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01x08 - The Treasure Hunt

Posted: 07/08/23 07:49
by bunniefuu
♪ Wake up in the morning. Let's start the day! ♪"


♪ Everybody's coming over to play! ♪"

♪ Get up mom and dad the kids will be here ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ Go to grandma's room. Is she still in her bed? ♪"

♪ She's already in the kitchen baking bread! ♪"

♪ Forget the stairs, use railing instead! ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Spend a day with wimzie, her family and friends! ♪"

♪ Welcome to a place where the fun never ends! ♪ (Doorbell rings)"

♪ Everybody here is waiting for you ♪

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Because we're laughing and we're learning ♪

♪ We're singing a song (doorbell rings)

♪ If you learn to trust your feelings ♪

♪ You'll never go wrong

♪ And you know that we will always belong ♪

♪ At wimzie's house! (Door creaking shut)

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

Today on wimzie's house: "the treasure hunt!"


(Door creaking)



Ah, ah, ahh.

Kazoo cakes smell absolutely heavenly,

Don't they, bo?




And I'm the only one who knows exactly how to make

These yummy kazoo cakes!


Yaya: ho-ho-ho-ho.




Ooh...(Clucking tongue)

You can have some later, bo..."

Right after we have the treasure hunt."

But for now, you've got a lovely breakfast to eat!"





(Humming) umm...bedum..."





Now, what is that scrumpdiddlyicious smell?"




It''s delicious,"


And so divine!"


It's coming from in there!"

(Door creaking)"


(Sniffing) ah!"


That smells good, grandma!"

What are you baking?"

Can I have one right now?"

My famous kazoo cakes!"

Oh, but they're still much too hot to eat."

We've got to let them cool off a little bit."

Hot! So hot!"


Well, can I have one when they're cooled off?"

Yaya: oooh!"

The kazoo cakes are only for after the big treasure hunt!"

Oh, the treasure hunt!"

I forgot all about the treasure hunt!"

(Doorbell rings)"

Oh, I'll get it!"

Ah, there is absolutely nothing"

Like the smell of fresh-baked kazoo cakes,"

Hot out of the oven."

(Sniffing) it just cannot be beat!"


Hi, wimzie."

Hi, jonas!"

Loulou is sick. She couldn't come 'cause..."


Hey, what smells so scrumpdiddlyicious?"

(Giggling) grandma's kazoo cakes!"

Did you say kazoo cakes?"

All right!"

Oh, they smell so good."

Poor loulou."

She's going to miss the treasure hunt"

And she'll miss the kazoo cakes too!"

Aww! Let's go!"

(Both giggle)"


(Knock on door)"

Ooh! Hi there, horace."

(Sniffing) hey, hey!"

What's that amazing smell?"


Wimzie: you like it, huh?"


(Chuckling) grandma's making kazoo cakes!"


Horace: I smelled them a block away."

But we only get to eat them"

After the treasure hunt!"

(Dejected) oh."

There's always a catch,"

Isn't there?"

Now I have to be in this silly old treasure hunt."

Uh-uh, no."

Yaya said it would be lots of fun."


Yeah, they always say that"

When they make you do something"

Really hard."

But there are only two rules to follow"

In this treasure hunt,"

And the first one is that everyone has to have fun!"


Well, I can live with that."

The second rule is very important too:"

No one can have a kazoo cake until it's over."

Everybody has to find their own treasure first!"

So, let's start!"

All right."

Now, this is how it works:"

The treasures will be the musical instruments..."


And I've hidden three of them."

You each will look for one."


You have to find the cymbals."

Jonas, you must find the drum!"

And wimzie, you look for the tambourine."


Horace: um...i hate"

The cymbals."

I don't want to look for the tambourine."

I'll look for the tambourine!"

No, I want the tambourine."


And wimzie, you take the cymbals"

'Cause I don't like 'em."


I'll take the cymbals."

Jonas: so,"

Horace is the drum, wimzie's cymbals,"

And I'm the tambourine."

I don't want the drum;"

I hate the way the drum sounds."


The drum is gonna be for jonas,"

Cymbals for me, tambourine for you."

No, I don't like the tambourine, either."

Aw, you don't like anything!"

Wimzie: well, all right."

Tambourine for me, drums for jonas,"

And cymbals for horace."

Yeah! Cymbals for me!"

Let the big treasure hunt begin!"

(Yaya chuckling)"




Ohh, that smell is so delightful!"

I'll bet my treasure is in the kitchen!"



And there's something else in here:"

Kazoo cakes!"

Oh, but I'm not allowed to touch 'em."


Ah! Hmm."

Hmm. Ah!"


Aw. Not here, either."


I knew this would be too hard."

Oh! Uh, jonas,"

Have you seen my treasure?"

I don't know."

What you looking for again?"

Uh... The cymbals!"

Oh, cymbals, huh?"



Hey, come here!"

Did you say you were looking for cymbals?"


Jonas: well, uh,"

Why don't you have a look"

Over thataway?"

Aw, I won't find 'em."

Yeah, well... Horace, you know"

You won't find your treasure"

Unless you look for it!"

You can look for 'em."

Well, okay then."

Hey, I just found the cymbals!"

Horace: huh?"


But I wanted to find 'em myself!"

Well, yeah, but you said-"

(Shouting) yaya!"

Jonas has ruined the treasure hunt for me!"



Yaya: oh!"

What is all this commotion, horace?"

Horace: jonas went and found my treasure!"

I wanted to find it myself."

But he told me to look for it,"

And so i...well, i, uh..."

Look for, but not find it!"

Well, it doesn't matter, horace."

I can just hide them again, hmm?"

(Birds chirping)"



They smell so good!"


Ahhh, they're irresistible!"

Oh, I just can't hold out very much longer."




Grandma said we have to wait."

(Moaning) oh, but I just can't stand it!"

(Gasping) I have to."

But I can't!"

I will!"

I can't..."

But I will!"

I can't!"

I will! (Gasping)"

No, I can't wait!"


Yaya: horace!"

I've hidden the cymbals somewhere in the house."

Ohh! Oh, no!"

I broke the rule."

I've eaten... Grandma's kazoo cake!"

♪ Sometimes I think there are two of me ♪"

♪ Trying to be heard"

♪ How can I know which one is right ♪"

♪ One tells me black one tells me white ♪"

All: ♪ sometimes it's hard to know what to do ♪"

♪ La-la la-la-la"

♪ It's hard to do what people tell you to ♪"

♪ La-la la-la-la"

♪ Sometimes I think there are two of me ♪"

♪ Who talk to me both at once ♪"

♪ Which one is best how will I know ♪"

♪ One tells me yes one tells me no ♪"

All: ♪ sometimes it's hard to know what to do ♪"

♪ La-la la-la-la"

♪ It's hard to do what people tell you to ♪"

♪ La-la la-la-la"

♪ La-la la-la-la"

♪ La-la la-la-la"

(Door creaking)"

Did you see what I did?"

I went and broke grandma's rule."

I took a bite out of a kazoo cake!"

(Gasping) you won't tell anyone?"

Oh, do I have crumbs on my face?"

Jonas: hiya, wimzie."

Hey, tell me:"

What do kazoo cakes taste like?"

How would I know? I haven't eaten any!"

I was just wondering, that's all."

I'll bet you they're sweet."

Tell me, are they sweet?"

Uh, why ask me?"

It's not like I ate one."

They must melt in your mouth!"

Jonas, I've never eaten a kazoo cake."

Not even a bite!"

Jonas: but won't it be great to take"

That first great big bite, huh?"


Great big bite of what?"

Those delicious kazoo cakes!"

Oh, I feel like charging into the kitchen"

And grabbing one and gobbling it up!"


But, you didn't, did you? Tell me, jonas."

No, 'cause you told us not to!"

Yaya: ah."


Oh, my word! I tell you,"

I could smell yaya's cakes from down at the firehouse!"

Mm-hmm! (Chuckling)"

Ooh, ahh!"

I just had to come and check 'em out."


Ahhh, such an appetizing aroma!"

Ooh, what?"


Someone's already taken a bite."

(Chuckling) so, I guess rousso can have a wee bite too!"


Ahh, mmm."

(Crunching and munching)"


Ohh! Oh, these are good!"

More than good, they're-"

Oh, it's getting late."

I'd better rush right back on down to the firehouse."

Hey, everyone, look! I found my treasure!"

I've got my drum right here!"

Wimzie: hey!"

Way to go, jonas!"

Yaya: well, congratulations, jonas."

At least someone's having fun on this silly treasure hunt."

Oh, can I please have my kazoo cake now,"

Can i, yaya?"

(Chuckling) I'm sorry, not yet."

We'll eat only after"

Everyone's found their treasures."

Aww, but how come I have to wait?"

Because that's the rule!"

Kazoo cakes are much more fun"

When everyone eats them together."

Jonas, wimzie, horace: how come?"

Because they're incredibly delicious!"

(Wimzie chuckles nervously)"

But even more,"

Because after you eat a kazoo cake,"

You'll start to talk like a kazoo!"

Jonas, wimzie, horace: huh?"

And what's a kazoo?"

(Giggling) I thought you'd never ask!"



A kazoo's a musical instrument"

That anyone can play!"

(Plays kazoo)"

Really? Ah!"

We're gonna talk like that?"

Oh, boy!"

(Yaya chuckling)"

Wimzie: well, what do you know?"

I was wondering why they called them..."

(Makes involuntary kazoo sound) kazoo cakes."


(Making kazoo sound) kazoo cakes. Kazoo cakes!"

Oh no!"

Now I sound like... Like a kazoo!"

(Making kazoo sound) I talk like a kazoo!"

And now, everyone's gonna know"

I had a bite of a kazoo cake!"

Jonas: huh?"


Jonas(panting) hey!"


Hey, who's in there, huh?"

(Humming, lips shut)"

Who's that?"


Wimzie, uh, you gonna be a long time?"



Hurry up, 'cause I gotta go!"

This is no fun."

I can't find my treasure."

I knew this was gonna be too hard."


Nope, no treasure here."

Jonas: you feel better?"

That's good."

Well, anyway, come on, guys!"

I want my kazoo cake."

Would you please hurry up and find your treasures?"

I'll never find mine."

Oh, yes you will, horace,"

But you have to really look for it!"

Huh, wimzie?"


No, I can't find it."

It's just too hard, huh, wimzie?"


Well, say something, wimzie!"


Do you think the treasure hunt"

Is too hard?"


You see?"


As usual, no one agrees with me."

Aw, come on, horace."


You and I will go and look for your cymbals together!"



(Making kazoo sound) why did I have to break the rule?"

Uh, wimzie?"

You're not looking for your treasure?"


Are you having fun?"


Why won't you talk to me?"


Ooh, you don't feel like talking?"


Ah, but if something's bothering you,"

It can help to talk about it."


Well, it's up to you."

You just keep on looking."

(Softly) yeah."

You know, wimzie is usually such a chatterbox."

I wonder why she won't talk now?"


(Making kazoo sound) uh-oh. I have a problem!"

I can't find those cymbals."'re not really looking, horace!"


Yes, I am too."

Look how wide open my eyes are!"

Horace, you're supposed to be looking inside things,"

And underneath things, and in between things!"

Oh, I'm no good at this."

Boy, where could yaya have hidden them?"


(Cymbal crash)"

Hmm? Hmm?"

What was that?"

A noise! A musical noise."

Horace: hmm."


Jonas: mm-hmm?"

How do cymbals sound when you sit on top of them?"

Huh, search me."

Something like this?"

(Cymbal crash)"

(Cymbal crash)"

(Cymbal crash)"

Uh, yeah! Like that!"


Yaya, yaya!"

Guess what? I found them!"


I really found them! I found my cymbals!"

You know, I thought it would be too hard,"

But I did it! See, I found them!"

Oh, well done, horace!"

Good work, horace! Great!"

It was easy, yaya!"

Was it?"

Tomorrow, could we have another treasure hunt?"

If you'd like."

Horace: but, but..."


Jonas: didn't you find your treasure yet?"


Well, hurry up!"

We all want to eat our kazoo cakes!"

Hey, what are you looking for again?"



Oh, yeah, the tambourine.

Let's go look in the kitchen.

Have you looked in the kitchen?


Well, then, come with me!


Jonas: come on, look!

(Wimzie grunting)

Jonas: look, wimzie!

Ohh, you're worse than horace!

Oh, boy.


Oh, wow, do they smell good!

Yes, sir. And they look great!



Someone took a bite of one!

Someone has broken the rule!

(Gasping) yaya, yaya!

What's going on, jonas?

There's a rule breaker!

He took a bite out of your kazoo cakes,

Just look at this!

A whole mouthful has disappeared!


Hey, there's a bite out of this one, too!

Someone's taken a bite out of two kazoo cakes!

(Softly) arrgh.

Our kazoo cakes!

(Clanging cymbal) they were for after the treasure hunt!"

Yes, that's true. But maybe,

Maybe someone just wasn't able

To hold out any longer!


I wonder who it was.

Horace: well...

It wasn't me!

You probably think it was me,

But it wasn't. Humph.

Uh, wait a minute!

Whoever ate 'em must be talking like a kazoo!

Have you heard anyone talking like a kazoo, horace?"



Have you, yaya?

No, I haven't heard anyone talking like a kazoo."

Uh, have you, wimzie?


Horace: yeah!

Did you hear anyone talk like a kazoo?

Jonas: do you know who ate the kazoo cakes?

Yaya: tell us!

Do you know, wimzie?


♪ I know what I should do

♪ Sometimes I just can't hear ♪

♪ 'Cause all the things my parents say ♪

♪ Seem to disappear

♪ My heart tells me what I should know ♪

♪ And what to me is dear

♪ I know what I should do

♪ Sometimes I just can't hear

♪ I know what I should do ♪

♪ But I just cannot see

♪ That all the rules I have to learn ♪

♪ Are made just for me

♪ You say that if I follow them, I'll always find the key ♪"

♪ I know what I should do but I just cannot see ♪"

♪ You know what you should do sometimes you just can't say ♪"

♪ Shhh, shhh, shhh, there is another way ♪

♪ Just do your best and you will find ♪

♪ That it will change your day ♪

♪ You know what you should do sometimes you just can't say ♪"

All: ♪ we know what we should do

♪ We know that you know too

♪ We know what we should do we know that you know too ♪"

♪ Yee-haw!


Jonas: come on, wimzie!

You're not even trying!


And we can't have our kazoo cakes

Until you find your treasure!

That's the rule.

Yaya: something tells me

You're not having much fun, wimzie.


Ah, yes: reminds me of a time

Someone else I know wasn't having fun either.

Horace and jonas: oh?

Who was it?

Yaya: it was i, when I was a little girl.

My friends and I were playing a guessing game,

And I broke one of the rules by sneaking a peek at the answers!"

(Astonished) ah!


Yes, it's true.

My friends were having a wonderful time

Guessing the answers, but as for me,

I already knew 'em all,

And I didn't have any fun in the least!

So then, what did you do?

Oh, nothing,

'Cause I was too embarrassed

To admit that I'd broken the rules.

And you had a terrible time with your friends?

Oh, yes. Ohhh.

And it's so silly, because if only I'd told them"

I'd broken the rule,

We could have all played some other guessing game!"


Did you feel bad?

Oh, yes. I felt really bad!


(Making kazoo sound) ahh, ooo.

That's so very sad!

(Making kazoo sound) that's enough!

I give up.

I want to have fun!

I want everyone to.

I'm the one who took a bite out of the kazoo cake."


I shouldn't have taken a bite out of that cake!"

Uh...out of two cakes.

(Making kazoo sound) no!

Only one!

I had one bite out of one cake,

And that's the truth!

Jonas: then I wonder who took a bite

Out of the other one!

Ah-ah, let's deal with one cake at a time.

I'm so glad that you told us this, wimzie!

(Making kazoo sound) I had to.

I wasn't having fun,

And my friends weren't having fun either.

But now we will! (Chuckling)


Well, then, wimzie, you'd better get a move on!"

Jonas: yeah!

Go and find your treasure

So we can all start talking like kazoos!

Horace and jonas: yeah, yeah!

(Lid creaking)





(Door creaking)

(Making kazoo sound) ahhh!

I found it! I finally found my treasure!

My tambourine!


Yaya: that means it's time for

Kazoo cakes!

Horace: oh, yahoo!

Jonas: oh, I can't wait!

(All giggling)

(Yaya laughing)

(Making kazoo sound) I'll finish the one I started,"

And then I'll have another one, okay?

(Munching) mm-hmm!


They're even better than I thought they'd be!

They are truly scrumpdiddlyicious,

If I do say so myself!


(Kazoo sound) I wonder who the other rule breaker was."


Hey, do I sound kazooey yet?

You think I sound kazooey?

(Munching) not really.

I can't tell. And how about me?

Yaya: rousso!

You're home from work so early.

Aren't you feeling well?

Are you sick?

Yaya: oh! You've got a sore throat!

(Making kazoo sound) daddy, can't you talk?

(Making kazoo sound) huh?

Y-you've got the same thing I do, wimzie!

(Gasping) oh, I hope it's not contagious!

(Making kazoo sound) hey, you sound like a kazoo, rousso!"

He sounds like a kazoo!

Yaya... Yaya, do something, quick!

A-and so do i!

Get the thermometer! Jonas has caught it too!


(Making kazoo sound) daddy, come and finish your kazoo cake!"

(Making kazoo sound) hmm? did you know that it was my cake?

Wait a minute. Kazoo cakes, you say?

Horace: yeah!

They make you talk like a kazoo!

And you broke the rule.

No, no, no, no. Rousso didn't break the rule.

(Making kazoo sound) what rule?

Nobody told me anything about a rule.

(Making kazoo sound) good thing there was one,"

Or else I'd have eaten them all!

(Everyone giggling)

(Kazoo sound) okay, everyone, grab your treasures"

And get ready to take part in the great kazoo marching band!"


(Rousso laughing)

(Everyone singing) kazoo, kazoo, kazoo, kazoo..."

(Yaya laughing)