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01x55 - Sonic's Song

Posted: 07/05/23 11:37
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]





[Long howl]

Mad Dog Max here on Rebel Radio REBL!

Here's Catty Carlisle to introduce her brand new song.

Why, thank you, Mad Dog.

This Lil ol' tune is dedicated to Sonic The Hedgehog!

Mobius' number one hero!

[Upbeat country music]

Yee-haw! Play it, boys!

♪ Sonic the Hedgehog ♪

♪ You can't catch what you can't see ♪

♪ Sonic the Hedgehog ♪

♪ He's gonna make Mobius free-- ♪

[Scratch] Wait'll that hedgehog gets a load

of our Metal Jaw Sonic Slammer!


First, he gets munched in the metal jaws.

Then we got him, right?


He's yanked by the rope.

Slammed by the tree

and hung by his spiny little blue hiney!


Now, all we gotta do is wait.

That's my favourite part!

C'mon, B.B. brain, tune somethin' in!


There, I like this song.

Yeah, catchy little number.

Except, it's about Sonic.

So what? It's great!

♪ He's gonna make Mobius free ♪

♪ He's a teenage fugitive on the run ♪

♪ Eats chili dogs by the ton. ♪

♪ No matter how frantic the chase becomes-- ♪


Did you feel a breeze?

Great song!

Better believe it, Hedgehog.

And good lyrics, too.

And nice trap!


Hey! Nab him!

Gotta buzz, cuz!


Uh, oh.

Hey, it didn't work.

Lucky for us.

It must be stuck.

I can't figure out what's wrong.

[Grounder] Hey, what's this?

It's in the off position!

[Grounder] No wonder it didn't work.


Grounder, you dingbot.


Rebel Radio request line?

Lemme hear that way cool Sonic's Song again!

[dj] Here it is again!

By request for the th time, Sonic's Song!

♪ Sonic the Hedgehog, ♪

♪ You can't catch what you can't see ♪


Turn that insipid song off!

Yessir, Dr. Robotnik!

At your service, your Heinousness!

I detest that Catty Carlisle!

She's singing about Sonic!

So I invented this Radio-Wave-Locator

to find her and stop her!

[Robotnik] There!

That's where the song is coming from!

[Grounder] From this machine?

No, imbecile!

That flashing light shows where the song is being broadcast!

[Robotnik] This is where the rebel radio station is!

Single pound villain looking

for suitable companion.

[Robotnik] Oops!

Er, uh-- Wrong paper.

Give me that!

Now, kidnap that girl singer, destroy that station,

and do whatever it takes to stop that song!

♪ Sonic the Hedgehog, ♪


♪ You can't catch what you can't see-- ♪

Didn't you hear me?!

I said stop it!


[dj] What inspired you to write Sonic's Song, Catty?

[Catty] Well, I've followed Sonic's career from the beginning.

He's the bravest, fastest hero on Mobius.

Hear that, Tails?

Sounds like I'm famous.

It's about time, Sonic.

Hey, you can't just bust in here!

By order of Dr. Robotnik, this program is cancelled!

Yeah, your ratings are too good!


Can I say hello to my Mommy?

Oh, you don't have a Mommy!


You're coming with us, Catty Carlisle!

Someone help me!

[Catty] I'm being kidnapped!


C'mon, kid, we gotta help Catty!

Let's bust those 'bots!


Hey, robro's, chill out.

Can't we rap about this?

We don't do rap.

We're metalheads.



Scratch and Grounder, we're from Mobius Tonight!

Millions heard your comedy on the radio just now,

and you've become instant celebrities!


Mobius Tonight?

What can I say?

There's just no stopping great talent!

Hello, lady robots.

I'm single, and willing to disassemble.

So call the studio--

Why go for second best ladies,

when you can have me?

Hey, I've got a call for you bots on line one!

I'll bet it's a beautiful fembot for me!

I'll bet it's the network!

[Clears throat]

This is Scratch!

Grounder speaking!

[Robotnik] You Transisterized-Twtis!

You let Sonic and that singer get away!



Boy, careers are really short in radio!


[Catty] Don't worry, Sonic.

I'll be safe here in my secret studio.

How can I ever thank you both for helping me?

Well, could ya play your new song for us?

I'd love to, but I don't have my guitar.

Can't ya get a new one?

Well, it was custom made , miles away from here,

at Ray's in Big Beat city.

No problemo.

I know where that is.

Look after Catty, Tails.

I'll be back before The downbeat!

We'd better apologize to Doctor Robotnik.


Let's just go to our rooms.

Where do you dumbots think you're going?


Uh, we thought you were sleeping, oh Gluteus Maximus.

How could I sleep when everybody in Mobius is singing that

blasted Sonic's Song?!

It must be stopped!

I've got it!

I'll put an end to all music on Mobius!

No humming, no singing, and no radio!

[Whistles Sonic's Song]

[Angry grunts]

And no whistling!

You blasted--


[Clears throat]

Pardon me, your Vileness, but there's egg on your face.

Not anymore there isn't.

Boys, say hello to the Music Destroyer Robot.

[Robotnik] He can pick up sounds for miles with his supersensitive ears

and satellite dish.

I've built him to destroy all music and capture anything

that gets in his way!

Now get out there and do it!

[Music playing]


Music gives me such a migraine!


There's music!

[Muffled scream]


I must destroy all music!

Music is against the law of Robotnik.

No more music!

Hey, what's going on out there?

[M.D] Stop that pounding, you!

Oh, no!

That baby's in trouble!

Look out, look out!

Run little fella!

Let her go, Dumbo!

Ya missed!!



[Tails] Catty, Catty!

[Catty] Someone help me!!


Let me go!


Ow, ow, ow!! That hurts my ears!


Well done, M.D!

Now go out and finish destroying all music!

It will be my pleasure.




Well, well.

This is the most fortunate!

You are just the person I need right now.

What for?


There's only room for one song on Mobius!


I've started a wonderful, inspirational song

and I want you to finish it.


♪ Robotnik, he's so cool ♪

♪ Hedgehog, he is a fool ♪

Here, now play it!

But I don't even play the accordion!

[Angry muttering]

♪ Robotnik, he's a fool ♪

♪ Hedgehog, he's so cool ♪


No, no, you've got it reversed!

You can learn the proper words, and write the rest of my song

in a prison cell.

Lock her up!


I'm not writing you anything!

Forget it, Egg-belly!

TAILS Sonic, help. Sonic!


What happened, little bro?

Catty's been kidnapped by Robotnik's new robot!

What new robot?

He's destroying all the music in the city!

Then we gotta speed, keed!


[Sonic] It's a long way up.

That's where I come in, right Sonic?

Right, Lil Bud'.

You buzz around the other side and lemme know if ya spot Catty.








[M.D] Ooh, ooh, I got you!

Doctor Robotnik will be so happy!

If that stubborn little songstress won't write me

a song, I'll write my own song.

♪ I am the biggest Villain in town ♪

Okay, boys! Sing backup I again.

[Scratch] Do we have to?


♪ He's a big, big Villain ♪

♪ I am genius, I have proof ♪

♪ Yes, he's tellin' you the truth ♪

Ooh, that's good.

Master, I've captured the Hedgehog and Fox

and locked them in the courtyard cell.


Excellent, M.D!

I'm making you head of the S.S.S.S.S.S. Squad!

Now go guard that Hedgehog!

And you two are demoted to permanent backup singers!

No, please, Dr. Robotnik!

Give us another chance, Sir!

♪ I am the Mighty, mighty Robotnik ♪

♪ Oh, doowop, ditty, ditty, wopdidoo, doowop ♪

♪ He's the Mighty, Mighty Robotnik boo, hoo, hoo, wop, ♪

♪ ditty, ditty, wop ♪

Should I stop that?

No, of course not.

It's definitely not music!



I don't wanna be a backup singer!

Yeah, after all, we were stars on radio, you know.

What's wrong, guys?

You're really lookin' sad.

Yeah, doctor Robotnik doesn't need us anymore.

Y'know I liked you guys, and I hate to see this happen to ya.

I'll help ya out.

[Scratch] How?

Tails and me will pretend to escape,

but you catch us and Robotnik will have to give you

back your jobs!

Dr. Robotnik's too smart for a trick like that!

Yeah, and so are we!

He'd believe ya if you caught us in a great trap.

[Scratch] Now where we gonna get a great trap?

[Sonic] I'll help ya build it!


No talking to the prisoners.

Your idea might work.

But how do we get rid of the M.D?


Pull out his fuse.

Okay, I did it just like ya said.

Now what?

First, you phone Robotnik and tell him we've escaped.

When he comes running, you guys chase us toward the trap

and we'll slip on the oil, slam into the pole,

and then the cage comes down on me and Tails.

[Sonic] Got it, guys?

Got it!

[Phone rings]


[Clears throat]

Hello, Doctor Robotnik?

The M.D fell asleep on the job!

Sonic and Tails have escaped, come quick!

M.D, I can't believe you let them get away!

C'mon Slomos, Robotnik's watching!

We'll catch 'em, Doctor!

Leave 'em to old reliable us!

Catch 'em, boys!

If you catch 'em, I'll give you anything!

He bought it.




Those Nincombots!

Ah, here's the problem.

His main fuse fell out!

Wow, I needed that!

Now that you're back on your feet,

get out there and catch that Hedgehog!


Look at this!

[Sonic] This must be the musical equipment Robotnik

took from the Mobius citizens.

I just got a jammin' idea, Lil Bro'!

[Bongo solo]


I hear music!


I see Hedgehog!

Time to jam, Sam!

Catch that Hedgehog!

Stop that music!

[Flute playing]

Oh, I'm getting angry!

Time to Rock 'n' Roll, Lil Buddy'!

Rock on, Sonic!

[Loud guitar riff]

[Sonic] Whoah, head rush.

Who's playing that wretched music?!!

Take cover Li'l Bro', and plug your ears!

[Loud guitar solo]

Too much music.


I know there's music!

Pull yourself together!

Hey, Robutt-head!

I'm glad you made the show!

Check out my Eddie Van Hedgehog impression!

[Loud rock music]

Music overload.


I order you to mute that Music Maker!

Hasta la vista, baby.


Oh no.


I hate that hedgehog!!

Wow, what the heck is that?

I dunno, but it's coming right for us.

[Grounder] Aw, no way! It's not even coming close.

-Yes, it is. -No, it's not.

Here it comes!

Well, maybe it is.


Oh no, not again!

Get me out of here, you mental midgets!

[Robotnik] Get me out!



♪ Sonic's comin' around, ♪

♪ He's faster than the speed of sound! ♪

♪ Sonic The Hedgehog, ♪

♪ you can't catch what you can't see, ♪

Sonic's song!

Stop it!


[Robotnik] Come back here!

Sorry it took so long to bring ya the guitar.

That's okay.

At least I learned how to play the accordion.

[Off-key music]

I guess I need a little more practice.

♪ Sonic The Hedgehog ♪

♪ You can't catch what you can't see ♪

♪ Sonic the Hedgehog ♪

♪ He's gonna make Mobius free ♪

♪ He's a teenage fugitive on the run ♪

♪ Eatin' chili dogs by the ton ♪

♪ No matter how frantic the chase becomes ♪

♪ There's always time to have some fun ♪

We'll flatten that fleabag fox!


[Grounder] Where'd he go?

Thanks, Sonic!

Music's great, Tails, but you gotta be aware

of your surroundings, too.

Huh? What'd ya say?

Plus, it ruins your hearing if you play it too loud!


We gotta fix that parking brake.

