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02x05 - Echoes From the Past

Posted: 07/14/23 11:34
by bunniefuu

America's top ghost hunters

relive their most

extreme assignments.

Something was hunting me

this whole time.

NARRATOR: Hardened veterans

of the paranormal,

these are the cases

that truly tested them.

I don't think I was

ready for this.


In Ohio, an old county jail

is home to a suicidal spirit

intent on reliving her torment.

It was a woman screaming.

[ Screaming ]

I'd never been more afraid

on an investigation

than I was in that moment.

NARRATOR: In Pennsylvania,

a night at a historic hotel

is anything but peaceful.

[ Breathing heavily ]

It scared me.

It scared me [bleep].

I mean, it was the most

scariest experience I ever had.

NARRATOR: And in Arizona,

when a spirit targets a child,

an investigator gets angry.

Why don't you show yourself?

I was determined to help

this family

get through what

they were going through.

I don't want this anymore!

Get out!

Get out of my room!

You saw a kid that was scared

all of a sudden

turn into this spiritual warrior

just like Marie.


NARRATOR: Licking County Jail

in Newark, Ohio,

housed the state's

most dangerous criminals

for over a century.

Murderers, serial K*llers,

and even cannibals lived

and died

within these four walls.

In , the prison closed

and the inmates rehomed,

or are they?

The building, now a museum,

still echoes

with disembodied voices.

Cell doors slam

and staff and visitors

claim to have been

pushed by shadowy forms.


Desperate to unlock the mystery,

the museum invites paranormal

investigator Eric McGill

to take a look around.

I'm definitely a believer

in the paranormal,

but I believe

that it's safe and smart

to approach each investigation

with a skeptical mind.

NARRATOR: A paranormal

investigator for over years,

Eric is one of the leading

experts in his field.

I don't have what I would

consider to be a sixth sense.

I'm just a paranormal


that mostly relies

on the equipment.

It'll let me know whether or not

there's a presence

at a home or a location.

NARRATOR: Before beginning

his investigation,

Eric looks into

the prison's past

for anything which might explain

the paranormal activity.

McGILL: There was a woman

named Mae Varner.

She caught herself on fire

in July of .


She was on su1c1de watch,

and she just burned herself

alive right in her cell.


WOMAN: [ Screaming ]


NARRATOR: On March , ,

Eric leads

his team of investigators,

Tom Javorsky, Jason Causley,

Shawn Gilmore,

and Amber Wellman

into Licking County Jail.

They are accompanied by

prison custodian Teri Long.

Co-investigator Tom Javorsky is

struck by the atmosphere inside.

It felt like you were

stepping back in time.

The cell blocks were very old

and looked like they had

been there for many years

and had housed many,

many inmates.

NARRATOR: Eric's plan is to

leave several cameras

unattended throughout

the building.

The idea of a stationary camera

is to leave it in the area

unattended to see

what you can capture,

and you don't want

to be in the area

'cause you don't want

to contaminate your findings.


When Eric reviews the footage,

the results are unexpected.

We were able to capture

the sound of a cell door

slamming when we weren't

in the area,

so when we heard it,

we were completely shocked.

JAVORSKY: There was no one up

there at the time.

It was loud and unexplainable.

NARRATOR: And things are about

to get even more peculiar.

On the stationary camera located

on the second floor cell block,

we captured an EVP that sounds

to us like it says, "Burn."

-What's that?

-I have no idea.


Did you hear that?

Hear what?


-I didn't hear it.

Almost immediately,

we captured another EVP.

[ Screaming ]

JAVORSKY: It was a woman

screaming in agony.

WOMAN: [ Screaming ]

It just was heart-wrenching

to hear this kind of sound.

Possibly that could've been

the suffering

that Mae experienced

while she was burning.

WOMAN: [ Screaming ]

It gave you the chills.

It really did.

It makes you sad to think that

maybe she's stuck in her cell


those agonizing moments,

reliving them over and over.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, team member

and paranormal empath

Shawn is exploring

the deserted prison alone.

It's a very brave,

but potentially

very dangerous decision.

GILMORE: Is somebody here?


Somebody in here?

McGILL: He went back into

the cell-block area,

and he started to hear sounds

and scurrying all around him.

Shawn described these sounds

as, like, footsteps,

maybe people rubbing up

against the walls,

maybe touching the windows.

It just sounded very much

like he wasn't alone,

but he was completely alone.


And he got very weak

in the knees

and became extremely nervous.

GILMORE: Is anybody here?


Then, all of a sudden,

we captured what sounds to be

like a moan.

GILMORE: Who's back there?


[ Indistinct sound ]

What's your name?

[ Indistinct sound ]


Once this moan was captured,

McGILL: Shawn was kind of

overtaken by this anxiety

and this emotion of nervousness.

He just had to leave the area.




What happened?

JAVORSKY: When Shawn got into

the safe room,

you could tell that

that experience

somewhat unnerved him,

and he wasn't the same person

he was when he went up.


NARRATOR: Deciding that there's

safety in numbers,

the team regroups to explore

what used to be

the sheriff's quarters,

a series of rooms which also

have a grisly history.

In this particular area,

four of the sheriffs

suffered heart att*cks,

and three of them died

in the room itself.

NARRATOR: The investigators use

their equipment

to try and communicate with

the spirits of the sheriffs.


It is basically a spirit box.

It cycles through different

radio stations,

but this one

is a little special.

It has a filter on it

that gives it sort of

a spectral, echoey sound.

Is there anyone here?


Hey, what caused

the sheriff's heart attack?

I ask the question, "What caused

the sheriff's heart attack?"

And over the box came two words,

"No. No."


NARRATOR: In Newark, Ohio,

an old prison is alive

with the spirits

of its former inmates.

It was a woman

screaming in agony.

NARRATOR: But a visit to the old

sheriff's quarters

reveal it's not just

the prisoners

who haunt this jail.

JAVORSKY: I ask the question,

"What caused

the sheriff's heart attack?"

And over the box

came two words,

"No. No."


NARRATOR: The EVP leaves Eric

and Tom speechless,

but investigator Amber is

affected much more negatively.


And then Amber collapsed

right outside

the sheriff's door.

[ Breathing heavily ]

-[ Groans ]

-You all right?

She started screaming,

"It's not mine. It's not mine."

It's not mine.

-What's not yours?

-It's not mine.

JAVORSKY: We didn't know

what was going on.

This was startling.

We said, "What's not yours?"

It's not mine. [ Chuckles ]

I don't know. [ Crying ]

I sincerely thought that she was

having some form

of physical health problem.

I didn't understand what,

"It's not mine,"

meant at first

because I was in shock.

All I could hear basically

was the screaming and the words.

My mind wasn't functioning.

I was in so much fear.

I don't know.

This isn't mine.

MAN: What are you feeling?

All of a sudden,

sick to my stomach.


What did it feel like?

First, I felt a sharp pain

through my head,

and then it spread

down to my stomach,

and I felt like I just doubled

over like I was gonna be --

like I was gonna get sick.

It finally dawned on me that,

because she's a sensitive,

she was picking up

on energy from a spirit

that had latched onto her.

It was more of a spiritual

attack than a physical one.


Desperate to find out more,

the team questions

an exhausted Amber.

Fear you were feeling,

was that your fear?


No, it wasn't.

We believe that one of

the former sheriffs

that passed away from

a heart attack in that bedroom

had tried to communicate

that same form of death

through Amber.

I think that you should go take

a break in the safe room.

I think so, too.

I think that's what needs

to happen.


After a few moments of Amber

experiencing what she had,

the feeling finally subsided,

and I'll tell you,

I felt so much better.

I was relieved.

NARRATOR: With two team members

now badly shaken,

Eric decides to end

the investigation.

Let's get out of here.

Come on. You okay?



When we were packing up,

getting ready to leave the jail,

I think we were quieter

than normal.

Shawn and Amber especially,

their energy was drained.

They had just had an intense,

very physically

and spiritually

demanding night,

so it was certainly time for us

to move on and head home.


Several years have passed

since the team investigated

Licking County Jail,

but for Tom especially,

the memories of that night

are still vivid.


the Licking County Jail

was one of the most intense

investigations our team

had ever been on.

Truly to see one of

your team members

knocked down by that,

it made you wonder, you know,

could it happen to you?


You never know what you're

gonna run into

when you investigate

the paranormal.

You better be ready.

NARRATOR: Still to come...


NARRATOR: ...a family's haunting

reopens some old wounds

for one paranormal investigator.

-[ Gasps ]

-What? What happened?

My back.

NARRATOR: But first,

a historic hotel

harbors some ghostly guests.

I can't explain how much

it scared me.

It scared me [bleep].



The Knickerbocker Hotel

is located

in Linesville, Pennsylvania.

This historic inn was owned

and managed by Milo Arnold

and his wife, Clara.

Here they worked, lived,

and raised their young family,

and by the late th century,

the Knickerbocker was renowned

as one of the best hotels

in the area,

but tragedy soon strikes.

The Arnolds lose a child

to sickness,

and weakened by her heartbreak,

mother Clara Arnold

soon follows.

years have since passed,

and a stream of visitors

to the hotel

have reported signs

of paranormal activity.

Shadow people are seen.

Full-body apparitions

have been seen.

There are voices and kids

playing upstairs

on the second level.


Karlo Zuzic is just one

of many paranormal investigators

fascinated by

the Knickerbocker's

tragic history.

With over years experience

and investigations

to his name,

Karlo knows what it takes to be

an effective ghost hunter.

To be a good paranormal


you have to be mentally

and physically ready

to take down what you're,

you know, any type of spirit.

You have to, you know,

think logically,

you know, use your head.

We have a lot of equipment,

but the best thing you can do

is use your mind.


He believes that the secret

to the hotel's strange phenomena

lies in the final moments

of Clara Arnold's life.

ZUZIC: Clara's last words

before her death were,

"Don't worry.

I'm just going to sleep."

I believe Clara knew that

she's going to be attached

to this hotel just because

the love she had for it.


In , Peg Knickerbocker

purchased the hotel

and began witnessing firsthand

the supernatural activity.


ZUZIC: I received a e-mail

from Peg Knickerbocker.

Some of the experiences

that Peg witnessed

is the spirit of Clare

roaming the halls.

You could see her up

and down on the stairs,

and it's children also.

They are spotted up

on the second floor.

NARRATOR: Intrigued,

Karlo agrees to conduct

an investigation.

Hi, I'm Peg.

Going into this investigation,

I was very excited.

You know, I'm getting to go

in a place all night.

You know, we get to stay there.

We get to investigate

as long as we want,

and I was very excited

about doing it.


He's accompanied by Ohio

Researchers of Band Spirits'

co-founder, Chris Page.

Hearing the reports

of the activity

that was going on

at the Knickerbocker made me

really excited to go in there.

I saw it as an opportunity to be

able to gather great evidence.

NARRATOR: Before their

investigation begins,

Peg has an unusual request.

Before we do anything,

I just would like to ask

that you please

introduce yourselves

to the spirits in the house.

Peg had us introduce

ourselves to the spirits.

She's very protective

of what's there.

Hello. I'm Karlo.

I'm Chris.

Thank you for having us

in your home.

She had warned us at one time

not to get angry with them.

Don't provoke them.

You know, respect them just like

we would be respected.

Okay, so why don't we come in?

And I'll show you around.

For sure.

The moment you step

into the building,

it has a lot of history,

and, you know, the energy

doesn't feel negative at all.

It was different, something

totally different

than I've ever

experienced before.

NARRATOR: And it's not long

before Chris and Karlo

get their first glimpse

of the hotel's strange activity.

As we were walking through,

I see something walk along

the back of the kitchen

going to the side stairwell.

Do you know

who that is back there?

I just saw someone walk by.

I just seen somebody

walk by back there.

She's like, "No.

There's nobody here,"

and there was nobody

in this building but us three.



In Linesville, Pennsylvania,

a stay at

the Knickerbocker Hotel

promises to be eventful.

The game plan for

the investigation was to,

you know, spend the night,

you know, set up some equipment,

run it and see

what we could capture.

NARRATOR: But moments into

the investigation,

ghost hunter Karlo Zuzic

is blindsided

by a mysterious entity.

I go, "I seen what

look like a guy

walking towards the stairs,"

and she goes, "Well, I see

that all the time,"

and at that moment,

I was just, like, in shock.


Milo Arnold, former owner

and bereaved husband and father,

is said to be

one of the many spirits

which haunt

the Knickerbocker Hotel.


ZUZIC: I do believe

the shadow figure I seen

walking to the kitchen

was Milo Arnold.

It's very rare for something

to make itself known right away.

So that was kind of interesting

to see, you know,

moments just coming into

this grandiose hotel

that we actually have a spirit

that's already

walking around in there,

so that kind of put us on,

you know, kind of a high alert

right at that time

that this was gonna be

a pretty amazing investigation.

NARRATOR: Already unnerved by

the high level of activity,

Karlo and Chris venture

out on their own

to set up their equipment

throughout the hotel.

Just setting up

the thermal cam here.

I set up a thermal-imaging

camera on the desk

in front of me and Chris and I

were just talking.

We were asking questions.

We're trying to, you know,

stir up some spirit activity.

And all of a sudden,

all I could see

is the lit-up

screen of the thermal,

and I could see it,

like, doing this.


ZUZIC: You could tell that

something picked it up,

looked at it

and then put it back down.

We were just, like, stunned.

-Did you move that camera?


Because I set it down

right there.

For something like that

to pick up,

you know, a piece of equipment,

then place it down is rare.

I mean, I've never had it

happen to me.

NARRATOR: Sensing that they're

in the presence

of a very powerful spirit,

Karlo and Chris decide to see

if their equipment has picked up

any activity

elsewhere in the hotel.

Once we came across the child's

room, I felt a little nervous.

It had a different feel to it.

I can't really explain it.

It was just --

It had a different feel

of energy in that area.

We picked up the recorder,

and then we played back to see

if we actually

captured anything,

and what I was actually

hearing on this recorder,

I was just completely shocked

by the EVP we captured.

We captured what sounded

like two spirits,

not just one, but two spirits

talking to each other.

I've never in my entire life

heard anything like this.

Hey, Chris.

Chris, come listen.

Here. Check this out.

They're warning each other

that we're actually there,

and you could hear

one spirit saying, "Hide."

They're probably kind of scared

and, you know,

wondering who we were,

why we were there

and what we are.

NARRATOR: But things are about

to get even stranger.

Karlo senses movement

in the hallway outside.

I heard what sounds

like two wooden balls

hitting each other,

wood on wood, like, a knock.

Okay. That is creepy.

And I heard this light voice,

and then it says,

"No, it's not."

It was a child's voice.

Hey, Chris.

Chris, get in here.

I called Chris over.

He came over, and you could see

there's two wooden balls,

and they're, like,

moving around

like something

is playing with it.

It was, like, the weirdest

thing I've ever seen.

What are you thinking?

I think those must be

the kids' toys.

What was going through my mind

at the time

that this was happening is,

you know,

"One, are they are

going to hurt me?

Two, are they friendly?"

three, you know,

rationally, logically,

trying to figure out,

you know, "Am I just tired?

Is this really happening?

You know, is it not happening?"

So there's a lot of emotions

that you're going through

when you have something

like this happen.


Though shaken by the encounter,

Karlo and Chris

are keen to make contact

with the child spirits.

Since we actually seen

the balls moving,

we decided for that EVP session

to start asking if there's any,

you know,

children spirits there

and if they wanted to come out

and play with us,

if they wanted to talk to us.

Can you show yourself?

[ Beeping ]

Can you move something again?

And all of a sudden, you could

see, like, shadow figures.

It was weird,

but they were further down.

And we know that we're the only

two in there besides Peg,

so there's nobody else

in this three-story hotel,

so we know that what we're

seeing is true paranormal,

true shadow people.

NARRATOR: Satisfied that they've

recorded sufficient evidence

of paranormal activity,

Chris and Karlo decide

to call it a night.

ZUZIC: So after all

the excitement we had,

you know, it was late at night.

We're getting tired.

You know, I was nervous

going to sleep anyways

because Peg had mentioned

that some of the rooms

that Chris and I were staying

in were very active,

and I laid down.

I was thinking, "Man, do I fall

asleep? Do I not fall asleep?

Do I keep my eyes open,

sleep with one eye open?"

You know, I was thinking awfully

different thoughts

because, you know,

what just happened to us.

NARRATOR: Falling asleep proves

to be a fateful decision.

It's about a.m.

I was totally knocked out,

and the next thing I know is

the bed starts shaking so hard.



At the Knickerbocker Hotel

in Linesville, Pennsylvania,

paranormal investigator

Karlo Zuzic

soon learns that he is not

the hotel's only guest.

We captured what sounded

like two spirits, not just one,

but two spirits

talking to each other.

I've never in my entire life

heard anything like this.


But he's about to learn that,

even in the privacy

of his guest room,

he should expect company.

It's about a.m.

I was totally knocked out,

and the next thing I know is

the bed starts shaking so hard.

Ah, ah. [ Breathing heavily ]

This bed shook so hard that,

when it shook,

I almost rolled out of bed.

I mean, it was shaking


Ah, ah, ah.

[ Breathing heavily ]

and then I could hear something

just stopping,

you know, through the room

and like, almost like it left,

you know, like it was leaving

the room and made its point.

[ Door closes ]

It scared me [bleep].

I mean, it was the most scariest

experience I ever had.

It's something --

I just couldn't believe

that happened to me.

NARRATOR: Trembling with fear,

Karlo resolves to stay awake

for the rest of the night.

The feeling is like

you're trapped.

I was frozen in time.

I was basically frozen

in that spot.

I did not want to leave.

I was not gonna go

back to sleep.

I was waiting for the sun

to come up so I could get out.

NARRATOR: What Karlo

doesn't know, however,

is that Chris is experiencing

a similarly disturbed night

at the exact same time.

About , : in the morning,

my entire bed

started to vibrate,

and typically

I'm a heavy sleeper,

and I snore and everything else,

so to have this happen

had to been pretty intense

to wake me up,

and I mean,

what am I gonna do?

You know, everybody is asleep.

There's only three of us

in this building,

so I just kind of

just laid there,

and I'm just asking it in

my mind to just please stop.

Just let me go back to sleep,

and just kind of after a while,

it, just like, stopped vibrating

and just went away.

NARRATOR: The following morning,

exhausted and rattled,

Chris and Karlo tell hotel owner

Peg of their experiences.

I should let you know

I have never


something like that.

And when we mentioned it

to Peggy,

Peggy said that that is

a common occurrence

that happens in those bedrooms.

The type of spirit that would do

something like this to us

would be a very strong

and dominant spirit.

It's, you know, wanting to show

their strength

and trying to show

that they belong there,

too, just like we do.


The sense that the spirits

belong in the hotel

leads Karlo to draw

some interesting conclusions.

I believe the spirit that was

shaking the bed

was either Clare or Milo,

the previous owners,

just because they are going

to be attached

to this building forever.

It's something they built


They want to protect

what they built,

and I think they're proud

of what they have.

They loved it,

and this was their place.

That's where they were happy.

That's where

they're gonna go.

You know, in death, you go

where you were happiest,

and this may have been the place

because they worked so hard

to build something.

NARRATOR: As the investigation

draws to a close

and Karlo and Chris

share their findings with Peg,

they suggest

performing a cleanse,

but their offer is declined.

We showed Peg all our evidence.

You know, we played back

everything we captured,

told them what happened,

and our advice to them was,

"Look, you know,

if you're happy here

"and you enjoy them

and you respect them,

you know, stay here."


For Peg Knickerbocker,

her sentiments

remain the same as ever.

The hotel is open to anyone,

living or dead.

Spirits use this as their place,

and so do the living.

I think everybody could coexist

as long

as you respect each other.


And for Karlo and Chris,

every case closed

is a lesson learned.

As an investigator and also

on a personal level,

from this investigation,

I learn that, you know,

there has to be respect

on all levels,

respect for your clients

and what you're working with,

respect for the spirit realm

that you're dealing with.

You know, one of the things

I did learn is,

watch your surroundings,

you know,

watch how you approach

an investigation,

and, you know, if someone

tells you a room is haunted,

don't go sleep in it.


Paranormal investigators

pledge to protect families

from malevolent spirits.

[ Gasps ]

What? What happened?

My back.


But when an investigator's

own family is threatened...



...things take a sinister turn.

I had my own child

that was tortured

by the paranormal

for many years.



In Phoenix, Arizona,

an ordinary

house in a quiet suburb

is home to a single mother

and her teenage son,

but recently, their peaceful

lives have been disturbed

by some strange activity.

The electronics

behave erratically.

[ TV turns on ]


Inanimate objects seem to move

when no one is looking.


And strange, shadowy figures

move silently through the home.

[ TV turns on ]


But it soon becomes obvious

that the teenage son

is the primary target.

No. Stop!

NARRATOR: And the strange

phenomena becomes violent.



[ Laughing evilly ]


[ Breathing heavily ]




Oh, my god.


NARRATOR: In Phoenix, Arizona,

strange events

in a suburban home

have taken a sinister turn,

but when the spirit

gets violent,

it looks like the family

will have

to take drastic action.



Oh, my god.

NARRATOR: Rattled and with

nowhere else to turn,

they contact Jay Yates,

a former reverend

who was ejected from his church

for his belief

in the supernatural.

Jay, along with his wife, Marie,

now runs the Crossing Over

Paranormal Crew,

a team of investigators

committed to helping

families identify

and overcome hauntings.

I think that, with any client,

they expect us

to come to the home

and show them the holy grail,

and that's where Marie and I

come in and us counseling them

and talking to them

about our own experiences

and helping them through it.

The only thing that

would ever stop me

from being a paranormal

investigator is death, my own.

NARRATOR: Jay and Marie's

interest in this case, however,

is not strictly professional.

They have some

firsthand experience

of a haunting in the family.

MARIE: I really did feel very

concerned for the parent.

I had my own child

that was tortured

by the paranormal

for many years,

and I had no one to help us.

We had to learn how to do it

our own,

and this is one reason why Jay

and I got into this field

to actually assist

these families.

NARRATOR: Keen to help a single

mother and vulnerable child

in desperate need,

Jay and Marie

arrange to visit the home

as soon as possible.


when we got this case,

Marie agreed to take it.

Generally speaking,

there might be a waiting list

for two, three, four, five

or even six months for us

to even come out to a location.

Marie set and made sure

everything was set aside for us

to go out there

that next weekend

after us hearing about the case.

We can't thank you enough

for coming.

Of course.


So as Marie will have explained

on the phone,

going to conduct an examination

of every room in the house.

We're going to take

some readings,

have some of the most high-tech

equipment in the world,

and if we can, we'll help you.

And if necessary,

we'll do a cleansing.

I can say that the mother

was probably

in the beginning

most noticeably frightened

about what was going on

because this was her kid,

and she's seeking

professional help from us,

so there's a lot riding

on us coming in there

and giving her some answers.


For Marie, the spirit presence

of the house is palpable.

Bedrooms are this way?


They're down the hall.

Almost immediately after,

I think, getting in there

that she kind of felt

like something was going on

and was immediately drawn

particularly to the back



Used to taking the lead

in their investigations,

Jay is stunned when his wife

immediately takes the reins.

I got this.

JAY: I could tell that Marie

was a little bit more serious.

The intensity in her face

was a little bit different

than what we normally see

on investigations with her.


Marie heads straight for

the epicenter of the activity,

Wyatt's bed.

JAY: She sits down at the edge

of the bed.

Before I even had a moment

to even realize

what we were even doing,

Marie begins

shotgunning questions

towards whatever it is

in the room.

You have no right

to touch this boy.

Why don't you show yourself?

I don't think you can.

Try it!

NARRATOR: Jay has mixed feelings

about his wife's sudden desire

to confront the spirit.

When we take investigations


to the point

to which Marie was,

there's a certain

kind of intensity

that alter or can kind of cause

some issues on a case.


Marie, on the other hand,

is determined to push

the spirit further.

I'm giving you permission

to touch me.

JAY: I'm already kind of worried

about Marie.

You know, she shotguns

these questions,

and it's, like, you know,

six questions in a row.

So you don't like

touching people

if they give you permission.

[ Laughing evilly ]

[ Wind blowing ]

[ Indistinct voices ]

-[ Gasps ]

-What? What happened?

My back.

Immediately, this thing,

you know, starts burning,

this burning sensation

down her back.

MARIE: All of a sudden,

I felt this pain on my back.

It felt like someone

bit me almost,

and that's at that moment

I told Jay,

"Hey, my back, something

is happening to my back."

And we lift up her shirt,

and sure enough,

she's got a scratch mark

across her back.

Oh, my god.


NARRATOR: In Phoenix, Arizona,

investigator Marie Yates

has challenged a spirit

to leave its mark literally.

I'm giving you permission

to touch me.

NARRATOR: But Marie's

investigative partner

and husband Jay Yates,

worries she's bitten off

a little more than she can chew.

Can you feel that?

Marie, she knows

the consequences to her actions.

She's not one of those


that doesn't realize

that something

like that might happen.

She asked for it to touch her.

It touched her.

-[ Groans ] Mnh-mnh.

-You okay?


The aggressive spirit contact

has an immediate effect

on Marie.

JAY: It was very noticeable

right after this happened

that Marie had lost, like,

a lot of her energy, her spunk.

She was a little-headed.

It appeared that she was

out of breath,

and she was, like, exhausted.

-You okay?


JAY: So I said, "Hey, Marie.

It's time for you to go outside,

"maybe take a few minutes,

gather yourself, you know, get

some fresh air and just relax."

NARRATOR: Jay escorts his wife

out of the bedroom,

concerned she's become

too close to this case.

When we get emotionally

invested in the client,

we have a tendency

of acting out irrationally,

meaning that we go

in unprotected,

so things like that, you

definitely have to be careful

and put your emotions

in check.

NARRATOR: Safely outside,

Marie starts to recover

and takes time

to reconsider her approach.

So after I started provoking,

I thought I was getting

a little aggressive

and getting it a little upset.

She was just motivated

at what she was doing.

It was that maternal instinct

coming out,

her wanting to find answers

and get closure for this family

for them to move on

with their lives.

NARRATOR: Refreshed,

Marie returns to the bedroom

ready to do battle

with the spirit.

I was determined to help

this family

get through what

they were going through.


Fully resolved to release

the family from their torment,

Marie demands that

they perform a cleanse.


So Marie is adamant about,

"Let's just get started with

the cleansing of the home."

She feels that there's no sense

in wasting any more time.

NARRATOR: And it appears

that Marie is right.

The activity is escalating.

-We need to do the cleanse.


We need to do the cleanse.


-Yes, right now.



Marie stood up, I remember,

and I saw this white

light appear,

and as she walked towards me,

this thing literally shot

into another room.

NARRATOR: In light of

the heightened activity,

Marie prepares the family

for the fight of their lives.

I promise we will do our best.

So Marie took her own trials

and tribulations

with the paranormal

going on in her house

and made it a testimony

for that kid,

and she sat down with that kid

as a victim as he was.

There's a lot of activity

in your bedroom, right?

JAY: It was almost like the kid

kind of looked up to Marie,

and Marie kind of

looked up to that kid.

This kid regained control

of his fear.

It's very important to me

that actually the clients,

that they feel like it worked.

What we did actually

assisted them.

You know, I can't go in there

and promise them

and give them a guarantee

that it's gone.

That's the reason

we counsel them.

NARRATOR: Knowing that they need

help to dismiss the entity,

Marie and Jay

call in some spiritual help.

Right this way.

And then that's when

our reverend,

Reverend Paul Lovegrove,

came in,

and he asked them to join him

in the blessing of the home.



He goes in there and uses cross.

He brings holy water

and says a prayer.

All powerful and almighty --

-All powerful and almighty. who made everything.


MARIE: It's supposed to help

whatever kind of spirit

is there may be down on Earth

that hasn't released

to get them out.

He wanted the mother and the son

to be part of the cleansing

just so they actually felt

the relief going in there.


The cleanse is going smoothly

until the group reaches

the son's bedroom.

I seen him shaken and very

concerned about

what was happening almost like

he had the look, like,

"Oh, my goodness. I'm never

going back in my room again."

You have to stand up

to this thing.

Tell it it's not doing this

to you anymore.

I tried to explain to him,

"It's now time to move on

"and learn how to actually be

the one that stands up and say,

You know what? You're not

doing this to me anymore."

You leave me alone.

You're not doing this to me


And you saw a kid that was

scared all of a sudden turn into

this, like, spiritual warrior

just like Marie,

and I think she gave him power

through her own wounds.

I don't want this anymore!

Get out!

At this time,

I looked at the mother,

and I said, "You know what?

This is your home.

"You order this thing

to get out of your home

and leave your child alone."

Get out of my house!

You don't belong here anymore!

Leave my son alone!

NARRATOR: It's not long before

the force of their words

start having an effect.


[ Laughing evilly ]

We beseech You to make powerless

this...[ speaks indistinctly ]

Paul is asking me to seal

the doors with frankincense oil,

and I begin doing that as he's

walking around the home

and praying, rebuking

any malicious spirits

out of the home.

Banish and drive out every

diabolical power present,

every evil influence,

all evil actions amid

against your servant.


As the cleanse comes to an end,

the dark energy dissipates.

JAY: Immediately,

the mood changed.

As soon as the cleansing


it ended,

and there was peace,

and there was tranquility

in the home.

There was something

special about it.

It was almost like you

were in the presence of God.

When the cleansing

actually got done,

it was like those windows

were completely opened bright,

and I felt it from the mother

and the son

that they felt

the exact same way.

Come on.

JAY: I think Marie identified


after that that spiritual battle

was already over.

Marie showed the kid that

he was control of everything,

then through faith and prayer,

really just provocation,

it was just over.

It's it, case closed.

NARRATOR: For Marie, though,

the case will always

remain close to her heart.

MARIE: On this case,

I will honestly say

I was acting totally different

just because it was a child.

My son was tortured nightly

for years,

and nobody would help us,

so when I go into these cases

with these mothers and children,

I'm determined I'm going

to help these families

'cause I know

what it feels like.

JAY: Seeing Marie get fired up

like that, it's rare,

but when it does happen,

it happens for a reason.

I learned to actually trust

your teammates,

always trust your gut

and always trust my wife.