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05x31 - Heavy Weather (2)

Posted: 07/14/23 07:39
by bunniefuu
June th, .

On a hot humid night,
deep in the southern United States,

one baby let out his first cry
in a hospital.

However, this baby took his last breath
in his mother's arms

before even seeing the first light of day.

Until this point in her life,
this young mother had a hard life,

and felt hopelessly miserable.

This baby had become
her only pride and joy,

and her only hope for a bright future.

Thus, she refused
to accept the baby's death.

Before the doctor and the nurses
saw that the baby died,

the mother slipped out of her bed
like a ghost.

She found another baby
born on the same day,

and left her dead baby in its place.

She then kept the baby as her own.

The swapped baby had a fraternal twin.

She was never questioned,

and no one suspected foul play.

Mommy, whose grave is this?

That's my birthday.

He died the same day?


you had a younger brother.

He was your twin,

but he died at the hospital
moments after you were born.

Pray for him.

After his passing,

we named him Domenic.

Oh Lord, answer my plea.

My brother passed away
on the day we were born.

Why did fate choose him and not me?

Why… must there be
happiness and misfortune?

What is true happiness?

Father Pucchi was
years old at the time.

His paternal grandmother
was an Italian immigrant.

She came from a family with ties
to a prestigious clan in Venice

which hailed a well-known clergyman
in the th century.

When the young man showed interest
in pursuing priesthood,

no one spoke out against this decision.

What did you do? Who are you?

What are you doing here?


Is this your book?

This is a famous autobiography of a cleric
who had an affair with a married woman.

He later left the church
and became a painter.

Do clergymen read such books?

Who are you, and how did you get inside?

This ossuary is closed to the public
except on Sundays.

You see, I'm allergic to sunlight.

The sun won't set until : p.m. tonight.

I'm unable to leave until then,

so that's why I was resting here.

All right.

Is there anything I can do for you?


I see.

I pity you.

I won't tell Father about this,

so you should leave at sunset.

You're an interesting fellow.

What's that?

You won't force me to leave?

I could be a thief who snuck in
to steal the artwork here,

or even worse.

Or maybe you're just
saying that I can stay,

but you're going to report me.

Is that your wish?

No thief would lie and say
that they're allergic to sunlight.

Not even the devil
would tell a lie like that.

Hold on.

Did you sprain your ankle?

Was that my fault? Are you hurt?

Oh, no.

It's not your fault. I was born with this.

My left toes are bent,

but I can walk around just fine.

Do you believe in the force of gravity?

You tripped on me for a reason.

What are you saying?

Take this stone arrowhead.

If you have no use for it, that's fine.

But isn't it gravity
that draws people to each other?

I don't know
what impression you have of me,

but I travel to meet people.

If you ever wish to see me again,

wish upon this arrow and call me.

No matter how far in the future
that may be.

Do you understand?

Just keep me in your back burner.

At sunset,

I will leave.

What's this?

My foot! The toes!

They're straight!

Wait! Who are you?


Please hear me out.

I must confess my sins.


let me go get the priest…

My body is stricken with an illness.

I don't have much longer.

But my confession
isn't about this illness.

It concerns my family.

It was years ago, on June th.

My baby died,
so I took another woman's baby,

and swapped the two babies
while no one was looking.

I took one of the twins.

I cannot express how terrible I feel
for the baby's mother.

But I poured my heart
into raising this baby.

I had a happy life.

He grew up to be a great boy.

Shouldn't I tell him that
he has a twin brother

before I leave this world?

What if I tell him the truth,

and my son leaves me before I die?


Do you know the other family?

They live in a large estate
in the neighboring town.

The couple's name is Pucchi.


What's so good about a juice delivery boy?


I bet he's a coward.

-I love that.
-Forget him, his family's probably poor.

He doesn't even go to high school.

That's why he works.

Perla, isn't that your bag?

He snatched it!


Someone stop him!


Oh, crap!

I broke the store window.

I'll get fired from
this part-time delivery job.

My school doesn't even allow
students to work.

Weather Report's real name
is Wes Aquamarine.

He was at the time.

He was innocent
in every sense of the word,

and he relentlessly pursued justice.

Well… Thanks.

That was my bag he tried to steal.

I'll tell everyone that
the thief smashed the window.

-Of course.

Now go.

I'm Wes.

People call me Weather.

Can I see you again?

Two months have passed
since that confession.

Father Pucchi was under distress.

Though not yet appointed a priest,

he is obliged to keep the privacy
of the believers.

He must keep the confession a secret.


he would be deemed unworthy
as a clergyman.

That mother wants to
take her secret to her grave.

Had I been able to
convince her to tell the truth,

how will we cope,
and how will my younger brother react?

Will we be able to
treat our families the same?

I'm home.

Welcome back.

Why are you spaced out on the porch?

Did something happen at school?

Please, Enrico.

Don't tell Mom and Dad about this!


My grades are slipping.

I'll make up for it,
but there's something on my mind.

I'm dating someone.

We met only two weeks ago,

but I really like him.

It's like our hearts are connected.
I've never felt like this.

I'm happy for you, Perla.


Let me tell you how this went.

Father Pucchi never told his sister Perla,

that Weather was their biological brother.

I want you to judge
the rest of the events.

Who committed a sin?

Is it the mother, who swapped the babies?

Or is it Father Pucchi's parents?

Is it Father Pucchi?

Is it the younger brother Weather,
who knows nothing?

Father Pucchi looked into Weather,
the man his sister loved.

After learning the shocking truth,

Father Pucchi had only one choice to make.

I can't let my sister get hurt,
no matter what!

You're that wealthy kid
who goes to divinity school.

Should you be doing this?

If you succeed, I'll give you double.

I have two requests.

One, do not ask any questions.

Two, make them break up.

If I can get some thugs to thr*aten Wes,

he'll break up with my sister.

That's all Perla will experience,

nothing but an ordinary heartbreak.

This won't leave a permanent scar.

However, Father Pucchi
barely knew anything

about this private investigator,
a jack of all trades.

How keen he was to information,
nor the darkness he carried.

It is the darkness this society had,
which was allowed by law a century ago.

It is a despicable old history.

I can't believe what I learned
about Wes's birth.

In , his mother married

a black man in the city.

That makes him the son of a black man.

The private detective
gathered other zealots.



What are you doing? You're all drunk!

We won't hurt you.

He's the one we need to punish.

Come give me a kiss.

One for this officer too!

You're a whore pretending to be
a proper little missy.

Fool around with whomever you want,

but this bastard isn't allowed
to kiss you, not even a little.

Your brother wanted this done.

And as for the woman
who gave birth to you,

we set her house on fire.

Who was the one truly being punished?

Was it Weather, Perla, or…

They all tried to love in their own ways.

These are the facts.

Father Pucchi's love
brought the worst outcome.

Weather was hung high
on a tree by a cliff,

and left to die.

Perla truly had a pure heart,

which was filled with a soft breeze
until this moment.

Their love was like the warm spring sun.


In my heart,

there will never be another drop of rain.

And with those words,

Perla threw herself down
into the lake below the cliff.

She did not know
that Weather had a slight pulse.


How could this happen?

Why did I pursue the path of priesthood?

Why do people meet?

Had they never met,

this would have never happened.


Stop that!

Don't make the sign of the cross
at my sister!


Please, just don't take Perla's life!

Perla is innocent.

She only fell in love!

I'll do anything to bring her back!

I'm the one who should be punished!

Do you believe in the force of gravity?

We met for a reason.

If you wish,

come see me.

It's him.

That was his voice.

I want to see him.

He once healed my bent toes
in the ossuary.

Why did I forget about him until now?

That's right, he gave me…

an arrowhead-like thing.

What is going on?

The arrowhead in my pocket?

Once a life is lost,

you cannot bring it back.

But it's up to you.

If you wish from deep within your heart,

you can retrieve her memory.

It's the memories of her heart.

This is your awakening.

Who the hell are you?

The idiot who wanted
an affair investigated?

If you don't want to get shot,
show your dirty face--

What's this?

If you know, then tell me.


I heard you know everything.

What made these snails emerge
out of the blue?

Where do they come from?

Why is it only happening near me?

Who the hell are you?

You said Perla's brother
asked you to split us.

Is that true?

No, you can't be…

What are these snails?

Damn. I knew it, I can't die.

The gunpowder is soaked.

But only when I try to sh**t myself.

Why am I still alive?

Weather was full of rage.

He was enraged at those
who persecuted him,

at the fact that he was alive,

and that he couldn't save Perla.

Once Weather learned about Perla's death,

he jumped off the cliff.

Just then,
there was a strong gust of wind.

He also tried to drown himself
in the lake,

but the waves brought him back to shore.

Why won't you let me die with Perla?

His anger was one of despair.

His vengeance spread to all,
not just to the townspeople.

On the fourth night,

a horde of snails swarmed the town.

Why snails?

Where did they come from?

No one knew.

The only one who understood
the cause of this incident

was Father Pucchi,
who woke up in a hospital.

Wes… no, Weather did this.

My brother isn't dead.

We are twins.

My awakening led to his.

Just as I sought her memory,
so did Weather, though subconsciously.

If these snails are here to
crawl up my arm,

then I have to go k*ll my brother.

I will resort to any and every method
from now on.

I will even take lives.

Once my score with Weather is settled,

I will go see him.

His name is Dio.

Why do people's paths cross?

If anyone can tell me, it's him.

I must know it.

The answer to this question
is the strongest power in this world.

It must also be the truth.

Are you satisfied?

Your sister Perla died
because of your request.


I can't suppress my rage.

We have a score to settle.

You're wrong.

It's because I am your older brother.

But that ends today.

Weather, meet your end.

Weather, you are in my way.

Now die,

and take those rainbows with you.

Vanish with Perla and all your memories.

A man with no memories
might as well be dead.

Live as if you're dead trapped in a cage.

Inmate MA .


My sole purpose in life

is to settle my score with him.

So you've been revived.

Your memories returned!

But I thought you were
going to meet up with Jolyne!

I'm only with you to find Jolyne!

You shouldn't go find Jolyne.

It'll be a waste of time.


I need someone to finish me off.

k*ll me.

I'm counting on you, Anasui.

That's why these beetles are called
snail eaters!

These buggers!

Get in, guys!

They're coming in through the cracks!

What do we do, Jolyne?

Whether inside or outside the car,

it's over once we get devoured.

We'll go meet up with Weather
as we're being eaten!