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Anwar: The Untold Story (2023)

Posted: 07/07/23 16:31
by bunniefuu

Bukit Aman Lock-Up, Kuala Lumpur

Allah is the Greatest!



They can shut down electricity...

but never our spirit.

They will do whatever it takes...

to fail our plans.

We want equal wealth distribution.

Not reserve wealth

for a selected few.

We can't allow

the rich to be richer...

and the poor in destitute.

Indeed, we want

everyone to realise...

that changes and

reforms are necessary.

Never should we accept...

nor should we allow

any form of cruelty.

Not even once.

Our country is our responsibility.

Malaysia is an advanced nation...

with a great potential.

It is our responsibility

to ensure reforms!


If they arrest you...

who can we

trust to lead our cause?

We are one heart, one soul.

Kak Wan.

That's right, Kak Wan.

No one else is more fitting

to replace Dato' besides you.

Why me?

I can't do it. Seriously.

I'm not a good speaker.

I can't convince people like you.

Besides, all this while,

I never got involved in politics.

I can't.

- No one else is better suited.

Trust me, you can do it.

Don't worry, we will help you.

Zah, our fight must go on.

Who better to preserve

our principles and reputation...

if not ourselves?

Like it or not...

we must brave

upcoming challenges.

No matter how hard,

we must be prepared to face them.

Not just us, we have to prepare

our kids too.

We have no choice, Azizah.

We got to be on our toes.

Dear Allah.

Please protect me, O Allah.

Distance me from harm, O Allah.

Strengthen my heart, O Allah.

Protect my family, O Allah.

Today, all local press

have humiliated me...

and insulted me.

But the people do not believe it!

Long live Dato' Anwar!

We will uphold justice...

on behalf of Malay, Chinese,

Iban, and Kadazan alike. Everyone!

Step down, Mahathir!

- Step down, Mahathir!

Step down now!

- Step down now!

Step down, Mahathir!

- Step down, Mahathir!


- Peace be with you.

Good day, everyone.

Peace be with you too.

Thank you for your attendance

and support.

This conspiracy...

is purposely spread...

to taint my character

and political career.

The accusations against me...

began with sexual misconduct

followed by treason...

foreign agent, sedition,

involvement in a m*rder.

How could they?

Some people actually believe

these accusations.


Have they lost their marbles?


- Dato' Seri.

What's the worst

that could happen?

They might arrest me...

lock me up in jail,

but I'm not intimidated.

Our movement in the

National Mosque this morning...

is just a start.

I'm sure

I will receive a warning again.

I'd say...


Settle down.

- Calm down.

Settle down.


Why do you have to break in

this way?

Dato' Seri, please come with us

to the station.

We have an arrest warrant for you.

On whose instruction?

The instruction

was just as such, Dato'.


We should perform Isya prayer.

I would like permission to perform

Isya prayer before we leave.

Sure, go ahead.

- Reformation!







My apologies, Dato' Seri.

We have to move

to the car in front.

Without your family.

We are only

following instructions, Dato'.

Instructions by whom?

I'm sorry, Dato'.

That's the command we received.


Let's go, Dato'.


- Papa?



See you, Azizah.

Look after the children.

Peace and

Allah's mercy be with you.

Peace be with you too.

Greetings, everyone.

As we all know...

Dato' Seri Anwar was arrested

last night.

Up to this point...

we, the family...

are still not informed on

his whereabouts...

and his condition.

With regard to the accusation...

that Dato' Seri

was detained for sodomy...

that is just

a political conspiracy.

A cruel and truly despicable


aimed to destroy

Dato' Seri Anwar.

We will not be silent.

His family will demand justice

on his behalf.

Peace and

Allah's mercy be with you.

Have a drink, Dato'.

I'm sorry, Dato'...

my hands are tied.

I can't even

call a doctor for you.

Ask the person who beat me up...

if he could get a doctor for me.

I have no idea

who beat you up, Dato'.

Allah is the Greatest!

Shut up!

Shut up!

It was the Inspector General

of Police who hit me.

That is his habit.

You don't have to tell me

for me to know it.

Where is

the direction of the Qibla?

Towards that corner, Dato'.

Dear Allah.

Protect Papa wherever he may be.

Keep him away

from calamities, O Allah.

Preserve his health.

Dear Allah.

Dear Allah.

I want to see Papa, O Allah.

Get him to come home soon.

Save him, O Allah.

Accept our prayers,

O Lord of the worlds.

O Allah, my dear Lord.

Purify me from my sins.

O Allah, my dear Lord.

Protect my family from

the evil of this world, O Allah.

To You, I surrender my affairs.

And only from You, I seek refuge.

May it be so.

Hear my invocation, O Allah.

Accept my prayers,

O the Most Merciful.

Accept my prayers,

O the Most Benevolent.

Sheikh Anwar, why didn't you

discuss it with me first?

We have been good friends

since ABIM, Yayasan Anda.

We build them all together.

Yes, Ustaz Fadzil Noor,

my dear true friend.

That's why you're the first

I'm sharing this with.

All this while...

in every discussion

and in every speech...

you have always att*cked UMNO.

So why do you suddenly

choose to ally with them?

Why won't you join me

in the Islamic Party?

I have great ambitions, ustaz.

I want to end corruption

once and for all.

I want to see our country

free from corruption.

The only way I can achieve that...

is by being

apart of the Government.


I understand.

Well, in that case,

I should excuse myself.

Alright, ustaz.

You have been

consistent in fighting corruption.

I send my prayers to you.

May you attain

the highest position one day.

God willing.

May you keep being consistent

in this fight against corruption.

Don't ever change.

I just have one concern.

You are putting up a fight

against a corrupt system.

A system that has rooted

for a long time.

I fear...

you will be betrayed.

I fear...

you will be betrayed.

I am sorry.

I can't help you, Dato' Seri.

But please drink a little.

Then, you should

change your clothes.

It's filthy.

It's also covered in blood.

Since Mum's favourite child

is home...

the banana fritters are

on the table in a dash.

Even after being

the Finance Minister...

Mum's banana fritters are still

what you desire most, Non.

Congratulations, Abang Non.

Don't forget to pass

some contracts...

to your family members, alright?

Mum's banana fritters

are the best.

Different from Azizah's.

- To run the country...

you need good stamina.

Here, try this honey from Sarawak.

I never miss it every morning.

If you like it, you can order it

directly from me.

I'll give you a discount.


since you did well

managing education...

you deserve to manage

nation's finance now.

Prove to the world

that Malaysia...

is not only advanced

in administering education...

but also in managing

national finance.

We are all-rounders.

Don't just be good at governing

the country, Non.

You must be good at looking after

your family first.

No matter how busy you are,

never neglect them.

Thank you, Mum, Daddy, and...

the entire family for

supporting me up to this point.

All praises to Allah.

I have an important announcement.

I know...

..many of our family members...

are businessmen...


From this day onward,

I would like...

everyone to not accept

any contracts from the government.

Those with existing contracts

should know...

that their contracts

will not be extended.

What are you talking about?

My contracts have got

nothing to do with you, Non.

I worked for them myself.

You think it's possible to get

them without qualifications?

I have a Class A

contractor's licence, you know?

Yes, I do know.

I didn't say

you can't run your business.

Just avoid government contracts.


I am your older brother.

When you were in university,

I've already started my business.

I've built so many public schools.

Not once have I

asked for your assistance.

How dare you

try to control my life now?

Abang Rani, please understand

my position.

I understand.

I understand,

we all understand that...

since you got to be a minister,

we are expected to rot.

We aren't going to starve...

just because we don't get

government contracts.

Easy for you to say.

If this is your way of

handling things...

you will have trouble

working with others.

You'll see.

You can't be too rigid.

We know what is acceptable

and what is not.

That's enough, Rani.


Don't you think

you are being too much?

Rani didn't use the backdoor.

He doesn't break any rules.

It's not about

breaking the law, Daddy.

But whatever we do...

it has to start with ourselves.

What will people say...

when your son is the

Finance Minister...

and your other children

become wealthier.

You will face problems with

attitude like this. You'll see.

That's fine.

If hardship is the risk...

I'm ready to face it.

Easier said than done.

Rani, try to understand

what Non is actually saying.

You got so much. Give me some.

- Non.

The sun is setting soon.

What have you got there?

- Nutmeg, Mum.

I gathered them for us.

Where did you get them from?

Up on that hill, Mum.

Did you steal them?

No, I picked them up

from a Chinese man's tree, Mum.

So what if it's from

a Chinese man's tree?

They say it's not wrong to take

Chinese men's fruit. Right?

Non, listen carefully.

Stealing is a crime.

It doesn't matter

if you steal from a Malay...

an Indian or a Chinese.

Stealing is stealing.

And stealing is a crime.

It's a sin, Non!

I never taught you

to be a thief, right?

But, Mum...

- No ifs and buts.

Don't you ever take

anything that is not yours.

Now, I want you to return these

to the owner.

What? Return these?

- Yes, return them now.

Go to his house. Quickly!

Yes, Mum.


I want to return these nutmegs.

What is your name?

Where do you live?

Anwar. My name is Anwar.

Sorry I stole your nutmeg.

Good evening.

I always knew you would make

a great Finance Minister.

Three times voted

best Finance Minister.

That's a brilliant achievement.

Thank you. You taught me well.

Yes, but you should

take credit for this as well.

It's very hard to get

an award from Euromoney.

You took Malaysia out of debt

and made it a surplus country.

That's impressive.

I'm sure the World Bank

is not very happy...

losing their most profitable

customer since 1963.

Have a seat.

I wrote to the World Bank in 1993.

I thank them...

and said we are not interested

in borrowing anymore.

I used the excess money to pay off

old debts.

In addition, I negotiated

a prepayment of RM12 billion.

Very smart.

No wonder they offered you...

a position as the chairman

of the development committee.

Well, thank you for that


Freeing the country from debt

is not that difficult.

The hardest part is

fighting corruption.

Anyway, everything was beautiful

that morning.

The sun was shining brightly,

the birds were singing.

But the officers who

accompanied me on that day...

could not enjoy the trip.

Everyone was tense.

We were scheduled to visit

a school by the Rejang River.

But before reaching

that particular school...

we passed by a smaller school.

I knew that was not the school

we are visiting.

The school we wanted to visit,

of course, was prepared...

to welcome us with

bunga manggar and celebrations.

But because that school

was not expecting us...

I get to witness it

in its pure form.

No exaggeration

and beautification.

Just a small

remote village school.

Peace be with you, Dato' Seri.


Why didn't you tell us

that you were coming?

We could have made preparations.

Clean up the area,

prepare some food...

hold a small ceremony

to welcome you.

It's fine.

You don't have to

welcome me that way.

I just wanted to see

the school as it is.

Please come in, Dato'.

Right this way.

That's when I saw many students...

lining up to go to the toilet.

Children, sit properly.

Can you imagine

in a school hostel...

with dozens of students...

there was only one toilet?

The kids had to line up...

taking turns

to relieve themselves.

Whereas funds for the

construction of toilets...

and school repairs

have been released.

I personally signed

and approved the funds.

However, not all the funds

reach the school.

Enough with all

the corruption stories.

Let's have something to eat.

How about nasi lemak?

I would love to,

but please no sambal.

That stuff is way too hot for me.

That's fine. Let's go.

Sorry, I'm a little late.

My schedule is too packed.

How are you?

- I'm fine, Dato' Seri.

That's alright.

It's just a small matter.


I'm here to discuss about toll.

But before that...

a congratulation is in order.

You have succeeded in proving...

that you are

our best Finance Minister.

Yes, thank you.

So what about the toll?

We would like to request a little

increase of the toll tariff.

On what grounds

should the tariff be increased?

Listen, Dato' Seri.

Maintenance cost for the upkeep

of the highway keep increasing.

We need additional funds

to support the operational cost.


Please submit

the budget for each kilometre.

I'll need the full report

in two weeks.

How should I put this?

Best for me to be frank with you.

Truth is, I need to increase

the toll tariff...

because we had spent

too much money...

on acquiring

the highway licence.

I had to pay people at the top

all the way to the bottom.

So you bribed your way in...

and now you are expecting

the public to pay for it?


I will not approve any of these.

Truth is, I need to increase

the toll tariff...

because we had spent

too much money...

on acquiring

the highway licence.

Hello. Yes.

If there's enough evidence...

go ahead.

Yes, Doctor.

You called me in for a discussion?

I called you to discuss

about the Perwaja case.

The company had lost

billions of Ringgit.

We have to save it.

Yes, I did receive

a report on it...

but it's quite tough, Doctor.

Perwaja had lost too much money.

I hope as the Finance Minister...

you can withdraw

national funds to bail them out.

Perwaja is a huge corporation

and this is a step...

to save the many jobs

that are at stake.

Right. I will investigate

what went wrong.

I do agree we need to save jobs.

And I also agree

we need to save the company.

It's just that it needs to go

through a forensic audit.

What do you mean?

I suggest...

the full report to be presented

and debated in Parliament.

We get professional auditors

to run the audit.

I can invite

Pricewaterhouse Coopers...

to be involved...

and the first step...

is we need to terminate

those who are responsible.

This looks like a new company.

I've never heard of it.

Hello, Avid Spectrum Sdn. Bhd.

Who is on the line?

This is Anwar.

- Anwar?

Anwar Saddat?

Are you calling from Egypt?

There's a Pharaoh here too,

you know?

Come visit.

No, not Anwar Saddat.

I'm Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar Ibrahim?

Which Anwar Ibrahim?

Anwar Ibrahim,

the Minister of Finance.

I'm so sorry, Dato' Seri.

My apologies.

How can I help you?

- I would like to ask...

who owns Avid Spectrum?

The owner is Rusli Ibrahim, Dato'.

Right, thank you.

Rejected with Prejudice

How are you, Dato' Seri?

- I'm fine.

I have a meeting to attend.

- Right, Dato' Seri.

Peace be with you.

- Peace be with you too.

How are you?

- I'm well.

Yes, Sheikh.

- Peace be with you.

Peace be with you too, Sheikh.

How are you, Sheikh?

- I'm doing well.

How about you?

- All praises to Allah. I'm fine.

Dato' Seri.

My boss

wishes to congratulate you...

on your appointment

as Minister of Finance.

Thank you.

He sent me to give you this.

What is that?

Four million Ringgit

as a token of appreciation...

for visiting his hotel.

He is very pleased

that you chose to stop by.

I can't accept it.

Please don't be that way,

Dato' Seri.

It is just a gift.

This has been our way for decades.

The other ministers have always

accepted our gifts.

It's not a problem.

I'd like you to convey

this message to your boss.

I will never accept

anything like this.

I'm sorry, Sheikh.

I had to attend to him.

How are you?

All praises to Allah.

I'm fine by His Grace.


what does he want?

He offered me a lot of money

as a gift...

just because I'm here

visiting his hotel.

But I had to decline.

It doesn't make sense.

Why should he give me

a lot of money...

just because I'm here, you see?

Why not give it to

everyone who stays here?

I don't believe in freebies.

There must be an agenda somewhere.

All praises to Allah.

I'm very proud of you.

But, you must be weary.

They will spread the word...

and you may continue to face

challenges in the future.

There is no power or strength

except with Allah.

Dato' Seri.

What is this?

How about an autograph?

What's your name?

- Wong.


Thanks, Dato' Seri.

Peace be with you, Mum.

Peace be with you too, Non.

Mum, is Daddy home?

He is.

Would you like to speak to him?

No, that's alright.

I'll just speak to you.

Mum, I just rejected...

a land gifted to Daddy

by the Sabah State Government.

Why, Non?

The land is 49,915 acres, Mum...

when there are

so many poor people in Sabah.

Many people need that land

more than we do.

I think...

your dad will be

very disappointed...

because everyone

got their share...

and when it is his turn,

he is denied of it.

Can you explain it to him?

Or would you rather

I do it myself?

But you understand my stance,


It's fine. I'll let him know.

Peace be with you, Mum.

Peace be with you too.

We're from the Anti-Corruption

Agency. Check everything.

Check everything.

- Back there.

Search the whole space.

Make sure you open all drawers.

Don't miss anything.

Yes, sir.

- Down there.

All locks and files back there.

Check everything.

Don't miss anything.

You are not allowed to leave yet.

Please be quiet.

Do you know what you've done?

Why did you order the raid?

I didn't order it.

- Why didn't you refer to me first?

Do you know who he is?

He's my friend.

I told you I didn't order it.

But you approved it.


the Anti-Corruption Agency

has information and proof...

I just said to go ahead.

We won't harbour

anyone who is corrupted.


Anwar's political position

has become very strong.

Look at him.

He is more popular than you.

Local and international magazines

are saying...

he is our future leader.

That's expected.

I'm not envious of that.

Let me handle the politics.

You just focus on business.


What I mean is this shows that...

he is ready to go against you.

Where did you pick up

all this political gossip?

From our party members.

It's a hot topic.

That's right, boss.

I heard all sorts of stories.

At the party meeting...

my assistant told me...

that Anwar now has

a strong support to defeat you.

You can't let it be.

This is dangerous for all of us.

Many have asked me...

if this break...

has to do with my health.

If I were unwell, of course

I would have taken a sick leave.

Then why are you

taking a long break, Dato' Seri?

I am only going on a holiday.

While I am away...

I leave Dato' Seri Anwar...

fully in charge

as acting Prime Minister.

Why are you appointing

an acting Prime Minister...

while you are away

this time around?

My trips overseas

had all been short before.

But I am going for

a long trip this time.

Are you actually

testing Dato' Seri Anwar?

Why should I test...

someone I trust to be

the acting Prime Minister?

I fully trust Dato' Seri Anwar...

to fulfil this responsibility.

So you will be handling all

the Prime Minister's duties?

Somebody has to do it, right?

I will do what needs to be done

for the people.

You do know...

that many of them

don't see eye to eye with you?

Right now I have a bit of power.

So I will fulfil

what I've been fighting for.

How could I be a leader...

if I am weaker

than those I am leading?

Alright. Let's do it

in the Name of Allah.

Do it in the Name of Allah.

They would borrow money

from wealthy investors...

and invested with

the intention of making...

the highest possible profit...

with the fastest possible


The Asian market with their

above average growth rates...

Dato' Seri! Dato' Seri.

Many neighbouring countries are

affected by the economic crisis.

What will we do to prevent it

from happening here?

The economic crisis

in Southeast Asia...

has somewhat

affected us already.

However, Malaysia is holding up

because we have enough reserves.

Will we be receiving funds

from the IMF?

We have not taken that route...

but I have had

discussions with them...

regarding the

economic crisis in Asia.

What did the IMF suggest we do?

Firstly, IMF suggested...

we be more firm

in fighting corruption.

Secondly, we must ensure

every tender distribution...

goes through proper channels...

and not granted

on a crony basis.

Thirdly, we have to halt

all mega projects.

Thank you.

Just a minute, Dato'.

This meeting is crucial...

as I would like to gather

your support...

for me to bring forward

an amendment...

to strengthen

the law against corruption.

Don't we already have the

Anti-Corruption Agency for that?

Existing law is just too weak.

Corruption has seeped

deep into...

political leadership...

business sector

and amongst civil servants.

If corruption is not eradicated...

our country will be destroyed.

What do you

suggest to amend, Dato'?

We need a new provision...

on anyone who is found...

to be accumulating wealth

unlawfully while in service.

Even if the wrongful act is

discovered ten years later...

the culprit can still be

charged and prosecuted.

Why take this step?

It's dangerous, Dato' Seri.

I've been fighting for this

for decades.

Only now that I am in a position

to take action.

I need the power to do this.

What's the point of leadership...

if I am weaker

than those I lead?

But it's too risky, Dato'.

If you fear risks,

why bother speaking of the cause?

I think the cabinet members

have made the right decision...

by voting yes

to your suggestion.


- I agree.

Hello, boss.

There are developments.

Yes, okay.


I was just informed...

that Anwar will be challenging

you as the president of UMNO...

and then as PM.

Don't be too paranoid.

Don't misunderstand.

I represent

the voices of businessmen.

We won't be happy

if Anwar leads Malaysia.


It is difficult to negotiate

with him.

He is too rigid.

You know...

how important it is

for the conglomerates...

and politicians to cooperate.

We are willing to throw in

a lot of funds for politicians...

but there must be consideration.

I help you, you help me.

And in return...

You know what we want.

We want worthy projects.


That's the normal way

of doing business, right?

But how can we help...

if Anwar doesn't give us

any room to do so?

All the gifts for him

were returned.

What more if we give him


I think Anwar is too bold

in making this move...

while the Prime Minister

is away, don't you think so?

No doubt the Act

could save this country...

but imagine...

if the Anti-Corruption Agency

has too much power.

They can arrest anyone on a whim.

But if the Prime Minister


the amendment

is rendered useless.

If not careful,

it could backfire on Anwar.

If the Prime Minister disagrees,

it would mean he is corrupted.

Good point.

- As simple as that.

We will see who will be threatened

by this amendment.

Hey. Have you settled

your import permit issue?

Yeah, I paid the minister.

In fact, seven containers

have arrived.

Dato' Seri, have you heard...

about the amendment of the

Anti-Corruption Act...

proposed by

Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim?

Is it true that it has been

agreed in Parliament?

Did you know about this decision?

No comment.


I called you here...

to discuss the shipping

consortium company KPB.

Welcome home, Doctor.

I hope everything is well

with you.

All praises to Allah.

All is well. Have a seat.

Tell me about KPB.

I heard the company has lost

billions of Ringgit.

I'm sure you know that

the company belongs to my son.

I want you to find a way

to save it.

Yes, I'm sure

there is a way to save it.

Let me meet with them first.

There are some steps

that we need to do...

What steps are there?

Prioritise this.

Settle it quickly.

If it's too tedious for the

Treasury to release the funds...

just get

Petronas to bail it out.

How can we do that, Doctor?

Besides KPB...

there are many small

companies that need our help.


I have heard about

the amendment of law...

that you proposed.

Yes, the cabinet has agreed.

- Not everyone.

I received

many unfavourable reports.

They are not happy

with the amendment.

But in the meeting that day...

Just settle this KPB issue.

I have spoken to Petronas.

You just need to continue

the negotiation.

We will discuss

about the amendment later.

That's true,

we have discussed this with Dr. M.

We are caught between the hammer

and the anvil.

If we withdraw funds for KPB...

our integrity

will definitely be questioned.

We hope you can discuss this

with the Prime Minister.

I disagree with the bailout too.

But what can I do?

I am stuck in this mess too.

Dr. M seems suspicious and angry.

We got to bear in mind...

that the dignity

and integrity of Petronas...

can be tarnished

because of this issue.

We hope you understand

our position, Dato' Seri.

I understand.

Petronas is the

result of taxpayers' money...

and we can't spend its funds

as we wish.

The economic crisis

in Indonesia...

has paralysed the country's

economic activities.

More and more companies

are closing...

and riots are happening


Students and the people demand...

President Suharto

to step down from his post.

Look at this.

I was right.

He is extremely popular now.

Your fall

is just a matter of time.

That's true.

Anwar is too dangerous.

Think about it.

It has only been two months since

he is acting as Prime Minister...

and he had already amended

the law on anti-corruption.

Imagine if he becomes PM...

what else would he come up with?

If he could say no to you

in the Perwaja case...

what is your guarantee

that he won't do the same...

in cases

involving your children?

He had sent

the Anti-Corruption Agency...

to the Economic Planning

Unit's office.

One day...

he'll send the Anti-Corruption

Agency to the PM's office.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

What do you want me to do?

What do you suggest?

Why are you so stubborn?

Why can't you just help

the boss' son?

You've only just caused a stir

with the law amendment...

and now this.

Are you a trouble magnet?

- Who is this?

Who was on the line?

No one.



Hurry up or we'll be late again!

- Yes, Mama.


You can't keep being tardy.

Look at your younger siblings,

they are all ready.

Yes, Papa.

- Papa, feed me.

Izzah, attend to your sister.

- Okay, look.

Would you like more?

It's fine, Zah. I'll get it.


Right. I'll be on my way.

Where are you going?

I have to go.

You haven't finished

your breakfast.

It's okay.

I'll have something at the office.

What's so urgent?

Is everything okay?

I really got to go.

Okay. Take care.

I want you to resign.

On what ground?

I received a report about your

misconduct and moral issues.

Moral issue, you say?

You and your cronies

are the ones who are corrupted!

I will support you financially...

if you agree to leave

the country.

I will.


I will not resign.

Let me be clear.

I will fight.


- You're home.

I have something to tell you.

What is it?

Mahathir forced me to resign.

I said no.

I refused.

I'm sorry, Zah,

we have to go through this.

I will not be silenced.

I will fight.

If you fear the risk...

why bother

speaking about the cause.

Abang Non.

Dato' Seri, I'm here to deliver

a letter from the Prime Minister.

I'm sure you know

what it is about.

That's alright. Thank you.

I'm sorry, Dato' Seri.

Abang Non,

many people have turned up.

They are waiting for you



- I got instructions.

You're moving out of the

house right now.

Who is this?

- That's irrelevant.

You just have to move out.

That's Government's quarters.

Yes, we know,

but please give us time.

We have to pack and

arrange for a new place.

It's not easy... Hello?

Why are the lights out?

It's okay. Calm down.


Bukit Aman Lock-Up, Kuala Lumpur

Are you Muslim?

I am Muslim too.

- Our hands are tied.

Datin, please forgive us.

I will keep coming here

every day...

until you give me an answer...

about Dato' Anwar's whereabouts.

Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar Ibrahim.

I'm sure you didn't expect

to get locked up again.

Confined in this dark cell.

Beaten and tortured...

for the same cause

you stood up for back then.

Am I right?


- Do you remember...

the Baling demonstration

you organised?

Our goal was to defend

the rubber farmers...

and create job opportunities

for them.

You've led

the students of the nation...

and organised a demonstration.

Because of that

you were arrested...

and imprisoned for 2 years.

No one came to defend you.

Don't give up.

Honesty is hard to come by

in our country.

To get through the storm...

we have to keep walking.

Keep on moving.

And to keep walking...

there are two things

that you need with you...

"confidence" and "love".

"Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah"

(Under the Protection of Ka'ba)...

by Hamka.

Your pretty face

Your round eyes

Your pearly white teeth

You bring this

young man A lot of joy


I'm sure you know...

that is my favourite song.

All my comrades knew...

I sing this song all the time

when I was in prison.


I sang this song

even before I met you.

You only sang "Azizah" in prison.

That's not true.

I sing it everywhere I go.

You're playing politics with me.


it's because I love you.

You are gorgeous

Oh what a mesmerizing sight

Just like a songstress

Just like a songstress

Of the heaven

How I lose sleep at

night Thinking of you

His condition has worsened.

He asked for a doctor.

Can't we arrange

for a doctor to come?

I don't have the appetite.

I have bad news for you.

What is it?

But don't be shocked.

Please don't be shocked.

You have to keep calm.


I am calm.

Dato' Anwar...

has passed away.

May Allah forgive my sins.

How did you know this?

A friend of mine

does maintenance work there.

Yesterday, he changed a light bulb

in a lock-up at Bukit Aman.

He saw it with his own eyes.

In the lock-up...

there was a body lying dead...

and covered with a white sheet.

- No. I don't want to hear it.

But, Kak Wan...

- I don't believe it.

As long as I don't see it

with my own eyes...

I won't believe it.

We have to go to Bukit Aman.


What happened?

Is it true that Papa is gone?


Hold on.

I have to find out

from Bukit Aman.

I don't know if it's true either.

- Mama.

What if Papa is really gone?

What's going to happen to us?

Come, let's go.

We got to go now, Mama.

We have to go.

Let's go quick. We go now, Mama.

Let's go, Mama.

- Izzah.

Izzah, listen to me.

Since your dad's arrest,

things have already changed.

Our lives have changed.

We have to be strong.


We all have to restore

our family's dignity.

You are the eldest, Izzah.

You have to help me.

Look after your siblings.

You have to lock

your sadness away.

You must not show people

how you really feel.

Do you understand?

I understand.


Where is my husband?

How is his condition?

I want to see him.

We can't help you, Datin.

Why can't you?

I only want to know

if he is alive.

Tell me!

If you can't tell me...

call your superiors who can.

Forgive me, Datin. We really

don't have the authority...

to do anything.

- Mama.

Take it easy.

They really can't help us.

Kak Wan, speaking to them

is pointless.

They can't help us at all.

I only want to know

if he is in there.

That's all.


Bukit Aman Lock-Up, Kuala Lumpur

Dato' Seri.

I am Doctor Vasati.

They left you like this for

five days without treatment?

I'll ask for a clean set of

clothes for you to change into.

There's no need for that.

Let this be the proof of what

they have done to me.

Please give Dato' Seri

this medication.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

Sukma has released a statement.

He claimed he was sodomised.

Sukma made a false statement.

They can do

whatever they like in there.

For all you know, Sukma was beaten

and threatened to say this.

But Sukma's statement...

can cause Dato' to be brought

before the court.

We have to be prepared.

- Kak Wan, I don't believe...

what I heard.


- How could they...

do this so Sukma confesses.

We consider him family...

since he came from Indonesia

a long time ago.

Peace, Allah's mercy

and blessings be with you.


The lawyer called.

Non's case will be heard in court.

Non will never give up.

So we can't give up.

I know him too well.

Don't you worry, Azizah.

Can I get you anything?

Thank you.

There are many supporters outside.

Your family is here,

waiting in the courtroom.


The reporters are at the back.

The police are preventing them

from coming closer.

They are not allowed to take

pictures of you.

We got to strategise, Dato'.

When you reach the court's

entrance, just turn around.

Remember, you only have...

about ten seconds.



Petaling Jaya Court, Selangor


Only one photo was captured

by an AsiaWeek photographer.

It has become to only proof of the

cruel treatment against Anwar...

previously denied

by the Government.

"My one black eye has opened

the eyes of Malaysians."

Special thanks to

the late Rusli Ibrahim...

and the late Mohamad Pakruruzi.

The lock-up scene was re-enacted

based on the report of...

The Royal Commission of Inquiry

on the Injuries...

Sustained by

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.