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02x01 - The Missing and the Dead

Posted: 07/06/23 12:23
by bunniefuu
It's Joe. Pickett.
The game warden.

Don't worry, it's just me.

WACEY: Jesus, Joe Pickett.

Well, what's going on?

I'm right in the
middle of something.

You can keep our secret.

[g*n FIRES]

So you're the new
Vern Dunnegan. I am.

Vern Dunnegan would
never pull this shit.

I'm not Vern Dunnegan.

No. You sure as hell ain't.

MARYBETH: Here we are,

you finally have your own post.

Girls started their new school.

[WHISPERING] We made it, Joe.

What's a girl gotta do to make
some new friends in this town?

Divorce the game warden?


I recommend keeping
the door closed.

He does like watching Jeopardy.

JOE: I'm gonna have
to write you up.

This job will break you,
unless you learn how to bend.

I can be pretty

Do you feel like we're safe?

MARYBETH: No. I don't.

I'm not sure how much
safer they gonna feel

if you go out there and
get yourself k*lled.

JOE: Tell Sheriff Barnum
the man he's looking for

is lying dead on the
woodpile behind my house.

VERN: There's a reason
game wardens are k*lled

more than any other
officer of the law.

Sheriff's Department.

BARNUM: You're under arrest
for the m*rder of Ote Keeley.

I didn't k*ll Ote Keeley.


Can I trust you to look
for the truth? JOE: Yes.

The land under our feet.

Everyone is here
to steal from it.


[g*n FIRES]

You just saved my life.

You're a g*dd*mn hero.

You are too special

to be some park ranger's wife.

You have a law degree.

See you've been
drinking again, Mom.

Who could blame me on
a night like tonight

if I did have a
glass, hmm? Or two!

Somebody coming to get ya?

APRIL: My mom's supposed
to. God, forgive me.

APRIL: Maybe she left me.

You'll stay with us till
we find her, all right?

JOE: You went out there, you bought
all that land with the Scarletts.

Now, we all become
very rich.[LAUGHTER]

JOE: This extinct
weasel, it could keep

a small handful of people
from making a lot of money.

WACEY: You got some secrets.
Because I know people.

They wanna k*ll everybody

who knows about those
little critters.

You have got to
promise to be careful.

That's my middle name.


VERN: You're the
endangered species, Joe.

You're just too stupid
to see it.[LAUGHTER]

No, Mom, no!



[g*n FIRES]

JOE: They pushed the wrong
guy this time.[g*n FIRING]



I didn't want it
to come to this.


What about the baby?

NURSE: I'm so sorry.

JOE: Remember how I told you
things weren't gonna escalate?

I was wrong.

[g*n FIRES]

morning, Wyoming!

This is "Master
Tracker" Buck Lothar,

and you're listening toBuck
Talk coming to you live

through that clean Wyoming air

on this gorgeous
morning for hunting.

Remember, if you
can hear the radio,

then the elk can
hear the radio, too.

In other hunting news, more updates
from that bastion of idiocy,

Saddlestring, or as I like
to call it, "Weaselville."

Ever since the local Lame Warden,
discovered an extinct weasel

half the county has been
shut down from hunting.

Hunters are having
to travel hours away

from some of the richest
hunting ground in all of Wyoming

to hunt in South Dakota.


Nice job there, Lame Warden.

Sending a big old, warm
scat sandwich your way.


I don't know who
he's talking about,

but whoever he is talking about,

sounds like a cool guy.

Don't you think?




Sorry, boss.

Come on, girl.

Come on.

Move over, girl. You're in back.

She didn't oversleep.

All right. Where are we
going? Something exciting?

Probably not.

LUKE: Shouldn't you tell me?

Why? Well...

Because I'm your
new trainee and all.

Shouldn't you be training me?

The first rule of
becoming a game warden,

get comfortable with silence.


Interesting. Good note.

Is it true that you shot
the guy that trained you?


LUKE: Vern Dunnegan, right?


Is he dead? No, prison.

But the other guy died, right?

The neighboring game
warden you also shot?


[CHUCKLES] Man, you sure

seem to sh**t a lot of
game wardens, don't you?

Should I be nervous?

Yes, you should.

SHERIDAN: Get out of there.
I need to brush my teeth.


APRIL: You should have brushed
them when you had a chance.

Seriously stop rushing me.
Sheridan, where's my top?

Bathroom hog!

SHERIDAN: Let's go.
APRIL: Oh, my God.

Can I not get some
peace and quiet?

SHERIDAN: Mom, I need
to brush my teeth.

APRIL: Oh, my God.




Mom, the bus.

SHERIDAN: Seriously. Finally!

APRIL: Okay... Ugh!

SHERIDAN: You're stupid.

We missed it again!

APRIL: It was your fault for
taking such a long shower.

really? APRIL: Yes.

Whatever! Hey!

Hey, no time for
that this morning.

Missy says this is what happens when
you have three girls and one bathroom.

Really, Lucy? Okay. Can you
just finish getting ready?

Honey, we gotta hurry. We're
gonna get another tardy.

That's probably true.


LUCY: Why are you so fast?


JOE: Morning, Richard.

LUKE: Herd of elk did this?

JOE: Not just elk.

Drunk elk.


JOE: Old apples ferment on
the ground. Gets them drunk.

They... They do this a
lot this time of year.



She's wasted.

She's a he.

He's wasted.





Everything okay, Blaire?

Oh, yeah, I'm sure

it's just me being a worrywart.

I'm sure everything's fine.

How's the estate plan
going? It's going well.

I have a handful of questions for
you, but getting pretty close.

BLAIRE: Sure, happy to
answer any questions.

Well, I noticed your husband has been
depositing money into an account,

the Bull Grove Foundation,
is that a charity?

Honestly, knowing Frank,

it's probably some sort of bullshit
tax shelter or something. [CHUCKLES]

I swear, that man
considers each penny

he gives to the tax
man a personal affront.

It makes him crazy.

And I just hope that
the old fool is okay.

Are you sure you don't
wanna talk about it?

Frank was supposed to come home
last night from a hunting trip.

I'm sure he's just sleeping
one off. Thank you.

He spends half those
trips hunting Budweisers.

Why don't I ask Joe to
go look for him? No.

But thank you.

I'll just give him
a little more time.

How about you?

You need to talk?

What do you mean?

You seem distracted.

I think maybe you still
have your pajamas on.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry if I seem off.

It's a tough day.

I'll bill partial
hours for today.

That is not what I meant

and stop negotiating
yourself out of pay.

You think that would have been the first
thing they taught you in lawyer school.

I'll get back to it.

Why don't you take it home?

You don't have to work here.

Sure. Okay.

Do you guys serve
applesauce here? No.

Applesauce is pretty delicious.

My mom used to make it
with cinnamon, I think.

I once ate so much I
went to the hospital.

You guys should sell
artisanal applesauce.

Where'd you get this kid?

They just gave him to me.

Does your boss hate you?

As a matter of fact,
he does.[CHUCKLES]

Excuse me.Yeah.


Hey, Luke, I got to
look into something.

You mind staying
here with Richard?

So is this how it's
gonna roll with us?

What's that?

You go do the glamorous part

while you leave me
behind to clean up.


Have fun.


MARYBETH: Hey, hun,
your dad's here.

SHERIDAN: No, Mom! No!










Hey, you did that on purpose.

What's that?

I can't understand you.

Because I don't
speak wet weasel.

I'm not a weasel.

No, I thought your house
was filled with weasels.

And second-hand kids.

Does it make you feel good
to make fun of a little girl?

I'm not a little girl.

You know, in our family,
we stand up for each other.

JULIE: Doesn't surprise me.

I thought all those Keeleys
abandon their family.


Hey! Hey! Stop
it! That's enough.


Miss Whiteplume.

Shoving is not okay
from either of you.

Miss Whiteplume! Yes, Lucy.



Everyone to the cafeteria, now!

JOE: Ote Keeley, isn't it?

Hi, this is Marybeth.

Hey. I need you
to call me, hun.




MARYBETH: You're home early.

JOE: Yeah.

I was worried about you
when I didn't hear from you.


I turned my ringer off.
I was trying to work.

I brought you a coffee
and a... And a sandwich.

In case you're hungry.

Thank you.

It's hot.

You know what today is?


You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

I was just... I was
just worried about you.

A year.

♪ I've been
worryin' all my life

♪ I've been
worryin' all my days

♪ Oh, it's a shame

♪ Why I gotta think that way

♪ I've been
wonderin' all my life

♪ I've been
wonderin' all my days

♪ Oh, sorrow and strife

♪ Tell me ain't that the life

BOTH: ♪ All I know is
life can be a grind

♪ Sometimes you
gotta give it time

♪ I can't tell you
just how deep it goes

♪ I can't lie to you Tell
you it's an easy road

♪ My mama always told me
"Darling, don't give in"

♪ Sometimes you
gotta bare and grin ♪


God, it's the girls'
school. [SNIFFLES]


Oh. Yeah. Okay.

Hey, they're looking for you.

Me? Yeah.

Why would they want
me? I don't know.

This is Joe Pickett.






Come on![GROANING]

Stay back, stay back.

Don't worry, everybody. My dad's
here. He'll know what to do.

Hey, Lucy, why don't you help guide
your friends back where it's safe, okay?

No way. I want to see this.

Hey! Luke! Luke, stop!


Luke, stop!

You've got kids
packed in here

and you're picking a fight
with a , pound bull?

Look, he's eating applesauce.

Just sayin'...

Okay, get the... Get the kids
back to the classrooms, alright?

Just quietly. Just quietly.

Save us, Dad. Nice and
quiet, Lucy. Lucy, quiet.

That's it. That's it.

Luke! Luke, get
off your phone.

Wait, wait, wait. I have an
idea. I saw it on TikTok.



JOE: Luke! Are you
okay? Shit! I'm fine!


That's it.

Yeah. Look at you.

You got a good feed, huh?

That's it.


What the hell is he doing?

Luke, what are you doing?

Elks love Seal.

The singer not the
semi-aquatic marine mammal.

I saw this video

Get in the truck! Luke,
turn the music off!


LUKE: I can't. I
dropped the phone.

Oh, Jesus!

Wait, wait, wait. I've
got something else.

Hey, what are you doing?
It's trying to k*ll us!

And you think blinding
ourselves is a good idea?

Oh, shit.



That's so embarrassing. I'm
sure glad that's not my dad.

Well, your dad's a
drunken momma's boy.

I'd be more embarrassed
of that if I were you.

Good one.


Didn't your truck get
destroyed last year, too?


It was a nice truck.


Mr. Pickett? You're
Sheridan's dad, right? I am.

I'm Alisha. I'm the school
therapist and guidance counselor.

Sometimes even janitor. Do
you mind if I have a word?


We can go to my office.


You know Sheridan's been coming
to see me for the last few weeks.

Oh, she has?

I talked to your wife about it.

Something came up today and I
wanted to give you a heads up on it.

Sheridan told me that this is

the one year anniversary of
the attack on your family.

I didn't know that
she was clocking that.

She's a smart girl.

Yeah, she is.

But I want you to
know that Sheridan

blames herself for
her mom being shot,

and the loss of
her little brother.

That's ridiculous.

She's just a kid,

and she had nothing
to do with that.

Well, you can know that,
and I can know that.

But Sheridan doesn't.

And I think that it could help

if you talked to her and
tell her that yourself.

Uh... Yeah.

Okay. Thanks.

Can I... Can I
ask you something?

Um, my wife...

What do you say to
someone if you can...

If you can see they're hurting,

to make them feel better?

I just, I don't seem to
know the right words.

There are no magic words.

Sometimes it just
takes holding space

and allowing the other person

and yourself to
feel what's real.

Myself? I mean there's enough
big feelings in my home

without me getting
in on the action.

Well, the feelings are there,

whether we acknowledge
them or not,

and they don't stay
buried forever.

Let me know if you ever
need someone to talk to.

Oh, it's okay. I
don't. Thank you.


Mom! Mom!

Dad saved the school
from a drunk elk!

Hey, Sheri, hold
up for a second.

Sheridan, you know that thing
that happened last year?

It wasn't your fault.

You know that, right?

I'm the one that got
Mom to come here.

Then she got shot,

lost the baby.

Now you and her
are always so sad.

Well, we're not... Okay.

No. Okay. Okay. Yeah.

Sometimes we're sad.

But, Sheri, it
wasn't your fault.

I want you to hear that.

It was mine.

If I had figured it out sooner,

if I hadn't trusted
the wrong guy,

if I hadn't pushed it so hard...

And anyway, it's my
job to keep you safe,

not the other way around, okay?

No. We're family.

We're supposed to
keep each other safe.

You are a really great
kid, you know that?

I'm so proud to be your dad.

Me, too.

Joe, there might be a situation.

Hi, honey. Hi, Mama.


Blaire's husband,
Frank, went hunting

up over at Swanson
Lake with his nephews.

They were supposed to
come home last night,

but his nephew's called
this morning to say,

they got separated
on the mountain,

and nobody's heard
from Frank since.

Uh, up on Swanson Lake.

Why? Is that bad?

There's been some weird
reports this season.

Um, they call it Bermuda
Mountain, like Bermuda Triangle.

There's no GPS service,

and there's a
strong magnetic pull

that scrambles compasses.

It would be really easy to get
lost if you didn't know the area.

Have you told the sheriff yet?

No. No, Frank
wouldn't like that.

I swear that man would
rather die alone in the woods

than have me embarrass him

by sending the sheriff
out looking for him.

Could you go, Joe?

Could you go look for him?

Yeah, of course.

Yes. Yes, I could.

Will you take your trainee?


He doesn't like horses.

And he wants to
be a game warden?

He gave me an hour long speech

about how an ATV is a
better horse than a horse.

Oh, I bet you love him.Mmm.

Yeah, it's really working.

Daddy? Yeah.

I don't like it when
you leave at night.

Can't you just, I don't know,
head out in the morning?

Well, if I did head
out in the morning,

then I'd be searching at night.

And if he's hurt,
getting there sooner

could make all the difference.

Hey, I'll tell you what.

I have my satellite
phone. Okay?

I'm gonna call you
every hour to check in,

and I'll set an
alarm and everything.

What about when I'm sleeping?

Well, when you're sleeping,
then I'll, I'll call,

and I'll let it ring once,

so you know I'm okay.

And then I'm available
if you want to call me.

Sound good?

Shake on it.


Go brush your teeth.


I really appreciate
you doing this.


You know there's nothing in this
world I wouldn't do for you.

I know.

I just wish, um...

I could be here
with you tonight.

I know. Yeah.

I love you, Joe Pickett.

I love you more.


Be careful.

Yeah. It's my middle name.

Joe Careful Pickett.




That's Frank's truck.

Frank Urman?


I'm a state law
enforcement officer.

I am armed.

I can hear you.

Best to make yourself known.


Shit. Ah.

Good evening, Warden.

I didn't hear you there.

I'm Dave Farkus.

And, uh, well, you should know,

I voted for you in
the last election.

Game Warden's not
an elected position.

Wouldn't happen to be
night hunting, would you?

You know, hunting after
: p.m, it's illegal.

Well, as it should be.

I was actually, uh,
tracking a wounded animal

after accidentally
making a bad shot.

And when I finally found it,

the elk was already
stripped clean.

Another hunter stole
your game meat?

Or a Wendigo.


A Wendigo.

What's that?

Pure evil.

It's, uh...

It's like a zombie cannibal.

One has been haunting these
woods for a while now,

ransacking camps and
mutilating animals.

You haven't seen a
guy up here, have you?

About six feet, burly?

Drives this truck.

Well, I've seen,
uh, nobody up here.


Let's just hope the
Wendigo hasn't gotten him.

You're not gonna drive
home like that, are you?

Like what?

Ah. Drunk. [CHUCKLES]

Dang no.

No, I am a model citizen.

And that's why I always keep

a sleeping bag in my car.

That's not your car.

Sleep tight, Mr. Farkus.

FARKUS: Don't let
that Wendigo bite.



What's the matter?

Something spooking you, huh?


I guess Dave Farkus wasn't
completely full of shit after all.


Yeah, you're probably right.

Since when does the
sun rise in the west?

Frank Urman,

if you can hear
me, please respond.


Yeah. Curious, huh?

We'll take that with us.

Easy, easy.

All right.

Oh, boy.

How's it going, Mom? Oh.

Sweetheart, I'm here for you

on this difficult day.

Oh, that was yesterday.

I... I don't...

I don't know what you
want from me. I try.

Thank you.

Mmm. What is this?

My coffee.

You want me to get you one?

Hmm. No.

Caffeine keeps me up at night.

So it has been a year.

When are you gonna let me
see my grandkids again?

You can see them anytime, Mom.

Unsupervised, I mean.

I know... I know I made
a mistake. A big mistake.

But you cannot keep
punishing me, Marybeth.

yeah, there she is.

My little Nutter Butter.

Mmm, mmm, mmm. My woman.



Uh, your mother and I, we, um...

We're concerned about you.

Yeah. How is this
difficult day for you?


Well, in ten years, he's
going to be the sheriff,

and you'll still be
married to the game warden.

Well, that's if he doesn't
get himself fired again.

he makes me laugh.

Especially in bed. I bet.

What do you mean I
make you laugh in bed?

I'm teasing you, honey.Okay.

Hey, um, did you tell
her the news yet?


Uh, it's true. I do have news.

Oh, God, Mom.

I got a job.

That's great. That's great.

Where? Stockman's Bar.

A bar?

I thought you'd be happy.

Mom, you're doing so well.

You really think a bar is the best
place to work for an alcoholic?

Marybeth, you know I
hate that "A" word.

Doesn't make it any less true.


CHARLIE: I miss my baby girl.

Oh, this guy again.

Sir. Sir, please.
I miss my daughter.

This is Marissa. Please
help me find her.

Thank you. Who is he?

His daughter's missing.
He's here to protest.

If you ask me, she
probably just ran away.

Did you look for her?
McLANAHAN: No, no.

We don't do Native cases.

See, she's on the rez,

so they have their own police
force to deal with all that.

Yeah, that's what us
officers of the law

call jurisdiction, Marybeth.


Now that I'm thinking about it,

I should probably
get on out of here

before they expect me to
do something about it.

Like your job?

Well, yeah. Exactly, yeah.

See, if I don't do
anything, I don't have to do

the paperwork that goes
with it. [CLICKS TONGUE]

a win-win, huh?

Come here, you.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.Mmm.


You should write that down.
It's good fatherly advice.

Oh, Mother, he is awful.

Maybe the worst.[SCOFFS]

He's not even
close to the worst.

Yeah, you're right.

You should be careful.

I might marry him
just to irritate you.

That's a great way to make
important life decisions.

Just like you did,

marrying the game warden.

Not why I did it, Mom.

CHARLIE: My baby
girl is missing.

I miss my daughter.

Marissa. Please
help me find her.

I miss my daughter.

Without closure,
there can be no peace.


I'm Game Warden Joe Pickett.

I'm looking for a lost hunter.

His name's Frank Urman.

Have you seen him?

Hello? Can you hear me?

JOE: Nice catch.

How many you got there?

Legal limit's six.

Lost count.

Maybe ten.

JOE: That's a violation.

I'm gonna need to
see your license.

Ain't got it on me.

Might be in my bag.

You mind if I take a look?

Is that a yes?


While you look, I'm
gonna keep fishing.

Suit yourself.

Careful what you wish for.

Come again?

I said I'm willing
to let this go

if you just turn
your horse around

ride back the way you came.

Because if you start
messing with me, well...

Well what?

Well, it may not
turn out too good.

Are you threatening me?

Just stating a fact.

Like saying the sky is blue.

You've got a choice,
is what I'm saying.

Yeah, well, I'm choosing
to check your license

because that's my job.


Oops is right. You hooked me.

I fouled the cast, I guess.

Yeah, seemed deliberate to me.

Maybe if you'd stay
clear of my casting lane.

I don't see your license.

Must have left it
back at camp then.

Where's your camp?

Up in those trees?

Over the top, down
the other side

and up and down
another mountain.

Okay, let's go.

You could've just rode away.

JOE: Your name Caleb?

It was written on the pack.


Got a last name? Yup.

So, what is it?


Sorry, what?


Most people just say Grim

because they can't pronounce it.

How long you been up here?

This is tough country.

Why just the Old Testament?

I'm not answering any more

of your questions,
government man.




You found it already?

Why'd you bring him?

I didn't. He just followed me.

I thought we had an agreement

about this sort of thing.

You know what happened the
last time you did this.

CALEB: That was different,
Camish. You know that.

CAMISH: They're all like that,

every damned one of them.

Especially when they got
a badge to hide behind.

What happened last time?

Brothers Grim, huh?

We prefer the Grim Brothers.

Where are you boys from?

How about I just take a look at this
fishing license, and then I'll get going?

Well, then,

guess I'll go see
if I can find it.

How long you boys been up here?

Is that an official question?

An official question?

Like one I have to answer

or you'll give me a dang
ticket or something?

JOE: I was just wondering.

Looks like you've been up here
a while, living off the land.

How many deer and elk you
boys k*lled and eaten?

If I don't answer you, it's
not because I'm rude, mister,

it's because I don't care
to incriminate myself

if it ain't an official
question and all.


Well, then it's an
official question.

If I don't agree to see
you as an authority,

then it ain't official.

CALEB: Damned if
I can't find it.

There's one other
place I can look.

Where is that?

We got a couple of
caches back in the trees.

I might have put my
license in one of them.


I'll follow you.

You ever hear of the Wendigo?

What about it?

Just wondering.

So, who owns these fish
you're so worked up about?

What do you mean, who owns them?

Exactly what I asked.

These fish are native
cutthroats mainly,

few rainbows planted
years ago, right?


So who owns them?
Do you own them?

Is that why you're so worked up?

I work for Wyoming Game
and Fish Department.

Note that word "fish."

We're the state agency that's
charged with managing our wildlife.

So, you own the fish?

Technically, no.

But we're charged with
managing the resource.

Everybody knows this.


But I like to get my
mind clear on things.

What you're saying is that American
citizens and citizens of this state

have to go out and buy a
piece of paper from the state

in order to catch native
fish in wild country.

So you're what? Sort of a tax
collector for the government then?

So, if you don't own the fish

and you didn't put them here,

what gives you the right to
collect a tax on folks like us?

Don't we have a say in this?

You can complain
that to the judge.

And does a judge
get his paycheck

from the same place you do?

Sounds like a racket to me.

You've got me wondering who the
criminal is here and who ain't.

Let's go.

Pissed you off, didn't he?

No. No license here.

Is this a joke?

You didn't even look.

The hell I didn't.

Well, if you do have
a valid license,

I'll be able to check it
when I'm at a computer.

In the meantime, I'm going
to write you a ticket.

Law is that you got to have
your license in your possession.

You can't bury it in some hole.

You're funny.

I'm gonna write you another one.

Wanton destruction
of game animals.

I saw all those bones
you got back there.

You've been poaching
game all summer.


Let's get back.

If you say so.

There'll be a court date.

If you want to protest, well,
you can show up with your license

and make your case.

We can't go see a
judge. We got someone...

Shh, Caleb!



My phone. Oh, shit.



What do you say

we get the hell out
of here, Lizzie?


Just call, Joe.

Just call.


♪ I've been through Reno

♪ I've been through
Beverly Hills

♪ And I'm here

♪ Reefer and vino Rest
cures religion and pills

♪ But I'm here

♪ Been called a
commie pinko tool

♪ Got by it stinko'd
by my pool[CHUCKLES]

♪ I should have gone
to an acting school

♪ That seems clear

♪ Well, still someone
said she's sincere

♪ And I'm here... ♪

Might wanna close your
mouth there, bubs.

Wind up catching flies
in that smelly thing.

She's like an angel.

♪ Top billing one day... ♪

She's also my girlfriend.


Oh, she's way out
of your league.

Well, to me, one's league
is a state of mind.

But it's not.

And she is way out of yours.

Ah, so you think that she's
in your league then, huh?

I mean, do you
even own a mirror?





Lizzie, easy.


Hey! [GRUNTS] Lizzie!

Whoa, whoa, easy!



Lizzie. Ah...[CONTINUES

Oh, God, Lizzie.

Hey. I'm going to...

I'm going to help you out, okay?

We're gonna be okay.

We're gonna be okay.




Easy, easy.