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02x03 - History's Revenge

Posted: 07/14/23 11:32
by bunniefuu

America's top ghost hunters

relive their most

extreme assignments.

[ Creaking ]

[ Woman screams ]

Something was hunting me

this whole time.

NARRATOR: Hardened veterans

of the paranormal,

these are the cases

that truly tested them.

I don't think I was

ready for this.

In Ohio, a dangerous spirit

threatens a team

of investigators.

On his right.

I was getting worried.

I was nervous.

What if that spirit was strong

enough to pick up that knife?

NARRATOR: In Massachusetts,

a quiet suburban life shatters

when evil moves in.

WOMAN: Dead in the swamp.

I started to get

just a lot of anxiety

and this, like, feeling of,

"Get out of here. Leave."

NARRATOR: And a popular haunted

attraction reveals itself

to be an actual

house of horrors.

Shadow figures walking around.

Were you m*rder*d by a man?

There's, like, invisible kids.

This could be something

more than just a spook house.

[ Shriek ]



Like many local libraries,

the Williams County Public

Library in Bryan, Ohio,

is a calm and quiet monument

to learning.

But, in ,

that peace was shattered

by a violent m*rder

perpetrated by a local man,

James Engle.

[ Woman screams ]

[ Man laughs evilly ]

NARRATOR: On the night

of September th,

his victim is -year-old

librarian Emily Abernathy.


Oh. Can I help you?

As she attempts to close

the library,

he brutally att*cks her.

[ Blow lands ]

[ Gasps ]

He pushed her down.

He beat her so hard

he knocked her teeth out.


And then he stabbed her

times with a pocket knife.



James confesses to the m*rder

and is sentenced

to years in jail.

But when he is released,

he returns to the scene

of his grisly crime.


James walked over to

the basement area

and looked down there

almost like

he was proud

of what he did.


After James passes away,

strange things start to happen

between the shelves.

[ Faint wailing ]

Some of the employees,

they would see shadows down

in the area

where the librarian

was m*rder*d.

They would hear voices.

The activity was scaring people

at the library.

The staff was frightened

to go down or even get books.


[ Gasps ]

[ Wails ]

NARRATOR: Employees begin to

suspect the ghost of James Engle

is to blame.


The library director

asks paranormal

investigator Karlo Zuzic

to look into

the disturbing activity.

Karlo and his colleagues

at the Ohio Researchers

of Banded Spirits

have decades of experience

investigating the paranormal.


Karlo's team includes

Chris Page and Amy Cobb.

They begin their investigation

right away.

ZUZIC: When I first stepped

in the building,

I was a little worried,

you could say, just because

I didn't know what I was

going to come across.

Is it going to be James?

Is it going to be Emily?

You just don't know until

you start the investigation.

But it had a weird,

weird feeling to it.


Chris is also apprehensive.

PAGE: An entity such as James,

I believe,

is completely dangerous.

That's a lot of rage to beat

someone into unconsciousness,

strangle them,

pull out a knife.

That's a lot of

tremendous hatred

that is put into

one location,

and to still feel that

years later,

it's shocking.



The team splits up.

Chris heads to the basement,

while Karlo and Amy

investigate upstairs.

During the investigation,

I had the Ovilus device.

It picks up energy.

It puts the energy into numbers,

and each number

has a word to it,

and I figured

I'd decide to use it

to see what kind of answers

I would get.

I'm walking around

with a night-vision camera,

and I was asking

specific questions.

What was your favorite

book to read?

And the Ovilus kicks out Bible.





I just asked, "What was

your favorite book to read?"

I know.

And I got Bible.

And I was kind of shocked

hearing that,

because I'm getting a specific

answer right off the bat.

Maybe, like, feet

in front of me,

I see a Bible sitting there.

COBB: Oh, wow.

[ Chuckles ]


[ Rustling ]

So you're in here with us?


James, when he was in prison,

his favorite book to read

was the Bible.


This could be James.

Now you're on guard.


Down in the basement,

Chris notices the atmosphere

change as he approaches the spot

where Emily

took her last breath.

PAGE: You feel a sense of fear

starting to come upon you.

You know that there's probably

somebody lurking in the shadows,

but they're just

not coming out.

They're just watching.

[ Creaking ]

You almost feel

as if James is standing

right next to you,

watching you.

NARRATOR: After their own eerie

encounter upstairs,

Karlo and Amy

go to check on Chris.

ZUZIC: The moment where

I enter that basement,

you could feel

the different energy there.

NARRATOR: Karlo and Amy find

Chris and a disturbing scene.

In order to lure

James's spirit out,

I decided to do probably

the craziest thing

I've ever done

on an investigation.

Extreme times call

for extreme measures.

I laid there

on the cold concrete

where Emily's body was

with a knife on my chest,

and I asked him

to come and attack me.

Here. Take this knife.

And you're feeling

the coldness

creeping into your bones

of that concrete.

This was the last feeling,

also, that Emily was feeling.

And then you worry, you know,

can he cause two deaths?

Can he cause one

when he was alive,

and can he m*rder in death?

Come on, you coward.

Ready to m*rder, aren't you?



In Bryan, Ohio,

investigators hunt

for the ghost of a m*rder*r

haunting the Williams County

Public Library.

They use extreme tactics

to seek him out.

PAGE: I laid there

on the cold concrete,

and I asked him

to come and attack me.

Ready to m*rder, aren't you?

I see Chris laying there,

on the floor, and I was like,

"Oh, no. What's he doing?"

you know?

And I knew, at that moment,

he's using himself

as a trigger object.

-Are you making this up?

-Chris, this isn't a good idea.

A trigger object session

consists of things

that the spirits are going

to be familiar with.

It could be very dangerous

to be a trigger object

just because, you know,

the spirit could pull enough

energy and lash out at you.

I was waiting for any moment

for James

to strike out

and do something.

[ Faint chatter ]

Come on, sicko.

NARRATOR: Suddenly, the energy

in the room changes.

As I'm laying on my back,

on the concrete,

and I'm pointing up,

and I'm seeing this entity form,

this misty, glowing thing,

and I'm freaking out.

I'm pointing.

All of a sudden, Chris goes,

"Oh, my God.

I see this light up

in the corner."

-Guys, are you seeing this?


There's a light right up there.

I knew for sure that --

that it's actually working.

You know, he is drawing in

this spirit.

I was shocked.

I started stuttering.

I started pointing.

You guys seeing this?

It was, like, a misty light

right up there.

ZUZIC: I snapped a photo,

and I knew, at that moment,

there was some sort of energy

in that room

because I caught

what looked like a streak,

like some sort of energy

above Chris.

I mean, literally, it's, like,

you can see the knife

on Chris's chest, and this thing

is right above it,

and I believe that's, you know,

the spirit of James.

He could possibly try and be

trying to reach out

for that knife, or he's trying

to do something to Chris.

It's getting kind of weird

in here, ain't it?


Within a few seconds,

an EVP came across,

and it said, "k*ll him."


I started to panic.

I was in disbelief.

I couldn't even --

I couldn't get the words

out fast enough

with what my eyes were seeing

and my mind was processing.


[ Faint chatter ]


PAGE: Another EVP is followed,

but not in a male's voice,

but in a female's voice,

saying, "Yes, you did."

FEMALE VOICE: Yes, you did.

[ Faint chatter ]


Now you just validated that

there are two spirits there,

you know,

and now you're validating

what everybody else is hearing

and seeing at this library.

I believe it's Emily and James

still locked in in that spot.

They're actually communicating

with us in real time.

NARRATOR: Afraid of what

might happen next,

Chris ends the session.

PAGE: I was done.

It was getting

progressively worse,

what was happening,

so I told everybody,

"We just need to go upstairs."

NARRATOR: But they aren't out

of harm's way.


We were using the K-II Meter,

and, all of a sudden,

it started peaking.

[ Beeping ]

You know, it was hitting

the red area.

That's telling us

that there's an energy,

there's some form of energy

at that location

that's very strong.

And, at that same time,

when that started to peak,

Chris hears this --

what sounds like a growl.

[ Growling ]


It was a low, throaty growl.

This was his final...

push on us to basically

tell us, you know,

"You've irritated me.

You need to stop."

NARRATOR: And James isn't done

terrorizing the team.

I don't feel right.

[ Sniffles ]

Take this.


And, all of a sudden, Amy,

her mood started to change.

She started getting angry,

almost like she wanted

to fight us.

It was, like, the weirdest

thing in the world.

[ Gasps ] Get out!

She's being very loud and vocal.

I just am so angry right now.

I believe James was trying

to possess Amy

so he could physically

hurt one of us.

No! No!

Because now he'll have

that physical strength to do it.

PAGE: We're in shock as she's

having this spirit of James

take her over, to where now

he is in somewhat partial

control of her emotions.

And we had to stop it.


Try to get in the old circle --

[ Wailing ]


NARRATOR: At the Williams County

Public Library

in Bryan, Ohio,

an investigation into a haunting

takes a very dangerous turn.

[ Wailing ]

The spirit of a m*rder*r

tries to take over

the body and mind

of one of

the investigators hunting.

I don't feel right.


The only thing Chris and I

could think of doing

is to start praying,

see if James

would possibly release.

...forgive us our trespasses...

Get out!

...Thy kingdom come...

[ Wailing ]

-...Thy will be done.

-Three, two...

I believe James was physically

trying to attack her.

She's holding her fists.

She's crying,

and you could tell

she was having her

own battle with James.

You know, she's trying

to get him off of her.

You know, we're praying for her.

It was almost like

spiritual warfare.

Chris and I were very concerned

that this may escalate

to an even worse situation.

And as we're doing the blessing

and holding hands and praying,

you could see

her mood changing.

You could see her

actually coming back.

Grab her!

It's starting to release.

[ Gasping ]

Thank God Chris and I were able

to pull that away from her,

that it didn't cause

even more harm.

Help her up.

I truly believe

that if James had taken

complete possession of Amy,

he would have controlled her,

and he would have made her

do whatever

he wanted her to do

because now he had

control of a body,

which is what

he's always wanted.

NARRATOR: With Amy safe, Chris

and Karlo know they can't leave

until they try

to rid the library

of James's spirit for good.

We knew that, you know,

there's danger here,

so Chris and I

wanted to remove James.

I think we should do a prayer.

Is that okay?

We don't care if Emily

was still there.

If that's where she wants to be,

and she's happy there,

that's fine.

But James had to be removed,

and Chris and I decided to do

a cleansing,

a blessing,

of the property.

...the archangel,

defend us in battle.

Be our protection against

the wickedness and the...

Our goal is to get rid of him.

We don't want him there.

...Earth as it is in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

We were a lot stronger

than James was,

and we pushed him

away from there.

We removed him

from that library.


After the blessing was done,

you could feel everything lift.

Gave the library staff

that peace of mind,

"Look, you know, he's gone."

They're more comfortable now

going to work.

It went well.

The staff hasn't had

any other experiences.

It was a very big

accomplishment for us

because this thing could have

got out of control,

and we got it under control

at one point,

and we actually removed him,

which was a main thing

that we wanted to do.

NARRATOR: Still to come --

a haunted house

gives veteran ghost hunters

a real fright.

I felt, like, little fingers

on my feet.

My full body stopped.

There's, like, invisible kids.

To this day, it creeps me out.

NARRATOR: But first, rookie

investigators come face to face

with an evil force unlike

anything they've ever seen.

When we went into

this investigation,

I will be honest with you,

I was terrified.


NARRATOR: North Easton,


is a small town

just outside Boston.

It's home to just

, people.

One of them is Darlene Martin,

but her life

in this quiet community

is anything but serene.


[ Faint indistinct whispering ]


[ Whispering continues ]

NARRATOR: Strange incidents

around her house

start to worry her.

[ Electricity crackles ]

[ Whispering continues ]

It begins with little

electrical issues.

Fresh light bulbs burn out.

Batteries never keep a charge.

But things quickly worsen.

[ Crackling stops ]

She was seeing shadow figures.

[ Whispering continues ]

She was experiencing

disembodied voices.

She wasn't able to sleep

at night because this voice,

male voice, would talk to her

at night, wake her up.

She was pretty much terrified

by what was going on,

and it was just draining her

physically and emotionally.


Fearful, she calls a team

of paranormal investigators.

[ Whispering continues ]


Jack Kenna has a long history

of hunting ghosts

as a key member of SPIRITS

of New England.


How often do I get frightened

on an investigation?

Actually, not very often,

so it's kind of a rare thing.

So if and when it does happen,

it tells you probably something

pretty intense is going on.


Jack, a veteran investigator,

has covered hundreds of cases,

but Darlene Martin's in

was one of his first.

A large team is on the case,

including SPIRITS

founder Ellen MacNeil.


MacNEIL: I wanted to make sure

that we knew

as much as we could

about the house.

The client's location is

by the Bridgewater Triangle,

which is well-known

and documented for all sorts

of paranormal activity,

and she lives right

on the corner

of one of the triangle points.

NARRATOR: The home is in

very close proximity

to the Hockomock Swamp,

which translates to

"a place where spirits dwell."

My first thought

with this case was,

"Is this residual energy

from the Hockomock Swamp

causing this activity?"

[ Eerie whispering ]

Residual energy can cause

residual hauntings.

NARRATOR: The team arrives

at Darlene's

to begin their investigation.

How do you do, ma'am?

I'm Jack Kenna.

One of the first things

I noticed,

walking into the house,

was the oppressive

and high anxiety

in the home itself --

very unusual, very nontypical

of just walking

into somebody's home,

which means there's something

going on there, right,

something negative.


Ellen feels it too.

I will be honest with you.

I was terrified.

NARRATOR: Pushing their worries

to the side,

the team splits up

to investigate.

Sharon Koogler is with Ellen,

while Sarah Campbell

goes with Jack

to the top floor of the house.

KENNA: So once we got up into

the upstairs loft area,

I was just talking

to whatever might be there,

telling them why we're there,

that we're there

to talk to them.

I need you to talk to me

if you're here.

I started to get just a lot

of anxiety

and this, like,

feeling of,

"Get out of here. Leave.

Get out," like I should go.

I decide, "No, I'm not going

to do that. I'm staying."

And that's when I captured

an EVP of a female voice saying,

"Go. Get out."

Is there anybody over here?

You can talk to me.


NARRATOR: Hearing this voice,

a female voice, stuns Jack.

KENNA: It was a female voice

I heard.

We knew most of the torment

was from the male spirit.

Did you hear that?

Well, the spirits,

sometimes what can happen

is one can control another

and force it to do its bidding.

Is there anybody over here?

You can talk to me.

Get out.

NARRATOR: Along with that voice,

they hear strange noises nearby.

I thought I heard something

in the closet.

Is there somebody

in the closet?

Can you talk to me?

Focused kind of the closet,

put a couple of the

EMF meters we had in there.

We started getting hits

on those EMF meters

of some kind of energy

in that little space.

Well, we started

asking questions,

and that's when we had

this disembodied male voice say,

"Go. Get out."

MALE VOICE: Get out.

Get out.


NARRATOR: In Massachusetts,

a team of ghost hunters

investigate bizarre activity

at a woman's home.

Right away, they feel

a negative presence

and hear voices

telling them to leave...


-KENNA: You can talk to me.


NARRATOR: more sinister

than the other.


MALE VOICE: Get out.

We thought it was one of our

people downstairs.

[ Speaking indistinctly ]

...from downstairs?


Then we yelled,

"Did somebody just

tell us to get out of here,

to go?"

They're like, "We haven't

said anything."

That's when Sarah and I realized

that's coming from right there.

Shortly after that,

all the batteries in our devices

starting to die.

-My recorder's dead.

-Mine too.

NARRATOR: Jack believes the male

spirit he heard is behind this.

Battery drain is typically

a sign of a spirit

draining those batteries

in order to gain more energy

to interact with you.


The other two investigators,

Ellen and Sharon,

are in Darlene's bedroom.

They too try to contact

the spirit realm.

When you do an EVP session,

you're asking questions

to whatever spirit you feel

is in there,

whatever entity is in there.

[ Beeping ]

And we asked,

"Did you die in the home?

Did you live in this home?"

Did you die in this room?

You know, anything we can do

to make a connection.

Did you live in this area?

We were asking questions

and questions and questions,

getting no response.

NARRATOR: But there is

a presence in the room,

and it communicates with Ellen

in a troubling way.

An entity was physically

targeting me.

[ Beeping continues ]

I started feeling really bad.

My stomach was very upset.

I was like, "Okay.

Am I stepping somewhere

I should not be stepping?"

[ Beeping continues ]

KENNA: She physically

went to the restroom

and physically got ill.

That's pretty intense.

Is there something that

aggressive and that intimidating

that it affected me like that?


Sharon, searching for answers,

finds something disturbing.

MacNEIL: When we played back the

recording of our EVP session,

right over us talking,

you hear a female voice say,

"Dead in the swamp."


Dead in the swamp.

She's right on

the Hockomock Swamp

by the Bridgewater Triangle.

That freaks you out.



Dead in the swamp.


KENNA: This is a very clear

woman's voice, says,

"Dead in the swamp,"

and that was just at the moment

where Ellen started to get ill.

Something was interacting

with Ellen to the point

where it made her

physically ill.

I was concerned for her

at that point.

NARRATOR: Fearing for Ellen

and the rest of the team,

Jack ends the investigation

for the night.

When they return to the home,

they bring in

an experienced psychic to help.

KENNA: Beckah Boyd is a

sixth-generation psychic medium.

Beckah was able to interact

with these spirits much more.

The activity is in here.

She's able to almost talk

to them, find out who they are,

why they're there,

and what they're trying to do.


She's able to tell us

about this female spirit more.

This woman had been m*rder*d

by two men

in that swamp

and left there.


Beckah tells the team

this spirit lives on

in the home.

KENNA: Group of us were inside

the master bedroom,

and see Ellen kind of

just startle for a second.

[ Gasps, shudders ]

I was in the doorway,

and, all of a sudden,

I get a cupped hand

firmly on my shoulder.

I immediately went into

panic mode.

What just happened to you?

This wasn't a little poke.

This was a hand firmly

on my shoulder.

I was just totally freaked out.

...hand on my shoulder.

Beckah, she said,

"What just happened to you?"

And I told her.

She said, "If you got that hand

on your shoulder," she said,

"that's the biggest

compliment you can ever have

because she knows that

you're all here to help."

It'll be okay.

I believe that the spirit

that is in this house

was m*rder*d dead

in the swamp.


Dead in the swamp.


She is picking up on the anxiety

that the client has

and is reaching out

to all of us

because we're trying

to help her.

She seemed to be

a very compassionate spirit.


Beckah decides it's time to,

now that she knows

what's going on,

she's going to

clear the house.

NARRATOR: Beckah works to purge

the female spirit

from the home

and grant her rest.

So Beckah just tried

to move her on

so she's not trapped where --

on this world,

this plane, anymore.

She talks through

her spirit guide

and talks to that spirit

to help her cross over

and move on

to a better place.

She gave peace and

acknowledgment to this woman.


With the female spirit gone,

the team focuses on finding

the entity

that torments Darlene.


Beckah is able to determine

this male figure

is very negative.

Turns out he's probably even

a m*rder*r during his lifetime.

He was so aggressive and

so intimidating to the client.

He's malevolent

but persistent...


-...and possessive.


-Of the house?

Of the house.

[ Faint growling ]

-He's here.

And, between all of us,

we were going to figure out

how to get rid of it.

[ Beeping ]

KENNA: Beckah noticed

this large mirror

in one of the corners

of Darlene's bedroom.

She knew it was a portal where

the spirits were coming through.

NARRATOR: Beckah seals it shut

to make sure

the spirit

can never re-enter,

and then she begins

the process of expelling it.

...oh, no...

[ Shuddering ]

Darlene has to get away

from that energy.

She has to be protected from it.

It's not over.


NARRATOR: A home near Boston,

Massachusetts, in under threat

from an evil male presence.


He was so aggressive and

so intimidating to the client.


Investigators on the case

call in a psychic medium

to help get rid of it.

Oh, it's not over.

Beckah, she was driving

this negative male spirit

right out of the home.

So she starts at the top,

goes all the way down

and literally ran.

I watched her run down

those stairs.

She's pushing that energy,

that negative spirit,

right out of the home.


Out the door.


Gone. [ Chuckles ]

KENNA: So once that male spirit

was removed,

you definitely felt a large

difference in the home.


Did you get all that?

This side doesn't feel

just better.

It feels...energized.

[ Gasping ]


With the negative spirit gone,

relief washes over the team.

-It's working.

-I know.

[ Door creaking ]



The house was feeling lighter.


She looked like a totally

different person.

She was rested.

She was happy.

She had her house back.

We were able to truly help

this woman

and help resolve

this haunting.



When paranormal investigators

visit a haunted house,

they get more than

they bargained for

when they provoke

the spirits.

Something grabbed him and

pushed him up to the trailer.

I warned him, "You're playing

with fire, you get burned."

[ Wind whistling ]


NARRATOR: In the Southwestern

United States

lies a haunted house


It serves to scare everyone

who visits,

but there's something unusual

about this haunted house.

When its doors close for the

night, the real haunting begins.

JAY: Shadow figures

walking around.

There's, like,

invisible kids laughing,


conversations, giggling.

Objects were being moved.

The caretaker reported

some of the experiences

that he was having.

It wasn't just

the caretaker himself

that was actually experiencing

this paranormal phenomenon,

it was a lot of the actors that

were working within the haunt.

They started seeing shadows.

They started hearing noises.

There's people talking

within the building

when there's nobody there.

NARRATOR: The caretaker lives

on the property

and fears the haunted house

may truly be haunted.

The caretaker wanted us to go

in and validate the claims.

He wanted to see

if there was any evidence

that we could obtain.

NARRATOR: Husband-and-wife team

Jay and Marie Yates

are the co-founders of COPS,

the Crossing Over

Paranormal Society.

With years experience,

they are some of the most

respected paranormal

investigators out there.

JAY: I've seen so much,

been through so much,

I do get scared

from time to time.

Complete darkness

kind of trips me out.

It's just that anticipation

of not knowing what's

going to happen next.

NARRATOR: At first,

Jay and Marie are skeptical

that the house is truly haunted.

MARIE: We actually thought

maybe it was a hoax.

Maybe there's some, you know,

people that actually are actors

in the haunted attraction,

maybe setting up some stuff.

NARRATOR: But in their research,

they make a chilling discovery

that gives them pause.

There was a death

associated with the property

from a previous owner

of that property.

Many bodies were being found

nearby this particular

haunted attraction.

This could be something

more than just a spook house.

There might be some legitimacy

behind the claims.


NARRATOR: Jay and Marie bring in

their team to investigate.


MARIE: You know, when we first

arrived there, it was empty.

No actors.

Walking in, it felt very cold.

There are mannequins

all around you.

Having the mannequins there

do, you know,

add to the creep factor.


Jay and Marie are vigilant.

They don't want to be fooled.

JAY: We'd have to pay extra

special attention

to ensure that there wasn't

any kind of trickery

happening while we were there

because this was,

you know,

a haunted attraction.



Almost right away,

the team witnesses

strange activity.

Myself and another investigator

saw a shadow figure cross

from one side of the door

to the other.

Now, I saw it.

I was staring dead at it,

and I didn't want

to say anything,

and I looked over to my right,

and there was an investigator

who was also looking at me,

and he said, "Jay, you saw

that too, didn't you?"

And I said, "Yeah, absolutely."

It was dark.

It was definitely a male.


Jay orders everyone outside

so he can take photos of the

building without interference.

I get to what we call

the prop room.

I took multiple photographs

in this room.

[ Shutter clicks ]

And, immediately,

as I took these photographs,

I see that I had captured

a white blur.

I catch what looks

like a person,

almost in costume, running

across the frame of the photo.

Completely surprised

and shocked,

I gather my team members.


It was, like, a white figure

coming out of, like,

the props.

He actually felt like

a presence was --

something was in there with him

when he was actually

taking the picture.


As the team tries to figure out

what exactly

Jay caught on camera,

he senses something

lurking nearby.

And I'm explaining everything

that had happened,

and then I look over to my left

to see what investigator

was to my left.

[ Eerie soft wailing ]

MARIE: Jay actually thought

somebody walked up next to him,

and he sort of was startled

when he looked

and there was nobody there.

JAY: Our reverend on the team,

he looked at me,

and he said, "Jay, did you see

a ghost or something?

You look like you saw a ghost."

And I'm like, "I'm pretty sure

I just did."

MARIE: After that incident,

some of our team members

started messing around

with the mannequins.

Knowing that I'm kind of

scared of mannequins,

they were kind

of screwing around, like,

with some of the mannequins,

and it was kind of,

like, you know, irritating me.

[ Laughter ]

NARRATOR: Jay is not the only

one who's irritated,

as he finds out when he

and Marie start an EVP session.

JAY: The first question we asked

was, "Are you upset

for what the crew members

were doing with the mannequins?"

And we get a loud "yes"

response on the high recorder.



[ Raspy breathing ]


MARIE: Like, "Okay.

So we have something here

that's intelligent."


[ Static whines ]

NARRATOR: Meantime, in another

area of the property,

Jay and Marie's colleague

witnesses something eerie.

I get a radio call from one of

our investigators, Michael Papp,

out at base camp...

We've got something here.

...saying, "Hey, Jay, we've

got a door that just opened.

I just caught it on DVR."

He's at base camp.

He's watching all the cameras,

and we have the back door

of this prop house

legitimately opening up

by itself.


You can see on the DVR cameras

that there wasn't anyone

that came up to it,

but you clearly see

the door opening.

You've got something?


Marie and I go in to investigate

the door opening,

find no normal explanation

for any of this happening.

We had people doing security

walks around the facility,

ensuring that nobody

was in there,

so that door opening up,

for me, that was paranormal.

Something opened that that you

could not see with your eyes,

but that door opening

was caught on the DVR unit.


Anxious to gather more evidence,

Marie heads to a trailer

on the property

which was once home to a couple

with a violent history.

MARIE: One thing that happened

in this trailer

that we knew of

was there was a double m*rder.

[ Woman screams ]

It was a m*rder-su1c1de

of a man and a woman.

Marie wants to go in,

and she wants to investigate

this trailer by herself.

MARIE: I think, sometimes,

when you're by yourself,

you have more opportunity

to catch anything.

I walked into the back

bedroom of this trailer,

and I started doing

an audio session.

Is there anybody here?

I was asking,

"Who's in here with me?

What is your name?"

There's no men.

It's just me, all by myself.

NARRATOR: Marie starts asking

pointed questions...

Hello? an attempt to draw out

the spirit of the female victim.


Were you m*rder*d by a man?

Then, Marie hears something.

She walks in, and she captures,

on audio,

some of the most compelling

evidence that I've ever heard.

It scared the hell out of me

when I reviewed it.

In the distant background,

you hear what sounds

like an older lady

start humming some tune.

MARIE: Is there anybody

in here with me?

[ Humming ]

JAY: It sends chills

down your spine,

but we caught something

that was class-A EVP.

There was a lady in there,

and she was humming,

and there's no way it could

have come from anything else.

MARIE: Is there anybody

in here with me?

[ Humming ]

To this day,

I will honestly say,

if I hear that audio,

it creeps me out.

NARRATOR: The encounter makes

Marie physically ill.

[ Humming continues ]

[ Stifled cough ]

Felt really dizzy and stuff.

My stomach started

feeling weak as well.

[ Humming continues ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Gasping continues ]

NARRATOR: She manages

to escape the trailer,

but there's no hiding from

all sorts of unnatural activity.

There's definitely

some childlike laughter

and giggling going on.

[ Children giggling ]

[ Giggling continues ]


NARRATOR: In the Southwest,

a team investigating

a haunted attraction

fear it's really haunted.

Myself and another investigator

saw a shadow figure.


NARRATOR: They start seeing

things and hearing things.

One of our investigators say

that they hear children

laughing and giggling.

[ Children laughing ]

There's definitely

some childlike laughter

and giggling going on,

and we can't see anything.

You hear that too, right?

[ Laughing continues ]

So it's kind of spooky, right?

I mean, like, just the thought

of children ghosts anyway

has always kind

of freaked me out.


We decided to walk through

and try to find

where these children were.

We looked all around

this haunted attraction

and did not find no kids.

All of a sudden,

I hear the giggling again.

[ Giggling resumes ]

The sound of the giggling is,

honestly, sounds of, like,

almost like a -

or -year-old child going,


He-he-he-he-he. Ha-ha,"

almost like a giggling

sound of a child

that is really trying

to irritate you.

[ Giggling continues ]

The giggle would move.

So when we would move,

the giggling would be

in front of us.

Then it would be behind us.

Honestly, in a way,

it was a little creepy.


Marie not only hears children.

She feels them too.


Something just grabbed

my ankle!

What? Where?

I felt, like, little fingers

on my feet.

My full body stopped,

and the other investigators

were already in front of me,

and I'm like,

"Hey, wait a second, you guys.

I was just touched,"

and I started, you know,

flashing the flashlight around,

and there was nobody there.

Something just grabbed me!

NARRATOR: Meanwhile,

concerned by Marie's

earlier experience

at the trailer,

her co-investigator,

Reverend Paul Lovegrove,

goes there in search

of answers.


Like Marie, he too connects

with a spirit,

but one much more sinister.

[ Whoosh ]

He felt like something

grabbed him

and pushed him up

to the trailer.

And I kind of rushed over there

to kind of intervene

to see if there was

anything I could do.

And all I see is Paul's face,

and he's just completely like,

"Jay, I don't know

what to tell you."

-I'm done here.

-Come on.

I'm done. I'm done.

I've had it.

Like, "I don't have

any explanation for it,

"but, like,

something grabbed me

and just literally pushed me

up against the trailer."

He said, "I just

can't explain it."

You okay?

You guys are on your own.

I'm out.

I'm done.

I can't do it.

It takes a lot of energy

for a spirit

to actually do something

like that,

to actually be able

to actually push.


What I think it was

that actually pushed Paul,

I believe it was a spirit

of the man

that actually m*rder*d

his wife in there.

I believe, at the time,

Paul went in there,

was trying to communicate

with him,

and I think he just, like,

"I had enough,"

you know, pushed him,

and, you know, to like,

"Get out."

NARRATOR: Jay, along with

co-investigator Michael Papp,

go in search of that spirit.

We were walking

through the trailer.

Mike immediately starts


and almost provoking

the spirits.

I don't believe you're here.

Come on. Show yourself.

Walking around the trailer,

just like,

"I don't believe

that you're here.

I don't believe that

there's anything here."

And he's just --

It's almost like a challenge

in what he's doing.

I'm like, "Mike, you know,

let's not do this here,"

and he's like, "Come on, Jay.

There's nothing here."

NARRATOR: Their equipment

suggests otherwise.

[ Beeping ]

I'm showing Michael. I'm like,

"Hey, Mike, like, look.

We're getting spikes

on the K-II Meter."

He's like, "I don't believe

in that thing."

[ Beeping continues ]

And then I saw a ball of light,

and it was following Michael

into the back room

of this trailer.

NARRATOR: Fearing the spirit

would manifest

and cause irreparable harm,

the team makes a quick exit.

[ Beeping continues ]


Open the door!

-Open the -- Get out.

-We're out of here.


On their way out,

they consult

with the caretaker.

JAY: We asked the caretaker,

"Would you like a cleansing?"

He wasn't interested in that.

All he wanted was validation,

and he wanted physical evidence,

and he got more

than what he expected.


And when investigator Michael

returns to his own home,

he gets something

unexpected too.

[ Water runs ]

Michael actually, that evening,

he had an experience

with something

that kind of, like,

completely freaked him out.

[ Groans ]


He said that he had woken up

to this hand reaching up,

like, trying to grab him.


Michael just freaked out.

So he immediately called me,

told me what had happened.

I warned him.

I said, you know,

"You were there. You're playing

with fire, you get burned."

MARIE: I believe that spirit

wanted to say,

"You wanted to mess

with me in my place.

I'm going to mess with you

at your place."

[ Faint wail ]
