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02x12 - Taken Over

Posted: 07/14/23 11:39
by bunniefuu

America's top ghost hunters

relive their most

extreme assignments.

Something was hunting me

this whole time.

NARRATOR: Hardened veterans

of the paranormal,

these are the cases

that truly tested them.

I don't think

I was ready for this.



the spirit of an old woman...

[ Woman screams ]

...makes it chillingly clear

that no one is welcome

in her home.

WOMAN: Get out!

Fear starts running through you.


NARRATOR: In Illinois,

a paranormal investigator's

biggest nightmare...

I start to feel something

come across me.

NARRATOR: ...comes to life

when the ghost of a dead girl

tries to possess her.


And in Arizona, ghost hunters

fear they may never surface...


...when they seek out evil

entities lurking underground.

Like she's being pulled

by the spiritual energy.


Tried to take her away from me.



NARRATOR: Along the waterfront

just outside Toledo, Ohio,

stands a charming

and historic cottage.


It's been in the Majors'

family for years.


The vacation property

should be a place

of peace and tranquility,

where lasting memories are made.


[ Woman humming ]

NARRATOR: But soon,

bizarre events start happening

that put the family on edge.

[ Indistinct whispering ]


They would hear voices.

They would see shadows.

Just the energy in there.

They were completely frightened.

NARRATOR: One night,

Brett Majors and his girlfriend

sense an odd presence.

And it soon becomes quite clear

they are not alone.

[ Woman continues humming ]

[ Indistinct whispering

continues ]




Get out!

ZUZIC: They heard a female's

voice say, "Get out!"

They were frightened.

They were completely frightened

of what was happening

in this house.

[ Woman continues humming ]


Scared and confused, Brett turns

to a paranormal investigator

for help.


Karlo Zuzic is a veteran

in this field.

He's been on hundreds of cases

and is fascinated

by the supernatural.


ZUZIC: There is nothing in

this world that'll make me stop

being a paranormal investigator.

I am so intrigued by the field.

You know,

there's so many answers

that I want to get.

[ Birds chirping ]


When Karlo takes the case,

he learns that Brett has an idea

of what, or rather who,

is haunting the cottage.


Aunt Helen, the previous owner,

she was a mean lady.

As kids, they weren't even

allowed to go in the house.

She was so protective

of this house

that they would have

to stand on the porch.

She would not let them

in the house.

Now, hearing these stories, I

believe that energy that's there

is gonna be very, very dominant.

It's protecting its place,

and it's not letting go.


[ Woman humming ]

They've seen a female

presence there.

They heard

a female's voice there.

They would see things

that resembled

what Aunt Helen used to do.


Well, the one thing

Brett wanted us to achieve

was to get him answers.

He wanted to know for sure

if Aunt Helen was the person

haunting the home.

[ Woman continues humming ]



Karlo arrives at the cottage

with seasoned investigator

Chris Page.

He immediately senses

a heaviness in the air.

The presence inside

the home was so strong

that it actually makes you stop.


It's almost like a wall

that you hit upon.


Karlo and Chris are eager

to find concrete signs of Helen.

They head upstairs

to start their investigation

in her old bedroom.

If she's gonna strike out

and be angry

and have any immediate activity,

it would be in her bedroom.

So that's where we went.

Aunt Helen,

is this your home?

ZUZIC: And we just started

asking specific questions.

Can you make a sound

for us?


[ Woman humming ]

And then, all of a sudden,

you can hear clearly

a woman out in the hallway.

It sounded like she was humming.

[ Woman humming ]


And we're like,

"What the hell was that?"

[ Woman continues humming ]

NARRATOR: Karlo is anxious to

learn what is making the sound.

But he is not prepared

for what he finds.


ZUZIC: Whoa.


This dark mass

steps out of the bathroom.

It's looking at me for a second,

and then it steps back.

And, you know,

it was freaking me out.



Holy [bleep]

I'm trying to comprehend

what I'm seeing.

Everything's racing

through your mind.

You know, your heart's

beating fast.

There's a figure

standing in front of me.

What you're seeing is a spirit.

Aunt Helen,

are you here?

We actually asked

something like,

you know,

"Aunt Helen, was that you?"

WOMAN: [ Whispering ]

I'm here.

And on the recording,

you hear, "I'm here."

I'm here.

My reaction when I heard the EVP

just gave me chills.

All the hair on my arms

is standing up.

I'm here.

Not only did I see

the shadow figure,

now this thing's speaking to us.


[ Bang ]


And then all of a sudden,

I hear this loud bang.

NARRATOR: They fear Aunt Helen

is behind this.

Determined to find her,

they race downstairs.

The moment we got down there,

we started doing

the EVP session.

[ Footsteps ]


[ Indistinct whispering ]

We heard what sounded

like a woman speaking.

[ Indistinct whispering ]

I'm like, yeah, you know?

We're trying to figure out

what it's saying.

NARRATOR: The next thing

they hear is shocking.

[ Woman shrieking ]


NARRATOR: In Ohio, ghost hunters

Karlo Zuzic and Chris Page

seek out the spirit

of a woman...

Are you here?

...believed to be haunting

her family's vacation home.

They pick up signs of her

right away.

First, a shadow.


Whoa. Holy [bleep]


Now a scream.

[ Woman shrieking ]


This female just screams,

like, just an angry,

frustrating scream

that came through the house.

NARRATOR: This blood-curdling

scream terrifies them.

She's screaming at you, like,

basically telling you get out,

or she's mad at you

for being there.

It's a shock.

It's a jolt to your system,

you know? You jump back.

And, you know, you kind of get,

like, that gut punch.

It's an immediate response,

because it's something

that shouldn't be going on.

Out of hundreds

of investigations,

maybe once or twice that you've

ever heard anything like that.


Overcome by the activity,

they leave the area immediately,

hoping to regroup.


But the spirit won't let them.

[ Thumping ]

ZUZIC: You could hear

somebody stomping,

almost like they were mad.

They were having a fit

that we're in their house.


What they witness next

stops them dead in their tracks.

And you could see

a darker figure,

probably about foot tall.

But once we see that,

we start freaking out.


[ Gasps ]

The shadow figure,

it just darts past you,

going to another bedroom.

Seeing the shadow person

put us on edge again.

We thought that it was

probably still Aunt Helen.

Fear starts running through you.

You're always gonna be scared

when you see something.

It's our human nature.

It happens.

[ Clattering ]

And then all of the sudden,

we heard movement downstairs.

It sounded like someone

was moving furniture.

[ Scraping ]

Almost like they were trying

to get us to come down here.

[ Scraping continues ]


You could hear something moving

and making noises, like,

right by the porch area.

[ Scraping continues ]

Karlo decided

to start snapping photos.


[ Door creaks ]

[ Camera shutter clicking ]


NARRATOR: One of the photos

confirms what they suspect.


You could see clearly

what looks like a woman

standing on the porch,

looking at us.


Seeing that, you know,

it just sent chills

through my body.

I know what I'm looking at.

I caught Aunt Helen on film.

NARRATOR: With that photo

comes conclusive proof

that it is Helen

who is haunting the cottage.


They end the investigation

and reveal their findings

to Brett.

This validation brings Brett

and his family relief.

But despite all the terror

their aunt has unleashed

upon them,

they decline a cleansing.

Karlo and Chris admit

Helen has left a lasting

impression on them.

ZUZIC: Being an investigator,

this case was different.

This one has many

different stories.

You know, you're

capturing stuff on video.

You're capturing it on film.

You're capturing audio.

Everything happened

on this investigation

that you wouldn't expect.

The intensity,

that's the crazy thing to me,

is just how strong

the spirit was,

how nasty the spirit was.



Till this day, Aunt Helen,

she's still protecting her home.

She's not gonna give it up.



Still to come, a husband

and wife ghost hunting team

become the hunted when they

seek out spirits underground.


These spirits that are down

there are opportunist hunters.

And they were looking,

as predators, for prey.



But first, aggressive spirits

at a haunted home

use terror and threats

to drive out a father-daughter

investigative team.

I could feel this thing

touching me.


It targeted Anna.



In Watseka, Illinois,

miles south of Chicago,

stands a historic house

with a disturbing past.


In , it was home

to -year-old Mary Roff

and her family.

Tragically, that same year,

the troubled teen passed away.

Then, over a decade later,

something inexplicable

and very strange occurs.

It seems as though

the spirit of Mary has returned

in the form of Lurancy Vennum,

the -year-old neighbor

of the Roffs.


This was one of the first

documented cases

of possession in America.

She knew details about Mary Roff

that she shouldn't have.

She was able to do things that

Mary Roff was very fluid with,

such as playing the piano...


...things that convinced

the Roff family

that she was absolutely

connected to Mary.

NARRATOR: Lurancy goes to live

with the Roff family

throughout the possession.

It lasts for days,

after which the young girl

claims Mary has left her.

But Mary's spirit appears

to live on at the home.


Throughout the years,

multiple owners and residents

report bizarre events inside.



Everything from footsteps,

knocking, disembodied voices.

[ Children laughing ]


NARRATOR: The activity

captures the attention

of paranormal investigator

Alan Tolf.

With a background in law

and a decade of experience

hunting ghosts,

Alan is one of the top experts

in this field.

Investigating the paranormal,

it's a lot of work.

I'm an adrenaline junkie.

I love the rush

of capturing some unexplainable.

It's exciting.

He works with his daughter,

Anna Tolf.

As a paranormal investigator,

I've learned

there's definitely something

that exists beyond our death

and far beyond

our mind being able

to comprehend the concept.

There are things around us

that we can't see,

can't touch,

but they can see us, touch us.


In , Alan arranges

to investigate the Roff home.


We had hoped to document

or capture

Mary Roff.

NARRATOR: The Tolfs are eager

but also anxious.

ANNA: One of my biggest fears

is possession.

And so going into this place,

that fear was just intensified.

The fact that Anna

is a sensitive

makes her more vulnerable

to being possessed.

ANNA: That fear is really

off the charts.


ALAN: We began investigating

in the living room area

of the house.


Past the piano, I noticed

something out of the norm.



I stopped rolling and asked Anna

to take a look at the footage.

I think

I got something here.


It's very clear, very defined.

It looks like a girl

standing next to the piano.

ALAN: She has a white dress on,

very pale.

I really think it could

have been Mary Roff.


ALAN: We were both blown away

upon identifying this apparition

of this young lady.

[ Beeping ]

NARRATOR: Not only do they

see Mary's spirit,

they sense it, too.

The room felt very charged.

It was very electric.

It kind of settled into,

there's somebody

in the room with us.

It shifts a little bit

from the excitement

to being a little bit

more apprehensive.


I started to feel something

come across me.

I could physically feel it,

could feel it deep inside,

like a tingly vibration feeling,

like something was touching me.




NARRATOR: In Illinois,

ghost hunters Alan and Anna Tolf

investigate the infamous home

where a young girl possessed

another back in the s.

Now the spirit of Mary Roff

threatens Anna.



I could feel it deep inside,

like a tingly vibration feeling,

like something was touching me.


-Aah! Dad!


She shouts out,

"Dad, can you come over here?

Something just touched me."

[ Beeping ]


I did start to freak out

when I could feel this thing

touching me.

You can't see it,

and you can feel it

physically touching you.

I did scream out,

requesting that Dad come

check me with the Mel meter.


ALAN: I moved over

to Anna's left side,

moved the Mel meter

down by her thigh area,

where the Mel Meter did register

an EMF reading.

Upon reviewing the DVR footage,

a small light anomaly

appears out of the floor.

It moves along

the arm of the couch.

It moves down her left

outer thigh area,

down her leg, and into

the floor and disappears.

I believe that that little

ball of energy

was Mary Roff.

And I believe she was attempting

to get Anna's attention.

It targeted Anna.


NARRATOR: They attempt

to contact the spirit

to confirm that it is

indeed Mary.

Who's here with us?

What's your name?

We were asking who was

in the room with us,

who was making me

feel the way I was,

who was it that we saw

by the piano.


We start capturing

the name Mary.


It was female.

And it states "Mary"

very clearly.


The activity in the

investigation is escalating.

Do you want

to talk to us, Mary?



The spirit, clearly agitated,

now affects them physically

in a very frightening way.


ANNA: We started feeling

a very heavy presence.

We felt sick to our stomach,


just physically feeling ill.

Both Anna and myself

became nauseated.

I think when a spirit makes you

feel that way, it's threatening,

because something's not gonna

make you feel that way

if it had good intentions.



It felt like an attack.

With the history of the home,

we were absolutely concerned.

We felt we needed

to get out of the house.


NARRATOR: Alan and Anna

find refuge in their car.

Their equipment allows them

to keep an eye

on what's happening

inside the home.


We were able to view the camera

and maneuver the camera

from the vehicle,

using a cellular phone.

[ Child laughing ]

ANNA: We immediately started

hearing giggling,

sounded like

little kids chattering.

You would hear

the little footsteps.

[ Children cackling ]


Like they're running

around the house

playing some sort of

hide and seek with the camera.

[children laughing]

NARRATOR: They decide it's time

to go back in the house.

They have their next run-in

right away.


We heard footsteps

run across the upstairs floor.

[ Footsteps ]

The footsteps sounded

distinctly like a child

running across the wood floor

above us.

[ Footsteps ]


ANNA: We go upstairs to check it

out, and then all of a sudden,

you can hear

the footsteps downstairs.

[ Footsteps ]


ALAN: We got downstairs

to see what was happening,

and, again, didn't

find anything.


NARRATOR: Then they hear

something terrifying.

[ Woman screams ]

A scream.

Sounded like somebody was upset.

[ Indistinct gasp ]

ANNA: We both heard it

clear as day, a woman shout.

You couldn't tell

what she was saying,

but you heard someone

scream at you.

[ Indistinct gasp ]

It reverberated off the walls

within the house.


It was disturbing.

NARRATOR: Alan and Anna

push their fear aside

to follow the sound

of the scream.

It brings them

to Mary's bedroom.


Is there anyone here?

[ Crash in distance ]

Is there anything

you'd like to tell us?

ANNA: We were up there

doing an EVP session,

hearing footsteps, hearing

knocks and bangs on the wood.

[ Thumping, tapping ]

ALAN: We captured the same

female voice coming through,

identifying themselves as Mary.

Where are you, Mary?

I'm home.


ANNA: We know that Mary

can possess people.

And with that knowledge,

it intensifies the fear.


Anna's anxiety is justified.

At that moment, something

terrifying comes over her.


NARRATOR: In Illinois,

paranormal investigator

Anna Tolf fears

her worst nightmare

is coming true.

-Aah! Dad!


...when a spirit tries

to take over her body and soul.

ANNA: We know that Mary

can possess people.

And with that knowledge,

it intensifies the fear.


Being possessed is one

of the most dangerous things

you can encounter

dealing with the paranormal.

It would consume your mind,

your body, your soul.

You'd have no control

over your thoughts,

your feelings, your actions.

The dangers are extreme.

NARRATOR: The spirit of Mary

isn't the only one

they have to fear.

Something else

is in the room with them.

Back down.

ALAN: A male voice

began coming through.

Aggressive and

un-welcoming responses.

We really felt like

that was probably Mary's dad.

It sounded like a father

protecting his daughter.

And I can absolutely

relate to that.


Very direct, very demanding,

very stern,

telling us to leave, get out.

Leave home.

This activity

could be a precursor

to something much, much worse.

You could tell we weren't

welcome there any longer.

And at this point,

Anna and I made the decision

that it was time

that we ended the investigation.


NARRATOR: While their time at

the Roff home was frightening,

the opportunity to investigate

and validate the claims

was worth it.


The Roff home is a very,

very chilling location.


This investigation

was extremely active.

There are a lot of indicators

that there's more than one

spirit in the home.

Back down.

So many people had tried

communicating with Mary,

trying to get her

to come through,

and we were capable of doing so.

And I feel she knew who we were,

and I felt she chose us

to be the ones

she communicated with.


Mary is still in the home.

She's lingering around

for whatever reason.

She's there, and she's made

her presence known to us,

and I feel she will

make he presence known

to others, as well.



Paranormal investigators

face terrifying consequences

when they unearth dangerous

spirits deep underground.


I witnessed images

of people standing around me.




NARRATOR: miles north of

Phoenix lies Prescott, Arizona,

an old mining town

with a notorious past.

In the th century,

opium use was rampant.

But when police

cracked down on the drug,

the business went underground.


A network of tunnels below

Prescott became home to addicts,

pimps, prostitutes,

and violent criminals.


Today, those brave enough

to explore the tunnels

cite bizarre

and terrifying experiences.

They had seen shadow figures

and people moving

throughout these tunnels,

and there would be nobody there.

Different noises talking,

coming from within the tunnels.

There's some locals that

refuse to go into the tunnels

due to the claims.

NARRATOR: The stories

capture the attention

of paranormal investigator

Jay Yates.

Jay has years

experience in the field,

some of it very personal.

I grew up experiencing

this type of phenomenon

as far back as I could remember,

which definitely helped

keep my interests

into the paranormal

to look for answers.

With the combination

of my investigative skills

as a law enforcement officer

in the past,

it all kind of rounded me

in who I am today.

NARRATOR: Together, he

and his wife, Marie,

form the Crossing Over

Paranormal Society.

I got into this field

to actually seek the truth.

I still haven't

found all the truth,

so I'm not gonna stop.

NARRATOR: In , Jay and Marie

arrive in Prescott,

eager to explore the tunnels.

Oh, wow.


We were quite interested to see

if there was any paranormal


behind the claims

of them being haunted,

and it sounded as if

it was promising

due to the history.


Underground, it is dark, eerie,

and claustrophobic.

A place like this can be prone

to paranormal activity

due to the energy that was

pumped into those locations.

I mean, there was a lot

of negative, dark things

that were happening within

these dens and these tunnels.

You definitely felt like

you weren't alone

while you were down there,

even if when it was just Marie

and I standing there.


The air becomes dark and muggy.

It's very dusty.

It makes it difficult

to breathe.

There's a lot

of different dangers

that we have to worry about.

Your fears can make you think

you're hearing

or feeling things.

NARRATOR: Despite their

concerns, they decide

to split up

to cover more ground.


JAY: One of the first rooms

that I recall setting up in

was a room

that kind of felt odd.



Despite his trepidation,

Jay's anxious to make contact

with the entities present.

But as he sets up

a spirit board,

a feeling of uneasiness

washes over him.


Feeling unsettled,

Jay becomes concerned

not only for his safety

but for Marie's.





NARRATOR: In Arizona, husband

and wife ghost-hunting team

Jay and Marie Yates

investigate the notorious

Prescott Tunnels.

But after they split up, Jay

becomes increasingly worried.

There's a lot

of different dangers

that we have to worry about.



He goes to look for her

to make sure she's okay.


Jay witnesses

something troubling

when he finally finds her.



JAY: Marie is at this hole

of this tunnel,

and she's acting like

she's gonna crawl in this hole.

Kind of like, you know, "Marie,

what the hell are you doing?"


I have no recall at all

of how I got there,

but I go into a trance,

and I guess I sort of

reach into the spirit world.

She kind of looks at me

just completely

like where you're

looking at someone,

but you're almost looking

right through 'em,

like she's being pulled

by the spiritual energy.

Kind of like usher

away from this hole

'cause I know she's not kind of,

like, in her right mind.

When I do take her

away from this hole,

she, like, kind of starts coming

back to herself a little bit.

What's going on?


Despite Jay's efforts,

Marie is not out of danger yet.

What's wrong? Marie, look at

me. Look at me.

Look at me.


-What's wrong?

-God. What's --

-Ow! Mm!


All of a sudden, I felt, like,

almost like a stinging,

just a bad burning sensation.

No, my ankle.

I'm like, "Oh, my God. My leg.

I think I probably

just got bit."

It's actually affecting

the whole back of my leg.

It really hurts.

She's in some serious pain.

-No. No.

-What is it? What is it?

JAY: She shows me her leg, and

she has, like, a sharp scratch,

a wound on her leg.


I really sincerely believe

that, you know,

these spirits that are down

there are opportunists hunters,

and they were looking,

as predators, for prey.

And in this particular

situation, it was Marie,

and they were trying

to isolate her.

They were trying

to take her away from me.



Although in severe pain,

Marie insists on continuing

the investigation.


They head back

into the first chamber.


Jay starts

a spirit board session,

but he's not prepared

for what happens next.


As I was about to put my hand

on the planchette,

it sh**t across the board.

I kind of yell, jump back,

you know,

and she's like

"What's going on?"

and I'm like, "The planchette

moved," you know?

and I'm, like, trying

to, like, in my mind

come up with

rational explanations,

because that's very unusual

for something like that

to happen.

I really did believe that I was

in the presence of a spirit.


That shook me up a little bit.

NARRATOR: He has a frightening

physical reaction.

-[ Coughing ]


Jay! Jay!

His stomach started hurting him.

Felt like he was gonna throw up,

and his head

started hurting him.

Jay is not the type of person

to actually get sick

while he's actually

on an investigation.

It's very rare.



NARRATOR: In Arizona, while

investigating haunted tunnels

beneath the town of Prescott,

ghost hunter Jay Yates

comes under attack.

I really did believe that I was

in the presence of a spirit.

-[ Coughing ]

-Jay. Jay!

Jay is not the type of person

to actually get sick

while he's actually

on an investigation.

It's very rare.

He was coming in contact

with a spirit.

And I believe that the way the

spirit was reaching out to him

is affecting his body

and how he was feeling.



Once they leave the chamber,

Jay starts to feel well enough

to continue

with the investigation.

He tempts fate

with something daring.

I informed Marie

that I wanted to be by myself,

and I wanted to perform

a sensory experiment.

About ready to do

the FSO experiment,

fear sensory overload,

by myself.

Opium den.

Whiskey Row, Prescott, Arizona.

My idea is to increase

my fear response,

which then enhances

the emotional energy

within the room.

I was kind of reluctant

to do it.

Honestly, I was kind of worried.

Really kind of [bleep] scared

to do this [bleep] right now,

to be honest with you.



For this experiment,

Jay suppresses his senses.


I was kind of, like,

fearful to do it.

I had to push myself

to actually go through with it.

But I wanted to see if could

potentially make contact

with the other side.


NARRATOR: Almost immediately,

a wave of paranoia hits Jay.

He starts to panic.


My heart rate increased.

I began to sweat.

I began to be very paranoid

of my surroundings.


Something walked into the room

where I was alone.

You could hear the dirt

being kicked around.

It sounded like somebody

was right up next to the mic.


I witnessed images

of people standing around me.

You can't really make out faces.

You can't really

make out details.

These reddish images

of these people

standing right in front of me,

so it was frightening.

On this particular instance,

I'm definitely feeling

an emotion of anger,

confusion, disorientation,

and I'm also hearing sounds.


Marie comes through the door,

and she's trying

to get my attention.


I'm probably not even

feet away from him.

I said, "Jay."

He didn't respond.


NARRATOR: Marie worries

for her husband's safety

and decides to interrupt

the experiment.


Jay! Jay?

MARIE: I did tap him on his leg

to try to get his attention.


And I rip off my goggles,

and here, Marie is standing

in front of me,

so I kind of had

this emotional reaction.


I startled him very badly.

Definitely was something

that was disorienting,

to the point of almost

nausea and sickness.

NARRATOR: With increased

activity and Jay's unsteadiness,

it's far too risky

to continue on.

We need

to get out of here.

[ Groans ]

Oh [bleep]


Let's go.

Go, go, go, go, go.



When they're back aboveground,

they review their footage.

It confirms

what Jay had sensed all along.

I legitimately had

what appears to be

a supernatural occurrence.


By the end of the investigation,

I really felt

that the opium dens did harbor

intelligent spiritual energy

and that they were

in fact haunted.


The events to this day

still weigh on Jay and Marie.


JAY: There are several dangers

within this den and tunnel.

I feel that if we would

have stayed longer at

the investigation,

you're gonna get hurt

by this spirit.

I wasn't willing to risk myself

or Marie's safety.


This investigation has left them

with more questions

than answers.

I think we'd both

be willing to go back there

and give it another go.

Specifically, I would

like to know who it was

that touched or attempted

to attack Marie.


-What's wrong?

-God. What's --

-Ow! Mm!

And was the same person

that was messing with me

the same person

that was messing with Jay?

