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01x14 - The Lucky Pin

Posted: 07/08/23 08:03
by bunniefuu
♪ Wake up in the morning, let's start the day! ♪"

♪ Wimzie!"

♪ Everybody's coming over to play! ♪"

♪ Get up mom and dad the kids will be here ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ Go to grandma's room, is she still in her bed? ♪"

♪ She's already in the kitchen baking bread! ♪"

♪ Forget the stairs use railing instead! ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Spend a day with wimzie, her family and friends! ♪"

♪ Welcome to a place where the fun never ends! ♪ (Door bell rings)"

♪ Everybody here is waiting for you ♪

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Because we're laughing and we're learning ♪

♪ We're singing a song (door bell rings)

♪ If you learn to trust your feelings ♪

♪ You'll never go wrong

♪ And you know that we will always belong ♪

♪ At wimzie's house! (Door creaking shut)

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

Today's story on wimzie's house:

"The lucky pin!" (Giggles)

Jonas: yeah! That's it!

Bend your knees!

Wimzie: okay.

Now relax, that's right,

And keep your eyes on the basket.


Now you're ready to go! Okay?

sh**t! Go on. Just relax.

Eyes on the basket!

Okay. I got it. Um...

Yeah. Yeah. Ahh.

One, two...

And three!


Horace: all right!

Ah, that was great, wimzie!

Good for you. Ha ha ha!

Thank you, jonas!"

Thank you so much for showing me how."

Well, after all, what are friends for?"

Yeah, one day I'll help you"

Just like you helped me."


Okay! Horace!"

It's your turn! Jonas."


Throw horace the ball!"


Ah. Hum."

Wimzie and jonas: (giggle)"

Jonas: sorry, horace!"

Okay, watch me and I'll show you how to do it."

Bend your knees,"

And take your time before you sh**t."

Okay. Yeah."

Jonas: you can do it, horace. We know you can."

Wimzie and loulou: ahh. Yeah. Go on! That's the way!"

Jonas: just concentrate. And bend your knees!"

(Effort grunt) uhh!"

Hey, I think I got it. (Giggle)"


Loulou, jonas and wimzie: (giggles)"

Well, just keep practicing, horace,"

And you'll get it."

Watch me do it again."


First, you gotta get your feet in position,"

Like this."

And then you bend your knees..."

And... (Effort grunt)"

You sh**t!"

Horace: ohh."

Loulou and wimzie: wow-wee! Ohh."

You're so good at this."

It took me a lot of practice"

To make great sh*ts like these."

I had to keep trying and trying"

Over and over and over again."


That's my secret for success!"

Practice. Hm."

Wimzie and loulou: ohh."

Lots of practice."

All: lots of practice!"

Wimzie: and you need a good friend who can teach you how."

Hey, jonas?"


Think you could do a backward sh*t?"

Pro super-star style with a reverse turbo hook?"

Loulou: ohh."

Well, not quite yet."

But I practice it every day."

Aw, go on, try to do one now!"

Go on! Go on! Yeah!"

Well, okay, 'cause you never know!"

Today might be the day I finally get it right."


Wimzie and loulou: ohh."

Nope, won't be today."

I'll just have to keep on practicing some more."

Rousso: (humming)"

Oh, why hello everyone!"

Wimzie: daddy!"

Whatcha got?"

Ahh! (Laughs)"

It's the trophy for fireman of the month!"

(Laughs) and do you know why they gave it to me? Hm?"

Euh, I betcha,"

It's 'cause you're fireman of the month?"

That's it! Ha!"

They needed a fireman of the month,"

And they chose me!"

Wimzie and loulou: that's so great!"

Ohh, thank you,"

Gracious firefighting fans."

You're so kind!"

Oh, and jonas, by the way..."


I've got something here for you."

Huh? Oh, really?"


I thought it would be nice to give you a little reward"

For all your hard practicing with the basketball."

Look at this. It's a star for you!"

When I saw it, well I thought,"

Yes siree, I've got to get this for jonas!"

Ah. Gee! Thanks!"

You're the greatest, rousso!"

Aww, don't mention it. Ha! Well!"

Now I gotta find a place for my new trophy,"

Where it'll be safe."

Ah. Hee hee!"

Well, back to work for me!"

I'm gonna try my reverse turbo hook sh*t again,"

And I bet this'll be the one!"

Yeah! Ha ha."

Jonas: ah ahh."

Oh no!"

Jonas: (effort grunt)"

Wimzie: ha ha ah. You did it!"

Oh, I did it, I did it,"

For the very first time!"

Heh heh, I bet if you tried again"

You wouldn't be able to do it."

Yeah, well, I bet I can!"


Horace: ah ohh."

Loulou and wimzie: oh, that was great!"

See, I told you! Two times in a row!"

Hey! Hey! Do you know what?"

Ever since wimzie's daddy gave you that pin,"

You've made every sh*t!"


Hey, it's true!"

Yaya: children!"

Time to come in now!"

Wimzie and loulou: yeah. (Giggles)"

Maybe with this brand new pin,"

I'll finally be able to do all the things"

That I never could before."


(Effort grunt)"

(Laughs) I knew it!"

My new pin is... Really lucky!"


Rousso: (humming)"

Wimzie: hey, daddy!"

That firefighter of the month trophy looks like you."

Oh, really? (Ahem) you think so?"

Wimzie: uh um."

Loulou: yeah, but he's cuter than you are."

Wimzie: ahh."

Ha ha. Yeah, I agree; he's cuter."

Loulou: hum-hm."

What do you mean, cuter than me?"

Jonas: rousso!"

Ever since you gave me my new lucky pin,"

I've been able make all sorts"

Real, real difficult sh*ts."

That's 'cause of all the practice you did."

No! It's my new pin!"

Before I got it,"

I wasn't able to make all those sh*ts!"

Ha ha. Well, no that's not true, huh, daddy?"

Well now, you know there's an old saying that goes:"

The harder you work, the luckier you will get!"

Ha. That's neat!"

Uh. Question?"

Yes, horace?"

What does it mean?"

Euh... Ah, well it means..."

The more we work really hard at something"

The more we get good at it"

And the luckier we seem to be."


Ah. That's just what I said, jonas!"




Oh, thank goodness."

It's a lucky thing you caught that!"

Yeah, you're right!"

It was luck. Hmm!"

Yaya: snack time, everyone! Come on!"

Ah ah ah. Coming, yaya!"

Yeah, so you see?"

Even your dad says the pin brings good luck."

No. Daddy said that you're the lucky one,"

And it's got nothing to do with that old pin."

You, you, you, you, you, you! (Giggles)"

Jonas: stop tickling!"

Hee hee! Stop it!"

Stop! Quit it, wait'll I get you, wimzie!"

Hey! Hey, wimzie!"

Wimzie, wait for me!"

I'm real sure my luck comes from my lucky pin."

Before, you know,"

I couldn't make a reverse turbo hook sh*t,"

No matter how hard I tried."

Yes, but I'm sure all those hours of practice"

And hard work"

Are helping you make all those sh*ts, huh."

Who knows?"

He's right, jonas."

The best way to learn how to do something"

You couldn't do before is to practice."

That's exactly what I said, jonas."

Oh yeah? Well you just, take a look at this!"

I'm gonna balance my cup on my nose."

I never did it before! And you'll see!"

With my lucky pin, I'll be able to do it!"

Jonas, be careful."

Jonas: I will."



Tadaa. Ahh."

I never could've done this without my lucky pin on!"

Yeah, but uh..."

You're not wearing your lucky pin!"


Hey! Hey my lucky pin, it just disappeared."


Yaya: oh, my floor! What a mess!"


Yucchy! Oh..."


♪ When things don't go your way ♪"

♪ And you don't know what to do ♪"

♪ Don't throw in the towel right away ♪"

♪ Here's my advice to you"

♪ Here's rousso's recipe"

♪ In case you ever get stuck"

Yaya: yee-haw!"

♪ Just do your best try really hard ♪"

♪ And never say give up"

♪ Here's rousso's recipe"

♪ In case you ever get stuck"

Loulou: oh-hoo!"

Rousso: ♪ yes, all you need is some practice ♪"

♪ And a little bit of luck"

All: ♪ sometimes things seem so hard ♪"

♪ Especially the first time"

Yaya: ♪ relax and just let down your guard ♪"

♪ Success is a steady climb"

Rousso: ♪ here's rousso's recipe"

♪ In case you ever get stuck"

♪ Just do your best try really hard ♪"

♪ And never say give up"

All: ♪ here's rousso's recipe"

♪ In case you ever get stuck"

♪ Yeah, all you need is some practice ♪"

♪ And a little bit of luck"

♪ Yeah, all you need is some practice ♪"

♪ And a little bit of luck!"


Where's my lucky pin?"

I've got to find my lucky pin!"

I can't see it on the floor."

It's not here either."

Any luck, jonas?"

Did you manage to find your lucky pin?"


I haven't had any luck in finding my lucky pin."

Ahh euh. Hey..."

No more lucky pin means..."

My luck's run out."

Jonas, it doesn't mean that at all."

Oh yes, that's what it means all right!"

No, no you're wrong. Ohh ohhh!"

It's all right, jonas, never mind."

Accidents happen."

His arm!"

Where did it go?"

Wimzie: there it is. See, on the floor!"


Wimzie: ho. That's not good!"

Oh, poor daddy!"

Oh boy! That is bad luck!"

Ohh, that's me all right!"

Jonas, the bad luck guy."

Jonas: wimzie, I'm so sorry that I broke your father's trophy."

Wimzie: yeah."

Since I lost my lucky pin, everything's going wrong."

Hum. That's not true, jonas."

You're still lucky."

Huh? You-you really think so?"

Sure. It's just that..."

Your luck is all..."

Well, it's bad luck!"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Aww! Horace."

That's not a nice thing to say!"

(Stifled giggle)"

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no."

Aww, come on, jonas."

An accident or two or twelve..."

Or five hundred, happens to everyone!"

It's my bad luck! Ohhhhh!"

Well, I bet..."

Uh, I bet you can still sh**t baskets"

The way you did before. Huh? Huh?"

No way, not a chance."

Oh but, I'm sure that you can."

Think, how you practiced, all those long hours."

sh**ting and-and uh dribbling"

And making all those passes,"

And uh er, uh er, all those..."

Things you have to do in basketball."

And you know, you're the best!"


Yeah, maybe you're right."

Yeah. Ah."

Okay. I'll try again!"


Come on, jonas."

You can do it! Hm."

All right, then I will!"

Good! Ha ha."

Go on!"

(Effort grunt)"

Oh, did you see that?"


That's the easiest sh*t of all,"

And, and I missed it!"

Ah ah. Well so what?"

I bet even great players miss sometimes."

Try it again! Hm?"


Yeah! Heh heh. No, not here. Maybe..."

Euh hmm, no I can't."

If I don't have my lucky pin."

Come on! sh**t!"

Hey! How's he doin'?"


Euh. Missed again, huh?"

Why don'tcha try your reverse thingy hm?"

The turbo whatchamabob. Huh?"

No, i, uh don't think I'd better do that."

Come on! You can do it!"

Now, just relax, jonas. Hm?"

All right, I can try."


Euh euh ahh..."



Ouch ouch ouch!"

Oh well... Bad luck once again."

There now."

That looks pretty darn good,"

If I do say so myself."

No one will ever know."

'Scuse me..."

Ohh! (Crash)"

Oh no, oh no, oh no!"

Wimzie: hey! Hey, jonas!"

Now his leg's come off!"

I'm so sorry."

(Crunch) aahh. Oh no!"

Oh no. Now that's more bad luck!"

Ah euh. It's 'cause I don't have my lucky pin."

I just can't do anything right!"

I miss all my sh*ts and get bonked"

And smash trophies."

Stand back, all of you!"

I've turned into a real public disaster."

Aw, come on, jonas."

That's not true, no one thinks that."

Hum. Oh no, no. Of course not!"

Loulou: ha ha ha."

♪ I feel good when I do well ♪"

♪ And I do well when I feel good ♪"

♪ I do all the things I know I should ♪"

♪ 'Cause I do well when I feel good ♪"

♪ Look at me I dance and sing ♪"

♪ Look at me I wrote my name ♪"

♪ I can make designs with string ♪"

♪ And I am really good really good at games ♪"

♪ Sometime I like to clean and cook ♪"

♪ And I like to paint pictures in my book ♪"


♪ When I'm feeling good like this ♪"

Loulou: ♪ everybody feels good"

Jonas: ♪ like we always should"

All: ♪ it makes us scream and shout ♪"


♪ I feel good when I do well ♪"

♪ And I do well when I feel good ♪"

♪ I do the things I know I should ♪"

♪ 'Cause I do well when I feel good ♪"

All: ♪ I do all the things I know I should ♪"

♪ 'Cause I do well when I feel good ♪"


Uh, grandma?"

Yes, dear?"

What happened to jonas?"

He could sh**t baskets before,"

And now he misses every sh*t."

Ha! The answer is two little words."

Oh no!"

Are you gonna say it's bad luck?"

No! Those two words are feeling good!"

Jonas practiced his sh*ts all the time"

And he was getting to be really good."

And when we start to be good at something,"

We start feeling good."

Yeah, but ever since he lost his lucky pin,"

He hasn't felt good at all! Ah."

Oh, that's because he thinks his lucky pin"

Was what made him succeed."

But we know it's 'cause of all the practicing he did."

Poor jonas."

He's my friend."

He's the one who taught me how to sh**t baskets."

I'm gonna help him!"

That's what friends do!"

Ha ha ha. Bo! I found it!

Here you go!

Yaya has found your trumpet!

Oh ahh.

Open up!

(Blows trumpet)

Hmm. I'm gonna find a way

To help jonas feel good like before.

Well, that's an excellent idea,

But do you know how?

Uh, not just yet.

(Blows trumpet)

I know what!

Do you have any buttons in that drawer?

Oh, I think I do. (Laughs)


Aahh. Here we are!

And lots of 'em!

But what'll you be using 'em for?

I'll use 'em to be a good friend to jonas,

And help him feel good like he used to!

(Blows trumpet)


Whatcha doin', wimzie?

I'm making a lucky pin,

Like the one daddy gave to jonas.

How come?

Because he lost his real lucky pin

And he says he needs it.

Uh-hum. How come?

To feel good.

How come?

'Cause if he feels good,

He'll go back to being good

At all the things he used to do,

Like, uh, sh**ting baskets!

Uh hum. How come?


Humph. It's because, because...

Hey, don't ask me, ask grandma!

'Cause she said it!

I see.

Wimzie: horace!

You seen jonas?

Euh. He's in the brick a brack closet!

Jonas! Jonas!

Jonas: what?

Guess what I have just found?

Someone's lucky pin!

You really found my pin?

Yes. (Cough) yes!

I really found it. (Giggle)

You really found it! Oh oh.


Uh, wimzie?

Wimzie: yeah?

Are you absolutely sure this is my pin?

Uhhh, of course!

How many lucky pins are there with a big red star?"

Yeah but this star is upside down.

Ah, well, that's nothing.

Just turn it around.

Ah oh yeah. Ha ha.

Makes sense to me.

Thank you so much for finding my lucky pin, wimzie."

You're my real best friend!

Rousso: hey, jonas!

I'm so glad to see you found your pin!

That's just fantastic, if you ask me!

Yeah! It was wimzie who found it though.

Ahh, you're even luckier then

To have a good buddy like her!

Yeah, that's true all right!

Well, if you're feeling good,

Then come on!

Let's sh**t some baskets.

Hey, what's the matter?

I don't feel like it just now.

Aw, what's wrong now?

I don't know if I can sh**t baskets anymore.

You can! You practiced for hours, for days,

For whole weeks, sh**ting, dribbling

And all that other stuff!

And so who's the best at basketball?

That's me!

That's him!

The best!

Yes, I really am the best.

All: (giggle)

Rousso: (laughs)

Oh uh, horace, uh, take a look at my trophy.

You still think it looks like me?

Hm-hm sort of...

But he's still cuter than you.


You ready?


And he sh**t!

Ah ohh. Yeah! Oh.

That's number five!

Five perfect sh*ts in a row!

Ha. Okay. Whaddya say we go for six?


Ah ohh. Six in a row!

Ha ha. Good thing you found my lucky pin!

Oh, uh euh, I bet you'd be just as good without it!"

There's no chance of that! Ha!

Loulou: hey!


Wimzie: hum?

Does jonas know that isn't his real lucky pin,

And that you made it yourself?


Euh euh... What are you talking about loulou?

I'm talking about the lucky pin wimzie made you,"

So you'd feel good.

Ah loulou did you have to tell him?!

Well, wimzie?

Was that pin you gave me my real good luck pin?"

Euh. No.

Why is that?

I made a new one.

So you'd start feeling good again.

Well, let me tell you, it didn't, work.

I feel worse now than ever!

Ah, but, but, but, but...

Ohh. Loulou!

Why'd you have to go and tell jonas?

Sorry. I didn't mean to.

Ah, yeah just when everything was going good.

He sh*t six baskets in a row.


Hey! Hold on!

You're right, horace!


That pretend lucky pin I made really worked.



This time I'm gonna sh**t that basket!

Just watch!

Huh? Oh ahh.


(Effort grunt) hmm!

Oww! Ahh ahh ahh.


(Blows trumpet)

Ohhh! You could do with a little more practice, my dear."

Mo pwactiss!

Rousso: (humming)

Hello there, rousso.

Ahh! Jonas. (Laughs) hello!

Are you still feeling, unlucky?

Uh huh.

Ha ha. Well, er uh... See you!

(Blows trumpet)

Wimzie: jonas!

You know, I just thought of something.


Ah, there's no reason for you to feel, so bad.

Why not, when my lucky pin is still missing?

Yeah, but didn't you just make five sh*ts in a row? Huh?"

Yeah. And so what?

Well, did you have your pin on then?

No, n' you still made five sh*ts in a row.

Ha ha. Ha ha.

Not five! Six!



Hey, that's true!

So, do you see now?

It's not the lucky pin

That knows how to land those baskets, it's you!"

You know, she's right jonas.

(Blows trumpet)

You don't need a lucky pin to help you to do things,"

And to feel good.

All you really need is plenty of, ahh.

(Blows trumpet)

Pwactiss! Pwactiss! Yeah.

Yes, that's right, bo.

Lots and lots of practice!

And you've been practicing very hard, jonas,

And that's where you're luck comes from.

Jonas: it's true!

I do my own practicing, and make my own good luck."

Gee thanks, wimzie.

You're a real friend for helping me.

Wimzie: (giggle)

Uh. (Yells)

Oh! Poor horace, what happened?

Som-som-something with a big stinger

Just stung me on the bum! Oh.

Oh... Look here! (Laughs)

It's your real good luck pin, jonas! (Laughs)

Jonas: ha. Oh, never mind, I don't need it now."

I just need me. That's all.

Ha ha. Right you are jo- aah!

Oh no!

Yaya: oh no!

Rousso, not again!

Bo: a askident.

Oh well. At least I know who really needs

A good luck pin around here.

Wimzie: hum. Who, daddy?


My trophy!

All: (laugh)