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01x11 - You're Not My Friend

Posted: 07/08/23 07:52
by bunniefuu
♪ Wake up in the morning, let's start the day! ♪"

♪ Wimzie!"

♪ Everybody's coming over to play! ♪"

♪ Get up mom and dad the kids will be here ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ Go to grandma's room, is she still in her bed? ♪"

♪ She's already in the kitchen baking bread! ♪"

♪ Forget the stairs use railing instead! ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Spend a day with wimzie, her family and friends! ♪"

♪ Welcome to a place where the fun never ends! ♪ (Door bell rings)"

♪ Everybody here is waiting for you ♪

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Because we're laughing and we're learning ♪

♪ We're singing a song (door bell rings)

♪ If you learn to trust your feelings ♪

♪ You'll never go wrong

♪ And you know that we will always belong ♪

♪ At wimzie's house! (Door creaking shut)

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

Today on wimzie's house:

"You're not my friend!"


The table's my prisoner!

I trapped it!


Whoa, whoa!

Good work, loulou.

Gee, thank you, horace! Ha!


And now, I think I'm going to trap...

The sofa!



Horace: giddy up, giddy up,

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,"

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up"

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,"

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,"

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,"

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,"

Giddy up!"

Giddy up!"

Both: we trapped the old sofa!"


This is a fun game, huh?"

How did you think of it, loulou?"

I don't know!"

I was dreaming about games,"

And this was one of them."

Wow! That's good dream!"


Wimzie: hey! What's going on here?"

Loulou: we're playing the trapping game!"


We've trapped stuff with our lassos"

And tie 'em up so they can't run away."

It's fun!"

Uh, can we play?"



Wimzie: huh?"

Why not?"

'Cause this game's only..."

For two."

How come four people can't play it!"

Well, they just can't."

Wimzie: aww!"

It's not fair."

It's my game,"

And I say just two can play."

That means that you can't play."

Both: huh?"

That makes me really mad,"

And you're not my friend anymore!"

Come on."




Both: giddy up, giddy up,"

Giddy up, giddy up. Giddy up!"

That's the way!"




Wimzie: loulou is not my friend!"

Jonas: she wouldn't let us play her game!"

Why not?"

She said, it's a game for two,"

And she and horace are the two!"

She said we can't play."

Yaya: well, there are some games"

That only two people can play."

Well, I don't care."

Loulou made me mad!"

But is that a good enough reason"

To stop being her friend? Hmm?"

I don't know."

Now me and jonas don't have anything to do!"

That's right!"

Pway ball!"

Okay! (Laughs)"

Well, I know what you could play!"

The famous... Room cleaning game!"


Room cleaning game?"

But that's no fun!"


It's like a punishment."

Oh, not at all!"

Every time kids play the room cleaning game,"

They find all sorts of missing things"

That were lost under the mess."


Hey, that's neat! (Laughs)"


And my room's a real big mess."

We're gonna find lots of stuff!"

(Excited cry)"

Pway ball!"

Oh yes, I'll pway ball!"



(Laughs) come on, bo!"

Let's go find some other game, huh?"



Ohh! (Laugh)"

Loulou: can you make this face?"




Bo: bwaa!"

Loulou: okay, now go like this."

It's easy."

Haaa! Haaa!"

Bo: (laughs)"


Okay, try this. This is harder."

Bing, bong! Bing, bong!"

Bing, bong!"

Both: bing, bong! Bing, bong!"

Hey, can I play that game with you?"


It's just for two!"

No, it's not!"

It is too!"

No. No, it's not true."

Is too!"

Is not!"

I play it all the time with bo."

That's jut too bad,"

'Cause I'm playing now."


Can't three people play?"

Well, no they can't."

It's a game for two!"


Hmph. That's unfair."

And, and, and..."

And you're not-"

You're not my friend anymore!"

Hmpf! Hmpf!"

Ha, ha!"

Bing, bong! Bing, bong!"

Bing, bong! Bing, bong!"

Bing, bong! Bing, bong!"

Both: (excited screams)"

Both: (giggle)"

Yahoo! (Laughs)"

Yahoo! (Giggles)"



S) (screams)"

Jonas: (giggles)"


I got you!"

I scared you real good."

Yeah, you scared me!"

I thought that was a wolf for real."

Hey! Hey... Let's go get stuff"

And make a scary mask."

Nah. I already did that."



Oh wow!"

So that's where my doll's house was."



How come the walls aren't painted?"

Ah... Because you're supposed to paint them yourself."

Hey, hey,"

They're pots of paint in there."

Let's paint the house!"

Yeah, we can paint all the walls"

Of the doll's house!"


Both: (making funny noises)"

Come on, bo!"

It's time for your nap!"

Aww, not right now, okay?"

We're playing mirror."

Oh, but bo has to have a nap."

You can play with horace."


Horace isn't my friend anymore."

No? Why not?"

I was playing mirror with bo."

And he wanted to play too."

Oh. And did you let him play?"


And now he's really mad at me."

Oh, seems there's a lot of that"

Going around today."

I'll go play with wimzie."

Oh, all right!"

Uh, she's upstairs."

Playing the room cleaning game."


That's a game now?"

Ah! It's a wonderful game!"

And she and jonas must be having fun"

'Cause they've been up there a long time."

Thank you, yaya!"



It's fantastic!"

Phantasmagastic! (Giggles)"

Yeah, it's pretty cool."

Hey. What a great game!"



Hi there."

Oh, hi loulou."

Uh, wimzie?"

(Wimzie hums)"



Would you like to be... Friends again?"

Mmm. Okay."

(Gasps) oh, great!"

Whatcha doin'?"

Having a lot of fun."

We're painting my doll house"

With lots of colours."

It really looks like fun."

Can I paint too?"


It's only for two."

(Gasps) that's not true."

Wimzie: oh, yeah."

It's true."

But, but... How come it can't be for three?"

Wimzie: 'cause it can't, that's all."

Ahh... You could make it"

A three person game instead,"

And then I could play with you."

We like our two person game."

So you can't play."

Wow, that's not fair."

(Gasps) I'm really mad at you!"

And you're not my friend!"



♪ I'm sad I'm mad ♪"

♪ I want to scream and shout ♪"

♪ I don't like what I'm feeling ♪"

♪ Now that I'm the one who is left out ♪"

♪ A shame a game ♪"

♪ Is what it's all about"

♪ They said it just for two not three ♪"

♪ Surprise it's me who is let out ♪"

Jonas: ♪ I know what it is like to be left out ♪"

♪ Yes I do"

♪ You did this once to me"

♪ Now I am going to do it too ♪"

♪ Well, it's just too bad for her ♪"

♪ She screams she squeals ♪"

♪ Now she knows how it feels ♪"

♪ She left us out of her game ♪"

♪ Now she's only got herself to blame ♪"

♪ I'll play a game for one ♪"

♪ When they see me they will say ♪"

♪ You're having so much fun dear loulou ♪"

♪ Can we come and play"

♪ I'll say no there's no way ♪"

♪ They'll scream and shout and maybe even pout ♪"

♪ They'll say"

Both: why can't we come and play?"

♪ Get lost be on your way ♪"

♪ I'm having fun alone today"

All: ♪ it's really hard to feel this way ♪"

♪ So listen please when you hear me say ♪"

♪ I'm left out"

♪ Nobody likes to be left out! ♪"

Mm-mm-mmm... There you are."

My! It's awfully quiet around here today, isn't it?"

Can anyone tell me why?"

I'm not talking to wimzie"

Because she's not my friend."

And I'm not talking to her"

'Cause she's not my friend."

Oh. Bobo fwend."

And I'm not talking to loulou."

She's not my friend."

Yaya: oh dear!"

And how did all this unfriendliness start?"

Loulou was playing a two person game,"

And she wouldn't let me play."



Wimzie was playing a two person game!"

And she wouldn't let me play either."


And loulou was playing a two person game"

And wouldn't let me play."

Two person games are not fair!"

Yaya: oh yes, they are!"

But you always tell us"

We should play with everyone."

But sometimes,"

People just feel like playing alone"

Or with just one friend."

There's nothing wrong with that!"

There's no reason for anyone to get mad!"

The same thing used to happen to me and my best friends!"

(Gasps) is that true?"

Oh, yes!"

My friends and I used to get so mad at each other"

Until we decided that it was more important for us"

To stay friends than to stay mad!"

And so, we started again from the beginning!"


Yaya: yes, horace?"

Do you think we could start over from the beginning?"

Well, why not?"

Are we all agreed?"

All: yeah!"

Yaya: good!"

Then I want to hear"

That good old friendship call!"

Loulou: (laughs)"


All friends..."




Yaya: all right, everyone!"

Off you go to find some brand new game."

All: friends for ever!"

Fwend fo..."

Fwend... Fwend fo vev er. (Hiccups)"

We'll just see what happens now,"

Won't we bo? Hmmm."

Fwend fo vever."

Oh yes!"

Fwends! Fwends!"

Friends! (Laughs)"



Ha, ha."

Uh, I think it needs a window."

Uh, yeah, that sounds good."


Horace: hey! That looks great!"

Whatcha playin'?"

Uh, we are the great construction worker guys."

Both: oh..."

I'd like to play that game."


Can we play?"


Hey, why not?"

Jonas: simple."

'Cause it's a game for boys."

Come on, I played before! (Laughs)"

Yeah, but not this way."

Loulou: but it's easy."

You just make walls!"

Jonas: that was with the old rules."

Now we have windows and doors!"

And only boys can play this game"

With windows and doors."

Both: (gasp)"

We can put in doors and windows too,"

It's easy."

No! You can't do it."

Loulou: yes we can!"


Now I'm mad!"


And me too!"

You're not our friends anymore!"

And you're not my brother!"



Boy, oh boy! Ah!"

Yaya: (humming)"

Horace and jonas aren't our friends anymore!"

Oh, why not?"

They wouldn't let us play"

Construction worker with them!"


And you know they said"

It was a game made only for boys!"

Hmph! It's not fair!"


Well, maybe they just wanted to play by themselves."

Is it wrong to want that?"

Ah... I don't know."

I'm still real mad at them."

Well, I wouldn't want to lose a friend"

Just because I was mad."

Yeah, but grandma,"

It's not fair!"

Well, now why don't you"

Think up your own game to play?"

Loulou: ohh..."

Oh, okay."

What do you wanna play, wimzie?"

Hmmm... Hey!"

Why don't we finish painting the doll house?"

Loulou: hey, yeah!"

Let's do that!"

Both: (giggle)"


What do you think, bo?"

Think we've heard the last of this, huh?"

Okay, you put in another window."

Huh, okay."


But where?"

Uh, up here."



Both: (panicked cry)"

Now look at what you've done!"


But, oh, it's not my fault."

Jonas: oh no?"

You put the window in the wrong place."

I did not!"

You broke the tower!"

And that makes me so mad!"

You, you, you- you're..."

Not my friend anymore!"


Hey? But hey- where you goin'?"

I'm going to play basketball... Alone!"

'Cause I'm mad!"



I feel angry too."

Kind of."


Whatcha doin'?"

Loulou: we're painting the walls in the doll house!"

Oh! Can I paint too?"


How come?"

Because this is a game just for girls!"


Since when?"

Since we started playing it."

Whoever's playing a game"

Makes the rules up."


If you let me play,"

I'll be your very best friend."

Well, you can't"

'Cause I'm already wimzie's best friend."

He can be my best friend too."

But you're not supposed to have two of 'em!"

I'm five and I can do what I want."

And if horace is my best friend,"

Then he can paint the doll house with us."

But we said it's a girl's game."

Oh. Umm..."

Well, horace could be the boy next door."


Okay, he can play."

Horace: (laughs)"

(Ball boings)"


I gotta concentrate!"

(Ball boings)"


Playing this alone is no fun!"


I'll go and see what wimzie's up to!"


La, la, la, la, la..."

Jonas: hiya!"

Loulou: hello."

Jonas: whatcha doin'?"

Horace: we're painting wimzie's doll house."

Oh, wimzie and I started that game."


This is a different game.

Looks the same to me.

It was a two person game then.

Now, it's turned into a game for three.


Yeah, and it's a game for girls!

Then how come horace gets to play with you?

Loulou: he's the boy next door.

He's visiting us.


If you let me play,

I'll be your best friend, wimzie.


You can't!

She has a best friend, and it's me!

Yeah, and me too!

Well, I could have three best friends!

Why not?

Yeah, but jonas isn't my friend.

And so he can't play.


He's my brother!

If you won't let him play then...

You're not my friend!


But horace is my best friend!

So, if you're not horace's friend,

Then I won't be your friend either.


Jonas: hey! She's my sister!

If you won't be friends with her,

Then I won't be your friend!


(Gasps) but...

Wow. Everyone is mad.

How'd that happen?

I don't know.

And now nobody's friends anymore.


♪ A, b, c, d, e, f, g

♪ I want all my friends with me ♪

♪ Why stay all alone

♪ With a game for only one

♪ Playing with two or three ♪

♪ And multiply the fun

♪ Two laughs turn to three ♪

♪ And then three laughs turn to four ♪

♪ And pretty soon you're laughing ♪

♪ Like you never did before ♪


All: ♪ making our friendship grow

♪ When good times come along

♪ Making our friendship grow

♪ Growing big and growing strong ♪

♪ Making our friendship grow

♪ And we feel like we belong

♪ We want the whole wide world to know ♪

♪ We want friendship to grow

♪ We want friendship to grow

♪ Making our friendship grow

♪ Join in and join the fun

♪ Making our friendship grow

Jonas: ♪ there's a place for everyone ♪

♪ Making our friendship grow

Yaya: ♪ as big as we can be

♪ We're singing so the whole world will know ♪

♪ We want friendship to grow

♪ Make it grow!

Hey, let's play!


My, my.

Has the cat got all your tongues?

You're being so, so polite

Towards each other, too.

No, we're not polite.

We're angry.

Everyone is really mad!


And none of us are friends anymore.

My goodness, how'd this happen?

Well, we started out painting the doll house.

Then we stopped.


Horace didn't wanna play with my brother 'cause,"

Cause he's not his friend...

(Shouting over each other)

Calm down, everyone!

(Blows horn)

Jonas: huh?

How'd she do that?

Yaya: now, I thought you were all going to start over again,"

And think up new games.

That's just what we did.

But we got mad again

And we're not friends.

Well, if you ask me,

I think being friends is more important

Than being mad.

Yeah, and...

I was getting tired

Of painting the doll house anyway.

Let's start over from the beginning!

Okay with me.


Jonas: okay with me too.

Yaya: great!

Louloume too.

Yaya: it's time once again for the friendship call."

All: (giggle)

All: friends...





Wonder how long it's gonna last this time.


Horace: (clears throat)

Can I play with you?


This is a brother and sister game!

Oh. Now you made me mad.

You're not my friend.

Oh... Friend. Friend.

Jonas: huh. Hold still. Come on!

Can I help you trap the tennis racket?

Hmm? No.

Why not?

Because this is a brother and sister game.

Oh... Gaaah!

Now I'm really mad!

I don't have brothers and sisters!

All: hmph.


Horace, you okay?

No, I'm angry.

My friends won't let me play with them.

All right, now! Enough's enough!

You come with me.

Wimzie: oh yeah? Well, I don't wanna do that way!"

Now, stop what you're doing, everyone!

Since none of you seems to be able to play together"

Without getting mad,

I think it's better

If you don't play together at all!

Wimzie, you go play by yourself

Over in that corner.

Oh! But that's no fun!

(Tuts) no buts allowed!

Now, loulou,

You go to that corner.



Mmm... Here.


And jonas,

You're over there.

And now you can all play by yourselves.

That way no one's gonna get mad. Hmph.

Oh, I hate this.

I really feel like playing with all my friends, boy."

Hmph. Yeah, me too.

Yeah, me three.

Same goes for me.



Uh, what is it, horace?

Want to do it again from the start?


Hey, yeah, could we?

Yeah, but...

It's not fun if we get mad again.

Hey! We could always play a five person game.


Wimzie: yeah, with teams!

Horace: oh yeah, and I'll be the judge!

Loulou: oh!

I wanna be on wimzie's team!

Jonas: oh, me too!

Sign me up for wimzie's team!

Oh, okay!

And I want bo on my team! (Giggles)

Bo: (giggles)


But aren't I your friend, wimzie?

Wimzie: of course you are!

But bo's my brother!

Bo: (coos)

But if you pick bo instead of me,

That means that you're not my friend.


But I'm still picking him.

Well, okay,

I won't be your friend.

Jonas: me neither!

I'm nobody's friend.


And I'm really, really, really,

Really, really mad!

So am i!

Jonas: you'll never understand

How mad I am, see?

(Shouting over each other)

(Horn blows)



I didn't know I could do that!

You're not as good as yaya though.

Well, that was only the first time.

But we're getting mad all over again.

We should try to be friends

Instead of being angry!

My friends!

Jonas: friends!

You're my friends!

My friends! (Giggles)

We have to do the frienship call!

All: yeah.



