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01x62 - Fast and Easy

Posted: 07/05/23 13:06
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Check it out!

A "Top Secret Trap"!

Robotnik's never tried one of those before.


I'm kinda flattered.

Let 'er down gentle!





Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Ooh! Picky! Picky! Picky!

Somethin' "Top Secret" could be really dangerous.

Let's just go around 'em.

You're right, little buddy.

We'll just avoid 'em altogether.

No, I can't do it!

Curiosity's got the best of me.

I gotta find out what Robotnik's got in that crate

to catch us.

Anybody watching?

I am.

Ooh! Anybody with brains?


Then activate!


Now test!

He's not gonna escape that!


Wanta bet, 'bots?

Go away, Hedgehog.

Yeah. Get lost.

Hey! Robuttnik paid major mobiums for this.

If you want to catch me with it, you should welcome

my suggestions.

What makes you think this trap's for you?

Every trap's for me!

Oh, no!

Not this one!

This time we got an important guy to catch.

I get it.

It's a trick.

You're making me think you really don't want me,

so I'll let my guard down.


Nope. We really don't want you.

Look, hedgehog.

We can't waste anymore time talkin' to a has-been.

'Go away! Vamoose!

Don't call us, we'll call you!

I don't get it, Sonic.

Who's more important than you?

Good question, kiddo.

And we're about to find out!

Our victim's steppin' on the fake grass.

He's passin' the fake rocks.

He's right in position. Spring the trap!

Grounder: We got 'im! We got 'im!

Sonic saved 'im! Sonic saved 'im!

Whoever it is!

How're you gonna explain this to Dr. Robotnik?

No problem.

I'll just tell 'im it was your fault.

Okay, pal you're safe...

Next time, ya little buttinski, save me slower.


I hate speed.

It gives me a headache!

Look, Slo-mo, speed just saved you from Robotnik.

I don't need your help.

I can handle my own hassles.

Who are you, anyway?

Lucky you.

You just met the famous Easy Eddie.


How come Robotnik's badniks wanted to catch you more than

they wanted to catch Sonic?

None of your business, brat.

Ever think about plastic surgery to fix those...uh freaky tails?


Ya know, you're pretty rude.

I'm not rude, I'm hungry.

When's lunch?

We got some chilidogs back at camp.


YukI Barfage!


I hate chilidogs!

I'm history!

Oof! Hey, watch where you're walking!

Next time don't stand in my way!


How come they call you "Easy Eddie" when you're so hard

to get along with?


'Cause I always find the easy way to the easy buck!

See ya! Wouldn't want to be ya!

Well, we know one thing for sure.

Robotnik isn't after him for his charming personality!


But why would even Robotnik want a creep like him?

Robotnik: What?!

You let Easy Eddie escape my Top Secret Trap?


Braindead Boltheads!

Dimwitted, uh, uh...

Ooh! We'll catch him next time, Your Paunchiness!

We promise!

You'd better!

I need that ring he's wearing so I can conquer Mobius!

Excuse me, Doctor Robotnik.

We may be dumb, but even we know a measly little ring can't

conquer a whole planet!

This one can!

The most powerful Chaos Emerald on Mobius is set in this ring!

Deep within the Secret Zone of Mobius is an Activation Altar

When I place the Chaos Emerald Ring in its exact center,

any time I want, I can make square miles of Mobius

sink into the sea!

Once I've disposed of a country or two,

the rest of the planet will surrender instantly.

Leapin' lugnuts! That's some ring!

Yeah! Why'd you let that ferret kid have it?

Let him? Who said I let him?

No, not me, him! He said let him.

I would never say let him. I would never think about

saying let him.

Shut your trap!

The more I think about that Easy Eddie, the madder I get!

I had the Chaos Emerald ring in my posession,

I was only minutes away from from total conquest,

and that sneaky little street slime picked it from my pocket!

Hey, Sonic!

Have you seen my -Mobium lucky coin?

It's not in my secret hiding place.

Maybe it fell out.

No way!

I've tramped allover Mobius with it and it's never fallen out.

So when's the last time you know you had it?

Uh, let's see, I think it was just before that Easy Eddie guy

bumped into me.


You don't think...

I do think!

Easy Eddie picked my sock!

There, Sonic!

Easy Eddie's tracks take that road to the left!

That coin-kypin' slimebag!

Just wait 'till I get my mitts on 'im!

Heyyy! Um, how far's the next town?

Uh, two miles.

But if you wanta wait for the School Bus,

you can hitch a ride.

Thanks but I need the exercise.

You've been real helpful.

Have a good day at school! [nasty laugh]


I see him, Your Kinkyness!

I see him!

Down there in the forest clearing!


We'll take cover behind that cloud!

Didn't I tell you we'd be successful if I took

personal charge of this search?!

It's times like this the astounding depth of my evil

genius overwhelms me!

First, we send down a blast of sleeping gas...


Attention all pilots!

Swoop and Scoop!




Sweeper to Scooper!

We got 'im!

Scooper to Sweeper!

Return to base!

Easy Eddie's a lot heavier than he looks!

So what? This is great!

I bet we get a promotion for this.


Maybe we should even ask for a salary!

Not me.

I'd rather ask to get paid every week.

Hey! Where am I?

Didn't I tell you I could handle myself?

What do you think you're doing?

Wrong questions, slo-mo!


We wanta know what you did with my lucky coin.


What coin?.


This one!

Hmnnn! H-h-how did it get in there?

Just what are you up to?

Why is Robotnik always on your tail?

I told ya once, I'll tell ya again.

None of your business!

A rock?!

You brought me a rock?!


Urn It's a really nice rock, Dr. Robotnik!


Yeeeiii! -Wooaahhh!

Owwchhh! -Oohhhh!

What was that?

I don't see why Dr. Robotnik had to get so upset.

He needs that Chaos Emerald Ring Easy Eddie stole from him so he

can conquer Mobius.

Oh yeah.

I forgot.

So he can sink a hundred square miles of the planet

any time he wants!

Ya gotta admire a guy with goals!

So that's why Robotnik is after you!

It's that ring!

Watch it, hedgehog. Don't touch the merchandise!

Attention, Easy Eddie!

I know you're down there, so listen closely.

Wherever you go, I'll be after you!

So make it easier, Easy.

Surrender now!


Maybe I can make a deal with him!

A rich and easy deal!

No way!

I'm gonna take that ring someplace that Robotnik can

never find it!

It won't corne off!

Yeah. I know. It's stuck!

I'm stuck with it and you're stuck with me,



If you don't surrender in five seconds,

Easy Eddie, I will defoliate this forest and find that ring

in its ashes.

This isn't gonna be easy!

That's your last warning, Easy Eddie!

Whoah! Ah!

Wait up!

You're gettin' on my nerves, Hedgehog.

You just don't get it, do ya?

We gotta keep that ring away from Robotnik so we

can save Mobius.

What do I care about savin' Mobius?

All I care about is saving me!

Then join the group, stoop!

If Mobius goes down, so does everyone --including you!


Just lookin' out for yourself won't cut it.

Tails is right.

Why don't you start thinkin' about givin' a little instead of

just takin'?

You're comin' with us and we're gettin' that ring

off your finger!


I suppose you're wondering why I put you back together and called

this meeting...

Not me.

Me neither.

You ingrates!

I work my fingers to the bone bringing terror and tyranny

to this planet and you don't even care!

Do I ever hear a "thank you"?

A "job well done"?

Do you ever ask "how can we help"?

How can we help, Your Most Magnificent Maliciousness,

Your Extreme Wonderful Wickedness?

How can we make your life easier and more satisfying?

Do you really mean that?

Can I really trust you this time?

Cross our circuits and hope to fry!

Then bring me Easy Eddie.

I don't care what it takes.

I don't want any excuses. Just do it!

Yes, sir!

You can count on us!

And to make sure that you succeed,

I've invented this new Ferret Finder Field Helmet

This will lead you to Easy Eddie.

Wherever he is!

Professor Von Schlemmer!

Are you here?

Oh! I was here a minute ago.

Unless I just left, this must be me!

We really need your help, Professor.


We gotta get a very important ring off this guy's finger.

What guy?


Put that back!

Chill, pal.

You don't want me to get rusty, do ya?

Put it back!

You've made so many inventions, Professor,

you gotta have some great way to get rings off fingers,

even sticky ones!


If we expand the ring to a very large size,

it will slip off in an instant.

So first, we will try my Bigger-Maker Machine.


What have you done to my finger!

Any other ideas, Professor?


We'll grease his finger so that the ring will slide right orf!

Hey! What's goin' on?!

Cut it out! Stop this thing!



Now I simply walk over and slide the ring off...



It's not working, Professor.

Fortunately, I gots an even better idea.

This delicate Laser Device will enable us to cut the ring off

the finger with absolutely no danger to anyone

Ow! Hey!


Ooops Watch it! Turn it off!


This is nuts.

I'm outa here!

Mmph! Wooooooaahhhhhhh!







You did it, Professor!

You did it!

Actually, this was an accident.

Put it back on his finger and we'll try something else.

Come on, Professor. The ring's off.

You don't have to try anything else.

Don't you understand?

My pride is at stake.

And my new Spinner- Shaker might just be the ticket

to do this right.

Yeah! My ticket outa here!


Owwch! Turn it off!



Hey! Stop!


Maybe I should have quit when we were ahead.

Did Easy Eddie get away?

Sorry, Sonic.

I couldn't help it.

I had to save you guys.

Hey! What's your Ferret Finder Field Helmet say?

I think maybe, possibly,

I'm picking up a few weak signals.



I'm glad those weren't strong signals or we'd be goners!

Take me to Dr. Robotnik!


I'll give ya back the Chaos Emerald Ring if you'll give me

a zillion Mobiums.

An entire zillion?

In cash!


I suppose world domination is worth that much.

Scratch! Grounder!

Bring in the cash cart.

I've kept my part of the bargain, now you keep yours.

Here's the ring.

Thank you!

Hey! This is fake money!

Of course!

I'm a fake nice person.

Throw him in the dungeon!

You phoney I can't stand dishonesty.

If anybody wants me, I'll be in the Secret Zone achieving the

final conquest of Mobius!

First, I place the Ring in the Activation Altar.

Second, I decide just what part of Mobius I want to sink

into the sea.

And third...


Your old pal Sonic shows up and stops everything!

How'd you find me, you spiney spoilsport?

I figured Easy Eddie would bring you the ring.

And once you had it, you couldn't wait to use it.

It's mine!

Give it to me!

No way, Egg Belly!

I'm makin' sure you never see it again!


I hate that Hedgehog!

Good work, Sonic.

You stopped Robotnik and Easy Eddie's out of our hair.


I hope I never see that Slow-Mo again!

Let's bury this thing.

How deep yagonna bUry it?


Where'd you come from?

I kinda borrowed the dungeon key from uh...

Scratch's pocket.

Well, just stand back.

You're not gonna "borrow" this Chaos Emerald again.


And if you ever steal anything again,

we'll be lookin' for ya!

I think I'll give up stealin'!

Here's your Eleven-Mobium lucky coin back again.

And, uh... here's your underwear,

Professor Von Schlemmer.

What made you change your mind?

Bein' easy is just too hard!

Take it slow, guys.

Not a chance.

Take it easy, Easy!

Never again!

Ya know, this Easy is a lot easier to be around!

I skipped breakfast lil bro.

I'm running low on fuel.

We got him this time!

Mmmmm ya know, your body needs food like a car needs fuel.

So don't be a slomo eat a good breakfast every day

and stay on the go!