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02x01 - Chilling Encounters

Posted: 07/14/23 11:31
by bunniefuu

America's top ghost hunters

relive their most

extreme assignments.


[ Woman screams ]

Something was hunting me

this whole time.


NARRATOR: Hardened veterans

of the paranormal,

these are the cases

that truly tested them.

I don't think

I was ready for this.


a team of ghost hunters

come face to face with

a county jail's grisly past.

Did you hurt the children?

And all of a sudden,

we hear, "Yes."

-Whoa, did you hear that?


NARRATOR: In New York,

a haunted farmhouse

becomes something

far more sinister.

MAN: I command all demons,

do not come back!

[ Slamming ]

-Who's there?

Someone was trying to

terrorize and ruin their lives.

[ Eerie roar ]

NARRATOR: And in Ontario,

paranormal investigators

find themselves all alone

on an island -- or do they?

From the moment that Michelle

and I get on the island,

we felt like we

were being watched.


-[ Man grunts ]

-[ Woman screams ]


NARRATOR: In Fremont, Ohio,

stands the Sandusky County Jail.

Built in the s,

the prison was home

to some of Ohio's most dangerous

and depraved criminals.

[ Doors clank ]

The worst offenders were locked

in solitary cells

in the basement,

known to inmates

as "The Dungeon."

When the jail closes in ,

it's converted into an office

for Fremont County's

Human Resources Department.


But the building's dark past

looms over the new tenants,

unsettling the staff members

who work there.


Peggy, is that you?

There are several

employees that will not --

and I mean will not -- go down

in that basement whatsoever.

[ Cell door rattle ]

They're scared,

because they could feel

there's a presence down there.


[ Rattling ]

[ Screaming ]



the county commissioner

contacts paranormal

investigator Karlo Zuzic

to find out what's going on.

A key figure in

the Ohio Researchers

of Banded Spirits,

Karlo has overseen

hundreds of cases

of supernatural phenomenon,

and is keen to help.

[ Electricity crackling ]


Going into this investigation,

I was pretty nervous.

You're dealing with

possibly violent spirits.


You're dealing

with ex-criminals.

[ Cell doors rattling ]

You know, you are in life

what you are in death.


The county commissioner

takes Karlo

and his investigative team,

Chris Page, Amy Cobb,

and newcomer Todd Mallett,

on a preliminary

tour of the jail.

They begin in the dungeon.


[ Door closes, faint crackling ]

The moment you step in,

this heavy feeling...


It was like the atmosphere

completely changed.

You knew when you

enter those doors,

people lost their lives.

That's when you start

feeling uncomfortable.


As the tour comes to an end,

the commissioner has

a grisly surprise

for the investigators.

[ Door creaks ]


I couldn't believe

what I'm looking at.


The gallows that stood

out front that hung people

is standing up

in their courthouse attic.


I'm getting chills

just talking about it.

The noose is still

hanging off of it.


We decided to set up stationary

cameras in each location.

One was gonna go

down in the dungeon.

[ Cell door creaks ]

We sent Todd down there.


[ Click ]

-I was nervous.

When you have a place

that holds criminals

such as murderers, rapists,

anything that severe,

can really be harmful to you.


NARRATOR: It's not long

before Todd realizes

something is very wrong.


All of a sudden I felt this

creepy feeling behind me.

Cool air brushed right

through my right side

right on my arm.


Guys, I just saw something.

It brushed right up

against my arm.

ZUZIC: He came back.

He was shook up.

Looked like he saw a ghost.

NARRATOR: After recovering

from the shock,

Todd decides to

return to the dungeon,

this time taking

the team as backup.


[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Determined to capture

proof of the activity,

they decide to record EVPs,

or electronic voice phenomena.

Is there anyone here?

Is there anyone in here?


We started asking questions

that the prisoners

may be familiar with.

"Did you m*rder anybody?"

How many people did you k*ll?


Why did you k*ll them?

Talk to us.


I think I got something.

We played our recorder

back and you could hear

a male's voice say,

"I don't wanna be recorded."

We will record your voice.

"I don't wanna be recorded,"

is what it said.


Are you the person

that was standing

in this doorway earlier?

[ Recorder clicks ]

You know, to hear that,

it gives you the chills.


[ Recorder clicks ]

[ Clicking ]



But there is worse to come.



And all of a sudden we could

hear the loud footsteps.

You know, it almost sounds like

someone was wearing boots?

You could hear it, you know,


and they got louder

and then louder and then louder.

-Did you hear that?

-Yeah, I heard.

[ Beeping ]


You could the K-II lighting up.

We spiked.

I mean, it was red.

[ Blip, beeping continues ]


Once the footsteps stopped,

everything dissipated.

Things started to calm down.

Hey, you guys okay?


But then all of sudden...

[ Soft thud ]

...I hear a sound towards

the end of the dungeon.


-Did you hear that?


[ Recorder clicks ]

[ Eerie rustling ]

[ Clicking ]


Oh, sh--

All of a sudden,

I saw a shadow walk across

the front of the cell.

Oh, sh--

Did you see that?


I had a full spectrum camera,

and I snap a photo...

[ Shutter clicks ]

...and in the one picture,

I capture

what I believe to be

one of the executioners'


[ Camera shutter clicks ]

It was a white silhouette.

[ Shutter clicks ]

Looked like he had a hood.

Like, almost like an executioner

would have wore

back in those days, and he's

just looking right at us.

And then, all of a sudden,

it just disappeared.

It was gone.


Although shaken and anxious

to leave the dungeon,

Karlo has a theory.


ZUZIC: It's like

a residual haunt.

He's there playing out the role

of coming to get a prisoner

and then taking him

out to the gallows.

But physically seeing this?

You know, it's scary.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]


Unable to find further trace

of the executioner's ghost,

the team heads back up

to the gallows.

This time, with

the county commissioner in tow.


When you're walking through,

the closer you get

to that gallows,

the stronger the energy is.


It had this

electrifying feeling.

NARRATOR: Karlo tries to

contact the spirit

of a specific death row inmate

who was ex*cuted at the jail.

ZUZIC: All right, John, are you

in here with us?

We knew a little history

on one of the gentlemen

that got hung on the gallows.


We started asking questions.

COBB: Did you hurt children?

ZUZIC: And, all of a sudden,

we hear, "Yes."

-Whoa, did you hear that?


-It said yeah.




In Fremont County, Ohio,

an encounter with

the ghost of an executioner

at an old jailhouse

has already left

investigator Karlo Zuzic

and his team deeply shaken.


But now, communicating

with the spirits

at the site of the old gallows,

Karlo thinks he's made

contact with a former inmate

who lived and d*ed

inside the jail.

Did you hurt the children?

We hear, "Yes."

-Whoa, did you hear that?


And sure enough,

we play the recording back

and we captured a male voice

saying, "Yes."


When you're dealing with

a spirit that could be violent,

it is very dangerous, so you

have to proceed with caution.

All right, John, are you

in here with us? Still?

You got our attention.

We were using the Ovilus.

It's a device

that reads the energy

in the room.

It takes the energy

and puts those into word.

We start asking questions,

and the first answer we get

was "bail."





-You didn't get bail.


The commissioner,

she knew the history

behind some of the people

that have been hung.

And she's like, this gentleman,

he was denied his bail.



COMMISSIONER: You didn't want to

pray with him, John.

He denied the priest before

he got taken to the gallows.





What does starve mean to you?

-He did not?


MALE VOICE: thr*at.


Now the commissioner's

starting to freak out.

She's like, "Oh, my God, this

is making too much sense."

All of a sudden

the K-II started lighting up,

and then it just stopped.

[ Beeping, blips ]

Everything just came to a halt.

When we were talking

to this m*rder*r,

it made me very nervous.

I wanted to leave

whatever was there there

and be done with that.

NARRATOR: The encounter proves

too much for their host.

Okay, that's it.

The city commissioner

that's with us,

she's freaking out.

We can't do this anymore.

When she told us to end it,

we just decided

to end the investigation.

We weren't gonna

push it any further.

All right guys, let's

pack up our things.

Let's go.

I believe she was afraid

of possibly being att*cked.

I mean, she's dealing

with the unknown.

She told us flat out that she's

not gonna go back up there,

nor The Dungeon, ever again.


NARRATOR: Concerned about

the residual spirits

inside the hold jailhouse,

and their potential

for v*olence,

Karlo leaves the commissioner

with a warning.


The advice we gave was

to precede with caution.

We did ask them

if they want us to try

to remove some of the spirits,

but doing a cleansing,

a blessing,

on a property like this

where there was so many deaths,

I don't think

you could remove everything.

It's part of The Dungeon,

it's part of the gallows.

I think it's always

gonna be there.

I believe you just

leave history alone.


NARRATOR: Still to come,

a deserted lodge

on a remote island hides

a terrifying secret.

There it is,

standing right there.

[ Woman shrieks ]

NARRATOR: But first,

[ Screams ]

...a farmhouse haunting

gets very personal

for one team of investigators.

Somebody is doing

something with black magic.

Evil, evil rituals.


NARRATOR: On the outskirts

of Schenectady, New York,

homeowners Mark and Laurie

enjoy a quiet rural life.

-Looks terrific.


The place is coming

together real nice.

But in , their

peace is shattered

by a series of strange events.

It begins with screams...

[ Distant screaming ]

...coming from the woods

near their home.


[ Screaming in distance ]

Oh, my God, who is that?

That's unnatural.

[ Screams ]

[ Footsteps ]

Next, they hear footsteps

moving through

the house at night...

[ Footsteps ]

[ Door creaking ]


...and see sinister figures...

[ Screaming ]

...looming over their bed.

-[ Screams ]

-[ Gasps ]

Then, one morning...

[ Groans ]

You don't look so good.

[ Screaming ]

...Mark is crippled

by sudden pain.

-Honey, what's happening?

-My stomach! [ Groaning ]

[ Siren wailing ]

Doctors discover his intestines

have become

inexplicably twisted.

Forced to undergo

emergency surgery,

he's told he's lucky

to be alive.

Sensing something is not right,

Mark and Laurie ask a priest

to cleanse the house.

But when his efforts

prove futile,

they call paranormal

investigator Jack Kenna.

Having conducted more than


over the past years, Jack is

one of New York State's

top ghost hunters.


KENNA: I do have some, I like

to call them abilities,

that I can sense when

spirits are around.

[ Electricity crackling ]

I'm a believer,

but I've seen enough,

I've experienced enough,

that I know

the paranormal exists.

[ Eerie wail ]

[ Knocking on door ]

Given the severity

of Mark's recent illness,

Jack is keen to conduct

a provisional investigation

as soon as possible.

They were suffering,

and they were being

effected by something.

Is it a demonic?

Is it something else?


So the house, you wouldn't

think anything of it

from the outside.

But it's when I entered the home

that you could feel

the difference.

You could feel the anxiety,

the heaviness.


NARRATOR: Jack heads straight to

a hotspot of activity --

[ Device whirs ]

Mark and Laurie's bedroom.


I had the K-II with me.

[ Device whirring ]

Started getting a lot of hits

near one of the mirrors.

[ Whirring continues ]

The high EMF reading

does tell you

that whatever it is is a fairly

strong spirit or entity.


[ Whirring continues ]

It was only by the mirror.

NARRATOR: When Jack checks

his audio equipment

for electronic voice phenomena,

his suspicions are confirmed.


One of the EVPs we captured

was a voice saying,

"I'll hurt you."

[ Eerie wailing, door creaks,

growl ]



In Schenectady, New York,

investigator Jack Kenna

is conducting

what at first appeared to be

a routine farmhouse haunting.

But as he reaches the epicenter

of the paranormal activity,

things look to be taking

a sinister...

[ Whirring ]

...and violent turn.


KENNA: One of the EVPs

we captured was a female voice,

sounded like, say,

"I'll hurt you."


And then another EVP say...


"Look at this, look at me."



Jack heads downstairs

to tell Mark and Laurie

the bad news.

Evidence shows that

malevolent spirits

are haunting their home.

Oh, my gosh.

KENNA: It's unusual

to find a spirit

that actually

uses threatening words.

In all the cases I've done,

that's the only EVP

I've ever come across

that had words that

basically are a thr*at.

-Oh, my God.

-The priest gave us...


Mark mentioned the prayer

the priest had told him to say,

and I said, "Well, say it."

Father in Heaven, please

send your Holy Spirit

in the name of Jesus.

And right as he's saying it,

we heard one loud bang.

Angels of the Lord, att*ck

every unclean spirit

in Jesus' name.

[ Loud thud ]


And then when he finished it,

there was another loud bang.

[ Loud thud ]

[ Gasps ]

I command all demons,

do not come back!

[ Thudding continues ]

The bangs were so loud

that they actually

shook the house.

[ Thudding continues ]

[ Gasps ]

I realized, we're dealing with

something strong.

Whatever this entity is,

it has a lot of power to it.

[ Thudding continues ]

[ Gasps ]


Reluctant to confront such

a powerful entity on his own,

Jack decides to return later

with his full

investigation team.


The investigators,

Ellen MacNeil,

Sharon Koogler, and Beck Gann,

together with Jack,

set up their gear on

the main floor of the house.

-Sharon, you got those walkies?

-Yeah, right here.

Okay, channel two, everyone.

Beck, Sharon,

take a look upstairs.

Ellen and I will stay down

here and check things out.


[ Static crackling ]

NARRATOR: It's not long before

the mysterious figures

make themselves known.

[ Static crackling ]


KENNA: Beck happened to look

up the stairway,

which is right there as

you come in the door.


[ Gasps ]

And that's when she saw

this apparition.

[ Gasps ]

The figure Beck saw was

like a white-ish translucent

shape, figure.

[ Breathes nervously ]


Right after that, she had

a strong feeling of sadness.


I looked over at her,

and her face was just fallen,

and she said, "I just feel

like I want to cry."

She said, "I don't understand

what's happening."


NARRATOR: Surprised by such

a high level of activity

so early in their


Jack and Ellen refocus their

effort on the living room.

KENNA: So is there somebody

down here with us?


[ Knock on door ]

We heard a knock on the door.

[ Knocking ]


Somebody's at the front door.

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

I saw a shadow

and then I heard knocking.

So, I'll go over

and see who it is.


And there's no one there.

-It's weird.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

[ Door creaking ]


There's nobody there.

I don't know what's going on.

Then we see a shadow figure

walk in front

of the two windows.


Who it was, we had no idea.

The clients were gone,

they had left.

There was nobody outside.

MacNEIL: Nothing.

Two knocks on the door

and a shadow figure going by,

and there's nobody there.

Yeah, it was, um...

It's hard to explain that

and it's hard to accept

that when you see it.

It definitely felt like

there was something outside

directing anger at this house.


[ Soft thud ]

-KENNA: What was that?


KENNA: We had, like,

a rash of activity.

I think we chased 'em all out.

Of course, that may be what

it wants me to think, too.

MacNEIL: Well, yeah, or it's

just hiding until we leave.


NARRATOR: But things are about

to get even more disturbing.

KENNA: If you have anything

else to say,

now is the time to say it.

And while we're sitting there,

we hear these loud bangs.

[ Banging ]

-What the [bleep] was that?

That sounded like

something running.

Who's there?

We know you're here.



In Schenectady, New York,

investigator Jack Kenna

is troubled

by a very active spirit

in a residential haunting.

KENNA: We had, like,

a rash of activity.

NARRATOR: But as Jack

and his team regroup

on the main floor,

they quickly realize

that things can get

a lot worse.

KENNA: If you have anything

else to say,

now is the time to say it.

If you've come back.

I don't see you.


-It came?

Yes, I've come back.

Do you have anything

else to say?

Any last things to say?

Before I make you all go away.

You can make that K-II flash.

This device here.

I followed you with it before,

but you can make

that flash if want.

There you are.

Now look at the size

of these blips.

I've never seen them

that big before.

I've never seen them

so huge.

KENNA: So is there somebody

down here with us?


If you're down here,

give me two blips for yes

and one for no on that device.

And while we're sitting there,

we hear these loud bangs

like running on the stairs.

[ Banging ]

What the [bleep] was that?

That sounded like

something running.

So I ran over to the stairway.

I had a recorder in my hand

and I yelled up...

Well, who's there?

We know you're here.

But when we listened back

to the recording,

there's an EVP of a male

raspy voice saying my name,

full name -- Jack Kenna.

[ Loud static ]

That's very unusual.

Kind of freaks you out.

Well, who's there?

It's very, very rare to

have your whole name spoken.

That doesn't happen.

[ Loud static ]


We know you're here.

So at this point, what I think

is haunting this house,

there's more than one

spirit in the home,

based on the voices we captured.

There is something

negative there

that could be controlling

the other spirits.

Grab your gear and let's go.


Confused and shaken,

Jack suspends the investigation

for the night.


KENNA: Because of the nature

of this case,

I did reach out to

a good friend of ours

who's a sixth-generation

psychic medium.

She was able to tell me

there was a portal

within the woods

outside the home.

It's an opening

to the other side

that allows spirits to

come and go through it.


Jack believes that the portal

may be allowing multiple

malevolent spirits

to infiltrate

Mark and Laurie's home.


I went back and I told them

about the potential portal

that's in the woods.

NARRATOR: He believes that

closing the portal

is the key to ending

their torment.

KENNA: I told them I wanted

to go back there.

Mark came with me.

She was somewhere

in these woods.


To help him locate the portal,

Jack uses a pair

of divining rods.

Want it around a certain area.

KENNA: Diving rods have been

used for centuries

in the paranormal field.

You just hold them

in your hands

and you let the rods guide you

to where that energy

or whatever you're

looking for is.

Yeah, see it's still

pointing that direction.


Narrowing it down here.

And they lead me to

this one large tree.


Oh, my God.

The two diving rods

will cross each other

to make like an "X,"

and it did that

around the whole one tree.


There it is.

Well, the portal's here.


Oh, my God.

See, it's the tree.

Now, interestingly enough,

that's also the direction

where they heard the screaming

coming from,

which tells me

that was the portal

that had opened, and that's

where these spirits

originally came from.


So this tree, somehow --

It looks like one

of the oldest trees.


Okay, this is Jack Kenna,

and he just found

the portal.



A seasoned investigator,

Jack knows that portals

can't open themselves.

Somebody did this,

and Jack thinks

he might know who.

KENNA: I believe this particular

spirit portal was created

by someone who had malice

towards the clients...

[ Thunder crashing ] order to terrorize them

and basically try

to ruin their lives.


NARRATOR: The only way to

stop the haunting

and release Mark and Laurie

from their nightmare

is to close the portal.

You're shutting off

every spirit entrance

and exit there is,

which prevents anything else

from coming through.

Prepare to close these portals.

It's time for you to all go.

It's a matter of using energy

and using your faith,

calling upon the

Archangel Michael

to help me close that portal

to get rid of the spirits

that are there,

to drive them back through it.

[ Rumbling, growling ]

Michael the Archangel,

deliver us from this evil.

[ Growling ]

[ Crashing ]

[ Gasping ]


KENNA: From my experience,

that type of

human-created haunting

is very rare.


With the portal closed

and the spirits gone,

Mark and Laurie's home

is able to return to

some kind of normality.

But for Jack and Ellen,

the memory haunts them still.


I pray to God that it's gone,

because having your

intestines twisted?

-[ Screams ]


That's somebody

is doing something

with black magic.

[ Electricity crackles ]

Scariest thing about

this investigation

is the fact that I don't know

who tried to do this

to these people.

[ Slams ]

Sounded like a growl to me.

Well, who's there?

And could they try to

come after you next?

I think that's the

most frightening thing

about a case like that.


[ Thunder crashes ]


[ Static whines ]

NARRATOR: Paranormal

investigators stand firm

where others would flee.

When the hunter

becomes the prey,

the results can be terrifying.

Go, go!


On a deserted island

in Ontario, Canada,

stands an old vacation lodge.

This isolated retreat

fell into disrepair

and little of its

former grandeur remains.


[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Long abandoned,

a succession of caretakers

have reported strange sounds

coming from the lodge.

Disembodied footsteps,

whispered voices,

and strange growling.

[ Whispering voices ]

[ Rumbling, growling ]

When the new owners decide

to restore the lodge,

they call in a paranormal team

to look into the claims.

Leading the investigation

is senior field researcher

and psychic medium,

Michelle Desrochers.


When I'm investigating,

I never get scared.

Doesn't mean I don't get

startled, like anyone else,

but I do not get scared.


But what she had uncovered

about the island is troubling.

We knew there was

a burial ground on the island.

Sometimes they'll

come with elementals,

which are Earth spirits

that tend to be very aggressive.

The area is also

known for wendigos,

North American

version of a banshee.

And they are highly aggressive.


NARRATOR: August --

Michelle arrives on the island

to begin her investigation

together with fellow

ghost hunter, Patrick Cross.

The boat will not be returning

to collect the investigators

until morning.



We were actually left alone.

If something went wrong,

the chances of us getting help

would be slim to none.


From the moment that

Michelle and I did

get on the island and we started

walking up to the place...

[ Rustling ]

[ Birds chirping ]

...we felt like we

were being watched.


[ Growling ]



In Ontario, Canada,

a derelict lodge

on a remote island

has captured the attention

of investigators

Michelle Desrochers

and Patrick Cross.


Already unsettled

by the isolation,

the team heads into

the derelict lodge.


CROSS: There was no heat,

there was no light, nothing.

No reception at all.

We had no cell phones working.

The only way out

we would find is,

if we were still alive,

would be coming back to

pick us up the next morning.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

NARRATOR: It's not long before

Michelle and Patrick realize

they may not be alone.

[ Wood creaking ]

[ Footsteps ]

Michelle and I heard

footsteps that weren't ours.

[ Footsteps, clatter ]

[ Footsteps continue ]

I'm thinking, "Okay.

"I think we're being followed."

[ Footsteps ]

And again...

[ Imitates footsteps ]

[ Footsteps continue ]

So, you know,

we'd swing around again

with the spotlight.

There's like nothing there.


I know that

demonic entities are

notorious game players.

Were we followed by

a malevolent entity

that was just playing with us?

[ Thud ]

We both started hearing banging

from another area,

one of the rooms.



And then, all of a sudden,

things seemed to go

quiet again.


This thing just seemed to...

It's almost like

psychological warfare.


NARRATOR: But the peace

is short lived.

The silence is broken

by a strange sound

coming from outside.

[ Thudding, clatter ]

-Do you hear that?

-I do.

[ Chanting ]

DESROCHERS: It's hard to explain

what the chanting was.

It was kind of like a...

[ Humming ]

It was just very,

very subtle.

[ Chanting continues ]


NARRATOR: Michelle and Patrick

decide to follow the noise

down towards the lake.


It was in the distance.

It was always in the distance


We tried to find it,

but we couldn't pinpoint it.

[ Faint chanting ]

The chanting would move from

different areas on the island.

[ Chanting in distance ]

Where's that coming from?

When we went outside,

our equipment started going off.

[ Tapping ]

We had full packs

of batteries.

Everything was just

starting to die.

We had these huge searchlights.

They were drained completely.

We are now in the dark.



Isolated, abandoned,

and now in almost

complete darkness,

the investigators

are vulnerable.

[ Branches snapping ]


We look towards the building

and we see a pair of red eyes

on the second floor.

[ Chanting ]

Then, we hear this

chanting again.

[ Chanting continues ]

It sounds like it's coming

from everywhere.



That freaked me out.

I felt now that we're

more being watched

and being toyed with.

Something didn't

like us being there

and was basically

following us, hunting us.

[ Chanting continues ]


As we were running upstairs,

I was getting more

nervous, upset.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]


Back at the lodge,

Michelle and Patrick's


kick back into action.

But they're not safe yet.

[ Growling ]

Now, we're hearing growls

around us and behind us.

[ Growling ]

That's freaking me out.

It was a large,

raspy sort of growl.

Basically, it just sounded

like a...

"rrr," like a "grr."

[ Growling ]

Hearing the growl, to me,

was a validation

that there was definitely

something malevolent there.

It was unexpected.

I did not go into

investigate the lodge

as a demonic

or malevolent haunting.

Somehow, I ended up walking

right into something that

I felt was hunting me

this whole time.

And it was very unnerving.

[ Loud growling ]

NARRATOR: Watched, taunted,

and possibly even hunted,

the investigators wonder

how much worse things can get.

It turns out,

things can get a lot worse.

It's cold in here.

Can you feel it?

The room started just

getting colder and colder.

I was freezing.

DESROCHERS: It's said that when

an entity or spirit

comes into an area,

they have to gather up

the energy in the area

to be able to either manifest

or project some sort of sound.

And in doing so,

it creates a cold spot.

[ Eerie growl ]

I could feel

I'm in a cold spot,

and I could see my breath.

And it was right there.

[ Eerie growl ]

[ Tapping ]

My light's out.

Then we could hear something

that was off in the distance,

which were footsteps.

[ Wood creaking ]

[ Footsteps ]

And I'm thinking,

"There it is,

standing right there."


[ Screaming ]


NARRATOR: In Ontario, Canada,

Michelle Desrochers

and Patrick Cross

are investigating

strange activity

in a deserted vacation lodge.

[ Footsteps ]

Michelle and I heard

footsteps that weren't ours.


But as the darkness draws in

and the spirits get closer,

the investigators may be about

to confront their tormentor.

[ Eerie growling ]

DESROCHERS: In my opinion,

it was a demonic.

[ Loud growling ]

And then all of a sudden,

something's sounding like

it was picking up speed.


[ Loud growling ]

I'm like, "Oh, my God."

I got the huge sense that

I was gonna be rushed.

NARRATOR: Face to face with

an elemental spirit,

Michelle fears she may

be out of her depth.

Every fiber in my core

told me that I was dealing

with a demonic entity

at that point.

I knew when that thing

came rushing at me

that it had bad intentions...

-Look out!

-...and it wanted me out.

I felt this presence

running past us,

either jumping or leaping.

[ Grunting ]

-Are you okay?

-[ Groans ]

You okay?

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

CROSS: We actually saw


-Look at this.

-Yeah. That's...

We knew the footsteps

that we saw were not ours,

and we do not recall

seeing them there

prior to our investigation.


We didn't know if

things were gonna take

a turn for the worse,

but we weren't gonna

stick around to find out.

It was time to wrap it up.

[ Rustling ]

We need to get out of here.

NARRATOR: Severely shaken by

the night's events,

with dawn now breaking,

Patrick and Michelle

hurry towards the dock.

At this point, we're praying

for somebody to pick us up.

-Hurry up!

-Come on!


Heading towards the dock area,

we heard this...

[ Eerie wailing ]

...sound that I always call it

like a Xena w*r cry.

Something I can't even describe.

It sounded like

a banshee of sorts.

NARRATOR: The investigators

are in luck.

The boat has returned.

Go, go!


I literally ran to the boat.

[ Wailing continues ]

That's how scared

I was to get away.

NARRATOR: Desperate to escape

the terror of the island,

Michelle and Patrick

scramble aboard

and head for the safety

of the open water.

As the boat was leaving,

we still heard it screaming.

[ Wailing continues ]


Needless to say,

we got in the boat

and looked at each other like,

"What just happened?"


We totally felt that we

did not have the upper hand

in that investigation at all.

The only thing that

had the upper hand

was whatever it was that

was following us around.

[ Faint wailing ]


Safely back in civilization,

Michelle is able to

draw some conclusions

about her unfinished


Elementals are just

very aggressive.

Why are they so angry?


They say they're

guardians of that land.


The island was sacred ground.

It's difficult to say

if we woke something up

in the lodge or on the island.

But I can tell you,

it sure felt like it did.

NARRATOR: But for this

paranormal investigator,

it was a chastening experience.

Take nothing for granted.

Don't just make assumptions.

Because I walked into a building

with one expectation,

and I walked out with

a lesson learned.
