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01x16 - A Fishy Fish Story

Posted: 07/08/23 08:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Wake up in the morning, let's start the day! ♪"

♪ Wimzie!"

♪ Everybody's coming over to play! ♪"

♪ Get up mom and dad the kids will be here ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ Go to grandma's room, is she still in her bed? ♪"

♪ She's already in the kitchen baking bread! ♪"

♪ Forget the stairs use railing instead! ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Spend a day with wimzie, her family and friends! ♪"

♪ Welcome to a place where the fun never ends! ♪ (Door bell rings)"

♪ Everybody here is waiting for you ♪

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Because we're laughing and we're learning ♪

♪ We're singing a song (door bell rings)

♪ If you learn to trust your feelings ♪

♪ You'll never go wrong

♪ And you know that we will always belong ♪

♪ At wimzie's house! (Door creaking shut)

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

Today on wimzie's house: "a fishy fish story!"



Hey, where's dad?

He said he'd be home early today.

He's late because the mayor

Wanted to give him a special medal

For being a hero!

My daddy, a hero?

Yaya: oh, yes!

Today your daddy saved the life of a kitty cat!

Wimzie: you mean, in a fire?


I think he was stuck in a tree.

Hello, everyone!

Both: oh!

(Chuckling) here's daddy!

Wimzie: daddy! Daddy!

Where's the kitty cat, huh?"

I wanna see."

Wimzie, he just got home."

Let daddy catch his breath."

Oh, tell me about the cat!"

Graziella: go ahead,"

Take your time and tell her the whole story."

Well, it was like this."

Down at the fire station, out of the blue,"

We got this call from a little girl,"

And she told us that her cat"

Had gotten himself stuck"

On the highest branch of a tall tree"

And... And that particular branch"

Was very thin and ready to break"

And we couldn't lean our ladder up against it."

And so, as fast as I could, I ran to the store,"

And there I bought a big can of cat food."

And when I opened the can up,"

The cat... (Sniffing) got a big whiff of it,"

And scooted all the way down."


Ah, you're the smartest dad in the whole world;"

That's what you are!"


And I'm never going to forget"

The smile on that little girl's face"

When I gave her her kitty."


I sure would like to have a cat."

Graziella: and then tommy gave his long lost dog fido"

A great big friendly hug"

And fido licked tommy's face!"

They were so glad they'd found each other."

The end!"

Oh, that was good."

Oh, please, mommy, read it again, please?!"

Uh, uh...tomorrow."

It's bedtime now,"

And as soon as grandma's given bo his bath"

And put him to bed,"

It's lights out up here,"


Mommy? Yes?"

Could I have a pet like fido the dog?"

Maybe one day, honey."

Good night and sleep tight."

Good night, mommy."




(Crickets chirping)"



Hey, yeah!"

You be my dog, just for now."


Ah, I hear your heart going ba-boom-boom."


Come on, lie down now."

Lie down here."

Good dog."


And now, do a little jumping."



(Giggling) yeah."

Oh, I wish you could talk."


Talk, talk!"


You can!"

You really can talk!"


Talk, talk!"

My name is wimzie."

Say wim-zie..."


(Giggling) talk..."

(Yaya laughing)"

Did anyone see"

A certain little rascal crawl in here?"



Ah, you're still soaking wet."

Come with grandma. Talk, talk!"


Well, I still like you."

But I'd like you more if you were a real dog."


Good night, fido."


Wimzie: here, kitty kitty kitty!"

Here, kitty kitty kitty cat!"

Nice little kitty kitty kitty cat."

Kitty cat, kitty cat, kitty cat."


Whatcha doing?"

(Chuckling) you don't have a cat."

Oh, no, but I'm practising"

For when I do get a cat or a dog."

Loulou and horace: hello!"

Hey, guess what? Wimzie's gonna get a cat!"

Or a dog!"

No, I'm not. I'm just practising."

Loulou: oh, having a pet is okay."


Whatcha mean, "okay"?"

Having your own pet"

Is super-duper-dee- duperooney!"

'Cause pets give you love and affection."

My mom and dad give me love and affection."

Yeah, but with a pet,"

You've always got company."

Well, my mom and my dad always keep me company."

Oh, yeah, but a pet will play with you."

(Chuckling) my mom and dad always play with me."

Yeah, but a pet..."

A pet can always lick your face."



My mom and dad don't ever lick my face."


You know what I'd like to have?"

A parakeet."

I wish I had a bunny."

Wimzie: okay, I want everyone to say,"

"We all agree: pets are great!""

All except wimzie: we all agree, pets are great!"

Lemme hear you say,"

"We think pets are better than chocolate cake!""

We think that pets are..."

Loulou and jonas: better than chocolate cake!"


And I say we want one now!"

Everyone say it with me!"

All except wimzie: "it with me!""

No, no, no, guys. That's not what you say."

You say,"

"We want a pet right now!""

Kids: we want a pet right now!"

We want a pet right now! We want a pet right now!"

Yaya: what's this?"

Children! Children!"

Kids: we want a pet right now! We want a pet right now!"

Oh, my word. What's going on?"

We want a pet right now!"

We want to have a pet."

Yeah, like a cat, or maybe a dog."

Or an elephant!"

Huh? An elephant?"

Yes, but just a real teeny one."

Mercy, mercy, mercy!"

Wimzie: can we please"

Get a little pet, grandma?"

Huh, can we please?"

Oh, say yes. Please say yes!"

Loulou and horace: ohh, please?!"

But you know, wimzie,"

You have to get permission from your mommy"

Even for just a teeny little pet."

Oh, but..."

The pet wouldn't be only for me."

It'd belong to everyone at the daycare"

And to the person who's in charge,"

And that's you, grandma!"

Yeah, that's right!"

If we get a pet, it'd be for all of us."

Kids: yeah!"

Yeah, a nice little pet for all of us to share."

Can we, huh? Can we, huh?"

Well, now, yes, I suppose we can."

Kids: yay!"

You can have your nice little pet-"

Kids: yay!"

Right after nap time, okay?"

(Kids squeal excitedly)"

(Giggling giddily)"

♪ Animal friends"

♪ Animal friends are the best friends there can be ♪"

♪ If they're great big or small ♪"

♪ Doesn't matter at all"

♪ Wait and see "

♪ When you need company, when you feel all alone ♪"

♪ Little animal friends can make you feel at home ♪"

All: ♪ animal friends "

♪ Animal friends are the best friends there can be ♪"

♪ If they're great big or small ♪"

♪ Doesn't matter at all"

♪ Wait and see "

♪ Give all you can give you'll find when you do ♪"

♪ All the love you give will come right back to you ♪"

All: ♪ animal friends "

♪ Animal friends are the best friends there can be ♪"

♪ If they're great big or small ♪"

♪ Doesn't matter at all"

♪ Wait and see"


Well, I finished my nap, grandma..."

And you said we could have our little pet after our nap!"

Nap time's over, and I am wide awake."

Loulou: yeah, so where's our elephant?"

Bo: uh, little pet,"

Little pet, little pet!"

Right over there."

Loulou: huh?"

Yaya: oh!"

No, no, no, no."

Right over here, see?"

On the table."

Oh, I bet it's a bird."

Maybe it's a teensy dog."

Or a little cat!"

Loulou: or a little elephant!"

Well, it's not an elephant,"

Nor a dog, nor a cat,"

Nor a bird."


Ta-da! A little goldfish!"

(Yaya giggling)"

What kind of a pet's that?"

A fish can't give you love."

It can't play with you."

It can't keep you company."

Yeah, and for sure, it can't lick your face."

Oh, children, children!"

Just listen to you."

If this little fellow could hear what you're saying,"

He'd be very upset."

But he can't hear."

He's only a fish, yaya!"

Fishy, fishy, fishy! Want fishy!"


Listen, now."

This goldfish belongs to you."

He's depending on you to take care of him, "

To feed him and to be his friend."

So what do you say?"

Want to give it a try, hmm?"

Twy, twy!"



Jonas: okay."

(Overlapping whispers)"

Yeah, okay."


Okay, we'll give it a try."


So now we can make an agreement."



Yaya: yes, horace?"

What's an agreement?"

Yaya: well, an agreement is like a promise."

I agree to let you have the goldfish"

If you will agree to take care of him."


All um..."

Conference, guys?"



Kids: (overlapping whispers)"


Horace: yeah."


We agree."


So from now on, remember,"

You are all responsible for feeding your goldfish, hmm?"


Now you only have to give him the tiniest bit, hmm?"

Wimzie: okay."

Also, you're responsible for keeping his aquarium clean,"

Keeping his aquarium clean,"

And for giving him all the love and affection"

A little fish needs."

Wimzie: we can handle that."

Yeah, we promise."

Yeah, sure!"

'Cause we have an agreement, right?"


And now, why don't you go play outside, hmm?"

Oh, fishy! Yaya: oh, no, bo."

I'm afraid I can't give you the fish!"


Filbert? Ait!"

Ferdinando. No, frankie."

Uh, fabio!"

Filbert. Filbert!"


Farley. How 'bout that?"

Oh, I know. Fluffy. , No."

The fish's name will be, um..."

How come you get to choose?"


Yaya gave that fish to all of us, wimzie!"

Okay, fine."

We'll make it fair."


Let's just say that"

Whosever the second oldest"

Gets to pick the name."


Okay. Well, I'm four."

Oh, I'm not four-years-old yet."

Wimzie: what about you, jonas?"

I think your birthday"

Is two whole months before mine,"

And that makes me the second oldest!"

Whaddya know?"


Oh, wimzie, you're so lucky!"


Well, what name do you pick?"



He's fido the fish!"



Fido's not up to much, is he?"


Maybe it's 'cause he's unhappy"

'Cause you gave him a dog's name."

Woof woof! Woof woof!"


All: ahh!"

Wow, do you see that?"

Horace: I didn't know fish could spin like that!"

Jonas: look, he's going 'round in circles!"

Yeah, perfect circles!"


He's the smartest fish in the whole world."


Hey, guys."


He's going... (Imitates gurgling)"


Wimziecome on."

That's not... (Imitates gurgling);"

Fido's talking!"

Jonas: yeah? Well, what did he say?"

Wimzie: well..."


(Chuckling) he just said..."

(Imitates gurgling sound)"


And that means he's glad to see us."

Oh! Oh, me too."

I'm glad to see you, fido!"

Loulou, you realize you're talking to a fish?"

Oh, this is cool!"

You guys, listen!"

Shhh. He's talking to us."


(Wimzie giggling)"

Horace: yeah."

I can hear him!"

It sounds kinda like blh bll"

Blam blub blee!"

Wimzie and jonas: huh?"

Blbb blub blam blam bluh blee?"

Horace: mm-hmm."

Blubb blam bluh blee."

Blubb blam bluh blee!"


Bly blam blum blee."

Yeah, I'm hungry!"

Fido wants food!"

Woo-hoo! He really talks!"

I'll feed him."

I'll feed him, I'll feed him!"

Wimzie: okay, but remember: grandma said"

He should have just a teeny bit."



Don't you think that's a big teeny bit?"


I can eat way more than this!"



See, fido?"

Your house is clean now."

And you've had your lunch!"

(Chuckling) and we're sure giving him"

Lots of love and affection."


I don't know what grandma's so worried about."

We can take really good care of a pet!"

Horace: yeah!"



(Gasping) oh, no!"

This aquarium is a mess!"

The kids have had poor fido for two weeks"

And they're not following our agreement."

More and more often,"

I'm the only one who thinks to feed him."


Maybe they're just not ready yet"

To take care of a pet."

(Wimzie giggling)"

Hey, grandma!"


We made pictures with spaghetti!"

Jonas: yeah, with macaroni feet, lasagna hair, and rigatoni for-"

Just one moment, please!"

What about your promise to take care of fido?"

Look at his water!"

Yeah, well, jonas was supposed to change-"

Oh, no. That's wimzie's job."

And when did he last get something to eat?"

Uh, I'm not sure."

Well, I'm sure that we made"

An agreement about this."

You must remember that."

Bo(yelling) grandma!"

(Panicked) ohh!"

Oooh! Coming!"

Jonas: yaya's right."

We really should take better care of fido."

He might be hungry now."

Yeah, and the fish food's all gone."

Hey, I know!"

Give him spaghetti!"




Pasta in the aquarium?"

That's terrible for a goldfish!"

Well, I suppose I should be grateful"

They didn't put tomato sauce in too!"


Oh, poor fido."

No one's looking after you."

Well, yaya is going to come to your rescue!"

Wimzie: hmm! I wonder how old fido's doing?

Search me. You guys wanna get a snack?




Where's fido?

Wimzie: oh!

He ran away! Our little fish fido escaped.



♪ Little goldfish, little goldfish ♪

♪ With your golden fins

♪ Diving, swimming, turning, spinning ♪

♪ Will you be my friend?

Jonas: ♪ little fish coloured blue

♪ I like you the best

♪ Please let me swim with you

♪ We'll hide from the rest

♪ Little fish coloured black ♪

♪ Beautiful to see

♪ Swimming up, swimming back will you play with me ♪"

♪ Purple fishy, purple fishy ♪

♪ With your funny face

♪ You swim faster than the others ♪

♪ You will win the race ♪

All: ♪ little goldfish, little goldfish ♪

♪ With your golden fins

♪ Diving, swimming, turning, spinning ♪

♪ Will you be my friend


Oh, why would fido wanna run away?

Yeah! When it's so nice here.

Ah, I bet I know! He wanted some fresh air.

Uh, fido is a fish, loulou.

They don't breathe like we do.


Maybe he was hungry.

He couldn't have been hungry 'cause we fed him."

Or you did, anyway.


Well, somebody must've fed him.



Who fed fido today?

You mean with spaghetti?

Or with his real fish food?

Fish food, silly.

Looks like no one fed him.

Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

And did anyone remember

To clean his aquarium this week?


Horace(sadly) oh.

No. No one.

Did anyone give him

Any love and affection this week?

Well, I said hi the other day.

Oh, I didn't even do that.


I think we're in trouble.

We're in trouble, huh?

Fido ran away.

Well, we'd better find him

Before grandma doesn't!


(Stammering) well, never mind.

Just find him, and find him fast!


Oh, boy. Hmm!

Fido! Fido!

Now, you come here, little fishy, fishy,

Fishy, fishy, fishy, fishy.

Loulou wants you.

Fido! Fido!

Come here, fido!

Don't be afraid. Yoo-hoo!


Where are you hiding, little fish?

Hey! It's my harmonica!

I've been looking all over for this.


(Playing harmonica)

Ahh! Ugh!

Yahoo! Still works!

Boy, oh boy!

If fido hears that noise,

He won't ever wanna come back home again.

Huh. Come here, fido!

Little fish!


Where are you hiding?




Oh, hey!

Come and see this, guys!

Did you find fido? I knew you would!

Fido? No.

Look at all this beautiful dirt!


You found dirt?

Jonas: yep!

You made us run all the way here

Just to look at some dirt?

I don't have this kind of dirt in my collection!"

(Frustrated groans)

Huh! Hmm!


It's getting harder and harder these days to find people"

Who really appreciate quality dirt.


Loulou: (sighing) let's see now.

If I were a fishy and I wanted to hide,

Where would I go?


In a barrel of water!

Come on.

That's the first place everyone would look.

(Gasps and giggles excitedly)

In the garbage can!

(Lid creaking)


Yuck! It stinks.

Not even a fish would want to hide in there.


I feel so sad.

We didn't take good care of fido,

And so he ran away.

I didn't know it would be so hard

To live up to an agreement.

It takes so much work!

Maybe we really aren't old enough

To take care of a little pet.

But you can be my pet until I'm a little older."

And now...

I guess I'd better tell grandma

That fido's gone.

I hope she won't get too angry!

(Dejected) oh...

Did you find fido?


Jonas: who's gonna tell yaya that he ran away?"


Loulou should do it.


'Cause she's the smallest.

Yaya won't get mad at a little kid.

Well, I'm not gonna do it.

So there!

Isn't anyone brave enough to tell yaya?

Hey, look!

It's daddy's medal for bravery!


Well, if he can be a hero, so can i.

I'll go tell grandma.

Yaya: tell me what?


Grandma! Fido ran away because...

Fido! Woo-hoo!

(Everyone laughs happily)

Yaya found fido!

Jonas: how come he looks different?

Well, maybe because he's clean and well fed now."

Yeah, that's what it is! (Chuckling)

Fido didn't run away!

I put him in a bowl of water

While I was cleaning his aquarium.

He really needed someone to take care of him, but..."

No one was doing it.

We didn't do what we promised.

Yaya: no, you definitely did not.

We had an agreement, but none of you lived up to it."

Well, from now on, we promise to do

A lot better!

Jonas, horace and loulou: yeah, yeah! Way better!"

I'm afraid not. Nope!



But what's gonna happen to fido?

I'll keep him in my room,

And you can drop in and visit him

Any time you want. Okay?

Okay, grandma.

And we'll tell you when we're ready

To live up to an agreement.

Ah, all in good time.

(Chuckling) I think fido agrees!

Wimzie: hello, fido!

How are you today?

We're sorry we didn't live up to our agreement

To take care of you, fido.

Horace: yeah. We didn't keep our promise.

Jonas and loulou: mm-hmm.

But when we learn how to live up to an agreement,"

You'll see.

We'll look after you perfectly.


(Stammering) and that is a promise!

Yes, sir!

Fishy! (Giggling)

Kids: no, bo! No, don't touch it!


