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01x02 - Tails' New Home

Posted: 07/05/23 11:53
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]






He's gonna get me!


Your hightailin' days are over, brat!

I shoulda listened to Sonic!

Oh, no!

I really shoulda listened!

In case you hadn't noticed, fuzzface,

you're trapped!

[Scratch cackles]







Who says chickens are stupid?!

I just outfoxed a fox!!





What's the prob, kid?

These Robotskis picking on ya?

[Whirring in distant]

Sonic, look out!


Now we gotcha both!

Hey, what are ya tryin' to do!

Get offa me!

I'll take the chicken, please!



Yuck! I hate Airline food!

I wonder what the movie is on this flight??

I don't have a movie!!

What, no movie?!

That's no way to treat a first class passenger!

Stop that!

-[Grounder] I can't see! -[Sonic] Yee-haw!

-[Grounder] We're gonna crash! -[Sonic] Whoah!

-[Sonic] Alright! -[Grounder] Hey!

[Sonic] Yeah!

Listen to me,

just fly straight for two seconds and then turn left!

Oh, yeah, sure!

Like I'm gonna trust you?!

I think I'll turn right!


...into this grain tower!


Rough flight, huh?

You'll feel better when ya land!

I'm waiiitttiinggg!


Sad isn't it?!

Breaking up is so hard to do.

[Tails] Sonic, help!

Gonna getcha! Gonna getcha!





Tails? You okay, little buddy?

Uh, I don't feel so good.

That's it!

That's the last time I'm gonna let this happen!

[Tails] I'm fine, Sonic.

I can helitail myself, honest!

[Sonic] I don't think so!

[Tails] At least could we go a little faster?

[Sonic] Too risky, pal.

I don't want you to get hurt again ever!

I won't, I promise!

You sure won't!

Cuz' I'm gonna make sure of it!

[Tails] What are we doin' here?

It's your new home!!

We've never had our own baby.

So we told the agency we'd adopt anybody.


Is somethin' burnin'?


I'm just baking cookies for our new little boy!


Excuse me.

Stand back!

Thank you, young man.

That's the second time today I turned the oven up too high.

Come on, Tails.

I'll show you around.

We want our home to be your home!





[Sigh of relief]

Thank you again!

That happened so many times last week

our old Goldfish moved away!

Oh, I don't wanna die--

[Indescribable speech]


[Water splashing]

Come on, sweetie, let's go upstairs

and I'll show you your room!

Guess what?

When you live with us, you'll have your very own bathroom.

[Water splashing]

[mother bird] Hmm.

I wonder if I forgot to turn off the shower.



George, remember the last time this happened?

It made the pilot light go out on the gas heater?

I remember.

And then the electrical system started sparking?

I remember.

And then, weren't we in for a big surprise!

I wish I could forget!


I think I'd be safer livin' with Robotnik.

Okay, so they weren't the safest family on Mobius.

But I'm still gonna find ya a good home!

[Sonic] Well this is it, Tails!

You'll be safe here.

Before he retired, Sergeant Dobermann was one of Mobius's

bravest soldiers.



Troops, fall in!

Ten hut!


Which one of you yard-birds is the new recruit?

I think you got it wrong, Sarge.

Tails here is lookin' to join your family.

Then pull in your gut, stick out your chest,

keep those tails at attention!

Down on the ground and gimme fifty!

One two! One two! One two! One two!


Can I...

...ask a... question?


Do what you're told!

Run in place!

One two! One Two! Move out! One two! One two!



I don't like this.

They say his wife's...

...real nice.

One two! One two! One two! One two!

One two! One two! One two! One two!

One two! One two!



Hey, what was that?


Oh, It's The Mrs.!

I assigned her to the a*tillery range for target practice!



Probably shoulda waited till she got her new glasses!

Didn't I order you rookies to do your exercises?

[Sonic] Right, Sarge. We are.

We're takin' a hike.

Double time!

We're up, over, and gone!



[Fire cracking]

Sonic, can't we just forget this whole idea?

No way!

I'm findin' you a family!

So we made a couple of bad choices.

We'll find ya the right spot.

[Sonic] Mobius is full of nice people.

Come on, Sonic do we hafta meet another family?


We're gonna keep meetin' families till we find the one

that's perfect for ya.

Aha! Here they come!


You ready?

Lemme test it!

[Clears throat]

Friends Mobiuns, fellow evil robots,

a funny thing happened to me on the way

to conquering your planet.

[Scratch cackling]

Have you seen this missing child?

Sonic, look! That's me!

If you know this little cutie's whereabouts,

his poor, unhappy, miserable, sad and lonely,

real parents would like to hear from you!

Did you hear that? My real parents!

Yeah. But where are they?

To reach this missing child's parents go to

Mobius View Drive!

Come on, Sonic.

You wanted me to find a family.

And this is my real one!

A Mom... a Dad.

A picket fence.


I'll see ya therrrre!

He just wandered away and we looked everywhere.

He was too young to remember us.

This here is your train set, Tails.

[Train whistles]

[Tail's dad] And a great mitt so we can play catch.

And there's your Video Game Library.

And you can have anything you want for dinner tonight

with two desserts.


Tails belongs with his own kind.

He'll get regular meals go to the best schools,

and we'll make sure he'll never be in danger.

Sounds really great, huh, Sonic?

I guess.

It's just what you wanted for me.

Wasn't it? Huh?


[Tear drops]

Promise me one thing?

Don't ever let Robotnik find out he's here.

Of course not, Sonic.

We'll take Tails to our place in the mountains and Robotnik

will never find him.

Well, keed, gotta speed!

I'll miss ya, Sonic.

Hey, easy on the mush!

There's only one way to handle goodbyes!

I'll miss...



[Tail's dad] The masquerade's over.

We'll take back those presents.



Sonic, help!

It's too late, babyface!

Your Hedgehog hero's gone!

Sonic fell for it!

Tails is ours!

I'll have to give myself a promotion!

Congratulations, your Despicableness.

With Tails under my control I can force Sonic

to do anything I want!

Could you have him scratch right there between my shoulder bolts?

It really itches!


When I get done with Sonic...

[Evil laugh]

...He'll be glad to shine your treads!


It was the only thing I could do.

He's just a kid.

He belongs with his family.

Yeah, it was the right thing!


It's not gonna be the same without him.

Never thought I'd say that after the uncool way we met.


BABY [Tails] Sorry, mister!

Hey, what's the big idea?

I just wanted to live with those guys,

but they kicked me out.

Why'd ya want to live with them?

You're not a bird.

I'm not?


But I can fly.

Maybe I'm a bug.

You're a fox.

And foxes don't fly.

I do.


You got two tails!

Doesn't everyone?

Can I live with you?

Well don't ya have a family?

Nope. I've been lost for a long time

and I need somebody to live with.

Well, I can't slow down for stuff like that.

Gatta juice, Kid!

Wanna see me cry?

[Bursts into loud sobbing]

Whoa, yeah.

Okay, okay!

You can tag along for a while and I'll think about it.

-Woah! -Great!

You can be my big brother!


What's your name, squirt?

Promise not to tell anyone?

-It's Miles. -Miles?

Yeah, I hate it.

Okay, I'll call ya somthin' else.

I'll call ya Tails!

-Wow, what a day! -Woah!

I find out I'm not a bird.

I'm not a bug.

I get a big brother and a new name!

[Tails] I'm Tails!

Tails belongs with his own kind.

Wait a sec!

If those were his real parents, they'd have called him Miles,

not the name I gave 'im!

Something smells, and I bathed this morning.



Is the brat secure?

[bug ] Secure, your Nastiness!

Apply the Test Sneaker

to the Magnetic-Sneaker-Gripper Hedgehog-Trapper-Rug!


The Magnetic-Sneaker-Gripper Hedgehog-Trapper-Rug

is working perfectly!

Ya can shut if off!


Test the Ceiling-Squasher- Sonic-Smasher-Cruncher!


[Grounder] Ceiling-Squasher-Sonic Smasher-Cruncher is A-okay!

Now all we have to do is lure the Hedgehog to his doom!

[Robotnik] I want you two to find Sonic and deliver this ransom note!

We can do that!

[Sonic] I'm Sorry, you can't do that!

Only an official Mobius Postman like me can deliver letters.

Oops! You're in trouble, doctor!

I'm never in trouble, I make trouble!

You spelled kidnapped with a C.


When I take total control of Mobius,

that's the way everyone will spell it!

And this is all wrong.

"Get here immediately if you know what's good

for your two-tailed friend!"

Really? I kind of liked it.

Everybody knows Sonic wouldn't get here immediately.

He'd get here before immediately!



Get out of here, Tails!

I wanna stay and help!

You get outta here now or I'll tell everyone

your real name is Miles!

No, mot that!


[Robotnik grunts]

Activate the

Magnetic-Sneaker-Gripper- -Hedgehog-Trapper-Rug!

[Robotnik] Get him! Get that hedgehog!

[Angry grumbling]


[Scratch] Sneaker-Gripper activated.


I hate that Hedgehog!

It's your fault you bumbling metalheads!

I never should have made you!

You make me sick!

[Angry grumbling]

How do we get him off of there?

We come back Tuesday.

Tuesday? -Yeah.

Maybe by that time he'll have yelled so much

he'll have lost his voice.


Hold it!

It's our duty as shoe-licking yes-bots, to stay here

and catch Sonic.

[Sonic] Excuse me.

That fake postman who was just here forgot this

special delivery fan mail for Scratch and Grounder.

-Fan mail? -For us?

-Aw geee! -Wow!

Here's a nice one from Lulu Pubescent of East Mobius.

"Dear Grounder, you are my hero.

will you show me how to open your chest compartment?"

Sure, Lulu.

Anything for a fan...

It opens like this.

"Dear Grounder and Scratch.

Now show me how it feels to have the

Ceiling-Squasher-Sonic Smasher-Cruncher fall on you!

-Uh-oh! -Uh-oh!

Dear Lulu, thanks for the letter.

Why don't you take a long walk off a short pier.

Fondly yours, Grounder.

Sorry for all the trouble, Squirt.

I was just tryin' to find you a real family.

I got a real family.

I got the best.

Yeah? Where?

[Tails] A family's just people who care about each other

more than anyone else, right?


You're it.

You're my mom. You're my dad.

And you're my picket fence!


You're not gonna use the 'L' word are ya?


Then I will.

'Cause it's a great word.

I love ya, Lil Bro'!

Now I've got somethin' even more important to say..

Noogie time!


Boy, it's really great to be home!


Where ya goin', Coconuts?

I'm running away.

Dr. Robotnik doesn't love me.

So, you really think it's gonna be better out there?

[Sonic] You'll have no safe place to go!

And no one to oil you and charge your batteries

when they get low.

You could get into some bad trouble.

Why, you could end up..

in the junkyard!

Hey, It may not be perfect, but when you get right down

to it, there's no place like home!

