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01x07 - Lemming Number Seven

Posted: 07/06/23 06:59
by bunniefuu
Tunnel vision.

That's our story.

Target wasn't Lara Elliott.

It was her boyfriend who was k*lled by another jealous husband, Anton Shavar.

Dangerous man, the cops never looked into him.

You should look into this one.

Carol Dubois.

The insurance lady.

Alibi or no alibi, there is something off about her.


The guy you went to see was your client? [Mickey]


Jesús Menendez.

He's doing 15 years for m*rder.

You asked me what my trigger was.

When he got sentenced, I just shut down.

Pills helped me do it.


Soto is charged with human trafficking and sl*ve labor.

I want to get away from him.

I want a new start for my daughter.

That missing money of Jerry's What if the money was for a bribe? How'd you bribe a juror months before there's even a jury panel? You planted somebody.


I'm an engineer at Lockheed Martin.

I'm single and I live in Palos Verdes.

It's juror number seven, isn't it?

- All I know is he's paid for.

- I thought you had investors.

I had a roommate in college named Pavel Kosevich.

I know.

His father's name is Sergei Kosevich.

This is not a man you f*ck with, Mickey.

That's why they're following me.

That's why my car is bugged.

They need my company's acquisition to go through.

If I get convicted, that doesn't happen.

They'll tie up every loose end they have to.

Do you understand? That means you, that means your family.

[door shuts]


Well, nobody answered the front door.

So figured you were out here.

What can't you tell me over the phone? [Mickey sighs]

I need something.

It has to stay between us.

All right? Get caught, they'll take your license away and that's just to start.

Who do you need me to k*ll? No, I [sighs]

No, Cisco, I want you to find out everything you can about juror number seven.

Well, that's not just dicey for me.

I mean, jury's anonymous.

If they catch me doing this, you could get disbarred.

Well, don't let them catch you then.

I'm out of options, Cisco.

An old pile of dog sh*t doesn't smell unless you step in it.

And you didn't commit a crime, Mick.

And how the hell could Jerry Vincent bribe a juror before they even have a jury pool? I don't know.

But he did.

And Trevor knew.

Well, then it's privileged.

I mean, even if I find something, aren't you prohibited from reporting it? Yes.

Unless I know about a crime that's about to be committed.

Then I have to report it.

The bribe's already been paid.

Not bribery.

Jury tampering.

That only occurs when the jury actually deliberates.

If Jerry had gotten his continuance, it would be a completely different jury pool.

Is that why they whacked him? I'm telling you that's why I need to know exactly what I'm dealing with.

That's why I need to know about juror number seven and this guy.

[opening theme music playing]



-client privilege.

Whatever you tell your lawyer is confidential but everything has limits.

If you tell me about a crime you committed, I can't do anything.

But if you tell me about a crime you're going to commit and you're using my services to pull it off, then I'm required to do something about it.

Makes sense in theory, but don't you have a duty to yourself? What do you do when reporting it might get you k*lled?

- [Mickey]

This is Haller.

- Had any epiphanies about that bribe?

- Well, I just

- [Griggs]


Just Listen, um I think we're just chasing our tails with this one.

- My investigator dug into it.

- The biker with the beard?

- Maybe Jerry bought a boat after all.

- There's no f*cking boat.

You holding something back from me? It occurred to me, if there is a bribe in the Elliott case, it might benefit you.

You know what, Griggs? I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.

Gotta go.

- [line beeps]

- sh*t.

Is something going on? Let's go.

First day of trial.

I wanna b*at the traffic.

[ignition sputters]


Um Car's not starting.

Did you notice anything wrong with it yesterday? [mouths]


- No.

- sh*t.

Damn it.

Let's take your car and you can pick up the other Lincoln after you drop me off.

All right? Come on.

Let's go.

- What just happened?

- I'll explain later.

Come on.

Gotta hurry.

[Izzy sighs]


Superior Court of the state of California is now in session.

County of Los Angeles.



The People of California vs.

Trevor Elliott, the honorable Judge James P.

Stanton presiding.

Please come to order.



Golantz, opening statement.

Members of the jury, good morning.

I'm Jeffrey Golantz.

I'm a deputy district attorney.

And we're all here today to serve one objective.


You're here to serve justice by answering a simple question.

Did the defendant, Trevor Elliott, m*rder his wife and her lover? I'm here to provide you with that answer.

Which is unequivocally, yes.

Over the next few days, we'll show Mr.

Elliott had both motive and opportunity to commit this crime and we will present you with ample evidence proving that he did so.

We'll listen to the 911 call.

Hear from the deputies on the scene.

Consider the defendant's every action.

And by the end, I am confident that you will come to the inescapable conclusion, that Trevor Elliott fired the g*n that k*lled both Lara Elliott and Jan Rilz.

Let's start with a little background.

Just who is Trevor Elliott, anyway? Well [Mickey]

Opening statements are special.

Your chance to bond with the jury right out of the gate.

But go on for too long, you'll lose them.



Elliott's company produced one of the best

-selling video games of all time.

You will learn that he is a man of unchecked power and wealth, unwilling to part with what he considered to be his and only his.

- And you'll also learn

- That's not my style.

I'm interested in quick jabs.

Land your points, plant some seeds, raise a few doubts.

But always leave them wanting more.

We will show you the exact moment Mr.

Elliott realized that his wife and her lover were together.

The anger and the humiliation that led him to The other thing about openings and closings, it's the only time you can use a proving ground.

- The what now?

- The space right in front of the jury box.

The one spot where you can address the jury face



Where the Mickey Haller charm comes in handy.

If they like me, they like my case.

I'm all out of time here, folks.

But common sense will guide you.

Now the defense will try to sidetrack you with roadblocks to justice, but keep your eyes on the prize.

You just remember, two people had their lives stolen from them.

We're here for them.

Thank you.


Haller? Well, Your Honor, that was That was quite an address.

I wonder if we shouldn't give the jury a few minutes to stretch their legs.

[audience chuckles]

- Just make your opening, Mr.


- Of course, Your Honor.

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

My name is Mickey Haller.

I'm a defense attorney.

This is my client, Trevor Elliott.

I know you've heard some things about him.

But I ask only, please keep an open mind until you've heard everything.

I'm gonna be brief today because what I really want is to get to this evidence Mr.

Golantz keeps promising.

For instance, the g*n.

Now, I counted six times he used the word g*n in his speech.

Six times he told you Mr.

Elliott used a g*n to m*rder his wife and an innocent bystander.

What he didn't tell you six times is the prosecution has no g*n and no way to connect Mr.

Elliott to a g*n because Mr.

Elliott has never used or had one.

You see, none of this matters to the police because for them it's clear that once the focus of the investigation turned to Mr.

Elliott, that was it.

They didn't see anything else.

And they never looked into other potential suspects or evidence.

They didn't care about that.

They had their suspect.

And they never looked back.

Ladies and gentlemen, this case is about tunnel vision.

The focus on one suspect and the complete lack of focus on anything else.

I promise, once you get out of the other side of the prosecution's tunnel, you will be squinting at the sunlight, wondering where their case is.

Thank you very much.

[toilet flushes]


- Carol, was it?

- Tell me something.

- How do you sleep at night?

- Excuse me? You lawyers are all alike.

You use people to get what you need.


Well, I'm going to be here until the end to enjoy watching the jury convict your client.

He's a monster.

He k*lled my friend.

I'm actually not a lawyer.

I'm just gonna go.

Soto's girlfriend.

You think she'll come through? Yeah.

She's a survivor.

Tanya plays dumb, but she keeps her eyes open.

She sees everything.

I just hope your ex didn't screw up our deal.

He protected his client.

Which means she's ready to go after Soto.


So am I.

How's my favorite cop? That's a short list.

Janelle signed off, with help from the Victim's Compensation Fund.

Relocation and support for an entire year.

You drove a hard bargain.

That's why you wanted me, right? Where's Hayley? Where she always is.

Don't take it personally, she speaks teenager now.

Well, thanks for bringing her.

Thanks for bringing yourself, too.

I'm happy to see you back on your feet.

Ah, speaking of Tanya, I need to see her later.

- I gotta find a ride for Hayley to go to

- I could take Hayley.

If that would help.

Sure, if it's not too much trouble.

It's no trouble.

And I, uh I kinda wanna get out of here.

Maggie, if you're working late, Lorna can bring her by my place later.

- It's okay.

You're buried, too.


- She can do her homework while I prep.


We'll see how it goes.

Um, thanks, Lorna.

I'll just I'll tell her.

Now, at this point, Mr.

Elliott had already led you through the house? Yes, my partner and I asked him to retrace his steps for us.

Deputy Murray, did you notice anything unusual about Mr.

Elliott's demeanor as he led you through the house? Objection.

Calls for speculation.


It's the officer's observations.

He can speak.

Well, the whole time we were there, Mr.

Elliott showed no emotion at all.

Not when he stepped over the boyfriend's body.

Nor when he pointed out his wife's body.

When he pointed her out, what did he say? He just said, "That's my wife.

I'm pretty sure she's dead.

" And did the defendant volunteer any opinion or information as to who might have done this? No, only that he didn't do it.

I'm sorry.

What was that? Uh, on three separate occasions, Mr.

Elliott spontaneously stated that he did not k*ll anyone.

So, without any emotion, he walks you through his wife's m*rder scene, and then completely unprompted, he insisted he didn't do it.

Yes, three times.

Thank you, Deputy.

Nothing further.

Cross examination? May I? Deputy Murray, now, at the time of this incident, you were a rookie.

Is that correct? That is correct.

Don't be nervous.

Despite what Mr.

Golantz may have told you, I don't bite.

[jury chuckles]

How long have you been on the force? Last week was my one

-year anniversary on patrol.


So, Deputy, at this point in the day, how long had you been on the scene? I would say, two minutes.

But my body cam would corroborate the exact time.


Two minutes and your partner has his g*n drawn.

Did he draw it as soon as you arrived? I don't recall.

I was focused on the defendant.

Was Mr.

Elliott under arrest at this point? No, he was not.

Why are you handcuffing him? He had voluntarily agreed to be handcuffed.

We had a potentially volatile situation and I explained it would be best for his safety and ours if we could handcuff him until we secured the premises.


That was a very well

-rehearsed answer.

- Objection, Your Honor.

- Sustained.

Jury will disregard that last remark.

Was Mr.

Elliott aware that he was not under arrest? Yes.

We told him.

Yet his hands are being cuffed behind, not in front.

We are not allowed to handcuff a sus A subject in the front.

A subject.

What does that mean? A subject is anyone involved in a m*rder investigation.

- Someone who's arrested?

- [Murray]

Including that, yes.

But again, Mr.

Elliott was not under arrest.


Deputy, at what point did your partner put his w*apon away? After we searched and secured the premises.

You mean, after Mr.

Elliott walked you through the entire crime scene? Correct.

A man is being led through his own house in handcuffs by two police officers, one of whom has his g*n drawn, and you're saying it's odd this man would feel the need to declare his innocence?

- I I guess it seemed odd, yes.

- You guess? Deputy, after securing the house, did you take the handcuffs off Mr.

Elliott? No.

We placed him in the back of the vehicle.

It's against procedure to place a subject in the vehicle without handcuffs.

That's that word again.


" All right, Deputy, so, if he wanted to, could he have opened the door and gotten out? No, the doors have security locks.

Okay, so, he was secured in the back of a police car with his hands cuffed behind his back.

That's right.

But he was not under arrest? No, he was not.


One more thing, you said when Mr.

Elliott walked you through the house, he showed no emotion.

That's right.

Are you a trained psychologist, Deputy?

- Objection.


- [Stanton]


Rephrase the question.

Deputy, do you believe there's a correct emotional response to trauma? I would think that if someone stumbled upon their wife's body after she'd been m*rder*d, they would at least react.


How exactly?

- Cry, maybe?

- Is one tear enough? What if somebody cries for, like, five minutes and then laughs? Objection (352).



Counsel, move it along.

Deputy, can you tell us why you found my client's behavior unusual? Based on my experience, I'd never seen anything like it.


Of course, of course.

Your experience.

And on this day, how long had you been on the job? Almost seven months.

Were you even through your probationary period? No, I was not.

But you're sure he was not under arrest? I'm sure.

No further questions, Your Honor.


Excellent job.

We've given our juror something to work with.

Deputy Murray, how long prior to your arrival did the videographer arrive at the m*rder scene? I'm not positive, but there's at least three minutes of footage there before we arrived.

Now, when you arrived, did Mr.

Elliott seem worried or panicked? No, he was very calm.


What was he doing? I can't say for certain, but it looked like he was scrolling through his email.


For all he knows, my client was looking for news about a k*ller on the loose.


The jury will not consider that last response as evidence.

Nothing further.


How do you think I'm doing? [Mickey]


That advantage you used to have.

The a*t*matic assumption that cops are honest and trustworthy? Not so much these days.


If you had a different client, I might agree.

Nobody likes a rich, white douchebag.

[urinal flushes]

I'm glad you weren't Trevor's lawyer from the start.

You would have been smart enough not to put that video in discovery.


Have a nice day.

- Your name?

- Tanya Cruz.

I'll be right back.

I thought you were coming alone.

He changed his mind last minute.

Does he know about us? No, he doesn't.

And we'll be quick.

Tanya, my detective is recording this for clarity because I can't act as a witness.

We've agreed to the terms of your deal.

So, now it's your turn.

Tell us what you know about Soto's involvement in the m*rder of David Loresca or any other crimes.

Tanya? I had a friend from Cebu City, like myself.

She worked at one of his nursing homes.

About two years ago, she went to an immigration lawyer to ask about her rights.

He wanted her to speak to the authorities.

So she asked if I thought it was a good idea.

- She asked some other people, too.

- And Soto found out? I expected him to be furious, but he just told her not to do it again.

That night I drove him to a flower shop.

I waited in the car for 30 minutes.

I was worried.

Then he came out with some flowers for me and we went home.

But the next day [voice breaking]

my friend was gone.

He said he put her on a flight home.

No one asked questions, but I knew she was dead.

I was just too scared to tell anybody.

You're telling me now.


Yes, I have an opening on Thursday at 11:30.

Tanya, did Soto say or do anything to confirm he had your friend k*lled? I should go now.

Is there a paper trail, text messages, anything? No.

But the night before your witness was k*lled, I drove him to the same flower shop.

Where is this place? You okay in there? If you're going to interrogate me about everything that happens to my body, you can stay home.

Did you get all that? How much do you wanna bet Rover never made it to that farm? Nice.

Keep passing.

- Yes.


- [indistinct conversation]


There we go.

You got it.

You got it.


Nice save, Haller.

- [Hayley grunts]

- [whistle blows]


Hayley! Misha.

Break it up.


Hey! Get off me! Stop it! Stop.


Whoa! Stop.

Hayley, go over there.

You, stay right there.

Now, breathe.

Hayley, apologize to Marsha, is it?

- It's Misha.

- I don't care.

- Sorry.

- [Lorna]


Now, it's your turn.

I'm sorry, too.

Great! Now, go.

Play soccer.

I'm sorry.

Who are you? I'm Hayley's ex

-stepmother, that's who.


Let's get back to it.

Come on, Hayley.

Get it together.


So, Detective Kinder, could you tell us about your first interview with Mr.

Elliott? Yes, that was after we got to the station.

He agreed to be cooperative.

So I began to question him.

Would you say he was forthcoming with you? He answered all my questions.

But there were some omissions.


Such as? He first stated that he didn't go anywhere in the house aside from his bedroom, where he found his wife and Mr.


We later learned he first checked the garage and found his wife's car.

He knew she was there.

And were there other omissions? Yes.


Elliott had told the deputies that he called 911 immediately after stumbling onto the crime scene.

When I factored in the time he left his office, the timeline seemed off.

So, I confronted him about it and he admitted to having waited approximately five minutes before calling 911.

It's bad enough when a witness is k*lling you, but even worse, when the prosecutor uses them to run out the clock, because that witness who's k*lling you is the last thing the jury hears that day.

- So, what can you do?

- Change the conversation.

So, Detective Kinder, what, to you, was the significance of Mr.

Elliott's omissions? Objection.

Calls for speculation.

I'll allow it.

To me, it was indicative of deception by Mr.


I've been doing this a lot longer than seven months.

[jury chuckles]

Thank you, Detective.

Nothing further.

Very well.

The jury will remember their admonition.

- This court is recessed.

- Cross examination, Your Honor? At 4:27? It's just that Detective Kinder is a very busy man.

I have two brief questions.

I would hate to bring him back tomorrow.

- Keep it brief.

- Thank you, Your Honor.


Detective Kinder, at what point in the investigation did you determine that the primary target of this double homicide wasn't Lara Elliott, but Jan Rilz? At no point did I consider Jan Rilz to be the primary target.

Wait, so you never questioned Anton Shavar about his violent encounters with Jan Rilz? Or the restraining order filed against him? Objection, Your Honor.


Where is this going?

- Your Honor, may we approach?

- Now.

Now, Your Honor.

Anton Shavar is the husband of another one of Jan Rilz's private yoga clients.

Now, there is evidence as to Mr.

Shavar's threatening encounters with Mr.


This is an obvious attempt to backdoor in a third party culpability defense.

He's trying to confuse the jury.

This is an attempt to get to the truth about who k*lled these two people.

Now, the witness said he hadn't even considered the possibility that Mrs.

Elliott wasn't the target.

Just two brief questions? I only have one follow

-up, Judge.

Objection overruled.

The witness may answer the question.

May I ask for a read back, please? "So, you never questioned Anton Shavar about his violent encounters with Jan Rilz or the restraining order filed against him?" No.

Did you question any of Rilz's other private clients or their husbands, their boyfriends about the murders? No.


No further questions.

But we reserve the right to recall the witness at a later date.

Very well.

The witness is excused.

And if there's nothing else The jury will remember their admonition.

This court is now recessed.

Your father is worried sick about you.

- Ever since

- Yeah, I know.

Their concern is annoying at this point.

Well, they're your parents, Hayley.

It's none of my business, but don't they have a point? What happened today is nothing like you.

That fight was not about my parents.

Not about how I feel about them, anyway.

Then what was it about?

- Trevor Elliott.

- What? The girls at school think that because my dad is representing a monster, he must be a monster.

And, you know, I try to just shut it out.

But today, Misha said, quote, "Your dad is single

-handedly upholding the patriarchy and enabling abuse.

" So, I took a swing at her.

Hayley! You're lucky he doesn't have to represent you after that.

Yeah, I know.

I just There's no discussion with the woke police.

My dad is not a bad person.

But it's hard when he represents bad people.

Look, here's the thing, who's to say who the bad people are.

Right? They're still people.

That's what the whole system is about.

Everyone in that courtroom is an entire world to someone else.

Your mom's witness, he had a family, and your mom won't rest until she catches who k*lled him.

- Makes her a hero in my book.

- You think my mom is a hero?

- Yes, I do.

And so does your father.

- Yeah.

And on the other side, everyone your father represents is a person, too.

Even Trevor Elliott.

Your friends just see a rich guy charged with k*lling his wife.

I get it.

But it's just day one of the trial, and they've already judged him guilty.

Yeah, and I wouldn't say they're my friends.

[Lorna sighs]

People are wrongly accused and overcharged all the time.

And your dad just wants to make sure that one innocent person doesn't get thrown out with the bathwater.

Even if he has to wade through 1,000 guilty people to find them.

So he's a hero, too.

No matter what that dumbass, Misha, says.

- So, why aren't you a lawyer?

- [Lorna scoffs]

You make more sense than both of my parents.

I mean, come on.

[cellphone ringing]


Hey, babe.

Kind of in the middle of something right now.

I'm gonna do it.

I'm going back to law school.

- That's fantastic.

- People out there are in need, Cisco.

- I think I can help them.

- Absolutely.

You, uh, gonna level with Mickey about it? Yeah.

Well, if you need a good investigator, I know a guy.

- What're you doing in there?

- Gotta go.

- I'm calling the cops.

- No, there's no need for that.

My girlfriend and I had a fight and she threw out my, uh childhood bong.

- What?

- [Cisco]

You know, the [imitates gurgling]

Have you seen it? Just get out of here.



Tags on both sides, shop is clean.

What does it tell you?

- They're paying taxes to the g*ng.

- [Lankford]

Yeah? Or they're part of it.

You know, I gotta ask.

The scumbags we put away, what the hell did you ever talk about over dinner with a guy who defends them? [Maggie]

It's not as simple as that.

That said, there are reasons he's my ex.

[camera shutter clicks]

What about you? Why'd you call it quits? sh*t.

I don't know.

Every night was like, "Do I sit in traffic for 80 minutes to hear about my wife's students?" And then, I try to tell her about my day? And it's like she's speaking French.

I'm speaking Estonian.

- [chuckles]

- This freaking job.

Other people have no idea what it does to you.

Speaking of your ex, I got a visit from Ray Griggs about him.

- Detective Griggs? What about?

- I'm not sure.

He must've looked into him.

He knew I was up against him once.

Trust me, I'm not trying to do Haller any favors, but out of respect for you, I figured I'd say somethin'.

- Should Mickey be worried?

- No.

Not if he hasn't done anything.

Griggs is like a dog with a bone.

And if there's something there, that guy will dig it up.

All right.

I'll get the g*ng unit ID these tags in the morning.

It's BNG.

I put two of 'em away for homicide last year.

I don't know the rest of the players, though.


Look at you.

I got some friends at Hollywood Division.

They'll know.

So, are you going to ask? Yeah, we'll talk about your fight.

Not when I have to prepare for tomorrow.


I wish you wouldn't take out your feelings about my career on another girl.

Contrary to what you believe, not everything I do is because of you.

[knocking at door]

- Yeah?

- [Cisco]

Hey, Mick! It's open.


- Hey.

How you doin', Hayley?

- I hear you're marrying Lorna.

What does that make us? Well, I'm the dad you call when you need someone's legs broken.

- [Hayley giggles]

- All right.

Hold that thought.

Just so you know.

Juror number seven's real name is Glenn McSweeney.

He lives in Van Nuys, definitely doesn't work at Lockheed and he has a record.

- I thought you lost your source in LAPD.

- You think that's gonna stop me? So, what about the other thing? This guy, Kosevich.

Officially, he made his money as one of Russia's first private bankers.

Unofficially, he's got his fingers in everything.

Ties to Putin, GRU, Russian mob, you name it, he's been accused of it, including disappearing people.

And it just so happens that his son was one of Trevor Elliott's college roommates.

I'm figuring you already knew that.


- So what's the play?

- I don't know yet.

The less you know, the better.

I knew guys in the Road Saints, got to the point where they couldn't get out of bed 'cause they were afraid of what they'd be asked to do that day.

That you either live that life or you don't.

This guy? He lives that life.

No problem.

He went through a shitload of trouble to fix a jury.

So, you come along and f*ck his plan up, get a mistrial, you don't know what he's gonna do to you or your family.

I'm just saying.

[knocking at door]

- [Lankford]


- Hey.

This is Detective Kyle Winters, Detective Linda Perez.

Either of you get a chance to work with McFierce here, you won't regret it.

I went up against your ex once.

- m*rder case.

- One I told you about.

I'm sure you could both tell stories but Of course.

I brought Linda because she used to work vice in Hollywood.

- She knows all the players.

- You got anything? A name popped up, I think fits the bill.

Alvin Aquino.

BNG ink, on parole for attempted m*rder.

- Guess where he works?

- Namayan Flowers.

I checked with Aquino's parole officer.

He'll play ball.

- [Maggie]

Thanks for this.

- [Linda]

Good luck.

[engine starts]

- How do you like your steak?

- Medium, but I'm fine, thanks.


Medium? I figured.

It's practical.

Like a Lincoln.

You gotta try some of this black and blue though.

1,800 degrees for one minute on each side.

Outside it's a leather jacket, but inside Spare me the cooking lessons, Teddy.

You gonna help me or what? I like you, Counselor.

But I'm just gonna come out and say it.

You already owe me.

For Cisco.

People who owe me too many times tend to end up regretting it.

But sure.

Happy to help.

- [timer rings]

- Thanks.

It's time.



All right.

We're waiting for something? I know what this place is.


What, you think I came here to buy dr*gs? It takes a schemer to know one, you're scheming.

That's not why we're here, Izzy.

All right? What was up with the car yesterday? That whole gimmick?

- You really wanna know?

- Yes.

Somebody bugged my car.

- Not this one.

The other one.

- What? Well, you wanted to know.

- What about this car?

- No, it's clean.

Cisco sweeps it every day.

- What if my car is bugged?

- It's not.

Does Cisco sweep my car too? [Izzy scoffs]

You let him break into my car? It's not really breaking in.

What do you call it? Wait, hold on.

- Who bugged your car?

- That's attorney

-client privilege.

Technically, you work for me, but Can we just We're, like, an hour from downtown.

Can I explain on the road? [Izzy]




Thank you.

I think Stanton's considering my request for a directed verdict.

- I'm sure.

- Should I be worried? [man]

Judge Stanton wants to see both counsel in chambers immediately.


Counsel, I'm gonna ask you a few questions.

First, I'd like to remind you both of your duty of candor and your ethical responsibilities to this court.

- Absolutely.

- Of course.

It's come to my attention that this court has been the victim of jury tampering.

- Jury tampering?

- [Stanton]


Haller? Given what I've just said, do you have anything you wish to add? Me? Why aren't you asking him? I received this last night via courier.

"Judge Stanton, you should know that juror number seven is not who you think he is and not who he says he is.

" "Check Lockheed, and check his prints.

" "He's got an arrest record.

" No indication as to who it's from.


I'm sorry, Judge.

What's goin' on here? Juror number seven is supposed to be a man named Rodney Bankland.

But detectives spoke with him this morning.


Bankland never received a jury summons and he is not the man who's been sitting on our jury.

That man, it would appear, is an imposter.

Did we get him when he came in? Oh, the plot thickens.

Juror number seven didn't show up this morning.

Someone tipped him off.

I can't imagine a scenario where jury tampering would favor the prosecution, given the circumstances of your predecessor.

I'm insulted that you would think I had anything to do with this.

I would support any investigation.


Very well.

The circumstances warrant a mistrial, and after conferring with some colleagues, I'm inclined to declare one.

- My guess is that was the goal.

- [Mickey]

Seriously? I will prove you wrong.

Your Honor, is that necessary? The integrity of this trial has been compromised.

If the jury had deliberated, I'd agree.

But they haven't.

We can fill the slot with an alternate.

To do anything else, it would further damage my client in the public eye.

Do the People have an opinion? I don't know anything about this, but I'm confident I can win the case, no matter who's on the jury.

Then I'll spend the day making sure the other jurors are, in fact, who they're supposed to be, and remain unaffected.

We'll pick up trial tomorrow.

Good day, gentlemen.

- What do you mean our guy didn't show?

- He must've been tipped off.

The judge knows and the sheriffs are all over it.

- You did this, didn't you?

- Trevor, back off.

- Do you wanna make a scene here?

- [elevator dings]

I had nothing to do with this, all right? Maybe it was your Russian friends cutting bait.

Maybe they f*cked up.

It doesn't matter, Mickey, because these guys are not the type of people who own up to their f*cking mistakes.

Maybe juror number seven's dead.

Did you think of that? Maybe you and I are next.

As long as we win,

- you have nothing to worry about.

- That's

- Great.

That's great.

- You never thought we could win this.

Without our juror? Are you kidding? I know how this looks.

Trevor, we can win this.

We can win and we will.

Fair and square.

All right? There's one more exception to attorney

-client privilege.

If my client's about to commit a crime, I have to report it.

Unless I can stop that crime from happening.

Then, it's no harm, no foul.

Nobody ever has to know.


But how do you do that without it blowing up in your face? [Maggie]

I'll meet Hayley's counselor tomorrow.

Yeah, I wish I could be there, Mags.

There'll be plenty for you after this trial.

By the way, anything new on Jerry's case? No, I don't know.

Griggs is handling that.


- You talk to him lately?

- No, not really.

Why? I don't know, I just I remember he was giving you some problems before, so Mags, if there was a problem, I'd handle it.

All right? I know.

It's just, there's the normal way to handle things, and there's the Mickey way.

- Have a good night, Mags.

- Good night.