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01x41 - Untouchable Sonic

Posted: 07/05/23 12:50
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪


I hate to say it, but I'm startin' to slow down!

Me, too, Sonic!

We've covered all of Mobius since breakfast!

How else are we gonna find out where Robotnik's strikin' next?

Couldn't we look for a chili dog first?

Where're ya gonna find a chili dog out here in the sticks?


I'm glad I asked!

Now if I was a chili dog stand, where would I be?

Hey, Sonic, look!

What's everybody afraid of?

Yeah, ya'd think they never saw a blue hedgehog before!

Whoa, scope it out!

"Bert's Diner"!

"Foot-long chili dogs"

Let's eat!


By jings, I told the other ones no,

and I mean no!

"The Other Ones"?

What're you talkin' about?

Sorry. I thought at first you was robots.

Sonic: Not us!

Tails: No way!

If we were robots, would we be orderin,

sixteen chili dogs?

I'll take sixteen chilidogs!

Me, too!

Mobius Corners ain't a safe place to be in right now,

young fella!

You'd best be mavin' on!

Gosh, Bert, these folks do look kind of hungry!

Yeah, Bert! Feed 'em!

Yeah! It'll be the last meal you cook!

That is, unless you've gotten smart and decided to pay up!

I've sunk every mobium I own in this place,

and I'm not gonna hand it over to a bunch of good-for nothin'


Oh, yeah?

Show him we mean business, Roller!

You got it, Ball Hog!

Hey! Where'd that blue guy go?

Blue guy? What blue guy?

O.K., open up!

Department of Health!

Looking good, Bert!

Glad to see you let in a little fresh air!

Ahhh! Mmm, hm!

Chili could use some jalapenos.

Nice oyster crackers...

cute-Iookin' waitress.

Tch, tch, tch! There's always something!

I hate ta I say it, Bert, you're gonna have ta bag these

old appliances!

Hey, who you calling an appliance?

Let's see if this pot-scrubber can still cut it!

Hey, umph.

Whoa Umph!


Whoa, dudes, --it needs water!



Totally lame rinse cycle!

Owwooo Whoa....

Plus which, it probably leaves spots on the glasses!

All right, you, that does it!

Look out!


Hey, what's the big idea?


How many times do I have to tell you,

no playing ball inside?


Nice work, young feller!

You put those Robo-hoods right where they belong!

Hey, Sonic! Guess what?

I mighta known!

"Doctor Robotnik's 'Or Else' Protection service.

Pay me now or I'll pound ya later."

So this is what Robotnik's up to!

Uh, huh!

And Mr. Whoo was the only one who wouldn't pay,

so they said they'd bust up his diner!

I'm the mayor of Mobius Corners,

somebody had to stand up to them!

Well, now you got us to stand with ya!

[phone rings]

It's in here!

Hello? Hello, Ball Hog? Roller? This is Dr. Robotnik!

The parties you are trying to reach have been disconnected

and so is your brain, Robuttnik!

Your protection racket 'is busted!

If that hedgehog thinks he can stop me that easy,

he's wrong!


Ow! Ow!


Everyone can benefit from a little neurosurgery.

Come back here, stat!

Step on the gas, fellas!

Look out, the cops're right behind you!

Oh, no!

Why do the good guys always have to catch the bad guys?

[g*n sounds]


No you didn't,-I got him!

Like fun you did. MY machine g*n hit him right in the

Robotnik: Dumbots!


He's yelling again.

So, we're on a break. Who cares if he yells?


Me, too!

You called, Your Repulsiveness?

Of all the fatuous, bungling, dunderheaded goof-bots,

you two take the cake.

It wasn't me, your Scurviness!

Grounder took it!

Oh I did not! I didn't take the cake, he took it!


I can't reach Ball Hog and Roller,

so I want you two to go to Mobius Corners at once!

Right away, your Vileness!

Uh what are we supposed to do?

I'm making you the Chief Enforcers for Robotnik's

Protection service. Get out there and enforce!

Enforcers! Like on T.V?

Oh, boy! Do we get to be the bad guys?

Of course you get 'to be the bad guys!

Hah! I'll show those bums!

Yeah, they'll be sorry they messed with me!

That's enough!

Just make sure you strike fear and trembling into the citizens

of Mobius Corners so they'll beg to pay for my protection!

And especially that stubborn old guy, Bert Whoo!


Bert Whoo!

Bert Who?

You got it!

Oh, I got it!

Bert You-gotit!!

Sounds foreign!

And if that Hedgehog gets in your way,

enforce him!

Tails: Three... two...

one... GO!


I never saw anybody that could eat a chili dog that fast!

It takes a lotta practice!


Is that who I think it is?

Scratch: You hear me? Come and get it!

Yeah, if you don't come and get it,

we're gonna keep it!

Then you'll be sorry!

Oh, shut up and bring me the violin case!


Who are those waldos?

A couple more of Robotnik's goon-bots!

By jings, I've had enough -I'm gonna run 'em out of town!

Hang on, could be really dangerous out there!

Won't co-operate, huh?

They'll be sorry!

[sour music]



Oh, alright, they asked for it!

I'm gonna let 'em have it with a timebomb set for thirty seconds!

What's that space case doin'?

You forgot to attach the timing device.

Hmm! Then I guess it'll explode right away!

Oh, oh!

Uhh Sonic...

That's funny, how come it didnit go "boom"?

Uh, maybe the fuse went out?

Oh, Tin-head!

How could it have gone out?

Don't you hear it burning right behind us?

Gee, that's right!

I can hear it burning right behind -

Yo, 'bots! This is Robotnik property.

You wouldn't want to lose it, would ya?

Gee, thanks!

That was real thoughtful of -


Sure do thank you fellers for gettin'

Robotnik's protection racket punks off our backs!

Oh, no!

Here they come again!

Don't those bozos ever give up?

Hmm. They do look like they need a rest, don't they?

A long rest someplace where they can't cause any more trouble.

Good idea, young feller!

And I know just the spot!


All right, sister, where's the hedgehog?

This place has a dress code, you know?

Uh, we had a little accident!

Oh, I'm sherrr!

O.K., O.K., lemme speak to your boss!


What can I do fer you fellers?

We want to talk to you about protection!


You sure look like you could use some!

No, no! Wait a minute! You don't understand!

What happened, somebody come after you with a can-opener?

Now, hold on!

This town's a mighty dangerous place for a young robot!

It is?

Tell you what!

A pal of mine's got a place you can hide out

till this thing blows over!

You better hurry!


Oof! Oof!

Come on, time's a-wastin'!

Hurry up, they're right behind us!

Who? Who's behind us?

Why, Sonic and Tails, of course, who else?

Yeah, guys.

We came to watch your arrest.

Besides bein' Mayor and chief chilidog chef,

I'm the Sheriff of Mobius Corners!

Don't worry, we'll tell Ro-blotnik the good news.

Yeah. Your sentence is only , years with time off

for stupid behavior!

Well, at least we can get time off!

Dr. Robotnik's gonna melt us down and turn us into toilets!

Not if we escape.


Look over there!


I'll show that rotten Hedgehog he can't make me look stupid!

You fellers sure I can't fix you a couple chili dogs?


We gotta find Robotnik and see if we can get back the money

he took from your fellow citizens.

Gee, I hope they'll be all right!

Robotnik's the one that oughta be worried!

Be right back, I want to check on those jailbots!

How in tarnation....?

IT'S ABOUT TIME you called!


How did you stooge-bots -

You captured Bert Whoo?!

That's more like it!

Bring the old geezer back here!

And don't worry about the Hedgehog...

heh, heh ..

I've got a surprise for him!

The Robotnik Protection Service is going to take Sonic

for a ride!

O.K., let's go!


Hey, wait a minute!

They've got Bert!

I'm not going to let them get away with that!

Whoa, dude, you hear that?

Uh, uh! What?

Let's slow down.

That's gotta be one of Robotnik's destruction


Naaahh! It must be an earthquake.


I guess we're not that lucky!



This is what being an evil genius is all about!

[knocking] How dare anyone interrupt me

when I'm being vicious!

There you are, young man!

Your mother told me I could find you here.

My mother?


She wants an immediate report on how well you are doing capturing

that pesky Hedgehog.

Uh, well.

No excuses!

If you haven't captured him, I'll have to report to her


Oh, no! Don't do that!

She insisted.

Let me use your telephone.

Mama Robotnik, please.

Stop! Can't we discuss this?

I'll do anything!

Young man!

Are you offering me a bribe if I don't report you to your mother?


I'll take it.

What, no tip?


Happy trails!


That oughta pay back everybody in Mobius Corners

and take care of fixing Bert's diner!

Tails: Sounds like Robotnik's having engine trouble.

Sonic: Probably because t pulled a few wires on his control board.

Hah! How about that?

It's payback time, hedgehog. I've got a friend of yours

in my dungeon!

Oh yeah, who?

That's right and he's going to stay there!

Hold it! Are we talking about Bert Whoo?

I told you, Hedgehog, Bert Whoo is my prisoner!

Come on, Tails.

We can't have the best chilidog chef in Mobius cooped up in

Robotnik's fortress!

So that's how Bert got here.

Scratch and Grounder escaped.

If the duncebots are getting that smart,

we better be careful!



Hi, guys!


What are you doing here?

I'm tryin' to save Bert.

Am I glad to see you guys!

Well, if we're gonna save him, we better get started.

Hey, guys, look!

It's Bert's badge!

Hey, guys! Where'd you go?!



Ha ha ha ha! Welcome to my dungeon!

Since you can't seem to get my message,

I thought I'd better hammer it in!

Whoa, Doc!

Your rhythm section rules!

We'll see how you laugh when you're a hedgehog pancake!




Saaave us!


I hate that Hedgehog!

We owe you one, Roxy!

You better believe it!

And I got just the way to pay you back!

Tails, grab your tool kit.

I knew those old robot parts would come in handy.

Just press that button.

Welcome to Bert's Diner!

May I please take your order?

Wow, cool!

Thanks to you I can quit waiting tables and be Bert's partner!

Well we gotta speed, keeds.

Remember if you ever get hungry, you can always come back to

Bert's Diner for a free chilidog lunch.

Thanks, Bert!

Well, it's got to be lunchtime somewhere and I'm hungry!

Okay wise guys!

Time to pay up!

Yeah, we're the robot g*ng.

Pay up, or else!

Or else what?

Well, I dunno.

These dumbots don't know much.

But my pals know better than to join a g*ng.


'Cuz a life of crime only leads to a life of hard times.

Play it smart.

Stay in school and stay out of gangs.