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02x10 - k*ller Spirit

Posted: 07/14/23 11:37
by bunniefuu

America's top ghost hunters

relive their most

extreme assignments.

Something was hunting me

this whole time.

NARRATOR: Hardened veterans

of the paranormal,

these are the cases

that truly tested them.

I don't think I was

ready for this.

In Ohio, a haunted school

teaches a group of ghost hunters

a lesson they'll never forget.

ZUZIC: I thought

I was seeing, like,

someone coming through

the door.

You know, I'm freaked out.

I'm, like, shocked,

and I'm hoping I just captured

what I'm actually seeing.

NARRATOR: In Indiana,

paranormal investigators

provoke the spirit

of a serial k*ller

with terrifying results.


ESTEP: Come grab me.

I feel something that makes

my blood run cold.

NARRATOR: Also in Indiana,

ghost hunters come dangerously

close to sinister spirits

in a haunted home.


Turn off the flashlight.

ALAN: Oh, my God.

I was frightened and scared.



stands West Salem School.

Built in the s, it's

operational for nearly years.

It closes in and is

transformed into office space

and a community center.

But with the arrival

of new tenants

come countless reports

of unusual activity.

Office workers there

are seeing spirits

walking through the halls.

There was a young lady there.

She was the only one

in the building at the time.


[ Door creaks ]

She saw a male figure

walk past her doorway.

She ran out there,

and there was nobody there,

and she said she was completely

creeped out by this.


[ Gasps ]

[ Otherworldly screaming ]

[ Screams ]

NARRATOR: Along with

the strange sightings,

there are reports

of strange sounds, too.

[ Children laughing ]

ZUZIC: They would hear children

playing upstairs,

and there was nobody there.


They would see an apparition

of a child downstairs

in the auditorium,

and they would also feel

just different energy changes

in the areas.

NARRATOR: Unable to explain

the activity,

the West Salem

Historical Society

turns to Karlo Zuzic for help.

Karlo is one of the top

paranormal investigators

in North America.

Everybody is curious

about life after death.

You know, what's out there?

What's going to happen to us

when we move on?

I want to help others.

That's my goal.

That's what I love to do.

You know, that's where

my passion comes from.

NARRATOR: Karlo researches

the history of the old school

and discovers

something troubling.

ZUZIC: Back in ,

a young girl died from the flu.

She was attending class, and she

just passed away at her desk.

NARRATOR: That's not the only

death on the property.

ZUZIC: Back in ,

there was a janitor.

He was upstairs

in the auditorium.


He had a heart attack

and passed away

upstairs in the auditorium.


NARRATOR: The stories

intrigue Karlo,

and he agrees to investigate.

When he and his team

arrive at the location,

the building manager

shows them around.

...that's been going on.

Follow me.

ZUZIC: We took a quick tour,

and you could feel different

energies in different areas.

You could sense there may be

something there.

NARRATOR: Investigator

Todd Mallett feels it, too.

I sort of felt like

possibly somebody

could be watching us

that knew we were there.


NARRATOR: Now fully oriented,

the team is ready

to begin their investigation.

Todd stays upstairs

while Karlo and Chris

go to the auditorium

and start an EVP session.

ZUZIC: You go that way.

I'll go this way.

Is there anyone here?

We started asking

simple questions.

Did you go to school here?


What's your name?

If you're here,

please give us a sign.

And, all of a sudden,

that's when we heard

what sounded like a whisper.

[ Indistinct whispering ]

I looked over at Chris.

I go, "Did you hear something?"

He goes, "Yeah, I think I did."


They play back the recording

and make

a chilling discovery.

You could hear what sounds

like a little girl's voice go,


And when we played

that recording back,

and we hear

that little girl's voice,

it sent chills

through my whole body.

We just validated what these

people are experiencing here.

We captured the voice

of this little girl.

She's not used to us.

She hasn't ever seen us,

and, you know,

spirits are going

to be shy sometimes.

NARRATOR: What happens next

stuns Karlo.


I heard what sounded like

sneakers, you know,

tennis shoes

rubbing on hardwood floor.

That's when I seen almost like

a misty figure-like.

I'm noticing it,

and it turned around

and ran back into

that kitchen.

I had a full-spectrum camera,

and I picked it up,

and I snapped a photo,

and I'm hoping I just captured

what I'm actually seeing.

That, you know,

you capture voice is one thing,

but when you're actually

seeing it now,

you know, I'm freaked out,

and I'm, like, in shock.

I heard something.

NARRATOR: Karlo and Chris

chase after the figure.

-You saw it run?

-Yeah, it was like...

-It was really quick.

-I heard it.

PAGE: I thought

I was seeing, like,

someone coming through

the door into --

I was thrown off

for a loop.

It was right here.


ZUZIC: Oh, no.

Watch that way.

It's a dead end right here.

The figure is nowhere

to be found,

but the experience

rattles Karlo.


ZUZIC: Sure enough, you know,

on full spectrum,

I capture what looks like

a -foot-tall figure

standing feet

in front of me.

It was the weirdest

and the most creepiest thing

I've ever seen.

NARRATOR: Karlo believes

the ghost figure

is the little girl

who died at her desk.

ZUZIC: I believe her energy

is still gonna be there

at that location just because

she did pass away there.


NARRATOR: The spirit

may have vanished,

but the paranormal activity



Uh, Karlo, Chris.

Are you guys there?

Come in. Over.

Go for Chris.

Uh, yeah, you guys better

come up here

and check this out.


I knew, the moment I heard

Todd's voice on that thing,

that it's time

to go upstairs right away.

NARRATOR: When they meet up,

Todd shares something

very disturbing with the team.

Karlo, yeah,

you got to hear this.

ZUZIC: Todd is like, "You need

to listen to this recording.

We captured an EVP."

And you could tell Todd

was scared.

You know, he had this look

of fear on him.

We had asked, "Who would

you like to talk to?"

And there was a slow,

whispery voice that said,


NARRATOR: At a haunted school

in Ohio,

ghost hunters Karlo Zuzic,

Chris Page,

and Todd Mallett

learn very quickly

that spirits are all around.

One calls out directly

to Karlo.

We had asked, "Who would

you like to talk to?"

And there was a slow,

whispery voice that said,


ZUZIC: I had him

play it back again,

and I was starting

to get chills,

you know, just hearing

this voice saying my name.

When I heard that, I was, like,

you know, I was freaked out.

You know, this spirit is wanting

to talk to me.


This is the first time

ever that I heard my name

come across on an EVP.


Karlo summons the courage

to reach out to the spirit.

Is anyone here with us?


ZUZIC: We're like,

"Who are you?"

You know, "Tell us your name."

As the EVP session

was going on,

we heard a rattling

on the side door.

[ Rattling ]

It was like a chhhh,

like chains

rattling on a door.

[ Rattling continues ]

We went to investigate.

As soon as we got close,

the sounds stopped.

We asked for it to make

another noise for us to see

if anything was still there.


-And, at that point,

we heard what sounded

like something hitting the wall

and rolling across the floor.

[ Pattering ]

PAGE: Whoa.

What was that?

It was back here.

ZUZIC: We all jumped

because, you know,

things are flying

through the air.

You know, we don't know

what it was.

What we notice laying there

that wasn't there before

was a crayon.

When a spirit can pick

things up and throw them,

it shows us

that it is a strong energy.

Is it trying

to get our attention?

Is it trying to hurt us?

We're unsure.

You're just hoping

it doesn't lash out at you.

NARRATOR: The team is now

on high alert.

MALLETT: I wasn't sure what else

was going to happen.

We had the door rattle.

We had the crayon fall.

We didn't know what was going

to go happen next.

NARRATOR: Then they see

something terrifying.

We look up, and you could

see this tall figure,

maybe foot or so.

He had the features of a male,

and it goes right

to the end of the wall,

and it just dissipates.

It was gone.

You see that?

We're all freaking out.

You know, we're like, "Oh,

my God. Oh, my God," you know?

I really believe that the spirit

was actually really powerful.

It was shaking doors.

Then it was able to appear

in a shadow form.


We believe that we captured

the janitor that passed away.

Once we seen

the shadow figure,

we thought we had

plenty of evidence,

and we decided

to close the case.



They report their findings

to the building manager.


We told her, "Look, you know,

we got to show you this stuff.

You're not going to believe

what we captured."

When we shared the evidence,

she was shocked.

It's just a little girl.

Everything that everybody

had been telling her was true.

It is so rare to go on

an investigation

to see not only one shadow

person, but to see two.

There is a lot of activity

in this school.

NARRATOR: Karlo believes

his investigation

validates the claims

that the little girl

and the janitor who died

there still haunt the hallways.

ZUZIC: You know, I believe

they're locked at this location.

They're still there,

and maybe they're still

protecting this place.

NARRATOR: Karlo offers

to cleanse the building

of the two spirits,

but the manager declines.

This is her home.

ZUZIC: She told us that,

if anything else were to happen,

you know,

they would call us out

and have us remove

the spirit if needed.


This is one of Karlo's

most memorable

investigations to date.

Two, you know, entities

in one night is very rare.

It's something that

I'll never forget.

NARRATOR: But there is one thing

about this case

that haunts Karlo still.


This spirit's calling out

to me, but why?

I eventually do want to

go back one day

and re-investigate that

and try to get my answer.

NARRATOR: Still to come,

an evil entity strikes fear

into a father-daughter

investigative team

with menacing messages.

It was definitely


There was a sense of dread.

NARRATOR: But first,

ghost hunters face

deadly consequences

when they seek out the spirit

of a serial m*rder*r.

It is malicious.

It's willing to inflict

physical injuries.

Or maybe he's going to make us

his next victim.


NARRATOR: Carmel, Indiana,

is a well-off community

just outside Indianapolis.

It's regularly voted

as one of the best places

to live

in the United States,

but, in the s, it made

headlines for other reasons.

It was home to a brutal

and prolific serial k*ller.

Herb Baumeister and his family

lived in a sprawling

-acre estate

known as Fox Hollow Farm.


He is believed to have

m*rder*d up to young men

on his property.

He led a secret double life,

as most serial K*llers do.

When his wife and family

were away,

Herb would trawl the gay bars

of Indianapolis

looking for the vulnerable.



After luring his victims

to his remote farmhouse...


MAN: What are you doing?

I'll be right there.

All right.

...Baumeister would strangle

them to death with a pool hose.

[ Grunting ]


ESTEP: Once his victim was dead,

Herb would then drag the bodies

out back behind Fox Hollow Farm,

and he would dispose of them

in various ways.


Authorities were on to him,

and as police closed in,

Herb fled to Canada.

[ Police radio chatter ]

He committed su1c1de

before he could be made

to pay for his heinous crimes.


Over years

after Baumeister's death,

Fox Hollow Farm

goes up for sale.

Young couple Rob and Vicki

Graves purchase the property

and try to look past its dark

and disturbing past.

You okay?


But within weeks of moving in,

strange things start to happen,

and they become impossible

to ignore.


Vicki also witnesses bizarre

events across the property.

ESTEP: She sees a man in

a red shirt and thinks,

"There's a trespasser"...

Excuse me.


...walks toward him,

and he literally disappears

into thin air

in front of her very eyes.

When they happen to look

at pictures

of Herb Baumeister's victims,

they notice that it looks like

one of those

poor unfortunate souls.


NARRATOR: Shortly after,

the Graves take on a lodger,

Joe LeBlanc.

Almost immediately

after he moves in,

the activity takes

a dangerous turn.

ESTEP: Joe is swimming one day,

and this is the pool

where Herb committed

most of his murders.


All of a sudden, Joe feels

hands around his neck.


NARRATOR: At Fox Hollow Farm

in Indiana,

the spirit of a notorious

k*ller terrorizes its tenants.

ESTEP: Joe is swimming one day,

and this is the pool

where Herb committed

most of his murders.


All of a sudden, Joe feels

hands around his neck.


He's dragged under the water,

pulled down,

and then dragged

along the bottom

before he surfaces,

gasping for air.

He is terrified

when he surfaces.

Something tried to drown him.

Something tried to k*ll him

in that pool.

NARRATOR: Fearing that the ghost

of a serial k*ller

is stalking their home,

the Graves call in

paranormal investigators.

With more than years'

experience, Richard Estep

is one of America's

top ghost hunters.


I've always wanted to know,

is there life after death?

Do we survive death?

What happens next?

What happens to our loved ones?

Are they still out there


And I feel like we get

a little bit closer

to answering that question

with every new case

that we investigate.


When we arrive, it really is

a dark and stormy night.

The heavens open.

There's this rumble of thunder,

and, as we pull up to the gate,

we see lightning

and "Fox Hollow Farm."

The big wooden sign points us

to this long driveway.

It was like

a horror movie opening.


They begin in the area

where the most gruesome

crimes were committed.

ESTEP: I wanted to target

my approach

on the most active parts

of the building,

which means the swimming pool

where Herbert Baumeister

lured his victims.

I know that many men have died

in this very pool.

Co-investigator Jason Fellon

has concerns, too.

There's definitely

something here.

FELLON: So much tragedy

and v*olence

happened at this location.

Is this going to be

a violent investigation

where we might be threatened

in some way

as if it's still regular life

and Herb is still around?

Maybe he's going to make us

his next victim.

NARRATOR: As the team sets up

their equipment,

almost immediately,

they detect a presence.

ESTEP: Something walked past

on the deck outside the pool.

Wasn't one of my investigators

because we were all accounted

for at the time.


I go take a look, and there is

nobody to be seen out there.

NARRATOR: Anxious to make

contact with the figure,

the team starts an EVP session.

Was that Herb that I saw?

Should I stay or should I go?

Can I get a response?

NARRATOR: What they hear next

is chilling.

[ Growling ]

We heard a growl,

very intimidated,

low, throaty growl.

[ Growling ]

It stops conversation dead.

It's a human voice.

It's not an animal,

and it sounds as though a man

is growling angrily at them.

That freaked us out.

A couple of us heard it

in real time

with our own ears

as a disembodied voice.


Despite the intimidation,

Richard makes a bold move

and tries to provoke the

entity into revealing itself.

ESTEP: I decide it's time for me

to take a dip in the pool now.


You're freezing cold in a pool

where many men

have lost their lives,

and I was wondering if that

would bring Herb on out

to try and make

some kind of attack on me.

The atmosphere feels weighted.

It feels kind of heavy.

This is where you tried

to drown Joe.

Do you want to try

and do that to me?

I'm basically getting

into his face,

and my idea is to be

as provocative as possible,

so, "Come on, Herb.

Let's see what you got.

This is where you took

a grown man, Joe,

you dragged him down

to the bottom of the pool.

You tried to choke him

and pretty much drown him.

Let's see if you're willing

to try that to me."


Come grab me.

NARRATOR: The response shakes

Richard to his core.

There's one word,

and it's a whisper.

It's a very sinister whisper,

and it says the word, "Laura."

Come on, Herb.


And that happens to be

my wife's name.

Now, my wife wasn't there

at the time.

She was hundreds of miles

away at home.

How else am I meant to take

that other than as a threat?

No women died

at Fox Hollow Farm.

None of Herb Baumeister's

victims were female.

Why would the name Laura

enter this conversation

when I'm in the pool?

And the only thing

I can think of

is that somebody

is trying to intimidate me.

NARRATOR: It works.

Richard gets out of the pool,

but the spirit has more

in store for them.


-Thank you.

-You're awesome.

ESTEP: Our meters

start going crazy.

We start getting K-II spikes.

And again and again and again

and again and again.

And somebody starts jiggling

the door handle.

[ Rattling ]

One of the investigators

goes to check,

opens the door,

and nobody is out there.

FELLON: We thought

maybe it was Herb.

He was trying to force

his way in,

but he just couldn't get in.

And I can't help but wonder,

"Is Herb building up

to something big?

Are we going to see

some kind of showdown

with this guy

on his home turf or not?"

NARRATOR: Richard comes up

with a daring plan

to get the spirit

to reveal itself.

ESTEP: I can maybe push things

to the next level

if I bring in a trigger,

and that trigger is Joe,

the lodger.

So we shut ourselves in there,

we turn out the light,

and Joe goes to town.

Come out and

show yourself, Herb.

NARRATOR: In Indiana, paranormal

investigator Richard Estep

devises a bold plan to lure

the spirit of serial m*rder*r

Herb Baumeister.

I bring in a trigger, and that

trigger is Joe, the lodger.

Joe is the guy that was almost

drowned by Herb in the pool.

So we shut ourselves in there,

we turn out the light,

and Joe goes to town.

Come out

and show yourself, Herb.


Show yourself.

He starts going off on Herb

like you wouldn't believe.

He's calling him out,

trying to goad him

into lashing out at us.

You're a coward!

And then the activity begins.

NARRATOR: The spirit finally

reacts to Joe's provocation,

and, this time,

things get physical.

Jason gets prodded in the back

by what he thinks

are two fingers.

Not a nice gesture,

and it seems to be sending

a pretty clear signal,

"You aren't welcome here."


Then Richard senses something

malevolent reach out for him.

And I feel something

that's more disturbing.

Distinctly, I feel four fingers

caress my tricep on my arm,

and it makes

my blood run cold.

None of us are in any doubt

that what happened in that room

was a brush with the spirit

of Herb Baumeister.

NARRATOR: And Herb isn't done

with them yet.

We hear three very clear

and distinct thuds

coming from the wall

above and behind us.

[ Thudding ]


I suspect it's one last

act of resistance

from Herb Baumeister.

That could have been a warning

to, "Don't mess with me,

or I can maybe take this further

than you want it to go."

NARRATOR: Concerned with what

Herb may do next,

Richard calls an end

to the investigation.


Let's pack it up.

Pack it up.

Let's get out of here.

We were all emotionally drained.

It had been a challenging case,

especially because of the

constantly oppressive atmosphere

down there in the pool.

So what you have here...


Richard warns the Graves

that this is one of

the most dangerous spirits

he's ever encountered.

The entity that haunts

the pool is malevolent.

It is malicious.

It's willing to inflict

physical injuries

if it has the power

and opportunity to do so.

NARRATOR: Richard confirms

the spirit of Herb Baumeister

has not left Fox Hollow Farm.

It's entirely possible also that

some of his unfortunate victims

are still haunting Fox Hollow

Farm in addition to that.


Despite the troubling news,

Vicki and Rob decide

to remain there, too.


They live there to this day,

and they've struck up

an uneasy truce with Herb.

They don't like the idea

of the ghost of a serial k*ller

being in that house

any more than you or I would,

but, really, they don't

have too many choices.

FELLON: We offer them

a warning of,

"Be careful while you're

in the pool area.

Don't do anything

you think would intimidate

or provoke

whatever is downstairs."

NARRATOR: While Herb is not done

with Fox Hollow Farm,

neither are Richard

and his team.


I'm looking forward to returning

to Fox Hollow Farm again

to try and unearth

more answers,

to try and find out

if we can find some way

to get Herb Baumeister

out of there for good.

NARRATOR: Dangerous entities

use terrifying tactics

to drive

paranormal investigators

from a haunted home.


I will not be a vessel.

They're manipulating my mind

into seeing things

and feeling things.

[ Gasps ]


It was a violating feeling.

It felt like he intended

to do harm.


NARRATOR: Mitchell, Indiana,

is a quiet American suburb

home to just , people.

In this small town

stands one very infamous home.

It's known as Whispers Estate.

From the outside, it looks

like any other house

on any other street,

but this one, built in ,

has a sordid past.


For more than a century,

disturbing and

inexplicable events

have haunted many

who dare step inside.

Whispers Estate got its name

because of the type of activity

that they were experiencing --

the whispers,

disembodied voices.


It's not just noises.

Something even more terrifying

lurks within these walls.

ALAN: There is a large

black mass that's been seen

by multiple people

over the years,

and it's been labeled

as Big Black.

It's a dark shadow-type figure.


NARRATOR: The stories capture

the attention of Alan Tolf.

A criminal investigator

for nearly years,

Alan now uses those skills

to hunt ghosts.

My ultimate goal as an

investigator is to find answers

and seek the truth.

The paranormal can be

extremely dangerous.

Make sure you do your homework

on the front side,

understand what you're

getting involved in.

Alan investigates the paranormal

with his daughter, Anna.

Dad and I really make

the best team

because he's more of the

systematic, logical, thinking,

and I'm more

of the sensitive, intuitive.

We really just complement

each other in that fashion.

NARRATOR: Ahead of

their investigation,

they research Whispers Estate.

They find the home

first belonged to a doctor

and his family.

Their history is troubling.

This house had an unusual

number of deaths.

There was a -year-old

little girl.

She started a fire

in the parlor of the home

and, two days later, passed away

in an upstairs bedroom.

ALAN: There was a -month-old

that passed away

in the master bedroom.

Also, the doctor's wife died

in that same bedroom

with complications

of pneumonia.

[ Chanting in

strange language ]

NARRATOR: Anna and Alan make

another chilling discovery.

ANNA: Satanic rituals

and séances

that had been done

in the house throughout, like,

the 's and 's.

There's a lot of sadness,

pain, suffering,

contained within the walls

of that home.

NARRATOR: They feel it


as soon as they arrive.

ALAN: It was a very large

and ominous house.

There was definitely a feeling

of something there

with us right away.

ANNA: Voice of the dead.

What was that?

ALAN: Oh, boy.

ANNA: Hearing things

shuffle around,

even things like feeling

something touch your leg

or touch your arm,

you can feel, like,

something stroking your hair.

[ Gasps ]

What was that?


Dad. Something grabbed

my hair.

Are you all right?

Over there. Yeah.

It was definitely frightening.

Try to mask that fear

and carry on with it.

You're apprehensive

because you know

the potential

of what's there.


They start their investigation

in the master bedroom,

where the doctor's wife

and baby died.

It was identified

as a hot spot.

We were hoping

to somehow connect

with the entity

known as Big Black.


As soon as they enter,

they feel a drastic change

in atmosphere.

ANNA: The room started

to get cold.

A temperature fluctuation

is a good indicator

that there's a presence.

We were getting readings on both

our K-II and Mel meters...

[ Beeping ]

...that would indicate there

was some level of

EMF activity in the room.

ANNA: We're in a dark room,

and I'm taking photographs

with a digital camera.

All of a sudden, this big black

mass comes out of the closet,

over the ceiling,

and then down and around.

You get this overwhelming

feeling of dread.

NARRATOR: In Indiana,

a number of entities

are said to haunt the home

known as Whispers Estate,

and early into

their investigation,

ghost hunters

Alan and Anna Tolf

come face to face

with a terrifying one.


All of a sudden, this big black

mass comes out of the closet,

over the ceiling,

and then down and around.

You get this overwhelming

feeling of dread.

Oh, my God.

ALAN: Anna shouted out...

Dad, I've got Big Black.

ALAN: What?

I've got it.


As she scrolled

through the pictures, you see,

from the closet area, a shadow,

and then it dissipated.

When you see a black mass,

it's disturbing, scary.

Big Black was a very angry,

evil, ominous energy.

ALAN: We began

a Spirit Box session.

Is there anybody up here?

All right.


Who are you?


The responses, you know,

went from bad to worse.

Started getting responses

that were dark, evil.

"Shut up."


Just a lot of nasty things.

It's upset with us.

It's pissed off.

The way it was speaking to us,

the things it was saying,

it was definitely frightening.

NARRATOR: A charge in the air

accompanies the voices.

ANNA: Like an electrical

impulse, almost.

I hear what sounds to be

a little girl humming.

[ Humming ]

It wasn't a second or two later,

Anna heard humming.

It's coming from over here.

ANNA: The voice

was strange to me.

I feel like something making

the noises to taunt us

and almost try

and instill that fear into us.

NARRATOR: The humming stops,

and Anna and Alan

make their way to another

active area in the home.

ALAN: We proceeded

to the doctor's office

and examination-room area.

ANNA: Even right from

stepping in the room,

it felt like

you were being watched.


It felt threatening.

It didn't feel welcoming at all.

Dad, there's somebody here.

ALAN: We sat down in the

waiting room like patients

waiting to see the doctor,

and it was at this point

we heard tapping,

ting, ting, ting,

back in the examination area.

[ Tapping ]

ANNA: So we started

asking questions.

Who is it?


Why are you here?

ALAN: Did you live

in this house?

Are you the doctor?

I heard you.

I know you're talking.

The room got extremely cold.

We both felt uncomfortable.

There was a sense of dread.

What are you doing

in my [bleep] house?

I believed it to be the doctor

that wanted us out.

I felt like my shirt was getting

tugged, getting poked,

physically feeling

something touch me.

It was a violating feeling.

No. No.


NARRATOR: In Indiana,

an evil entity

known as the doctor

wants investigators

Anna and Alan Tolf

out of its home.

It intimidates them verbally...

...and att*cks Anna


It was a violating feeling.

Get out of my house!


Get out!

You have to leave!

Get out!

He did not want us

in his space,

and he was making it

very well-known to us.

I felt like he intended

to do harm.

He did target Anna,

and he wanted her out.

[ Coughs ]

NARRATOR: Anna becomes

violently ill.

I start feeling more and more

sick to my stomach.

I get dizzy.

Things start getting

a little fuzzy.

I know it was the entity

making me feel that way.

Let's get out of here.

Come on.

NARRATOR: Alan rushes his

daughter out of the home.

Once outside, she begins

to recover from the attack.

ANNA: Just leaving

the house, like,

was almost an immediate

feeling of relief.

[ Breathing heavily ]

You all right?

NARRATOR: As soon as Anna

feels better,

they go back inside

to investigate

one last area of the house.


We proceeded

to the séance room.

The séance room was used

to conduct séances

during the time period

in which the house was built.

It was a popular thing to do.

The objective is to contact

someone on the other side.

In doing that,

they opened a portal.

Anything can come through there,

good, bad, or indifferent.

NARRATOR: Alan and Anna try

to make contact

through a flashlight session.

We established with

the spirits in the room

that the light being on was yes,

and off was no.

Do you know how to turn

on a flashlight

where we can ask a question,

and you would answer yes

by lighting up the flashlight?


All right, Dad.

Dad, the flashlight.

Holy [bleep]

Anna had asked,

"Are you a male?"


Turn off the flashlight.

Oh, my God.

-Well, hi.

-Oh, wow.


To see the light

turning on and off

as we asked questions

was remarkable.

NARRATOR: Whatever is

communicating with them

decides to use more

than a flashlight.

ALAN: I felt a little

vibration, by the way.

I felt a cold breeze.

I did, too.

I just felt pressure

on my shoulders.

I start getting another

overwhelmed feeling.

You feel like someone is

just controlling your body,

and your feelings.

No. No.


I will not be a vessel.

Feeling, like, anger,

feeling dread, feeling fear,

it's a very

compelling experience,

but very frightening.

NARRATOR: All of a sudden,

they hear a surge of voices

on the Spirit Box.

[ Indistinct talking ]

ANNA: But they're almost

competing to speak,

trying to talk

over each other.

They became very vulgar,

almost, you'd say, evil.

[ Groans ]

[ Panting ]

NARRATOR: The spirits

in the room are powerful.

They're manipulating my mind

into seeing things

and feeling things,

and I really think they do that,

try to make you feel

what they may be feeling

or to completely frighten you

and try to get you out of

where they don't want you.


Fearing for his daughter,

Alan ends the investigation.

I absolutely worry

for her safety.

Dear Lord, we come to you for

your power and your strength.

We say our prayers,

pack it up.

Come on.

Let's get out of here.

ANNA: Even just leaving

the house, immediately,

you felt the relief.

You felt like a weight

was lifted from your shoulders.

It wasn't holding you down


NARRATOR: To this day,

this investigation

still unnerves Anna and Alan.

I % believe that

we did substantiate

several of the claims

at Whispers Estate.

We did come in contact

with Big Black,

which is malevolent.

I believe we came into contact

with the doctor.

I think there are many entities

that resided in that home,

good and bad,

but I think the bad

outweighed the good by far.

Whispers Estate is haunted,

without a doubt.