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03x20 - The Girl on the Cliff

Posted: 08/12/14 07:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

What's going on?

Don't follow me.

I can hook you guys up with some coke.

Have you done this before?

No, no, no, but this is good. This is really good.

Daphne, I'm trying to get through this, just like you.

You really want to know how my trip was?


I got very high.

You know what? You are not the only one going through stuff, so stop acting like a little brat.

Look, if you're really pissed at your ma, and you need her to know, then you gotta show her.

I can't believe I just did that. I'm on probation.

A bad girl, huh?

I'm just really worried about her.

What's going on?

You need to sit down.

Is it true?

You did cocaine?

Thank you.

Bay was right to tell us.

What were you thinking?

Clearly, she wasn't.

I did it one time and I hated it.

And I will never do it again, okay?

No, it's not okay... the fact that you did it one time and snuck behind our backs...

My mom knew.

Why didn't you tell us?

What the hell is she talking about?

Hold on.

You told me you got high. I assumed you meant pot.

Oh, so pot's okay with you?

Sweetheart, we know that you've been going through a tough time these past few weeks, but dr*gs are not the answer.

I said it won't happen again.

Bay said that you shoved her.

What is that about?

She is exaggerating. I barely touched her.

You pushed me.

Because you wouldn't mind your own business.

I'm not the one who's hanging around with that loser who threw a brick through Regina's window.



Some guy named Nacho from East Riverside.

Nacho Rivera?

He threw the brick? And now you're seeing him?

Seriously? Are you that mad at me?

What's she mad at you for?

Take your pick... that she's in business with Chip Coto, or that she pulled a g*n on me.


Oh my God, a g*n?

It was an accident.

Okay, wait.

The g*n I knew about, but Chip Coto?

You knew?

How could you be so careless?

It was late at night at K&D. I wasn't expecting anybody.

Look, the g*n is gone. I got rid of it.

Wait a second. Where do you think you're going?

I have to go to school.

Okay, we'll finish later.

But as of right now, you are grounded indefinitely.

School, the clinic, home... that's it.


That goes for prom too.

It doesn't matter. I don't want to go anyway.

(Deeply exhales)

What is that?

Oh, cool.

Oh, no. I'm sorry.

It's been a rough morning.

I just hope that I did the right thing.

I love it, really.

And the best part is, if the dance sucks, we can always do the crossword.

Wow, you're really getting into this.

(Pop music playing)

It will be.

What are they doing?

Okay, everyone, gather round.

We're about to announce your prom king and queen.

Bay: Ooh, exciting.

Let's see who the prettiest, most popular, most superficial couple in the school is.

(Cheering and applause)

This is a joke, right?

It's a big honor.

Yeah, totally.

How did this happen?

Emmett, I don't... I mean, thank you, but I don't want to be prom queen.

And I'll be king.

(Cheers and applause)

Okay, pipe down. Pipe down, everybody.

Yeah. No. Yes, totally.

We want our titles. Prom king and queen...

That's us.

(Cheering and applause)

All right, get to class. Everyone, go, all of you.

Now most girls would k*ll for this.

What's this about Chip Coto?

What kind of message are you sending, working with that son of a bitch?

It wasn't my call. It was Wes'.

But there is no East Riverside project without Coto.

Oh, so the project is more important than our daughter?

I am sure Regina didn't realize this was gonna set Daphne off like this.

Yeah, well, it set me off.

John, Daphne is in trouble.

We have to all be on the same page here.

I know. I know.

I'm sure you need to get to work.

Work can wait.

Daphne's in school.

Just take a few hours for yourself.

She's right.

We can regroup later, make a plan.


I think Daphne should see a therapist.


Wallowing in this is not gonna help her right now.

Therapy is not wallowing. It's emotional support.

She needs time to work through all this.

Okay, maybe, but she is graduating in a couple of weeks, and she hasn't even decided which college she's going to yet.

She needs to take control of her life and focus on the future.

I really feel that is the best way for her to move on.



Hey, Dr. J.

I was so sorry to hear about Angelo.

He seemed like a really good man.


We weren't expecting you back so soon.

I'm fine.

If anything, I could use the distraction.

You know, when my wife died, everything seemed to remind me of her.

I don't know if it's the same with your dad...

I'm fine, really.

I should get to work.

Hey, Your Highness.

Not sure... should I bow or curtsey?

There was obviously low voter turnout.

Trust me, there are some girls at Buckner who are probably dying of laughter right about now.

Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

You got a prom date?

No. It's cool.

I'd rather go solo anyway, so I can dance my booty off.

Is it true Daphne's not coming?

Yeah, she's facing major groundage.

That sucks.

Well, see you at the coronation.

What email?


It's archaic.

People should be able to wear whatever they want.

I haven't worn a dress since I was two.

That's like asking you to wear a tutu.

I'd feel stupid.

What does this mean?

Natalie, wait.

Need some help here! Need some help here!

Wait, no, no, no, no. We're not an urgent care.

He's bleeding.

Dr. J.!

What happened?

He blew through a red light.

I had to swerve to avoid hitting him.

He laid his bike down pretty hard.

Someone call 911.

And get me some gauze.

Man: Right away.

Are you hurt anywhere else?

I don't think so.

The wound's pretty deep. You had a tetanus shot in the past 10 years?

Victim: No.

Dr. J: Daphne.

Daphne. Daphne!

Go to the drug lockup, get me a tetanus vial and a syringe.

No, of course I'm thrilled. I'm just not that excitable.

Hey, let me know once you hear from the bank, okay?



Hi. Good news?

Yeah, we're putting together a project in Maui.


Lucky you.

You have the tile samples too?

Uh, yeah, somewhere.

Where's the food court interior?

It's not there?

No, just the entry and the restrooms.

Oh, I must've left it on the kitchen table, right next to the tile samples.

I'm so sorry. I... I will go get it.

No no no no. Hey hey, it's okay.

Is everything all right?

It's... it's Daphne.

We're still having issues.

But that's home, and this is work.

Look, I'm not criticizing.

It must be hard being a single parent all these years.

I mean, I know I couldn't do it.

Thanks, but I'm not doing a very good job of it right now.

Oh, no, no. You're just... you're having a bad day.

You need to shake it off.

You want an iced coffee, a frozen yogurt?

I can send Jess to get us anything.

I'm... I'm okay.

I got some good news that might cheer you up.

My security team located an A.T.M. camera across the street from the project.

There's footage from the night we got vandalized.

Do they know who did it?

Well, they're working on it.

With technology these days, I like our chances.

You're right. That does help.

We're gonna get these guys.


It's really sweet.

I'm sorry, Natalie.

Honey. Hi.

Hey. Hey, Kathryn.

How was the clinic?

It was fine.

Was it nice to be back?

It's work.


I want to talk to you about next year.

You have Gallaudet waiting for an answer.

What about Northwestern?

When are you gonna hear from them?

I won't be.

Why not?

Because I never applied.

I thought it was your dream school.

What about their pre-med program?

I changed my mind.


Yes, I mix my own stuff, but I also, you know, take requests... whatever the people want, you know?

Ask and ye shall receive, right?

Okay, wait. Let me at least send you my demo tape.

Wait... hello?

'Sup, Skrillex Junior?

I just got rejected for a pre-prom party at the Disco Bowl 'cause I don't have enough experience.

Sucks, dude.

Yeah, you know, it's that old thing... you need a good gig to get a good gig.

I have to figure out a way to get my name out there.

Crazy idea... flyers.

Paper? Have you lost your mind?!

Well, no, hear me out.

I read that looking at stuff just on screens actually inhibits reading comprehension.

Now parchment... that's what you need.

You know, there's activity boards all over campus. We could paper them.


I mean, I'm sure I can throw something together.

Clip art is still a thing, right?

No no no no. Hang on.

I, my friend, am in art class.

I will draw you your very own k*ller logo.

Are you sure? I mean, that sounds like a lot of work.

Nah, it'd be my pleasure. What are your feelings on dragons?

'Cause I've gotten really good at those.

Awesome. Thank you very much.

(Garbage disposal whirrs)

Are you coming out, or do I have to come in there?

(Door closes)

(Regina gasps)

I love it.

Thanks. Me too.

I have to admit, when I first found out I was prom queen, I was pretty freaked.

And now?


I'm kind of excited. Does that make me shallow?

Not at all.

I had the best time at my senior prom, the corsage, the photos... everything.

It's timeless. Step up.

Thanks for doing this.

Of course.

I know we've had a lot going on lately with Daphne, but you deserve a special night.

Every kid deserves a great prom.

So they made this policy at school that girls have to dress like girls and boys have to dress like boys, whatever that means. Otherwise they can't go in.

Really? In this day and age?

And my friend Natalie wanted to go with her girlfriend Hilary, who dresses like a boy.

She won't wear a dress, like, ever.

So they're not gonna go?


Which makes me feel super guilty, because I have, like, this privilege of going in in what I want to wear.

I don't have to fight for my right to be who I am.

That was one thing about Angelo... he couldn't stand people being cruel to others.

He always stood up for the underdog.

Well, Hilary tried.

She got a bunch of people to sign a petition, but Principal Rose said that there was nothing she could do about it.

The dress code comes from the school district.

What if the queen has something to say about it?

I'm prom queen, not the Queen of England.

Still, a public figure of sorts.

The best leaders lead by example.

There you are.

Is everything okay?

The drug lockup came up short yesterday.

A bottle of oxycodone is missing.


Turns out the only people who had access to it were you and me.

Someone must have miscounted.

That's doubtful.

We're required by law to keep strict records of all dispensed controlled substances.

No oxycodone was prescribed yesterday, nor the day before.

Did you take it?

I did. And I'm so sorry.

I know it was a stupid thing to do.

I'm so sorry.


I... I don't know.

I didn't even want them. I just...

I got freaked out by that guy from the accident, and when I saw the pills...

I flushed them down the sink as soon as I got home, I swear.

I'm partly to blame.

I broke protocol by giving you the keys.

I will never do anything like that again... ever.

I know you're going through a lot right now, and I empathize, but I can't tolerate stealing.

I know.

I have to let you go.

Please, just give me another chance.

I'll make it up to you. I'll work extra shifts... anything.

You crossed a line.

(Exhales deeply)

(Tower bells tolling)


Your flyers are working magic.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, I just got a call from a frat.

Their D.J. for their year-end toga barbecue just bailed.

They saw my number in the student center...

Boom! 200 bucks for the afternoon.

That's great, man. Which frat?

Uh, Omega Pi? Ti?



Oh, dude, was that your...?


Oh. Well...

Those guys are total asshats.

Trust me, if you do their party, you're gonna end up arrested, or with alcohol poisoning, or both.

They seemed pretty nice on the phone.

Toby, they're jerks.

It's really good money and I need the exposure.

Come on, you gotta get this.

No, I don't.

I wouldn't expect you to drop a job just because I didn't like the guy.

Dude, it's a job.

Fine. Do what you want.

It's not like we're friends. We're just roommates.

I can't expect you to have my back.

There's that.
Wes: Two punks. This is the only frame that showed any identifying features.

It's from the entrance, where they broke in, but there's nothing from the site.

So much for technology.

What, do you know him?

Um, I'm not sure.

Well, have you seen him before?

Maybe, around the old neighborhood, if it's who I'm thinking of.

Well, what's his name? I'll tell the cops when I show them this.

I'm not even sure it's the same kid.

Well, let the cops rattle a few cages and see what shakes out.

I'm not gonna give the police an excuse to rough up innocent people.

I thought you wanted to catch this punk.

The right punk.

Look, let me ask around, see what I can find out before you sic the police on him.

I want to see this guy and his buddy behind bars.

Me too.

Kathryn: Ready when you are!

Oh, okay. Thank you.

There you go. Look at that.

Appreciate the sheet, mom. I'm gonna head out.

No no no, you're not going anywhere, Julius Caesar.

Your sister's coming.


Bay: Okay, I'm coming down.

Okay, okay, okay, all right, here is my little girl, ready for her senior prom.

Hey, guys.

Wow, that's fun.

Interesting fashion statement.

Natalie and her girlfriend were told that they couldn't wear tuxes, so we're doing this in solidarity.

Angelo would have been proud.

Have a great night.

You look beautiful.

I have to go talk to Daphne.

You need me?

No, I got this.

Like I'm taking a stand against repressive gender policies?

Well, you look amazing.

(Pop music playing)

(Knocks on door)

Oh, hi!

Wow, you guys look amazing.

Come on in. Yeah.

You guys look fantastic.

Mom, dad, Toby, this is Natalie and Hilary.


Nice to meet you, hey.

(Doorbell rings)

Hey. Well, look at you guys. Very nice.

Please come on in.



Happy prom.

You must be so proud of your sister.

She's being a really good friend.

I'd better...

Have a good time, everybody. Bye.

The prom pose. The awkward prom pose.

♪ ... there ain't nothin' to it ♪
♪ give me some more ♪
♪ baby, I will blow your mind ♪
♪ oh oh oh oh oh. ♪

It was Nacho in that video, I'm sure of it.

Did you know he was involved?

Did you know Nacho was responsible for vandalizing the East Riverside project?

Unbelievable. How could you know and not tell me?

Is he that important to you?

My God, what is it with you and these bad boys... first Jeff, then Jace, and now Nacho?

I don't even like Nacho.

Then why on earth would you cover for him?

It doesn't make any sense.

Unless you were with him.

He was talking to someone in the video, but I couldn't make out who.

Please tell me it wasn't you.

Oh my God.

Do you have any idea what you've done, how serious this is?

You are still on probation.

Are you trying to land in jail?

Everything that we have worked so hard for, all the opportunities that you've been given, and you risk it all for what?

Talk to me, damn it.

Do you really have nothing to say?

I have to go to the clinic.

Back already?

The party ended a little early.

(TV clicks off)

Omega Psi parties never end early.

What happened? You get fired halfway through the gig?

Some guy set off the sprinkler system in the house by flaming a mai tai.

The fire department showed up and shut the party down.

Well, told you they were asshats.

Actually, before that happened, everything was going really well.

The beer was good. The girls were hot.

They even gave me extra money in case the sprinklers damaged my equipment.

They were actually good guys.

I'm glad it worked out for you.

I felt awful the whole time I was there.

I thought you just said...

I shouldn't have gone.

I knew it bugged you that I went, and out of principle, I should have stood by you.

Actually, uh...

I was thinking you were in the right.

You know, I'm the one who has the beef with them, not you.

It's like, I hate the Bears, right?

I can't expect you to hate them just because we're roommates.

Hey, I have my own reasons for hating the Bears.

(Chuckles) Thanks, man.

This is getting seriously close to a bro-hug situation.

Tell you what: That extra $100 they gave me is burning a hole in my toga.

What do you say we go down to Scratch, courtesy of Omega Psi?

I think it's dollar slider night.

100 sliders coming right up.

Pace yourself there, D.J. T.K.

And maybe lose the toga?

Oh, for sure.

Your daughter? Are you kidding me?

Believe me, I wish I was.

Didn't she know that this was your project?

Yes. That's why she did it.

Oh, that's just great... your mother-daughter warfare playing out on my turf.

I am sure it wasn't her idea.

That kid must have talked her into it.

But she went along willingly.

I thought about not telling you, but I did, because... because you don't want me to press charges. I'm not an idiot.

She's already on probation for the Coto incident, and if she gets another strike, who knows what could happen?

It could ruin college, her future... everything.

It's not my fault.

This is the bed that she made.

Her dad just died.

Does that give her the right to break the law?

She cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars.

She forced us into bed with Coto.

This is your project too!

I know!

Wes, please, if our partnership means anything to you, do not turn her in.

You need to go home now.


I can't talk about this anymore.

Just go home.

(Pop music playing)

♪ Oh oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ hey hey hey ♪
♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ oh, yeah ♪
♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ whoo ♪
♪ oh oh oh oh oh... ♪

Hey, Mr. Z.

Can't let you in.

Why not?

You know why not.

You're in violation of the dress code.

The dress code is crap. Just let us in.

Go home, put on dresses, and I'd be happy to.

You know, this is the kind of thing people love to sue over... discrimination.

This isn't about being gay or straight.

Last year some boys from another school

put on dresses and wigs and got drunk.

They ruined the entire night.

This dress code is meant to prevent that sort of behavior.

The problem wasn't that they wore dresses.

It's that they were idiots.

It made a joke of the event.

Well, we're dressed up.

We're showing respect for the event.

You don't think we look respectable?

People are waiting to get in, so if you could just...?

Why does a girl in a suit thr*aten you so much, Mr. Z?

It doesn't thr*aten me.

What, is it a sin? Is it unnatural?

Stop provoking me.

It's prom. You're girls.

You need to be in dresses.

And I don't even know where to begin with you.

And you two, you are prom king and queen.

Consider your position at this school.

Excuse me? Our position?

How is what we're wearing going to ruin anyone's night?

You know what? I'd love to wear sweats to class, but I can't, because it's not appropriate.

There are rules everywhere you go.

Okay, well, this isn't sl*very.

Oh, now I'm a sl*ve owner? Is that what she called me?

We're calling you a fascist.

Right, because you don't like the rules, that makes me a fascist.

What about all the kids in there who don't want to see girls dressing like freaks?

Did you call us freaks?

Okay okay, that's enough.

Not if they can't go in.

Because I've been them, at Buckner, in my family.

My whole life I felt like I was on the outside.

And these rules make it okay to make certain people feel like they're weird just for being who they are.

And somebody has got to stand up for them.

What is it?

That is really sweet.

But if they can't go in, I don't want to be queen of this prom.


So what's the plan?

Daphne's phone.

Hi. This is Regina Vasquez... Daphne's mom.

Can you tell me what time her shift is over?

What? When?

She told me she went to the clinic, but I just called there.

She was fired this afternoon.


Okay, let's not panic. Any idea where she might have gone?

She took her car, but left her cell phone behind.

We had another big fight.

And I was pretty hard on her and said some things.

And now she's out there, driving around upset, just like Angelo was.

Don't worry. We're gonna find her.

No sweetie, it's fine. Just call if she does, okay?

All right, bye. Bay says she's not at the prom.

That rules out Carlton.

I'll try K&D.

Kathryn, can you swing by the clinic? Maybe she ended up there after all.

Yeah. Where are you going?

I'm gonna check out East Riverside, try to find that kid Nacho.

There's also Angelo's condo.

Look, I'll go there. It's on the way.

Are you sure we shouldn't call the police?

It's only been a couple of hours.

I think we see how we do first, go from there.

Everyone stay in touch, okay?


(Upbeat music playing)

♪ Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ hey, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ come on, everybody, get it started, yeah, it's on the road ♪
♪ so grab your friends like, ready, set, okay, yeah, here we go ♪
♪ no time like now, let's drop it now j-just like rock 'n' roll ♪
♪ so turn it up, like crazy loud on your stereo ♪
♪ boom boom boom boom ♪
♪ we can't wait for tonight, c-c-c-c-come on ♪
♪ can't wait for tonight, c-c-c-c-come on ♪
♪ we can't wait for tonight, c-c-c-c-come on... ♪

All right! Here's to the outside prom!

Students: Outside prom! Outside prom!

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪
♪ hey, yeah yeah yeah ♪
♪ come on, everyone, c-can you feel what's going on? ♪

The queen is happy to serve.


♪ We can't wait for tonight, c-c-c-c-come on ♪
♪ can't wait for tonight, c-c-c-c-come on ♪
♪ we can't wait for tonight, c-c-c-c-come on ♪
♪ can't wait for tonight, c-c-c-c-come on ♪
♪ come on, come on, c-c-c-c-come on ♪
♪ come on, come on... ♪

Ours is.

Hey, you flying solo?

Me too.

You want to give this a go?

All right, come on.

♪ Caught up in the moment ♪
♪ gotta take it all in ♪
♪ right now it's all about you ♪
♪ if I can make you smile smile smile ♪

So the tux... what's your verdict?

Well, I'm sure a private viewing can be arranged.

♪ I got a feeling this is where I belong ♪
♪ this moment right here so amazing ♪
♪ you look back at me like you're feeling the same thing... ♪

Best prom ever.

♪ Doesn't even really matter what you're saying ♪
♪ watching your lips got me going crazy ♪
♪ caught up in the moment... ♪
♪ Caught up in the moment ♪
♪ gotta take it all in ♪
♪ right now it's all about you ♪
♪ if I can make you smile ♪
♪ and the world keeps spinning... ♪

Regina, any luck?

No. You?

She's not at the clinic. I'm on my way to Angelo's right now.


I think I found her.

(Distant train horn blowing)

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Honey, no.

You're fine.

It's okay.

No, it's not.

I messed up my job. And Dr. J. hates me.

And Bay and Travis hate me, and they should, because I'm a horrible person.

And my mom...

I have been terrible to her.

Nobody hates you.

You're not a horrible person.

You're okay.

It's going to be okay.

No, it's not.

All the years that I wasted with Angelo... being mad at him.

He was trying so hard to make a connection with me, and...

Now it's too late.

I felt the same way when I found out about the switch... all those years lost, all the milestones missed.

But there's no going back, only forward.

It's easy to live in anger, but I have to be grateful that at least eventually we found each other.

I loved him, and I never said it.


Angelo... Angelo knew.

It's not always about words.

♪ ... and together we can find ♪
♪ our way to shore... ♪

(Car door opens and closes)

♪ Promise we won't break ♪
♪ and you will ♪
♪ keep me safe ♪
♪ and I'll be brave... ♪


♪ I won't be afraid ♪
♪ and you will ♪
♪ keep me safe ♪
♪ and I'll be brave ♪
♪ be brave ♪
♪ be brave ♪
♪ be brave ♪
♪ be brave ♪
♪ be brave ♪
♪ be brave. ♪