

We're not getting anywhere!

I might have to cataclysm her

- before she destroys the city!

- No way!

We don't know what would happen!

It could be fatal!

Lucky charm!

A shoe horn?

Of course.

The akuma

must be hiding in her shoes!

Let me trip her up a bit,


- Cataclysm!

- (Groans)

Where is the akuma?

Even as a supervillain

you're still a loser!

Just look

at how you're treating my shoes!

Go back to your sad,

ugly sneakers!

Why, when I finally know what

it's like to be in your shoes?

Sneakers? What if the akuma

wasn't in these shoes,

but in the sneakers Chloé

was talking about? Follow me!

I'm right on your heels!

If Chloé lent her those shoes,

the sneakers must be here.

Five more minutes!

I'm almost done!

Where are

Chloé's sister's sneakers?

Huh? What? I don't know!

- She must have her own room.

- Ladybug! Cat Noir!

You'll save us again, won't you?

- Mr. Mayor?

- I hid in here

when I witnessed poor little Zoé

getting akumatized.

You saw everything?

Do you know

where her sneakers are?

Isn't it strange Sole Crusher

didn't follow us here?

Let's make a run for it.

Promise you won't tell

my wife about this.

You can't measure up to me!

I'm going to crush you all!

Of course.

No more evil-doing for you,

little akuma.

Time to de-evilize!


Bye-bye, little butterfly!

Miraculous Ladybug!

- Pound it!

- Pound it!

This is a magical charm, Zoé.

With it, Shadow Moth

can't get to you any longer.

Keep it with you to remember

what you overcame today.

Thank you, Ladybug!

You really are Miraculous!

Bug out!

You may run fast, Ladybug,

but I will have you at my feet

one day.

And then I will crush you!

Welcome aboard, Zoé!

Zoé's about to toss

Dupain-Cheng's macaroons

into the Seine!

It'll be spectacular!

Let me introduce you

to everyone.

Guys, this is Zoé! She just

arrived here from New York.

- Hi!

- Hi!

- Hello!

- I'm...

really sorry about today.

I thought that if I did

everything Chloé wanted me to,

she'd accept me.

I just wanted to meet

my family's expectations,

which is why I left New York

in the first place.

At the boarding school

I was playing a part,

being someone else,

hoping they'd accept me.

But finally,

I just couldn't anymore.

That's when everyone

turned against me.

And then one day

I found roaches in my locker.

They all said I was a loser.

Maybe they were right.

I get that I'm different.

And I'd understand if you guys

didn't want me as a friend.

We're all one big happy family!

You'll be fine with us!

You'll never have to leave

again, Zoé. Welcome to Paris.

Wait. Wait. What is she doing?

Ew! Don't eat that!

You'll get infected

with their lameness!

I order you to fire her!

Daddy! Order her

to return my shoes at once!


And I demand that she be sent

back to New York immediately,

exactly the way she came!

Of course, of course.

- However...

- Is there a problem, André?

Well, what I mean is,

with all the paperwork needed

to enroll her in another school,

we won't be rid of her

for months!

Maybe we could just...

put her somewhere else?

- In the cellar.

- Excellent idea.

Or at least, in a room

in another wing of the hotel!


a smaller room than mine!

Oh, of course! Minuscule!

Barely the size

of a junior suite!

And see to it

that we never cross paths again!

She'll take the service elevator

with the staff!

Thank you! Promise me that you

won't leave your dreams too long

- down in that cellar.

- I promise. Come on.

You're going to love

your new room.

Zoé sent me a text!

"Thank you for everything!

You were right.

I can be myself here,

'cause you and the others

will always be there for me.

For the first time in my life,

I actually feel at home!"