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01x50 - Full Tilt Tails

Posted: 07/05/23 12:16
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Tyranny, conquest, dictatorship!

They're boring!

Sometimes I just get a craving for old-fashioned theft.


We sure cleaned out that village,

your Scumminess!

Yeah! We stole a lot of swell loot!


You Dumbots!

All you got is worthless junk!



You sure do gots a lots of neat goodies there.

Kinda of stuff I always wanted.

Scram, you pesky hillbilly.


I'll be on my way.

Uh, hold on there, my good fellow.

This is your lucky day.

Oh, boy.

I like lucky days.

I'm willing to part with this wholecartful of wonderful ju-

I mean, merchandise.

You can have it for that tiny sack of dirty gold.


That whole pile of neat stuff for this little ol' bag?!

No wonder people say I look just like Santa Claus.


Great work, Sonic.

I didn't think he was gonna fall for it.

Just took advantage of his greed.

C'mon, little buddy.

Let's return this stuff to its rightful owners.

I really put one over on that rube.

This sack of gold can finance a whole army of robot soldiers to

trample Mobius into submission.

You're my hero, Doctor Robotnik, sir.

You're rotten to the core!

Thank you!

And to show how much I appreciate you two numbskulls,

I'm going to give you a tip.



Oh, boy! A tip!

The tip is: Always bUy new shoes in the afternoon,

after your feet have expanded.

I'll...uh ...try to remember that.

Yeah. Me, too.

In case I ever get feet.

I bet this nugget alone is worth -

Hmm. Strange.

Smells like chili beans.

It is chili beans!

Stale chili beans, covered with gold paint!

That was a pretty tricky hillbilly!


You want me, your putridness? You want me?!

I was bamboozled by Sonic, and it's all your fault.


What are you talking about?!

I wasn't even there!

Shut up!

I'm the boss.

I can blame whoever I want.

I'm demoting you down to mop-up duty.


Where do I start?

By standing on that x.

Not againnnn!

If it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna get even with that

scheme-stopping spine-headed, hedgehog.

Aren't they the most peaceful, pleasant,

harmless couple of old folks you ever saw?

Aw! They sure are!

Couldn't harm a fly!

That's why we're gonna attack them!

Thanks to my new Egg-O- a*tillery Attack t*nk!

We're going to blast away the far side of the canyon,

sending an avalanche of rocks down on those

unsuspecting fogies!

Ah! stop that waving!

They're the enemy!

But how will we stop Sonic from saving them?

This is the only way into the canyon!

And it's booby- trapped!

This Elastic Canyon Closer will slow him down.

and when he hits this Web Of Gooey Gunkee Cords,

he'll stick like a fly in a spider web!


Not even Sonic is fast enough to break through these obstacles!

Are we?

Of course not! Why do you ask?

Uh 'Cause I forgot to fill the gas t*nk and we're outta fuel!


Whoa! That was lucky!


We'da been stuck in that web forever!

I wanna catch Sonic so bad, then I can dismantle these stupid

robots once and for all!

Let's get on with it!

Yes, Your Nastiness!


Hellllppp! -Sonnnnic!

Good goin', Tails!

Lift those knees!

Hey! Ya knocked a second off yer last time!

Am I ever gonna be as fast as you?

Maybe, maybe not, "keed!

But give it your best shot..

Cuz if you try your hardest..

whether you end up the best or not...

you're a hero!

One more lap, now --and you can use your tails this time!


Practice is cancelled, kid!

This is for real!

Sonic! wait up!


Here comes Sonic!

Just as planned!

The Elastic Canyon Closer is holding!

I think this is a trap..

but it's not me it's gonna catch!

You can look now. It's safe!


You saved us!

Hey! If I thought you were in any real danger,

I would have rushed!

It's not fair!

That hedgehog's too fast!

Don't worry, Your Rotteness!

I'll blast another round!

No, you fabricated fool!

Congratulations Dr. Robotnik, sir.

You sure build great amm*nit*on!!

I'm here, Sonic!

Can I help with the' rescue?

Sorry, keed.

Sure coulda used yer help --but everything's okay now.

I'm never in time for the fun stuff!

Face it, I'm a slo-mo!

Hey, Keed, cheer up!

You're already the fastest two- tailed orange fox I know!

That does it!

I'm never gonna slow that hedgehog down

enough to catch him!

But you're the most vile, mean, evil guy Mobius has ever seen!

You've gotta slow Sonic down!

No! I'm done trying!

Don't say it, boss!

Don't give up!

I didn't say I wasn't going to catch Sonic!

Whoah! That's a relief!

But if you can't slow Sonic down,

how you gonna catch him?

I'm gonna make my Super Special Sonic Search and Smash Squad


That's us!

You're gonna make us faster?

I have here my latest scientific breakthrough!

In that teeny little box?

This is the greatest development in the fieid of hedgehog hunting

ever devised!

Do you fully grasp the magnitude of what I'm about to show you?

Um, magnitude?


Uh. That's small, right?

I mean, yeah! To fit in the box.

Small, yes --but precious!

A thousand robot miners toiled for years to collect

the raw materials!

It took millions of robot- hours to distill enough concentrated

compound to create this one-of-akind,

impossible-to-duplicate w*apon!

It's a miracle!

It's genius! It's -

Chewin gum!!

It's Speeder-mint Gum!

When chewed, it emits Velocity Vibes!



Yes! Whoever Speeder-Mint Gum gets speed!

Enough speed to leave Sonic in the dust!

And we possess it!

Better'n that, we got it right here!

We're gonna go faster'n Sonic!


This is the perfect place to test-run the Speeder-Mint Gum.

You're gonna break the Mobius land speed record today


I'm ready, Your Villianousness!

Open wide!

Chew it up. Good!


Velocity vibes!

Now let's see what you can do!


Look at him go!


That's one lap of Mobius!

This is great!

Uh...Doctor Robotnik!

It works!

I'm faster than Sonic!


Now use the braking chute and report back!


Brake chute!

Chute broke!

Yahhhh! Everything broke!


Th-that's w-what I c-call V-velocity V-v-vibes!

Robotnik: And whatever you do --don't loose that speeder-mint gum!

Gub? I dode eben know where my teeth are!

If I'm ever gonna be fast on my feet like Sonic

I gotta keep trainin'!

Sonic says ya gotta think fast, train fast,

an' be fast!

sonic was right!

Training is really paying... oooofffffff!

This is great!

I gotta tell Sonic!

Sonic! Mmph!

What hit me?

I did!

Stop kiddin' --whatever that was it was goin' like,

uh, me!

It was me!


I got speed!

Sonic speed!

That's amazing.

I mean, that's great.

I mean, how'd that happen?

Guess all that training paid off!

Watch! I'll race that train!

Don't ya think ya might be jumpin' the g*n?

Yeah! At last!

Tails! Wait up!

Those are three words I thought I'd never hear myself say!


Sonic! I'm waiiiiting!


I'm trapped!

I know I can run fast and I can fly fast.

Now I gotta think fast!

I know!



I'll get you out before you can shake a leg.

Of course, it would help if you could shake your leg.

Hang tight, keed!

Tails, I think it's great that you're fast now..


Just don't be in such a hurry to get yourself hurt!

It's not just enough to be fast you have to learn to be good at

fast and that takes time and practice!

Ya know, Keed, there's also a lot of responsibility

to being fast!

There is?


It's not just for showing off --it's for doin' good!

But- You show off!

Yeah, well --but only while I'm doin' good!.

Then I'm gonna do good, too!

Atta boy!

'Cause I got a lot of showing off to catch up on!

Tails! Slow down!

I'm never gonna get used to sayin' that!

You lost my Speeder-Mint Gum?!

You managed to find all of these worthless parts

--but my precious Speeder-Mint Gum is lost!


We looked everywhere, Your Ruthlessness!


Watch your mouth! I didn't build you to be honest!


Go steal, lie, connive, and harrass until you find

my Speeder-Mint Gum!

We'll get it back, Your Heftyness!

We promise.

Don't give me that!

I programmed you to break promises!

I'm fast an' I'm ready!

All I need now is someone to help!

Gee, Sonic never has to wait around to rescue someone!


Hey! Your hatch is open!

That's dangerous!

Maybe they need help!

I knew there was trouble!

Don't worry.

I'll save you!

I beg your pardon, old chap?

Hang on!

To what, Old Bean?

To me!

I'll do nothing of the sort!

Don't be nuts!

I'm not gonna let you go spiat-ola!

You fool! Leave me be!

Gee, some people can be so picky about who they let rescue them!

I say! What are you doing?

I got ya!

Oh, you pest!

You're ruining everything!


This is the Mobius International Daredevil's Competition!

And I was winning the Parachute Freefall event.

But now you've made me lose!

Oh. Gee.


[angry grumbling]


Any of you seen a little orange fox with two tails who's

faster than the dickens?

Yes. He only just ruined our entire event!

Friend of his, are you?

Me? Uh, friend of a little orange fox with...

uh... uh... Never heard of him!

I gotta put the brakes on Tails before he makes any more


Those robo-g*ons!

I wonder what they're up to?

The Speeder-Mint Gum's gotta be here somewhere!

I think I found it!

It's gooey, icky, nasty, and sticky!

Heh-heh. I did chew it up real good!


You callin' me a sap?

No --sap!

stop callin' me that!

It's sap --from the tree.

I'm not callin' you a sap!

You're not?

No --I'm callin' you an idiot!

AW, Scratch. You're so sweet.


Grounder: That doesn't look like Sonic.

Scratch: It wasn't! It was his pesky pal, Tails!

Grounder: Goin' that fast?

It could only mean.

He's got the gum!

After him!

Speeder-Mint Gum, eh?

So that's it!

Those robo-bums are after Tails --and he's gonna need me!

If I can catch up with him, that is!

No trouble here, either.

It's no fair!

Now that I've got speed, there's nobody to rescue!

And I'm not goin' back to Sonic 'til I prove myself!

We found the Speeder-Mint Gum,

Doctor Robotnik!

Tails has it!


For once you've almost accomplished your task!

Now put Plan B into action!

Plan B?


Plan is B "Bash the rat with the Bully"!

You boobs!

Of course!

I knew that!

I knew it first!

Grounder: Help! Please help meeee!

At last!

A chance to help somebody!

What's the matter, little girl?

Bad man in there steal my lollipop!

And he left me only my stick!

What bad man?

In there.

He's wearing leather!

Don't worry!

I'll get your lollipop back!

Tails may be fast, but he's not strong!

Those bikers'll wipe the floor with him

Yeah! Then we step in to pick up the pieces --uh, of gum!

Okay! I want...

He stole my lollipop!

Boo hoo!

That's terrible!

But... but...


You better talk fast, sonny!

I... I...I... but...

Those rotten robots!

They tricked me!




What happened to my... my speed?

Hey guy!

Let's not be hasty!


Hey! You're not a little girl!

And you broke my motorcycle!

I hate robots!


Hey, keed!


I came to help ya, Tails but I guess I got here a little late.

And I hate when that happens!

I'm not fast anymore.

I don't know what happened.

You stepped in some gum.


I'll explain it to ya later.


How come when I got what I always wanted more that anything

else, everything went wrong?

Sometimes yer just not ready for what you want most.

But I bet you'll grow up and you'll be ready!

You may even be as fast as me!

I guess.

No hurry, though!

But even if you're never as fast as me,

you're the greatest, keed.

You're a great flyer, a great guy,

and above all, the greatest friend I could ever hope for!

Thanks, Sonic!


My precious Speeder- Mint Gum!

It's mine!

All mine!

No! No! No!

I hate turtles!

I hate Tails!

I hate that hedgehog!


Look at me go!

Where's that hare -I'm ready to race!

I'm a speed demon!

I'm fast!


Gimme my smokes!

Smoking's bad for you, ya kow!

No, its not!

Try it!

Whoaa, li'l bro!

That smoke'll make ya choke.

It doesn't make me. [choking]

Smoking is for dumbots!

It's bad for your health.

And it stains your teeth.

So don't be a fool.

Smoking isn't cool.